Psychologist where to get an education after 9. What subjects to take for a psychologist. Qualities needed to work as a psychologist

The profession of a psychologist attracts many young people.

Future healers of souls can vividly imagine how they are sitting in a cozy office with a leather sofa, and some pop diva comes to their reception to complain about the villainous fate: they say, the rotation of the song on the radio was reduced, and the new video came out as complete “bullshit.” ”, and the maid did not wipe the dust off the antique chest of drawers well enough.

But in reality, everything turns out not so rosy: you have to deal with severe childhood traumas, and work with victims of violence or people prone to suicide.

Doesn't this scare you? Are you sure that psychology is your calling? Then let's figure out what you need to take for a psychologist.

What subjects should be taken to become a psychologist if the choice of profession is final and cannot be “appealed”?

After 11th grade: forward and sing!

If after 11th grade you have decided to become, if not the new Sigmund Freud, then at least the best private psychologist in the city, you need to know which subjects you will have to take for the Unified State Exam:

    Russian language.

    How are you going to “become a nightingale” in front of a person, promising that everything will be fine with him, if you cannot correctly connect even two words?


    No, you don’t need to wince like you have a toothache. It is this subject that helps develop logic and analytical thinking, and they are so useful in the work of a psychologist;

    biology (major subject).

    Without this knowledge, a brilliant career as a psychologist, honor and respect from your colleagues will definitely not shine for you;

    social studies (at some universities).

But this list of which exams you need to take to become a psychologist is not “iron”:

    many universities do not particularly challenge applicants with social studies, but they do require that they pass the Unified State Exam in biology;

    Some educational institutions will require you to write an essay on a psychological topic. and this should be something better than: “Vasya abandoned the pregnant Masha and therefore he is a scoundrel, and Masha is a great guy.”

    In any case, no matter what subjects you need to take for a psychologist, we recommend reading classics and popular science books, and not just the instructions for a new smartphone;

    Some universities may offer you an interview– don’t immediately fall into a deep faint! We are confident that when talking with teachers you will show yourself as an adequate, motivated and personable person.

    After all, you are going to study to become a psychologist, where you need to establish contact with people, and not to become an accountant. Consider this your first aptitude test.

  • if you graduated from school in a carefree youth, and decided to master the profession of a psychologist as a “man in the prime of life,” then you will first have to pass exams (Unified State Examination) in the same subjects as school graduates;
  • Anyway, should be clarified in admissions committee the chosen university, which psychologist exams you need to take from them.

After 9th grade: a little patience - and voila, you are a psychologist!

If you decided from the 9th grade that the world is not nice to you without psychology, we must disappoint you a little: you won’t be able to enroll immediately in a higher educational institution to become a psychologist.

The best option is to first study to become a nurse, and only then gnaw on the granite of science at some cool university.

In order to become a student at a medical college (this will be your first step towards becoming a psychologist), you need to pass the following exams in the form of the GIA (state final certification):

    Russian language.

    And here there is no escape without this item;


    Don’t even try to tell the members of the certification committee that you are a typical “lyricist” who was not created to tinker with all these logarithms and integrals;

    We think that we will not open “America” to you if we inform you that in many respects a person’s psychological mood depends on chemical reactions in his body.

    So don’t quietly hate yourself if you need one large chocolate bar a day and cash to be completely happy;


“So that you live on one salary”: is it even worth finding out what exams you need to take to become a psychologist?

Before rushing to your favorite university to find out what you need to take to become a psychologist, we suggest you familiarize yourself with the salary range:

    It all depends on your competence and experience. And if you are lucky enough to get some rich metropolitan “little thing” as a client, who will tell you at every corner what a “magician and sorcerer” you are, then consider that you have grabbed God by the beard;

What you need to take to become a psychologist, and most importantly – where: 5 best Moscow universities for studying psychology

These universities are worth the trouble and find out what exams you need to take to become a psychologist, because they are famous for their great teachers and high level of education:

Before rushing to your favorite university to find out what you need to take to become a psychologist, it won’t hurt to find out the salary you can count on after graduation:

    in Moscow, the salary of a psychologist is from 20 to 70 thousand rubles per month.

    It all depends on your competence and experience. And if you are lucky enough to get some rich metropolitan “thing” as a client, who will tell you at every corner what a “magician and sorcerer” you are, then consider that you grabbed God by the beard;

    in other cities of Russia, a certified psychologist can count on 15-70 thousand rubles per month.

    And you are unlikely to see Tina Kandelaki or Anastasia Volochkova on the couch in your office.

When knowing what you need to take to become a psychologist is “not enough”: 10 most important qualities of a good specialist

Even if you have memorized the “Our Father”, which subjects you need to take as a psychologist, you cannot do without these qualities:

    high emotional and general intelligence.

    What did you want? What kind of psychologist are you if you can offend a person in no time, and then wonder why he doesn’t answer your phone calls?

    the ability to patiently listen and hear a person.

    Believe me, it will be very useful to you when the client tells for the sixth time how in deep childhood his mother did not buy a red train, and from there - his aggression, greed and dislike for the color red;

    tolerance for someone else’s lifestyle, opinion, behavior, etc.

    Do you simply adore your mother? What can you say about a person who has not visited his parents in a nursing home for several years? If you are a really good psychologist, and it was not in vain that you found out what exams you need to pass, then you will not “blurt out” anything offensive;

    the ability to calm and empathize.

    Agree, a person goes to a psychologist to have a heart-to-heart talk, and not to “rub” problems with his wife into the cactus on your table;

    “I myself am a practicing psychologist, and my husband is an Orthodox priest. And he and I often talk about how similar our professions are: in both cases you need to be able to understand a person’s problem.
    Often after a working day we argue which of us had it more severely and who was entitled to milk (in our case, chocolate candy) “for being harmful”, – shares Maria from Tver.

  • tact.

    Hmm, well, we think that since you have passed all the exams to become a psychologist, you probably won’t interrupt a patient who is talking about calling your friend Seryozha and inviting him for a glass of beer after work;


    Since a person has reached a psychologist with his internal problems (and in Russia this does not happen often), it means that things are really going wrong for him and he is ready to hear professional advice.

    You, in turn, must try to ensure that this advice benefits him. It is not good to listen to the patient in half an ear, thinking about the upcoming fishing.


    No, the amazing abilities of Dr. Lightman from “The Theory of Lies” are not required from a psychologist, but if the patient claims that he has calmed down, and he himself is tearing up the fifteenth paper napkin, he is unlikely to be sincere with you;

    emotional stability and optimism.

    Staying “positive” while listening to difficult emotional experiences and delving into someone else’s psychological “underwear” is not so easy. Do you still want to know what subjects you need to take to become a psychologist?

    Confidence in your strength.

    Perhaps, without this quality it is not only impossible to become a good psychologist, but simply a successful person;


    Especially when it comes to children: who would you be more willing to listen to as a child - a boring aunt muttering something under her breath or a young lady dressed up as a sorceress or your favorite Disney princess? The answer is obvious.

What does it take to become a psychologist?

Find out a simple secret on how to master the profession:

So, find out what you need to take to become a psychologist and successfully “shoot” in specialized subjects– just the first step on the path to the profession of your dreams. But, as a friend of the author of the article often says: “If you are not even capable of this, then what are you even capable of? This is your goal!

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Psychologist specializes in the patterns, forms and manifestations of mental phenomena and personality states, on the characteristics mental development person. He can both engage in research activities and apply his knowledge in practice (to provide advisory assistance, for working with personnel at enterprises and institutions). This is a helping profession from the “person-to-person” category. The profession is suitable for those who are interested in biology and psychology (see choosing a profession based on interest in school subjects).

Short description

The quality of life of each person is influenced not only by his physical health, but also psychological health. In recent decades, this truth has become increasingly firmly established in the minds of people, and psychologists have proven to be an effective tool for solving many internal problems that a person is not able to cope with on his own. They often work together with doctors, or use their knowledge to maintain a comfortable psychological climate in organizations. Work in the field of psychology also requires a sufficient level of awareness, the absence of serious internal contradictions on the part of the psychologist himself, therefore it is almost always preceded or accompanied by a visit by a specialist to his own psychotherapist.

Features of the profession: who is a psychologist?

Psychologists always work with people. They are required to follow unconditionally professional ethics and adherence to the well-known principle of “do no harm.” Psychological problems the problems their clients face are almost always complicated and rooted deep in their past. Understanding them can be difficult even for experienced specialists, so the profession requires regular additional education and advanced training. The main job responsibilities of a psychologist can be reduced to the following:

  • Analysis of the psychological state and psychological processes, personal characteristics, level psychological development person (or the psychological climate in the team).
  • Rendering psychological assistance people to resolve intrapersonal problems (or teams to resolve interpersonal conflicts).
  • Carrying out psychological diagnostics, processing of results, drawing up psychological portraits of the individual.
  • Corrective work aimed at eliminating deviations from normal psychological development (most often carried out with children).
  • Carrying out preventive work aimed at preventing deviations in psychological development.
  • Conducting career guidance activities.
  • Providing services to commercial and government firms (maintaining a favorable psychological climate among workers, recruiting personnel, resolving conflicts, working with dysfunctional families, and so on).
  • Providing assistance to doctors and social services in working with certain categories of the population (people with addictions, victims of domestic violence, terminally ill patients, etc.).
  • Carrying out psychological research and experiments aimed at developing new knowledge in the field of psychology.

Psychologists (even those who are engaged in science and not directly helping people) are inevitably required to high level empathy, as well as the ability to distance oneself from the client’s problems and not allow them to seriously influence one’s own psychological state. This must partly be inherent in the person himself, and partly achieved during study and personal psychotherapy.

Pros and cons of being a psychologist


  1. Socially significant profession.
  2. The opportunity to help people.
  3. Interesting work with little routine.
  4. Decent wages.


  1. Insufficient university education for successful practice.
  2. The need to constantly educate yourself and go to your own therapy (or at least supervision).
  3. Low income at the beginning of a career or when working in state-owned enterprises.
  4. An emotionally taxing profession.

Important personal qualities

As already noted, excellent empathy abilities are the most important quality for a psychologist. But this does not mean that he immerses himself in empathy for each client and gives him advice. The task of a psychologist is to help a person find answers to his questions himself, and not to impose his own point of view. Therefore, emotional stability, impartiality, the ability to think without value judgments, observation, tact, and responsibility are also extremely important for him. Without these qualities, it will be too difficult to occupy a position as a psychologist and fulfill your duties with dignity.

Where to study to become a psychologist?

Training to become a psychologist involves obtaining higher education(specialty "Psychology", code 37.03.01). To enter, you must pass the Unified State Examination in Russian language, biology and mathematics or foreign language at the discretion of the university. In some educational institutions within introductory campaign They also conduct interviews with all applicants (you can find out about this on the official website of the university, where you can get a psychology profession through one of the main profiles).

Training in full-time lasts 4 years, in all others - 5 years. After completing your studies, you can enroll in a master's program (this option is more suitable for those who plan to study scientific psychology).

The Interregional Academy of Industrial and Construction Complex (MASPK) invites you to obtain a specialty within the framework of additional education courses. You can undergo professional retraining at MASPC in the format distance learning, located in any region of Russia and abroad. The Academy offers quality additional education and flexible prices.

In this course you can obtain the profession of psychologist remotely in 3 months and 15,000 rubles:
— One of the most affordable prices in Russia;
— Diploma of professional retraining of the established form;
— Training in a completely distance format;
— Certificate of compliance with professional standards worth 10,000 rubles. For a present!
— The largest educational institution of additional professional education. education in Russia.

Russian Institute vocational education"IPO" - recruits students to obtain a specialty in distance program professional retraining and advanced training. Studying at the IPO is a convenient and quick way to receive distance education. 200+ training courses. 8000+ graduates from 200 cities. Short deadlines for completing documents and external training, interest-free installments from the institute and individual discounts. Contact us!

The income level of such specialists depends on where they work, as well as on their level of qualifications. Consulting psychologists usually start with low rates and increase them as they become more experienced.

Salary as of 02/05/2020

Russia 18000—60000 ₽

Moscow 25000—70000 ₽


In organizations and institutions, a psychologist can theoretically occupy leadership positions. A practitioner can increase the cost of his consultations, provide training, open his own organization, focus on working with other psychologists, etc.

Professional knowledge

  1. General psychology.
  2. Developmental psychology and differential psychology.
  3. Psychology of Personality.
  4. Psychodiagnostics.
  5. Pathopsychology.
  6. Social and family psychology.
  7. Psychological consultation.
  8. Conducting group trainings.

Famous psychologists

  1. Sigmund Freud, founder of psychoanalysis, whose work had a huge influence on the development of psychology as a whole.
  2. I.P. Pavlov, author of numerous studies of conditioned and unconditioned reflexes.

Today we have to figure out how to enter a psychology college after 9th grade or after 11th grade. The main attention will be paid to the first option. The fact is that schooling is a mandatory process. But you can finish it after 9 years of schooling. Then you'll have to think about future profession. And either study the remaining time at school, and then choose a university, and then enroll for higher education, or give preference to colleges. The second option is increasingly attracting schoolchildren. How can you become a psychologist? Where and how long to study for it? What challenges will you face? What do students and teachers think about studying to become a psychologist after 9th grade? All this will be discussed further below.

A psychologist is...

The first step is to understand what profession we are talking about. Not everyone understands what a psychologist does. Some believe that this is just a person who gives advice.

Actually this is not true. Psychologist - a person who is well versed in the device human brain, behavior and relationships. He helps people cope with problems, experiences, gives instructions and recommendations. This is why some schoolchildren look for a psychology college after 9th grade.

Working as a psychologist is not as easy as it seems. Now they want to equate the work of such employees in Russia with medical activities. Accordingly, due to the high responsibility, all psychologists will be required to obtain a license. The law has not yet been adopted, but discussions about it are underway. This is to make it clear how responsible the chosen profession is.

No exams

What does a student who wants to go to college of psychology after 9th grade have to go through? In Moscow or any other region, this is not so important. The main thing is that training to become a psychologist will take place at the school and after the specified period of stay at the school educational institution.

The fact is that there is no clear answer here. After all, all schools have their own rules. It is likely that you will not need to take any exams. It is enough to pass an interview. In some colleges, admission to study in any specialty occurs only on the basis of a provided certificate.

And such cases are not uncommon. Just don't rely on them. After all, it is better to inquire in advance what tests you may encounter, pass a certain list of subjects, and then choose a specific educational institution.

Required subjects

How to get to a psychology college after 9th grade in Moscow? What exams will your child have to take? It has already been said that there is no clear opinion here. Much depends on the specific educational institution.

However, in Russia there are mandatory tests. They are needed if not for admission to this or that Educational establishment, then at least for the sake of finishing school and receiving a certificate.

At the moment, both after 11th grade and after 9th grade, a minimum of 2 subjects is required. Either in the form of the Unified State Exam or the State Examination, respectively. This:

  • Russian language;
  • mathematics.

Both subjects are not specialized. Sufficient basic level. Then it will be possible to get a certificate of education. Accordingly, in order to enter a college of psychology after 9th grade, these two subjects are required in any case. What else is offered to applicants?

Other items

Understand this issue It's actually harder than it seems. Among entrance examinations the most various items. Taking into account the profession’s affiliation with medicine, applicants may be required to provide GIA or Unified State Exam results for:

  • chemistry;
  • biology;
  • social studies (extremely rare).

Most often, in order to enter a college of psychology after 9th grade (addresses of specific educational institutions must be searched individually; there are many places for study in each region), certificates with exam results in the following subjects are required:

  • biology;
  • mathematics;
  • Russian language.

Nothing else is needed. Unless you go through an individual interview with the admissions committee. But it's not that difficult. Where is the best place to go? Which one is the best best college psychology after 9th grade indicate that there are many good technical schools and colleges in the capital. It doesn't matter where you go.

Options for admission

Which ones are in greatest demand? The fact is that there are many of them. And each applicant can choose an institution that attracted him or her to a greater extent. For example, the cost of training. Or close to home.

You can pay attention to:

  • And information technologies(Verkhnyaya Pervomaiskaya, building 53);
  • Technological College No. 24;
  • College of Arts and Humanities (Volnaya Street, 20, building 10).

The list doesn't end there. Many metropolitan universities and colleges allow you to enroll in the Psychology major after 9th grade and receive secondary specialized education.

Training period

How long will you have to study? If a student decides to go to a psychology college after 9th grade, he should know that he will receive a diploma only after some time. More precisely, most often training programs are designed for 1 year and 10 months. In some cases - for 2 years.

That is, in any case, you will have to study until the age of 17-18. Exactly the same as at school. With only one difference - after college, the child will have both work experience (practice is an integral part of training in technical schools) and an education diploma. Enrollment in the Psychology major at a university is possible after college immediately in the 2nd or 3rd year.

Today psychology is an integral part of life. Many people have different life situations that require them to consult a specialist in the field of psychology. To help such people, the younger generation purposefully chooses psychology as their calling to help other people.

The profession of psychologist is popular among young people

Areas of use

A psychologist is a generalist who studies people's behavior in different situations and helps solve problems through conversations.

The profession of a psychologist is interesting and responsible. It gives you a chance to develop throughout your life. When a person decides to be a psychologist, he can be sure that people will need him.

Child psychologists help children eradicate the problem when it has just begun. You need to work carefully with the child’s psyche so as not to harm it.

Family psychologists are popular. They help couples resolve family discord. Often everyday life and routine are the cause of discord; spouses cannot come to a common opinion and resort to the help of a specialist. It is important not only to solve this problem, but also to eradicate its occurrence again, to teach how to cope with such situations.

Specialists with psychological education are in demand. They can find employment in specialized institutions and government organizations (schools, universities, kindergartens). Often there are psychologists who work independently. Psychology is hard work. It requires communication skills with different types of people.

The careers of psychologists do not stop with the knowledge acquired in higher educational institutions. You need to confirm and improve your qualifications to solve problems of a wider range.

Definition of Psychology

Unified State Exam after 11th grade

The specialty of psychology includes a huge number of areas. You must be able to communicate with different people.

It is important to determine which university you will apply to. You need to find out information about the university, what subjects are required for admission. You should find out the level of accreditation of the university you plan to enroll in. Before the Unified State Examination, graduates who want to enroll in the Faculty of Psychology think about what subjects to take to apply to the university. Typically the list of subjects for admission includes:

  • mathematics;
  • Russian language;
  • biology.

Some universities also require social studies. For more accurate information, please contact the admissions office.

To increase your chances of entering a university, you need to have a good school background and a high average score.

OGE after 9th grade

Becoming a sought-after psychologist is not so easy. If a student is impatient to become a specialist in the field of psychology, he will have to be a little upset. Universities do not accept students without completed secondary education. At strong desire To become a psychologist, you can enroll in a medical college as a nurse or nurse, and after receiving secondary education, apply to a university.

To enter college after 9th grade, the student will need to take exams in the form of the OGE (general State exam). The list of such exams includes:

  • Russian language;
  • mathematics;
  • chemistry;
  • biology.

Some are higher educational establishments hold competitions. Upon admission, you will need to take a test, undergo an individual interview, or write an essay on the topic of psychology. It depends on the specifics of the university. Knowledge of foreign languages ​​will be considered a plus.

If an applicant has already graduated from school a long time ago and decided to enroll in the psychology department, then he will also need to take the Unified State Exam in the above subjects. To do this, you need to contact the university, find out the exam schedule, pass them and, with the received certificate, wait for the deadline to submit documents for enrollment.

It is not enough to acquire theoretical knowledge in the field of psychology. You must have qualities that will help you work with problem people:

  • ability to listen and empathize;
  • desire to learn;
  • respect for the individual;
  • responsibility.

The main factor is self-confidence.

College of Psychology and Pedagogy - quality education in the field of psychology and pedagogy

Enter the College of Pedagogy and Psychology after 9th or 11th grade, transferring from another college.

The main questions that applicants and their parents have when choosing educational institution.

Why is it better to go to college after 9th grade?

1. Opportunity to obtain a specialized specialty and education in 3 years.

2. for a shortened training program.

3. Possibility to combine work and study.

4. Deferment from the army.

Where to go to study after 9th grade in Moscow?

First of all, when choosing a college or technical school for admission, you need to make sure you have a valid license to conduct educational activities. Next, familiarize yourself with the accreditation of the educational institution and its annex. These legal documents are a guarantee of receiving a quality education.

Where and how to get an education in psychology and pedagogy?


Graduate qualification: "child educator" preschool age with developmental disabilities and with preserved development."

Qualification characteristics of the graduate. The graduate is preparing to work as a teacher of preschool children with developmental disabilities and with intact development in special (correctional) educational institutions different types. The following types of activities: Organization of events aimed at strengthening the child’s health and physical development. Training and organization various types activities and communication of children with preserved development. Training and organization of various types of activities and communication of children with disabilities health. Interaction with parents, their substitutes and employees of the educational institution. Methodological support of the educational process.

What form of study should I choose for admission?

The choice of form of study depends on the desires and capabilities of each individual applicant.

For admission to the College of Psychology and Pedagogy, we offer the following forms of training

full-time education(for applicants based on grades 9 or 11, transfer from another institution)

(for applicants based on grades 9 or 11, transfer from another institution) of any age.