Unit factory does everyone fall into the pool. UNIT Factory is a non-standard school for training IT specialists. How will you keep track of whether I work after graduation in a Ukrainian company? And what happens if I violate this condition

Roman Banitsky and UNIT Factory

Roman, why this particular school?
I was looking for alternative ways of teaching - including programming. In addition to online courses and correspondence courses, I liked this idea. I have experience of teaching and learning online and offline, at different levels, so it was interesting for me to see how a non-standard methodology, an unusual organization of the process works, and at the same time to learn programming.

Has your programming level improved?
For a month of selection - it has grown a lot. The fact is that selection is a part of training: you need to learn the C programming language up to the intermediate level. The process is organized in such a way that there was almost no free time at all. This focus on programming gives very good results, systematizes knowledge, stores information in long-term memory.

Did you have to take a vacation?
Yes, I took three weeks off and got it right. The training took me 12 hours a day, together with the days off - that is, a very intensive process.

Does it sound like intensive foreign language training?
Yes, very intense. There was a case when I spent 37 hours in a row to solve a personal task. The program worked, but the system did not pass the check. When he completed it, he photographed the monitor as a souvenir. One thing I can say for sure: during the "pool" (this is the selection stage) you can forget about what day and night is, what it means to get enough sleep, that you have friends, study, work ... During the "pool" period I spent the night there 5-6 once. I didn’t sleep, but sat and wrote the code. But this is only at the time of selection, the study itself will take place on a more loyal schedule.

How does the training take place?
Officially, studies will begin on November 21, 2016, before that there was a selection. The last stage was called the "Pool". A rather symbolic name, because in fact it looked like we (the students) were really thrown into the IT pool, where we had to learn to swim in real time. If you swim out, then you can study further, otherwise not.
Each student had his own profile in the system. We signed up for projects, after which we received assignments and began to carry out them. The tasks were different: daily, team, individual projects. We also took an exam every Friday.
To receive points for assignments after completion, it had to be checked three times by other students, and then the system itself. If it is easier with students, that is, usually no comments arise and everything seems to be working correctly, then the system will almost always find something, and the task will not be counted.
There are no teachers. There are only 10-minute video lectures, but the theory on them is at least - this is a skeleton on which we ourselves must grow meat. To do this, you need to constantly look for additional information, then a portion of new knowledge - and new searches. There are three types of tasks: general (daily) - they are simple (although there are also difficult ones), team and personal. The intensity of the process is very effectively supported by timelines - this is the deadline before which the task must be uploaded to the server and checked (check after the timeline). Of course, you first need to check it yourself. The verification process itself is also an important part of the training: we explain to each other, and if I, for example, check the material that I do not really understand, I can ask questions - and I myself study at this time. One check lasts on average 30 minutes.

  • The task, which took 37 hours, is completed!

Who gives you assignments?
The tasks are prepared by the system itself. You need to sign up for a certain day for this task, they appear in the individual schedule, and then the system checks the completion.

What is the entry level required for admission?
The minimum, that is, basic, school-level knowledge of mathematics, programming is not necessary, you can start from scratch. The main thing is to be able to think outside the box, to solve problems creatively.

What language are you given the assignments in?
In English. In general, everything is in English. The videos were in English, although French could also be found if desired. Study materials, assignments - exclusively in English.

Did your English level improve while studying at UNIT Factory?
The vocabulary has increased, the level of technical English has grown. If I understood the first lectures somewhere 30-40%, and the rest I could hold out with the translator, then after two weeks I no longer used the translator to understand the context.

What are the advantages of studying at UNIT Factory?
Constant communication between students is a very positive factor. There is always an opportunity to approach someone, ask how he decided, ask to show and explain. Students willingly help each other, it unites everyone and creates a very good atmosphere in the cluster - the hall where the training takes place.
We can say that studying at UNIT Factory is a combination of offline and online methods, and with a high intensity.
1) Ability to study at a convenient time, there are no restrictions on the schedule.
2) Peer-2-peer methodology: there are no teachers, everything is on an equal footing, all tasks must be checked by the students themselves, teamwork is very motivating.
3) Gamification of learning:
- the student receives points for progress, due to which levels are gained for completing a particular task - and this is a motivator for growth;
- there is an individual development map: a person sees in which directions he develops.
When, after selection in the learning process, a person reaches a certain level, directions are revealed to him, and he chooses where it is interesting to develop further - whether to be an IT project manager, or to be engaged in web development, mobile application development, or to study the architecture of networks.

Who would you recommend to attend School 24?
Students who study programming, applied mathematics, cybernetics at universities. Because in UNIT Factory knowledge is more practical, there are more perspectives. Also, everyone who wants to learn programming, web development, become a video game developer or IT security specialist.
UNIT Factory provides a system of skills, a comprehensive understanding of programming and all processes in IT - a complete system that can be developed in any direction. IT is a very dynamic industry, information and skills are updated very quickly, so this combined intensive training method is very effective.
As a teacher by profession, it was interesting for me to see in reality how an alternative teaching methodology works. The desire to learn programming, at least some direction from IT, also played a role in the decision to go to study. I have been interested in artificial intelligence and machine learning for a long time, so when I found out that it would be possible to get knowledge in this direction in this school, I was already 100% sure: this is what I need.

What do you remember the most?
The last joint project, which I performed together with Sergey Protsenko for more than 3 days (exactly days, not days), and how we put together our code within 5 hours and put it together 2 minutes before the timeline. Well, and, probably, the fact that after the final exam I slept for 21 hours in a row.

And yet: how did you know about them?
I was looking for information on artificial intelligence.

That is, from a search engine?

UNIT Factory (Ukrainian National IT Factory)- an educational institution of a new format located in Kiev, where professional IT personnel are trained, trained to work in a team and find extraordinary solutions. The educational institution is located in the center of Kiev, becoming a key element of the ecosystem of the Kiev innovation park UNIT.City, which was opened in Kiev in April 2017.


UNIT Factory is a joint project of the Vasyl Khmelnitsky Foundation K.Fund and the French School 42. UNIT.City, also a project of Vasyl Khmelnitsky.

Education system

For 2017, UNIT Factory uses the French School 42 training system (a similar system is used at School 42 in Silicon Valley in Fremont, California):

  • Peer-to-Peer (P2P) method - there are no teachers, lectures, traditional assessments
  • teamwork on projects
  • the principle of gamification: students "pump" their skills, discover new levels and achievements (by analogy with role-playing computer games)
  • development of self-study skills
  • soft skills
  • the ability to study at any convenient time (24/7 mode).

“The program is aimed at ensuring that our graduates are as ready as possible to work on real commercial projects,” said Valeria Zabolotnaya, head of UNIT Factory in 2017. “We strive to ensure that students' eyes shine during their studies, and the desire to develop in their chosen profession never fades away.”

Conditions of education

For 2017, training at UNIT Factory is free. After graduation, graduates undertake to work in Ukraine for three years, without restrictions on the choice of an employer.

The full cycle of training at UNIT Factory is designed for a period of up to three years, but if desired, the program can be completed faster. After the first year of study, students can choose whether to improve their professional level further or leave to work for a company.

Stages of student selection

Stages of student selection:

  • registration on the site unit.ua
  • online test on the site
  • personal interview
  • one month trial period of study ("pool")

The selection does not take into account academic criteria (diplomas, grades). Age restrictions for applicants: from 18 to 30 years old.


By the end of 2017, the number of UNIT Factory students is planned to increase to 800.

2016: 13 thousand applications, 280 people are accepted

In 2016, in the first set of 2016, more than 13,000 applications were received from applicants, 600 candidates went through a trial period, 280 people were accepted for training (started in November 2016). Most of the applicants are young people aged 18–23 years. Before the start of training, 61% of students had an initial level of programming, 16% - zero.

Recently at UNIT Factory about the second set, which raised a number of questions from our readers, mostly of an organizational nature. Many of them were previously answered by the editors from school (here you can also see how she looks). Below the editorial staff publishes answers to the most popular questions asked to us earlier. The head of UNIT Factory Valeria Zabolotnaya answered.

In the last recruitment, 280 people were selected, how many are planned this time?

We plan to recruit 500 more people.

Ed .: UNIT Factory announced its plans to rapidly expand back in October last year, when the first 300 students were selected. Then the school building simply could not accommodate more, but Zabolotnaya said that by next year the number of students would increase to 800. UNIT Factory does not plan to stop at this mark: by 2020, the school hopes to increase the capacity to 2,000 people.

How will you keep track of whether I work after graduation in a Ukrainian company? And what if I violate this condition?

The obligation to work after graduation for three years in Ukraine or to reimburse the costs of training is a kind of our gentleman's agreement with students. If, for example, our graduate during this period is invited to work in some IT giant in Silicon Valley, I think he will only be happy to compensate for the costs of training at the UNIT Factory school ($ 1500), which allowed him to become such a sought-after specialist.

Relations with our students are based on the principles of trust, and only if there are grounds to believe that a student is violating the requirements of the contract, we reserve the right to go to court.

Why is the age limit 18 to 30?

Since we operate under the 42 school franchise, age is the only selection criterion for all schools operating under this methodology.

Ed .: More than 3000 students study at the French school "42". As its founder Nicolas Sadirak previously reported, the school's graduates are extremely in demand: an average of 11 employers line up for each of them in France. The Kiev UNIT Factory became the second school that adopted the experience of the French, and the Americans followed: recently, a school with the same model for 1000 students opened near San Francisco.

Do you help your graduates with their job search? Are there any agreements with Ukrainian IT companies on the recruitment of UNIT Factory graduates?

There are agreements, and their number is growing every day. Companies know about UNIT Factory and are ready to hire our graduates, but each of them must pass an interview and show their knowledge and skills independently.

Also, our program provides for two internships in IT companies lasting 4-6 months, which you can take during your studies. Therefore, our graduates will be young professionals with a year of practical experience.

How long does it take to study? What happens if I do not have time to complete the entire training program in three years?

We respect the individual pace of our students and give them the opportunity to learn in a way that suits them. Three years is the most extended deadline. However, today's dynamics show that the majority of students cope well before the three-year deadline.

Ed .: As the projects are completed, students receive levels. Upon reaching level 16, if you wish, you can already graduate from school and look for work, since the training received at this stage corresponds to the junior level. However, the school will recommend that students reach level 21, upon reaching which they can be considered a qualified middle-level developer.

Can I combine university / work with studies at UNIT Factory?

We do not prohibit students from simultaneously studying at a university or working. It is only important to correctly calculate your strength in order to cope with the academic load, because studying at UNIT Factory is designed for constant and uninterrupted involvement.

Ed .: The school operates 24/7 so that students can come here to study at any time convenient for them - even at night. By four o'clock in the evening, it is jam-packed, but as UNIT Factory administrator Florin Beecher previously reported, the computer room is not empty at night either.

Will I be issued a UNIT Factory graduation certificate? Will he help me in my job search process?

Graduates receive two certificates - from UNIT Factory and from the French school "42". UNIT Factory can help graduates with its reputation, but you will need to prove yourself.

Can citizens of other countries apply to UNIT Factory? What is needed for this?

Foreigners can enter UNIT Factory on the same rights as citizens of Ukraine.

Ed .: To enter UNIT Factory, you do not need to have knowledge in programming, it is enough to be able to think outside the box, they say at school. But it is important to know English at least at an intermediate level, because all materials are available in English. First, you need to submit an application on the website, and then pass the online creativity test. The best candidates are then invited to the school for a face-to-face meeting to test their teamwork, reaction and problem-solving skills. The finalists go to the third stage of the selection - the so-called "pool". Then they will be selected for the final group.

Can I try to enter UNIT Factory again if the previous time was unsuccessful? Or can the test be taken only once?

Both Online Challenges and the Pool can only be completed once.

The only caveat is that we have people who successfully passed the online tests and the stage of a personal visit last year, but for some reason could not take part in the qualifying pool at that time. This year they can (and do) come for a personal meeting again.

Can I study remotely at the school?

No. The effectiveness of learning at UNIT Factory is based on the Peer-to-Peer (P2P) principle, which assumes constant personal presence and interaction with other students.

Ed .: Peer-to-Peer - it means did it yourself - help someone else. Already at the “pool” stage, students are immersed in problems on the basics of programming and see how they cope. They will have to learn on their own: according to the available guidelines or simply by finding answers to their questions on the Internet. Those who do the best will become full-fledged students at the school.

Is lunch at your cafe expensive? 🙂

UNIT Cafe is a separate commercial structure that is friendly to us. There are special discounted prices for students in the cafe.

Ed .: And in the UNIT Factory building there is a kitchen-dining room for students, where you can come with your own food.

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