Feast of Peter and Fevronia. An additional day to celebrate the memory of Saints Peter and Fevronia. Leave to come back

Russians have been celebrating July 8th for several years in a row. Officially, a new holiday in the country was established in 2008, but it was first celebrated in the city of Murom back in the nineties. The main characters of the holiday are Peter and Fevronia, whose touching love story amazes with its purity, loyalty and devotion. According to legend, they steadfastly withstood all life's trials and never said a rude word to each other. Peter and Fevronia left earthly life on the same day, taking monasticism in old age, and 300 years later they were canonized.

Today is Peter and Fevronia Day,
Day of true love and family harmony!
Happy holiday to you, dear friends.
May your family be happy.
Protect your family from adversity,
Live together in love and harmony!

Fevronia's Day with Peter -
A special day for the family.
May every home love
It will be crowded.

May there always be peace in the family
There will be agreement.
Full-flowing river
Let happiness flow to you.

There may be discord behind the threshold,
And there is harmony in the family...
At the set table
On Peter's Day with Fevronia.

Happy Peter and Fevronia Day. I sincerely wish to be able to forever preserve the purity and sincerity of my love and my relationships. May there be no obstacles or obstacles on your path, may every day give you new strength and great opportunities. Love each other, appreciate and cherish every happy moment.

On this holiday of Peter and Fevronia
I wish your family well,
Respect, love and harmony,
In the house - happiness, comfort, warmth.

Let the family hearth burn brightly,
Protecting from storms and adversity.
So that in the warm family embrace
You were sheltering from bad weather.

May this miracle day
Love warms you up
Let grievances be a shadow
She is not overshadowed by

And let it be forever
You will be united
All troubles are nonsense,
All troubles are conquerable!

Family is true happiness
Wealth, magic,
So let the days and years
You will multiply it!

Peter and Fevronya are spouses from God.
Although the road to life was not easy,
But they knew how to love very truly,
As a couple, live to old age together!

I wish you to submit to love.
What you don’t like is easy to come to terms with.
Never lose the feeling of love,
Love and trust with your heart!

Let problems be resolved peacefully,
And poems are written about your family.
You will live in happiness and joy,
Loving each other faithfully and tenderly!

We are celebrating today
Day of the Great Two Saints.
The ones families keep
They sow loyalty and happiness in them.

I want to wish you
Peace and Harmony
On a nice, bright, clear day
Peter and Fevronia.

Let life be joyful,
The house will be a full cup.
And live together, okay,
Like Fevronia and Peter!

Let the cheerful laughter of the children
Always surrounds you
And to the parents the Almighty
Will give you health for years.

After all, July, the number eight -
So it's a cloud of flowers,
Joy, unearthly happiness,
Understanding and love!

Happy Fevronia Day, Petra!
Happiness, light and goodness!
The house is full of prosperity, laughter,
Let the time be fun
And fun and festivities,
Impressions, confessions.
Joy to you all year long,
Without sadness and worries!

The earth is blooming. A field symphony sounds,
The ear poured and sat down in silence.
Happy holiday - Peter and Fevronia Day -
We would like to congratulate you from the bottom of our hearts!

Let grace descend into your monastery,
And your heart will be filled with joyful warmth.
So that you drink the cup of success,
And abundance filled your home.

In family matters - peace, understanding,
Beautiful, true love - forever.
Mutual emotional attention
For long and eternal years.

I want to congratulate you friends
Happy Peter and Fevronia Day,
May you always live in love,
In happiness and harmony.

We remained faithful, took care
You are your tender feelings,
And so that your love is
Like a boundless ocean.

To hearts and souls
They talked to each other
I wish that all my life
You were happy.

At the beginning of July, a relatively new but very popular holiday is celebrated in Russia - Day of Family, Love and Fidelity. The holiday is dedicated to the Orthodox commemoration of saints Petra And Fevronia.

When is the Day of Family, Love and Fidelity celebrated?

The Russian Orthodox Church commemorates Saints Peter and Fevronia July 8, this day is also celebrated Day of Family, Love and Fidelity. As a rule, the main celebrations are held on the weekend closest to the eighth of July. In 2019 the main holiday events will take three days - from July 6 to July 8 inclusive. Find out more about the festive program prepared for this day.

The story of Peter and Fevronia

Saints Petra And Fevronia, canonized in the 19th century, the church honors them as patrons of family and marriage. Their lives make up the famous “Tale of Peter and Fevronia of Murom”. The biography probably talks about real people: the Murom prince Davyda Yurievich and his wife princess Euphrosyne. Davyd Yuryevich reigned in Murom from 1205 to 1228, he and Euphrosyne had three children. The prince and princess of Murom spent the end of their lives in monasteries under the names Peter and Fevronia. They died on the same day and were subsequently buried next to each other.

The story of Peter and Fevronia is quite intricate; this work is interpreted in different ways. More details about its complex content can be found on the website dedicated to these saints, as well as on the portal “Orthodoxy and the World”. But, no matter how this work is interpreted, the main thing in it is love and loyalty, which turned out to be stronger than prejudice, illness and even death.

Day of Peter and Fevronia in the Slavic tradition

Peter and Fevronia in Rus' were prayed for family happiness and the birth of healthy children. Around this day, the summer-autumn wedding period began, but it was still too early to get married: it was necessary to wait until the end (which ends on July 11). However, both in the old days and now it is believed that the strongest and happiest marriages are concluded with Peter and Fevronia.

At the beginning of July, just on the day of these saints, it was customary in Rus' to begin the first mowing. (The trial mowing was done on, that is, July 5).

In addition, this is the time when you can swim without fear, since the water evil spirits are already fast asleep at the bottom of reservoirs (see rituals and beliefs on). But the evil spirit that roams the earth, against Peter and Fevronia, according to legend, was gaining its main strength. Therefore, it was believed that on July 8 it was necessary to take special care when going into forests and fields.

The belief is due to the fact that at this time everything that grows on the earth comes into full force. And since the story of Peter and Fevronia contains an episode of the struggle with a poisonous snake, in Rus' they believed that July 8 was the day of witches, werewolves, sorcerers, brownies, forest workers and other evil spirits walking the earth, forests and fields.

The day of Peter and Fevronia is the very top of summer, from this time another forty hot days were counted.

Day of Family, Love and Loyalty: the history of the holiday

Holiday Day of Family, Love and Fidelity appeared in Russia in 2008. In March 2008, the Federation Council approved the establishment of a new public holiday, which was originally called “All-Russian Day of Married Love and Family Happiness,” and then received its current name. The holiday has its own symbol - the chamomile.

Although Family Day has Orthodox roots, it is celebrated by all faiths, as well as by people who are indifferent to religion. This is confirmed by the fact that July 8 and the weekend closest to this day are extremely hot.

Also on this day, the best Russian families, primarily large families, are awarded the honorary medal “For Love and Fidelity.” The award ceremony is usually held in the Kremlin.

July 8 is an Orthodox holiday of family and marriage, the day of the blessed Prince Peter and Princess Fevronia of Murom, who are considered the patrons of the spouses. In Russia, in 2008, the all-Russian holiday “Day of Family, Love and Fidelity” was established, which received official status. Svetlana Medvedeva proposed making the chamomile its symbol. The holiday of people who love each other is remembered more and more often. Will it become a counterbalance to the Catholic Valentine's Day? Will lovers give each other daisies instead of valentines?

The life and death of Peter and Fevronia

Peter was the second son of Prince Yuri Vladimirovich. He fell ill with leprosy, which no one could cure. One day, suffering Peter had a dream (according to other sources, there was a vision) that only a simple pious girl Fevronia, who lived in the village of Laskova near Ryazan, could help him. She knew how to heal with herbs. Her father collected honey from wild bees. Peter found Fevronia, who was able to help him. However, Peter soon fell ill again, as he did not fulfill his promise to marry Fevronia. The prince returned to the girl and asked her to forgive him. After Peter recovered, he took Fevronia as his wife. After some time, Peter, who inherited the reign of the Murom land, had to leave the city, because Fevronia was a commoner and did not fit into the boyars' court. But turmoil began in Murom. The boyars turned to the prince with a request to return and rule the people. Peter returned with Fevronia, after which the unrest ceased, and the Murom land received a wise prince. In their old age, the couple took monastic vows and took the new names of Euphrosyne and David. However, they ended up in different monasteries and suffered greatly without each other. Peter and Fevronia constantly prayed to God to grant them death on the same day. On July 8 (June 25, old style) 1228 they died. They were placed in different coffins, because these people were monks. But miraculously the couple ended up in the same tomb. In 1547, Peter and Fevronia were canonized by the Orthodox Church.

Memory of Peter and Fevronia

The relics of the saints rest in Murom. Pilgrims come to it and to the Murom Spaso-Preobrazhensky Monastery to pray to Peter and Fevronia, to ask them for advice and help.

In Yekaterinburg, in the park near the Church on the Blood, where the family of Nicholas II was shot, there is a monument to Peter and Fevronia, the patron saints of all lovers. IN city ​​near Moscow In Klin, a monument to Orthodox Saints Peter and Fevronia will be unveiled on July 7 in the park named after. Afanasyev next to the registry office. Some other cities also have monuments or other places dedicated to Peter and Fevronia.

The ancient Russian “Tale of Peter and Fevronia” (short title) of the 16th century, written by a contemporary of Ivan the Terrible, tells about the life of Saints Peter and Feronia. It was subsequently rewritten many times. IN pre-revolutionary Russia This day was considered a holiday of family, love and fidelity. Then they forgot about it until 2008, when the all-Russian holiday “Day of Family, Love and Fidelity” received official status. In 2008, the historical film “Peter and Fevronia” was shot. A story of eternal love."

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Traditions for the Day of Family, Love and Fidelity

The main traditions on this day are services in churches, pilgrimages to the monastery where the relics of Saints Peter and Fevronia are located, prayers to saints, registration of marriages, engagements, fortune telling on betrotheds, love spells on loved ones.

On the holiday, it is customary to turn to the holy married couple to pray for love, family marriage, the opportunity to live in harmony and prosperity. On the Day of Family, Love and Fidelity, many people ask their parents for marriage blessings. Turning to the holy spouses, young people ask to find great, true love, and older people ask for family happiness. Thus, the holiday has a certain connotation of religion.

People celebrated July 8th in their own way. Kupala games were held, then the betrothed couples were determined, and the next day happy marriages were concluded.

July 8 was considered the Day of the first mowing, as well as the day of maturity of forest and field grasses. In the evening of this day, various evil spirits came out to celebrate the holiday together with the satisfied goblin.

After July 8, you can safely swim in various bodies of water, as mermaids swim away from the shores and fall asleep until spring.

Every year, government authorities present a valuable medal “For Love and Fidelity.” This award goes only to those families who have managed to live together for at least 25 years. This medal has a truly significant external design, since it depicts the symbol of the holiday and the faces of the holy spouses, who are still an example for many families. The medal has a unique slogan, namely “For love and loyalty to the family.”

— Many young people believe that marriage, which will be concluded on July 8th, promises a long family life, capable of becoming prosperous and happy. In this regard, many couples decide to get married on July 8th.

The holiday is folk-Orthodox, so it is celebrated at different levels. In each case, the holiday turns out to be truly interesting and special. In addition, it is generally accepted that on this day mermaids go deep into bodies of water, so you can let your beloved men go fishing. If we take into account the fact that there are such opinions regarding the holiday, we can also note a close connection with folk rituals and nature.

— It is customary to hold services in churches. Many parishioners pray to Peter and Fevronius, praying for the happiness of families, fidelity, mutual understanding, strong love and the health of loved ones.

Signs for the day of family, love and fidelity

Hot day - the heat will last another 40 days. Drought in July - don’t expect mushrooms until autumn. If you pray in front of the icon of Saints Peter and Fevronia, then the family will expect prosperity and a happy life. If you get married on July 8, then the future family will be strong and friendly. On the Day of Peter and Fevronia, you can ask the saints for health and prosperity for your children. If on Peter and Fevronia, July 8, the merchant works side by side with his wife all day, then the family will have prosperity all year. Mice and pigs started eating hay on July 8 - the mowing will be very bad. If the seedlings drink water well for irrigation, it means that on haymaking days, according to signs, it will be dry, and vice versa.

After Peter and Fevronia there is no time for zhupan (warm clothes are no longer needed, since the real summer heat is setting in). An icy wind will blow from the north - the rain will disperse and bring clear weather. After many days of strong east wind there is always rain. There is a lot of porridge in the field - there is hay.

What not to do on the day of Peter and Fevronia

So the holiday of family love and fidelity and the story of Peter and Fevronius are closely intertwined. Peter and Fevrony of Murom have become the embodiments of those family values ​​that are often lacking in our time. But, as usual, on holiday in church calendar July has its own prohibitions. The main ban on Peter and Fevronia concerns the following: you cannot get married on the day of memory of Peter and Fevronia, but you can get engaged. You cannot eat fish dishes, as Peter's Fast is in full swing. On this day, it is not customary for people to work in the garden; they are only allowed to do small household chores. You cannot sew or do handicrafts. On the holiday, it is strictly forbidden to quarrel, swear, or even think about bad things.

Holiday legend

The legend about the couple passes from mouth to mouth. One day Peter fell ill with an unknown illness. His body was covered with strange spots that disfigured his skin. The prince did not know what to do. Someone told him about the peasant magician Fevronia, who can cure any ailment. The prince immediately went to her. The girl gave him ointment and told him to apply it to all the spots except one. For her work, Fevronya asked to marry her. But Peter was in no hurry to marry a commoner. Until the spots appeared on his skin again.

This happened because of one spot, which the cunning Fevronia asked not to touch. Then the prince came to the girl again and was completely freed from the misfortune. To celebrate, he finally took a peasant woman as his wife. To his great surprise, the girl turned out to be hard-working, thrifty, affectionate, kind and understanding. Quite quickly he fell in love with his wife and could not imagine how he lived without her before.

Their family, founded on lies, suddenly found true love and became a symbol of true devotion. They were together everywhere, trying not to leave each other for long. Before they died, they ordered them to be buried in the same coffin. To everyone’s surprise, Peter and Fevronia died at the same time.

They were not stored in the same coffin; they were placed side by side, but in different coffins. A funeral was held, and the next day their bodies were found in the same coffin, which was considered a miracle, proving eternal love and fidelity.

Symbolism of the holiday

Although the holiday, which marks fidelity and marriage, has a short history, it has already acquired its own symbolism. Originally, it is a chamomile - a wildflower that symbolizes pure and naive love, as well as nature and summer. This symbol is found on all items dedicated to the holiday. It is believed that chamomile will help make the holiday recognizable and bring it to the masses. Two petals of red and of blue color, denoting the flag of Russia.

Another symbol of the celebration is the “Love and Loyalty Award,” which is awarded with all the necessary celebration to the best families in the country. These are considered to be large families and families whose marriage history is at least 25 years old. On one side of the award in the form of a medal there is a daisy, and on the other - the faces of Saints Fevronia and Peter. Since 2008, 128 medals have been awarded to 128 families. Each family receives an education certificate or a one-time cash payment. Gifts change annually; exact criteria for gifts have not yet been established. Since the symbols of the day are Saints Fevronia and Peter, several monuments were erected to them in various cities of Russia. Thus, the government intends to give the holiday a mass appeal and make it a national tradition.

Conspiracies of July 8

Conspiracy for inflammation of the facial skin

Take the stick that the three-year-old mare stepped over and burn it with the words:

Go, smoke, don't go down, don't go up,
And to the side, on the marsh moss,
Take ulcers with you as companions.
In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit
Now and ever and unto ages of ages. Amen.

Treatment of foot fungus

Soak woolen socks with a mixture of wine vinegar with a decoction of string and celandine, put them on for an hour and a half, then wash your feet with strongly brewed chamomile, wipe your feet dry and put on clean linen socks. After two or three procedures you will get rid of

Treatment for varicose veins

Cut the pork lung into pieces, add a small amount of sulfur and apply it to the sore veins overnight, wrap them. In the morning, carefully remove, wash your feet with a strong chamomile solution and pat dry with a soft towel. After a month's course, the veins in the legs will noticeably tighten and stop aching and pulling.

The day is dedicated to Saints Peter and Fevronia of Murom, especially revered patrons of family happiness, hearth, love and fidelity of spouses.

According to legend, one day Peter, who had not yet become a ruler, fell ill with leprosy, and nothing and no one could help him. could not help him. But somehow in a dream it was revealed to Peter: a certain Fevronia, a peasant girl who lives in the Ryazan land, could heal him. They found her, but the price for healing the prince was to get married. Peter - there is nothing to do - agreed, but as soon as he recovered, he took back his word.

The disease returned with new strength. Once again Peter had to ask Fevronia to cure him, and now he had to fulfill his promise - to get married. But family life they turned out in such a way that the prince did not regret that he was actually forced.

When Peter began to reign after the death of his brother, the boyars rebelled, not wanting to be ruled by some peasant woman, and they gave Peter a choice - either a wife, or get out of the city. Having chosen the latter, the couple set sail from Murom along the Oka. The common people, however, did not want other rulers, and the princely couple returned.

Ruled with wisdom and living in harmony, they reached old age and, having taken monastic vows, both prayed to die on the same day. This wish of theirs came true, but their last request - to be buried in one coffin - was considered indecent for their position and was not fulfilled.

But the very next day, the bodies of the spouses were mysteriously transferred from different abodes and reunited. Saints Peter and Fevronia were canonized in 1541. It is customary for them to pray for blessings for the wedding, for the well-being of the family, mutual understanding and true love.

If the Catholic Valentine's Day is dedicated to all those who love, then the day of Peter and Fevronia is only to those who sealed their love with the sacred bonds of marriage, and, perhaps, that is why in our country it is much closer to the Western day of all lovers.

A very curious merchant omen was associated with this day in Rus'. It was believed that in order to increase wealth in his shop and home, a merchant should trade all day together, next to his wife.

This day also had the usual weather and economic signs. So, in advance they were upset about the poor mowing if both mice and pigs began to eat the hay, or if porridge bloomed in abundance in the meadows. Seedlings that required a lot of watering foreshadowed good weather during haymaking, while those that did not require this foreshadowed wet haymaking.

The saying “After Ivan there is no need for a zhupan” means that from the day of Ivan Kupala, celebrated the day before, after the day of Peter and Fevronia, another 40 sultry days were usually expected.

Saint Fevronia had a nickname - the Rusalnitsa. The belief said that at this time mermaids like to conduct their round dances along the banks of reservoirs, and you need to be especially careful near them and also swim with slight caution, because the water maidens do not cost anything to drive a person crazy, tickle him to death or drag him to the bottom.

Today, July 8 (June 25, old style), the Orthodox Church celebrates the Orthodox Church holiday:

* Reverend Martyr Fevronia the Virgin (c. 304). ** Blessed Prince Peter (monastically David) and Princess Fevronia (monastically Euphrosyne), Murom miracle workers (1228).
Martyrs Euphrosyne and Theodora. Saints Constantine and Theodore. Venerable Martyrs Leonidas, Livia and Eutropia (IV). Venerable Simeon (V); Dionysius (after 1380) and Dometius (XIV), his associate, Athos. Venerable Martyr Procopius of Smyrna (1810). Holy Martyrs Nicholas (Bryantsev) and Vasily Presbyters (1918); St. Nikon (Belyaev) of Optina, confessor (1931); Hieromartyr Basil the Presbyter (1940).

Saints Peter and Fevronia

Peter and Fevronia are the patrons of family and marriage. Their marriage is a model of Christian marriage.
The blessed Prince Peter ascended the Murom throne in 1203. A few years earlier, Prince Peter fell ill with a serious illness from which no one could cure him. In a dream vision, it was revealed to the prince that he could be healed by Fevronia, a peasant woman from the village of Laskovoy in the Ryazan land. Virgin Fevronia was a wise, beautiful, pious and kind girl. Having liked each other, they agreed to marry. When the prince was healed through Fevronia’s prayer, he, frightened by the boyars, did not keep his word. The illness resumed, and Fevronia again cured him and married him.

When Peter inherited the reign after his brother, the boyars did not want to have a princess from the “simple people”, telling him: “Either let go of your wife, who insults noble ladies with her origin, or leave her as Murom.” The prince took Fevronia, got into a boat with her and sailed along the Oka. They began to live ordinary people, rejoicing that they were together, and God was helping them. In Murom, unrest began and murders began. Then the boyars came to their senses and decided to call Prince Peter back. The prince and princess have returned. Fevronia managed to earn the love of the townspeople. They died on the same day - July 8, 1228. At first their bodies were placed in different monasteries, but the next day they ended up together. The holy family was buried in the cathedral church of the city of Murom in honor of the Nativity of the Blessed Virgin Mary, erected over their relics on the initiative of Ivan the Terrible in 1553, and now they openly rest in the Church of the Holy Trinity of the Holy Trinity Monastery in Murom.

Saints Peter and Fevronia were exemplary spouses, so spouses come to them with prayers for their happiness.

Memory of the Venerable Optina Elder Nikon, Confessor

Reverend Confessor Nikon (in the world Nikolai Mitrofanovich Belyaev) was born on September 26, 1888 in Moscow into a large and friendly pious merchant family. Even in their youth, Nikolai and his younger brother Ivan decided to go to a monastery and chose the Kozelskaya Vvedenskaya Optina Hermitage by lot. On February 27, 1907, the brothers arrived in Optina and on December 9 they were accepted into the monastery brethren.

The Monk Barsanuphius once especially noted Nicholas, and in October 1908 Nicholas was appointed his clerk, in 1915 he was tonsured into the mantle with the name Nikon, and in 1917 he was awarded the rank of hieromonk. After the revolution, Hieromonk Nikon was beset by sorrows - persecution, searches and arrests from the godless authorities. After the final closure of the Optina Hermitage in the summer of 1923, the rector, St. Isaac (Bobrikov), handed over the keys to the Kazan Church to St. Nikon, blessing him to serve and receive pilgrims for confession. So the Monk Nikon, for his holy obedience to the abbot, became the last Optina elder. At the same time, the Monk Nektarios, who was in exile, began to direct his children to the Monk Nikon. Expelled from the monastery in June 1924, he settled in Kozelsk, served in the church and received people. In June 1927, he was arrested and spent three years in prison at the Kemsky transit point, and then, suffering from a severe form of tuberculosis, he was sentenced to exile to the Northern Territory, to the city of Pinega.

Sick, he wandered for a long time without shelter, then was forced to engage in hard physical labor. Father Peter (Drachev), also an exiled Optina resident, brought the dying Reverend Nikon to his place. On the day of his blessed death, June 25, 1931, Elder Nikon took communion and listened to the canon on the outcome of the soul. By the providence of God, twelve people, some clergy, gathered for the burial of the blessedly deceased elder. The elder was buried according to the monastic rites and buried in the cemetery of the village of Valdokurye.

Other Church and Orthodox holidays in July

Martyr Julian of Tarsus. Martyr Julian of Egypt and Venerable Basilissa and with them the holy martyrs Kelsius, Marionilla, Anastasius, Anthony the Presbyter, twenty soldiers and seven youths. Venerable Anastasia, mother of Saint Sava, the first archbishop and teacher of Serbia. Venerable Maximus the Greek...