Stress and ways to overcome stressful situations presentation. Presentation on stress and ways to overcome it. A person is not helpless in the face of stress

Our life is speeding up. And a huge burden falls on a child in adolescence. In order for you to be able to cope with stress, you need to learn to recognize yourself when and what emotions, feelings can cause stress and how to deal with it.

Pay attention to this moment. If your mind is constantly occupied with disturbing thoughts, for example: "I am worried about ..., I am worried about ..."; If you constantly make involuntary movements, such as curling your hair, biting your nails, or shifting from foot to foot, these are signs of nervousness. Therefore, you must learn to watch yourself, recognize them.

9 ways to help your teen deal with stress

1 ... You don't have to deal with everything alone. If you have too many responsibilities, you can ask your parents, brothers and sisters, friends to help you. Even a simple heart-to-heart talk about how many problems you have will already provide some emotional support.

6. You can start a diary in which you will describe your feelings, thereby materializing them on paper, freeing yourself from them and understanding what was behind them.

Or you can try to portray your negative emotions with paints, and then destroy this drawing.

Don't forget the saying that

"Business people who don't know how to deal with stress die young."

Remember, that:

The most important thing in life is the ability to develop a certain frame of mind, a positive attitude towards the world around you.

A person suffers not so much from what is happening as from how he evaluates what is happening.


Each person has the ability to AUTOREGULATION - you just need to be able to use it in a timely manner.

A person is not helpless in the face of stress.

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How to deal with stress? Prepared and conducted by the Psychologist of the School named after S.M. Kirov Naumchenko Natalia Nikolaevna

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Before we talk about how to deal with stress, consider the types of stress. All stressful situations (stressors) can be roughly divided into three groups: What?

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the first group of stressors Stressors that are practically beyond our control This is, in fact, the influence of the external environment in relation to us. These include the weather, polluted air, pricing in the market, inflationary processes, crime rates, long waiting times for public transport, delayed wages, administration actions, other people's actions towards us, congestion, and much more. Of course, you can be worried and nervous about an unexpected shutdown of water, about a long queue at the clinic, etc., but apart from increased irritation, increased blood pressure, we will not achieve anything.

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The second group of stressors Stressors that we can and should influence. This is our inability to set real life goals and achieve them, inability to manage our time, various difficulties of an interpersonal nature. If we learn to manage our actions, then we will eliminate a lot of causes of stressful situations.

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The third group of stressors Events and phenomena that we ourselves turn into problems. These are imaginary, non-existent problems, but which we take for real. At the physiological level, they act realistically, causing a lot of trouble for ourselves. This includes all kinds of anxiety about the future, worries about past events (according to the principle “I have a thought, I think it”). Most of us are familiar with these situations. We very often ourselves form stressful situations in our lives. And then, as expected, we overcome them, and the result of these overcomes is often sad.

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Pay attention to how you deal with stress Think about what methods of managing stress you are currently using, how smart and productive they are. Unfortunately, many men choose ways to cope with stress that not only do not solve the problem, but exacerbate it. Unproductive ways to deal with stress ???

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These methods of coping with stress can temporarily reduce stress levels, but will only harm in the long term: Smoking Using pills and drugs to relax Excessive alcohol cravings Excessive sleep Overeating or malnutrition Putting things off Sitting in front of the TV or computer for hours Filling every minute of the day with chores fear of facing problems Self-isolation Rejection of anger and irritation to others

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People who take responsibility for what is happening and make their own decisions are less stressed
prolonged stress is dangerous for our health. Therefore, we need to know and be able to use various methods of coping and preventing stress. Give an example of coping techniques Learn to deal with stress Learn to relax Learn to quickly get rid of stress

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You may not always have control over the effects of stress, but you can always learn to manage your response to this stress. To do this, you need to take control of your thoughts and emotions, your daily routine, your environment, ways to get out of a stressful situation. By changing your reaction to stress, you will take care of your health, find time for rest and relaxation (relaxation). You cannot completely eliminate stress from your life, but you can take control of its effect on you. Relaxation techniques such as going to the gym, meditation, breathing exercises, muscle relaxation are the opposite of stress. Regular practice reduces the impact of everyday stress and increases feelings of confidence, joy, and calmness. They also enhance your ability to stay calm and collected when exposed to a variety of stressful situations. Everyone can learn to reduce the effects of stress on their body. With practice, you will be able to identify stress and control the situation when exposed. They will give you the confidence that when faced with problems, you will quickly and painlessly restore your inner balance.

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Stress Resilience Test This stress tolerance test was developed by a psychologist at the University of Boston Medical Center. It is necessary to answer the questions based on how often these statements are true for you. You should answer all points, even if this statement does not apply to you at all. The following answers are offered with the corresponding number of points: - almost always - 1; - often - 2; - sometimes - 3; - almost never - 4; - never - 5.

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Are you exposed to stress? 1. You eat at least one hot meal a day. 2. You sleep 7-8 hours at least four times a week. 3. You constantly feel the love of others and give your love in return. 4. Within 50 kilometers, you have at least one person you can rely on. 5. You exercise to sweat at least twice a week. 6. You smoke less than half a pack of cigarettes a day. 7. You consume no more than five glasses of alcoholic beverages per week. 8. Your weight matches your height. 9. Your income fully meets your basic needs. 10. You are supported by your faith. 11. You regularly engage in club or social activities. 12. You have many friends and acquaintances. 13. You have one or two friends whom you completely trust. 14. You are healthy. 15. You can openly express your feelings when you are angry or worried about something. 16. You regularly discuss with the people you live with about your problems in the home. 17. You do something just for fun at least once a week. 18. You can organize your time efficiently. 19. You consume no more than three cups of coffee, tea or other caffeinated drinks per day. 20. You have some time for yourself during each day.
- almost always - 1; - often - 2; - sometimes - 3; - almost never - 4; - never - 5.

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Now add up the results of your answers and subtract 20 points from the received number. Key: If you scored less than 10 points, then you can be glad if you answered honestly - you have excellent resistance to stressful situations and the effects of stress on the body, you have nothing to worry about. If your total number exceeds 30 points, stressful situations have a significant impact on your life and you do not resist them very much. If you scored more than 50 points, you should seriously think about your life - is it time to change it. You are very vulnerable to stress. Take another look at the test statements. If your answer to any statement scored 3 points or more, try to change your behavior according to this point and your vulnerability to stress will decrease. For example, if your score for 19 is 4, try drinking at least one less cup of coffee a day than usual. Start looking at yourself more closely now, not when it’s too late.

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as:? Stress Management Techniques Avoid Stress Exercise # 1 Adapting to the stressor Exercise # 2 Change stress Exercise # 3 Accept stress Exercise # 4

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Anti-stress nutrition The human brain makes up only 2-3% of the entire mass of a person, 20% of the calories we consume per day "eats" the brain Promotes better memorization - carrots A good remedy for stress and fatigue - onions Promote endurance - nuts (strengthen nerves) Hot pepper, strawberries, bananas will help relieve stress and improve mood. It will relieve you of nervousness - cabbage For nutrition of brain cells and good blood supply, blueberries or sea fish are useful. Protein-rich foods such as meat and fish stimulate brain function. Sugar is not at all a performance enhancer. It is much better to eat not pure sugar, but the products in which it is found: Dried fruits, nuts, seeds, cereals, dark chocolate, etc. Fish oil capsules are recommended to be taken in stressful situations, in part before the exam.

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I wish you success in dealing with stress. Every day at work, in the family, in interpersonal relationships, you have some problems. It seems like you never get out of the streak of stressful problems. What methods of stress management are there? It turns out that there are a lot of them. Even if you just realize that you are in control of your life, then this is already the basis for managing stress.

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Prevention and overcoming of STRESS GBOU Gymnasium № 2072 DO № 2 Prepared and conducted by: Educator-psychologist: Sermyagina V.Yu. 2014

Monitoring of stress resistance of teachers and specialists Methodology: determination of both stress resistance and social adaptation of Holmes and Rage 36 people were examined (2 hours on sick leave): stress 4 people - 11.1% threshold resistance 4 people - 11.1% high resistance - 77.8%

Stress is a non-specific response of the body to any demand presented to it, and this response is the stress of the body, aimed at overcoming the difficulties that have arisen and adapting to the increased requirements.

Workers at risk - Work with intense communication; - The emergence of internal conflicts related to work; - The work takes place in conditions of instability; - The need to constantly demonstrate high efficiency; - Residents of large cities.

Forms of stress: Distress - "bad" stress Eustress - "good" stress

Stress should be considered as the most important adaptive mechanism that allows a living being in unfavorable conditions to concentrate, strain all his strength and find the best way out of a difficult situation.

Hans Selye's theory of stress has three stages. The first is the anxiety stage. This is the phase of mobilization of the body's defenses, which increases its resistance to a specific traumatic effect. In this case, the body functions with great stress. However, in the first phase of stress, he copes with the load with the help of functional mobilization without structural rearrangements. The first is followed by the second phase - the balanced expenditure of the body's adaptive reserves (stage of stabilization, resistance). All parameters unbalanced in the first phase are fixed at a new level. At the same time, a response that does not differ much from the norm is provided, everything seems to be getting better. However, if stress continues for a long time, due to the limited reserves of the body, the third phase inevitably begins - exhaustion. At the second and third stages, the organism, having exhausted its functional reserves, turns on the mechanisms of structural reorganization. When there are not enough of them, exhaustion appears.

SYMPTOMS OF STRESS: Full dedication to work, spending less and less time with friends and family; Inefficiency at work; Completion of work assignments outside of work due to personal rest; Severe fatigue; Irritability; Regular physical illness, etc.

FACTORS AFFECTING THE DEVELOPMENT OF STRESS Genetic predisposition; Type of higher nervous activity; Early childhood experiences; Parenting scripts; Personal characteristics (character, level of self-esteem, orientation, attitudes and values) Factors of the social environment; Cognitive factors

Psychological signs of stress: Absent-mindedness; Memory disorder; Anxiety; Tearfulness; Excessive worry; Unreasonable fears; Irritability What does stress affect? Stress leads to loss of self-confidence, various diseases, mental disorders and drug addiction.

Physiological signs of stress: insomnia; headaches; palpitations; back pain, stomach, heart; indigestion; cramping

Aggravating factors for stress A person's unwillingness to change their own ideas; Categorical perception of alternatives; The presence of irrational attitudes; Inertia of thinking; The desire to avoid painful emotional experiences.

Stress Relief Techniques

PROTECTION AGAINST STRESS Believe in yourself! Don't keep everything to yourself! Don't try to be perfect! Put everything in perspective! Go in for sports! Chat with your family! Give in to the little things within the limits of what you don't care about so much! “Let's talk about it tomorrow” A resting place!

On the subject: methodological developments, presentations and notes

Workshop "Stress: Methods of Prevention and Overcoming"

The materials of the seminar will allow teachers to more fully understand the causes of stressful situations, ways to overcome them ...

Workshop for educators "The problem of prevention and overcoming occupational stress"

The influence of the professional role on the personality of the teacher. Problems of personal development of teachers. Factors that enhance the influence of the profession on the personality of the teacher Professional deformation of the teacher: ...


The article highlights the phases of parental stress during the birth of a child with disabilities and discusses the main directions of psychological assistance ...

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WHAT IS STRESS? Stress is a state of tension that occurs in a person under the influence of strong influences; Stress is a non-specific defense reaction of the body in response to adverse changes in the environment.

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Types of stress Occupational stress (stress at work) Emotional stress Physical psychological stress Operational stress (the body's response to a surgical operation) Post-traumatic stress arising from an injury, etc.

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What could be a stressor? 1.Physical stressors: heat, cold, noise, fire, traffic, violence, illness, poor working conditions, etc. 2. Social stressors: social, economic and political; family; work-related, career-related; interpersonal stressors. 3. Family stressors: distribution of responsibilities, jealousy, difference in value systems, illness (death in the family, etc.) ..

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First (anxiety stage). The heart at such moments begins to beat faster, digestion is temporarily restrained. A person cannot stay in this state for a long time, as he gets tired.

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Second (stage of resistance). It occurs as the stressful situation develops and continues. At this stage, a person, adapting to circumstances, functions in an optimal mode. This stage can last for a relatively long time.

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Third (stage of exhaustion). It occurs if the stress is too strong or prolonged. Its signs begin to appear in the emotional (anxiety, apathy, irritability, mental fatigue), behavioral (evasion of responsibility and relationships, extreme behavior, self-neglect) and somatic (deterioration of health, exhaustion, excessive drug use) spheres. The loss of the ability to resist leads to illness and psychological trauma.

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The Consequences of Stress According to some Western experts, up to 70% of diseases are associated with emotional stress. In Europe, more than a million people die every year due to stress-related disorders of the cardiovascular system.

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Two types of stress "Positive" stress leads to a prolonged stay in a state of high spirits, which has a very beneficial effect on the body: immunity increases, diseases recede, a person feels a surge of joy, looks great and feels great. "Negative" stress unsettles for a long time and significantly undermines health.

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The main symptoms are absent-mindedness, - increased excitability, - constant fatigue, - loss of a sense of humor, - a sharp increase in the number of cigarettes smoked, with a simultaneous addiction to alcohol, - loss of sleep and appetite, - memory impairment, - sometimes the so-called "psychosomatic »Pain in the head, back, stomach.

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If you find in yourself five or more of the listed signs, then you urgently need to pull yourself out of this swamp by the ears. Firmly understand that you are alone, and there is a dime a dozen troubles around, you cannot save enough health for everyone. And, most importantly, life is such a thing that you can calmly perceive only with a great sense of humor.

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Stress indicator Read first, then look at the picture. The photo shows two dolphins jumping out of the water. As it was established on the example of the experimental group, despite the fact that the dolphins are absolutely identical, a person under stress finds differences in them. If a person finds many differences, then he is experiencing severe stress. Look at the picture. If you found more than two differences in dolphins, then you urgently need to go on vacation.

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TEST: statement often rarely never 1. I feel happy. 0 1 2 2. I can make myself happy. 0 1 2 3. A sense of hopelessness grips me. 2 1 0 4. I am able to relax in a stressful situation without resorting to sedative pills. 0 1 2 5. If I was experiencing severe stress, I would definitely seek help from a specialist. 0 1 2 6. I tend to be sad. 2 1 0 7. I would like to be someone else. 2 1 0 8. I would like to be somewhere else. 2 1 0 9. I get upset easily. 2 1 0

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Welcome to the lesson - training

"Stress and ways to overcome it"

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Wise thoughts. Love is a great teacher. (Moliere) Only he experiences joy who can help his neighbor. (Goethe) Moderation is the health of the soul. (Lewis) You cannot heal the body without healing the soul. (Socrates) That which goes from the heart to the heart and reaches. (Pyatt) Nothing costs us more or appreciates more than courtesy and kindness. (Miguel Cervantes) Humor is a lifeline on the waves of life. (Raabe) A healthy beggar is happier than a sick king. (Schopenhauer) The happiest person is the one who gives happiness to the greatest number of people. (Diderot) The thirst for achievement gives a person the joy of life. (Montaigne)

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In Russia, over the past 10 years, the number of psychiatrists in need of help has increased significantly (borderline disorders associated with stress - by 30%; cases of mental retardation - by 25%; alcoholism - by 40%; drug addiction - 6 times). In the Kaliningrad region in 2005, according to the statistics of visits to doctors, chronic and newcomers with disorders rank second after injuries.

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Research results indicate that in 61% of cases stress is caused by work problems, family worries and financial difficulties, 22% of cases are caused by reasons of a “psychological nature”, and 7% are caused by serious illnesses.

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Causes of stress

Sharp alarm clock; Breakfast in a hurry - stress for the stomach; Abrupt changes in weather and time zones; Driving in crowded vehicles; Incorrectly chosen daily routine; The room is stuffy; unfriendliness of others; During the day - unforeseen circumstances; Lack of rest, overwork; Because others are also stressed, conflicts arise;

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Stress prevention

Find out the causes of stress; Remember to compliment yourself; Learn relaxation techniques; Keep a diary of observations, writing down your stressful state, and then discuss it with a loved one to find a way out; Eat well and regularly; Work actively. But exhaust yourself; Think about the meaning of life, set immediate and distant goals; Strive to earn the love of your neighbor; Get active rest and jog; Develop a correct gait; Go in for sports; Adequate deep sleep (7-9 hours); Hardening; Show kind and positive emotions; Joke more often, show a sense of humor; When striving for good relationships, avoid making friends with "difficult", unrestrained people; Appreciate the joy of simplicity in your lifestyle; Whatever life situation you face, think about it. Is it worth fighting; Focus on the bright sides of life; Use prevention of “the joy of the day and the work I do”.

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Affect is a strong emotional, violent reaction in the nature of an explosion - horror, rage, fear, etc.

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(Latin - suicide) The act of suicide associated with prolonged stress or irresponsible attitude to one's life.

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Socio-psychological compatibility is a consequence of the optimal combination of types of behavior of people in groups, as well as the commonality of their social attitudes, needs, interests, value orientations.

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The social –– psychological climate –– is a relatively stable psychological attitude of its members prevailing in a group or team, which manifests itself in relation to each other, to work, to the surrounding events, to the organization as a whole on the basis of individual, personal values \u200b\u200band orientations.

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Factors influencing the formation of a certain socio-psychological climate in the team: Staff recruitment, taking into account the psychological compatibility of workers. Depending on the goals of work in a team, it is necessary to combine different types of people's behavior. Behavior style of the leader, manager, owner of the enterprise. Compliance with official etiquette, which begins with the appearance. Complete information on the benefits arising from affiliation with the firm. A clear policy of career advancement, providing for the opportunity for each employee to professional and career growth. An "open door" policy, which is that employees are given the right to access any manager. Immediate reward, meaning that remuneration for labor should not be divorced in time from the work itself, otherwise it loses its stimulating meaning. Treating employees fairly, that is, maintaining consistency between what the employee gives to the firm and what he receives from it. Taking into account the preferences of the needs of various workers. C Success or failure of the production process. Applied reward and punishment scale. Working conditions. Family environment, outside of work, conditions for spending free time.

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Conflict Code of Conduct

Let your partner “let off steam”, at this time behave calmly, confidently, but not arrogant; Ask him to calmly substantiate the claims; Shoot down aggression with unexpected methods (ask for advice. Give a compliment) Do not give negative assessments, but talk about feelings; Ask for the desired outcome and problem as the target of the obstacles; emotions should not be allowed to be controlled; you need to identify the problem and focus on it; Invite him to express his thoughts on solving the problem and his options for solving; don't look for the guilty! Let him save his "face"; do not respond with aggression to aggression; evaluate not your partner, but his actions; Sometimes ask again his statements: "you wanted to say ...?";

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Stay on an equal footing; Don't be afraid to apologize. If you feel guilty; Prove nothing; Be the first to shut up; Do not characterize the state of your opponent; Do not slam the door when leaving; Don't tell if it's “cold”; Regardless of the outcome of the conflict, try not to ruin the relationship by expressing your respect and affection for your partner.

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In a conflict situation, you cannot: Critically assess your partner. Ascribe base or bad intentions to him. Show signs of superiority. Blame and attribute responsibility only to the opponent. Ignore the interests of the partner. See everything only from your own position. Reduce the merits of the partner and his contribution. Exaggerate your merits. Get angry, shout, attack. To touch the “pain points” and vulnerable spots of the partner. Launch a lot of claims on your partner.

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Ways to prevent conflict:

Do not say or do what will offend, offend the interlocutor; Do not respond with conflicting behavior to his behavior; Show understanding to the interlocutor by putting yourself in his place; Make more sympathetic messages: a friendly smile, support, empathy, praise, etc.

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Relaxation for a few minutes:

Don't make any decisions (exception: disaster, life-saving); Count to 10; Inhale through your nose and hold your breath, exhale slowly, focusing on the sensations of the breath; Stay alone; Moisten your forehead, temples and arteries on your hands with cold water; Slowly inspect the room, mentally describing it and the objects in it; Look at the vokno, the sky, realize the beauty of the world; Drink a glass of water slowly and with concentration; Focus on the sensations when the water flows over the bare; Make bends.

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Recommendations. One of the ways to prevent conflicts is education, or rather, self-education of emotions. This means that a person can believe in the strengths and capabilities of his "emotional sphere", inspire himself with a sense of optimism, and form the ability to behave emotionally in a logical and adequate way.

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In order not to “splash out” their emotions, a service worker needs a kind of professional mask, a friendly –– polite expression on his face, a slight half-smile. The "mask" will be a form of emotional protection against possible "pricks" from consumers.

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You should accustom yourself to comprehend your own behavior, try to understand the reasons for the appearance of excessive emotional reactions.

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Don't forget the adage that "Business people who don't know how to deal with stress die young." Remember that: * The most important thing in life is the ability to develop in oneself a certain mentality, a positive attitude towards the world around us. * A person suffers not so much from what is happening as from how he evaluates what is happening. Conclusions: Each person has the ability to AUTOREGULATION - you just need to be able to use it in a timely manner. A person is not helpless in the face of stress.