Russian universities through the eyes of students - complete list. According to student reviews, the worst universities in Russia are KFU, MAI and UrFU

Typically, universities are rated by rating agencies. However, there is a study in which students themselves give passes (or failures) to institutes and universities. Students from 98 state universities in the country took part in the third annual monitoring “Russian Universities through the Eyes of Students‒2018”.

The best reviews from the National Research Nuclear University MEPhI - 81 points. In second place is the Moscow State law university named after Kutafin - 80 points. MGIMO took third place in the ranking with 79 points.

Also in the top 10 were St. Petersburg State University (67 points), Russian Academy National economy and public service under the President of the Russian Federation (63), the famous "Pleshka" - Russian the University of Economics named after Plekhanov (61), Russian State University oil and gas named after Gubkin (50), Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation (47), Moscow State Linguistic University(38) and St. Petersburg State Electrotechnical University "LETI" (38).

Worst results according to reviews showed three, oddly enough, considered strong universities: St. Petersburg University of Economics (SPbSEU) -37; Moscow Aviation Institute (MAI) - 38; Ural Federal University named after. Yeltsin (Ural Federal University) - 61.

How were scores with plus and minus signs calculated?

“We took as a basis the “plums” about universities that were sent by users of our site,” explain the authors of monitoring a. – A leak is a detailed review of a university that goes through several stages of verification. It can be positive, negative or neutral.

We ask students, teachers, university staff, and just people who know about the university from the inside to write a mini-essay, which we call a “leak.” At the first stage of verification, “leaks” are checked by site editors. They filter out unfounded, suspicious reviews.

If the review is approved by the site editor, the review is published in the “Typical applicant” group. Users of the group determine by voting whether this opinion should be trusted or not. If the number of “don’t believe” votes exceeds the norm, we carefully read the comments to this publication and try to understand what exactly confused our readers. Sometimes we find reasoned comments explaining dissatisfaction with an opinion.

“Drain” has its own weight - the number of people who clicked the “support” button. Thus, the ranking of a university depends not only on the number of positive, neutral or negative leaks, but also on the number of readers who supported this or that leak. Old plums have a worse effect on a university's ranking than new ones.

Kutafin Moscow State Law University, National Research Nuclear University MEPhI, St. Petersburg State University and MGIMO are recognized as the best Russian universities from the students' point of view. On Thursday, the second ranking “Russian universities through the eyes of students” was published. The outsiders of the study were Kazansky federal university, MAI and Ural Federal University. Most often, students complain about the old age of teachers and the lack of communication with university management. However, outsider universities consider the data obtained to be untrue.

On Thursday, the results of the study “Russian Universities through the Eyes of Students 2017” were presented in Moscow. Over the course of a year, 600 students from 85 regions left reviews about their university on the platform of the “Typical Applicant” project, which unites Russian applicants. Based on the results of the analysis of 438 pages of text, a rating was compiled. The best universities recognized by Kutafin Moscow State Law University, National Research Nuclear University MEPhI, St. Petersburg State University, MGIMO, RANEPA, Far Eastern Federal University, Novosibirsk National Research State University, St. Petersburg State Electrotechnical University LETI, Russian State University of Oil and Gas named after Gubkin and Russian Economic University named after Plekhanov.

In their reviews, students most often touched on the topics of the age of teachers, the presence of a dormitory, corruption, the attitude of the university management, the position of the university in rankings and the level of difficulty of study. In particular, criticism was raised as high study load, and too low.

The reviews were processed by a robot that assessed the pairs of words that students most often used, Vladislav Bely, head of the “Typical Applicant” project, explained at the presentation of the rating: “There is a tendency: next to the words “elderly teacher” there is always the word “bad.” Mr. Bely emphasized that all reviews were double checked: first, their reliability was assessed by the community members themselves, and then by site experts.

The worst universities, according to students, were Kazan Federal University (KFU), Moscow Aviation Institute, Russian State University of Justice, St. Petersburg State University of Economics and Ural Federal University named after Yeltsin (Ural Federal University). “KFU has a lot of opportunities for students! But you will never know about them, because all the news is known to those close to the administration and other cunning guys,” says one of the reviews on the portal. “I saw that UrFU topped the anti-rating Russian universities, and I want to say that there are problems, but not so large. It was really interesting. And this is a fundamental education that no one will take away from you,” writes one of the graduates of the Ural Federal University.

“The understanding of standards in the student community is changing, previously the key topic was conditions, but now it is personnel - students are focused on the quality of education,” noted Natalya Tyurina, head of the Social Navigator project, which presents the rating. According to her, Lomonosov Moscow State University and National Research University " graduate School Economics” is not on the list of leaders “not because everything is clear there, but because these universities are the subject of the most heated debate” among students. “We assume that there are probably worse universities, but we have enough reason to say that these universities have problems that are worth paying attention to,” said Natalya Tyurina.

“The published data does not correspond to reality,” said KFU Rector Ilshat Gafurov in an interview with Kommersant. “The average age of teachers at the university is 45 years old, we have direct communication systems between students, teachers and administration.” Mr. Gafurov emphasized that 44 thousand students study at the university, and there is no certainty that it was they who left these reviews: “There is no data on who specifically was asked, there are no principles of objective questioning.”

Anna Makeeva

How many positions has Russia added to the global ranking of universities?

The thirteenth annual ranking of Quacquarelli Symonds (QS) included 22 Russian universities, increasing the presence of domestic educational institutions in the top 400 from five to eight. The compilers note that the result was achieved, among other things, thanks to the “5-100” project, created as part of the implementation of the presidential decree on the promotion of Russian universities in world rankings by 2020. Nevertheless, experts point to a “weak point” of Russian universities - problems with taking into account scientific articles and citing them - which jeopardizes the implementation of an ambitious task.

Kutafin Moscow State Law University, National Research Nuclear University MEPhI, St. Petersburg State University and MGIMO are recognized as the best Russian universities from the point of view of students. On Thursday, the second ranking “Russian universities through the eyes of students” was published. The outsiders of the study were Kazan Federal University, Moscow Aviation Institute and Ural Federal University. Most often, students complain about the old age of teachers and the lack of communication with university management. However, outsider universities consider the data obtained to be untrue.

On Thursday, the results of the study “Russian Universities through the Eyes of Students 2017” were presented in Moscow. Over the course of a year, 600 students from 85 regions left reviews about their university on the platform of the “Typical Applicant” project, which unites Russian applicants. Based on the results of the analysis of 438 pages of text, a rating was compiled. The best universities were recognized as Kutafin Moscow State Law University, National Research Nuclear University MEPhI, St. Petersburg State University, MGIMO, RANEPA, Far Eastern Federal University, Novosibirsk National Research State University, St. Petersburg State Electrotechnical University LETI, Russian State University of Oil and Gas named after Gubkin and Plekhanov Russian University of Economics.

In their reviews, students most often touched on the topics of the age of teachers, the presence of a dormitory, corruption, the attitude of the university management, the position of the university in rankings and the level of difficulty of study. In particular, both the high teaching load and the too low one have attracted criticism.

The reviews were processed by a robot that assessed the pairs of words that students most often used, Vladislav Bely, head of the “Typical Applicant” project, explained at the presentation of the rating: “There is a tendency: next to the words ‘elderly teacher’ there is always the word ‘bad’.” Mr. Bely emphasized that all reviews were double checked: first, their reliability was assessed by the community members themselves, and then by site experts.

The worst universities, according to students, were Kazan Federal University (KFU), Moscow Aviation Institute, Russian State University of Justice, St. Petersburg State University of Economics and Ural Federal University named after Yeltsin (Ural Federal University). “There are a lot of opportunities for students at KFU! But you will never know about them, because all the news is known to those close to the administration and other cunning guys,” says one of the reviews on the portal. “I saw that UrFU topped the anti-rating of Russian universities, and I want to say that there are problems, but not so big. It was really interesting. And this is a fundamental education that no one will take away from you,” writes one of the graduates of the Ural Federal University .

“The understanding of standards in the student community is changing, previously the key topic was conditions, but now it’s personnel - students are focused on the quality of education,” noted Natalya Tyurina, head of the Social Navigator project, which represents the rating. According to her, Lomonosov Moscow State University and National Research University “ Higher School of Economics" is not on the list of leaders "not because everything is clear there, but because these universities are the subject of the most heated debate" among students. "We assume that there are probably worse universities, but we have enough reason to say that these universities have problems that are worth paying attention to,” said Natalya Tyurina.

“The published data does not correspond to reality,” said KFU Rector Ilshat Gafurov in an interview with Kommersant. “The average age of teachers at the university is 45 years old, we have direct communication systems between students, teachers and administration.” Mr. Gafurov emphasized that 44 thousand students study at the university, and there is no certainty that it was they who left these reviews: “There is no data on who specifically was asked, there are no principles of objective questioning.”


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The results of the study “Russian Universities through the Eyes of Students 2017” were presented in Moscow. The best universities in the country were Kutafin Moscow State Law University, National Research Nuclear University MEPhI, St. Petersburg State University and MGIMO. The outsiders were Kazan Federal University, Moscow Aviation Institute and Ural Federal University. Most often, students complain about the old age of teachers and the lack of communication with university management. However, outsider universities consider the data obtained to be untrue, writes Kommersant.

Over the course of a year, 600 students from 85 regions left reviews about their university on the platform of the “Typical Applicant” project, which unites Russian applicants. Based on the results of the analysis of 438 pages of text, a rating was compiled. The best universities were recognized as Kutafin Moscow State Law University, National Research Nuclear University MEPhI, St. Petersburg State University, MGIMO, RANEPA, Far Eastern Federal University, Novosibirsk National Research State University, St. Petersburg State Electrotechnical University LETI, Russian State University of Oil and Gas named after Gubkin and Plekhanov Russian University of Economics.

In their reviews, students most often touched on the topics of the age of teachers, the presence of a dormitory, corruption, the attitude of the university management, the position of the university in rankings and the level of difficulty of study. In particular, both the high teaching load and the too low one have attracted criticism.

The reviews were processed by a robot that assessed the pairs of words that students most often used, the head of the “Typical Applicant” project explained at the rating presentation. Vladislav Bely: “There is a tendency: next to the words “elderly teacher” there is always the word “bad.” Mr. Bely emphasized that all reviews were double checked: first, their reliability was assessed by the community members themselves, and then by site experts.

The worst universities, according to students, were Kazan Federal University (KFU), Moscow Aviation Institute, Russian State University of Justice, St. Petersburg State University of Economics and Ural Federal University named after Yeltsin (Ural Federal University). “KFU has a lot of opportunities for students! But you will never know about them, because all the news is known to those close to the administration and other cunning guys,” says one of the reviews on the portal. “I saw that UrFU topped the anti-rating of Russian universities, and I want to say that there are problems, but not so large. It was really interesting. And this is a fundamental education that no one will take away from you,” writes one of the graduates of the Ural Federal University.

“The understanding of standards in the student community is changing, previously the key topic was conditions, but now it is personnel - students are focused on the quality of education,” noted the head of the Social Navigator project. Natalia Tyurina, representing the rating. According to her, Lomonosov Moscow State University and the National Research University Higher School of Economics are not on the list of leaders “not because everything is clear there, but because these universities are the subject of the most heated debate” among students. “We assume that there are probably worse universities, but we have enough reason to say that these universities have problems that are worth paying attention to,” said Natalya Tyurina.

As usual, Tatarstan responded fastest to undesirable information. In response to the publication of the ranking, the rector of KFU Ilshut Gafurov stated that the research data does not correspond to reality: “The average age of teachers at the university is 45 years old, we have direct communication systems between students, teachers and administration.” According to Gafurov, 44 thousand students study at the university, and there is no certainty that it was they who left these reviews: “There is no data on who specifically was asked, there are no principles for an objective survey.”