Care after trimming the frenulum of the tongue. When is it prescribed and how is cutting the frenulum under the tongue done in children. Indications for surgery to trim the short frenulum of the tongue

Frenumplasty in children and adults (frenuloplasty) has its own indications. If you ignore the presence of such a pathology, it is fraught with unpleasant and serious consequences. Frenuloplasty of the lingual frenulum is necessary to reduce the risk of negative complications caused by its incorrect placement.

This is a special fold that is located on the mucous membrane of the oral cavity. Outwardly it resembles an arch, is located in the center of the tongue, extends to the base of the gum, connecting it with the lower front central incisors. This fold is an auxiliary way of connecting the tongue with the bones of the jaw apparatus.

Its task is the correct formation of the bite, the correct function of the mucous membranes of the oral cavity, the even and intelligible pronunciation of sounds, correct work muscular apparatus of the face. The main vital functions of the frenulum include:

  • correct and clear pronunciation of all sounds;
  • proper nutrition (if this is an infant).

if it is formed incorrectly, it causes the following negative phenomena:

  • inability to eat well;
  • absence correct pronunciation speech (hissing sounds, “R”, “I”, “L” are not pronounced);
  • tongue movements are limited;
  • difficulty swallowing food and saliva;
  • the formation of a malocclusion, since the tongue is constantly located between the upper and lower jaws. In adults, this phenomenon provokes difficulties with removable dentures;
  • improper functioning of the fold provokes problems with the health of the mucous membranes;
  • violation of facial aesthetics, distortion of the smile.

That is why you need to trim the frenulum of the tongue in time, this way you can prevent the development of unpleasant consequences.

How to determine pathology

Before plastic surgery of the tongue frenulum in children is prescribed, it is necessary to correctly determine its length. The easiest way is to ask the tip to reach the hard palate. If there are no difficulties with this, this indicates the absence of any problems. But if pain appears under the tongue, if it does not reach the specified area, it is necessary to contact specialists - a speech therapist and a dentist. Only they determine whether correction of the tongue frenulum is necessary or whether it can be corrected with the help of special exercises.

This diagnostic method is used only in childhood. For adults, other methods are used; often only a doctor can determine the presence of such a pathology. Usually there are already negative complications that can be eliminated after plastic surgery of the lingual frenulum. If this fold is located normally, the person does not feel any discomfort. Sometimes it is excessively short and is not attached correctly - its top is not located on the middle part of the organ, but almost at its tip. Only the dentist determines in each specific case how to trim the frenulum under the tongue and which method is optimal.

The key signs of a pathologically formed frenulum are:

  1. Tight attachment of the tip of the tongue to the lower vault of the mouth. In this situation, motor activity is significantly limited.
  2. Shortened in the front part, the fold is externally similar to a thin transparent film, in which there are no blood vessels at all. After a while, vessels also appear in this film.
  3. Constant folding in the form of a trough. When it folds, a characteristic click is heard.

The most suitable age for correction

The procedure of cutting the frenulum is carried out not only in childhood. It’s just that in children this procedure is less painful, and healing and recovery are faster. In addition, recognizing such a pathology is much easier, since the speech apparatus is being formed, you can easily identify speech disorders and consult a doctor who will determine whether surgery on the frenulum of the tongue is needed or not.

Usually, a medical examination of the baby is carried out in the maternity hospital. If such a pathology is detected, the frenulum of the tongue is dissected. If pathology is detected before a year, doctors usually advise waiting until five years. This is due to the fact that they are cut using local anesthesia, so the child cannot always sit quietly in a chair.

If the pathology is discovered by chance, when diagnosing a bite or other diseases of the oral cavity, laser plastic surgery of the frenulum of the tongue is recommended. This procedure is quick, less painful, and recovery is faster.

Carrying out surgical treatment

Trimming the hyoid fold in adults is a more complex procedure than in children. Trimmed using local anesthesia. After the procedure, cosmetic stitches are applied, and after a few weeks they dissolve. The main medical recommendations after the removal have taken place include limiting mobility and eating only soft, pureed foods until healing is complete. You also need to limit communication. If the scar has formed too thick in the area where the excision was performed, another surgical intervention is often performed, which can also be performed by a plastic surgeon.

To fully restore speech, it is necessary to contact a speech therapist and perform special exercises to eliminate speech defects.

Features of laser treatment

Laser lingual frenulum trimming is a relatively new technology. Laser correction is performed in many dental clinics that have special devices. Laser plastic surgery of the lingual frenulum is indicated regardless of age category; its main advantages are the absence of stitches and bleeding.

The surgeon performs laser cutting of the frenulum of the tongue in several stages:

  1. Fix the mouth in an open position.
  2. Injection local anesthesia is performed.
  3. Plastic surgery is performed using a laser.
  4. The edges are treated using special solutions.

With proper and timely treatment, it is possible to restore speech, bite and eliminate other negative consequences of the pathology.

Dear parents, today we will talk about how to identify a short frenulum of the tongue in a baby. In this article you will learn what main signs can be used to suspect such a condition, why this happens, and what treatment methods are available. You will know what age is considered optimal for the surgical procedure, as well as what contraindications exist for such therapy.

Short frenulum - what is it?

Upon visual inspection, this formation resembles a thin membrane represented by connective tissue. The main function is to attach the tongue to the oral cavity (lower part). A tongue tie in a child is a condition that makes it difficult for the fleshy organ to move.

It can be congenital and hereditary. Partial and full forms are considered. When complete, the formation of muscles (cords) is observed, the tongue is virtually immobilized, and pronunciation is very poor. Partial - connective tissue replaced by muscle bands.

There are three degrees of functional limitation of the fleshy organ:

  • light - size greater than 15 mm, there is a violation in sound pronunciation;
  • medium - frenulum from 10 to 15 mm, accompanied by impaired pronunciation, inability to reach the palate with the tongue;
  • severe - length up to 10 mm, the baby is not able to lick his lips, cannot pronounce sounds correctly, touch the palate with his tongue, or stick out his tongue.

Possible reasons

Hereditary factor - a possible cause short bridle The child has

There are a number of factors that influence the formation of frenulum shortening:

  • heredity;
  • bad ecology;
  • infection of the fetus during gestation;
  • injury to the pregnant woman's abdomen;
  • factors of unknown etiology;
  • infectious processes in the body of the expectant mother;
  • woman's age over 35 years.


The formation of malocclusion can be observed due to a short frenulum

Characteristic signs of the presence of a short frenulum include:

  • increased salivation;
  • digestive problems;
  • difficulty chewing solid food;
  • a quiet voice with a nasal tone;
  • frequent;
  • malocclusion;
  • gum recession;
  • periodontitis;
  • dyslalia (organic type);
  • The incisors on the lower jaw tilt inward.

Signs in infants

Difficulty sucking the breast may be the first alarming symptom

The following symptoms may indicate that your little one has a short frenulum:

  • the baby bites the breast while sucking;
  • smacking when feeding;
  • prolonged act of sucking;
  • frequent feeling of hunger;
  • capriciousness when feeding.

Home diagnostic method

To determine whether a baby has a short or long frenulum, you need to ask him to perform certain actions.

  1. Let the little one stick out his tongue at you. If the frenulum is short, it will be difficult for the child to remove it completely from the mouth or the edge of the tongue will be tilted down.
  2. Let your baby raise his tongue to the roof of his mouth. If there is a deviation, the child will either not reach at all or the lateral sides of the tongue will rise, the central one will be practically inactive.

In addition, you can visually determine whether the frenulum is normal or not. So, normally, a newborn toddler’s frenulum is longer than 8 mm, and a five-year-old child’s frenulum is longer than 17 mm.

Where to contact

If you are interested in the question of where to trim a child’s tongue frenulum, then the answer is simple - in a dental clinic. The procedure will be carried out by a surgeon, but before you decide to take this step, you will need to consult with several specialists:

  • from a pediatrician - for problems with eating;
  • see a speech therapist if there are difficulties in pronunciation;
  • at the orthodontist - if malocclusion develops.


Classes with a speech therapist -
an effective method for mild cases of short frenulum

Therapy can be either medicinal or non-medicinal. Everything will depend on the severity of the child’s condition.

Non-drug methods include:

  • massage;
  • classes with a speech therapist;
  • correction exercises;
  • articulation gymnastics.

Drug therapy involves surgery. It can be of varying degrees:

  • easy - will be carried out directly at the appointment and without anesthesia in cases where the sublingual membrane is plastic and very thin;
  • frenulotomy - will be performed on a child with a thick frenulum under local anesthesia, stitches will be placed.

You need to know that the operation can be complicated:

  • prolonged bleeding;
  • wound infection.

Exercises for correction

Exercise in front of a mirror

  1. Ask your child to stick out his tongue and try to touch the tip of his nose, then his chin. Take a break and do another approach. At first, the exercise should be repeated no more than five times, and over time it is increased to 20.
  2. Let the baby stick out his tongue and begin to move it left and right. Initially five approaches, increased to 20.
  3. We ask the little one to open his mouth wide. Let him touch the tip of his tongue to the upper incisors and try to press on the teeth with all his strength. It is important that your mouth remains open. Each time the child must count to ten (to himself). We also start small and work up to 20.
  4. We spend it in front of the mirror. Let the little one open his mouth wide and follow the movements of his tongue when pronouncing the syllables “kar - kar - kar”, “bar - bar - bar”.
  5. Ask your child to lick his lips, first the top, then the bottom.
  6. Let the baby close his mouth and move his tongue in one direction or the other. With all his might he presses on the inside of his cheeks with the tip of his tongue.
  7. To achieve a good and quick effect, you need to do the exercise daily for 15 minutes.
  8. If correction is prescribed after surgery, it begins only after the wound has healed.


The procedure is performed under local anesthesia.

An operation is prescribed if the severity is severe; in the case of moderate severity, the doctor makes the decision; in mild cases, treatment is carried out using conservative methods, in particular, speech therapy and sessions with a speech therapist.

Indications for surgical intervention will be:

  • severe limitation in tongue mobility;
  • moderate severity of the disease in the absence of positive results from therapeutic treatment;
  • lack of monthly weight gain;
  • development of malocclusion;
  • inability to latch onto the nipple during feeding;
  • the process of formation of displaced dentition;
  • the need to install dentures, including removable ones.

It is worth considering that the operation may have certain contraindications. These include:

  • infectious processes in the oral cavity;
  • oncology;
  • blood diseases;
  • gingivitis;
  • acute infectious process in the body.

Depending on the age, the child may be prescribed one of three types of surgery:

  • frenulotomy (can be performed on children up to nine months old) - an incision is made with scissors closer to the teeth, the mucous membrane is initially dissected, then the muscle cords are applied, sutures are applied;
  • frenulectomy (performed on a child over five years old) - the septum is fixed with a clamp, an incision is made between it and the lip, and stitches are applied;
  • frenuloplasty (applicable for children over five years old) - a triangular flap is truncated from the bridge, then an incision is made and this flap is sewn in the right place to lengthen the frenulum.

My son had his bridle cut when he was 7 months old. I was not present at the procedure, I was very worried. Dad and grandmother went with him. Everything went without complications, and the child recovered quickly.

Laser treatment

Laser method of surgery

IN last years They are increasingly using the method of cutting the frenulum using a laser. This method has a number of advantages:

  • practically painless;
  • there is no need for stitches;
  • the cut is made accurately;
  • wounds heal quickly;
  • minimum consequences or their complete absence;
  • disinfecting properties prevent infection;
  • no bleeding during surgery.

Optimal age

The sooner the operation is performed, the less painful it will be for the child.

If you are wondering at what age a child’s tongue frenulum is cut - if it is detected early in the first month of life, while still in the maternity hospital. The best time The first year of a baby's life is considered. However, there are often cases when parents do not notice the problem, and realize that something has gone wrong when problems with pronunciation arise at the age of five. At this time, a longer operation will be performed under anesthesia.

Now you know how the procedure is carried out. Remember that the lack of timely treatment can lead to speech problems and the development of pathology. No matter how sorry you feel for the baby, if there is an urgent need, go for surgery.

Trimming the frenulum under the tongue in children is a common procedure in dental surgery. The operation is recommended at any age and is performed to eliminate congenital pathology. The sooner the plastic surgery is performed, the faster and better the child’s correct speech, jaw and bite will begin to form.

The frenulum is normally capable of lengthening and shortening in the mouth. This is an elastic fold of mucous membrane that stretches from the middle of the tongue to the very base of the gums, approximately in the area of ​​the lower front incisors. Its main purpose is to ensure mobility of the tongue and normal pronunciation of sounds.

The fold may have some deviations, in particular related to its elasticity, length and area of ​​attachment. They are detected in early childhood when a child is examined by a doctor.

What are the dangers of a short frenulum?

This pathology has the scientific name ankyloglossia, which means “curved tongue.” Most often this phenomenon is observed in boys. An abnormally short frenulum prevents the child from normal control of the tongue, swallowing and even breathing. Usually a pediatric neonatologist helps to detect pathology, but there may be mistakes on the part of some doctors.

A short frenulum prevents the child from controlling his tongue normally, swallowing, and even breathing.

A clear sign of pathology is that the baby has difficulty sucking the breast during feeding, as a result of which he is poorly satiated, behaves restlessly, is capricious, often requires latching to the breast, and does not gain weight.

It is important! In children over three years old, a short frenulum of the upper lip can lead to improper development of the interdental spaces, which are located between the upper incisors, as a result of which they move sharply forward. An anomaly of the lower lip most often leads to improper formation of the bite.

A short frenulum in a newborn is a congenital pathology. Causes may be different:

  1. Genetic predisposition - it is not necessary for the baby’s parents to have the same problems. Often the anomaly is inherited from a close relative.
  2. Pathology can occur during pregnancy, in the first and third trimester. The determining factors are various: drug use during gestation, somatic or infectious diseases, adverse natural conditions, abdominal injuries and much more.
  3. In some cases, an incorrectly developed frenulum of the upper lip is diagnosed in children who already have other congenital anomalies that cause various types of deformities.

Clinical picture

If such a problem occurs, then the following are observed: complications:

  • the baby has difficulty sticking out his tongue or is unable to do so;
  • the baby cannot extend the tongue, because in this case it takes the shape of an arch;
  • the child is unable to raise his tongue to the palate, since in this case its tip bifurcates.

There may be other symptoms that your baby's frenulum is too short. A doctor can make an accurate diagnosis after a thorough examination.

When the parents' suspicions are confirmed, it is recommended to perform an operation - plastic surgery of the frenulum of the tongue in children. Surgical intervention has a number of features depending on the age of the child:

  • Up to 1 year. If your baby has difficulty sucking at the breast during feeding, you should contact your pediatrician for an examination. The operation itself is performed by a dentist. At this age, babies still have a small membrane in which nerve fibers and blood vessels are completely absent. Plastic surgery is performed without the use of local anesthesia. Most often it is treated with minimal bleeding.
  • From 4 years. If the child has not undergone plastic surgery before this age and has speech defects, and massage and various exercises do not help stretch the tongue, it is recommended to undergo plastic surgery. This diagnosis is usually made by a speech therapist, and the operation is performed, as in the previous version, by a dentist.

During this period of life, trimming the frenulum of the upper lip already causes discomfort and pain. Therefore, surgery is performed using local anesthesia. After this, the child receives stitches.

The photo shows a short frenulum of the tongue.

On a note! The most suitable age for plastic surgery is selected by the doctor depending on the individual characteristics child. Trimming before the age of 1 year causes the least amount of trouble and discomfort. In some cases, the doctor may recommend surgery immediately after the baby is born.

The sooner parents take care of eliminating this anomaly, the sooner the child can begin to live a full life.

Why is plastic surgery required?

A short tongue frenulum in a newborn causes a lot of difficulties. Therefore, experts recommend correction at an early age to minimize the consequences. Most often, difficulties arise during breastfeeding:

  1. It is not possible to attach the baby to the breast correctly.
  2. The baby has difficulty sucking in milk.
  3. During feeding, the baby swallows too much air, which subsequently leads to belching and abdominal pain.
  4. Insufficient consumption of mother's milk leads to the fact that the baby does not grow fast enough.

Tongue frenulum trimming is a surgical operation performed on the frenulum to correct abnormalities in its development. Intervention in this area can be one of three operations. The first is a classic transverse dissection of the frenulum for the purpose of lengthening it - frenulotomy (“fren” - frenulum, “tomia” - cutting). The second option is frenulectomy, which is a wedge-shaped excision of the frenulum of the tongue. And the third type of intervention is frenuloplasty - changing the shape, size, location of the frenulum by plastic surgery of local tissues. It is worth noting that terms with the root “fren” are applied not only to operations on the mucous cord of the tongue. Correction of any frenulum (upper lip, penis, etc.) may be called frenulotomy, frenuloplasty, etc. Therefore, this concept always requires clarification. Since this article deals only with the frenulum of the tongue, in the future the terms will be used without interpretation.


Indications for operations on the frenulum of the tongue are some anomalies of its development. The mucous cord may be short or attached too close to the tip of the tongue. Clinically, this manifests itself in various functional disorders depending on the age of the person. In infancy, the child cannot suckle, feeding lasts a very long time or does not begin at all. The baby simply refuses to breastfeed, begins to cry and does not fall asleep for a long time. As a result, there is no increase in body weight, and the child’s growth slows down. Although, when examining other organs and systems, pathologies, as a rule, are not determined. In any case, the child must be examined by a pediatrician before the operation.

Technique for trimming the frenulum of the tongue

Trimming the frenulum of the tongue of a newborn is carried out without any medication or anesthesia. The doctor uses surgical scissors to make a transverse incision on the frenulum - and this ends the operation. It is worth saying that for a child these manipulations are absolutely painless. This is due to the fact that the thin mucous cord has practically no nerve endings, which eliminates pain sensitivity. The only thing that needs to be done is to deliver the child to the surgical room in comfortable conditions for him. If the baby is emotionally stable, then neither you nor the surgeon will have any difficulties. There is no need to carry out any postoperative procedures. There is no damage to blood vessels or nerves, there is no wound, infection is excluded. A child at this age a priori does not consume anything too cold, hot or spicy. Therefore, such recommendations would also be inappropriate.

When frenulotomy is no longer indicated due to age, frenuloplasty is performed, which can be performed using two main techniques. The first technique (Y-like frenuloplasty): surgical scissors are used to cut the frenulum in the transverse direction. The mucous membrane above the incision is pierced with a needle with suture material (catgut). Holding the tongue by the threads, it is lifted up and pulled forward. After this, scissors are used to lengthen the wound in the longitudinal direction and dissect the underlying soft tissue. A diamond-shaped wound is formed. The operation is completed by suturing. The second type of surgery is called Z-like frenuloplasty. It consists in the fact that instead of a longitudinal incision, a Z-shaped one is made. This way you can get two triangular flaps. By rotating them by 60°, the cut can be turned into a horizontal one. After this, the wound is sutured.

Frenulectomy can be performed by wedge-shaped excision of the frenulum of the tongue and suturing the wound. However, most often this type of operation is performed using a laser machine. The use of such equipment has numerous advantages. The first is the minimum amount of anesthetic. When cutting the frenulum of the tongue with a laser a large number of There is no need to use an anesthetic, ¼ dose is enough. This allows you to maintain the initial shape and mobility of the soft tissues, which will ensure the accuracy of the operation. The second advantage is ease of use. This is due to the fact that the force of the laser on soft tissue is always the same and is determined by the installation settings. And the depth of the cut with cutting instruments always depends on the force applied by the surgeon. Therefore, when working with a laser, a specialist has the opportunity to focus only on the direction of the laser flow. And the doctor does not have to worry about sudden damage to the underlying tissues. The third advantage is safety. When working with surgical scissors or a scalpel, the instruments are always in the patient's mouth. And any movement of the patient can cause serious injury to the soft tissues of the oral cavity. And if we take into account that most children tend to be afraid of surgical interventions, then any unexpected fear can lead to sudden movements of the child’s head. But, the operation of the laser unit is fully controlled by the doctor using a foot pedal. If the child gets scared and suddenly starts moving, the doctor will react instantly, release the pedal and the laser will stop working. The fourth advantage of laser frenectomy is the absence of the need for sutures. Suturing is a lengthy and responsible manipulation. When performing it, it is important to choose the right thickness and material of the surgical thread. It is necessary to carefully suture the wound and not leave any gaps; it is important to do it moderately. All of these tasks require time, experience, and patient peace of mind. Unfortunately, these factors do not always exist simultaneously. If we talk about laser frenectomy, it does not require sutures, and healing occurs faster than with classical surgery. Fifth advantage - positive attitude children to laser dentistry. This factor plays a very important role when performing frenectomy in pediatric patients. When they learn that their frenulum will be trimmed with a laser, most of them look forward to the operation with considerable interest. At the dentist, the child receives special safety glasses, which, together with the laser machine, look very futuristic. As a result, the operation is painless and comfortable for the little patient.

Contraindications for carrying out

There are no special contraindications to the operation of cutting the frenulum of the tongue. Any surgical operations are not performed if the patient has active inflammatory diseases. For pathologies of the endocrine and cardiovascular systems, the issue of individual drug preparation is considered. If it is possible, then surgery will also be performed. In some situations, surgery is not possible under local anesthesia. Mental illness, fear of doctors and medical interventions, and allergies to local anesthetics can be present in people of any age. Therefore, even if a simple operation is extremely necessary, it can be performed under anesthesia. As for cutting the frenulum of the tongue specifically, it is not recommended to do it before completing a course of myogymnastic procedures. After all, if physical activity on the frenulum helps it stretch, then surgical intervention will not be necessary.

Consequences after the procedure

Trimming the frenulum of the tongue has only positive aspects if it is performed according to indications. Therefore, the consequences of the operation can be foreseen even before the start of surgery. If a child is diagnosed with a speech defect and has not had a preliminary course of myogymnastics, then the feasibility of the operation remains in question. After all, speech problems could have been corrected in a more conservative way. And in the case when the reason for the incorrect pronunciation of sounds is the impaired functioning of the central nervous system, then even frenuloplasty surgery will be ineffective. Moreover, it can aggravate the existing pathology.

When making a correct diagnosis, performing a high-quality operation and monitoring the postoperative period, cutting the frenulum helps to normalize speech function. In combination with myogymnastics, correct pronunciation of sounds occurs quite quickly. If after surgery orthodontic treatment is carried out aimed at stimulating the growth of the lower jaw, then it will also be very effective. In adults, after frenulum cutting, periodontitis treatment is more productive than before surgery. If the patient has undergone surgery for further prosthetics, then orthopedic treatment is also likely to be successful.

Complications after the procedure

After frenulotomy, complications are usually not observed. This is due to the fact that the operation is quite simple to perform, bloodless and painless. After frenuloplasty, complications may be associated with doctor errors or the patient’s failure to comply with wound care rules. As for complications caused by the surgeon’s actions, they may be associated with a violation of the wound suturing technique. If the doctor puts fewer stitches than necessary, the wound will not be isolated from the oral cavity. This will increase the risk of pathogenic microflora joining and the development of inflammation in the area of ​​the tongue frenulum. If the sutures are stretched unevenly, then some areas of soft tissue will be pinched by the suture material, while others will become excessively mobile. This moment can cause displacement of the frenulum of the tongue, which is an undesirable outcome of the operation. If the doctor's prescriptions are not followed, sometimes purulent-inflammatory processes occur at the wound site. In this case, after cutting the frenulum, body temperature rises, headache, drowsiness and other symptoms of intoxication occur. This is often due to the fact that people cannot give up their regular routine, they continue to smoke, brush their teeth once a day and skip taking prescribed medications. This jeopardizes the entire treatment outcome and may lead to severe consequences. If you follow all the surgeon’s recommendations, the postoperative period will go according to plan and complications will not arise.

If trimming the frenulum of the tongue was performed under anesthesia, then the person may experience a reaction to drugs for general anesthesia for several days. In the first days after surgery, you may experience pain, drowsiness, a feeling of nausea, and vomiting. These symptoms should gradually go away over 2-3 days.

After cutting the frenulum of the tongue with a laser, complications rarely occur and can manifest themselves in the form of a postoperative scar. This is due to a violation of the intervention technique or incorrect laser settings. In this case, repeat surgery may be necessary.

Post-procedure care

After trimming the frenulum of the tongue in newborns, postoperative care is not required.

If frenuloplasty was performed on a child under general anesthesia, then the patient will recover from anesthesia for several hours after the operation. This may manifest itself as emotional agitation, anxiety, or vice versa, drowsiness and lethargy. The child may also experience thirst, nausea, vomiting, headache, pain and dizziness. Therefore, the child needs to be provided with peace for several days. You should pay attention to thorough antiseptic treatment of the oral cavity. There should be no foreign substances in the area of ​​the operation; plaque and food debris should not be allowed on the teeth. This can provoke the attachment of pathogenic microflora and cause suppuration of the wound. It is also necessary to refrain from eating hot and spicy foods for several days. If the healing process proceeds without deviations, then 3-4 days after surgery you can begin working with a speech therapist and conduct myogymnastics courses.

After frenuloplasty under infiltration anesthesia, which was performed on a child or young patient, care should be aimed at maintaining cleanliness in the oral cavity. To do this, you can use various mild antiseptics (chlorhexidine bigluconate 0.06%, hydrogen peroxide 3%, etc.). If the frenulum was trimmed in adulthood before prosthetics or complex treatment of periodontitis, then postoperative care will be slightly different. Firstly, before such surgical interventions, people of middle and mature age are most often prescribed a 5-day course of antibiotics. It starts 2 days before surgery and lasts 2 days after surgery. It is important not to complete the course of taking antibacterial drugs before the specified period. After all, this can disrupt the process of soft tissue regeneration and provoke inflammation. Also, during the postoperative period it is necessary to refuse bad habits. Alcohol inhibits the effect of antibiotics, and smoking disrupts the restoration of soft tissue in the surgical area. If the patient has chronic diseases in the oral cavity, it is recommended to use antiseptics (infusions of chamomile, sage and other herbs), anti-inflammatory and antifungal drugs (Listerine, Givalex, Metrogyl Denta gel). After a 4-5 day recovery period, you can consult a doctor about correcting speech defects, orthodontic treatment, prosthetics, etc.

Laser frenectomy, in addition to preventive antiseptic procedures, does not require general and local use of medications. You just need to be careful not to injure the sublingual area, and also not to eat hot and spicy foods in the first days after surgery.


Myogymnastics is a very important therapeutic and preventive procedure. It allows not only to consolidate the result of surgical treatment, but also in some cases to avoid it.

If a child is diagnosed with a shortened frenulum of the tongue and speech defects begin to develop against it, then first of all you should undergo a course of gymnastic exercises. They help stretch the mucous cord of the tongue, which can ensure the normalization of speech function. Myogymnastics can be done at home or with a speech therapist. At the same time, there is a whole range of effective exercises. First, touch the palate near the upper incisors with the tip of the tongue. Without lifting your tongue from the roof of your mouth, open and close your mouth. The exercise must be done smoothly, without sudden movements. Ten repetitions will be enough. The second exercise is to push your tongue as far forward as possible. Move your tongue to the sides, alternately touching the right and left corners of your mouth (10 repetitions). The third exercise is to push your tongue forward as much as possible and then alternately move it up and down (10 repetitions). The fourth task is to push your tongue forward as much as possible and hold it in this position for 5-10 seconds. Fifth, push your tongue forward a little and roll it into a tube. (5-10 repetitions). When performing the first four tasks, the tongue should be flat and relaxed. You should carefully monitor the technique of performing the exercises. The child must perform them correctly and efficiently. Main principles: smoothness, low speed, large range of movements. The first training sessions should be supervised by parents from start to finish. To do this, you can sit opposite the child and invite him to repeat the exercise after you. Also effective method is training in front of a mirror, which provides visibility of performing articulatory gymnastics. The speech therapist will supplement the course of myogymnastic procedures with exercises to establish the correct pronunciation of sounds. With a careful and conscientious approach to this technique, within a month the frenulum can stretch to the desired length. The child will learn to pronounce all sounds freely, and you will realize with a smile that surgical intervention will not be required.

If the operation of cutting the frenulum of the tongue has been performed, this does not mean that all violations will disappear on their own. After restoration of soft tissues in the surgical area, a course of gymnastic procedures is required. The exercises and principles of their implementation do not differ from those outlined in the previous paragraph. It should also be noted the importance of the doctor’s participation in performing tongue exercises after cutting the frenulum. The specialist will be able not only to teach you how to do the exercises correctly, but also to determine when to end the course of procedures or change the treatment plan.

The operation of cutting the frenulum of the tongue shows good results at any age. If you consult a competent doctor and follow his prescriptions and recommendations, this surgical intervention will be a successful contribution to your health!

A sign of a short frenulum in a newborn baby is difficulty sucking the breast, while the baby sucks the nipple and very quickly refuses the breast. Most often, a short frenulum occurs in boys than in girls. Very often this phenomenon is typical for children whose parents had a similar problem.

A slightly shortened frenulum in a newborn child is not a disease, it is only a defect in the oral cavity, which doctors often discover in the maternity hospital. In this case, the trimming procedure is carried out immediately, although there are cases that doctors send the mother and child to the dentist.

The procedure for cutting the frenulum is practically painless, because a newborn baby still has a very small amount of blood vessels and there are no nerve endings. Therefore, a newborn baby is trimmed without the use of anesthesia using special scissors.

In order to stop the bleeding, after the procedure the baby is immediately put to the breast or given a bottle. The operation of cutting the frenulum is quite simple, the wounds after it heal the next day. After the procedure, newborn babies begin to breastfeed much better and their appetite improves.

This procedure is indicated only if breastfeeding is difficult. If a defect exists, but the procedure for cutting the frenulum was not carried out, after discharge from the maternity hospital, the parents independently begin to notice that the child has deviations in the movement of the tongue. The baby cannot stick his tongue out of his mouth due to the fact that the frenulum pulls his tip down. The baby's tongue forms a groove, and this is accompanied by a certain sound.

As a result of difficulty in moving the tongue during conversation, an older child has difficulty pronouncing r, as well as hissing sounds. Sometimes there is a violation of diction - the child is illegible or unclear.

A short frenulum can also lead to a displacement of the center of the tongue and cause problems in the formation of the lower jaw. Which subsequently contributes to the development of gingivitis and periodontitis of teeth.

When a child at the age of 5 incorrectly pronounces the letter r and hissing sounds, and also has great difficulty lifting his tongue up, it is necessary to check his frenulum. In a stretched state, for a 5-year-old child, the characteristic length of the frenulum is at least 0.8 centimeters. When lifting the tongue upward, it should not bifurcate and take the shape of a heart.

The anterior edge of the frenulum is normally attached a few millimeters above the base of the gingival papilla, but not quite close to the tip of the tongue. To more accurately recognize a short frenulum, you can ask the child to lick the saucer with his tongue or click with his tongue.

When a child performs these actions without difficulty, the cause of speech defects is not the length of the frenulum. For children over 4 years old, surgery to cut the frenulum will not help correct speech defects, so it will be necessary to contact a speech therapist.