Speech therapy exercises cup. Speech therapy exercise for articulation “cup. Smile, open your mouth, bite your tongue with your teeth ta-ta-ta...; slap your tongue with your lips five-five-five...; bite your tongue with your teeth and pull it through your teeth with effort. "HEDGEHOG"

Hissing sounds (Sh, Zh, Shch, Ch) are not always possible even for a six-year-old child. Instead of the word “bump” you can hear “detective”, “fifka”, “tytka”, “hykhka”. These are different options for incorrectly pronouncing the sound Ш.

In order to correctly pronounce the sound Ш, the tongue must take a certain position in the oral cavity. It is certainly wide, the front edge of the tongue is raised up and forms a gap with the hard palate near the upper front incisors, the lateral edges of the tongue are pressed tightly against the upper molars. It is important that the tongue is absolutely symmetrical, otherwise you may end up with a lateral pronunciation of sibilants.

The sounds of speech are acquired by the child in a certain sequence. Moreover, the first sounds the child begins to pronounce are not those sounds that he hears more often, but those that are easier for him to pronounce. Lifting the tip of the tongue upward becomes possible for a child at the age of about three years. Therefore, hissing sounds appear in speech at 3-4 years.

Before trying to teach your child to hiss on your own, we recommend undergoing a speech therapy examination by a specialist. Perhaps a shortened hyoid frenulum does not allow the tongue to rise up. Tongue muscle tone may cause lateral pronunciation. Only a specialist can cope with such features of the articulation organs.

If your baby's articulation organs are in order, we offer you the following action plan. The sequence of work is strictly defined. There is no need to rush to move from one point to the next.

1. Articulation gymnastics. (see Appendix 1)

First of all, it is necessary to prepare the organs of articulation for correct pronunciation. A specially selected complex of articulation gymnastics will help you with this. While performing articulation exercises, the baby must learn to make his tongue wide, lift it up, blow air in the middle of the tongue, while keeping his lips extended. All exercises should be performed without force, in game form, fun and interesting. Children learn only by imitation. Therefore, before you start studying, learn everything yourself in front of the mirror. necessary exercises. Exercises are learned gradually, adding new ones. Articulatory gymnastics should be performed daily, using any routine moments (washing, brushing teeth, getting dressed, walking, playing). It is important to achieve clear and correct execution. Small child switches quite quickly from one type of activity to another, so it is better to do 2-3 exercises, but more often during the day. The main thing is to maintain interest and not overtire the baby. Gymnastics can be performed to music, or accompanied by poetic texts. Once the exercises are completed with ease, you can proceed to the second step.

2. Invoking the sound Sh.

We draw your attention to maintaining the “secret” of sound. Don't say what sound you are going to make. We will not learn to say the sound Ш, we will learn to hiss like a snake.

We offer you several ways to evoke the sound Sh.
1. Hissing is the privilege of a snake. Therefore, it is worth depicting it using a hand. She will be a snake: the hand is the head, everything else is a flexible body. Here is a “snake” crawling across the table. Then he raises his head, makes a stand (resting on his elbow), stretches his head forward, and, opening his mouth, hisses: “Sh-sh-sh-…. In this case, it is worth drawing the child’s attention to the fact that the tongue – the “cup” – is raised up, and the lips are pulled forward in a tube. If the baby finds it difficult to stretch out his lips, help him - press your thumb and middle finger on his cheeks in the area of ​​​​the molars, the tongue from the inside will press more tightly against the molars, and the lips will protrude forward as a “mouthpiece”. We teach the snake to talk - we use cards with symbols or letters of vowel sounds (SHSHSH - SHA, SHSHSH - SHE, SHSHSH - SHO, SHSHSH -SHU).
2. We ask the child to make a “cup” out of his tongue. We lean the “edge of the cup” - the wide tip of the tongue - against the points of the upper teeth. There is very hot tea in the cup; you need to blow on the edge of the cup to cool the tea. The exhalation should be felt on the palm of your hand placed to your mouth. A vague whistling sound will be heard. Now you need to carefully put the cup into your mouth so as not to spill the tea. The “edge of the cup” slides from the tips of the upper teeth along the inside of the incisors, then along the palate to the alveoli. All this time we do not stop blowing “on the edge of the cup.” The whistling sound will turn into a hissing sound. When you hear the sound Ш, tell your child that this is the sound of a snake hissing. In the future, let the child immediately put the “edge of the cup” to the alveoli and “hiss.” “The hissing falls” on the palm, it is “hot.” We round and stretch out the lips - a full-fledged Sh will come out. We teach the snake to speak in syllables.
3. If the child has correct sound S, we ask him to “whistle like a mosquito.” The lips are in a smile, the upper and lower incisors are visible. Without interrupting the whistle, the child's tongue moves from the inner surface of the lower incisors to the inner surface of the upper incisors, and further to the alveoli. The mosquito must crawl, constantly feeling the way with its proboscis, so as not to lose its way, because it is dark in the mouth. The mosquito must turn into another creature, we suggest working together to find out who it will turn into. At first you will hear a fuzzy hissing sound. When the tongue reaches the alveoli, an almost full-fledged sound will be produced. The mosquito has turned into a snake and hisses. All that remains is to round and stretch your lips forward (either on your own or with the help of your fingers). We teach the snake to talk.
4. The child places the wide tip of the tongue on the outer surface of the alveoli and pulls out the sound T for a long time. It is followed by a hissing sound. Let the child aim this sound at his palm. While the child draws out the T sound and the hissing sound that follows, I keep my mouth slightly open. Please place the upper incisors on the lower ones. An almost full-fledged Sh will appear. The hissing should fall on the palm of your hand as a wide hot stream. Then you need to immediately hiss like a snake without the reference sound T. The lips are in a wide smile, opening the upper and lower incisors. While the baby is “hissing,” press your thumb and middle finger on his cheeks, thereby pushing his lips forward like a “mouthpiece.” The sound Ш will become completely accurate. In the future, the child will learn to pronounce the sound himself without aids. We teach the “snake” to talk.
5. If your child pronounces the sound R correctly, i.e., the wide tongue is behind the upper teeth and only the tip of the tongue vibrates, you can use R to produce the sound Sh. The lips are in a wide smile, the upper and lower incisors are visible, the child draws the sound R. We ask you to pronounce the same sound, but in a whisper, so that the tongue stops vibrating. The sound Sh will be heard. We tell the child that this is how a snake “hisses”. Round your lips. We fix the sound in syllables.
Having learned to pronounce the isolated sound Ш, we remember and look for what and who else can hiss. A punctured tire hisses, an angry cat and a goose, tree leaves rustle in the wind, fallen autumn leaves underfoot, a mouse scratches under the floor.

3. Automation of sound in syllables and words.

When automating sounds in words, you should exclude those words that contain sounds that your baby cannot pronounce. Those. If a child does not say the sound R, we do not offer him the word BALL.

Straight syllables (SHA, SHO, SHU, SHE, SHI, SHU)
= in intervocalic position (ASHA, OSHO, USHU, ESHE, ISHI, USHU)
= reverse syllables (АШ, ОШ, УШ, ЭШ, ИШ, УШ)

4. Automation of sound in sentences, poetry and coherent speech.

This work is carried out gradually, according to the principle: from simple to complex.

5. Differentiation of sounds.

This stage of work is necessary if your baby initially replaced the sound Ш with some other one (usually the sound S - “sapka”, “masina”).

Speech therapy notebooks will help you automate and differentiate sounds (see Appendix)
Annex 1.

Complex of articulatory gymnastics for hissing sounds

1. Window.

Open your mouth wide, the tongue lies freely in the mouth, the tip is located at the lower teeth. Hold your mouth in this position for a count of 1 to 5. Close your mouth, hold it closed for a count of 1 to 5. Repeat 3-5 times.

2. Fence.

The lips are in a smile, the teeth are closed in a natural bite and are visible. Keep counting from 1 to 10.

3. Tube.

The teeth are closed. Lips extended forward. Keep counting from 1 to 10.

4. Proboscis (Donut).

The teeth are closed. The lips are pulled forward and rounded. The upper and lower incisors are visible. Keep counting from 1 to 10.

5. Alternating “Smile”, “Tube”, “Donut” in different sequences. Hold each articulatory pose for 4-8 seconds, up to 5 repetitions.

6. Let's punish the naughty tongue + pancake.

Smile. Open your mouth slightly. Calmly place your tongue on your lower lip and, smacking it with your lips, make the sounds of five-five-five. Keep the relaxed tongue in a calm position while counting from 1 to 10. The mouth is slightly open. The lips are not tense, they do not stretch into a wide smile. The lower lip does not stretch over the lower teeth. The tongue does not stick out far, it only covers the lower lip. Repeat 3-5 times.

7.Pancake + delicious jam.

Smile. Open your mouth slightly. Place your wide tongue on your lower lip. Raise your wide tongue onto your upper lip. Using a top-down motion, move your tongue behind your upper teeth. Close your mouth. The tongue does not narrow. The lower jaw is motionless. 5-10 repetitions.

8. Swing.

Big swing. Stick your tongue out of your mouth. Raise the wide tip of the tongue to the nose and then lower it to the chin.
Small swing. The mouth is open, but the tongue moves inside the oral cavity. The wide tip of the tongue touches the inside of the upper incisors, then the inside of the lower incisors. Repeat 5-10 times.

9. Calyx.

Open your mouth wide. Make a “Pancake”, lift the tip of the tongue and the side edges up, giving the tongue a “Cup” shape. Hold for a count from 1 to 10. Place the “Cup” in your mouth by the upper teeth and hold for a count of 1 to 5.

10. Painter.

Open your mouth, stroke the palate with the wide tip of your tongue, making movements back and forth (from the teeth deep into the oral cavity and back). The “brush” tongue paints the “ceiling”. Repeat 6-8 times.

11. Sore finger.

Place the wide, flat tip of your tongue between your lips (i.e., your lips lightly hold the tip of your tongue) and blow on your finger. The air should flow down the middle of the tongue through the small gap between the tongue and the upper lip. Take a deep breath and long, smooth exhale. The cheeks do not puff out. Repeat 3-5 times.

12. Horse.

The mouth is open. Lips in a smile. Press your wide tongue to the palate and tear it off with a click. Make sure that your lips are in a smile and that your lower jaw does not move. The pace of the horse's clattering slows down and then speeds up.

13. Fungus.

The mouth is open. Lips in a smile. Press the wide tongue with its entire plane to the palate (the tongue is suctioned) and hold it in this position for a count of 1 to 10. The hyoid frenulum of the tongue is the “leg” of the mushroom, the tongue is its “cap”. The lateral edges of the tongue are pressed tightly to the palate, the lips do not stretch over the teeth. Repeat 3-5 times.

14. Accordion.

The mouth is open. Lips in a smile. The wide tongue is pressed to the palate (the tongue is sucked) and, without lowering the tongue, open and close the mouth. When you open your mouth, your lips smile and remain motionless, your tongue does not sag. 5-10 repetitions.

15. Focus.

Place a small piece of cotton wool on the tip of your nose, stick your tongue out of your mouth, shape it into a cup and blow on the tip of your nose so that the cotton wool flies high up. When blown, the air stream is directed upward from the tongue. Repeat 4-5 times.

Appendix 2.

Polyakova M.A. Self-instruction manual on speech therapy. Universal guide. M.: T.Dmitrieva, 2015. - 160 p.
Zhikhareva-Norkina Yu.B. Homework book for speech therapy sessions with children: a manual for speech therapists and parents. Issue 7. Sounds Sh, Zh. M.: Humanitarian Publishing Center VLADOS, 2005. - 136 p.
Komarova L.A. Automation of the sound Ш in game exercises. Preschooler's album. M.: Gnome, 2015.- 32 p.
Azova E.A., Chernova O.O. Home speech therapy notebook. Learning the sounds Sh, Zh. M.: Sphere shopping center, 2010.- 32 p.
Konovalenko V.V., Konovalenko S.V. Homework book No. 3 for strengthening the pronunciation of hissing sounds. M.: Gnome, 2007.- 36 p.

The article was prepared by Elena Aleksandrovna Stepanova, a teacher and speech therapist at the speech correction center “Speech therapist and I”, Ulyanovsk

32. "Cup"

I smile, mouthopen:


TOteethraisedthe edges-



Learn to keep your tongue in a cup shape at the top, near your upper teeth. Strengthen the muscles of the tongue.


Smile, open your mouth and place your tongue at the top in a cup shape.


1. If the “cup” does not work, then you need to return to the exercise “Slap your lips on your tongue” (No. 19), spread your tongue on the lower lip and lightly press on the middle of the tongue. In this case, the edges of the tongue rise up, and the tongue takes the desired shape.

2. You can also spread your tongue by patting it with your lips, wrap it over your upper lip, holding the edges with your fingers.

3. When performing the exercise, the edges of the tongue are at the upper teeth.

33. “Delicious jam”

It's like jam is on your lip -

I’ll lick it “cup” into my mouth.


Practice moving the wide front part of the tongue upward in the shape of a cup. Strengthen the muscles of the tongue.


Smile, open your mouth and lick your lip with your tongue in a cup shape, making movements from top to bottom. You can continue the movement and remove your tongue into your mouth without destroying the “cup.”


1. You need to make sure that only the tongue works, and the lower jaw does not “pull” the tongue up - it must be motionless (you can hold it with your finger).

2. The tongue is wide, cup-shaped.

3. If the exercise does not work, then you need to (return to the exercise “Slap your lips on your tongue” (No. 19), spread your tongue, and then wrap it over your upper lip, holding the edges with your fingers (with a bandage).

34. "Steps"

(Alternating “Cup” on the upper lip -

“Cycle” on the upper teeth – “Calyx”

at the top behind the teeth)






Keep your tongue in the shape of a cup, develop its mobility. Strengthen the muscles of the tongue. Develop the ability to change the position of the tongue without destroying the “cup”.


Smile, open your mouth, place your tongue in a cup shape on your upper lip, then move the “cup” over your upper teeth, and then behind your upper teeth. Hold in each position for 3-5 seconds.


1. Make sure that only the tongue moves, the lower jaw is motionless.

2. Maintain the “cup”, smoothly moving the tongue from one position to another.

35. “Focus” (“Blowing from a cup”)

I will bring the “cup” forward,

I'll blow upward from it.

And the warm air blows

My nose, for example.


Direct the air stream along the middle of the tongue and upward, keeping the tongue in the shape of a cup on the upper lip.


Smile, open your mouth slightly, place the wide front edge of your tongue on your upper lip so that its side edges are pressed together and there is a small groove in the middle. Then blow gently upward onto your nose.


Attach a piece of tracing paper (1.5 cm x 1.5 cm) to the tip of the nose and blow it off - it flies up. In order for the tracing paper to easily attach to the nose, you need to slightly moisten it (pass it along the tip of the child’s tongue).


1. The lower teeth do not “pull” the tongue upward.

2. Do not squeeze your tongue with your teeth.

3. Exhalation is smooth and long. This exercise trains the exhalation necessary to pronounce hissing sounds.

36. “Don’t break the cup”

My mouth is wide open

The “cup” walks back and forth.





Make movements with your tongue in the shape of a cup without destroying it. Develop muscles and tongue mobility.


Shape your tongue into a cup and move it: push it forward and put it back into your mouth. Hold your tongue outside and inside for 3-5 seconds, without destroying the “cup”.


1. Only the tongue moves, the lips remain motionless.

2. You can start the exercise from a position that is more comfortable for the child to choose from: “cup” on the outside - “cup” on the inside.

37. “Brushing the upper teeth”

(From the inside)

Upper teeth - see:

I clean with a “cup” from the inside.


Develop tongue mobility, strengthen the tip of the tongue. Practice raising your tongue.


Smile, open your mouth and “clean” your upper teeth from the inside with a wide tongue, making movements from side to side.


1. Smile so that your upper and lower teeth are visible.

2. Make sure that the tip of the tongue does not bend inward, but moves at the roots of the teeth.

3. The lower jaw is motionless, only the tongue works.

Articulatory gymnastics is one of the components of combination therapy for speech development disorders. Its mandatory condition is complete passage course, consolidation of results after a certain period of time, classes with a special education teacher and at home. Sessions are conducted daily until a lasting therapeutic result is achieved.

Objectives of articulation gymnastics:

  • improvement of blood supply, innervation of the speech apparatus;
  • increased mobility of the speech organs;
  • muscle strengthening;
  • training in fixation in a certain position;
  • reducing tension;
  • increase in range of motion.

Basics of therapy

The duration of treatment is always individual: the pronunciation of sounds can take 1-6 months. When performing exercises with a speech therapist, you must follow several rules:

  • gradually complicate the task;
  • conduct classes for children in a playful way;
  • avoid overwork during the session;
  • use the mirror as the main subject for processing information.

The goal of articulatory gymnastics in speech therapy is to bring exercises on pronunciation of phonemes to automaticity. During the first lesson, the teacher will talk about the purpose and technique of performing a specific exercise. Then he will demonstrate correct articulation sound, explaining what points you need to pay special attention to. If the child finds it difficult to complete this exercise, the speech therapist can use a spatula or probe. It is very important that the movements are accurate and correct, symmetrical, smooth and in sufficient volume.

Children respond to speech therapy correction in different ways - this depends both on the diagnosis and the degree of manifestation of the disorders, and on the emotional state of the child.

After the session, the task must be consolidated at home. Articulation is considered to be learned successfully if it is performed without errors and does not require visual control.

How to learn to pronounce hissing sounds correctly

Problems with pronunciation arise due to rapid changes in the position of the organs of the articulatory apparatus during a conversation. In order for the sounds to be legible and clear, the specialist must eliminate muscle spasms and increase the mobility of the speech organs, as well as adjust the coordination of actions.

To produce hissing sounds, the tongue must be bent in the shape of a cup, this is the name of the exercise suitable for this. Problems with the reproduction of phonemes arise if it is round and spread out. As a result of this error, air leaves the oral cavity through the cheeks, and not through the gap between the teeth. The exercise is simple to perform, but requires muscle flexibility and compliance with the direction of the air stream exiting the oral cavity.

Execution technique

The “cup” exercise is based on relaxing certain areas of the tongue. To increase its efficiency, they do it in parallel speech therapy massage. First, the child is given the task of performing it technically correctly, bending his tongue upward. Then count up to 3, 5 and 10. There should be no shaking or chaotic movements. The “cup” exercise is designed to strengthen the muscles of the tongue and produce hissing sounds.

Description of actions:

  1. Place the child on a chair in a comfortable position.
  2. Give him a mirror, while the specialist is opposite.
  3. Ask your baby to open his mouth wide and stretch his lips.
  4. After relaxing them, place your tongue on your lower lip (it should be as soft as possible).
  5. Try to form it into a cup with raised side walls. For a better understanding, you need to clearly demonstrate it yourself.

Please note that the front edge of the tongue should be smooth.

Frequently encountered difficulties

A common mistake is that both the lip and jaw are pulled behind the tongue. If the child is too small and does not understand how to do this, a hole is made in the tongue in the middle, pressing with a finger. This will cause it to reflexively bend. If the difficulties are not relieved in this way, then you need to train the muscles with the help of massage.

When doing it yourself, try to develop the tongue carefully, without damaging the mucous membrane. Before starting self-massage, you need to disinfect the surface of your hands; handle the mucous membrane only with a handkerchief or dry napkin.

Self-massage techniques include spanking the lips, combing the tongue, biting on the left and right. For better memorization, you need to alternate the positions of the organ, making it alternately narrow and wide. It is necessary for the baby to remember how it feels when the tongue is relaxed and wide.

You can also do the “hug” exercise: gently clasp your upper lip with a wide tongue, and hug your teeth in the same way. Make sure that the exercise is done not with the tip, but with the entire base of the organ. After receiving a positive result, they return to the “cup”.

In speech therapy, the role of articulatory gymnastics is quite large, however, if the specialist’s recommendations are not followed conscientiously, it is impossible to achieve positive results. This method of correcting speech disorders is not the main one; an integrated approach to solving the problem is required.

Municipal budgetary preschool educational institution

combined kindergarten No. 38

Kamensk-Shakhtinsky, Rostov region

Articulation gymnastics

summary of the speech at the parent meeting

Erosheva Anna Vladimirovna,

correctional group teacher



Speech sounds are formed as a result of a complex set of movements of the articulatory organs - kinema. The development of one or another kineme opens up the possibility of mastering those speech sounds that could not be pronounced due to its absence. We correctly pronounce various sounds, both in isolation and in the speech stream, thanks to strength, good mobility and differentiated work of the organs of the articulatory apparatus. Thus, producing speech sounds is a complex motor skill.

Already from infancy, the child makes a lot of diverse articulatory and facial movements with the tongue, lips, jaw, accompanying these movements with diffuse sounds (mumbling, babbling). Such movements are the first stage in the development of a child’s speech; they play the role of gymnastics of the speech organs in natural conditions of life. The accuracy, strength and differentiation of these movements develop in the child gradually.

For clear articulation, strong, elastic and mobile speech organs are needed - tongue, lips, palate. Articulation is associated with the work of numerous muscles, including: chewing, swallowing, and facial muscles. The process of voice formation occurs with the participation of the respiratory organs (larynx, trachea, bronchi, lungs, diaphragm, intercostal muscles). Thus, when talking about special speech therapy gymnastics, one should keep in mind exercises of numerous organs and muscles of the face, oral cavity, shoulder girdle, and chest.

Articulatory gymnastics is the basis for the formation of speech sounds - phonemes - and the correction of sound pronunciation disorders of any etiology and pathogenesis; it includes exercises for training the mobility of the organs of the articulatory apparatus, practicing certain positions of the lips, tongue, soft palate, necessary for the correct pronunciation of both all sounds and each sound of a particular group.

The goal of articulatory gymnastics is to develop full-fledged movements and certain positions of the organs of the articulatory apparatus necessary for correct pronunciation sounds.

1. Articulation gymnastics should be carried out daily so that the skills developed in children are consolidated. It is better to perform the exercises 3-4 times a day for 3-5 minutes. Children should not be offered more than 2-3 exercises at a time.

2. Each exercise is performed 5-7 times.

3. Static exercises are performed for 10-15 seconds (holding the articulatory pose in one position).

4. When selecting exercises for articulatory gymnastics, you must follow a certain sequence, moving from simple exercises to more complex ones. It is better to spend them emotionally, in a playful way.

5. Of the two or three exercises performed, only one can be new; the second and third are given for repetition and consolidation. If a child does not perform an exercise well enough, new exercises should not be introduced; it is better to practice old material. To consolidate it, you can come up with new gaming techniques.

6. Articulation gymnastics is performed while sitting, since in this position the child has a straight back, the body is not tense, and the arms and legs are in a calm position.

7. The child must clearly see the adult’s face, as well as his own face, in order to independently control the correctness of the exercises. Therefore, a child and an adult should be in front of a wall mirror during articulation gymnastics. The child can also use a small hand mirror (approximately 9x12 cm), but then the adult must be opposite the child, facing him.

8. It’s better to start gymnastics with lip exercises.

Organization of articulation gymnastics

1. An adult talks about the upcoming exercise using game techniques.

2. An adult demonstrates the exercise.

3. The child does the exercise, and the adult controls the execution.

An adult conducting articulatory gymnastics must monitor the quality of the movements performed by the child: accuracy of movement, smoothness, pace of execution, stability, transition from one movement to another. It is also important to ensure that the movements of each organ of articulation are performed symmetrically in relation to the right and left sides of the face. Otherwise, articulatory gymnastics does not achieve its goal.

4. If the child is unable to do some movement, help him (with a spatula, the handle of a teaspoon, or just a clean finger).

5. In order for the child to find the correct position of the tongue, for example, lick the upper lip, spread it with jam, chocolate or something else that your child likes. Approach the exercises creatively.

At first, when children perform exercises, tension in the movements of the organs of the articulatory apparatus is observed. Gradually the tension disappears, movements become relaxed and at the same time coordinated.

The system of exercises for the development of articulatory motor skills should include both static exercises and exercises aimed at developing dynamic coordination of speech movements.

Before you start performing the exercises, be sure to read the recommendations for performing articulatory gymnastics.


1 part. There lived a tongue in the world. He had his own house.

The house was called Rotik. That's what an interesting house Cheerful Tongue had. The house opened and closed. Look how the house was closed. (The adult slowly and clearly closes and opens his teeth.) With teeth! The lower teeth are the porch, and the upper teeth are the door.

Tongue lived in his house and often looked at the street. He will open the door, lean out of it and hide in the house again. Look! (The adult shows his wide tongue several times and hides it). The language was very interesting. He wanted to know everything.

Part 2. He sees a kitten lapping up milk and thinks: “Let me try that too.” He became wide and leaned out onto the porch, and then hid. He will stick out and hide, he will stick out and hide. Slowly at first, then faster. Just like a kitten does. Can you do that? Come on, try it!

And Tongue also loved to sing songs. He was cheerful. He sings what he sees and hears on the street. He will hear the children shouting “a-a-a”, open the door wide and wide and sing: “A-a-a”. He will hear the horse neighing “and-and-and”, make a narrow crack in the door and sing: “And - and - and.” He will hear the train buzzing “u-u-u”, make a round hole in the door and sing: “U-u-u.” So the day will pass unnoticed by Tongue. Tongue gets tired, closes the door and goes to bed.

That's the end of the fairy tale.

Exercise No. 2 “SMILE»

Target: teach your child to keep his lips in a smile while counting up to 10 times.

Description. Keep your lips smiling. The teeth are not visible.

Exercise No. 3 “FENCE”

Description. Smile without tension so that the front upper and lower teeth are visible. (To show the child how to do this, you need to silently pronounce the sound u) Hold your lips in this position while counting from 1 to 5 - 10.

Exercise No. 4 “WINDOW”

Description. Open your mouth wide - “hot”, close your mouth - “cold”.

It is better to do the exercise from Zaborchik: if the teeth are well exposed, then the “window” will turn out well, and the child will be able to clearly see in the mirror what his tongue is doing.

Exercise No. 5 “PUPPY”

Description. Lick the saucer smeared with jam with your wide tongue. Perform exercise 10 – 15 sec.

The puppy licked the plate,

He asks for a piece of sausage.

Exercise No. 6 “HIDE AND HIDE”

Description. Smile with your lips closed, stick out your tongue, then hide it behind your closed lips.

Exercise No. 7 “TASTY JAM”

Target: develop an upward movement of the wide front part of the tongue and a position of the tongue close to the shape of a cup, which it takes when pronouncing hissing sounds.

Description. Open your mouth slightly and lick your upper lip with the wide front edge of your tongue, moving from top to bottom, but not from side to side.

Auntie niece

He greets you cheerfully.

Tea for him with jam

He immediately offers it.

Oh, how delicious

Sweet jam.


A. Make sure that only the tongue works, and the lower jaw does not help, does not “pull” the tongue upward - it must be motionless (you can hold it with your finger).

b. The tongue should be wide, its side edges touching the corners of the mouth.

V. If the exercise does not work, you need to return to the exercise “Punish a naughty tongue.” As soon as the tongue becomes spread out, you need to lift it up and wrap it over the upper lip.

Exercise No. 8 “SPATULA”


Description. Smile, open your mouth slightly, place the wide front edge of your tongue on your lower lip. Hold it in this position, counting from 1 to 5 - 10. The side edges should touch the corners of the mouth, do not stretch the lips too much into a smile, so that there is no tension


A. Do not stretch your lips into a strong smile so that there is no tension.

B. Make sure that the lower lip does not curl up.

B. Do not stick your tongue out far; it should only cover your lower lip.

D. The lateral edges of the tongue should touch the corners of the mouth.

Exercise No. 9 “NEEDLE”

Target: develop the ability to make the language narrow.

Description. Smile, open your mouth wide, push your tongue forward, tense it, make it narrow. Hold the pose for a count of up to 10 times. The tongue should not be pinched between the lips, teeth, or lowered to the chin.

Exercise No. 10 “SPATULA - NEEDLE”

Description. Smile, place a wide tongue on the lower lip, then make the tongue narrow and the tip of the tongue sharp. Alternate movements 6 times.

Like a wizard, our Nikolka -

Turned the spatula into a needle.

Exercise No. 11 “SPATULA - NEEDLE”

Description. Smile, place a wide tongue on the lower lip, then make the tongue narrow and the tip of the tongue sharp. Alternate movements 6 – 8 times.

I dig a hole with a shovel,

I embroider flowers with a needle.

Exercise No. 12 “BALL”

Description. Puff up your cheeks, deflate your cheeks. Invite the child to pronounce the sound “sh” for a long time, the front edge of the tongue is behind the upper teeth, the lips are rounded, the exhaled stream of air is warm.

Tanya's balloon burst -

The poor girl is crying.

To make it more interesting to inflate the “ball” and for prevention sounds V, F-bit your lower lip with your upper teeth -fff - there’s an inflated balloon - use your index fingers to pierce your cheeks - and the balloon deflates.

Exercise No. 13 “BALL BURST”

Description. Invite the child to pronounce the sound “shhh” for a long time. Pay attention to the fact that when pronouncing the sound “sh” the front edge of the tongue is behind the upper teeth, the lips are rounded, and the exhaled stream of air is warm.

Give Tongue a pipe

And five more balls

Roll the mosquitoes!

Inflating the balloons:

"Sit down, mosquitoes!"

Exercise No. 14 “WATCH”

Target: develop the ability to direct the tongue to the corners of the mouth.

Description: Open your mouth wide. Slowly move the tongue horizontally from side to side, pulling the tongue towards the corners of the mouth. Alternately change the position of the tongue 4 – 6 times.

Tick-tock, tick-tock-

The clock is ticking -

Like this!

Introduce randomness into some exercises and ask the child to follow the instructions. For example, verbal: tongue left - right, visual: watch my finger carefully - where the finger goes, there the tongue goes. Visual SUPPORT!

Exercise No. 15 “DOUBLE”

Description. Close your teeth. Round your lips, as when pronouncing the sound “o”, and extend them slightly forward. The upper and lower incisors are visible.

Julia quickly ate the bagel,

I wanted strawberries.

Exercise No. 16 “TUBE”

Description: Simulate sucking juice through a thin tube. Perform exercise 10 – 15 sec.

Sucks orange juice

From a tube, mother's son.


Description. Open your mouth a little. Calmly place your tongue on your lower lip and, spanking it with your lips, say: “five - five - five.” Perform the exercise for 10 seconds.

Oh, our tongue is tired,

He lay down on his side in the bed;

Five - five - five - five - five - five

Let's all have a rest, friends!

Exercise No. 18 “SWING”

Target: develop the ability to quickly change the position of the tongue up and down, which is necessary when combining the sound l with the vowels a, s, o, u.

Description. Smile, open your mouth slightly, show your teeth, put your wide tongue behind your lower teeth (on the inside) and hold it in this position for a count of 1 to 5. Then lift your wide tongue behind your upper teeth (also on the inside) and hold it for a count of 1 up to 5. So alternately change the position of the tongue 4-6 times.

We were swinging on a swing

And they smiled at each other.


Make sure that only the tongue works, and the lower jaw and lips remain motionless.

Exercise No. 19 “STEAM LOT”

Description. Part your lips in a wide smile, then stretch them into a tube. Alternate 6 times.

Come on, kids, with the Tongue

Let's ride together!

Let's play train

And we’ll smile: “And - y! And - y! And - y!”

Exercise No. 20 “PAINTER”

Target: practice moving your tongue upward. stretch the hypoglossal ligament and its mobility.

Description. Smile, open your mouth and “stroke” the hard palate with the tip of your tongue, moving your tongue back and forth. Do 10 times, changing directions.

The ceiling was painted by a gnome,

He invites us to his house.


A. The lips and lower jaw should be motionless.

B. Make sure that the tip of the tongue reaches the inner surface of the upper teeth as it moves forward and does not protrude from the mouth.

Exercise No. 21 “LET’S PAINT THE FENCE”

Description. Smile, show your teeth, open your mouth slightly and “paint” your upper teeth with the tip of your tongue, move your tongue first from side to side, then from bottom to top.

Deftly tasseled fence

Petya and Egor are painting.

Exercise No. 22 “ROGET”

Description: Smile, open your mouth slightly, place the wide front edge of your tongue on your lower lip. Hold in this position for a count of 1 to 5.

There is a tongue on the lower lip

Spread it out like a rug.

Spread out a rug

There is a tongue on the porch.

Exercise No. 23 “HAMMER”

Description. Smile, open your mouth. Tap the tip of your tongue on your upper teeth. Repeatedly and clearly pronounce the combination of sounds “dddd” and “tttt”.

He took pliers

Took an ax

And he went to repair the fence.

D - d - d - d - d - d - the hammer knocks,

T - t - t - t - t - t - here's a hammered nail.

The sun is shining in the morning -

It's time to visit your aunt!

Exercise No. 24 “HORSE”

Target: strengthen the muscles of the tongue, stretch the hypoglossal ligament and develop an upward lift of the tongue.

Description. Smile, show teeth. Open your mouth slightly and, sucking your tongue to the roof of your mouth, click the “narrow” tip of your tongue (like a horse clicking its hooves).

On horseback along the path

Anya and Seryozha are jumping.

On a horse on the road

The tongue jumps,

And the horse's hooves -

Clack, clack, clack, clack, clack.

It goes uphill slowly:

Clack clack clack clack clack.

And from the mountain it rushes like an arrow:

Clack - clack - clack - clack - clack.


A. The exercise is first performed at a slow pace, then faster.

B. The lower jaw should not move; Only the language works.

B. Make sure that the tip of the tongue does not turn inward, i.e. so that the child clicks his tongue rather than smacking.


Target: develop an upward movement of the tongue and help the child determine the place of the tongue when pronouncing the sound “l”.

Description. The child should make the same tongue movements as in the previous exercise, only silently.


A. Make sure that the lower jaw and lips are motionless: only the tongue performs the exercise.

B. The tip of the tongue should not bend inward.

B. The tip of the tongue rests on the roof of the mouth behind the upper teeth, rather than protruding from the mouth.

Exercise No. 26 “HIPHEMOTH - MONkey”

Description. Open your mouth wide. Inhaling through the mouth: imitation of a yawn. Then purse your lips tightly. Alternate exercises.

With my mouth wide open,

A fat hippopotamus yawns.

And the cheerful monkey,

Lips clenched,

Reading a book.


Target: Develop the ability to hold the tip of the tongue behind the lower and upper teeth.

Description. Smile, show your teeth, open your mouth slightly and “clean” your lower teeth with the tip of your tongue from the inside, first moving your tongue from side to side, then from bottom to top, “throw out the trash.” The lower jaw is motionless, only the tongue works. Perform the count from 10 to 15 times.


Target: develop the upward movement of the tongue and the ability to speak the language.

Description. Open your mouth wide and use the tip of your tongue to “brush” the inside of your upper teeth, moving your tongue from side to side.


A. Lips in a smile, upper and lower teeth visible.

B. Make sure that the tip of the tongue does not protrude or bend inward, but is located at the roots of the upper teeth.

B. The lower jaw is motionless; Only the language works.

Exercise No. 29 “PIPE”

Target: develop a forward lip movement.

Description. Extend the closed lips forward with a tube (teeth closed). Hold your lips in this position while counting from 1 to 5 – 10.

We'll make a pipe,

Dodochka - honk.

If you have difficulties in doing so, play: kissing, which snout is on the piglet, rotate this snout clockwise and counterclockwise; Lightly massaging with your fingers, pull the baby's lips forward. It’s good to combine the Fence-Pipe dynamically.


Description. Form an elephant's trunk by stretching your lips forward with a straw, and draw some water while smacking your lips slightly. Unclenching and clenching his fists, the baby helps the elephant draw water - pppffff and open his palm above his head - the elephant refreshes himself with water.

Exercise No. 31 “AN ELEPHANT EATS PORridge”

Description. Stretch your lips into a smile. Pronounce “yum – yum – yum”, then stretch your lips forward, pronounce “uuuuuuuuuu” for a long time, alternate exercises. 4 – 6 times.

We ate semolina porridge

And they wanted more.

The baby elephant stretched out its trunk,

Yes, and semolina porridge -

Simply delicious -

Yum - yum - yum - yum.

Exercise No. 32 “TRESOR”

Description. Smile without tension, so that the front upper and lower teeth are visible. To show your child how to do this, you need to silently pronounce the sound “and”. hold your lips in this position for a count of 1 to 5.

The puppy has a baby

Already big teeth.

As Trezorka shows them,

Egorka immediately runs into the house.


Description. " Push out your wide tongue between your lips (as if you are driving a ball into a goal).

Do you want to play?

We drive the ball into the goal.

Exercise No. 34 “KOLOBOK”

Description. Open your mouth slightly, press your tongue against your cheeks one by one, “squeezing out” the balls.

Here's an interesting game -

Air Kolobok.

Roll from cheek to cheek

Not everyone could do it.

Exercise No. 35 “PANCAKE”

Description: Open your mouth slightly, calmly place your wide tongue on your lower lip and, smacking it with your lips, pronounce the sound combination “five - five - five.” Perform the exercise for 10 – 15 seconds.

We bake, we bake pancakes

For both son and daughter.

Aunt Cheek

Waiting for his nephew

Pancakes with poppy seeds

It's baking for lunch.


Target: develop the ability to relax the muscles of the tongue and hold it wide and spread out.

Description. Open your mouth a little, calmly put your tongue on your lower lip and, smacking it with your lips, pronounce the sounds “five-five-five...”. Keep your wide tongue in a calm position with your mouth open while counting from 1 to 5 to 10.


A. The lower lip should not be tucked under or pulled over the lower teeth.

B. The tongue should be wide, its edges touching the corners of the mouth.

B. You need to pat your tongue with your lips several times in one exhalation. Make sure that the child does not hold back the exhaled air.

You can check the implementation like this: bring the cotton wool to the child’s mouth; if he does the exercise correctly, it will deviate. At the same time, this exercise promotes the development of a directed air stream.

Exercise No. 37 “KNEAD THE DOUGH”

Description. Smile, slap your tongue between your lips - “five-five-five-five-five...”, bite the tip of the tongue with your teeth (alternate these two movements).

Exercise No. 38 “TONGUE MASSAGE”

Target: develop the ability to keep your tongue in a calm, relaxed state.

Description. Smile, open your mouth slightly, put your wide tongue on your lower lip. Using your upper lip, pat your tongue: five-five-five. Perform the count from 10 to 15 times. Then we bite the wide tongue with our upper teeth: cha-cha-cha. Perform the count from 10 to 15 times. The side edges should touch the corners of the mouth, do not stretch the lips too much into a smile so that there is no tension.

Exercise No. 39 “MUSHROOM”

Target: develop an upward lift of the tongue, stretching the hyoid ligament (frenulum).

Description. Smile, show your teeth, open your mouth slightly and, pressing your wide tongue with its entire plane to the palate, open your mouth wide. The tongue will resemble a thin cap of a fungus, and the stretched hyoid ligament will resemble the stalk of a mushroom. Hold your tongue in this position for up to 10 seconds.

Here is a fungus on a thin stalk -

You put it in a basket.


A. Make sure your lips are in a smiling position.

B. The lateral edges of the tongue should be pressed equally tightly - neither half should fall down.

B. When repeating the exercise, you need to open your mouth wider.

Exercise No. 40 “TURKEYS CHATTER”

Target: develop the upward movement of the tongue and the mobility of its front part.

Description. Open your mouth slightly, put your tongue on your upper lip and move the wide front edge of your tongue along your upper lip back and forth, trying not to lift your tongue from your lip - as if stroking it. First, make slow movements, then speed up the pace and add your voice until you hear bl-bl-bl (like a turkey babbling).

Girlfriends walking around the yard -

Two chatty turkeys.

Under the window - blah, blah, blah -

The turkeys are chatting.

Turkey speech

Nobody understands.

Turkeys on a swing

They nod cheerfully.

Ride Tongue

"Blah, blah!" - they offer.


A. Make sure that the tongue is wide and does not narrow.

B. Make sure that the tongue moves back and forth, and not from side to side.

B. The tongue should “lick” the upper lip, and not be thrown forward.

Exercise No. 41 “LET’S CATCH THE MOUSE”

Description. Lips in a smile, open your mouth slightly, say “ah-ah” and bite the wide tip of your tongue (catch the mouse by the tail).

Exercise No. 42 “DRUMMER”

Target: strengthen the muscles of the tip of the tongue, develop the upward movement of the tongue and the ability to make the tip of the tongue tense.

Description. Smile, open your mouth and tap the tip of your tongue behind your upper teeth, repeatedly and clearly pronouncing the sound d: d-d-d. At first, pronounce the sound d slowly, gradually increasing the tempo. Perform the exercise for 10 – 15 seconds.

Petya got up early today

And he beats on the drum.


A. The mouth should be open all the time, the lips should be in a smile, the lower jaw should be motionless; Only the language works.

B. Make sure that the sound “d” has the character of a clear blow and is not squishy.

B. The tip of the tongue should not curl up.

D. The sound “d” must be pronounced so that the exhaled air stream is felt. To do this, you need to bring a piece of cotton wool to your mouth. If the exercise is performed correctly, it will deviate.

The main exercise for setting P, Pb. If the mouth closes and the tongue falls, use mechanical assistance: let the child grasp a 1 cm wide stick with his teeth (you can start with a counting stick), the tongue “knocks” over the stick.

Exercise No. 43 “SAIL”

Target: develop the ability to raise your tongue to the sky and hold the pose for a count of up to 10 times

Description. Smile, open your mouth, hold the tip of your tongue behind your upper teeth. Hold the pose for a count of up to 10 times.

Exercise No. 44 “THE PARASHIP HOOMS”

Target: develop an upward lift of the back of the tongue.

Description. Open your mouth slightly and tensely pronounce a long “y-y-y...” - imitation of a steamship whistle. Draw the child's attention to the fact that the wide tip of the tongue is pressed to the palate and does not move.

Floats quickly down the river

And our ship hums - “yyyy”!


Make sure that the tip of the tongue is lowered and located in the depths of the mouth, and the back is raised towards the sky.

Exercise No. 45 “PUSSY”

Target: develop the ability to hold the tip of the tongue behind the lower teeth.

Description: Smile, open your mouth slightly. Pressing the tip of your tongue against your lower teeth, bend your tongue upward, resting the tip of your tongue on your lower teeth. Hold the pose for a count of up to 10 times.

Murka arches his back,

He squints his eyes and yawns.

Exercise No. 46 “PUSSY IS ANGRY”

Target: develop the ability to hold the tip of the tongue behind the lower teeth and arch the back.

Description: Smile, open your mouth slightly. Press the tip of your tongue against your lower teeth, while raising the back of your tongue, just as a cat arches its back when it gets angry and lowers it. Perform the exercise 3 – 5 times.

Pussy is angry with Masha:

He wants fish, not porridge.

The main exercise for whistling. If the tongue does not hold behind the teeth, the child can hold it with the index finger. If the air stream goes along the entire plane of the tongue, use a toothpick to lay a path along the plane of the tongue in the middle.

Exercise No. 47 “Accordion”

Target: strengthen the muscles of the tongue, stretch the hypoglossal ligament (frenulum).

Description. Smile, open your mouth slightly, stick your tongue to the roof of your mouth and, without lowering your tongue, close and open your mouth (just as the bellows of an accordion stretch, so does the hyoid frenulum stretch). The lips are in a smiling position. When repeating the exercise, you should try to open your mouth wider and keep your tongue in the upper position longer.

Hey, my friend, Antoshka!

Play the harmonica for us!


A. Make sure that when you open your mouth, your lips are motionless.

B. Open and close your mouth, holding it in each position for a count of three to ten.

B. Make sure that when you open your mouth, one side of the tongue does not sag.

Exercise No. 48 “FISH”

Description. Lips are compressed, cheeks are drawn in. Perform the exercise slowly and clearly.

No need for smiles now -

Make your mouth like a fish.

Exercise No. 49 “RINSING YOUR MOUTH”

Description. Mouth closed, lips pressed tightly, cheeks puffed out. Rinse your mouth with air.

Pour water into the barrel -

We puff out our cheeks.

Exercise No. 50 “STICK THE CANDY”

Target: strengthen the muscles of the tongue and practice lifting the tongue upward.

Description. Place the wide tip of your tongue on your lower lip. Place a thin piece of toffee on the very edge of your tongue and glue a piece of candy to the roof of your mouth behind your upper teeth.


A. Make sure that only the tongue works; the lower jaw must be motionless.

B. Open your mouth no wider than 1.5-2 cm.

B. If the lower jaw is involved in the movement, you can place the child’s clean index finger on the side between the molars (then it will not close the mouth).

D. The exercise should be performed at a slow pace.

Exercise No. 51 “BARREL”

Target: strengthen the muscles of the tongue.

Description. Smile, open your mouth slightly, your tongue alternately rests on the right and then on the left cheek from the inside. Perform the count from 10 to 15 times.

Exercise No. 52 “CUP”

Target: Develop the ability to hold your tongue in the shape of a cup.

Description . The mouth is open. The anterior and lateral edges of the wide tongue are raised, but do not touch the teeth. The tongue resembles the shape of a ladle or bowl. The water does not pour out of the “cup”.

The main exercise for producing hissing sounds. To make a Cup, it is better to make it from a Pancake: the tongue should be relaxed. You can ask your baby to blow on the tea, because when you pronounce hissing sounds, warm air comes out.

Exercise No. 53 “FOCUS”

Target: develop the upward movement of the tongue, the ability to shape the tongue into a ladle and direct the air stream in the middle of the tongue.

Description. Smile, place the wide front edge of the tongue on the upper lip so that its side edges are pressed and there is a groove in the middle of the tongue, and blow off the cotton wool placed on the tip of the nose. The air should go in the middle of the tongue, then the fleece will fly up.


A. Make sure that the lower jaw is motionless.

B. The lateral edges of the tongue should be pressed against the upper lip; a gap is formed in the middle into which an air stream flows. If this doesn't work, you can hold your tongue slightly.

B. The lower lip should not tuck under or pull over the lower teeth.

Exercise No. 54 “NUTS”

Description: Mouth closed. The tip of the tongue, with tension, alternately rests on the cheeks, simulating squeezing out balls; hard balls, “nuts,” are formed on the cheeks. Perform the exercise slowly and clearly.

We collect without haste,

Like a squirrel, nuts.

The tip of the tongue is well strengthened, the hardness of which is important when making the L sound. You can apply resistance from the outside of the cheek using your index finger.

Exercise No. 55 “PUMP”

Description. Invite the child to pronounce the sound “ssssss...” for a long time. Note that when pronouncing the sound, the tongue is behind the lower teeth, the lips are in a smile, the exhaled stream is cold.

My brother and I will take the pump -

There will be a holiday for wheels:

Let's pump up the tires

Dad's car.



Exercise No. 1. "Smile" (Frog)

Target: develop the ability to hold your lips in a smile for several seconds.

Initial position– sitting on a chair in front of a mirror, head held straight, mouth closed, lips closed.

On the count of “one”, smile without exposing your teeth. Hold your lips in this position for a count of 1 to 10. Then return your lips to their original position and hold for a count of 1 to 5. Repeat 4 to 5 times.

Ask the child to stretch his lips into a smile, while the incisors should be exposed (visible), that is, the smile should be wide.

The frogs will like it - Our lips smiled

The lips are pulled straight to the ears! They went straight to my ears.

Puppy smilesTry and say “eeee”

Teeth on display Show me your fence!

I could do the samePull your lips straight towards your ears

Here look. Now. Frogs really like it.

Smile, laugh,
And their eyes are like saucers.

Shiroka Neva is a river,
And the smile is wide.
All my teeth are visible -
From the edges to the gums.

They turned us into frogs -

We reached our ears.

Reached out, smiled,

And then they returned home.

When performing the exercise, you must ensure that your head is kept straight; when smiling, your lips should be closed, but not tense. Teeth should not be exposed. Perform movements with the hand or arms simultaneously with the articulation exercise.

Exercise No. 2 “Tube”


Description of the exercise: In order to make a “tube” you need to stretch your lips forward into a tube. Please note that there should be no movement of the lower jaw when switching. Only the lips move!

Poems for the second movement of the articulation exercise:

Let's put our lips on the pipe, The elephant will like it

And we can even play on it. I pull my lips with my trunk!


A baby elephant came to visit us -
Amazing child.
Look at the baby elephant -
Pull your lips with your trunk!

I imitate an elephant - I pull my lips with my trunk.
And now I release them and return them to their place.

If our lips smile
Look - a fence appears.
Well, what if your lips are a narrow tube,
So, we can play the pipe.

Lip doors are flexible.
They can become a smile.
They can gather into a tube,
Then smile again. (Author – T.A. Kulikovskaya)

Our lips are very flexible.
They deftly stretch into smiles.
And now it's the other way around:
Lips stretch forward (Author - T.A. Kulikovskaya)

Exercise No. 3. “Open and close the door.”


How to do the exercise:

First movement: Teeth must be closed, lips in a smile. The incisors are exposed (wide smile). "The door is closed."

Second movement: Teeth open(about two centimeters), lips in a smile, incisors exposed. "The door is open."

Movements in the articulation exercise alternate: the teeth are either closing or opening. The lower jaw moves. In this case, the lips should not be involved in the movements. The lower jaw should not move forward.

“We will open the doors together,
And then we will close them."

Another variant of the game content of this exercise is “Cold - Hot”. We open the window when we are hot. And we close the window when we are cold.

I’ll open my mouth a little, I’ll make my lips a “Window.”

Teeth side by side

And they look out the window.

Exercise No. 4. “Watch”

Goal: to achieve good tongue mobility.

First, we do the “Smile” exercise: the teeth are open by about two centimeters, the lips are in a smile, the incisors are exposed.

Then ask the child to stick out his tongue and turn it to the right corner of his mouth. Then do the same movement, but to the left corner of the mouth.

You need to alternate movements of the tongue left and right. In this case, the lips are in a smile, the lower jaw should not move to the right or left, but should be motionless!

“Tick-tock, tick-tock!”

The clock goes by - like this!

Left tick,

To the right like that.

The clock ticks - like this!

Poems about the Merry Tongue for articulation exercises.

I rested and stretched,

Turned left, right,

Like this, like this:

Tick ​​tock, tick tock.

Language is like the pendulum of a clock,
Ready to swing again and again.
The kitten smiles
He, like you, tries.

Exercise No. 5. “Scapula”

Target: develop the ability to hold the tongue in a free, relaxed position, lying on the lower lip.

Place a wide, relaxed tongue on your lower lip. The lips are in a smile, the incisors are exposed, the mouth is open.

How to perform an articulation exercise:

“Let our tongue rest,
Let him take a little nap.”

Tongue wide, smooth

It turns out to be a “spatula”

The dog is tired and breathing tiredly.
And she didn’t even run after the cat.
The wide tongue will rest, lie down,
And again the dog runs after the cat.

I smile: what a joker -
The language has become narrow.
Between the teeth, like a twig,
A long tongue came out.

Exercise No. 6 “Needle”

Target: learn to make your tongue narrow and hold it in that position.

How to perform an articulation exercise:

Movement 1. Place a wide, relaxed tongue on the lower lip. The lips are in a smile, the incisors are exposed, the mouth is open.

Movement 2. Ask the child to insert a narrow tongue between the incisors, lips in a smile, incisors exposed, mouth open.
The result was “Needle”.

I'm pulling my tongue with a needle!

Don't come near! I'll inject!

Alternate these two movements and switch the position of the tongue from wide to narrow. At the same time, the mouth is open, the lips do not move.

This is a needle, this is a shovel
You guys have a tongue. (T.A. Kulikovskaya)

The tongue lies with a spatula
And he doesn't tremble at all.
We'll get a needle later
Let's pull the tongue with the point.

The bird's beak is very sharp
And thin, sharp, like a needle.
Take a look at the page next to it:
My tongue is like a bird's beak.

Exercise No. 7 “Swing”

Goal: learn make the tongue narrow and hold it in this position.

How to perform an articulation exercise:

Movement 1. Raise the wide tip of the tongue to the tubercles behind the upper teeth (to the alveoli), lips in a smile, incisors exposed, mouth open.

Movement 2. Ask the child to lower the wide tip of the tongue behind the lower teeth, lips in a smile, incisors exposed, mouth open.

In the exercise you need to alternate movements of the wide tip of the tongue up and down.

Poems for articulation exercise:

Ah, the swing! Ah, the swing!

They picked it up and flew away,

Took me off the ground

They took it straight into the sky!

Taking our breath away

The heart stops

Up - wow! Down - wow!

Everything flashes in your eyes!

I'm flying! I'm flying!

And I scream and I laugh!

Rock harder I am,

I'll fly straight into the sky.

I'm flying on a swing:
Up - down, up - down.
I sing, I fly, I scream:
Up - down, up - down.

On the swing
I'm rocking
Up down,
Up down,
And I rise higher and higher,
And then I fly down.

I rode on a swing: Above the oak, above the spruce

We took off on the swing. He flew up and went down.
Tell me, would you be able to
Using your tongue to “pump a swing”?

Exercise No. 8 “Kitty” (Slide)

Goal: learn to hold the tongue in the position necessary to pronounce whistling sounds. Develop the muscles of the tongue, strengthen the tip of the tongue.

How to perform an articulation exercise:

Movement 1. Lips in a smile, teeth exposed, mouth open. You need to bring the wide tip of the tongue closer to the lower incisors.

Movement 2. Move the tip of the tongue along the bottom of the mouth back into the mouth towards the hypoglossal ligament. In this case, the back of the back of the tongue should be curved upward.

In the exercise you need to alternate movements of the tongue back and forth. In this case, the lips are in a smile, the incisors are exposed, the lower jaw does not move.

Poems for articulation exercises

On the bench by the window

The cat has settled down and is dozing.

The cat opens its eyes

The cat arches its back.

Our pussy got angry:
They forgot to wash her bowl.
Don't come close to her -
Pussy can scratch!

You can also do a variant of the exercise - “Slide” and hold the position of the back of the back of the tongue at the top for a count.

Slide. Sled. Well, it's time

Rush down. Hooray! Hooray!

Down the hill, whistling in my ears,

Only snow flies in your face.

The tongue is pulled down by the teeth,
Its tip is pressed against the teeth.
The back arches very, very strongly,
This is what a slide it turns out to be! (Smirnova E.B.)

The back of the tongue is now
It will become a little hill for us.
Come on, hill, go up!
We'll rush down the hill!

Exercise No. 9 “Hippopotamus”

Goal: learn to smoothly open and close your mouth, relax the muscles of the tongue, hold the lips and tongue in a given position.

Description of articulation exercise.

On the count of “one”, open your mouth to a distance of 2 – 3 fingers’ width, while the tongue should lie freely in the mouth, the tip should be at the lower teeth. Hold your mouth in this position for a count of 1 to 5. Repeat 4 to 5 times.

Instead of counting, you can use poetic lines:

Mouth opened wide -

The result is a “hippopotamus”

And then they closed their mouths -

The "hippopotamus" is resting.

When performing the exercise, you must ensure that your head does not tilt, that you keep it straight, and that only your lower jaw should move down. Perform movements with the hand or arms simultaneously with the articulation exercise.

Exercise No. 10 “Proboscis”

Target: develop the ability to stretch your lips forward and hold in this position for several seconds.

Description of articulation exercise.

Starting position – sitting on a chair in front of a mirror, head held straight, mouth closed.

On the count of “one”, extend your closed lips forward. Hold the “proboscis” for a count of 1 to 10. Then return the lips to their original position, hold for a count of 1 to 5. Repeat 4–5 times.

Instead of counting, you can use poetic lines:

The baby elephant stretched out his trunk,

He invited us to play.

Lips pursed into a proboscis

We became friends with the baby elephant.

It is necessary to ensure that when performing the exercise the child extends only his lips forward, while the lower jaw must remain motionless. Perform movements with the hand or arms simultaneously with the articulation exercise.

Exercise No. 11 “Sail”

Target: learn to hold the tip of your tongue behind your upper teeth.

Description of articulation exercise.

Starting position – sitting on a chair in front of a mirror, head held straight, mouth closed.

On the count of “one”, smile, open your mouth, lift your tongue by the upper front teeth and rest it on the alveoli. Hold your tongue in this position for a count of 1 to 10. Then return to the starting position, close your mouth and hold for a count of 1 to 5. Repeat 5 to 6 times.

Instead of counting, you can use poetic lines:

The wind blows the sail,

Our boat is being driven.

One two three four five,

We will keep the sail.

It is necessary to ensure that when performing the exercise the tongue rests on the alveoli behind the upper teeth. Perform movements with the hand and arms simultaneously with the articulation exercise.

Exercise No. 12 “Cup”

Target: develop the ability to hold the tongue with the front and side edges curved upward.

Description of articulation exercise.

Starting position – sitting on a chair in front of a mirror, head held straight, mouth closed.

On the count of “one,” smile, open your mouth, and stick your tongue out of your mouth. Lift the tip, front and sides of the tongue up so that you get a “bucket”. Hold your tongue in this position, close your mouth and hold for a count of 1 to 5. Repeat 4 to 5 times.

Instead of counting, you can use poetic lines:

This cup, my friend,

He made a clever tongue.

We need it as long as possible.

Hold this ladle.

It is necessary to ensure that when performing the exercise, the tongue retains the shape of a ladle and is not pressed against the teeth or upper lip. Perform movements with the hand or arms simultaneously with the articulation exercise.

Exercise No. 13 “Mushroom”

Target: develop an upward lift of the tongue, train the hypoglossal ligament.

Description of articulation exercise.

Starting position – sitting on a chair in front of a mirror, head held straight, mouth closed.

On the count of “one,” smile, open your mouth, raise your tongue up and suck on the roof of your mouth, the tip of your tongue should be at the upper front teeth. Hold your tongue in this position for a count of 1 to 10. Then return to the original position, close your mouth and hold for a count of 1 to 5. Repeat 4 to 5 times.

Instead of counting, you can use poetic lines:

The tongue was raised up

He began to look like a fungus.

We'll hold it like this for a little while,

And then we'll pull the leg.

It is necessary to ensure that when performing the exercise, the lips are in a smile, the tongue is located throughout the palate, and the tip of the tongue is located at the upper front teeth. The mouth must be kept wide open. Perform movements with the hand or arms simultaneously with the articulation exercise.

Exercise No. 14 “Piglet”

Target: learn to perform precise movements with your lips while counting, train your lip muscles.

Description of articulation exercise.

Starting position – sitting on a chair in front of a mirror, head held straight, mouth closed.

    On the count of “one”, stretch your closed lips forward with your “proboscis”, turn the “proboscis” to the left, on the count of “two” - turn to the right, on the count of “three” - lift it up, on the count of “four” - lower it down. Then return to the starting position, close your mouth and hold for a count from 1 to 5. Repeat the exercise 5 - 6 times.

    Counting “one”, “two”, “three”, “four”, stretch your lips forward with your “proboscis”, perform circular movements along the trajectory left - up - right - down. Then return to the starting position, close your mouth and hold for a count from 1 to 5. Repeat the exercise 5 - 6 times.

Instead of counting, you can use poetic lines:

Let's imitate the piglet

Let's cup our lips with our heels,

One two three four,

We twisted our heels.

When performing articulation exercises, you must ensure that your lips do not part. The head should not tilt or drop down. Movements with the hand or arms must be performed synchronously with the movements of the lips.

Exercise No. 15 “Rabbit”

Target: learn to perform a light massage of the lower lip with the upper teeth;

Raise your upper lip and hold for 2-3 seconds.

Description of articulation exercise.

Starting position – sitting on a chair in front of a mirror, head held straight, mouth closed.

Smile, open your mouth and bite your lower lip with your upper front teeth, counting from 1 to 10. Then close your mouth, keep it closed, counting from 1 to 5. Repeat the exercise 4 to 5 times.

Instead of counting, you can use poetic lines:

Fluffy rabbit loves to chew

And cabbage and carrots.

They gave the rabbit a carrot

And they patted him behind the ear.

The exercise must be performed rhythmically, monitoring the synchronous movements of the fingers.

Exercise No. 16 “Bridge” (Kitty, Hill)

Target: learn to hold your tongue in the position necessary to pronounce whistling sounds. Develop the muscles of the tongue, strengthen the tip of the tongue.

Description of articulatory performance exercises. We open our mouth. Curving the back of the tongue, we rest its tip against the lower teeth from the inside of the mouth. Hold in this position for 3-5 seconds. Slowly bring and clench your teeth and close your mouth. The “bridge” is behind closed teeth. Then we invite the child to straighten his tongue, relax, and swallow saliva. We repeat the exercise 3-4 times.

Instead of counting, you can use poetic lines:

Bend your tongue like a back
This red cat arched.
Well, look at the picture:
He's walking across the bridge.

Exercise No. 17 “Hamster”.

Target: develop voluntary movements of the tongue. Strengthen the muscles of the tongue and cheeks.

Description of the articulation exercise. The tongue rests alternately on the right and left cheeks, lingering in each position for 3-5 seconds.

Instead of counting, you can use poetic lines:

The hamster puffs out his cheeks
He has grain in bags.
We'll puff out our cheeks too,
Let's help the hamster now.

I try to push my tongue

I press my cheek hard.

My cheek sounded

Like a hamster's sac.

We invite the baby to puff out his cheeks with his mouth closed and hold in this position for 3-5 seconds, and then exhale, relax, and swallow saliva. We repeat the exercise 3-4 times.

Exercise No. 18 “Kitten laps milk.”

Target: develop the ability to quickly change the position of the tongue, activate the lateral edges and tip of the tongue.

Instead of counting, you can use poetic lines:

Kitten loves milk:
You pour it - and there’s not a drop in a moment.
Lacquers quickly and easily
Sticking out your tongue like a spatula.

Let's bend the edges of the tongue,
Do the same as me.
The tongue lies wide
And, like a cup, deep.

How does a cat like sour cream?

Lick your mouth quickly.

Murzik took our comb,

And he began to comb his hair.

We are not lagging behind him;

We'll show you everything with our tongue.

Open your mouth wide, make 4-5 movements with your wide tongue, as if lapping up milk. We close our mouth. Remove the tongue. We give the child time to rest and relax, and offer to swallow saliva. Repeat the exercise

Exercise No. 19 “Delicious honey.” (Delicious jam)

Target. Develop movements of the wide tip of the tongue in the upper position. With the wide tip of your tongue, hug your upper lip and remove your tongue into the oral cavity. Do not close your mouth. Perform 5-6 times.

Instead of counting, you can use poetic lines:

All the people know this:
The bear loves delicious honey.
He licks his lip with his tongue
And he will sit closer to the honey.

Open your mouth wide and use the sharp tip of your tongue to run across your upper lip from left to right and back. We make sure that the lower jaw does not move. We do it 6-8 times. Remove the tongue and close your mouth. We give the child time to rest and relax, and offer to swallow saliva. We repeat the exercise 3-4 times.

Exercise No. 20 “Nut”.

Goal: train the muscles of the tongue.

Instead of counting, you can use poetic lines:

Squirrel cracks nuts
Thoroughly, without haste.
We press the tongue
Left - right, sideways.

With the mouth closed, we rest the tense tip of the tongue either on the left or on the right cheek. We do it 6-8 times. Then we give the child time to rest and relax, and offer to swallow saliva. We repeat the exercise 3-4 times.

Exercise No. 21 “Drum”

Target: practice the mobility of the tongue and prepare it for the vibration necessary for the sound “r”. Strengthen the muscles of the tongue (especially the tip of the tongue).

Description of the exercise: smile, open your mouth, lift your tongue up. With the tip of the tongue, forcefully “hit” the tubercles (alveoli) behind the upper teeth and pronounce the sounds: “d-d-d...”. Perform 10-20 seconds slowly at first, then faster and faster. Make sure that only the tip of the tongue “works” and that the tongue itself does not jump.

Instead of counting, you can use poetic lines:

Open your mouth wide, wide your tongue

Raise it up and say it loud

abruptly, repeatedly, without lowering the Exercise helps to induce

language: D-D-D-D-D. sounds: R, R, L.

The drummer is very busy

D-d, d-d-d,

The drummer drums:

D-d, d-d-d,

Hit, help with your hands:

D-D, d-d-d,

Beat the rhythm with your feet:

D-d, d-d-d.

Learn to play the drum:

D-d-d, d-d-d,

Your tongue will become obedient:

D-d-d, d-d-d,

Tongue, rise up:

D-d-d, d-d-d,

Look, don’t lose the rhythm:

D-d-d, d-d-d.

Exercise No. 22 “AccordionA"

Target: develop tongue mobility, strengthen the tip of the tongue. Work off

lifting of the tongue.


    Smile, open your mouth (upper and lower teeth are visible) and use a wide tongue to “clean” the upper teeth from the inside, making movements from side to side.

    Smile, open your mouth wide, “suck” your tongue to the roof of your mouth;

Without lowering your tongue, lower your lower jaw strongly, close your mouth and open it wide again without changing the position of your tongue;

Repeat 4-5 times.

Instead of counting, you can use poetic lines:

I'll suck my tongue onto the roof of my mouth,

Now look at both:

The jaw moves up and down -

She's on such a cruise.

I play the harmonica

I open my mouth wider,

I'll press my tongue to the roof of my mouth,

I'll move my jaw lower.