Admission to the Academy of the Ministry of Internal Affairs. Police school for girls: how to get into it? What does a girl need to enter the Ministry of Internal Affairs?

Working as an internal affairs officer is quite in demand. You can get an education in this specialization at academies, institutes, colleges and schools of the Ministry of Internal Affairs.

List of educational institutions

We list all Russian universities that train personnel for the Ministry of Internal Affairs:

  1. Police Academies are located in Moscow, Volgograd, Omsk and Nizhny Novgorod.
  2. Universities of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia:
  • Moscow University of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation named after. Kikotya, which has branches in the Moscow region, Ryazan, Tver;
  • Krasnodar University (branches are located in Novorossiysk, Stavropol, Nalchik and Simferopol);
  • University in St. Petersburg (branch in Kaliningrad).
  1. Among the institutes there are Voronezh Institute Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia, East Siberian Institute of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation. There are also institutes to improve the level of personnel training (All-Russian Institute, Tyumen Institute).
  2. Legal institutes in Barnaul, Belgorod, Khabarovsk and other cities also train specialists to work in the Ministry of Internal Affairs.
  3. In addition, there are Suvorov Military Schools, Police Schools, and the Samara Cadet Corps of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation. Training in the Cadet Corps is free. Graduates have advantages over others entering universities of the Ministry of Internal Affairs.

The picture shows a list of Suvorov Schools in the Russian Federation:

In total, about 24 universities are located and train personnel throughout Russia.

How to enter the University of the Ministry of Internal Affairs? For a detailed story, watch the following video:

Areas of specialist training

The main areas of personnel training in higher educational institutions of the Ministry of Internal Affairs are the following specializations:

  1. Jurisprudence;
  2. Radio engineering (taught in Voronezh);
  3. Forensic examination;
  4. Law enforcement(with different directions);
  5. Security in the field of information and communications protection;
  6. Psychotherapy, economic specialties (in the legal aspect);
  7. Cynology and others.


In order to study in the chosen specialization in educational institutions that are subordinate to the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia and create the best personnel to work in this industry, it is necessary to pass a competitive selection.

As the first stage when entering the service, you must select a form of study (specialist, bachelor's degree), specialization, and provide a package of relevant papers (passport of a citizen of the Russian Federation, registration information). It is also necessary to meet the age limit (no more than 25 years), have good health and physical training.

Watch a video about the life of cadets at the Suvorov Military School:

Right to enter Suvorov Schools Only young boys who have completed 8-9 grades have. Girls can enter educational institutions of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia only after completing 11 grades. Girls who graduate from school can go to study at the School of the Ministry of Internal Affairs in Moscow, the Academy of Communications in St. Petersburg and others educational establishments in specialties for which female citizens are hired (investigator, criminologist, dog handler, traffic police inspector, guard and others).

Competitive selection involves not only passing state exams, as well as other entrance examinations in history, social studies, mathematics and other subjects. In addition to them, you need to pass a physical training test and undergo psychological testing. Different standards have been established for boys and girls when passing physical training exams.

Minimum passing score various subjects established by Rosobrnadzor (for example, in Russian language - 45 points, mathematics - 34, history - 30, etc.). Average score varies between 60 and 65 points.

In the picture we show what the passing score was in 2017 for admission to the University of the Ministry of Internal Affairs in St. Petersburg:

Belonging to a particular faith or social status of the applicant is not taken into account. The future student must meet the requirements established by the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia - to be honest, respectable, and mentally healthy.

In addition, attention is drawn to whether the future student knows how to keep secret information, whether logical thinking whether he is literate, what is his memory capacity. High demands are placed on physical fitness.

Stages of admission

Admission to various specializations at such universities is carried out in the following ways:

  1. Directly through the personnel department of the internal affairs bodies at the place of residence of the future student.
  2. Direct recruitment based on competition.

In any case, target locations are available.

When enrolling through the HR department, the student will need to work a certain amount of time in this department after training (otherwise the amount of expenses for his training will be reimbursed). With direct recruitment, a specialist serves at the place where he was sent directly by the university.

To apply for admission to universities of the Ministry of Internal Affairs through the personnel department, you should:

  1. Before March 1, send an application for admission, as well as the required documents;
  2. Pass a medical examination.

If the answer to the second step is positive, at the beginning of July the candidate is sent a letter of admission to the entrance exams.

Direct admission means that the applicant submits necessary documents directly to the selected educational institution. In addition, for example, citizens up to the age of 18 who have completed 8 classes at the time of submitting documents can enroll in the Suvorov Schools. In this case, the documents are submitted by the legal representatives of the person.

Who cannot apply for training?

There are a number of diseases and requirements, failure to satisfy which results in denial of admission to universities of the Ministry of Internal Affairs system. Among them are:

  • Applicant's height (not lower than 160 cm);
  • Visual acuity is less than 0.6 diopters;
  • Malformations of internal organs and chronic diseases(heart disease, gastritis, ulcer);
  • Flat feet above grade 2;
  • Skin diseases;
  • Mental disorders;
  • Incurable diseases (HIV, AIDS, hepatitis);
  • Disability due to missing limbs;
  • Underweight or overweight (if there is an official diagnosis).

Privileges for certain categories

On the picture - full list citizens who have the right to receive benefits when entering universities:

  1. Orphans, as well as those who do not have guardians. However, they must be no older than 23 years old.
  2. Having one parent with a disability group (average per capita income must be below the subsistence level).
  3. Citizens who served in the army.
  4. Persons who participated in military battles.

In addition, benefits are provided to winners and prize-winners of All-Russian Olympics schoolchildren, as well as participants in sports competitions as part of the Russian national team.

If the student meets all the requirements, he has good academic performance, and, most importantly, ready to serve for the good of the Motherland, you need to prepare for admission in advance.

TOP best universities of the Ministry of Internal Affairs

Among all educational institutions that provide training in specialties for work in the Ministry of Internal Affairs, the best in Russia are recognized as:

  1. Academy of the Ministry of Internal Affairs in Nizhny Novgorod. Young people can study in the specialties “Jurisprudence” and “Law Enforcement Agencies” at 6 faculties.
  2. University of the Ministry of Internal Affairs named after. Kikotya in Moscow. Trains specialists in 3 institutes and 9 faculties in the following areas: psychology, forensic examination, inquiry, training of employees of the operational departments of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, international law, retraining and advanced training of personnel, distance learning and etc.
  3. University of the Ministry of Internal Affairs in St. Petersburg. Departmental university with 11 faculties. Trains employees of the Ministry of Internal Affairs in various specialties, ranging from jurisprudence to training teaching staff. The educational institution trains personnel for the Russian Federation and foreign countries.
  4. Branch of the University of the Ministry of Internal Affairs named after. Kikotya in Ryazan.
  5. Regional Branch of the University of the Ministry of Internal Affairs named after. Kikotya.

Watch the episode of the “Special Report” program dedicated to the 50th anniversary of the Academy of the Ministry of Internal Affairs in Volgograd:

Many boys want to become a police officer from an early age. This job is quite popular, but also too dangerous. Police officers take care of the residents of the country, protect public order, life, and property.

Selection criteria

If you want to enter police school after 9th or 11th grade, then the requirements for you will be more stringent.

The applicant should not have any health problems, he must have excellent physical fitness, resistance to stress, good academic performance, as well as a high intellectual level.

Who can become a police officer

Any citizen Russian Federation can become a policeman, for this he must have good performance in sports and studies.

To be admitted, boys or girls need to do well in exams and also have high grades in the certificate of basic or secondary education.

It is also worth noting that the age of the applicant should not be more than 25 years.

What is required for admission

If you have made the final decision to enroll in police school, then you need to go through the following steps:

1. Submitting an application

Complete an application and send it to the school addressed to the principal before June 1. Do not forget to give a statement to your parents so that they leave their signature on the document.

2. Verification and analysis

After submitting the document, the police school will begin to analyze the possible candidate, it will forward his application to the personnel service, and there a personal file will be opened for each applicant. After this stage, if the applicant does not have a criminal record or various criminal or administrative charges, then after verification the candidate can receive a recommendation for admission.

3. Medical examination

On on a paid basis a medical examination is carried out. Candidates need to receive tests for: a general urine and blood test, an HIV test result, a Wasserman reaction test. It is also worth preparing the results of an ECG examination, fluorography, a certificate and extracts from a medical outpatient card for the last 5 years. The medical commission will review the documents submitted in detail and, over time, will determine the suitability or unsuitability of the applicant for admission.

4. Mental test

In addition to all this, the applicant will need to undergo special testing, which will determine the presence of alcohol, toxic, drug or other addiction.

5. Intelligence Test

After psychological testing students need to show their level of knowledge. To do this, candidates need to pass well the Russian language, as well as the history of Russia. So on a certain day an exam is held, which will determine the main candidates for the police school.

6. Fitness level

The last important step is physical training student. You will need to pass long and short distance running, the maximum number of pull-ups, and perform various strength exercises.

The test result is usually expressed as “excellent”, “good”, “satisfactory” or “unsatisfactory”.

For guys, short distance running needs to be completed with the following result:

  • 13.6 – “excellent”;
  • 14.2 – “good”;
  • 14.6 – “satisfactory”

For girls, short distance running must be completed with the following result:

  • 16.5 – “excellent”;
  • 17.1 – “good”;
  • 17.5 – “satisfactory”.

For guys, long distance running (2 km) must be completed with the following result:

  • 7.50 – “excellent”;
  • 8.10 – “good”;
  • 9.00 – “satisfactory”.

For girls, long distance running (1 km) must be completed with the following result:

  • 4.25 – “excellent”;
  • 4.45 – “good”;
  • 5.00 – “satisfactory”.

Pull-ups for boys are assessed based on the number of times:

  • 12 – “excellent”;
  • 10 – “good”;
  • 6 – “satisfactory”.

For girls, strength exercises are assessed based on the number of times:

  • 30 – “excellent”;
  • 26 – “good”;
  • 24 – “satisfactory”.

If, during the exercise, the applicant was unable to score the required number of points or run the distance in the required time, then he receives an overall grade of “unsatisfactory.”

A negative result, as a rule, means failure to pass the exam and in most cases automatically nullifies the candidate’s chances of admission.

Once the admissions committee has reviewed the results of all tests in detail, they will make a decision on whether the student is needed at their school or not.

Military universities for girls allow them to get an education and a certificate of obtaining a specialty.

They are in demand by those who want to help the state in a difficult situation, and also want to find a job with a good social package and certain benefits.

List of military universities for girls

Only physically resilient girls who have passed the appropriate selection and psychological test can enter here.

Admission is allowed after grades 9 and 11.

To do this, you must have good school results and no medical contraindications.

Please note: In institutions of this type it is more difficult to study than in standard ones. There is a discipline here that not everyone can boast of.

Such establishments include:

  1. Kirov Academy, which is located in St. Petersburg. Reception is free of charge.
  2. Budyonny Academy is also located on the territory of the represented entity.
  3. Mozhaisky, who prepares space force both in a similar subject and in Yaroslavl.
  4. Margelova. The authority on the territory of the city of Ryazan is presented. This is an airborne school that allows not only boys, but also girls to graduate on a budget basis.

Institutes of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of Russia

Higher educational institutions of this type are represented mainly in St. Petersburg.

Training is provided free of charge, allowing you to obtain a specialty after 11th grade.

These include:

  1. Institute of Civil Protection.
  2. JV institution.
  3. GPS Academy.
  4. Ural and Voronezh Academy.
  5. Siberian and Ivanovo fire-fighting and rescue organization.

Institutions of the Ministry of Internal Affairs in Russia

You can study to become a border guard or a military doctor at the Ministry of Internal Affairs school in Moscow, as well as at the St. Petersburg Academy of Communications. But not everyone can come here.

Borderline residents can also study at military universities.

These establishments include:

  1. Police school in Novosibirsk.
  2. Moscow University named after Kikot.
  3. SP Ministry of Internal Affairs.
  4. Ministry of Internal Affairs - Nizhny Novgorod Academy.
  5. Ministry of Internal Affairs - Krasnodar educational institution.

Military academies

Military academies are often viewed on www.vumo.rf. Here you can join the border troops and help your Motherland.

These include:

  1. SP University Budyonny.
  2. SP Military Medical School of Kirov.
  3. Airborne Margelov in Ryazan.
  4. Min. defense in Moscow.
  5. Military Space Academy SP.

Military psychologist

A psychologist is also an integral employee in the ministry. They train for the following specialty:

  1. At the Yeltsin Institute - Ural District.
  2. In the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Kikotya - Moscow.

Where are military translators trained?

An interpreter is necessary for conversations with other representatives of training programs, as well as in Russian defense. They prepare specialists in:

  • Institute of the Ministry of Defense;
  • state Ustinov Technical Institute.

FSB institutions in Russia

FSB officers are good profession, position and salary. They must abide by certain ethics and keep secrets.

Train employees in:

  • Border Institute - MSK;
  • Institute of SP;
  • Novgorod University FSB, as well as in the cities of Novosibirsk and Yekaterinburg;
  • university information technologies Moscow.

Military medical universities

Medical specialization is an important aspect in military affairs. Train employees in:

  • Academy of Kirov SP;
  • Institute in Saratov;
  • Medical Academy in Saratov and Tomsk.

What does a military girl need to take?

For admission you must pass mathematics and National language in a written form.

The military requires certain physical training, so there are also requirements for passing standards.

Therefore, physical training is taken as both a mandatory factor and a core one.

It is possible to take additional disciplines, it all depends on the specific educational institution.

Requirements for girls when entering the military department

  1. Military universities have certain requirements in accordance with legal acts:
  2. Full-time department only.
  3. Admission is only possible for Russian citizens.
  4. Only if there is no criminal record and the age limit is up to 30 years.
  5. Having a suitable medical condition or being allowed to have minor deviations within groups A and B.

Only if you meet the psychological requirements and successfully pass the standards.

Is correspondence military education possible for girls? There is no provision for correspondence education for women in the military structure.

This is one of the mandatory requirements under federal law.

Conclusion Enroll in military school

or entering a university is quite difficult without sufficient physical training or knowledge. Each specific university has special requirements for applicants and the number of points scored.

Moreover, some institutions do not accept girls with children, citing health risks. For admission you need to provide a certificate from your medical office. institutions.

To work in internal affairs bodies, specialized education is required, which is obtained at the Higher School of Police. Previously, these educational institutions were called Higher Schools

There are such schools in dozens of cities across the country. After the police, you can immediately start working in the Ministry of Internal Affairs, or continue your education at a university.

If you intend to change your country of residence, then it makes sense to find out about it, and what rules exist for changing permanent residence, see below.

Former police schools have become full-fledged universities and institutes - such universities exist in Omsk, Moscow, Novosibirsk, and Yekaterinburg.

People enter these universities on the basis of 11 grades: the conditions for admission, of course, are more strict than in ordinary police schools, but graduates receive a full-fledged higher legal education.

Such educational institutions train investigators, criminologists, and highly qualified specialists in operational investigative activities.