Coloring page sound and letter th. Literacy lesson notes. Topic: "Sound (th), letter Y, th." Funny poems about the letter J for children

Issue 30

The Russian language video lesson for preschoolers began with interesting task. Since Shishkina’s school had already learned many letters, Vasilisa invited the students to find out if there were letters that never appeared at the beginning of words. Tooth decided that there were no such letters, but Freckles had doubts and suggested checking, starting with the very first letter of the alphabet.

The animals carefully went through letter by letter and it turned out that there were no words starting with the letters “Y”, “Ъ”, “b”. Mouse Shunya was upset: “It’s probably very offensive to these letters - after all, words don’t begin with them.” Vasilisa was surprised: “Is it possible to be useful only when you are ahead of everyone?” And Shunya agreed: “Of course, you can be useful everywhere, and not just at the beginning of the word.” Vasilisa suggested studying the letter “Y”, with which only three words begin, but this did not make it any less important for the Russian language. The students initially mistook it for the letter “I”, but then, after carefully studying the letter, they realized that important difference is the “tick” located on top of the letter “Y”. And this letter is called “And short”. And the sound “Y” is hidden in this letter. And since the sound “Y” cannot be sung, we have a consonant in front of us. Zubok was even surprised: “That’s right! The letter “I” is a vowel, and its sister “I short” is a consonant.” There are only three words starting with “Y”: IODINE, YOGURT, YOGURT.

At the beginning of a word, this letter is rarely found, but in the middle of a word it feels great. And invites the students to play a game with her. The forest friends quickly completed the task and found the necessary syllables. The resulting words were: T-shirt, nut, watering can and husky. At the end of the lesson, we once again repeated the letters with which words do not begin: “Ъ”, “b”, “Y”, “Y”.\

All that remains is to collect the studied letter “And short”.

“And short” - short,
It's so timid.
Don't be afraid, remember the main thing -
Everything in the alphabet is equal!

1. Lesson about the letter I

2. Riddles with a general word starting with I

My friend is holding on to my ear,
The century runs with me like one stitch. ( Needle and thread)

You can always find her in the forest.
You will go for a walk and you will meet.
Stands as prickly as a hedgehog,
In winter in a summer dress. ( Spruce)

Angry touchy-feely
Lives in the wilderness of the forest.
There are a lot of needles
And not a single thread. ( Hedgehog)

This various items, and what unites them together? - Needles!
How many syllables does this word have? - Out of three!
Why? - Since there are 3 vowel sounds.
Which syllable is stressed? - Second.

3. Game “The TV is Broken” (idea from here)
The adult says the sound I and lays out a card with a picture - the child needs to complete the word.
(and) pear, (and) golka, (and) zbushka, (and) rice, (and) raisin, (and) Indian

4. Making visual sound combinations from cards:

5. Development of phonemic awareness

a) clap (or raise a card with the letter I) to the sound [and] from the sound range:


b) repeat only words with the sound “and”:

Willow, quince, duck, turkey, game, smile, bus, name, corner, July, needle...

6. Exercise with caps - move cap beads to each line:

And grandfather has it.

And my grandmother has it.

And mom has it.

And dad has it.

And we have.

To get to know him

You have to say it out loud.


Name the names of boys and girls, and if the child hears the sound [and] in the name, then he needs to clap his hands:

Anya, Ulya, I van, I Lya, Anton, I Nna...

Olya, Semyon, I grief, Sasha, Vera, Masha, I nga, Alyosha, Pavel, I ra, Nastya, Vasya, Kolya, Anna, I rma, Klava

7. Game “One-Many” (an adult throws a ball to a child, saying the word in singular, the child needs to throw it back, calling the word in the plural)
sock - socks
needle -
box -
door -
mug -
turkey -
toy -
glove -
thread -
snowflake -
boy -
fork -
a drop -
girl -
umbrella -
boot -

8. Form antonym adjectives
high Low
wide narrow
big small
bad - good
cold - hot

9. Game "What's extra?" ("The Fourth Wheel")
Several pictures or objects are laid out and you need to determine in which picture there is no sound I (or just by ear).

1= bear, fox, wolf, tiger
2= ​​glasses, wasps, willow, turkey

10. Miracle Tree
You need to select pictures (inscriptions) whose names contain the sound I and “hang” them on the tree like leaves. I made such a tree (print on A4) and leaves for it (A5) - I give you blank leaves, so you can write the necessary words there yourself:

11. Find the hidden letter I

12. The tale of the brothers Ik and Ishch ()
Once upon a time there lived two brothers. One was called Ie, and the other was Isch. Ik was small, and Ish was huge (showing “portraits”). Ik had a house, and Ishch had a house. Now I want you to help me tell you about Ike.

(The game exercise “Finish the sentence” is carried out).

Ike doesn't have a mouth, but...
Ike doesn't have a nose, but...
Ike doesn't have an eye, but... etc.

What about Ish? If he is so huge, it means that everything is very large in size.

Ishcha doesn't have a mouth, but...
Ishcha doesn't have a nose, but...
Ishch doesn’t have an eye, but... etc.

Many years have passed, but people have not forgotten about the brothers. If they want to name a small object, they think of Brother Ike. If you need to name objects of huge size, then they remember Brother Ishche.

The names Ik, Ish have a common sound. Name it, please.

13. Find all the letters I and circle them (

Today in the lesson we will talk about the letter, which can be called a cunning traveler. Cunning, because in appearance she is very similar to her neighbor in the alphabet, and also because her sound can hide well. And a traveler for the reason that in ancient times it either appeared in our alphabet or disappeared, and initially it was not considered a letter at all. And only in the last century did it have its permanent place in the alphabet, next to the vowel I. This is the letter Y (I short) and the sound [th’]. Sometimes the sound it represents is also called “yot.” So why did we need another letter I in our alphabet? First, let's remember the characteristics of sound [i]. The sound [and] vowel, it stretches, is sung. Now try to sing the sound [th’]. Did not work out? Of course, because it's a short consonant. This means that in our alphabet the vowel [and] and the consonant [th’] have absolutely miscellaneous work, so we both need and are important. Today we will talk about only one work of the letter Y.

Let's start with the definition of the sound [th']. Place your hands on your throat or ears and pronounce the sound [th']. We felt the vibration, which means it is a ringing sound. Now remember one more trick of this sound: the sound [th’] is only soft, and it does not have a hard pair. This means that the sound [th’] is consonant, sonorous, soft. Now let's practice recognizing this sound in words.

Today we will go to the bird kingdom. Guess the riddle and name the place of the sound in the word: at the beginning of the word, in the middle or at the end.


Jump to the grains!

Peck, don't be shy!

Who is this?

Sparrow- sound [th’] at the end of a word (Fig. 1).

White winged bird

Flies over the sea.

He will see the fish -

The beak is enough.

Chaika - sound [th’] in the middle of a word (Fig. 2).

Who is without notes and without a pipe

He produces trills best of all,


Nightingale- sound [th’] at the end of a word (Fig. 3).

Little gray bird

Small bird,

You always move your neck.

Is there a need for this?

Wryneck- sound [th’] in the middle of a word (Fig. 4).

Rice. 4. Vertichneck ()

In the bird's joyful enthusiasm,

Firmly believing in success,

Which bird dives into the sea?

Without a doubt, the best?

Guillemot- sound [th’] in the middle of a word (Fig. 5).

It's not a rainbow, it's not a flame!

What kind of bird? Guess!

He chats with us all day


Parrot- sound [th’] at the end of a word (Fig. 6).

I don't like to live without anything to do,

I get up at five o'clock,

Then I plant cedars with my beak,

Those are oaks in a deep forest.

Jay- sound [th’] in the middle of a word (Fig. 7).

Noise and din throughout the area,

The birds are running around in fright.

A predator appeared in the sky,

Looking for something to eat.

Hawk- sound [th’] at the beginning of a word: [yastr’ip] (Fig. 8).

We noticed that the sound [й’] appeared only once at the beginning of the word. The fact is that this sound is rarely found in words of the Russian language. There are few words in our language that begin with the letter Y, among them mainly geographical names, but not only. Try to name words starting with the letter Y.

Every child knows iodine.

Mom smears iodine on the wounds(Fig. 9) .

What dairy product should all children drink? Yogurt (Fig. 10).

A yogi will never say: “Oh!”

"Oh oh oh!" - the yogi will not shout(Fig. 11) .

Young man, control yourself!

Old, be like young!

Yorkshire Terrier, or York (Fig. 12).

Rice. 12. Yorkshire Terrier ()

Let's look at how the letter Y is written.

Because comma

He sits on her shoulders.

Consider the block letters. What do they remind you of? Letters Ii.

The letter Y is called I short.

Y like I in your notebook.

So that Y is not confused with I,

Write a tick at the top.

Jump-jump bar

And she lay down diagonally.

H has changed inside,

The result is the letter I.

And then above the letter I

The bird flew by

Become Y (I short) letter I

I wanted it right away.

What does the letter Y look like?

Got up and under the lantern,

We don't recognize him.

Changed - look

Stealthily looking at him.

Previously it was just I,

And now Y (I short).

Writer Viktor Khmelnitsky came up with his own story.

Previously, the letters Y and Y invited each other to visit, but the letter Y always left a wand in the hallway, and the letter Y could not distinguish it from soft sign. And when the letter Y came to visit, she left her hat on the hanger, and the hostess confused the guest with the letter I. In the end, they got tired of this confusion. What about tea? And now they drink tea in the garden. The letter Y keeps his wand with him, and the letter Y may not take off his hat(Fig. 13) .

Rice. 13. A fairy tale about the letters Y and Y

The sound and letter Y love to answer the question “which one?” Let's check. Look at the picture and tell me.

Which kitten (Fig. 14)?

Red, small, funny, soft, etc.

What kind of backpack (Fig. 15)?

School, new, heavy, beautiful, etc.

Rice. 15. School backpack ()

What kind of watermelon (Fig. 16)?

Striped, sweet, sugar, tasty, etc.

Let's read the words: oh, oh, hey- th helps to express feelings.

Replacing one letter in a word, we get another word: may - bark - paradise - swarm - mine.

The sound [th'] is always soft. So, the letter Y denotes the sound [й’], which is always soft, and the vowel I shows the softness of the preceding consonant.

Let's look at the written letters Y (Fig. 17, 18).

Look, look,

Dear friend,

Until what?

We are similar!

What we have in common is

You are like me

And I’m like you.

We look like chicks.

Maybe we are twins?

Rice. 17. Written and block letter AND ()

Rice. 18. Written and printed letter Y ()

What is the difference? Y has a tick or a bird on top.

Practice writing the letter Y.

Now let’s complete the following task: listen to the poem and write down all the sounds [th’] with the letters Y. Hint: as many sounds as there are letters.

Next to my room

And there are a lot of friends there:




And wingless

And winged

And hornless

And horned,

And tailless

And tailed...

How many letters did you get? 9. What animals living in the forest did you imagine? Tell me.

Now let's write a short dictation.

Write the letter that represents the first sound in the word “Roma”.

Write the letter that represents the last sound in the word “lazy”.

Write the letter that represents the second sound in the word “forest.”

Write a capital letter N.

Write the capital letter of today's lesson.

Rice. 19. Test yourself


1. Practice writing the capital and small letter Y in cursive.

2. Remember and name 5 fairy tales whose names contain the letter Y.

3. Compose a little fairy tale about Oi and Ai.


1. Andrianova T.M., Ilyukhina V.A. Russian language 1. - M.: Astrel, 2011.

2. Buneev R.N., Buneeva E.V., Pronina O.V. Russian language 1. M.: Ballas, 2012

3. Agarkova N.G., Agarkov Yu.A. Textbook for teaching literacy and reading: ABC. Academic book/textbook, 2014

1. Festival pedagogical ideas « Public lesson» ()

Anna Panina
“The sound [Y] and the letter Y.” Summary of GCD in preparatory group for children with SNR

GCD summary.

Topic: “Sound and letter Y.”

Integration educational areas: "Cognition", "Communication".

Types of children's activities: communicative, productive.


Correctional and educational:

Give children an idea of ​​the mechanism of formation of the sound J;

Correctional and developmental:

Automate the sound Y in syllables, words, sentences;

Develop gross, fine and articulatory motor skills;

Develop graphomotor function;

Develop phonemic awareness;

Develop processes of analysis and synthesis;

Develop attention, memory, thinking;

Correctional and educational:

Instill in children a respectful attitude towards each other;

Equipment: flat images of the heroes of “Hear, Bukovka”; pictures of the sound being studied; image of the letter Y; syllable table; cards with printed syllables and individual letters; magnetic alphabets; workbooks “Gromoteika”; CD "ABC"

I. Organizational moment.

Looking at the picture “Yogi”.

Who is this? What can he do? Today we have difficult and serious work ahead of us, we will train like yogis. (Attention game “polite request.”

II. Main part

1. Subject message.

Today we are visiting our friends Slysh and Bukovka with new history. One day Slysh and Bukovka spent their weekend in a park that had a huge swing. Of course, our friends wanted to ride them. But as soon as they came closer, the shaggy dog ​​guarding the swing growled menacingly:

Rrrrr, wait, the passage is closed.

But why? - Bukovka was surprised. - Look how many children ride together on these swings.

Rrrr,” answered the dog, “I only let in those visitors who can complete my tasks.”

“We are ready to fulfill them,” Slysh responded.

Okay, say it quickly and without making a mistake, in plain language:

“One firewood, two firewood, three firewood.”

Slysh repeated the phrase without a single mistake. Can you guys do this?

Game "Repeat the tongue twister." Invite the children to repeat the complete sentence three times without stopping.

Slysh completed the tasks, and the dog let his friends pass. Slysh and Bukovka sat on a huge swing. Bukovka sat down on the bench, Slysh grabbed the handles tightly and began to rock the swing.

They swayed slowly and low at first, and then began to sway faster, stronger and higher. The swing soared up and then fell down with a cheerful whistle: “y-y-y”, “y-y-y”! The friends were breathtaking, and they wanted to scream with joy and happiness, the wind blew their clothes, whistled in their ears, and the swing kept creaking: “y-y-y.” When the friends had ridden enough, they went down to the ground, thanked the shaggy dog ​​and went for a walk in the park.

Hearing remembered the song of the swing. He stretched his cheerful tongue, remembering several exercises.

2. Development of articulatory motor skills.

Exercise for the tongue. Let us, together with Slysh, train our tongue. (perform the exercise 5-7 times.)

“Big swing” - smile, open your mouth, raise the tip of your tongue to your upper lip, lower it to your lower lip.

“Little swings” - smile, open your mouth, lift the tip of your tongue over your upper teeth, lower it over your lower teeth.

3. Demonstration of the acoustic-articulatory image of sound.

“Y-y-y,” said Slysh. (The tongue did not want to let air through - it arched its back, pressed it to the palate, but the air still hummed cheerfully.)

The task is “Make a sound.” Guys, say the sound [th| without error, in accordance with the described articulation. Watch the correct position of your lips, tongue, throat function and breathing.

Hearer wanted to know more about the new sound, and he tried to describe it.

Task “Describe the sound”. Let's help I Hear describe the sound [th].

When we pronounce the sound Y, does the air encounter an obstacle on the way?

If the air encounters an obstacle when making this sound, what sound is it?” (Consonant.)

What prevents the air from passing freely (the air is prevented by the tongue, which is pressed against the sky with its back).

Is this sound voiced or dull?” (To answer your question, children cover their ears with their palms and pronounce the sound [th]. If the ears “buzz”, this sound is voiced; if they do not buzz, it is dull. You can also put your palm to the neck to check).

Listen to me and tell me, is this sound pronounced softly or hard? (Draw children’s attention to the fact that this sound is always soft).

Now let’s give a full description of the sound Y and dress up our sound player (Call the child to the board): this sound is consonant, sonorous, and can only be soft.

4. Development of phonemic hearing. (Work in workbooks).

The letter drew pictures. (name all).

Color the circle green if you hear the Y sound in the word.

5. Introducing the letter Y.

Slysh asked Bukovka: “Can you write the letter that represents this sound?” And the letter took her magic pencil and wrote the letter Y. (Demonstration of a card with a letter).

What does the letter Y look like?

The letter Y is called "i-short"

Y like I in your notebook.

So that Y is not confused with Y

Write a tick at the top. (V. Stepanov).

What elements does it consist of?

Designing letters using pencils; typing the letter Y in workbook. (before writing a letter - exercise for the eyes).

III. Dynamic pause("Yoga" counting rhyme).

IV. Fixing the material.

1. Reading syllables.(according to the syllabic table ah, oh, uh, hey, y).

2. Reading the word Yogi (T-shirt, parrot, laying out magnetic alphabet letters.

The letter wrote the letters O, G, Y. Think about what word can be made from them? (Wrote the syllables KA, MAY; PO, PU, ​​GAY).

Type this word in magnetic alphabet.

V. Final part.

From what new letter met?

What sound does it represent?

Place the Letter Y in the right house.

Listening to a song about the letter Y.

Assessment of children's activities.

Publications on the topic:

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