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The procedure for checking the texts of final qualifying works for the amount of borrowing and posting them in the electronic library system (electronic library) of IVSU (hereinafter referred to as the Procedure) regulates the requirement for organizing a check for the amount of borrowing and posting the texts of final qualifying works of students (students and external students) in the main professional educational programs higher education– bachelor’s, specialist’s and master’s programs implemented at IvSU.

Regulatory documents, abbreviations and definitions

The procedure was developed in accordance with the Federal Law of December 29, 2012 N 273-FZ “On Education in Russian Federation", The procedure for conducting state final certification for educational programs of higher education - bachelor's programs, specialty programs, master's programs, approved by order of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation dated June 29, 2015 No. 636 (as amended by orders of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation dated February 9, 2016 No. 86 and dated April 28, 2016 No. 502), Civil Code of the Russian Federation dated December 18, 2006 (as amended on November 28, 2015, as amended and supplemented on December 30, 2015) , Charter and other local regulations of IvSU.


VKR – graduation qualifying work

National Library of IvSU – Scientific Library of IvSU

IvSU Electronic Library – IvSU Electronic Library


Copyright holder– a citizen or legal entity with an exclusive right to the result intellectual activity or as a means of individualization. The copyright holder has the right to use such a result or such a means at his own discretion in any way that does not contradict the law.

Checking the texts of the VKR for the amount of borrowing

3.1. Checking the text of the thesis for the amount of borrowing is carried out by the student (if necessary, by the head of the essay) using software for detecting textual borrowings, used at IVSU in accordance with the agreement.

3.2. A report on the results of checking the text of the thesis for the amount of borrowing is provided to the student to the supervisor of the essay no less than 14 days before the defense.

3.3. The final versions of the thesis text and the report on the results of checking the thesis text for the amount of borrowing are presented to students at the graduating department 7 days before the defense.

3.4. After the defense of the thesis, a report on the results of checking the text of the thesis for the amount of borrowing is stored at the graduating departments along with printed text VKR.

Preparation of thesis texts for placement in the IvSU Electronic Library

4.1. After protection, the copyright holders (the head of the research and development work and the student), if necessary, remove in the electronic version of the research work production, technical, economic, organizational and other information that has actual or potential commercial value due to its unknownness to third parties.

4.2. In the event of withdrawal of information that has actual or potential commercial value, the photocopy of the title page of the research paper is marked “Withdrawal of information” with the signature of the copyright holders (the head of the research paper and the student) and the date of protection.

4.3. The student who has defended the thesis, no later than 3 days after the defense, submits an electronic version of the thesis in PDF format in one file, including an electronic version of the title page or, in the case of withdrawal of information, an electronic version of a photocopy of the title page with all signatures, to the head of the thesis.

4.4. By order of the dean of the faculty, a responsible person is appointed to transfer electronic versions of the thesis texts to the IvSU Electronic Library (hereinafter referred to as the library). Information about responsible persons and their addresses Email are transferred to the library.

Transferring the texts of the thesis to the IvSU Electronic Library

5.1. Instructions for uploading the written work (with logins and passwords) to the library server are communicated by library staff to the responsible persons individually.

5.2. Within two weeks from the date of the last defense of the thesis according to the schedule of the state final certification, the appointed responsible person from the faculty transfers the following materials to the library server by downloading via the web interface:

Electronic versions of the WRC texts in PDF format in accordance with clause 4.3 of this Procedure;

Transfer certificate in DOC format (Appendix 1).

5.3. Permits for placement of high-tech research and development (Appendix 2) in printed form are transferred to the library, and the correspondence of the received texts of the research papers and the act of transfer is verified. The graduate's last name, first name and patronymic are entered in full on the certificate. The act is filled out in two copies - one remains in the library, the second at the department.

This digital library, providing access to higher and middle educational institutions, public libraries and corporate users to the most popular materials of educational and scientific literature in all fields of knowledge from leading Russian publishing houses. The resource contains textbooks, teaching aids, monographs, periodicals, reference books, dictionaries, encyclopedias, video and audio materials, illustrated publications on art, non-fiction literature, fiction. The catalog of publications is systematically updated with new relevant literature and currently contains almost 100 thousand titles.

Dear teachers and students! You can access the EBS both from university computers (without authorization) and outside the IVSU network (via the Internet) by going through the registration procedure (see below).

With detailed instructions on searching, reading books, services personal account etc. can be found on the EBS website

Instructions for registration in the online library "University Library on-line"

Open the website "University Library on-line". In the top menu on the right, click Registration

Fill out the form ("Country", "City", field "University" - required when filling out).

Click the "Register" button.

Enter your real last name, first name and patronymic. This is necessary so that the main user of the organization can identify you among other registered users. In the “Profile Type” field, select your profile (student, organizational subscriber or teacher). You must provide a valid email address. mail. An email with a link to activate your account will be sent to your email address. The login must consist of letters of the Russian or Latin alphabet and/or numbers. The first character of the login must be a letter. The allowed login length is 7 characters or more. The minimum password length is 5 characters. The password can use a letter of the Latin alphabet, numbers and the underscore "_".

If everything is correct, a message indicating successful registration will appear..

During 2 working days specialists Scientific library IVSU will check your affiliation with the university and confirm your registration. After confirming your registration, a message will be sent to your specified mailbox stating that you are an EBS user! If you have not received such a message, please contact the Computerization Department of the IVSU Library (1 building of IVSU, room 211) or write to us at

To start working in the system, go to the website of the "University Library on-line",

V In the top menu on the right, click “Login” and enter your username and password.

For any questions please contact to the Computerization Department of the IvSU Library

1 building of IvSU, room 211, write to us at This email address is being protected from spambots. You must have JavaScript enabled to view it.

or send a message to our team

The library is one of the leading structural divisions of the university, its main information center, providing access to both its own funds and electronic educational resources.

The library's book collection includes more than 970 thousand items. It includes scientific, educational, artistic, reference and periodicals, literature on foreign languages, abstracts of dissertations. Library users have access to: 2 subscriptions, reading room, including access to Internet resources, copying service, MBA.

Since 1994, the library has been working with the automated information and library system “MARK”, and in 2010 it switched to the network version of the AIBS “MARK-SQL”. The library's electronic catalog contains more than 29 thousand records, it is constantly updated with new documents, and a retrospective collection is being introduced.

  • formation of a library collection of documents on traditional and electronic media in accordance with the profile of the university and information requests of users;
  • creation of a reference and search engine for the library collection.
  • issuance of scientific and fiction, scientific and technical documentation, periodicals, abstracts of dissertations, dictionaries, GOST standards;
  • creation and maintenance of reference and bibliographic apparatus, provision of information retrieval;
  • providing access to library information resources;
  • provision of additional (paid) services;
  • signing of bypass sheets.

At the Ivanovo State Library Polytechnic University An interesting, eventful story that begins back in 1918. It was then that by decree of V.I. Lenin, the Ivanovo-Voznesensk Polytechnic Institute (IVPI) was created on the basis of the Riga Polytechnic Institute evacuated to Ivanovo-Voznesensk. From the first days, a library began to operate on the basis of the spinning and weaving faculty - one of the nine faculties of the IVPI. Initially, its fund consisted of 961 units. storage, there were only 2 employees on staff, and 447 people were registered in the reader register. The first head of the library, from the moment of its creation and over the next 13 years, was Olga Mitrofanovna Malkova.

In 1930, the IVPI was divided: on the basis of its four faculties the following were created: Ivanovo Institute of Chemical Technology, Ivanovo Textile Institute, Ivanovo Agricultural Institute and Ivanovo Energy Institute. From this period the library began its independent existence as structural subdivision Ivanovo Textile Institute named after. M.V. Frunze, and then the Ivanovo State Textile Academy.

Another important step towards the creation of the IVGPU library was the opening in 1981 of the Ivanovo Institute of Civil Engineering (later - IGASU). The basis of the library collection of the young university was the literature of the construction department of the Ivanovo Energy Institute, on the basis of which IISI was created. Later, in 1984, the library collection of the Ivanovo Industrial College was added to it.

In 2012, as a result of the reorganization of IGTA and IGASU and the creation of the Ivanovo State Polytechnic University on their basis, the libraries of both universities were combined into a single library system, with a single management, financing, and book collection. The latter has more than 970 thousand publications, and in its content is a universal, multidisciplinary collection of educational, scientific and fiction literature, periodicals and reference publications, a repository of hundreds of copies of regulatory and technical documentation, encyclopedias, and dictionaries. The pride of the library is its rare book fund, which contains pre-revolutionary publications, documents from the 20-40s of the twentieth century and modern publications of particular value.