You need to explain some natural processes. Natural processes. What is glass

Nature is constantly changing, everything in it moves - from a bird to a mountain or a continent. Nothing stops for a minute - neither living matter nor BOS. This movement, these changes are characterized by natural processes that may be physical, chemical, biological or complex in nature. To carry out any process, energy is needed, the natural primary source of which is the Sun and the Earth itself. Thanks to energy, matter moves, transforms, is destroyed, and is created in the continuous process of natural cycles. The size of the transformations depends on the properties of the substance and the energy potential; in the case of displacement, it is characterized by dependence (5).

Analysis of dependence (5) using the data from table. 2.2 reveals that the most mobile of the given natural substances, due to its low density, is atmospheric air. To move one cubic meter of water at a certain speed, it is necessary to spend almost a thousand times more energy than for the same movement of air.

Solar energy is the cause of the movement of air masses in the atmosphere, which is clearly shown using the equation of state of air

where ΔT is the change in temperature as a result of heating (K); Q - absorbed energy (kcal kJ); M mass of substance (kg); With - specific heat, which for air in the ground layer is equal to 0.24 kcal / (kg * deg) (1.0 kJ / (kg * deg)).

How much the air warms up determines its temperature and, as a rule, density. Light air rises up, heavier (i.e. colder) air goes down. Heating characteristics depend on the time of day, terrain features and many other factors. On a planetary scale, this phenomenon manifests itself in the fact that tropical areas warm up the most, and there is a constant powerful flow of heated air up several kilometers. At an altitude of 10-17 kilometers, the air spreads from the equator to the south and north. Instead of warm air, counter currents of colder air move across the earth's surface to the equator. The rotation of the planet deflects the currents - the upper ones become western, and the lower ones become eastern, which are called trade winds.

In the global circulation circle of air, not only its temperature changes. Having risen above the tropics to a height of more than 10 kilometers, the air cools greatly and loses almost all its moisture. Dry air decreases, heats up near the earth's surface and moves on as a dry wind. It is at these latitudes (25-30 degrees) that the Sahara and Kalahari deserts in Africa, the Arabian and Thar deserts in Asia, and the desert in Australia are located.

An important element of the troposphere is clouds - an accumulation of very small droplets of water that cover almost half of the planet's surface. Clouds are collected by surface winds, which in turn are caused by a decrease in pressure over a particular area of ​​the earth's surface. An area of ​​low pressure is called a cyclone. An anticyclone is an area of ​​increased atmospheric pressure at the surface of the Earth. In an anticyclone, dry air descends from the upper layers of the troposphere. Therefore, there is a clear, cloudless sky here. Cyclones and anticyclones have sizes of up to three thousand kilometers and an average lifespan of about a week. Therefore, they say that the “memory” of the atmosphere does not exceed a week.

Thunderstorms sometimes result in such dangerous a natural phenomenon, like a whirlwind or tornado, when two layers of air of different temperatures, humidity and density are formed in a small area. Vertical circular air currents develop at a speed of 50-100 meters per second. Neighboring air masses are drawn into the vortex, and it begins to move above the surface of the earth. The energy of a tornado can be enormous: in 1945, a factory in the French city of Montville was completely destroyed, killing hundreds of workers. In 1984, a tornado with a speed of almost 100 m/s swept through the Ivanovo region of Russia and destroyed thousands of hectares of forest, destroyed buildings, and lost crops. About 700 tornadoes sweep over the United States per year, causing great harm to nature and people.

Considered physical processes in the atmosphere occur simultaneously with chemical transformations. At an altitude of 30-50 kilometers, under the influence of the ultraviolet part of solar radiation, water molecules H 2 O break down into hydrogen and oxygen. Light hydrogen in the amount of one kilogram per second rises up into the thermosphere, while oxygen remains (8 kg/s). The action of lightning discharges and solar ultraviolet radiation leads to the disintegration of some oxygen molecules into atoms, which, when reacting with oxygen molecules, form ozone O 3. At an altitude of 30 kilometers, the highest concentration of ozone is observed - one B 3 molecule per hundred thousand B 2 molecules If all the ozone is removed, then at normal pressure (i.e. at sea level) it will be located in a layer about three centimeters thick.

The normal natural state of the ozone layer is characterized by values ​​of 300-320 AD. (Dobson units).

Water moves under the influence of various reasons. Wind, that is, the movement of atmospheric air, causes surface surge currents on all water bodies. These currents, in turn, become a temporary cause of vertical movements of water masses, the so-called upwelling. In place of surface heated and gas-saturated (in particular oxygen) water, cold water rises from the depths.

River water moves under the influence of the earth's gravitational force. The flow speed depends on the river flow W (m/s) and the cross-sectional plane of the flow F (m2):

Masses sea ​​water move in the form of ebbs and flows from the gravitational forces of the Moon (to a greater extent) and the Sun (to a lesser extent).

Contrary to the forces of gravity, water moves from bottom to top in the soil and in plants due to the capillary effect of wetting and the force of vacuum evaporation.

The sun is the cause of giant ocean currents - warm surface Gulf Stream and Kurasivo and cold deep countercurrents in the opposite direction. The famous climatologist D.I. Voeikov called warm currents pipes of water heating of the globe." Every second, the Gulf Stream carries 83 million cubic meters of water heated at the equator in a northerly direction, warming the waters over thousands of kilometers - its powerful influence is felt all the way to the Barents Sea, where off the coast of polar Murmansk the water does not freeze in the harsh winter.

An even more powerful - 140 * 10 m / s - circumpolar current around Antarctica isolates the “ice” continent and causes a more severe climate than in the Arctic.

Due to the abundance, mobility and heat capacity of water, the hydrosphere plays main role in creating the Earth's climate. The world's oceans are a planetary accumulator - a heat stabilizer, which is easy to show using dependence (6).

Considering that the mass of water Ma is 258 times greater than the mass of atmospheric air M ", we will determine how different the amount of accumulated heat will be by water and air:

The obtained result clearly confirms the priority importance of the hydrosphere in the formation of thermal processes on the planet. At night and in winter, water heats the Earth's surface and atmosphere, and during hot weather it absorbs some of their heat. It transfers heat from the equator to the polar regions, which reduces the average temperature in the tropics and increases it in cold regions. This process is uneven. There are areas of particularly active interaction between the ocean and the atmosphere - the so-called energy-active Zones. The well-known New Foundland energy-active zone in the form of a hydraulic vortex with a diameter of about 200 kilometers in the Gulf Stream. Here from everyone square meter 175 watts of energy per year enters the atmosphere from the water surface.

The transfer of heat is accompanied by the process of evaporation of water with the formation of rain clouds in the atmosphere. Other gases accumulate in these clouds - sulfur and nitrogen gases from volcanic eruptions and other lithospheric processes, nitrogen oxides, which are formed during a thunderstorm from the ionization of nitrogen molecules. Gases dissolved in cloud moisture form acids, which give rain its natural acidity.

Solar Energy, before reaching the earth's surface, undergoes "sifting". Four percent of solar radiation, namely ultraviolet, destructive for all living things, spectrum (λ = 220 ... 290 nanometers (nm = 10 -9), is absorbed by ozone, the layer of which is located at an altitude of 20 ... 60 kilometers. Ozone at This is partially destroyed, and its constant renewal occurs as a result of natural processes.

The infrared spectrum (λ>1000 nm) is partially absorbed by water vapor in the upper troposphere - another four percent of solar energy.

Absorbed solar energy increases the temperature of the atmospheric air in accordance with dependence (6) by the amount ΔT.

92 percent solar energy (290<λ <2 000 нм) проходит в нижние слои тропосферы. Половина не поглощается, а рассеивается воздухом, предоставляя небу голубой цвет. Вторая половина попадает на земную поверхность и частично поглощается литосферы, гидросферы, растениями. А так называемое альбедо, равное 28 процентам от излучения Солнца на Землю, отражается и возвращается в атмосферу.

The light energy of the Sun on the earth's surface turns into thermal energy - infrared, the return of which to space is prevented (and therefore absorbed) by water vapor and carbon dioxide. This mechanism of increasing temperature on the earth's surface and in the lower atmosphere is called the greenhouse effect (natural). It is characterized by a value of ΔT = 31-32 ° C. Without the natural greenhouse effect, the average air temperature on the planet would be negative (-16 ÷ 17 ° C).

A widespread natural process is radioactive radiation - the transformation of unstable isotopes of a chemical element into other isotopes, accompanied by the radiation of elementary particles or nuclei, as well as hard electromagnetic gamma radiation. About 50 natural radioactive isotopes are known, among which only the isotopes of uranium and thorium have a half-life, which is measured in geological time. All other natural isotopes are called secondary, since their supply is constantly replenished due to the decay of long-term ones. Natural background radiation is created by the emission of radioactive substances on the surface of the earth, in the surface atmosphere, in water, in plants and animals. The main source of natural radioactive substances entering the environment are rocks.

One of the greatest miracles of nature is the process of formation of organic matter - the process of photosynthesis, when a green dry land or aquatic plant creates its biomass due to the light energy of the Sun (k = 380-710 nm), water and carbon dioxide according to the dependence (7)

Over the course of a year, an “average” plant (per kilogram of dry matter) absorbs 5.4 megajoules of solar energy, consumes 0.5 kilograms of carbon dioxide and 150 grams of water during photosynthesis, releases 350 oxygen temples and forms 300 grams of organic matter. For the “respiration” of the plant, which occurs at night in parallel with daytime photosynthesis, 230 grams of oxygen, 200 grams of organic matter are used, which is oxidized to form 330 grams of carbon dioxide and 100 grams of water and release 3.6 megajoules of energy used for the physiological needs of the plant . Thus, the biological "harvest" is 100 Iram of organic matter, equal to ten percent increase in the initial biomass and 120 grams of oxygen.

The activity of photosynthesis changes during the day: in pink-twilight light (morning, evening, with slight clouds) it is maximum. When the Sun is at its zenith, processes slow down and may even stop.

The efficiency of using heat rays in the process of photosynthesis is low. Theoretically, this is 15 percent, practically - 1 (grain crops), 2 (sugar cane is one of the most productive plants) percent.

For living nature, one of the main processes is the process of nutrition, with the characteristics of which the organism is classified as follows.

Autogrof- an organism (green plant) that forms the substance of its body from inorganic components and provides metabolism using the energy of the Sun (heliotroph or phototrophs) or energy that is released during chemical reactions (chemotrophs) of the oxidation of ammonia, hydrogen sulfide and other substances present in water , pound and soil. Autotrophs are also called producers because they synthesize (produce) organic matter from inorganic compounds.

Heterotrophs- an organism that feeds on ready-made organic substances and is not able to synthesize organic substances from inorganic ones. These organisms are also called consumers (in contrast to producers). Consumers can be primary (1st order) if they consume plant foods, secondary (2nd order) - who consume animals, and microconsumers or decomposers (mainly bacteria and fungi) - these are those that destroy dead bodies, feed part of the breakdown products and release inorganic nutrients that plants use.

Mesotroph- an organism that, depending on conditions, feeds as autotrophs or heterotrophs.

In turn, each of these groups can be divided into smaller ones, each of which has its own characteristics in the nutrition process. For example, there are heterotrophic bacteria that consume methane, which is poisonous for most living organisms.

After the death of living matter, two types of decomposition processes occur - oxidation and fermentation. Oxidation occurs in the presence of oxygen and is described by dependence (7) in the opposite direction (from right to left) with the release of heat, CO 2 and H 2 O. In the case where oxygen is absent, the fermentation process occurs with the release of carbon dioxide and hydrogen No (hydrogen fermentation) , or methane CH 4 (methane fermentation), or alcohol C 2 H 5 OH (alcoholic fermentation).

Test questions and assignments

1. Perform the necessary calculations and graphically plot the speed of air movement in an atmospheric front of constant energy up to 10 kilometers high, if the speed above the earth’s surface is 10 m/s.

2. How much will the air temperature change in a room measuring 6 * 5 * 3 meters due to cooling 200 liters of water by 50 degrees?

3. What is the cause of dry winds?

4. Write down the reactions of the formation of oxygen, hydrogen and ozone in the atmosphere.

5. Describe the ozone layer

6. List the reasons for the movement of water masses.

7. Determine the width of the river, the flow of which is 50 m 3 / s at a speed of 1 m / s, if the average depth of the river is 2 meters.

8. Why does water rise up a tree trunk?

9. What properties of water determine its primary role in ensuring the planet’s climate?

10. What are the causes of the natural greenhouse effect?

11. Name three positive consequences of photosynthesis.

12. What processes occur after the natural death of living matter?

13. What is the fundamental difference between the processes of oxidation and fermentation.

14. Is it possible to use equation (7) to illustrate processes in animal organisms?

In freelancing, contracts are binding and legal instruments that protect the interests and rights of both designer and client, just like in any business. This obliges both parties to comply with the terms of the contract, thereby preventing anyone from being deceived.

Additionally, these are significant benefits for designers because:

  • The designer will have some security regarding payment for his work.
  • The designer can terminate the deal if he feels that the terms of the contract have been violated.
  • The designer will have an idea of ​​how to respond to clients who don't pay.

Things to consider before signing contracts are no joke and need to be taken seriously.

Once you sign the contract, you need to finish the project and communicate well with the client, just as he does with you. This will preserve your reputation and, of course, remain legal.

Understanding the importance of contracts, you should always explain certain things to your clients before signing a binding and legal contract. You need them to understand your terms so that both parties can work together very well.

Here are a few things you need to explain to the customer:

Payment schedule

As a freelancer, you need to protect yourself and make sure you get paid for your work. After all, no one works for free, right? That is why, as early as possible and, most importantly, before signing a contract, you should discuss issues regarding payment schedules with your clients.

So, you should discuss the following:

  • When will you get paid?
  • How much will the advance payment be?
  • How will the work be paid for (bank transfer, electronic wallets, credit to a card, etc.)?
  • What steps should be taken in the event of late or late payment?

Delivery of the final result

Of course, this point should be included as one of those things that you need to explain to your client. As a freelancer, you also need to give your client a sense of security. You must give him confidence that the final result will be delivered within the time frame that you agreed with him.

Again, when it comes to setting a deadline for a project, most freelancers prefer to divide the project into parts or major stages, and each stage has its own deadline. For example, you have to submit a web design for a restaurant website. As a freelancer, you can divide the entire project into four stages. Let's say you provide the client with a PSD mockup first, then the main HTML page, and so on.

Why are these steps important?

  • Because the client will be able to see the progress of the project.
  • As a designer, you will be more organized when it comes to timelines.
  • You can enter into an agreement on a payment schedule based on the completion of these milestones.

Now if you ask me, who should set the deadlines?

The answer here is simple: it is not the client's exclusive right to set the deadline for the project. As a designer, you need to explain your concerns to the client. Again, you have to play it safe. Give a little extra time to your projected deadline so that you can adjust the work if problems arise. Of course, setting deadlines is never easy.

Here are some tips:

  • Estimate the project and set realistic timelines
  • Explain to the client why you cannot agree to their deadlines and offer a win-win option
  • Play it safe
  • Include the smallest details in your workflow plan

Here are some articles that may help you:

Regular negotiations and updates

Negotiations and updates are important to maintaining a healthy client-freelancer relationship. Together you must decide on what days and at what time you will negotiate about the project.

As a freelancer, you have to explain this to the client because many of them can act like crazy when it comes to any project updates and upgrades. Perhaps each of us has encountered this type of client. They grumble all the time and ask you for progress updates almost every minute, while sending numerous changes that add even more pressure to what we are already experiencing.

To fix this, you must relax and explain to the client that you cannot respond every time he wants: this requires a specific time and duration of negotiations so that you both do not affect each other's productivity.

  • Be direct and to the point
  • Update all information about work progress and completed tasks before pointing out problems
  • Try not to whine when you talk about problems.
  • Listen to the client
  • Make sure you note everything you talked about

For better negotiations, the tips from the article will help you.

Technical characteristics of the project

Before signing a contract, you need to discuss the project thoroughly with the client. Clearly, all your efforts will be wasted if you and the client cannot find common ground in your ideas. Hell, this could end up even worse! That's why it's important to talk about the specifics of the project.

  • What does the client want?
  • What do you want?
  • Does the client need the site to be responsive?
  • Is there a need to add some jQuery plugins?

Ask these questions and determine how you will work together. Moreover, you must be honest in your communication with your client. You need to openly tell him what you can do and what, unfortunately, you cannot do. Explain how difficult it is for you to finish what the client wants. This is the only way you can maintain good relationships and achieve mutual understanding.

Design changes

Let's imagine this scenario. You deliver the project to the customer within the agreed time frame. A few days later, the client contacts you and asks for changes. Now, ask yourself, should you blame the client for this?

This issue must be resolved before signing the contract. You must explain to your client that you agree to a limited number of changes for the entire project. As a rule, professional designers recommend no more than three edits. It is worth understanding that this is an important aspect of freelancing, because you must maintain your reputation, even though you want to treat your client with understanding and compassion. Remember that first of all you must protect yourself and your interests.

The lesson is designed for fifth and sixth graders. The material is described in detail specifically for a young literary scholar; you can shorten and rearrange it at your discretion. Before the start of class, the following entry is made on the chalkboard:

The lonely sail is white
in the blue sea fog.

We start a conversation with the class. Here is her approximate move.
Let's read the sentence on the board:

The lonely sail is white
in the blue sea fog.

Now I'll replace the period with an exclamation point. What has changed in this statement? In the first case there was only a message that there was a sail at sea; now we sense the person who is speaking. His excitement is conveyed to us - after all, this phrase contains the same feeling as the exclamation: “Look, a sail is at sea!”

Can you tell me which word is the main word in the exclamatory sentence “Look, a sail is at sea!”? (Noun sail.) And in our exclamatory sentence? (Also a noun sail.) Let's read this sentence in such a way as to convey the feeling that the narrator is overcome with. The short phrase: “Look, the sail is at sea” suggests how, and with what intonation, this long sentence should be read.

The lonely sail is white
in the blue sea fog!

Now, from the board and the words written on it, it’s time to turn to the text of the poem itself. You can do it like this.

In one of the letters of a very young, eighteen-year-old poet Mikhail Lermontov, there is the following note: “Here are more poems that I wrote on the seashore.” Then comes the poem itself. The lines on our board are its beginning.

(The teacher corrects the lowercase spelling of the preposition “в” to the capital “В”, and the period to an exclamation mark with an ellipsis.)

Please note: there is an exclamation point with an ellipsis at the end of the sentence. The picture he saw - a sail on the open sea - shocked the young man. The exclamation point marks the emotional excitement that gripped him. And the ellipsis means that not everything has been said and a long pause is required in order to fill in with this pause what is unsaid. But unsaid, unexpressed were many thoughts that suddenly flooded into the young poet.

Whether Lermontov managed to convey his feelings and thoughts to the reader, we will decide after reading the poem. But for this we must delve deeply into the work. And let's start with these two lines. Let’s read them again and try to mentally see what they say.

The lonely sail is white
In the blue sea fog!..

Let's pay attention: is the sea blue or the fog blue? ( In the fog... blue.)

So we read these lines and now, together with the author of the poem, we see: a sail is whitening in the fog of the sea. Where do you see this sail: far from you or right there, nearby? Is it possible to say about a sail, if it is not far from us: “whitens in the fog of the sea”?.. When we read the poem, we learn that the sail is very far from the observer.

When thoughtfully reading these lines, several questions arise that need to be answered in order to see the picture as it is depicted by the poet.

Is it possible to see a sail in the fog that is far from us? ( It is forbidden.) Now we need to pay close attention to everything that is said about fog in order to find out what kind of fog it is in which a sail can be seen.

You have all, of course, seen the fogs. Tell me, what color is the fog? ( Gray.) What color is the fog in the poem? ( Blue.)

We talk about fogs, for example, like this: “fog over the meadow”, “fog on the street”, “fog in the lowland” - and we never say: “fog of the meadow”, “fog on the street”, “fog of the lowland”. What does it say here? “In the fog over the sea”? ( No, otherwise: “in the fog of the sea.”) So what is this blue sea fog?..

Have you noticed that all objects far away from us acquire a bluish tint?.. Why does this happen? ( The air gives them this color.) The blue color is especially noticeable in clear weather. On a clear sunny day, the distant sea turns a bluish color. It’s in this blue “fog” of the sea that we see the sail, or it would be more correct to say this: against the backdrop of the sea gave blue we see him.

Imagine and think: a sea that is endless and unpredictable in its element; its high threatening waves do not overwhelm us, because we are on the shore and they do not reach us; and far out to sea on its dangerous waves there is a lonely sail.

If you could imagine this picture, tell me what thoughts and feelings arose in you? Did any of you envy the daredevil who controls this sail? Wouldn't you like to be in his place, under sail? Or does his courage, his risky, life-threatening competition with the sea seem reckless to you? Or maybe any of you regret that you don’t have the courage to go out to the open sea under sail like that?

Lermontov did not have to imagine a picture of the sea with a sail, as you and I have to do. Let us remember the words from his letter: “Here... are the poems that I composed on the seashore.” He saw a lonely sail in the blue sea distance in reality.

Now it is necessary to explain some words. written by Lermontov lonely, with ending -Ouch. (The teacher corrects the ending -й on -ой on the board.) This is not a mistake, that's what they said before. This is how we will read.

Alas- an exclamation expressing a feeling of regret, bitterness.

Azure. Tell me, how do we see the sky on a clear sunny day? (Light blue, light blue, bright blue.) Otherwise, such a sky can be called azure. Azure sky - what kind of sky is this? ( Blue, light blue.) Now say: azure- what color is this? ( Light blue, light blue.) Noun azure also used in the meaning of “sky”.

A noun jet could be used to mean “water”. Tell me how to understand the expression: a stream of lighter azure? (The water is lighter than the clear blue sky.)

Rebellious. Adjective serene familiar to you? What does it mean? ( Calm, undisturbed.) What does the adjective mean? rebellious, for example, when they say about a person “a rebellious soul”, “a rebellious character”? ( Restless, anxious.)

Listen to the entire poem ( reading in progress). Did you like it? Do you think this poem is only about the sail? Didn't you get the feeling of something mysterious, secretive, something that you want to find out about, something you want to think about? Let's go through the hidden places of the poem.

Here Lermontov sees a sail in the sea. This sail is not just a white canvas for him. He asks for storms, he is looking for something, he has a native land. For the poet, this sail is something spiritual, a creature endowed with feelings, striving for some unknown goals. The way Lermontov talks about a sail, one can only talk about a person.

Or maybe it really is about a person? After all, someone is sailing. Let us turn to the questions that arise in the poet’s mind when he sees a sail.

What is he looking for in a distant land?
What did he throw in his native land?..

He- who is this? Sail or man? Is the poet directing his questions and thoughts to the sail or the person?

When you read the poem at home, try to replace the sail with a person in your imagination. This is not difficult to do: you probably noticed that in the poem the word sail is constantly replaced by a pronoun He? Find these places in the poem. ( “What is he looking for”, “what has he abandoned”, “he is not looking for happiness”, “he... asks for a storm”, “under him”, “above him”.)

What is he looking for in a distant land?

This is the question Lermontov asks while watching the sail. Do you find the answer to this question in the poem? Tell me, why is there a sail at sea? ( He wants a storm, longs for a storm, asks for it.) So What is he looking for in a distant land? (Storms.) Read the line that contains the answer.

And he, the rebellious one, asks for a storm...

Let's remember what it means rebellious in the phrases “rebellious soul”, “rebellious character”? (Restless, anxious.)

What do you think could cause the dream of a storm? - The desire to test oneself in emergency circumstances, to demonstrate one’s abilities in a deadly situation, the desire for achievements and the aversion to rest and inactivity. This is the life position of a person with a restless, rebellious soul, one who longs for a storm.

Let's read the next line.

As if there is peace in the storms!

Which of these life attitudes do you prefer? Which one would you like to follow in your life? What position do you think Lermontov adheres to?

The thoughts and feelings that gripped Lermontov at the sight of the sail were, as it were, empathy for the mental state of the rebellious swimmer. But it, this state, was imagined by the poet, invented by him, “invented,” so that the poem actually expresses the world of Lermontov himself. Listen to what he wrote about himself a year before the creation of “Sail,” when he was sixteen years old.

I need to act, I do every day
I would like to make him immortal...<...>

I can't, what does it mean to rest.

Something is always boiling and brewing
In my mind. Desire and longing

But what? My life is still somehow short,
And I'm still afraid that I won't have time
Accomplish something!..

Let us understand from these verses what the young poet was preparing himself for, what path in life he chose from the many roads at the crossroads of which every young man finds himself. Listen and think about his words.

*I need to act...
I can't, what does it mean to rest.

* ...Every day I
I would like to make him immortal...

* And I’m still afraid that I won’t have time
Accomplish something!

Let's compare what Lermontov writes about the sail and about himself. He has a sail rebellious, that is, which one? ( Anxious, restless.) Think about whether Lermontov should be classified as rebellious or serene, whose lyrical hero tells the following about himself:

* Something is always boiling and ripening
In my mind. Desire and longing
This chest is constantly disturbed.

Now, after listening to these words, would you say why the sail is rebellious in Lermontov’s eyes? ( Because Lermontov himself was rebellious. After all, the poet, talking about the sail, conveys his worldview.)

Let's compare a few more quotes from these poems.

About Lermontov: * I can’t understand what it means to rest.

About the sail: * He... asks for a storm.

Is the sail asking for peace?.. Does Lermontov know what peace is?.. Let’s compare a couple more quotes.

About Lermontov: * I need to act.

About the sail: * He... asks for a storm.

Isn’t he asking for a storm in order to act, and, moreover, energetically, violently, with full dedication of strength, as required by the stormy situation? But for Lermontov, who needs to act without knowing rest, isn’t the storm a welcome element?

How does young Lermontov appear to us in these poems? A person with a rebellious soul (“desire and longing are constantly disturbing”, “he is rebellious”), doubting his capabilities (“my life is somehow short... I won’t have time”), not satisfied with life (“not out of happiness runs”), striving through constant work (“I need to act... I can’t understand what it means to rest”) to great deeds (“I would like to make every day immortal”).

But let's return to the seashore. The fearless sail excites the imagination of the young poet, evokes strong feelings and a flow of thoughts. The observed picture and the thoughts that arise immediately fall into poetry. A short poem consists of three stanzas. Each stanza contains a picture of the sea with a sail, and the thoughts inspired by it.

What is the main thing in the content of the poem: pictures of the seascape or the thoughts of the poet? (Of course, the poet’s thoughts - they directly express Lermontov’s state of mind.)

But for the attentive reader, paintings depicting nature also have their own mystery. Let's re-read the poems describing the landscape - these are the first two lines of each stanza.

The lonely sail turns white
In the blue sea fog!..

The waves are playing, the wind is whistling,
And the mast bends and creaks...

Below him is a stream of lighter azure,
Above him is a golden ray of sun...

How is the sea depicted in the first stanza: stormy or calm? ( Calm.) And in the second stanza? ( Stormy.) And in the third stanza? ( Calm again.)

It turns out that while Lermontov was observing the sail, the sea changed its state three times? Is this really possible? Why, in the second stanza, does Lermontov depict the sea as stormy, with a stormy wind? Let's reread the entire stanza.

The waves are playing, the wind is whistling,
And the mast bends and creaks...
Alas, he is not looking for happiness
And he’s not running out of happiness!

Can you doubt that the sail is not looking for happiness? The raging sea elements are depicted in such colors that the reader cannot even imagine that the sail (swimmer) is looking for some benefits for himself.

Let's read the third stanza.

Below him is a stream of lighter azure,
Above him is a golden ray of sun...
And he, the rebellious one, asks for a storm,
As if there is peace in the storms!

The water is lighter than azure when the sea is completely calm, and above the sea it is the same azure with a bright sun. Who wouldn't like a sea like this? (Only for a person with a rebellious soul, who does not accept peace, who craves vigorous activity.)

In the first stanza the sea is described through the “fog of the sea” - remember what is called fog? (Sea blue coloration.) Against the background of this blue sea distance, a sail is visible - thus indicating its location. Tell me, is it far or close from the coast? ( Far.) After all, the sail made a strong impression on the poet because it floated alone far out to sea, in a distant country.

Let's think about what we found. The poem “Sail” is not a sketch from life of a sail sailing on the sea. It was important for Lermontov to convey his thoughts and feelings. In each stanza, the landscape is depicted in such a way as to help express thoughts more clearly and convey feelings more fully. Reading the poem, we feel how through the poet’s thoughts and experiences his admiration for the power of the human spirit is visible.