Synonyms for the words greedy cruel impudent unfortunate. Greedy


greedy, insatiable, insatiable, gluttonous, gluttonous, raking, raking, selfish; stingy; (greedy, eager) for what, amateur; long-armed, will hang himself for a penny, calculating, miserly, squalid, predatory, greedy, greedy, greedy, envious, greedy, greedy, everything is not enough, you can’t beg for snow in winter, tight-fisted, edun attacked, pindos, zhor attacked, zhor went, eyes envious hands raking, hungry, uneaten, unprepared, raking hands, penny-pinching, stingy, tight-fisted, in baptism you can’t beg for ice, you can’t beg for a loan of fire


greedy, greedy, covetous, covetous, miserly, envious, raking, raking, tight-fisted, self-interested, penny-pinching, insatiable, gluttonous, eager, greedy, tight-fisted, gluttonous, calculating, stingy, meager, stingy, predatory

GREEDY meaning

T.F. Efremova New dictionary Russian language. Explanatory and word-formative



and Ádny


a) Imbued with an insatiable thirst, desire; greedy.

b) transfer Full of intense interest; passionate.

2) decomposition Stingy, selfish.

3) transfer Passionately striving for something, uncontrollable in the desire to satisfy something. wish.

4) Expressing greed (1.3).

S.I. Ozhegov, N.Yu. Shvedova Dictionary Russian language



GREEDY, oh, oh; -den, -dna, -dno, -dny and -dny.

1. Seeking profit, stingy. J. person.

2. Persistent in the desire to satisfy one's desire, expressing this desire; too greedy for something. J. to money (for money). G. for food (to food, before food). J. to work(translated: someone who loves to work hard).

3. trans. Filled with the desire to understand, to know something. Greedy curiosity. Greedy(adv.) listen.

| noun greed, -i, w.

Small Academic Dictionary of the Russian Language



Aya, oh; -den, -dna, -dno, -dny and -dny.

Seeking to take, receive, have as much as possible more than anything.

Greedy for money.

(Keykeeper:) I am greedy, greedy, envious of everything, envious of every little thing. A. Ostrovsky, Labor bread.

Vlas is a trading man and greedy for money, he will not miss a profitable deal. Markov, Strogovs.

Gluttonous, insatiable.

Greedy for food.

So a greedy hawk circles in the clouds and guards the turkeys and geese. Pushkin, to friends.

- A greedy walrus grabs fish without counting. Dikovsky, Petr Ayanka is coming to visit.

Expressing greed (1 value).

The soldiers with greedy faces looked at the smoking cauldrons and waited for the test. L. Tolstoy, War and Peace.

The children sat down on the ground and looked at the dirty bag with greedy eyes. M. Gorky, Three.

One who devotes himself enthusiastically to an activity, business, etc.

Hungry for knowledge. Hungry for work.

The more diverse a person’s needs, the more greedy he is for the joys of life, even small ones, the faster the culture of body and spirit develops. M. Gorky, Leonid Andreev.

(Andriyan) is greedy for news from the village. Peskov, Steps on the dew.

From the same village a party of boys appeared, greedy for entertainment. Tendryakov, Tight knot.

Very strong, demanding immediate gratification.

There was no one around him who would direct these greedy impulses of curiosity into a certain path. I. Goncharov, Break.

(Genka Pankov) with greedy attention, his mouth slightly open, looked inquisitively at Vasily Maksimovich. Azhaev, Far from Moscow.

Stingy, selfish.

Greedy man.

- And our grandfather is going completely crazy, he has become so greedy - it’s sickening to watch! M. Gorky, In People.

- Don't think - she's not greedy. She offered me money. Ehrenburg, Storm.

GREEDY, greedy, greedy; greedy, greedy, greedy. 1. Greedy, imbued with insatiable thirst, desire; too greedy for anything. Greedy for money. Greedy for food. || trans. Full of intense interest, passionate (bookish). Greedy attention, greedy... ... Ushakov's Explanatory Dictionary

greedy- GREEDY, insatiable, predatory, bookish. greedy, debauched reduction raked, unraveled reduction raking in greedily, insatiably, bookishly. greedy... Dictionary-thesaurus of synonyms of Russian speech

GREEDY, oh, oh; den, bottom, bottom, bottoms and bottoms. 1. Seeking profit, stingy. J. person. 2. Persistent in the desire to satisfy his desire, expressing this desire; too greedy for anything. J. to money (for money). J. for food (for food, before food) ... Ozhegov's Explanatory Dictionary

greedy- greedy, briefly. f. greedy, greedy (acceptably greedy), greedy, greedy (acceptably greedy); compare Art. greedier... Dictionary of difficulties of pronunciation and stress in modern Russian language

greedy- oh, oh; greedy, greedy, greedy and greedy 1) One who strives to take, receive, have as much of something as possible, greedy for something. Greedy for money. You, standing in a greedy crowd at the throne, executioners of Freedom, Genius and Glory! (Lermontov). Synonyms:... ... Popular dictionary of the Russian language

ZHADENOV ZHADNOV GREEDY ZHADOBIN ZHADOV ZHADOVSKY Greedy, greedy, glutton. Related surnames: Zhadenov, Zhadobin, etc. (E) One should not be upset because of the dissonance of such a surname. In Dahl's dictionary, the word greedy and other derivatives from it... ... Russian surnames

Adj., used. often Morphology: greedy, greedy, greedy, greedy; greedier; adv. greedy 1. You call greedy a person who does not want to share any of his property with other people, although he has enough of this property. Do not be like that… … Dmitriev's Explanatory Dictionary

greedy- extremely greedy incredibly greedy amazingly greedy terribly greedy ... Dictionary of Russian Idioms

greedy- for what, to what, to what (obsolete what). You were greedy for power, for fame (Gorky). From the same village a party of boys appeared, greedy for entertainment (Tendryakov). May the light of truth be cursed when mediocrity is cold, envious, to... ... Control Dictionary

greedy- Obsesslav. Suf. derivative, similar to meager, pale, from zhadyi “greedy”, cf. dial zhado “greedy”, greed “greed”, zadoba etc. etc. Literally “wanting very much, desiring something.” See thirst... Etymological Dictionary of the Russian Language


  • Greedy, greedy husband, Nagel Irina. A book about greed, about the social vice of society, about how an “incurable disease” distorts the image of Man and the life of a family. Plyushkin lived, lives and will always live among...
  • Greedy, greedy husband. Nagel I., Nagel Irina. A book about greed, about the social vice of society, about how an incurable disease distorts the image of Man and the life of a family. Plyushkin lived, lives and will always live among...

Selfish - Disinterested Among scientific workers there are brave, honest, selfless; There are also selfish, unscrupulous careerists. G. Gurevich. Nonlinear fiction. - I am your friend, and you must agree that a selfish friend is better than a selfless enemy. A. Green. Dictionary of antonyms of the Russian language

  • greedy - Old Russian - greedy. Associated with the word “covet” (“desire, crave”). The word is common Slavic, formed from an Indo-European base, from which the words of many languages ​​originate. Etymological Dictionary of Semenov
  • greedy - For what, to what, to what (obsolete ch e g o). You were greedy for power, for fame (Gorky). From the same village a party of boys appeared, greedy for entertainment (Tendryakov). Management in Russian
  • greedy - greedy greedy, -dna, greedy (Transform.), Ukrainian. greedy "hungry, stingy", Old Russian. greedy, old glory zhѩdn διψητικός (Supr.), Bulgarian. zhden, zheden "thirsty", Serbohorvian. zhȇdan "thirsty", Slovenian. žé̯den. Related to the previous word. Etymological Dictionary of Max Vasmer
  • greedy - Greedy, insatiable, insatiable, gluttonous, gluttonous; greedy for something raking paw priestly hands raking cf. !! stingy see >> selfish, amateur, stingy Abramov's dictionary of synonyms
  • greedy - Greedy, greedy, greedy, greedy, greedy, greedy, greedy, greedy, greedy, greedy, greedy, greedy, greedy, greedy, greedy, greedy, greedy, greedy, greedy, greedy, greedy, greedy, greedy, greedy, greedy, greedy, greedy, greedy, greedy, greedy, greedy... Zaliznyak's Grammar Dictionary
  • greedy - GREEDY, greedy, greedy; greedy, greedy, greedy. 1. Greedy, imbued with insatiable thirst, desire; too greedy for anything. Greedy for money. Greedy for food. | trans. Full of intense interest, passionate (book). Ushakov's Explanatory Dictionary
  • greedy - GREEDY, oh, oh; den, bottom, bottom, bottoms and bottoms. 1. Seeking profit, stingy. and. Human. 2. Persistent in the desire to satisfy his desire, expressing this desire; too greedy for something. and. to money (for money). G. for food (to food, before food). Ozhegov's Explanatory Dictionary
  • greedy - Greedy. Morphemic-spelling dictionary
  • greedy - spell. greedy; cr. f. -den, -dna, -dno, greedy Lopatin's spelling dictionary
  • greedy - adj., used often greedy, greedy, greedy, greedy; greedier; adv. greedy 1. You call greedy a person who does not want to share any of his property with other people, although he has enough of this property. Don't be so greedy!... Dmitriev's Explanatory Dictionary
  • greedy - Obsesslav. Suf. derivative, similar to meager, pale, from zhadyi “greedy”, cf. dial zhado “greedy”, greed “greed”, zadoba - also. etc. Literally - “very strongly wanting, desiring something.” See thirst. Shansky Etymological Dictionary
  • greedy - a common Slavic word that goes back to the disappeared zhad (in dialects there is still a noun zadoba - “thirst, greed”) and a related noun thirst. Krylov's etymological dictionary
  • greedy - extremely ~ incredibly ~ amazing ~ scary ~ Dictionary of Russian Idioms
  • greedy - GREEDY; -den, -dna, -dno, -dny and -dny. 1. Unstoppable in your aspirations, desires, etc. J. to money, to profit (colloquial; to money, to profit). F-th desire, desire, curiosity. Listens with greedy attention. Nature, good for impressions. Kuznetsov's Explanatory Dictionary
  • greedy - greedy adj. 1. Stingy, selfish. 2. Imbued with an exorbitant, insatiable desire; greedy. || trans. Full of intense interest; passionate. 3. transfer Passionately striving for something, uncontrollable in the desire to satisfy some desire. 4. transfer Expressing greed 2., 3. Explanatory Dictionary by Efremova
  • greedy - See covet Dahl's Explanatory Dictionary
  • greedy - -aya, -oe; -den, -dna, -dno, -dny and -dny. 1. Seeking to take, receive, have as much of something as possible. Greedy for money. □ [Keywoman:] I ​​am greedy, greedy, envious of everything, envious of every little thing. A. Ostrovsky, Labor Bread. Small academic dictionary