Russian-Hungarian translator. Free Russian-Hungarian translation of texts online. Free Russian-Hungarian translation

Hungary is a wonderful island of comfort, located in the very heart of Europe. People from all parts of the Earth come here to take a break from the bustle of cities, try the various medicinal waters that this country is rich in and admire its incredible natural beauty, and, of course, ancient buildings and fortresses. Everything here is conducive to a calm, measured vacation. But you may miss a lot, or feel uncomfortable while traveling, due to the language barrier.

The language barrier is the main problem of tourists. Without knowing the Hungarian language, it will be difficult for you to navigate the city, find the right building, transport to get around the places you are interested in, and just shops, cafes and similar establishments. In order to protect you from such problems, we have created a website with phrasebooks, one of which is Russian-Hungarian. The sections and their components are perfectly selected here. Often phrasebooks are filled with unnecessary information, which makes it difficult to find the right word and phrase if you need it at this moment. We have corrected this shortcoming by collecting only the most useful phrases and words, which will make it easier for you to find the right phrase at the right time.

The Russian-Hungarian dictionary is divided into sections so that you can quickly find suitable words without making much effort. Here are some of these sections:

Greetings, common expressions– the main and largest section. It is universal. With its help, you can get to know a person, apologize, thank, and much more. This section is indispensable for simple communication with local residents.


Walking around the city

Phrase in RussianTranslationPronunciation
no entrytilos az átjárástilosh oz aatyaaraash
no smokingdohányozni tilosdohaanyozni tilosh
men's toiletFerfi vecefiirfi veetsee
women's toiletNői vecenyoi veetsee
Where…? hol van...?
Metro metro
Airport repuloter
Left ball
Right jobb
Directly elore
Up fel
Down le
Far messze
Close goat
Map terkep
Mail post
Museum museum
Bank bank
Police renderrseg
Hospital korhaz
Shop bolt
Restaurant atterem
School iskola
Church temple
Street duck
Toilet Mosdo

Standard phrases

Phrase in RussianTranslationPronunciation
Thanks a lot)Koszönöm (szepen)Kösönyöm (siipen)
Tell me please… Mondyayaa keirem...
How are you? Walk van?
OK, thank you Kyoseonyoom, minden randben van
How do you say this in Hungarian? Est hodjan monddyak madyarul?
What is your name? Hod hiivyayak oyont?
My name is… Khiivnak…
Glad to meet you Yooryuulyook, go megishmerkettyunk
Do you speak Russian? In English? Baseeil orosul? Angolul?
Do you understand me? Eeirti, amit mondok?
I do not understand Nem eirtem oyont
Repeat please Teshsheeik, megishmeeeitelni
Please talk slowly Keeiram, beseeeen lashshabban
Write this please Teshsheeik, leiiirni
I en
We mi
You te
You He
You you
They OK
Wife feleseg
Husband ferge
Daughter Leani
Son wow
Mother anya
Father apa
Friend barat

At the station

Phrase in RussianTranslationPronunciation
Train StationVasúti palyaudvarVashiuti paayaudvar
luggage storagecsomagmegőrzőChomagmegerze
hand luggagekézipoggyászkiisipoddiaas
cash registerpenztarPiinztaar
first gradeelső osztályElsjö ostaai
second classmásodik osztályMaashodik ostaay
Economy classturista osztaly, Economy class in English is also possible. say Turishta ostai

In public transport

At the hotel



Dates and times

Phrase in RussianTranslationPronunciation
What time is it now? honey ora van?
Day nap
A week het
Month honap
Year ev
Spring tawas
Summer nyar
Autumn OS
Winter tel

In the shop

At the restaurant

Phrase in RussianTranslationPronunciation
hot dishfőételfeyitel
teateafeasibility study
vegetarian dishvegetarianus ételvegetaariaanush itel
children's menugyerekei étlapdierekei iitlap
diabetic menuDiabetic menudiabetic kush menu

For the good of the cause– A section that is useful for gentlemen who are trying to attract the attention of the fairer sex and make a good impression on a lady.

Numbers and numbers– This section contains words that no trip can do without. More precisely, not words, but numbers. After all, you will have to pay for goods, travel, food, hotel accommodation, and for this, you need to know how this or that number sounds in Hungarian.

Shops, hotels, restaurants– Any tourist repeatedly visits these establishments throughout the trip. But without knowing the language, you will not be able to order a dish in a restaurant, ask you to pay, or call a waiter to order lunch. You also won’t be able to explain what room you need in a hotel or product in a store. But thanks to this section, you will easily cope with all this and will not remain misunderstood.

Transport– this is also one of the most important sections. By opening the dictionary in this section, you can find out where the airport or train station is, which bus to go there, how to get to the terminal, and so on. Here are all the words that will help you solve transport issues.

Using our Russian-Hungarian dictionary, you will always find a way out of any situation while traveling in Hungary.

) – 450 thousand, several tens of thousands – in . In the countries of the former Soviet Union, mainly in the Ukrainian Transcarpathia, lives a community of about 171 thousand people. In total, there are approximately 14-15 million ethnic Hungarians in the world who speak their national language.

Magyar nyelv (Hungarian language) forms, together with Khanty and Mansi, the Ugric group in the Finno-Ugric language language family. Distantly related to these languages ​​– and. Wherein common roots can be traced with the languages ​​of the Mari, Komi, Mordovians and Udmurts.

History of the Hungarian language

At the end of the first millennium AD, Hungarian tribes moved to the banks of the Danube from the Urals and Siberia. Somewhat earlier, the Danube plains attracted the Slavs, but the Hungarian development was much more aggressive, since the competition was already great. On all sides, the lands favored by the ancient Hungarians were surrounded by Slavs, Romanians and Germans. Forced and not always peaceful contacts with foreigners enriched the Hungarian language; a fifth of the Hungarian vocabulary is Slavic vocabulary.

In 1000, the Hungarians were baptized by King Stephen the Saint, who received the crown from the Pope. TO XIII century Many lands previously occupied by the Slavs fell into the hands of the Hungarian Kingdom. In the 16th century, the Hungarians lost the war with, and from that time a century and a half period of reformation and discord in the church began. Continuous religious disputes stimulated the development of printing in the Hungarian language. The first example of Hungarian printed work in the Magyar language dates back to this time - the textbook by Matthias Devai “Hungarian Orthography”.

Before late XVII centuries, the majority of Hungarians remained under Turkish domination, naturally, this could not but affect national language. At the same time, some of the Hungarians living in Russia were much freer, as evidenced by the publication of Protestant Hungarian literature.

A small part of the Hungarian territory went to the Austrian crown at that time, but later the influence increased, and Hungary became part of the Austrian Empire, which could not but affect the language. The powerful influence of the imperial language could be traced until the end of the 16th century, at which time the Hungarians preferred to use and in writing. To this day, German remains the second most widely spoken language in Hungary.

The mid-19th – early 20th centuries were truly the golden age of the Magyar language, which reigned supreme in the vast expanse from the Carpathians to the Adriatic coast. The number of non-Hungarians who speak Hungarian has increased several times. At that time, many Transylvanian cities, Germans living in Hungary, Romanians, Jews and Gypsies preferred to communicate in Hungarian. The main obstacle to rapid assimilation was the difference between the Hungarian language and the languages ​​of its neighbors. After the signing of the Treaty of Trianon, the Hungarian territories decreased in size, and at the same time, the spread of the language outside Hungary was significantly weakened.

After the First World War, Hungary gained independence, but lost Transylvania. As a result of the post-war redivision of territories, a third of Hungarian speakers found themselves outside the country.

  • Learning Hungarian is not easy for foreigners. Complex phonetics, 20 cases, numerous forms of words, an alphabet of 40 letters... The main problem when learning is its dissimilarity to other European languages.
  • There are approximately 10 dialects in the modern Hungarian language, which are so close that their speakers easily understand each other. The Chango language or the Changos dialect, spoken by 70 thousand Romanian Hungarians, stands apart. It was established that the Chango language was soranil character traits medieval form of the Hungarian language.
  • The word formation features of the Hungarian language allow you to construct very long words. For example, the word Megszentségteleníthetetlenségeskedéseitekért is translated as “because of your constant desire to be undefiled.” It is unlikely that this word is used often; rather, it is an artificial creation of linguists.
  • Memorizing Hungarian words and phrases even from a phrasebook is not at all easy, since they do not evoke any associations with familiar words of other languages. So original for a long time allowed us to believe that the Hungarian language has no relatives. In the 18th century, linguist Janos Shajnovic proposed a version of Finno-Ugric kinship, but the idea was not accepted by the public, and the decision was postponed for a hundred years.
  • When going to Hungary, be sure to stock up on a phrasebook. Hungarian phrases are not easy to learn, which is why the language is not very popular outside of Hungary. However, the Hungarians themselves are very tender about their language, considering it euphonious, flowery, expressive and brilliant. We do not want to question the opinions of people who are familiar with the subject matter. Let's just try to learn a couple of common phrases:
    • Good morning! - Jó reggelt kívánok! [Yoo raggelt kiwanok]
    • Goodbye! - Viszontlatásra! [Visontlaataashra]
    • Please tell me - Mondja kérem [Mondjaa keeirem]
    • Show me on the map - Tessék megmutatni a térképen

We guarantee acceptable quality, since texts are translated directly, without using a buffer language, using technology

The translation agency specializes in written and oral translations from Hungarian (Magyar) into Russian and from Russian into Hungarian.

Cost of translations from Hungarian

The cost of translation services from Hungarian is indicated for one standard page of source text. Our goal is the specialization of translators. Work in this direction allows us to improve the quality and reduce the cost of translations from Hungarian.
Service Price
390* / 480 rub./page.
960* / 1200 RUR/page.
960* / 1200 RUR/page.
360* / 450 rub./page.
420* / 540 rub./page.
2160* / 2700 rub./hour
*Price includes discount on first order.

Our company offers services professional translators and linguists. The main service is written translation from Hungarian or from Russian into Hungarian. We also offer services for checking translated texts, proofreading, editing text in Hungarian and proofreading typed translations in specialized publishing packages.

Written translations from Hungarian into Russian

More than 10 million people speak Hungarian. Due to the great difficulty that learning Hungarian poses for foreigners, business communication The German language is actively used. The Hungarian language is widespread in Hungary, Romania, Slovakia, and Austria. The Hungarian language belongs to the Ugric branch of the Finno-Ugric family of languages.

Hungarian(Magyar nyelv - Magyar language) one of the most interesting languages Europe, not related to Indo-European family languages. In the modern Hungarian language, it is customary to distinguish eight dialects. Related languages Hungarian in Europe are Finnish and Estonian languages, however, speakers of these languages ​​are not able to understand Hungarians.

Modern Hungary is a kind of enclave of Ugric culture surrounded by Slavic and Germanic ones. Due to its extreme complexity, the distribution area of ​​the Hungarian language is compact, although it is spoken not only by Hungarians, but also by Slovaks, Slovenes, Austrians and other representatives of neighboring peoples who moved to Hungary.

Translation cost calculation

First of all, the editor needs to familiarize himself with the document that needs to be translated from Hungarian into Russian or vice versa. Within 10 minutes, we will calculate the cost and timing of your translation, determine the exact date for delivery of the order and send you an individual commercial offer.

Our Hungarian translators

We cooperate with professional Hungarian translators, some of whom live in Hungary and are native Hungarian speakers. We have been working with 2 Hungarian translators for the longest time. Both translators live in Budapest and are native Hungarian speakers. Despite the rather rare use of the Hungarian language in the business practices of Russian companies, we have completed a number of interesting projects and we invite you to familiarize yourself with them.

When it is necessary to carry out a voluminous translation from Hungarian urgently, we break the original text into smaller parts and distribute them among a pre-selected team of performers. Our bureau already has well-established groups of Hungarian language translators, specializing in various topics.

Vacancies for Hungarian language translators

Our bureau has launched a project designed to employ translators. This is an open resource, the editors of our company use it to quickly search for Hungarian language translators, because A situation often arises when you urgently need to find a Hungarian translator for a project or a specific topic.

Features of translation from Hungarian into Russian

The Hungarian language is very difficult for foreigners to understand and learn. The stress is forceful and always falls on the first syllable. For Russian speakers, the independence of vowel length from stress may be difficult, so it may mistakenly seem that the stress sometimes falls in the middle or end of the word. The special Hungarian labial vowel phoneme "a", which also exists in Swedish and Persian, poses difficulties for foreigners learning Hungarian. Over the long centuries of its existence, the Hungarian language has undergone significant influence from other languages. After the Hungarians adopted Christianity, Latin became official language worship, introducing Latin and Greek terms into the Hungarian language. The Turkic substrate is very strong.

Vowels in Hungarian are pronounced more clearly than in Russian, syllables sound more distinct. In general, the Hungarian language is distinguished by its clear, strong articulation. The modern lexicon of the Hungarian language consists of 21% Finno-Ugric vocabulary, 20% - words of Slavic origin, 11% - German, 9.5% - Turkic, 6% - Latin-Greek, 2. 5% are from Romanesques. The remaining words are of unknown origin.

The category of number in the Hungarian language is represented by singular and plural, the names of paired body parts are used in singular, and if it is necessary to indicate that we are talking about only one component of the pair, then the word is used fel- half.

One of the lexical features of the Hungarian language is the presence of two words to describe the color red with different semantic loads: “piros” and “voros”. "Piros" is used to describe inanimate objects. "Voros" is derived from "ver", "blood", and describes animate objects, as well as highly emotional situations.

Congratulations in Hungarian with translation

Would you like to impress your Hungarian colleagues, business partners and clients from Hungary? Congratulate them on native language! It's not that easy - you need to find the best ones, Right words. Search the right words in the Russian-Hungarian dictionary or translated by an online translator? No.

Our Hungarian language translators have translated congratulation texts that you can use completely freely to congratulate friends and colleagues in Hungarian.

We are pleased to present to you the project of our translation agency of congratulations on international and national holidays on different languages. We are confident that the Translation Congratulations project will be of great help at the right time.

Contact the Flarus translation agency, where you will be offered the services of qualified Hungarian translators and linguistic services!

 On this page you will find Russian-Hungarian online translator And. Online translators will be useful to you when traveling, for work or study, for translating documents, song lyrics, e-mails, blogs and forums into Hungarian. Translation from Russian into Hungarian is completely free.

Free Russian-Hungarian translation

You can translate from Russian into Hungarian for free using online translators. This is an opportunity to feel free without using the services of a professional Hungarian translator or native speaker. Simply paste your Hungarian text into the online translator and click the “Translate” button. In just a few seconds you will get the finished result.

Russian-Hungarian online translator Google Translate

Today, the most acceptable quality of translation from Russian into Hungarian is provided by the Google Translate system. In order to translate into Hungarian using this translator, insert the text in Russian and click the "Translate" button. The translation result will open in a new window. After translation, you will be able to use additional language tools.

Russian-Hungarian online translator InterTran

Version of the InterTran online translator for translating texts from Russian into Hungarian. Translator provided by Translation Experts, a company that creates systems machine translation. The InterTran online translator is quite well known on the foreign Internet. It supports 27 languages, including not the most common ones. A small disadvantage of the Hungarian translator is that the quality of the translation leaves much to be desired (the translator is not designed to work with complex texts).

When translating Russian-Hungarian, problems with encoding may arise. In this case, enter the text to be translated directly on the official InterTran translator page.

A little about the Hungarian language and Hungary

The Hungarian language has a unique vowel phonetics: 14 vowel sounds, no diphthongs, stress is strong and always falls on the first syllable.

Throughout its history, the Hungarian language has been influenced by Turkic dialects, Slavic languages, and has also been replenished with Latin and Greek terms. IN Lately German and Italian borrowings penetrate into Hungarian. Online Hungarian translators focus on the modern version of the language.

The modern territory of Hungary was ruled in the Middle Ages by the kings of the Sicilian dynasty, and from 1687 it became part of the Habsburg possessions.

Hungary is located in Central Europe. The capital of Hungary is the city of Budapest. The climate in Hungary is temperate, continental. Sights of Hungary: Esztergom fortress, Brunswick Castle, Sirak, Jurišić fortress, Ebergeni castles, Lake Balaton, Lake Tisa, Szekesfehervar, Szolnok, Tata, Sharvar.

The free online translator Transеr® will correctly translate words, phrases, sentences and small texts from any of the 54 foreign languages ​​of the world presented on the site. The software implementation of the service is based on the most popular translation technology Microsoft Translator, so there are restrictions on text input of up to 3000 characters. Transёr will help overcome the language barrier in communication between people and in communications between companies.

Advantages of Transёr translator

Our translator is developing

The Microsoft Translator development team works tirelessly to improve the quality of translated texts, optimize translation technologies: dictionaries are updated, new ones are added foreign languages. Thanks to this, our Online Translator becomes better every day, copes with its functions more effectively, and the translation becomes better!

Online translator or professional translation services?

The main advantages of an online translator are ease of use, speed of automatic translation and, of course, free!) To quickly receive a completely meaningful translation in just one click of the mouse and a couple of seconds is incomparable. However, not everything is so rosy. Please note that not a single automatic translation system, not a single online translator can translate the text with the same quality as a professional translator or translation agency. It is unlikely that the situation will change in the near future, therefore, in order to provide high-quality and natural translation - a company that has positively proven itself in the market and has an experienced team of professional translators and linguists.