Thermonuclear war 18-19 century. Thermonuclear wars on earth. Distortion of history. Nuclear wars in the recent past

Our Planet recently experienced a whole rain of nuclear explosions. No one can yet say the exact date of the start of nuclear strikes. I only know that military aggressions began in 1799. From 1799 to 1814, military operations took place across the Earth. Then in 1856 the same nuclear attack on our entire Planet began. Who were these aggressors? I think the people themselves. Wall to wall. In Russian. People call nuclear war from 1780 to 1816. But the limit of numbers fluctuates precisely within these limits.

The civilization of the Earth before the nuclear bombing was highly developed. The land was densely populated, not like it is now. The development of the parts of the Earth was the same; there were no countries, all people had one life. There were no boundaries or divisions, everyone was united. The entire civilization was controlled from one Center. What today is vaguely called Genghis Khan and the Golden Horde. There were no wars, there was no conquest, there was a Golden Age. It is difficult for us today to imagine how this could happen - a single center of the Golden Horde.

The aircraft were the kind that today are mistaken for UFOs. Yes, ordinary small aircraft that easily pick up speed and a flight from one city, for example, Moscow to New York, will take no more than 30 minutes. There are no unidentified objects on Earth. All objects are known - what it is and who controls it. So nothing unidentified.

Let me give you an example of what the cities of a past civilization looked like when they were destroyed. The world has been at war all the time since 1799. And only in 1881 did power more or less stabilize. The security forces took control of the population, as one would expect, since the war was mainly based on them. And the population was simply destroyed. Billions of people were destroyed, burned, eaten, killed.

Many centers of civilization were subject to a targeted nuclear strike, and we will no longer see these centers; in their places there are only craters. But the secondary centers remained, and we can still see them, despite the fact that all these years of our civilization, with our own hands, the remaining cities were destroyed and destroyed.

This is what small towns looked like. Architecture in the form of stars. Stars everywhere on Earth, where they can still be found, are different: 6-rayed, 9-rayed, 12-rayed. This apparently had great administrative meaning.

Official sources are silent about our past, the past of the global one world. The architecture of the houses was not cumbersome, like today's. People find it more comfortable to live in small houses located in green areas. Breathe clean air, walk on the ground with your feet.

Most of cities were completely destroyed. Some cities and buildings in them have partially survived to this day and are presented under the guise of “colonial” architecture. Those who reformatted the world had no time to build buildings according to beautiful designs during regular uprisings and hostilities.

All cities on the Planet were surrounded by giant star-shaped structures. The amount of construction work around cities is enormous, and took more time and expense than building houses for people. Superbly processed stone, industrially.

The Internet is a great help for people today in studying their past, captured by the current Managers or Behind the scenes, for the past two hundred years, cities in the ancient style, and especially the stars, have been diligently erasing from the face of the earth. This is being done in order to break the single architectural field of the planet, so that the modern population does not realize that the world was already global before.
Using google maps and google images, you can be convinced that, for example, in Siberia there was a truly huge administrative formation, which in history was designated to us as the Siberian Khanate. I saw an amateur video from an airplane where straight huge roads were filmed that cannot be built now; huge cities, completely destroyed and depopulated. There are many such cities in Siberia. All dead. Where are the people?

I assure you, not everyone died. Some remained and survived, who were later introduced to us as Old Believers who went to monasteries. Forests burning today in Altai, in Ryazan region(in the past), this is the survival from their homes of those who have survived since then, or rather their descendants. Naturally, the descendants do not remember and do not know much, but they still have books and utensils from that time that the traitors will reveal the plans for the destruction of the remnants of the old civilization by the new managers.

Traces of the most powerful nuclear explosions of the past cannot be hidden. And those who did the explosions did not even strive for this. They diligently killed our ancestors, burned thousands of cities, completely destroyed the civilization of white people on Earth...

And what do we see? And we see that the lake Nyasa, which we remembered earlier, is present. And in the place of Victoria, not a white unexplored area, but the Nile basin with a couple of cities. One of which is called Sanguard. It turns out that 1858 is not the year of the discovery of this lake. This year of formation of this crater. Give or take a few years.

Rechecking the version using maps different countries(at the same time, look with one eye at the place where the Eye of the Sahara is now):

Cartographer Guillaume Delisle. Carte d'Afrique. Paris: 1722

English map 1795

Abraham Ortelius. 1584

If you click on the Ortelius map and open it in high resolution, you can see that this area used to be the Nile basin. In this region there were 30 cities, which later disappeared. I think the earthquake in this region was much larger than 10. The reader will reasonably ask: what are these red symbols of cities on Ortelius’s map? Maybe these are villages made of reeds? I will show using the principle of analogy. Locate the cities of Alexandria and Cairo on the Ortelius map. Closer to the mouth of the Nile they are located in the same place as now. Then we go here and look at English metallographs from the late 19th century with images of Alexandria and Cairo after the disaster. Antique style, characteristic of the entire planet:


Plan of Alexandria

Alexandrian lighthouse

Pompey's granite column

Cairo. Photos from the 19th century. These are scraps of surviving infrastructure. If you read somewhere that these are “colonial” buildings built by the good Anglo-Saxons in the era of wood and coal (they are usually credited with ancient buildings in all cities of the planet), remember how many colonial buildings they built in Libya, Iraq, Syria, etc. d. in the era of oil and gas.

It’s too early to draw a conclusion, because this article shows only a small fragment of the megazaruba that unfolded on the planet in about a century from 13-15. For now, it can be simplified to say - as a result of these wars, the energy of the past has been completely lost, which made it possible to process stone products of absolutely prohibitive weight for today, to build cities according to granite plans that amaze today’s architects. It made it possible to sculpt statues from marble, the level of which is still not achievable by modern CNC machines. But it became clear how these statues were made.

After this disaster there were regular wars, the world map was redrawn like a calico dress in a women's dormitory. Most of the population died. And in the middle of the 19th century, we began to use oil and gas, which allowed us to slightly raise our standard of living and increase our population from 1 billion to 7. Do you know why we can now produce oil and gas? Because they are underground. They were not mined by those who built the megaliths. They were simply not interested in oil and gas as a source of energy.

P.S. To the question: why doesn’t anyone remember?, the answer is at the beginning of the article. It is no coincidence that 99% do not know their great-great-grandmothers. In the middle of the 19th century, the 1%, who knows everything, arranged generation gap. This is when the intelligent adult urban population dies in war and in concentration camps, and their children end up in the world of boarding schools. Children are a blank CD. In the absence of parents, you can dash off any new operating system. With any ideas about the world order and fictional history. Reload the Bios, in short.

99% of people on the planet cannot say the name and
the surname of their great-great-grandparents. Interesting fact.

By adulthood, every person living on this wonderful blue ball accumulates a baggage of unanswered questions about the world around him, phenomena, events, historical monuments. Due to the fact that most people simply do not have time to find the right answers due to a busy work schedule, family, and the like, the chances of independently finding the answer to the question of interest are almost impossible. And the person is satisfied with the official interpretation, albeit crude and contradictory. Here I am for a long time just accumulating the baggage of different interesting facts that come into the focus of our vision every day, such as the Alexandria Pillar, the Babolov Bath and St. Isaac's Cathedral in St. Petersburg, the Pyramids in Egypt, Pompey's Column in Alexandria, the megaliths of Peru, Baalbek, etc., there is no number of them. All these objects of the past have one remarkable fact in common - they cannot be created in our modern times. Time of oil and gas atomic energy. It is impossible at any cost due to the lack of necessary technologies and equipment. Monferand's pictures, in which he depicted peasants dressed in rags and bast shoes, who with simple muscular force move a 600-ton conical column along the surface, sometimes uphill, load it onto a longboat, sail along the Gulf of Finland, the depth of which is less than 1 meter, unload it with their hands and They can also be installed by hand using a gate onto a pedestal several meters high in 1 hour and 45 minutes, which only brings a smile. Cyborgs, no less:

Pay attention to the 2 powerful electric locomotives that carry the rocket and the hydraulics that the rocket was given a vertical position.
The conclusion involuntarily suggests a higher technical level of builders of the 17th and earlier centuries. But the question arises - where, in fact, did the entire production base of the ancient builders go, if there was one? Where is the infrastructure? And for a long time this question drove any person into a corner, including me, interrupting the logical chain of thoughts. Until one day, I watched a video by the respected Alexey Kungurov, where he says that since about the 14th-15th centuries, a thermonuclear war has been going on on our planet, only occasionally interrupting for short periods of time. In the video, he demonstrated several nuclear craters discovered using the Google Maps service. He mentioned the absence of old natural forests on almost the entire planet. All the forests are young, most of them are planted artificially, in neat rows. And this is where logic comes in. There were technologies, there were factories, there was more advanced energy, but it disappeared as a result global war. And the remains of the former infrastructure were stolen by the descendants thrown back into the feudal regime.
I decided to double-check these statements, which were unthinkable to me, and what I discovered made me rethink everything about our history. We live in an artificial information matrix, in a deception that is nested three times within itself. And we need to figure this out.

Now, as a primer, I will show you a couple of the most odious facts about the use of super-powerful weapons in Africa. We are interested in two objects: the Eye of the Sahara and Lake Victoria:

I’ll make a small remark, explaining the differences between the consequences of a large asteroid falling on the Earth’s surface and thermo nuclear explosion.
1. An asteroid impact will almost always occur at different angles on the Earth's surface. And at different speeds. It is quite possible that an asteroid will overtake the Earth, catching up with it, having only a slight advantage in speed. With this in mind, a fall crater will rarely be round in shape. Mostly ellipsoidal, elongated. There may be ruptures around such a funnel earth's crust on one side and piles of soil or rock on the other. After all, an asteroid has enormous kinetic energy, which it transfers to the earth’s crust as it goes deeper.
2. At the site of the asteroid impact, the temperature will rise only locally by several thousand or tens of thousands of degrees. There will be no melting of sand and stones around within a radius of several kilometers. The temperatures are not the same. Look on YouTube for videos about testing armor-piercing tungsten tank shells. They are fired at armor at a speed of 1.6 km per second. At the moment of impact, everything looks more than modest. No flashes.
3. A nuclear/thermonuclear missile/tactical special ammunition also approaches the surface at different angles. But, firstly, it has a low mass, and secondly, even during an explosion with some penetration into the ground, and even more so during a ground or air explosion, it completely loses mass as it evaporates. The temperature at the epicenter is hundreds of millions of degrees. A real mini-Sun. Shock wave forms a uniformly expanding sphere, which will almost always form a circular mark. Sometimes slightly oval. There is such a thing as soil resistance. But most importantly, the stone, brick, and sand around will be very badly burned. Different types of stone acquire at the same time different colour. From brown, red-brown to shiny black. Google the term tektites.

Now, following the saying - “don’t believe your ears, believe your eyes”, let’s conduct simple research:

Eye of the Sahara. Diameter 30 kilometers. Corresponds to ammunition with a yield of about 200-250 megatons. If this is the site of a thermonuclear explosion, then the rocky terrain around it should be melted. We check:
Browser Google Chrome go to and enter the coordinates into the search
21.129472, -11.394238

At the bottom, Chrome will show previews of photos taken in the area of ​​this funnel. Let's look at some of them, often made at a distance of tens of kilometers from the epicenter

It is clearly visible that vast areas have been burned. In the first pictures, while laying the road, a bulldozer removed the top layer of burnt stones, revealing a layer of light-colored stone underneath. Other photos show that many stones are melted on the upper side, and have a light tint on the lower side, which clearly indicates powerful radiation in all spectra coming from one direction. Obviously there is no need to comment. Looking ahead, I will say that the city destroyed by this explosion was called Hoden. I learned this from old maps of Africa, of which there are a lot on the Internet. The old maps turned out to be quite accurate. I will provide links to the maps at the end of the article so that you can double-check them yourself.

Moving on to Lake Victoria:

The surroundings of the lake look unusual. Let's assume that this is the site of a large asteroid impact. Why not?:)
The arrow indicated the direction of its movement before colliding with the surface. I outlined in yellow the horseshoe-shaped lakes that were formed as a result of the rupture of the earth's crust. I outlined the area of ​​surface swelling in red. And I outlined Lake Nyasa with a green rectangle. Let's remember it.
Next we go to Wikipedia - Lake Victoria

Pay attention to the name Victoria - in English it means Victory. OK. The lake is huge - the greatest length is 320 km, width 274 km. “After the construction of the Owen Falls Dam in 1954, the lake was turned into a reservoir” - this means the water level became higher, thereby deforming the original shape and flooding the outskirts. If you wanted to hide the fact that an asteroid fell, would you do the same? Further - “The lake was discovered and named in honor of Queen Victoria by the British traveler John Henning Speke in 1858.” The date is 1858. 200 years earlier, both Americas had already been completely discovered and successfully colonized, but in the fertile Africa, which is located near the Anglo-Saxons, a lake measuring 300 by 300 km was not known? Oh? Let's check using the data of the Anglo-Saxons themselves?

The Encyclopedia Britannica was published in 1768. The largest encyclopedia at that time. WITH detailed map peace. Let's take a look at the English map of Africa from 1768, that is, created 90 years before the “discovery” of Lake Victoria:
Source -

The picture is clickable

And what do we see? And we see that Lake Nyasa, which we remembered earlier, is present. And in the place of Victoria, not a white unexplored area, but the Nile basin with a couple of cities. One of which is called Sanguard. It turns out that 1858 is not the year of the discovery of this lake. This is the year this crater was formed. Give or take a few years.

Let’s double-check the version using maps of other countries (at the same time, keep one eye on the place where the Eye of the Sahara is now):

Cartographer Guillaume Delisle. Carte d'Afrique. Paris: 1722

English map 1795

Abraham Ortelius. 1584

If you click on the Ortellius map and open it in high resolution, you can see that this area used to be the Nile basin. There were about 30 cities in this region, which later disappeared. I think the earthquake in this region was much larger than 10. The reader will reasonably ask - what are these red symbols of cities on Ortelius’s map? Maybe these are villages made of reeds? I will show using the principle of analogy. Locate the cities of Alexandria and Cairo on the Ortelius map. Closer to the mouth of the Nile they are located in the same place as now. Then let's go here
and look at English metallographs from the late 19th century with images of Alexandria and Cairo after the disaster. Antique style, characteristic of the entire planet:


Plan of Alexandria

Alexandria lighthouse

Pompey's granite column

Cairo. Photos from the 19th century. These are scraps of surviving infrastructure. If you read somewhere that these are “colonial” buildings built by the good Anglo-Saxons in the era of wood and coal (they are usually credited with antique buildings in all cities of the planet), remember how many colonial buildings they built in Libya, Iraq, Syria, etc. in the era of oil and gas.

It’s too early to draw a conclusion, because this article shows only a small fragment of the mega-zaruba that unfolded on the planet in about a century from 13-15. For now, we can say in a simplified way that as a result of these wars, the energy of the past was completely lost, which made it possible to process stone products of absolutely prohibitive weight for today, to build cities according to granite plans that amaze today’s architects. It made it possible to sculpt statues from marble, the level of which is still not achievable by modern CNC machines. But it became clear how these statues were made. After this disaster there were regular wars, the world map was redrawn like a calico dress in a women's dormitory. Most of the population died. And in the middle of the 19th century, we began to use oil and gas, which allowed us to slightly raise our standard of living and increase the population from 1 billion to 7. Do you know why we can now produce oil and gas? Because they are underground. They were not mined by those who built the megaliths. They were simply not interested in oil and gas as a source of energy.
Ps: To the question - why no one remembers - the answer is at the beginning of the article. It is no coincidence that 99% do not know their great-great-grandmothers. In the mid-19th century, the 1% who know everything created a generation gap. This is when the intelligent adult urban population dies in war and in concentration camps, and their children end up in the world of boarding schools. Children are a blank CD. In the absence of parents, you can download any new operating system. With any ideas about the world order and fictional history. In short, reload the BIOS.

It seems that the nuclear war of the 19th century, which we cover up as the war with Napoleon, began much earlier - in the 18th century. Very original evidence of this is given in this short article about the destruction of Ekaterinoslav...

Destruction of Ekaterinoslav (Dnepropetrovsk) by a thermonuclear explosion in 1785

Have an opportunity set date one of the thermonuclear explosions on the planet with an accuracy of plus or minus 3 years. Precisely thermonuclear, not nuclear, since a nuclear explosion has a power limit due to the critical mass of uranium or plutonium. To fully understand the scale of the destroyed object, you need to read my previous article about Bastion Stars. Talking about stars at the end of the article...

So, I decided to find the old plan Ekaterinoslav with bastion fortifications. I was looking for a plan for Ekaterinoslav, since it will become Dnepropetrovsk later. It was not possible to do this, since the first Ekaterinoslav Kilchensky, or he was also called Ekaterinoslav Samara, allegedly given to the peasants to be torn to pieces, because the city was built in an unfortunate place - between the Kilchen and Samara rivers at their confluence, so it was constantly flooded with water. And then they built the second Yekaterinoslav, on the right bank Dnieper. I quote this story taken from here:

“Alas, Ekaterinoslav failed the place, carefully refined by V.A. Chertkov: in the spring, floods occupied the entire plain, leaving rotten swamps for the summer. Hopes for shipping did not materialize - r. Samara turned out to be impassable for merchant ships. And the organizers abandoned the old plans - by decree of Catherine II of January 22 1784 g., the new location of the provincial city of Ekaterinoslav was determined “by better need for right side of the Dnieper River near Kaydak...". But, despite the decree, the life of Ekaterinoslav Kilchenkoy (now under a new name - Novomoskovsk) continued. G.A. reported on its charms in letters and reports. Potemkin, the ruler of the Ekaterinoslav governorship, Major General I.M. Sinelnikov.

may 13 1786 he wrote: “The water from our city is beginning to decrease. The current water in many houses was under the roof...” “One year later, April 21 1787 g., on the Empress’s name day,” wrote I.M. Sinelnikov, - after cannon fire, a prayer service and a gala dinner, I'm going in a boat to the prince's house, look. How water, having broken through a dam, rushed into the lower curtain of the garden...", "... a whole half of the city is in the water, and more is coming... imagine the width, more than 7 miles, shaken by strong winds yesterday." The ruler ends: “With divine lips, His Serene Highness Prince Potemkin said that we are fools: why do we settle in low places...”

Preparations for the construction of the new Yekaterinoslav began only in the fall 1786 and in January 1787 Catherine II decided to personally review land South. On April 22 of the same year, she, surrounded by a brilliant retinue, set off down the Dnieper. THEM. Sinelnikov wrote in despair to the governor's office (April 19 1787 G.):

« This story is obvious nonsense. They used to build much better than now, St. Petersburg is an example of this. No one would build a city without conducting a full range of geodetic and geological studies. The smelly story..."

On request "Ekaterinoslav Kilchensky" It is easy to find the plans of the dismantled Ekaterinoslav Kilchensky and a separate plan of the Bogoroditskaya fortress, which is part of this city. Let's see the Bogoroditskaya fortress:

And one more plan...

Now we load Google maps, enter the coordinates 48.499565, 35.161087 and see the remains of the destroyed Bogoroditskaya fortress.

Now let's look at the full plan of the first Ekaterinoslav Kilchensky:

We see that it is huge. Looking ahead, I will say that he 4.7 kilometers from the top border to the bottom. This is approximately like Vasilyevsky Island in St. Petersburg. Naturally, the city was 100% ancient and beautiful, because it was called third capital. At the bottom of the plan I circled the Mother of God Fortress in red. As you can see, it is included in Ekaterinoslav Kilchensky. Now we can overlay this plan on satellite image this area. We need to combine the Bogoroditskaya fortress.

Raise the satellite camera higher or go to coordinates 48.524250, 35.137981 and take a screenshot:

The Bogoroditskaya Fortress is marked with a red marker, and above it is a crater from an airborne low-altitude thermonuclear explosion. On the right it is flooded by a reservoir created later. Let's put our plan in place. Rex-Pax-Fax:

It matched perfectly. The diameter of the crater from the explosion of the American thermonuclear bomb Castle Bravo on Bikini Atoll with a power of 15 megatons, left a crater with a diameter of 1.8 kilometers. Read about Castle Bravo

In our case, a funnel with a diameter of 4.7 km. Obviously it was much more powerful. The city was wiped off the face of the earth. It is clearly visible that there was no soil ejection. The soil is simply pressed in. A low-altitude explosion will give this effect. Like this:

On in general terms of the city that I posted above, at the top right there is a citadel with 12 bastions. Here's her more detailed plan:

This citadel is shown in this picture. Only a piece of it is visible here, and to the left of it the artist painted the northern suburbs of Yekaterinoslav, which are located behind the bastion wall:

Note the large stonework of the citadel in the picture. Most likely the same as Petropalovskaya fortress. The block sizes are exactly the same:

It was not fun to live at the end of the 18th century. The world, by the way, is still on the brink.

Since we are talking about the Peter and Paul Fortress, I will write about its twin - Kodak Fortress, located near Dnepropetrovsk. Its coordinates are 48.384005, 35.138045. Read its history on the Internet, and I will show you in pictures its evolution over time:

This is how she looked for a long time. Until 1650, approximately. Quite the Peter and Paul Fortress.

Information that it was awakened by the Poles in 1635, most likely, fairy tales. Considering that Peter 1 canceled the year 7208 from creation peace in the star temple (although this could also be a story, I can’t check) and began chronology from 1700, then the date of construction of any city or fortress can easily be in the range of 7500 years. St. Petersburg is clearly older than 300 years, as can be clearly seen from the wear and tear of the granite on the embankment.

After something cyclopean happened, and half of the fortress disappeared along with the shore...

Today, the remains of the fortress look like this: two bastions are marked in red...

Let's superimpose the old plan of the Kodak fortress onto the current satellite screenshot...

And here is the plan of the Ukrainian authorities to restore the Kodak fortress. As we see, they are trying to restore not the whole, but half of the fortress, most likely using metal structures. We are not even talking about filling up the previously formed reservoir. I'm not even talking about the restoration of the fortress until current state Peter and Paul Fortress. So much for the possibilities of a state of 40 million. Previously, such star objects were built in the thousands.

Well, for a snack, so as not to post a separate post, a few screenshots of nuclear carpets bombings of the US east coast(South and North Carolina). They bombed densely, apparently with the aim of grinding the infrastructure into rubble. The trees, as you can see, are young there.

How the past civilization died [Traces of a global war]

Distortion of history. Nuclear wars in the recent past