The smallest font. Smallest font Easy to read letters

While studying at an institute or school, each of us is faced with such subjects or amounts of information that it is almost impossible to learn and remember. But nevertheless, you have to take exams, what to do in this case? We have one method that can help you with this. In our lives, everyone at one time or another has made “cheat sheets” or “spurs”, written them by hand before the due date - they are the ones who will help you with this. Considering that technical progress is constantly moving forward, today we can safely use all the new products for their manufacture. This is especially true for the accessibility of printers and home computers with text editors installed on them. It is exactly how to make cheat sheets in Word that will be discussed in our article. As for the moral part of the article, we believe that “cheating” is everyone’s decision, and you decide for yourself whether you will learn or hope for luck.

Considering that we will use paper crib sheets, our task will be to place as much text as possible on a smaller piece of paper. Therefore we will use various methods: Reduce font size, change line spacing and much more.

How to make reduced margins?

If you want to make a good cheat sheet, then you won’t succeed without changing the fields. To do this, you need to open “File” and go to the “Page Options” tab, where the field properties are located. To begin with, you can set all the fields, for example, to half a centimeter, print out one piece of paper and see how everything will look. It should be borne in mind that if you set something wrong in Word, you simply will not be able to print the document. Besides using the menu, there is another way - you can use the ruler.

How to make the font smaller in Word?

Probably the most best method, which allows you to place a huge amount of text on a piece of paper small size. It is worth considering that you should not reduce the font size very much - you simply will not be able to read it. First, you need to select all the text (by pressing the key combination Ctrl+A) and go to the font settings and select the one you like. Most often, the “Arial Narrow” font is used for this - it is much denser than others, but the quality of the text does not deteriorate, and you can read everything normally. But what font size should you choose so that when you manage to make a cheat sheet, you can make out what is written in it? We recommend using “six” (font size 6) for these purposes; you can also try using a smaller one: five or five and a half - the main thing is that you can distinguish it. In addition to changing the font, you can condense the text itself; usually for this you reduce the “intervals”, setting “condensed”.

How to make columns in Word?

It is worth noting that if you use small font for a large amount of information, then the usual page layout simply will not suit you. The best way out of this situation would be to arrange the text like in newspapers - in the form of small columns. To do this, you again need to select all the text on the page, select the “Format” section and the “Columns” tab in it. In this section you can configure column parameters. Five or 6 columns can easily fit on an A4 page, with the ideal gap between them being approximately two millimeters - you can easily read everything.

In addition to columns, some people like to use tables - this method is no worse, and perhaps even better, allows you to fill a sheet with text. The only difference is that it can be more complex. You should practice and decide which of these options works best for you.

Setting up automatic transfers

Despite our best efforts to ensure that the text is readable, glitches may occasionally occur. Most often this happens when the text is not hyphenated correctly, which can cause it to move to the side. To avoid this, you will need to configure them. This is done as follows:

  • Open Tools - Language - Configure and select the “Hyphenation” tab.
  • In it, you will need to check two boxes: “Automatic hyphenation” and “Hyphens in words made from capital letters.”

Such simple steps will allow you to compress the text even more and use the paper space to the fullest. This will be especially useful if you use very long words in the text - now they will be placed on two lines. Sometimes, even after such actions, auto-transfer may not work. To fix this you will need to identify the text, usually automatic detection is used for this. In addition, sometimes the problem lies in the paragraph settings - go to the Format menu and already in the “Paragraph” tab, uncheck the item that prohibits automatic word hyphenation.

In addition to all these methods, which allow you to increase the density of the text, some people like to use word abbreviations - we recommend not using this property, because you may not understand what is written. Once you have completed all the procedures with the text, view it and print it. Now all you have to do is cut the A4 sheets and arrange all the questions in the right order. In this case, you need to be extremely careful, especially considering that the intervals between the columns are only a few millimeters.

We hope our article on how to make cheat sheets will help you. Good luck and success!

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One of the biggest trends in web design today is one very small trend - the so-called "tiny text". Text elements in small font sizes are a very popular idea today, but the topic has caused some debate in the design community.

There's no doubt that small text sizes can cause some readability issues. But when done well, a small block of text can actually help create a point of visual emphasis and draw users' attention to important parts of the design.

Although oversized text, or more precisely, the font size of text, was until recently the dominant option for home pages and headings, designers were happy to work with large sizes to more clearly convey information to the reader. One of the reasons for this trend was the constantly increasing sizes of monitors - designers simply had more free space.

And then tiny-text appears. Using different sizes and proportional scales in typography allows you to create a harmonious visual flow with clearly visible transitions from capital letters to the little ones. By working with a specific small font size, which is usually smaller than the usual 14-16 point, a designer can create a visual hook that will grab the viewer's attention. Despite its small size, teeny text can really be noticeable, primarily due to its difference.

Author Anton s asked a question in the section Other languages ​​and technologies

What is the smallest font in Word called? and got the best answer

Answer from Yotary[guru]
Size? Specifies the font size in points. Select the required size from the list. Or set it manually. To ensure text is readable for most documents and users, use a size of eight points or more.

Answer from Kirill Veselov[newbie]
What font is this? ?????

Answer from Akimov Gleb[guru]
The size of the font in a set is expressed in point sizes. The size of the point is determined in points. The point size is the size of the area on which the sign (letter) is placed. For example, a 10-point point size is 3.76 mm (3.52 mm in the Pick system), but the point of the sign placed on it is naturally smaller, since it is necessary to provide space for hanging, superscript and subscript elements (diacritics).
Back in the days of metal typesetting, typesetters developed a professional name for pins of various sizes, which are still used by printing houses in our time and are mentioned in specialized literature.
The length of a line or the format of a typesetting stripe was also determined in typographic units - ciceros or squares.
7-Colonel, Mignon
16th Third
20-Text, Double Case
24-Double Cicero, 1/2 Square
28-Double Mittel
32-Small Canon
48- Grand Canon (square)

Answer from Tatis[guru]
A font is not the smallest or the largest; each font can be set to a size - point - in points.
The smallest 8 pt is automatically set, but you can put in even 1 pt by hand.
In practice, there is no point in doing less than 5 pt.
1 mm = 3 points

Answer from 3 answers[guru]

Hello! Here is a selection of topics with answers to your question: What is the name of the smallest font in Word?

What is the minimum font size?
Are the letters of the Russian alphabet still recognized?

  • 13px:
  • 9px: A fly landed on the jam, and that’s the whole poem.
  • 6px: A fly landed on the jam, and that’s the whole poem.
  • 5px: A fly landed on the jam, and that’s the whole poem.

Words typed in small print can be guessed by their simple letters: U, O, T...

Let's take a closer look at the five-pixel font:

So, the first estimate showed that 4 pixels in height is enough to read Russian text with difficulty, but still.
Where does 4 pixels come from? → 3 pixels + leader (1 pixel) for letters such as P, U, L...

Easy to read letters

In order for the letters to be read without any questions, you need to space adjacent strokes from each other by at least one pixel. Using the letters E (3 horizontal strokes) and Ш (4 vertical strokes) we determine the minimum height and width:

Microfonts use translucency to save size, or change the classic letter shapes:

The translucent stroke of the letter E allowed us to reduce its height by 1 pixel (it can be reduced by 2). But now we will do without these chips (for the purity of the experiment), however, we will have to neglect the stroke of the letter Ш (this is the widest letter).

We get the minimum letter size: 5x5 pixels. Let's draw a test alphabet:

The letters can be drawn in different ways, but it is obvious that the 5x5 size can be kept within, and at the same time there is even freedom to stylize the font.

On the Spectrum (the computer from my childhood), the letters fit into an 8x8 square (their actual size was 6x6, so as not to stick together). Dozens of unique fonts have been created in this small format. Oh, nostalgia 😃

By the way, one more trick: capital letters instead of lowercase (and vice versa). For example, lowercase d less than capital. I had to use lowercase in the font I just drew. th: otherwise the top “bird” wouldn’t fit.

A bit of information theory

There are 33 letters in total in the Russian alphabet, but writing also requires, at a minimum, numbers and punctuation marks. For example, in a 2x3 rectangle you can fit 2 6 = 64 different characters, and this number is enough to convey our set of letters, numbers and signs. These fictitious symbols will be completely different from Russian letters:

By the way, a 5x5 pixel canvas allows you to create 33,554,432 different symbols.

Redundancy of language

In pursuit of micro-size, you can completely abandon complex letters (or depict them in an exaggerated manner). The Russian language is great and powerful, and also quite redundant: words with loss of symbols are determined based on the context.

The notorious “fine print” is heartily hated by a huge army of readers, but it is omnipresent - publishers simply adore it.

Inexpressive notes, eye-killing footnotes, instructions that can only be read with a magnifying glass, and even books from the series “What would you like for that kind of money” - all this is him, our hero. Some people are sad to put up with the inevitable, but for a professional, small font is a completely solvable typographic task, although not a pleasant one. The ability to cope with it is a sign of the designer’s literacy and professionalism.

The expression “fine print” itself is conditional, which is why it is put in quotation marks. Technically size(size) is not a characteristic of a font, but from a design point of view, each font still has an optimal size range in which it is better readable. Favorite font size Octave eighth, this is clear from its name (distinction deteriorates in font sizes less than 6-7, and in font sizes more than 12 the typeface seems rough). Majority text headset ( Baltika, Literary, St. Petersburg, Baskerville and Caslon) in all incarnations, Stamp Garamon and other versions close to the original source Garamona, of course, Times Designed for standard book size 10-12. A unique text font Academic has an ornate design and a very small point, as a result of which in 12 point it looks like Times at 10, and at 10 and less it turns into unreadable beads. No less original Sentor(in Cyrillic version Venetian 301) also prefers a slightly enlarged size, because this is a true Venetian serif, quite accurately reproducing the features of the font of Nikolai Jenson, created in 1470, and then books were typed in a larger font.

Loved by everyone last years ITC Oficina perfect in 10 point and sharp (especially ITC Oficina Serif) loses readability when reduced to 7-8. But there is no point in reducing Oficina and this saves up to a third of text space.

ITC Charterrare example universal font. It can withstand heavy reduction and looks good in large font sizes, even in headlines.

Designed based on fonts typewriters group led by By courier looks best in 12 point, and some are perfectly readable in 10 and even smaller. But there were practically no such typewriters in our country; 12-point font was considered the standard, and publishing houses only accepted manuscripts printed in this way. And here is the result: the eye has become accustomed to a certain size of typewritten font. It seems that now nothing prevents you from printing Yatran any size (at least 13.5), but the reader, especially the older generation, will definitely feel discomfort

All handwritten It is better to print fonts (calligraphic and free-form) in accordance with the size of handwritten letters (14-18 points). In small fonts it will seem that the text was written by some kind of gnome, and it will be difficult to read.

How to choose

Not all fonts, even text ones, can be reduced to 6-7, especially smaller fonts. But if alone ( Academic, Bodoni) protest categorically, then others ( Bannikovskaya, ITC Garamon) are tolerated relatively well. The problem is solved by simply flipping through the catalog and selecting. Experienced layout designers also know some useful principles. Intuitively, a candidate for the role of fine print must have certain characteristics.

A report by British typographer Mark Barrett at the ATypI conference in Helsinki in September 2005 provides the following rules for constructing or selecting a typeface for use in small point:

  1. The font design should be simple, clear and familiar. Revolutionary forms and design delights are inappropriate.
  2. The font should have increased lowercase characters and wide proportions.
  3. Contrast is relatively weak, approximately 3/4.
  4. Open forms are preferable to closed ones.
  5. There are either no serifs at all, or they should be “strengthened”, giving them a simple and even rough shape. The font should not have any details that disappear when reduced.

ITC Garamon, for example, differs from the canonical versions Garamona greatly altered proportions: he has a very large asshole and reduced, curly callouts. Not the best font for book layout, but successfully used for technical purposes in 6-7 point size. Has a large asshole and fairly wide proportions Bitstream Cooper, A ITC Oficina Sans, although it is a grotesque with a large point, does not allow for strong reduction, since it is very narrow. Decreases are even worse tolerated ITC Oficina Serif, this is also prevented by massive bar serifs. Sentor ( Venetian 301) makes it difficult to work in a small font; another font is too light, solemn (by the way, its bold and bold styles are better suited for regular book typesetting than normal). It is unacceptable to use the new style serif in small size. Thin horizontal elements Dido and any versions Bodoni They will literally begin to disappear, the font will become not only illegible, but downright indistinguishable. Against this background, the typeface unexpectedly looks advantageous in small font Bannikovskaya. Created in 1946-51. designer Galina Bannikova, an elegant book font copes with a complex task due to a precisely calibrated, piercing design.

The famous French designer, ATypI President Jean-François Porchez, who has extensive experience in designing advanced typefaces for newspapers and magazines, actually identifies the following rule for constructing such a typeface. Along with the usual rows of styles, differing in saturation and inclination, a kind of axis of display is created, along which the styles change according to their purpose and preferred font size. On this axis you can place fonts for headings, subheadings, standard text and options for very small typing: output data, captions for photographs, editorial apologies and corrections, etc. Prominence consists of several characteristics of the style, as elementary (contrast, proportions) , and more complex ( characteristics drawing).

In Fig. 4 it can be seen that in the days of metal typesetting the type design of different sizes actually varied according to the above rules. This once again confirms that the new is just a well-forgotten old.

In Western European typography, based on the Latin alphabet, the issue is deeply developed. Advanced headsets(and only they can bring the author commercial success) not only contain text and heading styles, but often include options specifically for typing text in small size. Which Latin fonts are best suited for this purpose? According to Barrett: Amplitude(developer Font Bureau), Bell Centennial(Bitstream) Format(Berthold), Frutiger(Linotype), Georgia(Microsoft) Griffith Gothic(Font Bureau) Gulliver(Gerard Unger) Gulliver CPA(Gerard Unger) Neue Helvetica(Linotype), Lucida Fax(Bigelow & Holmes), Lucida Sans(Bigelow and Holmes) Nimrod(Monotype), Poynter Agate(Font Bureau) Swift(Gerard Unger) Verdana(Microsoft) Vesta(Gerard Unger) Weidemann(ITC).

It's a pity that most of list of fonts that do not have adequate Cyrillic versions. One of the pleasant exceptions Verdana. Created by order of Microsoft by one of the best type designers of our time, Matthew Carter, the OpenType format font was designed to support many languages, including Russian. Cyrillic fonts, even those developed by the best foreign authors, often turn out to be not very successful and alien to the Russian graphic tradition, but the drawing Verdans does not cause any complaints even among our most biased connoisseurs of type art. Wide proportions Verdans typical for American text fonts. And Microsoft fonts were developed as screen fonts: this alone, in fact, the solution to the same problem guarantees good legibility in a small size. All of the above applies equally to Matthew Carter's second font for Microsoft, Georgia; Although Verdana as the grotesque is still preferable. Because the Verdana and Georgia is present in almost any computer running Windows, you can assume that the simplest solution for small text is always at your fingertips.

Now let's try to compose full list the Cyrillic languages ​​we need fonts. Like all design recommendations, this opinion is not debatable but, hopefully, not useless. Having looked through the font catalogs and keeping the formulated criteria in mind, we can recommend the following Cyrillic typefaces and styles for typing in small font.

Point size 8, 7: Bannikovskaya, Verdana, Georgia, ITC Charter, Bitstream Cooper, ITC Garamon, Octave, Swift, Times(different versions), Melior(in the Cyrillic version of Zapf Elliptical 711), Bell Gothic, ITC Franklin Gothic(except for narrow styles), FreeSet, Accident-Grotesk(Gothic 725), Syntax(Humanist 531), Meta, Pragmatics(except for extra-light and extra-bold styles), Janus.

Point size 6, 5: Bannikovskaya, Verdana, Georgia, ITC Charter, ITC Garamon, Octave, Swift, Melior, FreeSet, Syntax, Meta, Pragmatics(except for extra-light and extra-bold styles).

Point size 4, 3: Verdana, FreeSet normal, FreeSet bold, Pragmatics medium, Pragmatics bold.

Rules for good typography

Let us note a pattern: from a developed font family for small text, as a rule, it is advisable to choose bold and bold styles. It is better not to use highlighting text fragments in bold font in small font size. It is advisable to either do without any display at all, or use italics, italics or capitals.

In addition to the selection of font, text typed in small font size improves simple rules good typography. Small font does not forgive mistakes: incorrect leading, inappropriately narrow or wide columns, not to mention such unoriginal design techniques as red text on a black background or embedded textures. If in regular text this simply impairs readability, then in small text you won’t be able to read it at all. But the main thing, on the advice of Master Barrett, where you should always start working on the layout of small text, is to try to convince the customer to give you at least a little more space. Really, wouldn’t it be better to present the information briefly in exchange for a guarantee that the entire text will actually be read?

However, sometimes the customer deliberately resorts to small print because he is not interested in the text being read. It is easy to guess which clauses of agreements, contracts, all kinds of obligations and guarantees this applies to. This requirement is not difficult to fulfill; it is enough to know the rules for layout of small text and do the opposite. Probably, tobacco companies would really like the notorious inscription “The Ministry of Health warns”, made in light, narrow Bodoni in font size no more than 7. Fortunately, here the law guards not only health, but also the rules of good typography.


  1. Jean François Porchez: Fonts Don't Come From Nothing. - Report at the ATypI-2005 conference.
  2. Mark Barratt: No Room! No Room! — Report at the ATypI-2005 conference.

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