List of characters in the book series “Tanya Grotter. Tanya Grotter and full Tibidox What Tanya Grotter looks like

Tanya Grotter

The main character of the series, a sorceress. After the death of his parents, he lives with distant relatives, then ends up in the magic school of magic Tibidox, where he makes best friends Bab-Yagun and Vanka Valyalkin. Friendship with Vanka subsequently develops into love.

  • Favorite subject: magical aerobatics, veterinary magic.
  • Antagonist: Plague del Cake et al.
  • Appearance: shoulder-length red wavy hair, green (emerald) eyes. Initially there was a mole on the nose, but it later disappeared.
  • Flying instrument: Theophilus Grotter's double bass.
  • Side: light sorceress
  • Height: 1.73m.
  • Born on January 25, 1988 in the taiga wilderness.
  • Parents: Sophia and Leopold Grotter.
  • She is completely confused in her love story: after graduating from Tibidox, she lives with Vanka Valyalkin, whom she loves. In the book "Aphrodite's Lock" I felt a certain attachment to the necromagus Gleb Beybarsov, but this attachment quickly passed. I also had feelings for Urgu (“Boots of the Centaur”), and starting from books 4-5 for Gury Pupper.
  • Possible prototype: Harry Potter.
  • As was said in the fifth book, Tatyana has a negative blood type 2.


Bab-Yagun- the son of a rogue magician and a sorceress. His mother died in a battle with the Plague del Torte. Little Yagun was raised by his grandmother Yagge. I grew up in Tibidox and knew about magic from birth. After arriving at Tibidox, Tanya Grotter became his best friend and he always supported her and helped her.

Vanka Valyalkin

Ivan Vladimirovich Valyalkin born into a family of people deprived of magical abilities (Moronoids). He had a difficult childhood. Once in Tibidox, he met Tanya Grotter and Bab-Yagun and became their best friend.

  • Favorite subject: veterinary magic.
  • After graduating from Tibidox, Vanka decided to retire from the human world and settled in the forest; subsequently Tanya began to live with him.
  • IN parallel world has a double - the dragon I-Van La Kin.
  • Appearance - blond disheveled hair, cornflower blue eyes, yellow T-shirt.
  • Flying tool - vacuum cleaner.
  • Side - light
  • Favorite teacher - Pithecanthropus Tararakh.
  • Height: 1 meter 80 cm
  • Loves Tanya Grotter.
  • Antagonist - Gleb Beybarsov.
  • He has the nickname of an unknown author (Possibly Bab-Yagun) - Maechnik. Which he received for wearing a constant yellow T-shirt, taking it off only for Tanya to patch it up.
  • Vanya's father trained dogs on the border before he started drinking.

Tibidoxa State

Sardanapal Chernomorov

Academician Sardanapal Chernomorov- the first student of the Ancient One, an immortal academician of white magic, the son of Uncle Chernomor, is the head of Tibidox and the most powerful white magician after Noah and his teacher. Feelings towards Medusa are love.

Medusa Gorgonova

Medusia Zeusovna Gorgonova- Associate Professor of the Department of Non-Life Sciences and Deputy Director.

  • A universal magician, he uses both white and dark magic. Has a bad character.
  • Possible prototypes - Argus Filch.
  • Appearance - piercing eyes, small stature.
  • Side - universal magician

Sigmund Klopp

Professor Klopp(in the books he is called Sigmund) - teacher of practical magic in Tibidox. Born during the Inquisition. His mother was a witch and should have been burned at the stake, but with one glance he destroyed the dungeon, after which he ended up in Tibidox. Later he began teaching practical magic there.

  • Appearance - hooked nose, short stature, rotten stump teeth, parietal eye.
  • Side - dark magician
  • Events in the book: Teacher of practical magic. He became the head of the dark department, although in his youth he showed great promise in veterinary magic. Was zombified by Plague del Cake. He bit into a rejuvenating apple and became a baby. Invented many spells.
  • Possible prototype - Severus Snape, Argus Filch


Dentoderich(real name - Yulia) - teacher of removing the evil eye from the white and applying the evil eye from the dark department. Zubi had a brother. A couple of years younger than her. And this brother was afraid of heights. I was very afraid, to the point of nausea. And Zubi teased him all the time. Not only about this, but about this too. We can say that she pestered her brother from morning to evening. And not far from their house there were old abandoned mines. The entrance to one mine had crumbled, collapsed, and there was a crack in the ground. Such an uneven hole. A meter and a half, no more. But it went down to great depths. And so Zubi ran up, jumped over and began teasing her brother from the other side. She shouted at him that he was a coward and all sorts of other offensive things. And the guy, whom she had completely finished, jumped. And although there was absolutely no point in jumping, he lost it... He didn’t even scream. Zubi stood on all fours on the edge of the crack and looked down... she looked for a long time... She still looks there in her nightmares. Can cast a very heavy evil eye. Loves to read poetry and classic novels. Because of her wedding with Gottfried of Bouillon, whom she disenchanted from the delayed spell of the Ancient One with a kiss, the ardor for literature cooled. Replaced Professor Klopp as head of the dark department of Tibidox.

  • Appearance - long pony-like bangs, round magnifying glasses.
  • Side - dark magician
  • Nickname - Great Zubi
  • Events in the book - together with Katya Lotkova she tried to remove the evil eye, woke up Gottfried Bouillonsky with a kiss, conveyed a message from German Durnev that Guriy Pupper was alive and did not die in a duel with Vanka.
  • Favorite student - Rita Shito-Kryto
  • Possible prototype: (from the image) Sibyl Trelawney.

Gottfried of Bouillon

  • Favorite subject: veterinary magic
  • Appearance - heavyset, broad-shouldered. Heavy lower jaw. Long, disheveled, never combed hair.
  • The party is not a magician. Pithecanthropus
  • Biography: in his youth, together with his comrades, he killed and ate a white dragon. Moreover, he got a piece of the tail, which allows him to live forever.
  • Possible prototype: Hagrid.

Nightingale Odikhmantievich the Robber

Black magician, magical aerobatics trainer. Lost the battle with Ilya Muromets, as a result of which he was captured. He simulated physical death in the courtyard of Prince Vladimir. Taken on bail by Sardanapal Chernomorov. Favorite student - Tanya Grotter.

  • Favorite subject: magic aerobatics
  • Appearance - Blind in one eye, one knee does not bend, and the nose is flattened
  • Side - dark magician
  • Events in the book - teacher of magical aerobatics, coach of the Tibidox dragonball team.
  • Prototype - Nightingale the Robber
  • Possible prototypes: Alastor Moody and Rolanda Trick


Goddess of the ancient disbanded pantheon, grandmother Yaguna. Works in a medical center. Yagge has a hut-on-chicken-legs. She hates being compared to Baba Yaga.

  • Appearance - a small, thin elderly woman wearing a permanent shawl.
  • Side - goddess, light sorceress.
  • Prototype - Baba Yaga
  • Possible prototype - Poppy Pomfrey
  • Events in the book - he is in charge of a medical station in Tibidox.
  • Often runs around with his grandson.


Teacher of magical essences in Tibidox. Once taught in Mugford. Sometimes he is possessed by the spirit of Salieri.

  • Side - dark magician
  • Events in the book - He turned out to be the one who wanted to steal the throne of the Ancient One in order to take his magic for himself. But Tanya Grotter, little Kloppik, Sardanapalus, Great Zubi, Gottfried of Bouillon and Medusia Gorgonova were able to stop him.
  • Appearance - similar to a ferret.
  • A possible prototype is Quirinus Quirrell.

Usynya, Gorynya and Dubynya

The heroic bouncers and security guards do not disdain mug-eating. Guarded by the Creepy Gate.

  • Side - no magicians
  • The events in the book - their heads were accidentally caused by Tanya, who they almost ate. They helped rebuild Tibidox after its destruction. They helped separate the watermen and goblins who were fighting for the Ancient One’s guardhouse.


  • She was a member of the Tibidox dragonball team
  • Side - dark sorceress
  • Flying instrument - guitar with trailer
  • Appearance - dark, sharp-faced
  • He plays the guitar well, although he has to unhook the trailer because... he hits his knees

Zhora Zhikin

Zhora Zhikin- dark magician. I ended up in Tibidox after being transported by the power of my mind to a television studio. Lovelace. Selfish, self-confident.

  • Appearance: dark-skinned, dark-haired
  • Side - dark magician
  • Flight tool - mop with propeller
  • Events in the book: saved the portrait of Noah from the swindlers, gave Tanya a fragment of Noah's pince-nez.

Lisa Zalizina

Tanya Grotter's worst enemy. He hates Tanya because Vanka Valyalkin and Gleb Beybarsov love her. After graduating from school, she lived with Gleb Beibarsov in Ivanovo. But then Gleb left her. Prone to drama. While in Mugford, she became friends with Guria Pupper's girlfriend Jane Petushkoff.

  • Appearance - a pretty girl with long hair.
  • The side is a light sorceress, but very often uses dark magic.
  • The flying instrument is a cuckoo clock, the cuckoo pecks with precision.
  • Events in the book: she was in love with Vanka, sent Tanya a lock of Aphrodite, then she was in love with Gleb Beibarsov with the same lock. In the book Tanya Grotter and the Staff of the Magi, God Triglav mistakenly moved into Lisa instead of Tanya. It happened that Lisa even tried to strangle Tanya (Triglav tried). But when Tanya and Gury found the staff that the gods demanded, Triglav released Lisa.
  • Antagonist-Tanya Grotter

Kuzya Tuzikov

Known for never being parted with his broom. In love with Rita Shito-Kryto. Very forgetful. Kuzi's father is the hereditary magician Tuzikov, who caught and revived the dog Mumu.

  • Side - light magician.
  • The flying tool is a jet broom.
  • He often goes with Rita Shito-Kryto.
  • He plays on the Tibidox dragonball team. Dragon Defense.


In the first books, he was known for his good game of dragonball and his love for otters. Later he became known as a huge money lover. Mercantile. He lends money to many people in Tibidox at interest. I ended up in Tibidox after I very quickly (6 and a half minutes) solved all the tasks on a city math test and turned the teacher into an otter. After finishing school he settled in St. Petersburg.

  • Side - dark magician
  • Flying tool - vacuum cleaner
  • He often quarrels with Bab-Yagun.

Katya Lotkova

Katya Lotkova- very beautiful girl. Hereditary sorceress. Friendly and tolerant of people. An excellent pupil. Played dragonball (dragon defense). After graduating from school, she remained in graduate school.

  • Appearance - long blond hair
  • Side - light sorceress
  • Flying instrument - vacuum cleaner "Gryazyuks"
  • Events in the book: Together with Zuboderikha, she caught the viral evil eye, which made her pupils glow, but soon both were cured, lost their beauty due to Perun’s hammer, and later returned it.
  • Meets with Bab-Yagun.
  • Possible prototype - Fleur Delacour

Demyan Goryanov

Student of the dark branch of Tibidox. Under his gaze, food and things turn sour. Buddy Seven-Stump-Hole. Bab-Yagun's main opponent. After graduating from school, he worked in a magical stable where pegasi were bred. In love with Karilyn Kurlo from Mugford's invisible team.

  • Antagonist - Bab-Yagun
  • Appearance: Nosy. His gaze turns food and things sour
  • Side - dark magician
  • Flying instrument - vacuum cleaner "Buran 100U"

Gunya Glomov

I studied in first grade for four years. The strongest student in Tibidox. In love with Grobynya, he later married her. After graduating from Tibidox, she and Grobynya moved to Bald Mountain.

  • Appearance - Strong, sturdy, tall
  • Side - dark magician
  • Possible prototypes - Vincent Crabbe, Gregory Goyle
  • Events in the book: lost his strength due to Perun's hammer, then returned it, but this changed him greatly. In the seventh book, he asked the magic pike that all the girls would love him. This is how remote magic began to affect all the students of Tibidox. Also in the seventh book, Gunya was Vanka’s second in his duel with Pupper. In the eighth book he found himself in a parallel world, where he has a double - private Gunnio.


"Botanist". Has problems communicating with people, is shy, prefers books. Indecisive. He is in love with the necromagus Lena Svekolt. He often quarrels with his beloved about magic. Arguments usually last more than 2 hours. Later he went to study in Mugford.

Genka Bulyonov

Classmate of Pipa Durneva and Tanya Grotter in the burdock world. Discovered his magical abilities with the help of the Book of Doom. Until the age of 15, he lived with his mother. Currently in a relationship with Pipa Durneva.

The first awakening of his magical abilities was suppressed by Medusa Gorgonova, since he used it not for good, but for evil.

  • Appearance - tall
  • Side - dark magician
  • Flying instrument - tennis racket
  • Events in the book: Plague del Tort moved into him and with his help she searched for the “Soul Stealer” rod. Dating Pipa Durneva.


Gleb Beibarsov

A student of the dark witch, an ally of Plague del Cake, who grew up in the wilderness. Got the most most gift after her death. Once, as a child, he turned a dead kitten into a zombie after swallowing a fishhook. Gleb, like the rest of the witch’s pupils, is not distinguished by sentimentality or kindness. He is secretive and hardly talks to anyone. He loves to draw and really does not like to show his drawings to anyone, even Zhanna and Lena. As it turned out, he always drew the same girl - Tanya, even against his will. His drawing, and even then only one, was seen only by Tanya herself. He fell in love with her without knowing her yet, spying on her life from the hut of the old witch, an ally of Plague del Tort. He walks everywhere with a bamboo cane, which, apparently, replaces his magic ring. Flies in a mortar. He plays in the dragon-sick adult team of Tibidox. Gleb is not indifferent to Tanya, he helped her in the story with the Well of Poseidon.

  • Appearance: Tall young man. Slightly stooped. Dark hair, black eyes that absorb light.
  • Character: Gleb is selfish. Even he does something for others not without benefit for himself. Stubborn, does not know how to retreat. He often uses irony, but does not tolerate irony towards himself. Many positive traits considers them “unworthy” and diligently hides them.
  • Side: Necromagus.
  • Flying Tool: Flying Stupa.
  • Events in the book: After the death of the witch he ends up in Tibidox. Through the lock of Aphrodite, he was in love with Lisa Zalizina, but he got over it. Zhanna Abatikova, who was raised with him by a dark witch, is in love with Gleb himself. In the match between Tibidox and Team Eternity, Beibarsov was possessed by Tantalus, but Gleb defeated him. With the help of the mirror, Tantalus became one with Vanka Valyalkin. Gleb had a double in the world of Plague del Tort Guleb. The Double was going to destroy the line between the worlds and win the heart of the Plague, but his plan failed.

Lena Svekolt

  • Admiral Zhulson- Number two in the Mugford dragonball team. Fearless, lost many organs.
  • Oh-Fairy-Lee-Ya- number three in the Mugford team. Plays defense. Plays the flute, guiding the dragon, thereby hypnotizing it, and playing a dishonest game.
  • Prototype - Malyuta Skuratov
  • Possible prototype: Rufus Scrimgeour.
  • Side - vampire
  • Flying instrument - coffin
  • Appearance - A gray-haired man with a lumpy nose and a narrow mouth.
  • Events in the book - He is afraid of losing this position, which is why he delayed the issuance of the regalia to Uncle German, citing another contender for the inheritance, Ligula K.A. However, after the death of Ligula, he was forced to transfer the regalia to Durnev, although with some delay. Together with his bodyguard Boom, he stole the staff of the Magi from the gods, hoping to kill them with its help. However, Khalyaviy stole the staff from the vampires. They tried to steal it again by going to the Durnevs, but the gods drove them away. She can’t stand German Nikitich because he never became a real vampire. Loves female blood of the second group with negative Rh. Almost killed Tanya in book 5. He led the operation to capture Tibidox in the 9th book. In the 12th book, he suggested that German and Nineli send their man who would make real vampires out of them, vaguely stating that it would soon be more profitable to be dead.


Malyuta Skuratoff's dull bodyguard is devoted to his owner and follows on his heels. Very strong, used for various “delicate tasks”. Almost killed Simorgh, the guardian of the world tree.


Player of the polar spirits team. He was the 11th member of the national team. Invisible.

Father Frost

Captain of the polar spirit team. He flies on a sled drawn by three snow mares - Blizzard, Blizzard and Purga.

Links Mythology "Tanya Grotter" Wikipedia

List of characters book series Dmitry Yemets "Tanya Grotter". Tanya Grotter. Daughter of Leopold and Sophia Grotter, two wonderful white magicians who died protecting her from the Plague del Torte, an evil old woman, a black sorceress who tried to capture... ... Wikipedia

List of characters from Dmitry Yemets’ book series “Tanya Grotter”. Tanya Grotter. Daughter of Leopold and Sophia Grotter, two wonderful white magicians who died protecting her from the Plague del Torte, an evil old woman, a black sorceress who tried to capture... ... Wikipedia

List of characters from Dmitry Yemets’ book series “Tanya Grotter”. Tanya Grotter. Daughter of Leopold and Sophia Grotter, two wonderful white magicians who died protecting her from the Plague del Torte, an evil old woman, a black sorceress who tried to capture... ... Wikipedia

List of characters from Dmitry Yemets’ book series “Tanya Grotter”. Tanya Grotter. Daughter of Leopold and Sophia Grotter, two wonderful white magicians who died protecting her from the Plague del Torte, an evil old woman, a black sorceress who tried to capture... ... Wikipedia

List of characters from Dmitry Yemets’ book series “Tanya Grotter”. Tanya Grotter. Daughter of Leopold and Sophia Grotter, two wonderful white magicians who died protecting her from the Plague del Torte, an evil old woman, a black sorceress who tried to capture... ... Wikipedia

Tanya Grotter and Magic Double Bass

The black sorceress Plague del Tort, whose name they are afraid to even say out loud, strives for power, destroying the light wizards one after another. Among her victims is the wonderful white magician Leopold Grotter. His daughter Tanya somehow manages to avoid death, but a mysterious mole remains on the tip of her nose for the rest of her life... Plague del Cake mysteriously disappears, and Tanya Grotter finds herself thrown into the family of businessman Durnev, her distant relative... In this She lives in an extremely unpleasant family until she is ten years old, and then ends up in the world’s only school of magic, Tibidox...

Tanya Grotter and the Vanishing Floor

Tanya Grotter was unlucky. While Sardanapalus, Medusia Gorgonova and other teachers are rebuilding the destroyed Tibidox school of magic, the students are sent home. So Tanya is forced to return to Moscow to the Durnev family. Moreover, take with you a whole suitcase of quarrelsome ghosts. Well, nothing! During her studies at Tibidox, Tanya managed to learn something, so Uncle German and Aunt Nineli will have a hard time. And finally the time comes to return to Tibidox. It was rebuilt and even better than before, but the Vanishing Floor: something incredible is happening to it. None of those who dared to penetrate there returned back. Or did he return?...
Tanya Grotter and Golden Leech

Thunder shakes the magic school of Tibidox. Lightning strikes one point - the masonry near the roof of the Great Tower. And in an abandoned lodge near a swamp, Tanya Grotter discovers a forgotten prophecy of the Ancient One. If the ancient spirit is released, the Golden Leech will crawl into the magical fire and the rope in the neck of the double bass will burst, time will turn back, the revived pagan idols will go to war against the Turtle of Eternity and the Eerie Gate will collapse! Predictions begin to come true one after another... And all this during the World Dragonball Championship, in which the Tibidox team will have to fight with the invisible team, where the inimitable Gury Pupper shines!!!
Tanya Grotter and the throne of the Ancient One

It's been a long time since there were such troubles in Tibidox! The main sources of magic have been stolen: items that once belonged to the Ancient One. True, there is also the throne of an ancient magician, whose energy will last for millennia. But the trouble is that no one knows where he is. Day by day, the reserves of magic in Tibidox are drying up, and all students are sent to the world of moronoids. Tanya Grotter and Bab-Yagun find themselves in the Durnev family... But nothing in the magical world can be more important than dragonball. Everyone is looking forward to the match between the invisible team and the Tibidox team. The intrigue is heightened by the fact that the legendary Guria Pupper is finally in love. Hundreds of cupids are flying with flowers and letters! I wonder who Pupper sends them to? This obviously couldn’t have happened without mind-blowing magic... But Tanya didn’t want this at all!!!

Tanya Grotter and the Staff of the Magi

There is a strict law of balance between the other world and the world of magicians. Nothing can pass from world to world without upsetting the delicate balance of power. But now the balance that has been preserved for centuries is disrupted: something extremely valuable is stolen from the Other World... At the same time, due to Tanya’s carelessness, a strong spirit takes up residence in the mirror, which opens a passage between the worlds. Three powerful ancient gods, Perun, Veles and Triglav, and the guardian of the world tree Simorgh demand the return of what was stolen, threatening to destroy Buyan and with him the entire magical world... Well, the persistent Guriy Pupper is still doing everything to win the love of Tanya Grotter. He sends hundreds of cupids and even... moves from the invisible team to the Tibidox dragonball team...
Tanya Grotter and Perun's hammer

Someone is violating Buyan’s magical protection night after night, knocking out mysterious symbols on the impenetrable dome. At the same time, Grobynya loses her magic and is forced to return to the moronoids, Gunya Glomov loses her strength, and Katya Lotkova loses her beauty. Something incomprehensible is happening in Tibidox... Meanwhile, life does not stand still. Pipa Durneva, who has discovered intuitive magic, ends up in a school of magic. Tanya Grotter experiences the effects of voodoo magic and, like a cat, falls in love with Pupper. And the Tibidox dragonball team will have to fight with the team of eternity, which includes the most famous players of all times and peoples, including...

Based on the book series of the same name by D. Yemets


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Character Groups

Total characters - 85

1 0 0

Genie, manager school library. He has a nasty character, but usually he still agrees to help. He likes to make up various curses, but, to his great chagrin, he is almost unable to use them.

0 0 0

A swamp bloke, close to the Plague del Tort. Her personal servant.

18 7 0

A smart, talkative and overly curious friend and classmate of Tanya, the grandson of the owner of the magpunkt - the goddess Yagge. Playing commentator in dragonball, a big fan of new and powerful vacuum cleaners for flight, which he is always experimenting with, causing their service life to become extremely short. He is very good at “mirroring” - reading thoughts. In love with Katya Lotkova. Yagun has his signature saying: “Mommy is my grandma!”

2 0 0

Eyeless Horror - a terrible ghost of Tibidox. Once a month he goes to the basement to rattle the shackles. Before Tibidox, he lived in the now destroyed Scaredo school. From time to time he remembers that he actually teaches the history of other worlds.

1 0 0

The first fallen guardian of light (under the name Two-Faced Kvodnon). Became the lord of darkness. The embodiment of evil. One part of Kvodnon’s essence was imprisoned behind the Creepy Gate, and the second, the spirit - Faceless Kvodnon - feeds the darkness by the very fact of its existence. A character from the “Mefodiy Buslaev” universe, but mentioned in “The Well of Poseidon”.

2 1 0

Manager from Bald Mountain, Tibidox's ill-wisher. The main referee in dragonball matches always tries to help.

7 8 1

Tanya's friend and boyfriend. He is also friends with Bab-Yagun. Loves food and animals. He is Tararakh’s favorite student, has the ability to perform veterinary magic - animals, both magical and ordinary, do not see him as an enemy. Together with Tanya and Yagun he went through many trials. Principled. Capable of reckless, courageous and strong-willed actions. Often, risking his life, he saves his friends.

0 0 0

Competitor of Gryziana Pripyatskaya. He runs his own program.

0 0 0

One of the main gossips of Tibidox, so curious that she acquired the gift of seeing through objects.

0 0 0

She studies together with Kolya Kiryanov, that is, for Tanya who has grown up, she is a junior. She demonstrates her amazing ability on Rita Shito-Kryto: if Vika gets angry, all her words come true, and there is no protection from this gift. She first appears in “Curse of the Necromagus”: she was brought to Tibidox by Yagun and Slander.

0 0 0

The only one who, with a stretch, can be called Tanya’s school friend in the world of moronoids.

0 0 0

Head of the Durnev family.

The full character description contains spoilers.

19 10 0

Necromagus. First appears in "Poseidon's Well".

From an early age, he was raised in Altai together with Lena Svekolt and Zhanna Abbatikova by the dark witch, an ally of Plague del Tort. He is somewhat manically in love with Tanya Grotter. He casts spells with a bamboo cane and also uses amulets. He plays dragonball well and flies on a mortar.

0 0 0

Pupper's friend, guardian. Walks around with an evil eye. A staunch feminist.

0 0 0

Sleeping Handsome. He was put to sleep by the Ancient One himself as a person who, in the distant future, would be able to save Tibidox from terrible danger.

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4 0 0

The main, strongest and smartest dragon Tibidoxa, the father of six dragons - known as Mercury, Sparkling, Smoky, Swift and Ash. He treats Tanya well, and she often spends time in his hangar, especially with Vanka.

0 0 0

Together with Tishtrey he judges dragonball matches - he is the chairman of the panel of referees. Like Tishtrya and Immortelle, he judges dishonestly. Moves in a dental chair. Friendly with Magwokat Hudson.

19 4 0

Neighbor and peculiar friend of Tanya Grotter. Known to everyone as Grobynya, real name is Anya. He studies in the same course as Tanya, but in a dark department. A bright, strong personality with his own style. Sharp-tongued, worldly smart, and knows how to cheat if necessary. Throughout the series he meets with one or the other.

0 0 0

Quite a popular sarcastic TV presenter who reads magic stories. Venya Viya's competitor. After graduation, Grobynya, like a kindred spirit, works for her. Gryziana has a thorn on her right eye, which she skillfully hides with bangs, and she looks about three hundred years old, although everyone knows that she is well over six hundred.

0 0 0

1 0 0

There is strength - no need for intelligence. The moronoids have this proverb, and Gunya fully justifies it, having served four years in her first year. Loves fights. It is better for an ordinary person not to fall under his “Glomus-vlomus”.

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1 4 0

Parody of Harry Potter. Famous dragonball player. He collects glasses with useful functions and brooms, or rather, he doesn’t exactly collect them, but he’s too modest to refuse when his godfather gives them to him. Has the most dangerous aunts, about whom it is better not to remember at all.

The light magician, among his achievements, killed a basilisk. In dragonball, he plays in the main team of Mugford - the invisible team (each player has an invisibility cloak).

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1 1 0

A dark magician who should be kept away from dairy products. And you shouldn’t just eat next to him - next to him, everything that can go bad turns sour and moldy. Not on good terms with Yagun.

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0 0 0

A long time ago he was a bright guardian, leaving behind a vague biography full of white spots. Most magicians consider him to be the greatest magician who ever lived. He was a student of Noah and collected magic bit by bit, founding the entire magical tradition - both light and dark. He immediately banned some spells with a list of one hundred prohibited spells. He saw through the streams of time, although Triglav in “The Hammer of Perun” said that the Ancient One saw only what he wanted to see - what did not interfere with the harmony of his ideas about the world.

The ancient one founded and equipped Tibidox, although his gatehouse was the first to be built on Buyan. Sardanapalus is one of the students of Ancient One.

Magicians have preserved many expressions with his name: “I swear by the hair of the Ancient One!”, “glory to the Ancient One,” “forbid the Ancient One,” and so on.

0 0 0

Student of the light department, friend of Verka Popugaeva.

1 0 0

Skeleton Page belonging to Grobyna. It's in her room. He is very attached to Grobyna, protects her and allows her to hang clothes on him like on a hanger.

0 1 0

One of the trio of necromagi. She grew up with Gleb Beibarsov and Lena Svekolt.

2 0 0

Handsome and a ladies' man. Dark magician.

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0 0 0

Inspector Tibidoxa from “Ring with a Pearl”.

1 0 0

A dark magician teaches how to remove the evil eye from the white department and how to apply it to the dark one.

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2 0 0

Friendly, very beautiful girl. Light magician. Plays dragonball.

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Teacher of practical magic in Tibidox (decoctions, potions). Head of the dark branch.

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Junior year student at Tibidox, studying with Vika Ryzhova. His magic is intuitive - when he cries or laughs, those around him feel bad. He is very sociable and suffers greatly because, because of his dangerous gift, no one wants to be friends with him - everyone avoids him and tries to stay away.

0 0 0

Light magician. Quite clueless and forgetful. He does not part with his flying instrument, on which he plays dragonball - a jet broom. He takes the position of protecting the dragon, but unlike Katya Lotkova, he is not of much use in the game.

1 1 0

The fatal girl from the invisible team. Emotional: sometimes she laughs, sometimes she cries. She can seriously jinx you with just one look, and sometimes even protective vests cannot save you from her. Even Karilyn's photographs have magic.

2 0 0

One of the trio of necromagi. She grew up with Gleb Beibarsov and Zhanna Abbatikova.

Very serious, calm, reasonable. Doesn't understand humor very well and hardly knows how to have fun without a care in the world. Lena is tall, with high cheekbones and a high forehead. Her hair changes color, but is always braided in different bright colors.

Lena is Shurasik's soul mate and also loves books.

1 0 0

Tanya's father is also known simply as Leo or LeGros. An excellent researcher and alchemist. While studying at Tibidox, he was still a prankster, although not out of malice, but out of a thirst for research, and Slander often tried to get him transferred to the dark department. He loved his double bass very much, which he then passed on to Tanya, and was well versed in its properties. Played great at dragonball.

1 0 0

A light magician, but does not disdain dark magic. Not afraid of fire. Plays dragonball among the attackers, flies on a cuckoo clock. Her relationship with Tanya is not easy.

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A real porcelain doll in appearance, and a selfish, vindictive bitch in character. Nobody knows what she really thinks because it is always easy for her to put on an act. Dresses brightly, defiantly and catchily. She took part in the landmark match “Team of the World - Team of Eternity,” although she cannot be found in any dragon-related reference book.

1 0 0

Egyptian of Russian origin, a very powerful dark magician. Her life is an eternal struggle. The baby was thrown to the foot of one of the Egyptian pyramids from a passing tourist bus with Ryazan license plates. She was picked up by a priest of an ancient cult, who, masquerading as a beggar, collected alms from the pyramid. When they tried to sacrifice her, she let out such a scream that many vacancies immediately appeared in the priestly sect. The surviving priests passed on their knowledge and skills to Malanya.

Plays on the world team, flies on the tomb of the pharaoh.

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Proto-vampire, temporary leader of Transylvania.

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Centaur from the world of the Four Realms. His eight-letter name speaks of his great mind. A friend of Vanka Valyalkin, who was called there as I-Van. Character from the book "Tanya Grotter and the Centaur's Boots."

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Panther Girl. She is small, with a white pigtail, and flies on a stuffed crocodile four meters long, which also sometimes comes to life. As a child (in “The Hammer of Perun”), she asked Guna with questions and was enthusiastic about Tanya (“I really want to be like you! Our entire class admires you!”), then she entered the “junior” Tibidox dragonball team and was one of the best there.

0 0 0

A dark pagan demigod, a scoundrel and a traitor, who once in ancient times chose for himself the body and appearance of the Assyrian sphinx. Key character in the book “The Chatty Sphinx”.

10 1 0

Associate Professor of the Department of Non-Life Sciences and Deputy Director. A bright magician with strong principles. She has a proud posture, a confident gait, copper-red hair that turns into snakes in moments of anger, and a face with regular, delicate features.

She is very strict. Everyone respects her and knows that she will recognize impolite remarks about herself even from a distance. And at the same time, she is kind and responsive, always looking at the very essence, crushing the empty form.

Tanya Grotter. Daughter of Leopold and Sophia Grotter, two wonderful white magicians who died protecting her from Plague del Tort, an evil old woman, a black sorceress who tried to seize dominion over the world with the help of the Talisman of the Four Elements. When she tried to set her scorpion on Tanya, who was protected by the Talisman, the Plague's magic turned against her and she died. Tanya was given to be raised by her adopted relatives, Aunt Ninel and Uncle German Durnev, who also had a daughter, Pipa (short for Penelope). Tanya lived in this “sweet” family for ten years until she entered the Tibidox school of magic. In Tibidox, she first learns the truth about the death of her parents, for the first time she makes friends - Bab-Yagun, Yagge's grandson, and Vanka Valyalkin, the child of drinking parents. Enemies also appear, like the Tomb of the Crypt from the dark magicians. In Tibidox, Tanya studies magic under the guidance of teachers: Sardanapal Chernomorov, the head of Tibidox, a good-natured man who loves children; Medusia Gorgonova, a strict but fair teacher of non-living studies; The slander of Slander, the stern head teacher, Tararakh, the kind Pithecanthropus, Zuboderikha and others. Tanya also plays dragonball, a game in which there are five balls, two dragons and ten players in two teams.

Tanya and her friends have been fighting the Plague del Torte for five years. At the moment, 13 books have been published, and it is unknown what will happen next, and whether there will be anything further at all, but with each book more and more appear more riddles. Also, the plot of the book series from the creator of the TG "Mefodiy Buslaev" intersects with the book series "Tanya Grotter".


Bab-Yagun is the son of a rogue magician and a sorceress. However, his father escaped and his mother died in a battle with the Plague del Torte. Little Yagun was raised by his grandmother Yagge, who is in charge of the medical center. Bab-Yagun spent his entire childhood in Tibidokhs, with his grandmother. He was nimble and inquisitive and therefore caused a lot of trouble for adults. A couple of times he was removed from the vacuum cleaner on the way to Bald Mountain, and once he was even found at the Creepy Gate, which he tried to open using a nail as a master key. The worst punishment for Yagun was to simply sit silently on a chair with his hands folded. True, Yagge rarely punished him so severely. His ears are sparsely protruding. That's why he didn't like bewitched hats as a child - he said that his ears didn't fit in them. He wears his hair short. Bab-Yagun studies in the light department, but for some time he was in the dark department, and was transferred back through the efforts of Yagge. Bab-Yagun's favorite item is dragon ball. Yagun treats the vacuum cleaner with great care. It is believed that he has the best vacuum cleaner in school. Yagun also trained in Mugford and was included in the world team. Yagun has a very caustic tongue, for which he was appointed as a commentator in dragonball. Yagun is good at mirroring (reading other people's thoughts), this helps him well with a charmed pass. To protect his consciousness, he places a block that is very difficult to break through. However, Yagun has ill-wishers, so Yagun has to wear an anti-evil vest. Dating Katya Lotkova. Baba-Yagun has a double in a parallel world - the wandering “magician”-rogue Yagunni.

Ivan Valyalkin

Vanka Valyalkin was born in the world of moronoids. Vanka had a difficult childhood; his parents were alcoholics and abused their son in every possible way. The boy often went hungry. His magical abilities manifested themselves when, dying of hunger, he ate the entire supermarket, including the rubber batons of the guards. And immediately after this incident he received an invitation to study at the Tibidox school. At school he became friends with Bab-Yagun, and then with Tanya Grotter. Tanya and Vanka were inseparable friends from the very beginning, and their strong friendship grew into strong love. Vanka’s favorite subject at Tibidox was veterinary magic. The boy always found mutual language with undead and magical animals. His room looked like an infirmary, with wounded animals, sick undead, and books on veterinary magic everywhere.

After finishing Tibidox, Vanka decided to retire from the human world, and therefore climbed into a deep forest. In his rickety hut, Vanka explored the world of moronoids: he read books, tried to do without magic. In the end, he came to the conclusion that the magicians needlessly cut themselves off from the rest of the world. Soon Vanka makes another friend - the miniature dragon Tangro. The most dear person in Vanka’s life is Tanya Grotter. He loves her with pure, bright and boundless love. Tanya at one time doubted whether Vanka Valyalkin was the person with whom she was ready to spend her whole life?.. However, soon all her doubts dissipated. Fighting with a pagan god in the guise of a sphinx, in order to save Tibidox, Vanka had to give up magic. He became an ordinary person. This was the reason for Tanya to move to the forest with him. In a parallel world, she has a double - the dragonmaid I-Van La Kina.

Grobynya Sklepova

As a child, Grobynya Sklepova was an ordinary girl, Anya. She was born into the family of a gravedigger and inherited from him her grave humor and passion for grave things, for example, the coffin, which she uses as a bed. As a child, she carried dead birds home; many served as toys for her. Mom naturally didn’t like it. Grobynya’s older brother mocked her, and during one of these cases, Grobynya’s gift awakened. She ended up at Tibidox in the dark department at the age of 11. She was an unusual mixture: she had the character of the dark Tibidoh magicians - classmates, the character of young magical girls (for example, in Guria's jealousy of Tanya), the character of the Lysegorsk witches (not those ghouls who wander at night, but such spectacular ladies as Gryziana Pripyatskaya). Grobynya's humor and wit compensated for her complete lack of conscience. She changed her hairstyle every day, painted her nails with varnish different colors. She considers magic the most important thing in the world. After graduating from school, she became a TV presenter, she had fans - “rivets”. Grobynya, like many other girls, was in love with Gury Pupper and tried to seduce him. However, her attempts turned against her - instead of Pupper, the annoying Sheikh Spirya fell in love with her, who wanted to give Grobyna several oil derricks. But Grobynya was strongly attached to Guna Glomov. She married him. In a parallel world, she has a double - the maid of honor of the Kingdom of Fire - Grobulia Skleppi.

Aunt Nasturtium

One of Gury Pupper's two aunts, the aunt hates Tanya Grotter because Gury allegedly almost died due to Tanya's fault. Is an allusion to Aunt Petunia from the Harry Potter series of novels, since nasturtiums, like petunia, are flowers.

Katya Lotkova

Katya Lotkova has been an honored beauty of Tibidox since her first year. She has incredible beauty. Katya is a hereditary witch, her great-grandmother practiced love spells, and Katya got the gift. At school, Katya did not use love spells; her natural beauty was enough to charm boys. Katya treated everyone kindly and with tolerance. She had a soul, and therefore she knew who felt her soul and who loved her appearance. Katya became Bab-Yagun's friend when she realized that even if she was ugly, he would still stay with her forever.

Leopold Grotter

Tanya Grotter's father, one of the greatest dragonball players of all time. For some time he was a member of the Eternity team. The greatest magician, son of Theophilus Grotter.

The kindest aunt Guria Puppera

Second aunt Guria Puppera, has a mysterious name that no Englishman dares to pronounce, explaining this with strong magical properties, from which

“The Creepy Gate Will Melt” (Jane “Zhanna Petushkova” Petushkoff).
Instead of a name, the address “the kindest aunt” is used, which, however, does not indicate kindness, but is rather sycophantic, used by Pupper’s magwokats. It is most likely that S.D.T. is an allusion to the author of the Harry Potter series of novels - JK Rowling, and this is indicated by a number of facts:
  • Harry Potter did not have a second aunt.
  • It was mentioned more than once in the books that S.D.T bought everything for warts, pimples, etc. JK Rowling, in turn, bought all the rights to all kinds of products with Harry.
  • The very concept of “Good Aunt” perfectly applies to Ms. Rowling - at one time she donated a large sum to a foundation for single-parent families.
  • “The Good Aunt” often resorts to the help of magvocats (magical lawyers); JK Rowling often files lawsuits to protect her works (including books about Tanya Grotter)

Sofia Grotter

Sofia Grotter (maiden name, as well as patronymic, unknown) Leopold Grotter’s wife and Tanya’s mother. She met him in Tibidox, and later married him. Her husband took her and their daughter Tanya to the taiga wilderness.

It is first mentioned in the very first book “Tanya Grotter and the Magic Double Bass”. In the rest, she is mentioned only in passing, and only in the book “Tanya Grotter and the Hammer of Perun” does she appear again, as a comparison with the appearance of her daughter Tatyana.

Pipa Durneva

Penelope Germanovna Durneva is Tanya's cousin. At first she was a parody of Dudley Dursley, but then she became a separate independent character. Because of intuitive magic, I ended up in Tibidox. She was in love with Gury Pupper, but then she realized that he was unattainable for her, and chose Genka Bulyonov, with whom she studied at the Moscow moronoid school.

Gury Pupper

One of the most notable characters in the books, Gury Pupper is an allusion to Harry Potter from the series of novels of the same name. Gury is a world class dragonball player and a member of the invisible team. Yemets makes many allusions to J. Rowling's series, in various books there are references to an owl, glasses sealed with tape, Sardanapal mentions the distribution of students in Mugford according to skills and abilities, in the first book where G. appears, Tanya is told that Pupper's childhood looks like Tanya's childhood. Gury flies on brooms, there is a mention of a black magician who hunted Gury, and so on. Having played the first match with the Tibidox team, G. falls in love with Tanya Grotter, and Grotter herself does not love him one bit, and thinks that P.’s love is connected with the love spell she carelessly cast at the request of Grobynya Sklepova. But then it turns out that Pupper's love is real. Having not received reciprocity, he tries to bewitch T. with the help of the voodoo sorceress Circe, but unsuccessfully. The second match with the invisible men was lost due to the fault of Tanya, who saved Pupper from the mouth of the dragon Goyaryn. The Tibidox team wins the third match thanks to the fact that Pupper saves Tanya from the dragon Keng-King. This happened after his aunts forced Jane Petushkoff on him. Before this, Pupper fights in a duel with Vanka due to the fact that both are tired of uncertainty. Pupper seems to die, but a moment before the fall he summons a ship of demons and falls into a coma for six months. The ship flies to Transylvania, where it is found by the chairman of the organization V.A.M.P.I.R. G. Durnev, simultaneously with the Magic of Dry Magic. After this, Pupper can no longer be with Tanya, but continues to love her, and, as already mentioned, saves her from the dragon during the third match. Has loyal fan guardians Prune and Goreanna, who are a hint of Harry Potter's friends Ron and Hermione. In addition to the consonance of names, this is indicated by the fact that Goreanna, like Hermione, is a feminist.

Genka Bulyonov

A lanky guy, a former moronoid. He discovered his magical abilities in the book “Tanya Grotter and Noah’s pince-nez”, with the help of the Book of Rock. Until the age of 15, he lived with his mother, who made him always sick. After meeting with the Book of Doom, he was taken to Tibidox by two ghosts: the Eyeless Horror, and Lieutenant Rzhevsky. Was enrolled in the dark department. Was enslaved by Plague del Torte in one of the books. Currently in a relationship with Pipa Durneva.

Verka Popugaeva

A curious person, a student of the dark department. At the age of 13, she was taken to Tibidox when she spied on her older sister when she was kissing a boy (peeping through the wall). It was then that she developed the ability to see through objects. After graduating from school, she and her friend Dusya opened a place where magical services are provided.

Rita Shito-Kryto

The most mysterious person in Tibidox, absolutely unpredictable, a student of the dark department, excellent in black magic, voodoo, and a specialist in potions, poisons and evil eyes. Favorite of the Great Zubi. She was a member of the Tibidox dragonball team and flies on a guitar with a trailer.

Kuzya Tuzikov

Member of the Tibidox dragonball team. Plays defense. Known for never being parted with his broom. (The exception is prom). In love with Rita Shito-Kryto


Tibidox's first "nerd". I got there after he, an excellent student, was given a bad grade for no reason. This infuriated him so much that mushrooms spontaneously grew on the teacher’s head, and the class magazine burst into flames. In the book "Tanya Grotter and the Magic Double Bass" he plays a very important role, namely, he was enslaved by the Plague-Del-Tort, then becomes less noticeable. In love with Lena Svekolt.

Plague Del Cake

The dark necro sorceress who killed 7 necromagi and gained their power is now dead. Is a parody of Voldemort. Several times she tried to kill Tanya, as well as occupy her body. Previously, Plague del Tort was imprisoned behind the Creepy Gate. But there was an incident when the magic malfunctioned and all the ancient gods escaped. We managed to catch everyone, except for Plague. She managed to remain free and began to do her dark deeds.

Sardanapal Chernomorov

The first student of the Ancient One, the immortal academician of white magic Sardanapal, is the head of Tibidox and the most powerful white magician after Noah and his teacher. Parody of Dumbledore. Awarded the Magic Suspenders Award. A parody of Merlin's order. He is notable for his lively multi-colored mustache, and no less lively, and very long beard. Owns magical artifacts: Ring of the Lord of Spirits (thanks to which there is a free staff of dragons in Tibidox), Amulet of Truth (detects lies). First Deputy: Medusa Gorgonov, with whom he is in love.

Medusa Gorgonova

Associate Professor of the Department of Non-Life Sciences and Deputy Director. Parody of Minerva McGonagall. It was she who once froze with her gaze the unlucky heroes of Ancient Greece. She was in love with Perseus, who betrayed her (cut off her head). She was rescued and revived again by Sardanapal Chernomorov. Current love - Sardanapal.

Slander Slander

Head teacher of Tibidox and part-time teacher of protection from spirits. Every student knows his famous chilling gaze. The most favorite punishment for students is zombification, and, unfortunately, the Slander of Slander, has never been carried out to the end. He is in love with the mermaid Milyulya because Cupid was offended by him and shot an arrow at him. She is terribly jealous of the merman. The slander is partly a parody of Severus Snape, this is hinted at by his icy gaze, like Snape’s, and the strange transition from dark to light magic, accompanied by misunderstanding and mistrust in the ranks of the students.

In my opinion, he’s not really based on Snape... More like Filch.


Teacher of removing the evil eye from the white department and applying the evil eye from the dark department. Among her students she is called the Great Zubi. She is a very romantic person, despite her ability to cast such evil eyes that even Academician Chernomorov does not always manage to disenchant her victim. She loves to read poetry and classic novels. Because of her wedding to Godfrey of Bouillon, whom she had bewitched from the spell of the Ancient One, her ardor for literature cooled. Real name is Julia.

Gottfried of Bouillon

Before his marriage to Zuboderika, he was Sleeping Beauty. Was awakened by the kiss of the Great Zubi. In Tibidox, he drives the undead from basements with the spear of Apollo and carries out small assignments from teachers.


Teacher of veterinary magic. A parody of Rubeus Hagrid from the book "Harry Potter". An immortal Pithecanthropus, the history of whose immortality the whole school knows by heart. During the time of the Pithecanthropes, his tribe caught a white dragon and ate it. Tararakh only got a piece of meat near the tail. The dragon turned out to be poisonous, so the tribe died. And the piece of meat that Tararakh ate gave immortality. He is not a magician. He is good-natured and has a favorite student, Vanya Valyalkin.

Nightingale O. (Odikhmantievich) Robber

Black magician, magical aerobatics trainer. Blind in one eye. Lost the battle with Ilya Muromets, as a result of which he was captured. He simulated physical death in the courtyard of Prince Vladimir. Taken on bail by Sardanapal Chernomorov. In the last book, he sacrificed his little finger so that the match Team of the World - Team of Eternity would take place. Favorite student - Tanya Grotter.

Immortelle Koshcheev

Head of the Magic of Dry Magic. He hates Sardanapalus and the Tibidox school (perhaps he is jealous of Medusa, for whom he feels something like love). One of the referees of dragonball matches, he always plays against Tibidox’s team, helping its opponents. On good terms with Guria Pupper's aunt - Nasturtium. Also B.K. - one of the richest magicians in the world, wears armor from Paco Grobano.


First Magician, teacher of Sardanapalus. Created all the magic, wrote many prophecies. Light Guardian.

Gleb Beibarsov

The adopted child of a dark witch - an ally of Plague del Cake, who grew up in the wilderness. Once, as a child, he turned a dead kitten into a zombie after swallowing a fishhook. After that, the witch took him away. Received most of the gift after her death. He is secretive and hardly talks to anyone. He draws, but his drawing, and even then only one, was seen only by Tanya. Once in Tibidox, Gleb receives the nickname “voodoo boy”. Gleb has another secret: he loved Tanya Grotter even before he saw her in Tibidox. But in the 13th book it turns out that his love is just passion. At the end of the thirteenth book, he lost his magic and went to the moronoid world. Zhanna Abatikova, who was raised with him by a dark witch, is in love with Gleb himself.

Lena Svekolt

Necromagus. Shurasik's girlfriend, and just as smart as him. Cold-blooded, like other necromagi. She braids her hair in two braids of different colors (blue and green).

Zhanna Abbatikova

Necromagus, tells fortunes by the eyes. As a child, she loved Gleb and swore that either he or no one would get it from the book of the old woman from whom all three (Gleb, Zhanna and Lena) studied. As a result of the oath, he has a scar on his wrist. More sensitive and emotional than other necromagi. When she gets excited, she swallows consonants, and it is very difficult to understand her.

Lisa Zalizina

Tanya Grotter's worst enemy, a member of the Tibidox dragonball team, flies on a cuckoo clock. He hates Tanya because Vanka Valyalkin and Gleb Beybarsov love her. In "Tanya Grotter and the Hammer of Perun" he is surprised that Tanya likes to be among dark magicians, but in "Tanya Grotter and the Ring with a Pearl" she knocks down the door with a double red spark. Therefore, it is unknown which magicians she should be classified as. At school she tried many times to bewitch Valyalkin, as a result of which he became very resistant to love magic. After graduating from school, she lived with Gleb Beibarsov in Ivanovo. Prone to drama. During her stay in Mugford she became friends with Jane Petushkoff. She has the nickname “Poor Lizon”, which Tanya awarded her.