Library quiz for elementary school. Quiz for International School Library Day. What is a city phone book?

Yulia Kucherenko
Quiz game “Journey through the pages of your favorite books”

Goal: to introduce children to books to develop cognitive, creative and emotional activity; identify children’s knowledge about fairy tales; cultivate a sense of compassion for the characters, strengthen the ability to listen carefully, answer questions, and briefly convey the content of works; cultivate a desire to communicate with books and treat them with care.

Progress of the quiz game.

1. introduction teacher

Children, today we will take an imaginary journey, play a game - a quiz called "A Journey Through the Pages of Your Favorite Books." The journey is magical, fabulous, everyone will make it on their own transport, which they choose. To do this, you need to close your eyes and say to yourself 3 times magic words: “I’m flying to a magical land!” (eating, swimming, etc.)

In the Magic Land of Literature we will visit 5 cities:

1. in the city of Literary characters;

3. in the city of Wizards;

4. in the city of Poets;

5. in the Mysterious City.

So, let's go! We close our eyes and say the magic words 3 times. and here we are in the 1st city of the Magic Land of Books:

City of Literary Characters.

Here you need to remember who was who from the following literary characters:

1. Moidodyr (washbasin, K.I. Chukovsky “Moidodyr”)

2. Uncle Fyodor (boy, E. Uspensky “Uncle Fyodor, the Dog and the Cat”)

3. Scarecrow (straw effigy, A. Volkov “The Wizard of the Emerald City”)

4. Matroskin (cat, E. Uspensky Uncle Fyodor, dog and cat)

5. Gena (crocodile, E. Uspensky "Crocodile Gena and his friends")

And now, children, our path lies to the city of Authors (we say the magic words).

Here, guys, you need to determine the author and the title of the work from the passage:

1) “My light, mirror! Tell me.

Tell me the whole truth:

Am I the sweetest in the world,

All blush and whiter?" (A. S. Pushkin, "The Tale of the Dead Princess"

2) “My phone rang

Who's speaking? - Elephant" (K.I. Chukovsky "Telephone")

3) “In the house eight is a fraction of one,

At the Ilyich outpost

There lived a tall citizen

Nicknamed "Kalancha" (S. V. Mikhalkov "Uncle Styopa")

4) “Don’t worry, master, but better give me a bag and order a pair of boots for me so that it won’t hurt to walk on the stones” (C. Perrault, “Puss in Boots”)

5) “But in the poultry yard they made fun of the baby.

Look how ugly it is! What an ugly duckling! shouted after him. "(H. H. Andersen "The Ugly Duckling")

Travel to the 3rd city - the city of Wizards.

Which wizards are spoken of in the following passages of fairy tales:

1) “She had only one eye, but she saw with it in such a way that there was no corner in the Violet Land that would escape her keen gaze (Bastinda, A. Volkov “The Wizard of the Emerald City”)

2) “Kai looked at her. How beautiful she was! He couldn’t imagine a smarter and more charming face. Now she didn’t seem icy to him. (The Snow Queen, H.H. Andersen)”

3) “He turned into a huge lion. The cat was so scared when he saw the lion in front of him that he immediately rushed to the roof!” (Ogre, Ch. Perrault “Puss in Boots”)

4) “And without saying a word, she cut the pumpkin and took out all the pulp from it. Then she touched its thick yellow rind with her magic wand, and the empty pumpkin suddenly turned into a beautiful carved carriage, gilded from the roof to the wheels” (Fairy, "Cinderella", Ch. Perrault)

5) “She fell into his bucket and said in a human voice: “Don’t eat me! Let me into the water again, you will be happy, just say: according to the pike’s command, according to my desire, everything will be fulfilled” (pike, “Emelya”, p. n.s.)

Well done kids, now let's go to city ​​of poets.

1) And the foxes took matches and went to the blue sea.

The blue sea was lit. The sea is burning with flames, he ran out of the sea. (whale, K. Chukovsky "Confusion")

2) “He sat down on the bed in the morning. He began to put on his shirt.

He put his hands into the sleeves - it turned out to be this. " (pants, S. Marshak "He's so absent-minded")

3) “Uncle Styopa took a double lunch for himself in the dining room,

Uncle Styopa went to bed and put his feet up. " (stool, S. Mikhalkov, "Uncle Styopa")

4) “Then the soap jumped up and grabbed my hair,

And it fussed, and lathered, and bit, like... "(wasp, K. Chukovsky, "Moidodyr")

5) “Bang-bang!” and the Buffalo ran away,

Behind him in fear. "(rhinoceros, K. Chukovsky "Crocodile")

6) “It’s a shame for an old man to roar - you’re not a hare, but.” (bear, K. Chukovsky “The Stolen Sun”)

7) “But like a black iron leg.

She ran and jumped. "(poker, K. Chukovsky "Fedorino's grief")

8) “The wolves ate each other out of fear.

Poor crocodile toad. "(swallowed, K. Chukovsky "Cockroach")

9) "Who, trembling with fear, hid in the closet,

Who's in the doghouse? Who's in the attic

Dad hid himself in an old suitcase,

Uncle under the sofa, aunt in. "(chest, K. Chukovsky "Crocodile")

10) “And the grasshopper, and the grasshopper, well, just like a little man,

Behind a bush, under a bridge, etc. "(silence, K. Chukovsky "Fly - Tsokotukha")

And now our path lies to a city called Mysterious, where you have to solve the author's riddles.

1) They beat him with a hand and a stick, no one feels sorry for him.

And why is the poor guy beaten? And for the fact that he is inflated. (ball, S. Marshak)

2) Here are the needles and pins crawling out from under the bench,

They look at me, they want milk. (hedgehog, K. Chukovsky)

3) What kind of stars are there on the coat and on the scarf?

All are through-cut, but if you take it, there’s water in your hand? (snowflakes, E. Blaginina)

4) What is in front of us: two shafts behind the ears,

In front of the wheel and a nurse on the nose? (glasses, S. Marshak)

5) I walk - I wander not through the forests, but through my mustache, through my hair,

And my teeth are longer than those of wolves and bears. (comb, K. Chukovsky)


Counting chips, selecting winners, awarding them with medals:

"The best expert on children's books"

Quiz for children and their parents: “The book is our best friend”

Target: to promote a love of reading in preschoolers and their parents.

Participants: children and their parents, teachers.

Materials: Presentation with portraits of writers and poets, presentation for the competition “Ah, do you recognize the fairy tale?” sheets with tasks, pens, sheets of paper, paints, brushes, cups of water, gifts.

Families - participants are invited to the prepared hall and are seated at the tables.

Educator: Good evening, dear guests! We are very glad that you found the time today and came to meet us. You probably already guessed why we have gathered here. Today we will talk about the book and meet the most reading families in our group.

Educator: And a competent jury will judge us.

Presentation of the jury members.

Educator: Modern children spend more and more time computer games, TV. Sociological research in our country and abroad, negative trends have been revealed: children’s interest in reading has noticeably decreased.

Today, the relevance of solving this problem is obvious. To raise a reader in a child, an adult must himself show interest in the book, understand its role in a person’s life, and know the books recommended for children preschool age, be able to have an interesting conversation with kids and help in analyzing the work.

Now let’s get acquainted with our participating families who prepared homemade books for the competition on the topic: “We are a reading family.”

Families introduce their family, what books they like to read, what kind of home library they have, etc.

Educator: Thank you for your speeches. I am very glad that parents are not indifferent to reading issues.

And now competition number 1.

There are many proverbs and sayings about books and reading. Remember and name them as many as possible.

A book decorates in happiness, and consoles in misfortune.

Without a book is like without the sun, and the window is dark during the day

A book is the best gift

A book is your friend, without it it’s like being without hands

Living with a book is never a problem

The book is small, but it gave me some ideas

He who reads a lot knows a lot

If you play with a book, you'll get smarter

Competition No. 2. “Writers and Poets”

– Every book has its own author. Now you will be presented with portraits of writers and poets, and you will need to name their names (S.Ya. Marshak, S.V. Mikhalkov, C. Perrault, A.S. Pushkin, N.N. Nosov, K.I. Chukovsky , I.A. Krylov, G.H. Andersen, A. Barto)

Competition No. 3.

Literary quiz for children:


What did the rich fly buy at the market? (Samovar)

What was the name of the smartest pig from Sergei Mikhalkov's fairy tale? (Naf-Naf)

Who bit the fox from the fairy tale “Doctor Aibolit”? (Wasp)

What did the Wolf catch fish in Russian folk tale"Wolf and Fox"? (Tail)

What phrase does Leopold the Cat repeat when he wants to make peace with the mice? ("Guys let's be friends!")

How many workers pulled out the turnips? (Six)

Whose house was the chicken running to flood with a bucket? (Cat house)

From whom did the girl and her brother hide on the bank of the river, under the apple tree, in the stove? (from geese-swans)

What was the name of the girl who fought with Snow Queen? (Gerda)

What hurt the little sharks in the fairy tale “Doctor Aibolit”? (Teeth)

Which literary character was incredibly tall and worked as a policeman? (Uncle Styopa)

Who is the boss of washbasins and the commander of washcloths? (Moidodyr)

What were the names of two brothers - collectors of fairy tales originally from Germany? (Brothers Grimm)

Which month was the youngest in the fairy tale “The Twelve Months”? (January)

How long has Sleeping Beauty been asleep? (For 100 years)

How much did the prince set the clock in the fairy tale “Cinderella”? (An hour ago)

How many clicks did the pop fool lose in Pushkin's fairy tale? (Three)

Competition No. 4 “Confusion”

Confusion: Correct mistakes in poems

Our Masha cries loudly:
She dropped a ball into the river. (Tanya)

The bear is walking, swinging,

Sighs as he walks:
"Oh, the board is ending,
Now I'm going to fall" (Bull)

An old man lived with his wife

By the bluest sea. (Old woman)

Cheat to the tree

Tiptoeing fits.
Twirls his tail
Doesn't take his eyes off the frog... (Crows)

Competition No. 5. “Oh, do you recognize the fairy tale?”

The competition features objects and characters that children and parents must use to guess what kind of fairy tale it is:

Bottle with the inscription “Drink me”, rabbit, roses, Cheshire cat, girl – “Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland”;

A wooden house, a fox, a hare, a rooster with a scythe - “Zayushkina’s hut”;

A flock of ducks, clouds, a frog, a twig - “Frog Traveler”;

The inscription “To outsiders “B””, a bee, a balloon, a pig, a pot of honey, an oak tree - “Winnie the Pooh and all, all, all...”

Flower in a pot, swallow, elf prince, mouse, toad - “Thumbelina”;

A dugout, an old man with a fishing net, a broken trough, gold fish, old queen - “The Tale of the Fisherman and the Goldfish.”

Final competition "Creative"

Educator: Well done, you showed good knowledge of children's literary works. And at the end of our meeting, I propose a creative task: there are sheets of paper and paints on the tables. Your task: draw your loved one literary hero. Good luck in job!

At the end of the competition, the jury sums up the results, each family receives a gift book and a diploma of the competition participant.


1 – B (chronicle)

2 – B (bibliophobe)

3 – A (tabletop)

4 – B (on the 17th)

5 – B (bestseller)

6 – B himself (walking encyclopedia)

7 – V (miracle)

8 – B (folio)

9 – A (title)

10 – A (Krylov)

11 – B (bibliography)

12 – A (code)

13 – B (knowledge)

14 – V (Block)

15 – A (Moscow)

16 – V (code)

17 – B (reader’s form)

18 – A (autograph)

19 – B (abstract)

20 – B (second-hand bookshop)

21 – B (anthology)

22 – B (reference book)

23 –B (life wonderful people)

24 – B (Bustard)

25 – B (album)

26 – A (folding books)

27 – B (trilogy)

28 – B (cookbook)

29 – A (from cover to cover)

30 – B (dust jacket)

31 – A (electronic)

32 – B (reading enthusiast)

33 – B (herbaceous plant)

34 – A (initial page of the book)

35 – B (ancient book)

36 – A ( bibliographic description)

37 –B (leather)

38 – B (biblio…)

39 – B (Apostle)

40 – A (Yaroslav the Wise)

41 – B (hut-reading room)

42 – A (Greece)

43 – A (scroll)

44 – A (I.S. Krylov)

45 – B (by monks)

What is the name of the recording? historical events ancient time by year?

A. Manuscript

B. Chronicle

V. Almanac

Answer: B. Chronicle

Which of these people does not like books at all (and fears and hates them)?

A. Bibliophile

B. Bibliophobe

V. Bibliographer

Answer: Bibliophobe

What do you call a constantly needed or frequently re-read book?

A. Tabletop

B. Handy

V. Zastolnaya

Answer: Tabletop

What page of a library book usually has a stamp on it?

B. On 17th B.

Answer: On the 17th

What are the best-selling books published in large editions called?

A. Fiction

B. Large circulation

V. Bestseller

Answer: Best-seller

What do you jokingly call a person who has extensive knowledge and can answer any question?

A. Wandering Dictionary

B. Walking encyclopedia

B. Walking Directory

Answer: Walking encyclopedia

What is the name of our Russian “Guinness Book of Records”?

A. "Miracle"

B. "Magic"

V. "Wonder"


What is a large format book called?

A. Bookplate

B. Folio

V. Facsimile

Answer: Folio

What is the name of the first page of the book, which contains information about the author, the title of the book, and imprint?

B. Format

B. Index

Answer: Title

The name of this person has been part of our lives since childhood. And his aphorisms and catchphrases accompany us all our lives. He is known as a playwright, prose writer and lyricist. But few people know that he worked for almost 30 years at the M.E. Public Library. Saltykov-Shchedrin as a librarian. Who is this man?

A.I.A. Krylov

B.N.V. Gogol

YOU. Pushkin

Answer: I.A. Krylov

11. One of the most famous Russian experts in library science, Nikolai Aleksandrovich Rubakin, said: “Selecting books for your own and others’ reading is not only a science, but also an art, and there is no limit to its development.” What kind of science is this?

A. Printing

B. Bibliomania

B. Bibliography

Answer: Bibliography

How on Latin does the word "book" sound?

A. Code

B. Constitution

Answer: Code

13. Finish catchphrase Maxim Gorky: “Do you love a book - a source...”?

A. Dictations and presentations

B. Knowledge

B. Skills

Answer: Knowledge

14. What do you call the sheets of a book that are arranged in order, stitched or glued and prepared for insertion into a binding lid or cover?

Answer: Block

In which city is the largest library in our country located - the Russian State Library, which now has more than 40 million books in 247 languages?

A. Moscow

B. Novosibirsk

In Saint-Petersburg

Answer: Moscow

16. What are the names of the conventional registration marks on a book that determine its place on library shelves (“address” of the book)?

A. Barcode

B. Wenzel

Answer: Cipher

17. What is the name of the library card that is issued for each visitor?

A. Reader's diary

B. Reader's form

B. Reader's passport

Answer: Reader's form

What is the name of the handwritten text written by the author of the book, as well as the author’s handwritten signature?

A. Autograph

B. Facsimile

V. Autonym

Answer: Autograph

19. What is it called summary content of the book, helping the reader or buyer better navigate the ocean of modern printed publications?

A. Proclamation

B. Presentation

B. Abstract

Answer: annotation

What do you call a book that has been in use and goes on sale again?

A. Library

B. Bucolic

V. Second-hand books

G. Antique

Answer: Second-hand books

What is the name of a collection of selected works by various literary authors?

A. Almanac

B. Digest

B. Anthology

Answer: Anthology

What is the city phone book?

A. Dictionary

B. Directory

B. Encyclopedia

Answer: Directory

The mysterious library of which Russian
the monarch is still being sought in mysterious
Kremlin dungeons?
a) Ivan the Terrible
b) Peter I
c) Boris Godunov
d) Paul I

For over 500 years, enthusiasts have been searching for
library of Ivan the Terrible...
According to legend, the latter's niece
Palaeologus, who became his wife in 1472
Moscow Prince Ivan III, brought to
Moscow ancient Greek and Latin
handwritten books.
Next question!

your answer is not

Who founded the first library in Rus'?
a) Yaroslav the Wise.
b) Peter I the Great.
c) Ivan IV the Terrible.
d) Catherine II the Great

...The first library in Rus' was
founded in Kyiv in 1037
year by Kyiv prince Yaroslav
Next question!

your answer is not

What was the name of the cultural and educational center in Russian
village until the early 70s. last century?
a) Book Chamber.
b). Bibliohata.
V). Reading hut
G). Reading yard

Of course this is a “HUT-READING ROOM”!
Next question!

your answer is not

In which city is the largest
our country's library - Russian
state library, which now
more than 40 million books in 247 languages?
a) Moscow.
b) Yekaterinburg.
in Saint-Petersburg.
Novosibirsk city.

Absolutely right!
Russian state
the library is located in Moscow

your answer is not

What Russian writer (and fabulist)
worked as a librarian for almost 30 years? He
served in the Public Library, and for
compilation of a catalog of Russian books received
Order of St. Vladimir 4th degree.
a) Ivan Andreevich Krylov
b) Sergei Vladimirovich Mikhalkov
c) Lev Nikolaevich Tolstoy
d) Samuil Yakovlevich Marshak

Worked for 30 years at the Imperial
St. Petersburg Public Library
writer and fabulist
Ivan Andreevich Krylov.
Next question!

your answer is not

For children's book week, you can use this quiz about books:

(Fortune telling from a book.)

(Prologue - prologue.)


(To the censor.)

(Large atlas of the world.)



(Multiplication table.)




* What was the name of the famous library ancient world, which became one of the seven wonders of the world?
(Alexandria Library.)
* Which library was headed by the ancient Greek poet Callimachus (310-238 BC)?
(The famous Library of Alexandria. He did a titanic job, compiling a catalog of its books, which took up as many as 120 volumes.)
* It is known that the largest libraries of antiquity, such as Alexandria and Pergamon, were destroyed by fire. The library of the Assyrian king Ashurbanipal also caught fire during the siege of the city of Nineveh by Median nomads, but was preserved. Why?
(It consisted of clay tablets.)
* After the advent of Christianity, the Bible was used for bibliomancy; before it, Virgil’s Aeneid, and even earlier, the books of Homer. What is "bibliomancy"?
(Fortune telling from a book.)
* What was the name of the ancient Russian “encyclopedia”, in which you could read about everything except the names of its authors?
(Azbukovnik - Russian handwritten Dictionary or reference book 13-18 centuries. with words and terms arranged in alphabetical order.)
* With the emphasis on the first syllable - this is an Old Russian collection of short lives, teachings and edifying stories, arranged in the order of annual holidays, according to the days of worship. With stress on the second syllable, this is the introductory part of a literary work. What is this?
(Prologue - prologue.)
* All his life Peter I collected books - he was a bibliophile. What book collection was the basis of his library?
(His library became the basis of the book collection of the Academy of Sciences.)
* Catherine the Great was the first Russian monarch to sign the decree establishing this position for her book collection. Which one?
* By the highest order of which royal person, a public library was founded in St. Petersburg on May 16, 1795?
(Catherine II. A special building was built for the library, where it is still located today.)
* Fonvizin’s prototype for Mitrofanushka in “Nedorosl” was the President of the Academy of Arts and Director of the Public Library of St. Petersburg A.N. Olenin. How can we explain that the prototype of such a slacker, Fonvizin, was the most educated man of his time?
(Olenin was Mitrofanushka in his youth. But, having recognized himself on stage, 18-year-old Olenin sat down to study. Here you go shining example magical power art.)
* What was the former name of the largest Russian State Library in Russia, located in Moscow?
(The Lenin Library, and even earlier - the Rumyantsevskaya Library. Count N.P. Rumyantsev, whom Napoleon spoke of as the most educated diplomat in history, created the library at his own expense, and then donated it to his people.)
* Pushkin the lyceum student wrote: “The singers are solemn, the prose writers are playful and in order here.” What did he write about?
(About the library bookshelves.)
*Tell me, isn’t it a shame that in Holy Rus'
Thanks to you, we haven’t seen books before?
Which profession did A.S. contact? Pushkin in these lines?
(To the censor.)
* Where in St. Petersburg can you read Pushkin’s lines in a stone book?
(On Vasilyevsky Island, on the Neva embankment near the university, opposite the entrance to the ancient building of the Faculty of Philology. A huge open book made of granite measuring 365 by 240 cm, a symbol of enlightenment and knowledge, teaching and apprenticeship. On its spread are Pushkin’s lines, starting with the confession: “ I love you, Peter’s creation...” and ending with a solemn wish-incantation: “Beautify yourself, city of Petrov, and stand unshakably, like Russia!” The monument is called “Message through the Ages”, its author is St. Petersburg sculptor and graphic artist Evelina Solovyova. The grand opening and consecration of the monument on the University Embankment took place in 2002.)
* This Soviet geographical publication weighs more than 7 kg and contains 280 thousand names. According to experts, the masterpiece has no equal in the whole world. What is this book?
(Large atlas of the world.)
* Academician Dmitry Likhachev believed that civilization could be revived, even if all museums, archives, universities and schools perished, but they would survive... What?
* Who is the first reader of the new book?
(Editors, proofreaders, typesetters, layout designers.)
* What is the “trace” of censorship in the text of a work called: a bill or a banknote?
* Who is better to be: a bibliophile or a bibliomaniac?
(A bibliomaniac’s love for collecting books is simply pathological; he already forgets about the cultural value of collected objects. It’s better to be a bibliophile.)
* This little book was first published in 1682, and it was intended for sellers and buyers. And now its contents are often placed on the covers of school notebooks and every current student knows it by heart. What do we call this book?
(Multiplication table.)
* What do they call a thin book?
* What book should every store have?
* What do you jokingly call a voluminous, heavy book?
*Finish famous aphorism: “Readers read, and admirers...”