Rent Gia Russian language. Compiling tests in the systems I will pass the GIA and solve the Unified State Exam. “I’ll solve the exam”: Russian language

The state final certification for ninth grade graduates is currently voluntary; you can always refuse and take the usual traditional exams.

Why then is the OGE (GIA) form more attractive for 9th grade graduates of 2019? Conducting direct certification in this new form allows you to obtain an independent assessment of schoolchildren’s preparation. All OGE (GIA) tasks are presented in the form of a special form, including questions with a choice of answers to them. A direct analogy is drawn with the Unified State Exam. In this case, you can give both short and detailed answers. Our website website will help you prepare well and realistically assess your chances.


GIA and OGE tests online with answer checking

help you decide on your further choice of a specialized high school class. You yourself can easily assess your knowledge in the chosen subject. To do this, our project offers you various tests in a number of disciplines. Our website dedicated to preparing for the State Examination Test 2019, grade 9 online , will fully help you prepare for the first serious and responsible test in life. All materials on our site are presented in a simple, easy-to-understand form. Whether you are an excellent student in your class or an ordinary average student, everything is now in your hands. It would be a good idea for you to visit ours. Here you will find answers to all your questions. Be prepared for the difficult test of the OGE, GIA and the result will exceed all your expectations. Current topics for answers to GIA in mathematics option 1016219 answers and solution GIA in mathematics option 674837

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option 200495 in algebra answers to GIA Answers in mathematics grade 9 for option 362260 GIA in mathematics 2013 version 362260, mathematics, algebra Website links and social media presence allows you to obtain an independent assessment of schoolchildren’s preparation. A total of 17 references from other websites were found for the website. Such other websites.

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  • Absolute winner All-Russian competition"Teacher of the Year in Russia - 2007."
  • Honorary Education Worker Russian Federation
  • Two-time Winner of the competition for the best teachers of the Russian Federation of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation
  • Member of the Federal Commission for the Development of Testing and Measuring Materials for Unified state exam in mathematics (2009-2010), expert of the Federal Subject Commission of the Unified State Exam in Mathematics (2011-2012, 2013-2014), deputy chairman of the regional subject commission of the State Examination Institute in Mathematics 2012-2014).

    Olga Sergeevna Pyankova, school mathematics teacher, Elekmonar Dear Dmitry Dmitrievich and the team of the “DAEGE” project!
    Thank you for creating such a wonderful online resource to help teachers. Now I have the opportunity to conduct lessons, consultations, and additional classes using detailed video lessons. Your lessons are structured competently, thought out to the smallest detail. And the “presence” of Dmitry Dmitrievich in the lesson gives me confidence, makes my lessons more interesting and meaningful. Using tests, notes, and videos, I noticed that the time for preparing for mathematics lessons and consultations was significantly reduced. After all, there is no need to prepare assignments for tests and independent work, compose tests. Just take a ready-made summary for each lesson, homework based on the Unified State Exam task base with a verification system, test papers and use it!!!
    Your work is invaluable!!! Thanks again!

    Lepikhina Olga Viktorovna, mathematics teacher, Izhevsk I went to the "DAEGE" course, watched several videos, took several tests and a test.

    Very useful and necessary materials, video tutorials with detailed explanations and most importantly tests with online testing mode. Students like this because they can see the results right away and catch mistakes.
    It is very useful that before each test there is a review of the tasks and you can watch the video as many times as the student needs - in your own way.
    You have a wonderful team that is trying to make the teacher’s work easier and helps the teacher work with all categories of students.
    Ksenia Vladimirovna, mathematics teacher, Izhevsk
    At a quick glance it is very impressive, in terms of volume and quality.

    This is a serious help for rural children, as well as for those who are unlucky with a teacher... very good idea: to be able to buy the activity you are interested in, and not everything
    And I'm also pleased with the price....

    Thank you! Maisuradze Victoria Vladimirovna, mathematics teacher, Mezhdurechensk Thank you very much to Dmitry Dmitrievich for everything he does. His website I will solve the Unified State Exam and this resource is a lifesaver when working. With the current workload, there is absolutely no time to do anything other than check notebooks. Only such resources save. Thank you.

    Egorova Victoria Valerievna, mathematics teacher, Elabuga There are no words to express my gratitude. Very, very wonderful material, I would even call it an educational and methodological complex. All material is strictly systematized and presented for almost all exam tasks. There is repetition, necessary theoretical material, and

    test tasks , and even tests for a block of lessons. I really want to find a place for all this in my lessons. Nasibullina Zulfiya Salavatovna, mathematics teacher, Maloyaz. Great help!
    Especially in last days before the Unified State Exam:) Excellent system for excellent results.

    Surina Zoya Petrovna, mathematics teacher, Moscow Dear colleagues! Thank you for the interesting and informative material.
    I consider the preparation course for the Unified State Exam in mathematics accessible, brief, rational and useful.
    I hope that solving more complex problems will be understandable and exciting for graduates.

    Kultysheva Olga Valerievna, mathematics teacher, Saratov Hello! I have been using your site for several years now, both when preparing for the Unified State Exam in grades 10-11, and when studying topics in grades starting from 5. When I saw that I could sign up for the “DAEGE” course, I decided to try it. I got acquainted with the course. I liked it very much. It would be nice to have this course always at hand. Thank you!

    Busova I. I., mathematics teacher, Novosibirsk Good afternoon colleagues!
    Wonderful and useful resource!!!
    The lessons are carefully worked out, everything is competent, clear, consistent, detailed and clear. Educational material strictly systematized. The course is a huge help for both students and teachers. Thanks a lot!!!

To easily prepare for exams and perform correctly exam paper on the Unified State Examination in Russian the following were included in the “Options” section:

  1. Demo version from FIPI In Russian.
  2. and how task 27 will be tested - essay.
  3. Full list topics that will appear in this year’s Unified State Examination are indicated in the assignments.
  4. A collection of 10 online practice tests with answers and solutions and the ability to download in PDF format.

Unified State Examination tests in the Russian language 2020 consist of two parts:

  • Part 1 contains 26 short answer tasks. The answer to tasks is given in the form of a number or word, written without spaces, commas or other additional characters.
  • Part 2 contains 1 open-type task with a detailed answer (essay), testing the ability to create your own statement based on the text you read.

Converting points to grades:

  • “Two” - from 0 to 35 points;
  • "Troika" - 36-57;
  • "Four" - 58-71;
  • “Excellent” - 72 and above.

Minimum the number of points for admission to the university is 36.
Maximum primary score – 58.
Duration exam – 210 minutes (3.5 hours).
Maximum quantity points for essay– 24. The number of points given for each criterion is disclosed in detail.

  • Decide Unified State Exam tests in the Russian language online - this will help you navigate through assignments, monitor and eliminate gaps in knowledge. Theoretical material and practical problems were selected by the teachers.
  • Download demo version for 2020, will be useful in preparing for the exam.
  • Solve 1-3 options every week.