Presentation for a physics lesson Electrical phenomena in nature presentation for a physics lesson (grade 9) on the topic. Presentation "natural electrical phenomena" Electrical phenomena in plants presentation

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LIGHTNING Prepared by: Kartamysheva Yulia Nikolaevna Teacher of physics and mathematics, Pavlovskaya secondary school, Lukhovitsky district, Moscow region Electrical phenomena in nature:

Mysteries of nature From time to time, nature presents us with mysteries, the answers to which researchers have been unsuccessfully searching for for centuries. These phenomena also include ball lightning - certain luminous spheres that appear and quickly disappear, plunging eyewitnesses into horror and dismay.

From a scientific point of view, lightning is a type of electrical discharge that usually occurs during lightning storms. There are several types of lightning: discharges can occur between a thundercloud and the ground, between two clouds, inside a cloud, or go from a cloud into a clear sky. They can have a branched pattern or be a single column. Lightning, observed at all times, had a wide variety of forms - rope, rope, tape, stick, cylinder. A rare form is ball lightning.

Formation of a lightning barrel: 1 – space saturated with positively charged ions; 2 – high pressure area; 3 – region where ionization of air molecules by electrons occurs; 4 – low pressure region occupied by electrons.

Lightning is a strong electrical discharge that travels from a cloud towards another cloud or towards the ground. This discharge easily starts fires and is also powerful enough to harm or even kill a person. Lightning also helps nature put nitrogen into the ground, which is essential for plant growth.

General information about ball lightning Color: the most common is yellow, orange (to red), then white, blue, and green (we found very interesting article), some have even seen black and transparent ones (a flying lens is visible in the air). In a word, it is safe to say that if you saw something purple with a yellow stripe, and it was not a CMM, it would be reckless. By the way, seriously, in many articles it is noted that BL can be heterogeneous in color, spotty, and can even change color.

Size: the most common diameter here is from 10 to 20 centimeters. Specimens from 3 to 10 and from 20 to 35 are less common. The existence of a BL with a diameter of about a meter is also not very rare, and there are also several kilometer-long giants. You can only console yourself with the fact that a ball with a diameter close to a kilometer is unlikely to fly through your window.

Temperature: Called the temperature from room to stellar. The most common reference is 100-1000 degrees. But at the same time, there is nothing written about tangible warmth at arm’s length. How can this be for physicists to judge, but we are only humbly looking for references to the negative temperature of ball lightning (if you come across it, please write, we will be very grateful). During the explosion, if her life ends as such, the CMM releases a large number of heat, which may cause fire or other damage. Therefore, after an explosion, you should pay attention to a possible fire.

Weight: written in almost the same font everywhere: 5-7 grams. And this does not depend on size. Glow intensity: according to the most common opinion, when you see a BL, you will receive a 100-watt light bulb completely free for a few seconds. Although it may very soon begin to deteriorate and completely fade away in the end. Nothing is known about the glow of the CMM during the explosion; most likely it was a strong flash.

Behavior. Only one thing can be said with certainty: ball lightning likes to penetrate into houses or, we quote, “pass through.” Although sometimes he doesn’t do this, despite the fact that he has good chances. It flies depending on external conditions. It is subject to a variety of influences, ranging from gravity to electromagnetic field. She knows how to penetrate into any, most inconspicuous cracks, “turning into a sausage.”

Lifetime: From a few to thirty seconds - the most common version. But it happens for a minute, and ten, and an hour, and several days. (I don’t even want to think about the last point, it’s scary!) The only thing that is alarming: no one or almost no one saw the moment of the birth of the BL, and, therefore, no one knows what its real lifespan is. Movement speed: the most common opinion is that the BL flies, sometimes rotating slowly, at a speed of 2-10 m/s. Those. can catch up with a running person.

What is ball lightning and what is its nature? Ball lightning is a single brightly glowing, relatively stable small mass that is observed in the atmosphere, floating in the air and moving with air currents, containing great energy in its body, disappearing quietly or with great noise, such as an explosion, and not leaving any material after its disappearance. traces, except for the destruction that she managed to do.

Typically, the occurrence of ball lightning is associated with thunderstorm phenomena and natural linear lightning. But this is optional. There are known cases when ball lightning jumps out of nowhere from an ordinary plug socket, from a magnetic starter mounted on a lathe. There have also been cases of the sudden appearance of ball lightning on the wing of a flying aircraft, steadily moving along the wing from its end to the fuselage.

There are two types of ball lightning - moving and stationary. Mobile ball lightning floats in the air at a speed of about 2 m/sec, sometimes at the speed of air currents, while stationary ones are “fixed” on the tips of lightning rods, on the sharp edges of metal roofs, in the upper part of factory pipes. Moving lightning glows with a reddish light, while stationary lightning gives off a dazzling light. White light. Movable lightning can settle and become motionless, and motionless lightning, on the contrary, can break away from its fastening points and become mobile.

How people of past centuries saw ball lightning

The millions of thunderstorms that thunder over the planet every year urgently required an explanation and a search for reliable ways to protect people from damage from atmospheric electricity. The study of this formidable natural phenomenon continues today.

Lightning not only strikes with electric current, but also causes destruction with the help of its powerful electric field, as well as pressure and heat waves. If lightning encounters objects containing a lot of moisture on its path, such as trees or damp masonry, the moisture instantly begins to evaporate and the object explodes, like an unattended steam boiler - leaving only heaps of stones or chips on the ground. So people seeking protection under tall trees not only risk being targeted by lightning - tall objects, as we have already said, attract the pathfinder ray, giving it an easier path to the ground - but they may also be buried in the explosion. In general, scientists have not yet undertaken to predict the behavior of lightning in any specific situation.

Why was lightning angry with us? There is an opinion that lightning is just nervous system Earth, since nothing else can transmit powerful effects so quickly over long distances. In addition, thunderstorms, causing forest fires, automatically regulate the amount of oxygen in the atmosphere. If too much of it accumulates, even a weak lightning strike is enough to start a forest fire and burn off excess oxygen. If oxygen levels drop, lightning has to work hard to set the trees on fire. With the precision of Swiss watches, this balance was maintained for millions of years until man appeared. And now, out of habit, lightning continues to set forests on fire, and what are we doing? We are helping to destroy the lungs of our planet. So what does lightning do in response?

Sources L.V. Tarasov. Physics in nature. – M: “Enlightenment”, 1988. D.L. Frank-Kamenetsky. Plasma is the fourth state of matter. – M: Atomizdat, 1968. Physical encyclopedic Dictionary. / Ed. A.M. Prokhorova. – M: “Soviet Encyclopedia”, 1983. I.P. Stakhanov. Physical nature ball lightning. – M: Atomizdat, 1979. I.M. Imyanitov, D.Ya. Quiet. Beyond the law. – L: Gidrometeoizdat, 1967. I.D. Artamonov. Visual illusion. – M: Nauka, 1969. I.K. Kikoin. Experiments in a home laboratory. Library "Quantum", vol. 4. – M: Nauka, 1981. Noskov N.K. Physical model of ball lightning. NiT, 1999. Makhankov Yu.P. Conditions for the formation of ball lightning. NiT, 2000. Fedosin S.G., Kim A.S. Ball lightning: electron-ion model. NiT, 2000. Rezuev K.V. Ball lightning. NiT, 2002.

Electricity in wildlife Travnikov Andrey 9 "B"

Electricity Electricity is a set of phenomena caused by the existence, interaction and movement of electric charges.

Electricity in the human body The human body contains many chemical substances(such as oxygen, potassium, magnesium, calcium, or sodium) that react with each other to produce electrical energy. Among other things, this occurs in the process of so-called “cellular respiration” - the extraction by the cells of the body of energy necessary for life. For example, in the human heart there are cells that, in the process of maintaining the heart rhythm, absorb sodium and release potassium, which creates a positive charge in the cell. When the charge reaches a certain value, the cells acquire the ability to influence the contractions of the heart muscle.

Lightning Lightning is a giant electrical spark discharge in the atmosphere that can usually occur during a thunderstorm, resulting in a bright flash of light and accompanying thunder.

Electricity in fish All types of electric fish have a special organ that produces electricity. With its help, animals hunt and defend themselves, adapting to life in the aquatic environment. The electrical organ of all fish is designed the same, but differs in size and location. But why has no electrical organ been found in any land animal? The reason for this is as follows. Only water with salts dissolved in it is an excellent conductor of electricity, which makes it possible to use the action electric current on distance.

Electric stingray Electric stingrays are a detachment of cartilaginous fish in which kidney-shaped paired electrical organs are located on the sides of the body between the head and pectoral fins. The order includes 4 families and 69 species. Electric stingrays are known for their ability to produce electric charge, the voltage of which (depending on the type) ranges from 8 to 220 volts. Stingrays use it defensively and can stun prey or enemies. They live in tropical and subtropical waters of all oceans

Electric eel Length from 1 to 3 m, weight up to 40 kg. The electric eel has bare skin, without scales, and the body is very elongated, rounded in the front and somewhat compressed laterally in the back. The color of adult electric eels is olive-brown, the underside of the head and throat is bright orange, the edge of the anal fin is light, and the eyes are emerald green. Generates a discharge with a voltage of up to 1300 V and a current of up to 1 A. The positive charge is in the front of the body, the negative charge is in the back. Electric organs are used by the eel to protect against enemies and to paralyze prey, which consists mainly of small fish.

Venus Flytrap The Venus flytrap is a small herbaceous plant with a rosette of 4-7 leaves that grow from a short underground stem. The stem is bulbous. Leaves range in size from three to seven centimeters, depending on the time of year, long trap leaves usually form after flowering. In nature, it feeds on insects; sometimes mollusks (slugs) can be found. The movement of the leaves occurs due to an electrical impulse.

Mimosa pudica An excellent visual proof of the manifestation of action currents in plants is the mechanism of leaf folding under the influence of external stimuli in Mimosa pudica, which has tissues that can sharply contract. If you bring a foreign object to its leaves, they will close. This is where the name of the plant comes from.

By preparing this presentation, I learned a lot about organisms in nature and how they use electricity in their lives.

Sources http://

“Electric field strength” - Voltage characterizes the electric field created by current. Relationship between field strength and potential difference. Electric field strength. Voltage (U) is equal to the ratio of the work done by the electric field to move a charge to the amount of charge moved in a section of the circuit. Relationship between electric field strength and potential As is known, in a potential field, force can be obtained from potential energy from the ratio.

“Electric field and its intensity” - Tension lines for two plates. Acts on electrical charges with some force. What types of electric charges are there? Electric field lines start at positive charges and go to infinity. Field strength point charge. In what units are electric charges measured?

“Electric charge of the body” - M., 1992 Yavorsky B.M., Detlaf A.A. Physics course. About the course general physics RATING. Dear FTI students! About the course of general physics LITERATURE. 1.1. Electric charge. About the general physics course BONUS.

“Electrification” - The harmful role of electrification. How do similarly charged bodies interact? Insulator handles. Where it all started. Some free electrons will move to the right plate. What happens when an ebonite stick rubs against wool? Interaction of charged bodies. The beneficial role of electrification. Electrification.

"Field potential" - Physical meaning potential differences. Every electrostatic field is potential. All points inside the conductor have the same potential (=0). Property. Relationship between field strength and potential difference. On a closed trajectory, the work done by the electrostatic field is 0. Energy characteristics of the electrostatic field.

“Electrification of bodies” - “Electrification in nature and in life” Prepared by physics teacher: Sultanova U.R. Development of skills to identify electrical phenomena in nature and technology. Increased labor productivity, 50% paint savings. Smoking. Electrification by friction. Objective of the lesson: This is how they are processed electrical bodies" Amber is also rubbed against amber, against diamond, against glass and much more.

There are a total of 14 presentations in the topic

Research problem - the appearance of lightning and thunder during a thunderstorm Hypothesis - the law of conservation of energy also applies during a thunderstorm Tasks: 1. Study and analyze the cause of the appearance of lightning 2. Study the types of lightning 3. Analyze the cause of thunder

On primitive people the thunderstorm made a strong impression, instilling horror and sacred awe. Hence the name: thunderstorm - unkind, angry, menacing. Aristotle and Lucretius thought about the nature of lightning and thunder. But in those distant times, scientists were unable to unravel this nature. For many centuries, including the Middle Ages, it was believed that lightning was a fireball trapped in the water vapor of clouds. Expanding, it breaks through them at their weakest point and quickly rushes down to the surface of the earth. In 1752, Benjamin Franklin experimentally proved that lightning is a strong electrical discharge. The scientist performed the famous experiment with a kite, which was launched into the air as a thunderstorm approached. Simultaneously with Franklin, the study of the electrical nature of lightning was carried out by M.V. Lomonosov and G.R. Richman (died from a lightning strike). After some time, it became clear that lightning is a powerful electrical discharge that occurs when clouds are highly electrified. I decided to try to conduct my experiment on creating lightning and found out that lightning is a giant electrical spark discharge, and in the atmosphere, it usually occurs during a thunderstorm, manifested by a bright flash of light and accompanying thunder.

The charged ground accumulates under the cloud, and negative charges are attracted to the top of the cloud, charging it negatively. charged ground and accumulate under the cloud, and negative charges are attracted to the top of the cloud, charging it negatively. When sufficient charge accumulates, an electrical breakdown of the atmosphere occurs - lightning. The earth's atmosphere is an exceptionally good dielectric, located between two conductors - the surface of the earth below and the top layers of the atmosphere, including the ionosphere, from above. Between the negatively charged surface of the earth and the positively charged upper atmosphere, a constant potential difference of about V is maintained. The lower part of the cloud, facing the earth, is negatively charged, and the upper part is positively charged. Cosmic rays collide with air molecules and ionize them (resulting in the separation of positive and negative charges). Positive charges move down to negative

Lightning is a giant electrical spark discharge in the atmosphere, usually occurring during a thunderstorm, manifested by a bright flash of light and accompanying thunder. Discharges can occur between a thundercloud and the ground, between two clouds, inside a cloud, or escape from a cloud into a clear sky. Discharges can occur between a thundercloud and the ground, between two clouds, inside a cloud, or escape from a cloud into a clear sky.

By type, lightning is classified into linear, pearl and ball. They can have a branched pattern or be a single column. Lightning, observed at all times, had a wide variety of forms - rope, rope, tape, stick, cylinder. The shape of linear lightning is usually similar to the branched roots of a tree growing in the sky. The length of linear lightning is several kilometers.

The length of intracloud lightning ranges from 1 to 150 km. The probability of a ground object being struck by lightning increases as its height increases and the electrical conductivity of the soil increases. The length of intracloud lightning ranges from 1 to 150 km. The probability of a ground object being struck by lightning increases as its height increases and the electrical conductivity of the soil increases. Ground lightning occurs in areas of strong magnetism and electrical conductivity. Ground lightning occurs in areas of strong magnetism and electrical conductivity.

Pearl (beaded) molinia is a very rare and beautiful phenomenon. Appears immediately after linear lightning and disappears gradually. Molinia has the appearance of luminous balls located at a distance of m from each other, resembling pearls strung on a thread. The pearl lightning may be accompanied by significant sound effects Unique footage

Ball molina rare a natural phenomenon, united physical theory the occurrence and course of which has not been presented to date. There are about 200 theories that explain the phenomenon, but none of them have received absolute recognition in the academic environment. Typically, the occurrence of ball lightning is associated with thunderstorm phenomena and natural linear lightning, from which it seems to “emerge.” But there is plenty of evidence of its observation in sunny weather. Sometimes it descends from the clouds, in rare cases it suddenly appears in the air or, as eyewitnesses report, it can come out of some object (tree, pillar). There are known cases when a ball lightning jumps out of nowhere from an ordinary plug socket, from a magnetic starter mounted on a lathe. There have also been cases of the sudden appearance of ball lightning on the wing of a flying aircraft, steadily moving along the wing from its end to the fuselage.

Most often, ball lightning moves horizontally, about a meter above the ground. Has the ability to “enter” rooms, squeezing through small holes. Ball lightning is often accompanied by sound effects of crackling, squeaking, and noise. Causes radio interference. There are often cases when an observed ball lightning carefully flies around objects in its path, since, according to one theory, it moves freely along surfaces. Ball lightning lives on average from 10 seconds to several hours, after which it usually explodes. Occasionally it slowly goes out or breaks up into separate parts. If in a calm state unusually little heat comes from ball lightning, then during an explosion the released energy sometimes destroys or melts objects and evaporates water.

Colors range from white and yellow to green. A spotty glow was often noted. It has been established that ball lightning can be not only in the form of a luminous, bright formation. There are both invisible and black ball lightning. They are even mentioned in literature: “The petrel soars proudly, like black lightning.” Kuprin’s story is called “Black Lightning”. Witnesses say it seems to consist of mysterious threads woven into a ball.

  • Completed by students
  • Verkhnekoltsovskaya secondary school:
  • Miroshnikova A.
  • Nosova V.
  • 2010
  • On the topic of:
  • Electrification of bodies occurs when they come into contact.
  • Bodies with electric charges of the same sign repel each other.
  • Bodies with charges of opposite sign attract each other.
  • Type of charge
  • Positive
  • Negative
Electroscope - This
  • Electroscope - This
  • the simplest device
  • for detection
  • electric charges
  • and approximate
  • defining them
  • quantities
  • Bodies
  • Non-conductors
  • (charges
  • don't go over
  • From charged
  • body to
  • uncharged.)
  • Semiconductors
  • (occupy
  • Intermediate
  • position
  • Between
  • conductors and
  • Dielectrics.)
  • Conductors
  • (charges
  • are moving
  • from charged
  • body to
  • not charged)
  • Conductors and non-conductors of electricity.
  • Electroscope.
Electric field. Electron.
  • Electric charge-This
  • physical quantity.
  • It is denoted by the letter q.
  • Per unit of electric
  • charge accepted pendant (Cl) .
  • This unit is named after
  • French physicist Charles
  • Pendant.
  • Electric field is a special type of matter, different from substance.
  • The particle with the smallest charge is called electron.
  • The main property of an electron is its electric charge.
  • The structure of an atom is as follows: at the center of the atom there is a nucleus consisting of protons and neutrons, and electrons move around the nucleus.
  • Electric shock called ordered (directed) movement charged particles.
  • The structure of the atom.
  • Electricity.
Electrical circuit. Actions of electric current.
  • Current source, receivers, closing devices,
  • connected by wires make up
  • the simplest electrical circuit .
  • Drawings showing
  • connection methods
  • electrical devices in a circuit,
  • called schemes.
  • Chemical
  • Magnetic
  • Thermal
  • Actions
amperage in the chain:
  • The electric charge passing through the cross section of a conductor in 1 second determines amperage in the chain:
  • I - current strength, q- number of charges,t- time.
  • The unit of current is called Ampere (A). It is named after French scientist Andre Ampere.
  • A device for measuring current is called
  • Ammeter.
  • It is connected in series to the circuit.
  • Current strength. Ammeter.
  • Voltage shows how much work an electric field does when moving a unit positive charge from one point to another:
  • From the previous formula
  • can be determined:
  • U -voltage, A - current work, q -electric charge.
  • The unit of voltage is named volt (V) in honor of the Italian scientist Alessandro Volta.
  • For measuring pole voltage
  • current source or on some
  • section of the circuit, a device is used,
  • called voltmeter.
  • Electrical voltage. Voltmeter.
  • The dependence of the current strength on the properties of the conductor is explained by the fact that different conductors have different electrical resistance.
  • Electrical resistance is a physical quantity. It is designated by the letter R.
  • The unit of resistance is taken to be 1 ohm.
  • Electrical resistance.
  • The current strength in a section of a circuit is directly proportional to the voltage at the ends of this section and inversely proportional to its resistance.
  • Named after a German scientist Georg Ohm who discovered this law in 1827.
  • Ohm's law.
  • The resistance of a conductor made of a given substance with a length of 1 m, cross-sectional area 1 is called resistivity of this substance: from it we get:
  • Resistivity unit:
  • R-resistance, p-resistivity, l-length, S-cross-sectional area of ​​the conductor.
Series connection of conductors.
  • 1. Current strength in any parts
  • the circuits are the same:
  • 2. The total resistance is equal to the sum of the resistances of the individual sections of the circuit:
  • 3. The total stress is equal to the sum of the stresses:
Parallel connection of conductors.
  • 1. The voltage on the circuit section is the same:
  • 2. The current strength in the unbranched part of the circuit is equal to the sum of the current strengths in the individual conductors:
  • 3. The total resistance of the circuit is determined by the formula:
Work of electric current.
  • To determine the work of electric current on any section of the circuit, it is necessary to multiply the voltage at the ends of this section of the circuit by the electric charge passing through it
  • A - work of electric current, U - voltage,
  • I-current strength, q-electric charge,t-time.
  • The work of an electric current on a section of a circuit is equal to the product of the voltage at the ends of this section by the current strength and the time during which the work was performed:
  • Unit of measurement of electric current work used in practice: Watt-hour (Wh)
Electric current power.
  • To find the average power of an electric current, you need to divide its work by time:
  • The work of an electric current is equal to the product of voltage times current strength and time: therefore:
  • The power of the electric current is equal to the product of voltage and current:
  • From this formula you can determine:
  • I-current, P-power, A-work
  • electric current, U-voltage, t-time
  • The amount of heat released
  • conductor carrying current is equal to
  • the product of the square of the current,
  • conductor resistance and
  • time.
  • To the same conclusion, but on the basis
  • experiments came from an English scientist
  • James Joule and the Russian scientist
  • Emilius Christianovich Lenz. That's why
  • The Joule-Lenz law was formed.
  • Joule-Lenz law.
  • Q- amount of heat, R-
  • resistance, t - time, I - current