Yuri Rybnikov last. Rybnikov Yuri Stepanovich - Unified System of Knowledge

Horus-Oh, according to Greek and Egyptian information, was the last antediluvian divine king of the whole world and the first king of the North. S. V. Zharnikova. UNDER THE KING PEAS ... OR THE SACRED LANGUAGE OF EGYPT. In the Russian language there is a constant reference to ancient times, mythical, but nevertheless real - "under Tsar Pea." The term still exists only in the Belarusian and Little Russian dialects. He is also mentioned in the fairy tale "About the Three Kingdoms". Ancient time are clearly characterized by the presence of milk rivers with jelly banks. But why the king is called Pea is unclear. Meanwhile, what is it given name, evidenced by the presence of the name of his queen - Anastasia (brought back to life). Some modern experts suggest that the whole thing is in a subtle folk joke. But Tsar Gorokh is mentioned in Russian tales recorded, like epics, in the Russian North. These legends have never been referred to as a folk joke. Academician Boris Alexandrovich Rybakov writes: “In oldest period should include the tales of Kotigorokh, the legends about Kuzmodemyan and the tales "About the three kingdoms" ... The time of the Tsar-Pea is, obviously, the time of the first Cimmerian raids, when the settlements of the Black Forest tribes that had not yet been fortified were burned by the first attacks of the steppe inhabitants around the 10th century. BC NS". V. Ya. Propp was right when he wrote that fairy tales should be compared according to their "constituent parts", according to "stable elements", which, in his opinion, are the functions actors... But an independent element, stable in itself, can be not only functions, but also the names of the heroes, their origin, the circumstances of the place. The East Slavic fairy tale in the form in which it was recorded by folklorists of the 18th - 20th centuries is not adequate to its distant epic proto-original, since these elements of it, at the behest of later storytellers, moved outside and thus made it difficult to reconstruct the original appearance of each individual work ... heroes of a different type: Gor-Gorovik (Gorynya, Vertoor, Pereverni-Gor), Dyb-Dybovik (Verni-Dub, Dyboder, etc.) and Usynya (Verni-Water, Lock-Water, etc.). These are giants of titanic power, moving mountains, pulling up oak trees by the roots and damming rivers with their mustaches. Giants are found in various tales, but "quite typical of tales of the three kingdoms." It is difficult to say from what depths of primitiveness these images of titans, invented by folk fantasy to facilitate the actions of the protagonist, the serpent fighter, come. This is not the personification of the forces of nature, since there is neither earth, nor wind, nor sun ... In the same way, it is difficult to determine which fairy-tale complex they originally belonged to, since they are found both in the tales of the Pea and where they act three brothers ... And indeed, our brothers-heroes, going to an alien side, ride along the "wild steppe", get to the blue sea, walk along the coast and eventually find themselves at the foot of the highest mountain or at some kind of abyss, gorge leading underground. Then a stable plot begins, sometimes defining the name of the whole tale: "Three kingdoms - copper, silver and gold." YM Sokolov calls it "the most popular fairy tale of the Russian oral tradition", numbering 45 only Russian versions (not counting Ukrainian and Belarusian). I will use it brief retelling the main scheme of the tale of the three kingdoms: “The heroes go in search of the disappeared princesses ... The three kingdoms can be not only underground, but also on the“ highest mountain ”. However, in any case, whether we are talking about an abyss or about a mountain, the difficulties of vertical movement remain, and the hero descends or climbs with the help of ropes, panels held by his brothers. After overcoming this mountain obstacle, there is a battle between Svetovik-Svetozar and the Serpent (necessarily multi-headed) and the liberation of the hero's mother and the beautiful princesses of the three kingdoms. Here, after reaching the main goal of the heroic campaign, the brothers try to kill him or leave him in the dungeon by cutting the rope on which they pulled him to White light... Overcoming the treachery of the brothers, Svetozar eventually receives the golden kingdom and its princess, and his brothers - silver and copper. " Boris Alexandrovich Rybakov relates the time of the Tsar-Pea to the 10th century BC, and the entire semantic series of the tale "Three Kingdoms - Copper, Silver and Gold" to the era of the primary development of metal and agriculture, that is, the Neolithic-Eneolithic ... It would seem that to find at that distant time the source for the image of the Tsar-Pea is an impossible task. But this is not the case. And to solve it, we must turn to ancient Egypt. Despite centuries of attempts to classify the ancient Egyptian language, this fails. In his research, T. Benfey showed the closeness of the Egyptian language to the Semitic in the field of morphology and proposed to divide the Semitic languages ​​into two groups, one of which was to include Egyptian and other languages north africa ... E. Renan sharply negatively reacted to this point of view. He argued that the facts cited by T. Benfey were accidental and objected to the definition of the Egyptian language as Semitic. "According to the genealogical classification of languages ​​(ie, classification by kinship), the Egyptian language is classified as a Semitic-Hamitic language." "In linguistics, attempts have been made repeatedly to bring the Egyptian language, and even the Semitic-Hamitic languages ​​in general, with the languages ​​of other groups, primarily African ... Until now, attempts are being made to prove the connection of the Semitic-Hamitic languages, in particular Egyptian, with the Indo-European languages." As a result of the study, by the beginning of the 21st century, linguists came to the conclusion: “The ancient Egyptian language is the language spoken by the ancient Egyptians who inhabited the Nile valley north of the first of the Nile rapids. It forms one of the branches of the Afrasian languages, which is called Egyptian. It has a number of similarities in phonetics and morphology with the Semitic branch of the Afrasian family, in connection with which some authors attributed it to the Semitic. Another quite popular point of view was to recognize it as an intermediate link between the Semitic, Berber-Libyan and Kushite branches. " Such a controversial result was to be expected, because linguists tried to classify under the guise of one unchanging language - various languages ​​that existed and changed over three thousand years. "Over the centuries, the grammar and vocabulary of the language have changed a lot, and the speech of the Egyptians of the era of Roman rule was no longer similar to the speech of the times of the reign of the first dynasties." “Sources say that the inhabitants of Northern and Southern Egypt in ancient times did not understand each other, and the Coptic language retained several dialects. The most significant differences were in the vowels. " It should be noted that, as a rule, linguists consider only the Middle Egyptian language. This term here means the language of the literary works of the Middle Kingdom. In part, this can be justified by the fact that the Egyptians themselves considered the Middle Egyptian language classical in the periods after the Middle Kingdom. The language of the ancient kingdom, and even more so of the early era, is unknown. Nevertheless, linguists believe that "the art of writing in Egypt has always remained the prerogative of a conservative and traditional scribe stratum who limited the degree of influence of colloquial speech on mdw nTr -" the word of God. " Hieroglyphic writing in Egypt was called mdw nTr - "divine speech." “Writing in Egypt appears in very ancient times: by the beginning of the I dynasty (i.e. , apparently, in the second half of the 4th millennium BC), basically its system was formed, which existed without significant changes for several millennia ... Consequently, the use of hieroglyphics covers at least 3.5 thousand years, despite all the changes over this long period in the vocabulary the composition of the language and in the grammatical structure. Such a long period of use of hieroglyphics shows that the Egyptian writing system in its first descriptive form - hieroglyphics fully justified itself as a means of communication and was relatively easy for native speakers ... state at the turn of the IV and III millenniums ”. Academician Struve showed that letter writing existed in Egypt along with syllabic, and not as a stage of its "development" to "higher" letter forms. It was intended to write foreign words with the same signs and to explain Egyptian words to foreigners. They had developed an alphabet for all the consonants of their language, but their writing system never became purely alphabetical or even purely sound. At the same time, three writing systems were used in Egypt, two for the language of the priests and one for the people. “In Egypt, he lived with the priests, mastered all their wisdom, learned the Egyptian language with its three alphabets - written, sacred and symbolic. The first of them depicts ordinary language, and the other two - allegorical and mysterious). The priests teach their children two types of writing: that which is called “sacred”, and that used in general teaching ... ”(Diodorus Siculus). According to legend, at the time of the beginning of its history, the first kings of Egypt were the inhabitants of heaven, with them came to Egypt "divine speech", hieroglyphs, the beginning of culture and agriculture. "fourteen. Osiris first, they wrote, delivered humanity from cannibalism; for after Isis discovered the fruits of wheat and barley, which grew uncultivated on the earth along with other plants, but still unknown to people, and when Osiris also came up with the idea of ​​growing these fruits, all people were happy to change their food, and in connection with a pleasant character the newly discovered grain and because it was in their interest to refrain from beating each other. " (Diodorus Siculus) Between 14 and 10 so on. NS. Egypt has gone through a period of so-called "premature agricultural development". At 13 etc. NS. Among the finds of Paleolithic tools, stone millstones and sickles appear, millstones were used to prepare plant food. The pollen samples suggest that the corresponding cereal was barley. But soon after 10,500 BC. NS. sickles and millstones disappear; their place throughout Egypt is occupied by stone tools of hunters, fishermen and gatherers of the Upper Paleolithic. The Egyptians assure that the founder of the philosophy kept by the priests and prophets was Hephaestus (Ptah), the son of the Nile; 48,863 years passed from it to Alexander the Great, and during this time there were 373 solar eclipses and 332 lunar ones. " (Diogenes Laertius). “13. Helium was the first king of Egypt, his name is the same as that of the heavenly body. 26. The Egyptian priests, counting the time from the reign of Helium to the crossing of Alexander to Asia, say that the round was twenty-three thousand years. And, as the legends say, the most ancient of the gods ruled for more than a thousand two hundred years, and the later no less than three hundred. 23. They say that the number of years from Osiris and Isis to the reign of Alexander, who founded the city that bears his name in Egypt, is more than ten thousand, but, according to other authors, a little less than twenty-three thousand ... 44. Some say that at first Egypt was ruled by gods and heroes for nearly eighty thousand years (option - eighteen thousand years), and of the gods, Horus, the son of Isis, reigned last. People are said to have ruled the country from Maryida for almost five thousand years up to the one hundred and eightieth Olympiad, when we visited Egypt ... The priests had records of all of them in their sacred books, which from ancient times they always passed on to their successors ... 45. According to legend, after the gods, the first king in Egypt was Menas ... ". (Diodorus Siculus) “They were the first to have power in Egypt. Subsequently royal power passed without interruption from one to another ... for 13,900 years ... After the gods, the demigods ruled for 1255 years; after them, another line reigned for 1817 years. Then the next thirty kings ruled for 1790 years, and then ten - 350. Then came the reign of the spirits of the dead ... which lasted 5813 years ... ". (Eusebius Pamphilus). “The Egyptians claim that they are the most ancient people ... In their reliable annals it is reported that before Amasis, there were three hundred and thirty kings. The antiquity of these chronicles is determined by a figure of more than thirteen thousand years. From the chronicles it follows that during the existence of the Egyptians, the constellations changed their path four times, and the sun set twice where it now rises. " (Pomponius Mela). Julius Africanus in his "Historiography" attributed the appearance of Egypt to 9500 BC. “Indeed, the Egyptians, being proud of their ancient origins, with the help of astrologers, compiled their chronology, dividing time into cycles. Those who gained a reputation as sages knowledgeable in this matter, learned how to calculate the lunar years, and, being no less inclined to believe legends and myths, they believe that their people appeared eight, or even nine thousand years before the reign of Solon (about even Plato says it) ”. (Julius Africanus). “About Hercules, I heard that he belongs to the host of twelve gods ... But Hercules is an ancient Egyptian god, and, as they themselves say, 1700 years have elapsed before the reign of Amasis since the time when twelve arose from the host of eight gods (the first generation) gods, one of whom they consider Hercules. " (Herodotus). Manetho mentions three clearly defined eras before Menes: the reign of the god Horus, the reign of the demigods, which came after the reign of Horus; this reign lasted 15,150 years; then the pre-dynastic rule, which lasted another 13777 years; in total this gave 28,927 years from Horus to Menes. According to Eusebius, the reign of the gods lasted 13,900 years, and the demigods ruled for 11,000 years. The Canon of the Dynasties Eusephius begins the first dynasty in 5483 BC. George Sinkell dates the first (antediluvian) dynasty to 6200-5000 BC, and the first post-Flood dynasty from 4955 BC. The Sinkela Canon of 1729 assigns it to 2724 BC, and the Greek version to 1789 BC. Athanasius Kircher dates the first (antediluvian) dynasty to 2954-2030 BC. James Usher dated the establishment of the Egyptian state to 2188 BC. There is also another version of chronology, referring to Manetho: at first, for 12,300 years, seven great gods ruled Egypt: Ptah - 9000 years, Pa - 1000 years, Shu - 700 years, Geb - 500 years, Osiris - 450 years, Set - 350 years old and Horus - 300 years old. In the second dynasty of the gods, there were 12 divine rulers - Thoth, Maat and ten others - they ruled the country for 1570 years. The third dynasty consisted of 30 demigods who ruled for 3650 years. The fourth period, which lasted 350 years, was a period of chaos when Egypt was divided. This period ended with the unification of Egypt under Menes. Sources say that the period between the reigns of Osiris and Menes, during which the Egyptian throne was occupied by gods or demigods, was extremely long. The Turin papyrus dates the predecessors of Shemsu-Gor to 23,200 years, and the Venerable Shemsu-Gor themselves to 13,420 years. Thus, the total length of the period is 36,620 years. It should be noted that this period does not include the rule of the gods. From the surviving fragments of the third era, preceding Menes, it can be established that the document mentioned nine dynasties, including the "Venerable from Memphis", "Venerable from the North" and, finally, Shemsu-Horus, who ruled up to Menes. At the same time, as the Egyptians believed, the knowledge of the priests was obtained, geometry, writing were invented and a common language was adopted. "13. ... the Egyptians named Horus, Isis, Osiris and others like them, who were also people, as gods. By the wealth of wisdom, boasting of the invention of geometry, astronomy and arithmetic ... ". (Eusebius of Caesarea). "16. For example, this Hermes, in their opinion, was the first to thoroughly work out the common human language, and that many objects that were still unnamed were named, that he invented the alphabet ... ”((Diodorus Siculus)). “... They believe that the world is spherical, that it is born and mortal; that the stars are made of fire and this fire, tempering, gives life to everything that is on earth; that eclipses of the moon occur because the moon falls into the shadow of the earth; that the soul experiences its body and transmigrates into others; that rain comes from converted air; these and their other teachings about nature are reported by Hecateus and Aristagoras. And in their concern for justice, they established laws in themselves and ascribed them to Hermes (Thoth) himself. They consider animals useful to man to be gods; they are also said to have invented geometry, astronomy and arithmetic. This is what is known about the discovery of philosophy. " (Diogenes Laertius). It can be assumed that sacred speech and common language in Egypt were similar. But the priesthood in Egypt had its own everyday features that were not typical for the local population. "However, most people do not understand even the most well-known and insignificant rules: why the priests remove their hair and wear linen clothes." (Plutarch). “The Egyptians are the most pious people of all, and their customs are as follows ... The priests wear only linen attire and shoes made of bast (bast shoes?). They are not allowed to wear other clothes and shoes ... The priests do not even tolerate the sight of beans, considering them unclean fruits. " (Herodotus). At the same time, the Mediterranean and in particular Egypt are believed to be the homeland of beans. Edible beans (Faba bona) grew throughout Egypt. The ban on the use of beans by the priests finds a rational explanation in their properties. Do not eat raw or unripe beans as this will destroy your blood cells. The beans contain the cytogenetic glycoside phaseolunatin. Beans that are improperly cooked can cause poisoning. Experienced chefs advise to pre-soak the beans for 4-5 hours in cold water, then cook for 1-2 hours. Otherwise, toxins remain that can cause poisoning, accompanied by vomiting, yellowing of the sclera. Purines, which are rich in beans, can harm people suffering from acute nephritis, gout, heart failure, thrombophlebitis, stomach and pancreas diseases. The beans came to Russia from Western Europe after 10th century To the north of the 60th parallel, the beans do not ripen, to the south they give normal fruits. It is not surprising that it was in the North that beans considered to be poisonous did not become widespread. Also, the Egyptians believed that Osiris and Isis taught them to grow the fruits of wheat and barley. But these are plants of the North, long daylight hours, not typical for the latitudes of Egypt. Moreover, the ancient authors noted the wealth of the country with wild food. “10. Now the Egyptians have something like this story: When the universe was born, the first people appeared in Egypt, and due to the favorable climate of the country and the strength of the characteristics of the Nile. For this stream, since it produces the diversity of life and provides the spontaneous supply of food, easily provides all begotten living beings; the root of the reed and the lotus, as well as the Egyptian beans and the so-called corsey and many other similar plants, supply the human race with food ready for use. " ((Diodorus Siculus)). All this suggests that the "common human language" of Hermes, like the "sacred letter" of ancient Egypt, could have been brought from other countries. Is there no connection here with the Tsar-Pea of ​​Russian fairy tales? According to Egyptian and Greek sources, Horus, the son of Isis, ruled Egypt as the last of the gods. After him, the throne of Egypt was occupied by several dynasties (seven according to the Turin papyrus, four according to Eusebius) of demigods. Then came to power those whom the Turin papyrus calls "Spirits, Servants of Horus" (Akhu, Shemsu-Hor). Egyptian traditions consider these rulers to be the direct predecessors of historical dynasties. The Turin papyrus provides information about the divine dynasties. One fragment has survived almost completely. It indicates the King of Upper and Lower Egypt, Mountains, Life, Health, Strength, 300 years and the last king of the dynasty - the King of Upper and Lower Egypt, Horus. Manetho leads a dynasty of seven kings from Hephaestus to Horus, the son of Isis. The second divine dynasty according to Sinkell included Horus, the son of Isis and Apollo (Horus of Behdetsky). George Sinkell points to the reign of Horus (Orus) in 5214-5189 BC. Athanasius Kircher placed the reign of Horus-That in 2046-2030 BC. Diodorus of Siculus pointed out: “25. And it seems that Horus was the last of the gods to be king, after his father Osiris left the people. In addition, they say that the name of Horus in translation is Apollo, and that, having received training from his mother Isis in medicine and fortune-telling, he now benefits the human race with his prophecies and healings. The third dynasty of Manetho consisted of deified heroes. Perhaps this third dynasty matched numerically the third Heliopolis Nine, which included "the children of Horus, the son of Isis, the god Butoh" and the "children of Horus Hentikheti, the god Atribis." That is, this is the Neolithic-Eneolithic era with which the creation of the epic about the three kingdoms is associated. It is assumed that under the King of Northern and Southern Egypt, Hebe, the country was divided. Geb says to Horus and Seth: "I gave you my shares, Southern Egypt to Set, and Northern Egypt to Horus." “Geb gave his allotments to Set and Horus. He forbade them to be at enmity. He appoints Set as king of the South in Upper Egypt, in the place where he was born in Su. Then Geb confirms Horus as king of the North in Lower Egypt, the place where Horus's father drowned, thus dividing the land. Then Horus and Seth reign each in their own territory. They give peace to two countries in Tours, at the border of two countries ... From that time on, Horus and Seth live in peace. The two brothers have united and are no longer at war. They border in Het-Ka-Ptah (Memphis), this is the place of balance between the two countries. " Horus the Elder, the first king of Northern Egypt, ruled in Letopolis (the city of Lethe) and Set, the first king of Southern Egypt in Nubta (Ombos, Kom-Ombou), located fifty kilometers from Aswan. Horus ruled wisely and justly, while Set, on the contrary, ruled badly and unfairly. Geb expressed his displeasure, took the kingdom away from Set and gave it to Horus. The Kings of the North called themselves the heirs and successors of Horus, the son of Isis, they can be considered the early "Servants of Horus". The Turin papyrus keeps the memory of the "nineteen kings of the White Walls and the nineteen Great North", the predecessors of the Servants of Horus. The kings of the South are not mentioned. Then "Akhu-Hor" from Letopolis conquer southern Egypt and in it they are divided into the kings of the North and the kings of the South. Having become the lords of the Delta, they made Butoh their capital. The second branch of these Followers of Horus, settling in the South, created an exact replica of the kingdom in the upper valley. In the last stage, the heirs of Horus united the two kingdoms. Egyptian and Greek sources agree that after the gods and the Servants of Horus, Menes, the first king of a united Egypt and the founder of the earthly dynasty of kings, took the throne of Egypt. The official title of kings included: 1) the title of Horus, 2) the title of the king wearing the Two Crowns, 3) the title of the king of Upper and Lower Egypt Each of these titles could be supplemented by the name worn by the king. The title of Horus consists of a name such as Aha, "Warrior" inscribed on the outline of the royal palace with the Falcon seated above. This means that the king is the embodiment of the Falcon-Horus (Apollo) on the land. Thus, the name of the king of united Egypt during the first dynasty, as well as the last king of the divine dynasty, sounded like Hor-Ah (Horus-Warrior) or in the version of Horus preserved by the Greeks. Oh (Gore-Sword). In addition, researchers believe that the Egyptian scribes did not indicate vowel sounds in writing. “The researcher of the Old Egyptian, Middle Egyptian, New Egyptian and partly demotic language is in the position of a paleontologist who restores the appearance of a fossil creature from its skeleton. Egyptologists have to deal only with the written "skeleton" of words written only by consonants. " Horus was not only the last king of the divine dynasty of all Egypt, but also the first king of Northern Egypt. But could he have anything to do with the Russian epic? The country that historians call Ancient Egypt was itself called the country of Kem (Kem). In the same way, the Old Believers called the country in the north of modern Finland and Karelia - the country of Kem (Kem), the well-known "Kemsk volost", which the Swedes unsuccessfully sought. That Ancient Egypt consisted of remote parts, historians also pointed out. Ekkehard of Aura writes: “At the same time, the Argonauts lived, who, together with Jason, went to Colchis to steal the golden fleece. At the same time, Laomedon ruled in Troy, and after him - his son Priam, under whom Troy was taken. At the same time Vesotses, the king of Egypt, seeking either to unite by war or to unite by power the north and south of the country, divided almost like heaven and earth, was the first to declare war on the Scythians, having sent ambassadors first to transfer the conditions of submission to the enemies. The Scythians replied to the ambassadors that the most powerful king had in vain started a war against the poor people, which he himself should rather fear because of the variable successes; in view of the unclear outcome of the war, gains will be negligible, and losses are obvious. Further, in order not to wait for him to come to them, they themselves decided for the sake of prey, went out to meet him. And, without delay, they began to carry out what was said; first, they forced the horrified Vesoses to flee to their kingdom, and then attacked the army abandoned by him, seized all military equipment and would have ravaged all of Egypt if they had not been detained by the swamps of the Nile. Having immediately returned from there, they conquered all of Asia in the course of countless wars. They were those who were later called Getae or Goths, and who thus were the first to leave Scythia at this time. " Other authors clarify that Vesotses reached the northern reaches of Colchis, Tanais and Thrace, so the north of the country (Kemi) should have been even further away. Also interesting is a fragment of the Egyptian legend “13. Some priests, however, say that Hephaestus (Ptah) was the first king, since he was the discoverer of fire and received power for this service to mankind, when one day lightning struck a tree in the mountains and the forest around him caught fire, Hephaestus approached him, for this it was winter, and he was very fond of warmth; when the fire died down, he continued to add fuel, while maintaining the fire, and this way to enjoy the advantage that came from him, he offered the rest of humanity ... Then Cronus became the ruler ... "(Diodorus Siculus). Although theoretically cold winter forest possible in the Nile Valley, but this is more consistent with the situation in the North, especially in the interglacial era. In addition, Krona has never been associated with the South and always only with the North, the Kronian Ocean is the North and White Seas.

Wednesday, 09 Oct 2013

Everything ingenious is simple and interconnected. How are we deliberately led away from figurative thinking? Scientist, inventor Yu.S. Rybnikov claims that at school we memorized (crammed) the multiplication table without checking its correctness; Using examples from physics, chemistry, mathematics, Rybnikov Yu.S. shows and explains why modern science does not see such obvious mistakes ... Watch everyone!

Why do we today count not from zero, but from one, and the multiplication table generally starts from two?

How are we multiply to zero if we don't start counting from scratch?

Why multiplication gives zero to zero, or maybe it isn't?

Why multiplication and exponentiation a-priory the same action, and they teach us at school that it is various?

Sum- this is a completely separate action, and we are told that there is no amount, there is addition... A addition this is already multiplication.

How are we cheated at school?

How we are taught multiply 2 × 3 = 6, or 2 × 3 = 2 + 2 + 2 = 6, although it would be logical and according to the rules of mathematics to write 2 × 3 = 2 × 2 × 2 = 8.

If we assume that the action “ division»Reverse action multiplication, then the ends do not converge with the ends, for example 2 × 2 × 2 = 8 is beyond doubt, then how for division numbers 8 by 3 we get 2.6 ..., i.e. we have “ division"With a remainder, and therefore either the action is not" division", Or we divide incorrectly, or the statement that" division "inverse to multiplication does not correspond to reality ...

Revolution in science according to Yu.S. Rybnikov. Discussions of Yu.S. Rybnikov's theory with scientists and simply with young people and enthusiasts.

Scientific researcher, Rybnikov Yu.S. invented developed and introduced powder polymer painting technology in the USSR, teaches at the Moscow State technical university Radio Engineering Electronics and Automation (MSTU MIREA), Moscow, Russia.

Duration: 05:03:51

Additional Information: Zombification is a forced processing of a person's subconscious, thanks to which he is programmed to unconditionally obey the orders of his master. The zombie itself begins with kindergarten and continues throughout your life.

Practical methods of brainwashing: a lot of information is hammered into our heads.

How does this happen?


Discovery of the All-Kind - the Primary Particle of Substance!

Rybnikov Yuri Stepanovich

Scientist researcher, invented, developed and introduced powder polymer painting technology in the USSR, teaches at the Moscow State Technical University of Radio Engineering, Electronics and Automation (MSTU MIREA), Moscow, Russia. the author of the theory of "Unified electric field."


Many of us wondered why at school we memorized (crammed) the multiplication table without checking its correctness, and did not find an answer. Most of the students did not have this question, we were taught from the "cradle" to live on "faith" and this is what it led to. 2 × 3 = 6, or 2 × 3 = 2 + 2 + 2 = 6, although in the mathematical reference book and in the Soviet encyclopedic dictionary the action of multiplication is written as A × B = (A × A × A × ... × A) B times. Logically and according to the rules of mathematics, one should write 2 × 3 = 2 × 2 × 2 = 8. It is hard to believe, but the teachers “teachers” of mathematics could not answer why there is a double interpretation and different results of the action 2 × 3 =….?

The second example is 2 × 0 = 0, and two planes are multiplied by zero = 2sam. ?, and we multiply two planes by three (3) we get eight (8) planes or in the form of numbers 2sam. × 3 = 8sam. It's scary to think that it is mathematicians who, instead of convincing calculations and proofs, operate with dogmas 2 × 3 = 6 - this is the truth!

A convincing and convincing answer to this and other problems of mathematics has to be done by people with free thinking, capable of checking calculations according to the established rules of mathematics and sound logic of thinking, spelling, writing and pronouncing definitions.

First, let us separate numerical (digital) mathematics, where only numbers are counted, from subject mathematics, where actions are performed with objects, i.e. item counting (RUS account). Secondly, in current mathematics, for some reason, we start counting from one, and not from zero (?), And the “multiplication” table on school notebooks starts counting from 2, not from one, while we do not show multiplication by zero and one. Thirdly, there is nothing fractional in nature, but there are only whole natural units. Fourthly, there is nothing negative and positive in nature, but there are real objects and correspondingly written numbers, while positive and / or negative is a convention and / or the opinion of individuals or a group of people.

Fifth, the signs plus “+”, minus “-”, multiply “×”, divide “:” cannot belong to any number and / or object, since they are symbols of actions with objects and numbers. Sixth, every word must have a logical and functional continuation, i.e. action, for example: sum - sums up; multiplication - multiplies; blacksmith - forges; the reaper reaps, the bookkeeper thinks, the liar lies, the priest eats, etc. Seventh, on what basis the mathematical action of summation, where the result is the sum - Σ, was REEDIMINATED to the words "addition and addition", which are also denoted by the sign "+", which belongs to the word SUM - Σ. So in the reference book on p. 224 they substitute falsehood for logic: “addition” of identical terms is called “multiplication” !? In the same place - "the sum Σ - 2 + 2 + 2 + 2 can be written differently by the expression 2 × 4, such a record is called a PRODUCT." In mathematics, the “×” sign (symbol) refers to the multiplication action and has never been used in the addition action. On page 225 - “the number that is“ added ”(the next redefinition of the word summation by the word“ add ”that is absent in the mathematical apparatus) is called the first factor”, and in the rules of summation on page 191 “the numbers themselves are called terms” and sign "+" ". It is impossible to call these purposeful redefinitions an error, it turns out that the summation action depends on which numbers (digits) we summarize, if the summation of different numbers (digits) is a sum, and the summation identical numbers(numbers) is not the amount! In the mathematics of objects, the summation of identical objects takes place, and when trying to summarize various objects, the summation action is not consistent,

That is, it is necessary to redefine objects to the same name, for example: 2 birches + 1 tree + 3 oak must be redefined into the word "tree" and only then we will get the sum 2d + 1d + 3d = 6d

Action Multiplication is denoted by the sign "×", the number that is being multiplied is called the multiplier, the number that shows how many times the multiplier needs to be multiplied by itself is called a multiplier, i.e. 2 - multiplier × 3 - multiplier = 8 product, otherwise 2 × 2 × 2 = 8 = 23.

In the reference book on page 225 “The number that is“ added ”is called the first factor ??, but the numbers (digits) that are“ added ”ie summarize is considered in the summation section of page 190, and not in the multiplication section. The number that shows how many equal terms "add up" is called the second "factor" ??. Example 3 - the first factor × 6 - the second factor = the value of the product, while the example shows the action of summation - 3 × 6 "product" = 3 + 3 + 3 + 3 + 3 + 3 (obvious summation) = 18. at the same time it is added that instead of "the meaning of the work" they often say "work". Surprisingly, the summation of six "three rubles" 3 + 3 + 3 + 3 + 3 + 3 (obvious summation of the same numbers) = 18 result (sum) is called a "product"!

The product is the result of multiplying n factors A × A × A… × A = P.

Section - multiplying a number by one and zero:

"The product 7 × 1 means that the number 7 is" taken as a summand "once, so 7 × 1 = 7". Why should the number 7 be “taken as a term” if it is not summed up, but multiplied. “As you can see, the value of the product is equal to the number that is multiplied by one” “The product of 1 × 7 is equal to 1 + 1 + 1 + 1 + 1 + 1 + 1, i.e. 1 × 7 = 7 ", the obvious sum 1 + 1 + 1 + 1 + 1 + 1 + 1 = 7 is presented as a product! The product is the result of multiplying n factors A × A × A… × A = P.

Whereas the product of one seven times - 1x7 is equal to 1, the Product is the result of multiplying n factors A × A × A ... × A = P. for example: 1 × 1 × 1 × 1 × 1 × 1 × 1 = 1 × 7 = 17 = 1. - read the definition of the action degree “The degree, the product of several equal factors (for example, 24 = 2 × 2 × 2 × 2 = 16). Who needs an obvious substitution of mathematical actions at the initial stage of education?

Reference Section - Multiplying a Number by Zero

"The product 6x0 means that the number 6 never" adds up ", so the result of such a product will be 0". 6 × 0 = 0. "The product 0x6 means 0 + 0 + 0 + 0 + 0 + 0." The value of this “sum” is equal to zero, therefore 0 × 6 = 0 ”The product is presented as“ adding up ”, but there is no such action in mathematics. 0 + 0 + 0 + 0 + 0 + 0 - the obvious amount is presented as a “product” that “adds up”. Further 0 - number and its meaning and functions are not defined; someone removed 0 to 10th place, so statements and examples are unsubstantiated!

In the account of RUS, the starting point of the account is the number (digit) 0-zero, from which the counting and selection of a new unit begin. When multiplied by zero and raised to a zero power, the automatic system brings the IAS to a new counting unit (1), i.e. transition to a new unit of account.

As an example, they allegedly give the "PYTHAGORUS MULTIPLICATION TABLE" in fact, there is a TABLE OF SUMMING THE SAME NUMBERS, and it does not even smell of any multiplication there. When checking this, everyone who is able to check with a mathematical action - SUMMATION - will be convinced of this. In addition, it is known that "Pythagorean pants are equal in all directions," that is, the sum of the squares of the legs is equal to the square of the hypotenuse. Pythagoras considered multiplication and raising to the power A2 + B2 = C2 or A × A + B × B = C × C - someone substituted knowledge for a lie.

Section - "transferable" !! property of "multiplication"?

"6 × 7 = 42 and 7 × 6 = 42 - 6 + 6 + 6 + 6 + 6 + 6 + 6 = 7 + 7 + 7 + 7 + 7 + 7"

6 + 6 + 6 + 6 + 6 + 6 + 6 = 42 is the sum of seven sixes, i.e. SUMMING the same numbers, but where is the multiplication, as an action ?.

7 + 7 + 7 + 7 + 7 + 7 = 42 is the sum of six sevens, i.e. SUMMING the same numbers, but where is the multiplication, as an action?

Actually 6 × 7 means 6 × 6 × 6 × 6 × 6 × 6 × 6 = 67; 7 × 7 × 7 × 7 × 7 × 7 × 7 = 76, 67> 76 read the definition of a product, Product is the result of multiplication of n factors A × A × A ... × A = P and the degree “Degree, the product of several equal factors (for example 24 = 2 × 2 × 2 × 2 = 16)., The number 2 when presented in a product is called multiplicable, and when presented in the form of writing, the degree is called the base of the power, the number 4 when presented in the product is called a factor, and when presented in the form of writing the degree is called the exponent.

Some properties of the SUM should be remembered: 1. the number of units (terms) on the left side of the equality is always equal to the number of ones on the right side of the equality.

2. The sum of the terms does not change from the change of places of the terms. When defining a mathematical action, you should pay attention to the properties of the sum, which are necessarily present as a fact.

Thus, it is OBVIOUS that in elementary mathematics, many problems are introduced by redefining words and functions, leading to a distortion of consciousness and the introduction of contradictions and errors into the norm of life.

The article Generic volumetric knowledge of RUS presents examples of the MULTIPLICATION (EXTENSION) and SUMMATION tables, as well as the counting rules, where the counting starts from zero, and the tables show the summation and multiplication starting from one. Ancient account of RUS: selection and reduction of one in binary counting - zero-0, rubles-1, half-1/2, quarter-1/4, octopus-1/8, pudovichok-1/16, honey-1/32, silver-1/64, golden-1/128; etc. - selection and increase of the unit: zero-0, ruble-1, pair-2, two pairs-4, four pairs-8, eight pairs-16, sixteen pairs-32, thirty-two pairs-64, sixty-four pairs128, one hundred twenty-eight pairs-256, two hundred fifty six pairs-512, five hundred and twelve pairs-1024.

Memory in computer-bits, 2,4,8,16,32,64,128,256,512,1024 kilo bytes


P = Multiplier × Multiplier, Σ = Summand + Summand DEGREE = RR. DEGREES × INDICATOR

1x0 = 10 = 1


1x1 = 11 = 1


1x2 = 12 = 1x1 = 1


1x3 = 13 = 1x1x1 = 1


1x4 = 14 = 1x1x1x1 = 1


1x5 = 15 = 1x1x1x1x1 = 1


1x6 = 16 = 1x1x1x1x1x1 = 1


1x7 = 17 = 1x1x1x1x1x1x1 = 1


1x8 = 18 = 1x1x1x1x1x1x1x1 = 1


1x9 = 19 = 1x1x1x1x1x1x1x1x1 = 1


1x10 = 110 = 1x1x1x1x1x1x1x1x1x1 = 1


2x0 = 20 = 1 (2x3 = 23 = 8 is not equal to 3x2 = 32 = 9)

2+0=2 (2+3=3+2=5)

2x1 = 21 = 2


2x2 = 22 = 2x2 = 4


2x3 = 23 = 2x2x2 = 8


2x4 = 24 = 2x2x2x2 = 16


2x5 = 25 = 2x2x2x2x2 = 32


2x6 = 26 = 2x2x2x2x2x2 = 64


2x7 = 27 = 2x2x2x2x2x2x2 = 128


2x8 = 28 = 2x2x2x2x2x2x2x2 = 256


2x9 = 29 = 2x2x2x2x2x2x2x2x2 = 512


2x10 = 210 = 2x2x2x2x2x2x2x2x2x2 = 1024


From the tables it is OBVIOUS to the naked eye that the results of multiplication and

summation, differ significantly, and with the appropriate check for logical and mathematical compatibility with the definitions of SUM-SUMMATION, with the signs "+" "-", and PRODUCT-MULTIPLICATION-EXTENSION with the sign "×", taking into account the basic properties (signs) does not raise doubts about the correctness of mathematical operations and results. In SES, three definitions of mathematical actions are not in doubt, since there are no contradictions, but the definition

MULTIPLICATION is an obvious contradiction. Multiplication, arithmetic operation. It is denoted by a dot or by the sign "×" (in alphabetic terms). U. signs are omitted. Y. positive integers

(natural numbers) is an action that allows for two numbers

a (multiplier) and b (factor) find the third number ab (product), equal to the sum of b terms? Wonders! each of which is equal to a.

A problematic issue in mathematics is “the number (digit) 0 (zero), which by definition is translated from Latin nullus-none, the number 0 does not change from the addition (or subtraction) of which to any number: A + 0 = 0 + A = A ; the product of any number by zero = zero, A × 0 = 0 × A. Division by zero is impossible…. ". Based on the materials of the article Generic volumetric knowledge of RUSs, the value of the number 0 (zero) was and is given priority, determining the unit (1), the beginning of counting objects and the transition to a new unit When considering the table MULTIPLICATIONS 1 × 0 = 10 = 1 and 2 × 0 = 20 = 1, for example five eggs multiplied by zero = one heel of eggs, we get a new unit (1), in numbers: it will be - (5th) × 0 = (5th) 0 = new unit (1) one heel of eggs.

The question of the action of "division" in mathematics is quite serious, if we assume that the action of "division" is the opposite of the action of multiplication, then ends do not converge, for example 2 × 2 × 2 = 8 is beyond doubt, then how, when dividing a number 8 by 3 we get 2.6 ..., that is, we have “division” with a remainder, and therefore either the action is not “division”, or we divide it incorrectly, or the statement that “division” inverse to the action of multiplication does not correspond to reality. The answer can only be obtained by checking, i.e. divide 8: 3 - a corner, as they teach in school. Obviously, in the "corner" the number (digit) 3 is summed up, and under the "corner" the number (digit) 6 and the number (digits) 18 are subtracted, respectively, from the number (digit) 8 and the number (digit) 20. This action does not include the "division" sign ":", and hence the "division" action itself. Let's check the action of multiplication by the correspondence of the result, definitions and features according to the rules of ancient RUS, for example: 5 × 5 = 55 = 5 × 5 × 5 × 5 × 5 =

5 × (1 + 1 + 1 + 1 + 1) × 5 × 5 × 5 = (5 + 5 + 5 + 5 + 5) × 5 × 5 × 5 = (25) × 5 × 5 × 5 =

25 × (1 + 1 + 1 + 1 + 1) × 5 × 5 = (25 + 25 + 25 + 25 + 25) × 5 × 5 =

(125) × 5 × 5 =

125 × (1 + 1 + 1 + 1 + 1) = (125 + 125 + 125 + 125 + 125) = 625 × 5. = 625 (1 + 1 + 1 + 1 + 1) =

(625 + 625 + 625 + 625 + 625) = 3125. Obviously, all fundamental mathematical operations in this example are performed in accordance with the definitions, main features (properties) and mandatory compliance with mathematical and logical foundations without controversy.

To remove the contradictions in the definition of the multiplication action, a logical and natural substantiation of the mathematical definition of the multiplication action according to the rules of RUS is necessary. Example: 1. add up three seeds 1s + 1s + 1s = 3s “take and add (store, capitalize)” in a box where they will be stored for 1 year, the result is both before the three seeds are folded-3s, and after a year 3s. 2. Let's sum up three seeds 1c + 1c + 1c, after which we plant them in the ground and water them, the sun will warm them up and nature will start producing: first the roots, then the leaves, flowers and at the last stage the seeds.

Having collected the harvest and counting the seeds, we can state with satisfaction that there are a lot of seeds produced by nature, from the point of view of mathematical interpretation, we multiplied the seeds, but according to the knowledge of the RUSSIANS we LIVED SMOOTHLY. It is obvious that the substitution (redefinition) of the ancient Russian action

LITTLE LIVE, with the stress on the first letter U. "mathematicians" tried to redefine sequentially in multiply with the stress on the letter O, and then in ADD, with the stress on the letter O; examples come from above.

After the logical and mathematical proofs of the actions, the product and summation are given in full, the problem of recording mathematical actions that exclude contradictions from the start remains, and this issue is resolved. First, we recall the symbols of the sum “Σ” and the product “P”, and then in full use the algebraic alphanumeric combination: 2Σ3 = 2 + 2 + 2 = 6; in words - add two three times is equal to six! 2P3 = 2 × 2 × 2 = 8; in words - two to produce (multiply) three times is equal to eight. Thus, all contradictions and problems in the foundation are removed. primary education, mathematics.

An illustrative example, as a consequence of mathematical and other redefinitions and substitution of meaning, is evident on the Periodic Table (PS) of D.I. Mendeleev. B1905-1906 DI. Mendeleev introduced the ZERO PERIOD and ZERO SERIES into his PS and put the chemical element under the symbol "X" in the zero series of the zero period and the chemical element "Y" in the zero series of the first period. After the death of D.I. Someone removed them from the PS, the zero period was excluded by someone, and the zero row was rearranged by someone in the eighth, without the "Y" element. In PS Rusov, the electroatom Vserod (electrochemical cell, "X" according to Mendeleev) is in the zero row of the zero period, and the total electroatom inert HYDROGEN N RUS 2 (electrochemical cell, “Y” according to Mendeleev) is in the zero row of the first period. When distributing (arranging) electroatoms by volumetric electrical density, the SS of RUSs is described in the binary count of RUSs, i.e. PS is self-organized! From school we were taught that it is impossible to build a model of an atom without gaps from three balls, and therefore it was necessary to come up with the necessary, some kind of medium that fills the voids between the atoms, which was called ETHER. It turned out that with sufficient volumetric vision or the ability to construct objects in volume, it is possible to build - Fig3. It turned out that the task of constructing a model of an atom without gaps was solved long ago by the ancestors of the RUS and was “lost” by someone, and any attempts to restore the ancient structure of electroatoms and the PS are met by stone walls from all sides. stakeholders from science, education, magazine editors, and most scientists who are educated and trained in Western terms and theories that have propagandized, propagandized and will propagate Western scientists and their failed theories through power structures in abundance.

PERIODIC SYSTEM by which we are taught,


Fig 1

When considering Fig 2 PS D.I. Mendeleev reveals that the chemical element Hydrogen "H" is only the third in order, and this strikes Nobel laureates with their theories and "discoveries". In 1912. E. Rutherford was the first to use the term "core" and that is why we were taught to call it the planetary model of Rutherford-Bohr. However, for the first time in 1901, the French scientist Jean Perrin, and not Rutherford, in his article "Molecular hypotheses" expressed his hypothesis "a positively charged nucleus is surrounded by negative electrons that move in certain orbits" - this is how the structure of the atom is presented in any modern textbook. " However, these models of atoms and PS did not lend themselves to physical and mathematical calculations, and the models were put into the archive, except for the allegedly Rutherford model, and the name of Rutherford, as it were, remained. But the most interesting thing is that the conventions "+" and "-" were introduced by B. Franklin in 1798-1800. in the study of friction processes, directing physics to a dead end solid body and electricity, and in 1897 J. Thomson and, as if not dependent on him, Emil Wichert never discovered a negative charge - an electron, since there is nothing negative in nature, and when studying X-rays, J. Thomson simply proposed, and together they, as it were, simultaneously "clearly established that the mass of a negatively charged electron is 1/1837 of the mass of a hydrogen atom."

PERIODIC SYSTEM D.I. Mendeleev, 1905-1906.

Fig. 2

When checking the correct distribution chemical elements in the second period of the Periodic table in terms of atomic weight in Ne, Li, Be, B, C, N, O, F, - it turns out that the atomic weight of metals Li, Be under normal conditions is less than that of gases N, O, F, which contrary to experiments and common sense.

In the SS RUSs there are 255 electroatoms, eight of which have an electrical structure that is different from the rest of the electroatoms and therefore they are called inert (the most stable in the period).

In an isoteric sense, PS RUS shows that, as it were, the lost knowledge of antiquity is the Volumetric knowledge of RUS.

Nuclear-free model in the form of a Russian doll of eights "THREE Vseroda VSV ONE".

The main module SHAR-DERZHAVA is a single electroatom ALLEROD Vs.- "X".

Binary module RUS 2 - aggregate electroatom inert HYDROGEN H - "Y"

Symbols of the main religions: YIN-YANG, CRESCENT, GIRL, UMBRELLA, SHAR are constituent parts of the periodic system of RUS and show the unity of all the main earthly Religions. When the main symbols of Religions are projected onto a plane, all of them are components of the nuclear-free model of the aggregate ELECTROATOM - inert HYDROGEN H (RUS-2), "Y" according to Mendeleev.

This method of constructing the electrostructures of electroatoms combined physics, chemistry, electricity, electrical matter, the calculation of RUSs (mathematics) into a single system of Knowledge, without contradictions and removed the problem Unified theory fields.


Fig 3

Periodic system of RUSvolumetric sectional version.

He has a neon inside, an analyzer and a thinker ... (The Strugatskys. The Tale of the Troika)

I immediately recognized this old man - he had been to our institute more than once, and he also visited many other institutes, and once I saw him in the waiting room of the Deputy Minister of Heavy Engineering, where he was sitting first in line, patient, clean, and burning with enthusiasm. He was a good old man, harmless, but, unfortunately, he could not imagine himself outside of scientific and technical creativity.
I took the heavy case from him and placed the invention on the display table. The old man, who was finally freed, bowed and said in a rattling voice:
- My regards. Mashkin Edelweiss Zakharovich, inventor.
“Not him,” said Khlebovvodov in an undertone. “He’s not and doesn’t look alike. Presumably, a completely different Babkin. The namesake, I suppose.
“Yes, yes,” the old man agreed, smiling. - Brought here to the public. Professor comrade Vibegallo, God bless him, recommended. I am ready to demonstrate, if it is your desire, otherwise I stayed too long with you in the Colony indecent ...
Lavr Fedotovich, who was carefully examining him, put down his binoculars and slowly bowed his head. The old man fussed. He removed the lid from the case, under which was a bulky old typewriter, took out a coil of wire from his pocket, stuck one end somewhere in the bowels of the typewriter, then looked around for an outlet and, finding it, unwound the wire and stuck in the plug.
“Here, if you please see, is the so-called heuristic machine,” said the old man. - Precise electronic-mechanical device for answering any questions, namely, scientific and economic. How does it work for me? Not having enough funds and being kicked off by various bureaucrats, it is not yet fully automated for me. Questions are asked orally, and I print them and introduce them in this way to her inside, bring, so to speak, to her attention. The answer to her, again through incomplete automation, I type again. A kind of mediator, hehe! So, if you like, please.
He stood behind the typewriter and flipped the toggle switch with a gorgeous gesture. A neon light came on in the bowels of the car.
“Please,” the old man repeated.
- And what is that lamp you have there? - asked Farfurkis suspiciously.
The old man hit the keys, then quickly tore out a piece of paper from the typewriter and trotted it to Farfurkis. Farfurkis read aloud:
- "The question is: what does she have ... um ... does she have the inside for the lpch?" Lepeche ... Kepade, perhaps? What kind of lepeche?
“Light, then,” said the old man, giggling and rubbing his hands. - We are coding little by little. - He tore the sheet from Farfurkis and ran back to his typewriter. “That means there was a question,” he said, pushing the sheet under the roller. - And now let's see what she says ...
The members of the Troika followed his actions with interest. Professor Vibegallo beamed with a benevolent, fatherly, exquisite and smooth movements of his fingers, picking out some kind of rubbish from his beard. Edik was in a calm, now fully conscious melancholy. Meanwhile, the old man briskly tapped on the keys and pulled out the sheet again.
- Here, if you please, is the answer.
Farfurkis read:
- "I have inside ... um ... not ... neon." H'm. What is it - neonka?
- Ain seconds! - exclaimed the inventor, grabbed the sheet and ran back to the typewriter.
Things went well. The machine gave an illiterate explanation of what a neonka is, then she replied to Farfurkis that she wrote "internally" according to the rules of grammar, and then ...
Farfurkis: What kind of grammar?
Masha: And our Russian GRMTK.
Khlebovovodov: Do you know Eduard Petrovich Babkin?
Masha: Not at all.
Lavr Fedotovich: Grrrm ... What will be the proposals?
Masha: To acknowledge me as a scientific fact.
The old man ran and typed with incredible speed. The commandant jumped up in his chair enthusiastically and showed me his thumb. Vitka, lounging around, giggled like in a circus.
Hlebovodov (irritated): I can't work like that. Why is he swinging back and forth like tin in the wind?
Masha: In view of the aspiration.
BREADWOOD: Yes, take your sheet of paper away from me! I'm not asking you about anything, can you understand that?
Masha: That's right, I can.

He has a neon inside, an analyzer and a thinker ... (The Strugatskys. The Tale of the Troika)

I immediately recognized this old man - he had been to our institute more than once, and he also visited many other institutes, and once I saw him in the waiting room of the Deputy Minister of Heavy Engineering, where he was sitting first in line, patient, clean, and burning with enthusiasm. He was a good old man, harmless, but, unfortunately, he could not imagine himself outside of scientific and technical creativity.
I took the heavy case from him and placed the invention on the display table. The old man, who was finally freed, bowed and said in a rattling voice:
- My regards. Mashkin Edelweiss Zakharovich, inventor.
“Not him,” said Khlebovvodov in an undertone. “He’s not and doesn’t look alike. Presumably, a completely different Babkin. The namesake, I suppose.
“Yes, yes,” the old man agreed, smiling. - Brought here to the public. Professor comrade Vibegallo, God bless him, recommended. I am ready to demonstrate, if it is your desire, otherwise I stayed too long with you in the Colony indecent ...
Lavr Fedotovich, who was carefully examining him, put down his binoculars and slowly bowed his head. The old man fussed. He removed the lid from the case, under which was a bulky old typewriter, took out a coil of wire from his pocket, stuck one end somewhere in the bowels of the typewriter, then looked around for an outlet and, finding it, unwound the wire and stuck in the plug.
“Here, if you please see, is the so-called heuristic machine,” said the old man. - Precise electronic-mechanical device for answering any questions, namely, scientific and economic. How does it work for me? Not having enough funds and being kicked off by various bureaucrats, it is not yet fully automated for me. Questions are asked orally, and I print them and introduce them in this way to her inside, bring, so to speak, to her attention. The answer to her, again through incomplete automation, I type again. A kind of mediator, hehe! So, if you like, please.
He stood behind the typewriter and flipped the toggle switch with a gorgeous gesture. A neon light came on in the bowels of the car.
“Please,” the old man repeated.
- And what is that lamp you have there? - asked Farfurkis suspiciously.
The old man hit the keys, then quickly tore out a piece of paper from the typewriter and trotted it to Farfurkis. Farfurkis read aloud:
- "The question is: what does she have ... um ... does she have the inside for the lpch?" Lepeche ... Kepade, perhaps? What kind of lepeche?
“Light, then,” said the old man, giggling and rubbing his hands. - We are coding little by little. - He tore the sheet from Farfurkis and ran back to his typewriter. “That means there was a question,” he said, pushing the sheet under the roller. - And now let's see what she says ...
The members of the Troika followed his actions with interest. Professor Vibegallo beamed with a benevolent, fatherly, exquisite and smooth movements of his fingers, picking out some kind of rubbish from his beard. Edik was in a calm, now fully conscious melancholy. Meanwhile, the old man briskly tapped on the keys and pulled out the sheet again.
- Here, if you please, is the answer.
Farfurkis read:
- "I have inside ... um ... not ... neon." H'm. What is it - neonka?
- Ain seconds! - exclaimed the inventor, grabbed the sheet and ran back to the typewriter.
Things went well. The machine gave an illiterate explanation of what a neonka is, then she replied to Farfurkis that she wrote "internally" according to the rules of grammar, and then ...
Farfurkis: What kind of grammar?
Masha: And our Russian GRMTK.
Khlebovovodov: Do you know Eduard Petrovich Babkin?
Masha: Not at all.
Lavr Fedotovich: Grrrm ... What will be the proposals?
Masha: To acknowledge me as a scientific fact.
The old man ran and typed with incredible speed. The commandant jumped up in his chair enthusiastically and showed me his thumb. Vitka, lounging around, giggled like in a circus.
Hlebovodov (irritated): I can't work like that. Why is he swinging back and forth like tin in the wind?
Masha: In view of the aspiration.
BREADWOOD: Yes, take your sheet of paper away from me! I'm not asking you about anything, can you understand that?
Masha: That's right, I can.