Scenario for Victory Day dedicated to home front workers. Scenario of a meeting with WWII veterans and home front workers

Municipal educational institution "Kalitinskaya secondary school"

Evening meeting with home front workers “How young we were” 04/6/2012

Ved. - Good afternoon dear friends! Today in our hall it is warm due to the friendly atmosphere and close due to the proximity of eras and generations. People came to visit us, who bore on their shoulders all the hardships of a terrible war, went through a huge life path with joys and successes, losses and hardships. We dedicate our meeting to you, dear veterans and home front workers.

Word _____________________________________________________

The song “Tanks rumbled on the field...” Spanish. Ensemble "Kalinka"

Music plays (three guys read a poem)

1. Wait for me and I will return,

Just wait a lot.

Wait when they make you sad

Yellow rains

Wait when others are not waiting.

Forgetting yesterday.

Wait when from distant places

No letters will arrive.

Wait until you get bored

To everyone who is waiting together.


2.Wait for me and I will return,

Don't wish well

To everyone who knows by heart

It's time to forget.

Let the son and mother believe

That there is no me.

Let your friends get tired of waiting

Sitting by the fire

Drink bitter wine

In honor of the soul...

Wait. And at the same time with them

Don't rush to drink.


3.Wait for me and I will return.

All deaths are out of spite.

Whoever didn't wait for me, let him

He will say: - Lucky -

Those who didn’t expect them don’t understand

Like in the middle of fire

By your expectation

You saved me.

We'll know how I survived

Just you and me. –

You just knew how to wait.

Like no one else.

Song "Dark Night". MusicA. Bogoslovsky. Words by V. Agatov

4. They, mothers and wives, brides and sisters, knew how to wait. Wait, hope, love. And instill hope in those who are at the front, on the front line. Who's at war? But they couldn’t just wait and hope. Mothers, wives, sisters, brides - everyone who is not at the front is the rear. The rear must work for the front: after all, victory was forged not only at the front, but also in the rear.

(against the background of the video clip “ Woman's face Victory")

5...Can you really tell me about this?

What years did you live in?

What an immeasurable burden

It fell on women's shoulders!..

6. That morning I said goodbye to you

Your husband, or brother, or son,

And you and your destiny

Left alone...

7.You walked, hiding your grief,

The harsh way of labor.

The entire front, from sea to sea,

You fed me with your bread.

8.In cold winters, in snowstorms,

At the one at the distant line

The soldiers were warmed by their greatcoats,

What you sewed with care.

9.Threw in the noise, in the smoke

Soviet soldiers to battle,

And the enemy's strongholds collapsed

From bombs filled with you...

(video clip continued)

10. Speaking about the heroic deeds of the people during the war, I especially want to say about the labor exploits of women. In the first days of the war, overcoming enormous difficulties, they replaced their husbands, fathers and brothers at the machines. Their work is inscribed in golden letters in the heroic chronicle of the history of our Motherland.

11.Yes, there were moments like centuries.

It’s hard to remember this.-

“If only I had enough strength and patience,”

The mother repeated faintly.

When the dawn was still dozing

and the roosters slept soundly,

she, weakened, stood up

to frantic beeps.

She was 27 underage

Bringing in the Siberian blizzard

into the hut, she fell, I remember,

barely undressed, onto the bed.

Tired beyond words during the day,

She whispered like yesterday:

I wish I had time to rest during the night, -

and calmed down until the morning.

Only later did it become clear to me:

to them, women, like mothers,

stubborn, my heart ordered

in the rear to save the Fatherland.

12. Great Patriotic War left a trail of fire not only on the battlefields. Considerable difficulties and hardships befell those who were in the rear, where the weapons of Victory were forged. It was also a front, only laborious, difficult, exhausting. His fighters forged victory at the machines and in the fields.

Dedicated to home front workers

13. War. There is nothing more terrible in the world,

“Everything for the front!” - the country's motto is:

Everyone worked: both adults and children

In the fields and at the open hearths, at the machine tools.

14.Front secure! - there is no more important task,

Everyone in the rear worked for victory,

Fighters cannot survive in battles otherwise,

Working for victory deserves praise.

15. They gave everything to the front for victory,

The rear only left crumbs for itself,

They endured hardships and troubles,

To quickly defeat the enemy in a fight.

16. The rear provided the army reliably,

Weapons are the basis of all foundations,

Although it was incredibly difficult,

But the armies boldly marched against their enemies.

17. Honor and glory to front-line soldiers on May Day!

Orders sparkle on their chests,

But the rear put a lot of effort into the victory.

Labor front! The whole country was them!

18.The youngest citizens of our country, schoolchildren, also worked alongside their older brothers and sisters; they were sent to where help was needed for their elders.

19. Fathers and older brothers went to the front. The boys were also eager to fight, besieging military registration and enlistment offices. Factories, collective farms, and all institutions were urgently reorganized. “Everything for the front! Everything for victory"

20. In the intense struggle for bread of the first war year Active participation accepted over 200 thousand schoolchildren. In those difficult days, collective and state farms owed a lot to young patriotic schoolchildren.

21. The worries of the labor front fell on children’s shoulders with a heavy burden. Boys and girls worked, thousands of hectares of cut grain, thousands of tied sheaves, thousands of threshed grain.

22. The children in the rear did not fight...Some stood at the machine for ten hours, and if their height did not allow them, they would substitute a chair to reach the machine. Others worked in weaving factories to ensure that there was as much warm clothing as possible for front-line soldiers. They contributed to the Great Victory.

Song of the ensemble "Kalinka"

Ved. - Yes! The burden of wartime children was not light. And their childhood was indeed scorched by the war.
Today our guests are interesting, respected people who have devoted many years to their work. A lot of patience, attention, sensitivity, kindness and responsiveness were required from you. You worked without regret and without sparing yourself, without taking anything in return. But only by giving. How were you enough for everything?! These are our workers!

veterans' names:


23. Don’t look for excessive severity
In our turbulent atomic age.
Age is just an oversight
If a person is young at heart.

24. Let a smile light up your face,
Even if gray hair is like snow,
Age is just a mistake
If a person is young at heart.

25. It’s too early to retire,

Even though the years fly by,
Veterans do not grow old in soul,
Our grandmothers are no different.

26.And they will tell us poems,
And they will sing a good song,
If necessary, they will even dance,
Young people will be outdone.

Word ___________________________________________________________

27. It’s a pity that the old ones don’t have the same strength
The supply of unlived days is small,
Take care of old people
Without which we would not exist.

28. The years flew by like a white flock
But the soul is still young.
The nightingales have not sung everything yet
Not all the water has flowed away yet.

29.This day is both festive and bright
And it’s not the time to be sad, not the time.
Long life to you, apple trees in white color,
Joy and happiness and goodness.

30. There are days in your life,
Which cannot be ignored
And so please accept congratulations,
And from the bottom of my heart, let me wish:

31.Ignore the years
Always be energetic, alive,
How nature has no bad weather
So in life, age is always memorable.

32.You have done a lot of this
To leave a mark on Earth,
We wish you again today
Health, happiness, long years!

Song “We wish you happiness”

Veterans are given gifts and invited to a tea party.


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Scenario of a meeting with WWII veterans and home front workers.

Ved. 1 Good afternoon dear friends! People came to visit us who bore all the hardships of a terrible war on their shoulders, who went through a long journey of life with joys and successes, losses and hardships. We dedicate our meeting to you, dear veterans.

Ved. 2 Today our guests are veterans of the Great Patriotic War and home front workers:

1st. Violating peaceful life, suddenly, without declaring war, Nazi Germany attacked our country on June 22, 1941.

1 reader. Sad willows leaned towards the pond,

The moon floats over the river,

There, at the border, I stood on duty

At night the fighter is young.

Black shadows grew in the fog,

The cloud in the sky is dark,

The first shell exploded in the distance -

Thus began the war.

2nd Everyone had one desire: only to the front!

1st. Each had their own road to the front, but the goal was the same - to defend the Motherland.

1 ved: Our native land can do anything! Can feed you something tasty and warm bread, drink spring water, surprise with its beauty. And she just can’t protect herself...

Therefore, protecting the Fatherland and native Earth is the duty of those who eat its bread, drink its water, and admire its beauty!

2 leads: It is to you, our dear veterans of labor and war, that we give praise today, to you we owe our lives.

1 ved: From the first day to the last, Soviet people performed feats in the name of victory over the fascists - the enemies of all humanity.

For some, the war has become a distant memory, for others - history.

Remember! It was the Soviet Army that won Hitler's Germany, This Soviet people crushed fascism!

The just, liberation struggle was completed in 1945.

2 leads: Fewer and fewer of those who fought for their homeland are left alive.

The presence of honored guests at the celebration is all the more precious for us.

Petrova Raisa Ivanovna and Gordeeva Alexandra Grigorievna.

1st. Many of our fellow countrymen went to the front as volunteers in the first days of the war and died defending Moscow:

Have you heard the front-line soldiers talk about the past?

They’ve been going under bombs and hostility for years in a row...

In any houses, in any ranks, we meet soldiers,

For them, the war was yesterday, not many years ago.

The song sounds " Holy war" Against the background of the song are the words:

1 led. Before the Motherland we will be considered glory

All who became related to her by their own blood

There was a great war, a bloody war for 1418 days.

2 ved. The war marked us with special markings

There is nothing in life, and there has never been anything more difficult,

Metina special, the highest breakdown 1418 days

2 ved. She rewarded us with the front-line community

There was no stronger and dearer community,

Under fire, under bullets, I tempered my courage for 1418 days.

1 ved. Each minute will repeat

Our today's spring day

And instantly the memory will illuminate

Flames of burning villages

2 ved. And through the years the memory is like a boss

Will lead us again

Making your way on dark nights

Dark unknown times

1 Vedas: The war ended in victory,

Those years are behind us

The medals of the order are burning

On many people's chests

My word to you, dear participants of the Second World War:


How old were you when the war started?

How long did you think the war would last?

How did you end up at the front?

What episodes of the war do you remember most often?

What branches of the military did you serve in?

What battles did you participate in?

2nd: Woman and war...

Both of these words female, but how are they not compatible...

1st.: A woman comes into the world to light a candle

A woman comes into the world to take care of the hearth

A woman comes into the world to be loved

A woman comes into the world to give birth to a child.

A woman comes into the world to make flowers bloom

A woman comes into the world to save the world

Mothers, wives, sisters, brides - everyone who is not at the front is the rear. The rear must work for the front: after all, victory was forged not only at the front, but also in the rear.

These words are for you and about you, our dear women warriors: ___________________

How were you different from us at our age?

“My years, my wealth” - what do these words mean to you?

Tell us about your awards. Which is the most expensive?

2nd reader: The Great Patriotic War left a trail of fire not only on the battlefields. Considerable difficulties and hardships befell those who were in the rear, where the weapons of Victory were forged. It was also a front, only laborious, difficult, exhausting. His fighters forged victory at the machines and in the fields.

1st reader: Dedicated to home front workers

War. There is nothing more terrible in the world,

“Everything for the front!” - the country's motto is:

Everyone worked: both adults and children

In the fields and at the open hearths, at the machine tools.

Front secure! - there is no more important task,

Everyone in the rear worked for victory,

Fighters cannot survive in battles otherwise,

Working for victory deserves praise.

They gave everything to the front for victory,

The rear only left crumbs for itself,

They endured hardships and troubles,

To quickly defeat the enemy in a fight.

The rear provided the army reliably,

Weapons are the basis of all foundations,

Although it was incredibly difficult,

But the armies boldly marched against their enemies.

Honor and glory to the front-line soldiers on May Day!

Orders sparkle on their chests,

But the rear put a lot of effort into the victory.

Labor front! The whole country was them!

Dear guests:

Where did you meet Victory?

Where and who did you work after the war?

You have experienced the horrors of war. You went through the nightmare of war, what would you like to wish us, your grandchildren?

1st reader: Probably, the time will never come when it will be possible to say, enough, enough, everything has already been said about the Great Patriotic War. It will never be possible to say everything, because there is no measure to the tragedy of the war, there is no measure to the heroism of the people shown in it.

2nd reader: Today we, the children, grandchildren, great-grandchildren of WWII veterans, bow deeply to you for your courage and fortitude, patience and mercy, for your boundless love for the Fatherland and ardent faith in Victory.

The floor is presented to the director of our school, Nat Varlamova. Ivan., whose grandfather was also in the war.

And Vera Andreevna Tatanova’s father was also at war, and after the war he worked for the good of his Motherland. He is no longer alive, but his daughter keeps his memory. V.A. over to you.

But our teacher V.D. Agapkina my brother did not live 2 days to see the Victory.

We all know well that our class teacher Proshkina A.F. - granddaughter of Pitenin Mitrofan Trofimovich, the country's first holder of three Orders of Glory, the highest soldier's award. A.F. Over to you_________

1 ved. I'll paint a blue sky

He will draw ears of bread,

We will draw autumn leaves,

School, friends, a restless stream.

And cross it out with our common brush

Shots, explosions, fire and war.

Let's honor with a minute of silence all those who died during the Great Hat. wars

2nd reader: Dear WWII veterans! Home front workers! We express to you our deepest respect and great gratitude for everything that you have done throughout your life - for the Motherland, the village and us - your fellow countrymen.

Thank you for everything, fathers and grandfathers!

To those who took the enemy with a bayonet and a bullet!

And to those who, approaching Victory Day,

He didn’t leave the workshop for weeks.

Thanks to the women who worked in the fields

Orphaned villages and hamlets.

Thank you for our happy holiday,

For this difficult and wonderful day.

1st. Our dear veterans, home front workers.

You have done a lot to leave a worthy mark on earth.

We wish you health, happiness and many more years to come.

We are proud of you! Live happily ever after!

Let the sky be peaceful, the fields rich, the rivers full!

May our family live and prosper Motherland!

Happy holiday to everyone and see you again

1st reader: Thank you, our dear defenders, for coming to us. We bow to your labor and military exploits. We wish you good health and long life! (presentation of flowers and cards)

A low bow to both the fallen and the living war veterans. Let our meeting be a kind of monument to everyone who gave us the opportunity to live on this earth.

(The song “About the Heroes of Old Times” plays)

Author information

Kunaeva Aliya Zhumagalievna Ilyushchenkova Lyubov Viktorovna

Place of work, position:

RDDYU r.p. Stepnoe, teacher additional education

Saratov region

Resource characteristics

Education levels:

All levels of education


All classes


Extracurricular work

The target audience:

Classroom teacher

The target audience:

Additional education teacher

The target audience:

Teacher (teacher)

Resource type:

Event scenario

Brief description of the resource:

The script includes thematic poems, quick facts from military history.

Scenario of a meeting with WWII veterans and home front workers.

Ved. 1 Good afternoon dear friends! Today in our hall it is warm due to the friendly atmosphere and close due to the proximity of eras and generations. People came to visit us who bore all the hardships of a terrible war on their shoulders, who went through a long journey of life with joys and successes, losses and hardships. We dedicate our meeting to you, dear veterans.

Ved.2 So, today our guests are veterans of the Great Patriotic War and home front workers:

Bazyuk Georgy Mikhailovich

Zageev Nikolay Mikhailovich

Morshchakov Ivan Korneevich

Kinash Fedor Ivanovich

Wilderman Lipa Volfovich

Tikhonov Nikolay Petrovich

The floor for greetings is given to the director of the RDDY V.V. Liventsova

Do you remember, soldier, many springs ago

Was the sky ablaze with sunsets?

You walked through the pain and repeated it like a password,

Like a sacred oath: "Victory"

Do you remember, soldier, the burnt Reichstag,

A scarlet banner that lit up half the sky?

Do you remember friends?

Visit them for a few days

The victory in Berlin was late.

The world remembers, soldier, many springs ago

Your firm word: “Victory!”

1st reader: War... From Brest to Moscow - 1000 kilometers, from Moscow to Berlin - 1600. Total 2600 kilometers.

1st reader: War... This is the fearlessness of the defenders of Brest, this is 900 days besieged Leningrad, this is the oath of Panfilov’s men: “Not a step back, Moscow is behind us!”

2nd reader: This is the victory achieved by fire and blood at Stalingrad, this is the feat of the heroes of the Kursk Bulge, this is the storming of Berlin, this is the memory of the hearts of the entire people.

1st reader: To forget the past means to betray the memory of the people who died for the happiness of the Motherland.

2nd reader: No, neither we nor our children should forget about this.

1st reader: If a minute of silence was declared for every person who died in the Second World War, the world would be silent for fifty years.

2nd reader: In a carved box for many years

A priceless reward lies -

A medal that has no equal

"For the defense of Stalingrad."

Today, at our meeting there is a participant Battle of Stalingrad Zageev Nikolai Mikhailovich. Nikolai Mikhailovich, how do you remember Stalingrad?...

Questions for a veteran

1st reader:

And again the world hears with delight the Russian salute. Oh, liberated Leningrad is breathing deeply! (Lecture “Unconquered Leningrad”) The floor is given to Ivan Korneevich Morshchakov, a participant in the defense of Leningrad. Questions for a veteran 1st reader: Probably, the time will never come when it will be possible to say, enough, enough, everything has already been said about the Great Patriotic War. It will never be possible to say everything, because there is no measure to the tragedy of the war, there is no measure to the heroism of the people shown in it. Dear guests, please accept poems of your own composition as a gift from the activists of the museum room. __________________________________________________________________

2nd reader: The Great Patriotic War left a trail of fire not only on the battlefields. Considerable difficulties and hardships befell those who were in the rear, where the weapons of Victory were forged. It was also a front, only laborious, difficult, exhausting. His fighters forged victory at the machines and in the fields.

1st reader: Dedicated to home front workers

War. There is nothing more terrible in the world,

“Everything for the front!” - the country's motto is:

Everyone worked: both adults and children

In the fields and at the open hearths, at the machine tools.

Front secure! - there is no more important task,

Everyone in the rear worked for victory,

Fighters cannot survive in battles otherwise,

Working for victory deserves praise.

They gave everything to the front for victory,

The rear only left crumbs for itself,

They endured hardships and troubles,

To quickly defeat the enemy in a fight.

The rear provided the army reliably,

Weapons are the basis of all foundations,

Although it was incredibly difficult,

But the armies boldly marched against their enemies.

Honor and glory to the front-line soldiers on May Day!

Orders sparkle on their chests,

But the rear put a lot of effort into the victory.

Labor front! The whole country was them!

2nd reader: Today at our meeting there are home front workers:

Kinash Fedor Ivanovich

Wilderman Lipa Volfovich

Tikhonov Nikolay Petrovich

A word to the workers

1st reader: On June 24, 1945, the Victory Parade took place on Red Square in Moscow. Ten fronts sent their best warriors to the parade. The parade was commanded by a marshal Soviet Union Rokossovsky, hosted the parade by Georgy Konstantinovich Zhukov. Our fellow countrymen Georgy Mikhailovich Bazyuk, Antonina Prokofyevna Radchenko, Ivan Lavrentievich Dementyev also took part in the parade.

Georgy Mikhailovich Bazyuk is present at our meeting. Over to you, Georgy Mikhailovich.

Questions for a veteran

2nd reader: Today we - the children, grandchildren, great-grandchildren of WWII veterans, bow deeply to you for courage and fortitude, patience and mercy, for boundless love for the Fatherland and ardent faith in Victory

1st reader: Dear WWII veterans! Home front workers! We express to you our deepest respect and great gratitude for everything that you have done throughout your life - for the Motherland, your native region and us - your fellow countrymen.

Thank you for everything, fathers and grandfathers!

To those who took the enemy with a bayonet and a bullet!

And to those who, approaching Victory Day,

He didn’t leave the workshop for weeks.

Thanks to the women who worked in the fields

Orphaned villages and hamlets.

Thank you for our happy holiday,

For this difficult and wonderful day


For the sake of happiness and life in the world,

For the sake of the soldiers who fell then,

Let there be no war on the planet

Never! Never! Never!


You will draw a bright sun,

I'll paint a blue sky

He will draw ears of bread,

We will draw autumn leaves,

School, friends, a restless stream.

And cross it out with our common brush

Shots, explosions, fire and war.


2nd reader: Dear WWII veterans, home front workers, Ilya Gridasov sings “_________________” for you

1st reader: Thank you, our dear defenders, for coming to us. We bow to your labor and military exploits. We wish you good health and long life! (presentation of postcards)

How old were you when the war started?

How long did you think the war would last?

How did you end up at the front?

How were you different from us at our age?

“My years, my wealth” - what do these words mean to you?

Tell us about your military awards. Which is the most expensive?

You have experienced the horrors of war. You went through the nightmare of war, what would you like to wish us, your grandchildren?

Where did you meet Victory?

What battles did you participate in?

Where and who did you work after the war?

What branches of the military did you serve in?

What episodes of the war do you remember most often?

Explanatory note

When planning a creative meeting, the organizers sought to tell modern children not about war with battles and battles, but about the war in the deep rear, about life ordinary people: how they ate, dressed, where they worked, how they studied, what they thought and dreamed about, how they managed to withstand the trials that befell everyone.

Invitation of participants.

It is advisable to invite only middle and high school students to the meeting. Forced attendance of children will not give a positive result; it is necessary to conduct a preliminary conversation with them and try to interest them and captivate them with the proposed topic.

It is also necessary to carry out preliminary work with the children, explain who will come to them, what will be discussed, and prepare interesting and competent questions for the interlocutor in advance.

The meeting time is designed for 1.5 hours, since this time is optimal for perception. The main content is proposed in the meeting script, but the script may vary depending on the resources available to the organizers: multimedia materials, technical equipment, creative performances.

The proposed version of the script uses literary processed memories of those people who were direct participants in the meeting. After reading a fragment of memories, the presenter introduces the meeting participant whose memories were heard. This gives the meeting a special touching feeling; the participants feel close to each other.


Since the script contains moments of the use of photo and video materials, it is necessary to place a white crane in the hall - in the center or to the side - on which the image will be projected. In general, the design of the stage should correspond to traditional military themes: flowers, flags, orders, ribbons, etc. The musical design, represented by songs, plays an important role war years(“Dugout”, “Blue Handkerchief”, etc.), which sound before the start of the meeting, when the guests gather and take their seats, and during the meeting. The script involves the use of songs “Oh, roads”, “Victory Day”, as well as instrumental pieces of music that match the mood of the readers’ performances. Instrumental melodies are necessary as a background when reading poetry and memoirs.


The proposed program is designed to use chronicle footage and photographs about the war. To do this, you need the following technical equipment: computer, projector, screen. For the meeting, it is necessary to select a chronicle and photo in such areas as: “The Beginning of the War”, “Children’s Work in the Home Front”, “Woman at War”, “Siege of Leningrad”, “Victory, Victory Parade”.

Scenario solution

Before the start of the creative meeting, songs from the war years and songs about war are played.

Azamat Tekoev “In the dugout.”

Magomet Tavasiev:Hello dear guests.

Dana Tegaeva . Good afternoon Our meeting with home front workers and children of war is dedicated to the 70th anniversary of the Great Victory.

Vlada I don’t know when this will be,

In the land of snow-white birches

Victory on the ninth of May

People will celebrate without tears.

The ancient marches will rise

Army pipes of the country,

And the marshal will come out to the army,

Not having seen this war.

And I can't even think of it

What kind of fireworks will strike there,

What tales will they tell?

And what songs they will sing.

But we know for certain

We happened to know in our family,

What happened on the ninth of May

In the morning in '45.

Elina Dzadzaeva . I don’t know what future the poet Sergei Orlov was talking about in these lines, but for 70 years now, the holiday of May 9 has remained a holiday with tears in our eyes... with tears of sorrow and joy at the same time.

On the eve of the Victory Day, we invited veterans of the Great Patriotic War, home front workers, those who were children in those harsh years, as well as today’s schoolchildren to a creative meeting to remember and talk about that time.

Milana Totoeva . We wanted to invite you to a conversation - no, not about war, and not even about victory, but about a person, about a hero, about a winner. It seems to us that everyone who happened to live during this time, those who with honor and dignity withstood the trials of the war years, can be called heroes and winners.

The first verse of the song “Eh, roads...” sounds, then, gradually fading, it goes in the background.

Fatima Soltanova.Roads run everywhere... they run somewhere into the distance, intersect, diverge in different directions and converge again...

Fatima Tavasieva.But the roads are very different. For example, the road of happiness, the road of success... such clear, wide, bright roads.

Kochinyan Lyusya. And there are terrible roads, roads of suffering and tears. Nobody chooses such roads, they just walk along them...

Marina Bataeva. A huge country fought a painful, long road war for 4 years, moving forward, moving towards a victorious spring...

Ilina Sodikova. Everything breathed such silence,

It seemed that the whole earth was still asleep.

Who knew that between peace and war,

Only about five minutes left.

Magomet Tavasiev.The Great Patriotic War lasted four years and claimed the lives of millions of people. Grief came to almost every family. Among the defenders of the Fatherland are the Ossetian mountaineers, many of whom went to the front on the very first day of the war. Every fifth resident of the republic fought.

Footage from the chronicle “The Beginning of War.”

Dana Tegaeva Until 1941, this was an ordinary day, now it is a day of memory and sorrow - June 22. The first days, the first months of the war are a special page on the path to victory. How it was seen by the schoolflax crops of North Ossetia visiting the Republic of Belarus for the first time. From our area Katya Tekoeva and Alina Makoeva +- presentation

Katya Tekoeva . June 21 Saturdaywe plunged into the atmosphere of peaceful pre-war life in 1941. People from all over the former Soviet Union came to the city of Brestparticipants of the event “And tomorrow there was war”. We danced the Krakowiak to a brass band, sang songs with the “Soviet soldiers”

Alina Makoeva. And on the night of Sunday, June 22, we visited the Brest Fortress to reenact the beginning of the war. The frightening sounds of close shots were heard, you could feel the ground disappearing from under your feet from the explosions and screams of people. We are as close as possible to those events. We reconsidered our knowledge about the war.

Katya Tekoeva . The garrison of the Brest Fortress distracted the Nazi infantry divisions for a month. Among the representatives of 33 peoples of our Motherland, who fought as part of rifle regiments and took the oath: “We will die, but we will not leave the fortress,” there were more than 500 natives of North Ossetia. (Book of Memory)

Alina Makoeva . We saw and learned how the war began, at what price world peace was achieved, we felt pride in the patience and courage, the greatest fortitude and heroism, and the love of the defenders of our Motherland for the Fatherland. As a sign of memory and sorrow, flowers were laid at the foot of the sculptures: “Thirst” ( Brest Fortress) Lonely Girl (Red Coast), “Unconquered Man” (Khatyn), Memorial of Glory (Minsk), Eternal Flame (Moscow).

Magomet Tavasiev.No, they are not heroes, they were just children, children of war. We didn’t finish eating… we didn’t finish playing… we didn’t finish studying… children’s memory is very selective, only the brightest moments remain in it.

Dana Tegaeva. It was scary military childhood. Those who were captured did not have a childhood at all behind the bars of the camps.

Magomet Tavasiev. A word to “Children of War.”

Amanda Kozaeva - song “Cranes”

"Stalingrad" read by Omar Butuev

Footage from the chronicle “Siege of Leningrad”.

Dana Tegaeva. For 900 days and nights the city on the Neva fought bravely. The Leningrad Symphony takes us to a city under siege. The blockade squeezed the Leningraders in a tight ring. But each one had a strong belief in victory, so nothing could break them.

Magomed Tavasiev.People worked 11-12 hours without days off, did not get enough sleep, often spent the night right in the workshop, and in the morning they went back to the machine. “Home front workers” - that’s what they are officially called now. But it was not work - it was a real feat. Those who worked tirelessly also brought victory closer, as did those who fought with weapons in their hands.

Dana Tegaeva. A word to “Home Front Workers.”

Dana Ganoeva - song

Magomet Tavasiev.Four years of ruthless battles, suffering, grief and tears, and here it is - the long-awaited victorious spring!

Chronicle "Victory" and "Victory Parade".

Dana Tegaeva. The victorious fireworks will die down, the men will return from the front, and the transition to the much-desired peaceful life will begin. But this is a completely different story... The story of another feat. And May 9 - Victory Day - will forever remain a holiday with tears in our eyes.

Magomet Tavasiev.Children of peacetime gave everyone a dance as a gift.(“Honga kaft.” Yana Temirova and Marat Gatsalov.)

The song “Victory Day” is played, against which the presenter pronounces the final words.

Dana Tegaeva . The floor is given to the Deputy Head of AdministrationDzansolov Vitaly Agubeevich.

Magomet Tavasiev.Dear guests, thank you for accepting our invitation and coming to the creative meeting. We do not say goodbye to you, but say – until we meet again!


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Presenters (one by one)

You, who helped the front.
- Who was waiting for the soldier from the battle?
- Who crushed the enemy in battles,
- Who raised children through pain,
- To you, who endured all the troubles of the war -

Children stand in front of the stage facing the audience with flowers in their hands.

Music by G. Sviridov for the drama “Blizzard” sounds

Presenter.(Against the background of music)

Scars are visible on the man's face,
On the chest there are medals and orders.
Here is “For the capture of Berlin”:
It is immediately obvious that he is a participant in the war.
Well, and the woman who sewed the pouch,
What did Russia expect for your sons,
That she plowed, that she stood at the machines,

And the old woman of those war years who ate quinoa with chaff,
That she prayed for death and misfortune to her enemies,
Like, is she a participant or not?
And the boys of those war years,
For example, what were the partisans then?
Labor exchanges were set on fire,
Like, are they participants or not?
And the scientist of those war years,
What does not look like an eagle is not a hero.
But he invented “Ilyusha, but “Katyusha”,
Is he a participant in the war or not?
Are my conclusions not correct?
Is the thought strange to anyone?
All our people are participants in the war.
And the ENTIRE COUNTRY is a participant in the war!

The song “Get up, huge country...” plays.

Summer night at dawn,
When the children were sleeping peacefully.
Hitler gave the troops an order.
And drove the German soldiers
Against the Russians, against us.
Get up, people! – hearing the cry of the Earth
The hero soldiers went to the front.
Bravely and bravely they rushed into battle.
Fight for the Motherland! For you and me!
They wanted to take revenge on the enemy quickly
For the elderly, for the women, for the children!

And that war was so formidable and unexpected that many went to war without even saying goodbye to their relatives. Soldiers went to war...

And the mothers of the children saw off.
And the wives saw off their husbands.
What about children? The children looked after their fathers.
Which road? How far is it to the end?
And how soon will we see them again?
So dear, so dear!
And suddenly all our yards were empty.
The young people left. Left alone
Brides. You changed your white outfit
To gray and strict.
Just like your look.

Song “The Cossack went to war.”

Tanks crushed warm bread.
And the hut burned like a candle.
There were villages. Never forget
The squeal of dying carts.
How the girl lay without legs,
How there were no roads on earth.
And then. On a greedy enemy
The fields and meadows were up in arms.
Even the adonis became furious.
The tree even shot after
At night the bushes were attacked by partisans.
And the bridges flew up like chips.
Grandfathers and fathers walked from the churchyard.
The bullets were supplied by the dead.
I. shaggy, like clouds.
Centuries went hand-to-hand.
Death did not appear to them in height,
And in peasant ancient simplicity
The one who was sad, like a mother.
The one we cannot avoid.
The heart hardened to the ground.
And the soldiers walked and walked and walked.
Dark ore was coming from the Urals.
The iron herds walked, thundering,
There was a dense forest in the Smolensk region,
There was a thin jagged ax walking.
Empty, dim fields walked,
It was a big, Russian land.

Believe me, it's not easy at all.
Live in such a way that your country is proud of you.
When you're not tall enough yet
Overcoat, weapons and war.

Song “Zhenka”

The soldiers went to war. But women and children remained at home.

Can you really tell me about this?
What years did you live in?
What an immeasurable burden
She lay on a woman's shoulders.
That morning I said goodbye to you
Your husband, or brother, or son.
And you, with your destiny
Left alone.
One on one with tears,
With unharvested grain in the field
You met this war.
And everything, without end and without counting
Sorrows, labors and worries
We fell for you, for one.
For you alone, willy-nilly,
And you have to be on time everywhere.
You are alone both at home and in the field.
You are the only one to cry and sing.
And the clouds hang lower and lower,
And the thunder rumbles closer and closer,
More and more bad news.
And you before the whole war,
And you are in front of the whole country,
Showed who you are.
You walked, hiding your grief
The harsh way of labor
The entire front, from sea to sea.
You fed me with your bread.
In cold winters, in snowstorms,
At that distant line
The soldiers were warmed by their greatcoats,
What you sewed with care.
They rushed in the noise, in the smoke,
Soviet soldiers into battle.
And the enemy's strongholds collapsed,
From bombs filled with you.
You took on everything without fear
And, as in the saying,
You were both a spinner and a weaver,
She knew how to use a needle and saw.
I chopped, transported, dug -
Can you really read everything?
And in letters to the front she assured,
It’s like you’re living a great life.
The soldiers read your letters
And there, at the forefront,
They understood well
Your holy lies.
And the warrior going to battle
And ready to meet her,
He whispered like an oath, like a prayer,
Your name is distant!

Song “My Favorite”

I then went on a hike
To harsh lands.
She waved her hand at the gate
My lovely.

Second Rifle Brave Platoon
Now it's my family.
He sends his greetings to you,
My lovely.

So that all my dreams come true
In campaigns and battles,
Smile at me from afar
My lovely.

In my little pocket
There is your card,
So, it means that we are always together,
My lovely.

It was hard for everyone: both the soldiers at the front and the women in the rear. But it was hardest for the children.

The days of childhood are bright and radiant.
When they are illuminated by the rays of the peaceful sun.
But if the firmament is engulfed in a military thunderstorm,
And children don’t sleep because of bomb explosions, -
That childhood turns into suffering,
Some kind of monstrous test.
Sins not committed in atonement.
And isn't it a crime?
Deprive children of instant joys,
Force them to grow up until their time.
One desire beat in their hearts,
That did not leave the unfortunate even in their dreams:
Desire - to satisfy hunger,
At least take a bite of the dry crust,
And chew it with pleasure.

Scene “Waiting for Mom”

So cold! And mom doesn't come.
Perhaps she will bring us some bread.
Well, at least where to find a tiny one,
I'm afraid to go to bed hungry.

Don't I want to eat? Want!
But I’m still silent!
After all, where our dad is now,
Heavier than ours.
The shells don't explode here,
And you and I have a home.
And most importantly, the Nazis are far away,
And who in the country has it easy!

Do you remember pancakes with jam?
Tea with mom's cookies
Which she baked on holidays -
Now I could eat it all alone!

Are you talking about food again?
It would be better not to poison my soul!
The more often you remember her,
The more hungry you feel.
And I don’t need memories!

And here you can hear mom’s steps!

Don't you dare whine in front of her,
Give her a rest first!

A cappella song “The stitches are overgrown.”

A poem against its background

And on current
And in an open field
During the war (I've heard it more than once)
Come on, women,
Let's dance, shall we?
And the dry dancing began.
Without music, without loud screams,
Focused, strict,
Women and girls danced
Tied scarves like a widow.
Not peahens swam in circles
With echoing frets in a row
It’s as if they were threshing fractionally
Chains of grief - swan.
They danced as if they were threatening the enemy:
Kill us at least three times.
We will resurrect and give birth
To the fatherland of heroes!
Despite the difficult fate,
Yes, so that a tear comes from your eyes,
Women danced in an open field
Severe dance-
Dry dance!


For each fighter, his mother, wife, children, and fiancée were waiting at home for the entire four long years of the war.

The front and rear did everything possible to defeat the enemy.

Women and teenagers replaced husbands, fathers, older brothers and sisters at the machines and in the fields. Letters arrived at the front line, so welcome to the soldiers. The soldiers wrote to them about how they missed their native land, home, family, loved one. We dreamed of Victory.

Song “We haven’t been home for a long time”

The wait was too long. Mothers waited four years for sons, wives for husbands. And all together in one word - Victory!

The path to victory was difficult.
It was a brutal battle to the death.
But the Nazis miscalculated.
The people are not broken by the war!
How the tanks roared into battle.
Shells and rockets whistled,
They frightened peaceful people with reprisals -
We must never forget about this!

Soldiers went into battle across the Dnieper and Volga.
Everyone fought for their native land.
For every city, every village,
For everything that grew on earth.
For kindergarten. And for first grade.
For the peace and happiness of each of us.
And we come with bright colors
To where our soldier lies.
AND Eternal flame like a flame
Granite always protects!

Song “Eternal Flame”


The victorious volleys died down and the soldiers returned home. But not all houses. There was no wait for mothers - sons, wives - husbands, brides - grooms.

In our antediluvian house,
I remember the women alone in the family.
I remember your trampled shoes.
The dress is faded on the back.
I dreamed then as a girl:
I wish I could save up,
I'd like to take your measurements with a string,
Buy dresses in the city.
They called you a widow.
I remember all your works,
Like a skinny camel,
There were pounds of it coming from the garden.
You will wait at the gate silently -
The owner of the gate will not open,
I don't remember a man in the house
In the midst of everyday worries.
And now you're not dressed like that
The hands are small and black.
No, no one is to blame for this,
Besides that world war...

Song “Don’t wake up the widows of Russia...”

Damn you, fascists!
Cursed, cursed.
At the dawn of clean spring,
Taken by black dust.
Let for every childish moan,
For bloody robbery,
The bread will turn into hot ash,
And water is poison!

What can the enemy do?
Destroy and kill.
And only that?!
And I can love!
And I cannot count the souls of my wealth
And then I want and will live,
So that all of it
As a tribute to human brotherhood.
Place it on the universal altar!

Song “If there were no war”

The war has passed, the suffering has passed,
But pain calls to people:
Come on people, never
Let's not forget about this!

Song “Meeting of Friends”


There are fewer and fewer veterans every day. They leave, leaving us with the conquered land. And they bequeath to take care of her and the world.. This world is so loud, fragile and beautiful.

Song “Sunny Circle”