Virtual exhibition we read, we think, we grow up. Creation of virtual book exhibitions. Virtual exhibition "Tales of the Russian Forest"

In the Internet era, the Global Network has become an important part cultural life in general and the life of cultural institutions in particular. Today, library users are already familiar with such services as electronic document delivery (EDD), virtual help services, virtual guides to Internet resources, online access to databases and electronic catalogues, thematic web projects. Library exhibitions are also experiencing an era of modernization, adapting to a remote type of user service.

The first virtual (electronic, interactive) exhibitions in the field of culture appeared in the largest museums of Russia - the State Historical and Cultural Museum-Reserve "Moscow Kremlin", the Tretyakov Gallery, the State Museum of Architecture. A. V. Shchuseva. Today, all major museums in Russia are actively working to create virtual exhibitions on their own websites.

In library practice, virtual exhibitions began to be used for the first time in scientific and university libraries in the country. There are such exhibitions on the websites of university libraries of the Udmurt Republic - the Scientific Library of the Udmurt State University, Izhevsk State Technical University, Izhevsk State Agricultural Academy, Izhevsk State Medical Academy. As a rule, these are thematic annotated lists of new arrivals of books and magazines, which are accompanied by additional information: photo of the book cover, information about the author, history of studying this issue, etc.

A VIRTUAL EXHIBITION is a public demonstration on the Internet using web technologies of virtual images of specially selected and systematized works of print and other media, as well as publicly available electronic resources recommended to remote library users for viewing, familiarization and use.

A virtual exhibition, in comparison with a traditional one, provides librarians and readers with additional features and benefits.

  1. Usage information technologies makes the virtual exhibition lively and dynamic. Bright, colorful, with animation, the use of game moments, switching attention from animated screensavers to a static page, virtual exhibitions are attractive to readers, and especially to children.
  2. The virtual exhibition is not limited by place and time - from any computer, anywhere and at any time of the day you can get all the necessary information on this topic.
  3. The exhibition is designed for different audiences. Anyone can get to know her. The use of virtual exhibitions makes it possible for librarians to communicate remotely with readers, without being tied to the inevitable formalities in service.
  4. At the virtual exhibition you can present a large number of books without taking up real library space; there is no need to work with racks, stands, exhibition cabinets.
  5. The exhibition can be launched automatically, equipped with voiced text and demonstrated without special accompaniment.
  6. Virtual exhibitions can be used as traveling exhibitions - they are conveniently demonstrated in various educational institutions, auditoriums, offices, classes.
  7. There is no need to worry about the safety of the publications presented at the exhibition.
  8. Virtual exhibitions can function as long as desired and even permanently.
  9. It is possible to redirect the user to other resources by placing links to online stores where you can buy the book you like; to online book search systems (such as, libraries whose collections also contain this book.
  10. Placing an exhibition on the library’s website, as well as advertising links to it on other sites, allows you to increase the number of its visitors, and therefore potential readers.

However, the virtual exhibition also has some flaws.

  1. Creating and viewing a virtual exhibition requires a computer. Not every PC meets the requirements needed to view the exhibition.
  2. Not every library user has the necessary skills to view a virtual exhibition.
  3. In the event of technical problems, presentation and viewing of the exhibition becomes impossible.
  4. The virtual exhibition producer must have the necessary computer skills and artistic taste.

The identified advantages and limitations suggest that the development of a virtual exhibition requires a special preparation methodology that differs from the preparation methodology of traditional book exhibitions. The book “Exhibition Activities of Public Libraries” by N.V. Zbarovskaya provides an algorithm for preparing and organizing electronic virtual exhibitions.

Structure. A virtual exhibition, like a traditional one, should consist of sections that are accompanied by quotes, introductory articles, and illustrative material. The exhibition should be user-friendly in the web space and may contain the following information:

  • visual (cover image, digitized parts of the book: preface, introduction, etc.),
  • bibliographic data (bibliographic record and codes of the collection of the library presenting the exhibition),
  • analytical information (annotations, abstracts for publications, reviews, reader reviews, etc.),
  • digitized parts of the book (chapters, the most interesting excerpts, etc.),
  • links to full texts books, if they are available in the library or on the Internet.

You can also place Additional materials on the theme of the exhibition:

  • links to Internet resources (biographies, critical articles, reviews, testimonials, thematic sites),
  • information about the availability of books in other libraries, online stores, etc.

Special requirements apply to registration virtual exhibitions. The first slide should contain information related to the virtual exhibition as a whole. All subsequent slides are separate exhibits of the exhibition. The visual range of a virtual exhibition is represented by illustrative material (book covers, spreads, illustrations, maps, photographs, etc.). The text itself, accompanying and revealing the visual series, should consist of quotes, annotations, biographical information. It is recommended to place hints and help messages at the top of the screen.

When using animation, two display mode options are taken into account: free display and user-controlled display. It is advisable to use animation effects in relation to the entire text or large fragments of it. The appearance of text like a typewriter slows down viewing time, and large text tires the eyesight. When using traditional drawings and photographs, it is important to choose the right image scale and use the color palette correctly. Moreover, if graphic image is presented on the screen along with the text, it is recommended to leave 1/2 of the screen empty: the size of the details must correspond to the resolution of the screen and the acuity of human vision.

There is a certain set of conditions that ensure user visual comfort when working with information in electronic form:

  • the brightness of the object should be within reasonable limits;
  • the contrast of the image relative to the background must be selected taking into account the size of the object: the smaller its size, the higher the contrast should be;
  • The eyes have the greatest sensitivity to yellow-green radiation, the least to violet and red;
  • the size of the symbol must be consistent with the visual acuity of the person; it also affects the speed and accuracy of information perception;
  • Since the space of a virtual exhibition is limited by the size of the monitor, you should not overload it with special effects and color variety - the user’s attention should not be distracted by distracting moments. The exception is exhibitions for children who are attracted by the colors and animation effects. But you still need to remember that the abundance of animation, photos, pictures increases the page loading time.

It is also worth noting that creating a high-quality, attractive and easy-to-view virtual exhibition requires the use of modern technology and software. There is enough big number services that can help create virtual exhibitions on their websites. Here are some of them (in most cases, instructions for working with services are presented in English with the ability automatic translation into Russian):

  • PhotoPeach. The service is good for creating simple but striking photo exhibitions.
  • BannerSnack. Using this service, you can create a simple and bright book photo exhibition or “library banner” that can be edited at any time. In addition to pictures, you can insert videos into the banner. (See an example of a banner received as an output.)
  • Sharesnack. The service allows you to create a voiced exhibition on the work of one writer or on a specific topic. The product is created in a simple way: links to videos from YouTube are inserted into the proposed form.
  • Popplet. The service provides opportunities to create a more complex and extensive exhibition, even if it is an exhibition of one book (see example of an exhibition). It allows you to create detailed exhibitions with sections, quotes, illustrations. Here you can insert video, audio materials and text in Russian. In addition, the service is ideal for organizing the collective work of readers to create an exhibition. Each participant can work on their own section of the exhibition.
  • Playcast. The service allows you to create a small postcard exhibition based on a separate work, using text, photographs, and music. (See how to create a playcast.)
  • Calameo. Service for creating an exhibition book. You can create both individual books and entire virtual book exhibition shelves. (Cm. .)
  • Dipity. This service is perfect option to create an exhibition chronicle of the writer’s work. Such an exhibition can be supplemented with illustrations, video materials, links, a map, and the creation can be viewed in four modes to choose from: as a timeline; each event separately; list of events; locations of events indicated when creating the map. (See description of work in the service.)
  • ZooBurst. Service for creating a 3D book. Another option is to jointly create a fairy tale exhibition. The ClipArt library is used to insert pictures, but you can also upload your own pictures.
  • Prezi. A service for creating a new generation exhibition-presentation, in which you can collapse all the material into one picture, and by enlarging one or another slide, focus on a certain text, word, image.

The virtual exhibition can also be posted on the library website in HTML format. It is good if a librarian, when creating an exhibition, works in conjunction with a designer, an information technology specialist with web design skills.

All more libraries, having mastered the traditional structure of a virtual exhibition, are trying to find new ways to publicly display printed works on the Internet in order to reveal their holdings. Currently becoming popular playcasts(see above) and book trailers.

Book trailer is a miniature video, a teaser, telling about the book in a free artistic form. It includes the most striking and recognizable moments of the work and visualizes its content. When creating a book trailer, you can use a video, or you can get by with illustrations, photographs, and book spreads.

By presenting books to readers and promoting book reading in the global cultural community, book trailers have become a separate, distinctive genre that combines literature, visual art and the Internet. Since 2012, the All-Russian Book Trailer Parade Competition has been held annually in Russia, in which Active participation Libraries also accept it. So, on the portal “Wiki. SibiriaDa", created in 2011 by the Novosibirsk Regional Children's Library as a free resource for the collective work of librarians, local history teachers, children, teenagers and young people on the creation, placement and preservation of materials from the Siberian region, has now been organized distance learning on creating book trailers.

Virtual exhibitions have become widespread in libraries of all types - regional, municipal, special. Let's give a few examples, analyzing the virtual exhibitions of some of them.

The simplest example of a traditional virtual exhibition (a list of new literature acquisitions, supplemented by photographs of book covers) can be seen on the websites of many libraries: Pskov Regional Universal Scientific Library, Tula Regional Universal Scientific Library, Bryansk Regional Universal Scientific Library. F.I. Tyutchev, Sverdlovsk Regional Interethnic Library, etc.

Central city ​​Library them. A. S. Pushkin, Kamensk-Uralsky, made the first virtual exhibitions in the Word program by creating documents with hyperlinks. Then the library staff mastered a simple visual HTML page editor and began to produce more advanced electronic products. The Stilius portal was created, allowing you to get acquainted with the whole variety of virtual exhibitions of this library: the exhibition “The Tale of Letters. Secrets of the Russian alphabet”, an exhibition dedicated to the 180th anniversary of N.V. Gogol’s book “Evenings on a Farm near Dikanka”, an exhibition “A Star Named Love” dedicated to L. Orlova, etc.

There are many examples of creating virtual exhibitions in libraries of the Udmurt Republic.

On the site National Library The Udmurt Republic in the section “Virtual exhibitions in 3D” presents, for example, such exhibitions as “Modernization of education. School of the 21st century", "The Legend of Writings: on the 1150th Anniversary Slavic alphabet", "Fashion genre: literary biography", "About the achievements of science is accessible and fascinating", "Japanese literature: from time immemorial - to the present", "Russian language for everyone" and others. At these exhibitions, you can virtually “wander” around the hall, “approach” the exhibition shelves, look at books, read annotations, and sometimes flip through several pages of the books presented (these can be individual chapters).

The creators of the “Virtual Exhibitions” page on the website of the Central Municipal Library. N.A. Nekrasov, Izhevsk, invites the reader to familiarize themselves with a brief overview of the book exhibition on display within the library, and to look at the photo of the exhibition as a whole. However, it is difficult to call this exhibition virtual: it is impossible to see the covers of the books - the photos are very small, there is not a single bibliographic description of the books, the review text is more like an advertisement.

But the virtual exhibitions of the Central Municipal Children's Library named after. M. Gorky in Izhevsk are very interesting and fascinating. All of them, separated by target audiences(children, parents, teachers, colleagues) are presented in the form of colorful, dynamic videos with moving pictures and good music that can interest both young readers and their parents: “Books that help you live,” “Book House,” “Together with I grow up with a book”, “Pet of the Muses, Pet of the Battle”, etc.

They create their own virtual exhibitions and small branch libraries, for example, the library named after. V. M. Azin Central Library System of Izhevsk. In the “Virtual Exhibitions” section on the library’s website there is an exhibition of “Electronic optical disks on local history”, which opens with a slide depicting all the disks presented on it. The following provides information on each disc separately (photo, bibliographic description, abstract, table of contents). The exhibition is decorated brightly and colorfully. Another exhibition - “Monisto - the national adornment of Udmurt women” - begins with brief history the origin of the decoration, then photos of books, bibliographic descriptions, and annotations are offered. This exhibition is designed in the same colorful way, but is static, without animation. Both presented exhibitions can be viewed directly on the library website and downloaded for further use in your work.

An analysis of library websites allows us to conclude that virtual exhibitions have firmly taken their place in the activities of libraries to popularize books and reading. They are mobile, compact, informative and are an up-to-date guide to a vast flow of information. The multimedia nature of exhibitions makes it possible to more effectively solve substantive problems, and their interactivity helps to involve the reader in the world of books and create feedback.


  1. Vasiliev V.V. Information technologies in librarianship: educational method. allowance / V.V. Vasilyev, N.V. Sorokoletova, L.V. Khlivnenko. M.: Liberea-Bibinform, 2007. 364 p. : ill. (Librarian and time. XXI century. 100 issues; No. 60). Bibliography: p. 360–361 (43 titles).
  2. Vinogradova E. B. About how a “minute” turned into an “hour”: new forms of work of the Moscow media library // Media library and world. 2008. No. 1. P. 17–20.
  3. Zbarovskaya N.V. Exhibition activities of public libraries / [rep. ed. T. Zakharchuk]. St. Petersburg : Profession, 2004. 224 p. : ill. (Library). Bibliography: p. 159–163 and adj. Krat. terminol. words: p. 164–166. App.: p. 167–224.
  4. Zbarovskaya N.V. Virtual assistants // Library. 2003. No. 10. pp. 45–47.
  5. Smutneva, E. G. Wiki-Sibiriyada // Modern Library. 2012. No. 1. P. 49–50.
  6. Stepanova A. S. Interactive exhibitions: towards the reader // New library. 2009. No. 23. pp. 26–31.

Compiled by
chief bibliographer of the information and information department
bibliographic services O. N. Goreva

At present, there is no clear definition of what a virtual exhibition is. Tutorial N.V. Zbarovskaya “Exhibition activities of public libraries” gives the following definition: “A virtual exhibition is the new kind information and library services to users, a synthesis of traditional (book) and the latest (electronic) methods of providing information."

A virtual exhibition is a public demonstration on the Internet using web technologies of virtual images of specially selected and systematized printed works and other media, as well as publicly available electronic resources recommended to remote library users for viewing, familiarization and use.

The virtual exhibition is positioned as a new, multifunctional information resource that provides a wide range of users with the opportunity to increase the efficiency of information search and expand the range of necessary materials (texts, graphics, audio, video, etc.).

The first virtual exhibitions appeared within the framework of the Internet resources project of the Russian Chamber of Commerce and Industry. The resource involves posting information in Russian and Russian on virtual exhibition stands (mini-sites). English languages for promotion and exchange business information about enterprises and organizations, their goods and services. graphic and video materials. With the development of new information technologies, virtual exhibitions are appearing in the field of culture and education: museums, universities, libraries of all types.

Virtual exhibitions represent the library’s collections, contribute to the formation and maintenance of the image, development and improvement of library services.

Advantages and opportunities of a virtual exhibition:

1. To view the exhibition, the reader does not have to be in the library; an Internet connection is enough. The reader can view the exhibition at any time.

2. Possibility of exhibiting a larger number of documents compared to a traditional exhibition, without occupying real library space. A large number of books may be presented at the exhibition; You can change them at any time, removing unnecessary ones and installing new ones.

3. Each document can be accompanied by an annotation, an abstract, a copy of the table of contents and/or fragments of text, illustrations, the history of the creation of the work, a description of the era, audio and video fragments. Computer technology makes the virtual exhibition lively and dynamic.

4. Documents presented at the virtual exhibition are not in danger of being damaged. You-betting on the Internet can function constantly.

5. The costs of creating virtual exhibitions are lower than those of organizing similar traditional ones.

Among the limitations of using electronic book exhibitions are the following:

1.Not every PC meets the requirements necessary to view the exhibition. In the event of technical problems, presentation and viewing of the exhibition becomes impossible.

2. Not every library user has the necessary skills to familiarize themselves with the electronic book exhibition

3. The book exhibition producer must have the necessary computer skills and artistic taste [savkina].

Typology of virtual book exhibitions

Virtual book exhibitions, like traditional ones, can be classified according to a number of signs::

By status - independent or accompanying a public event (for example, when announcing a book on the Internet);

For its intended purpose - to help study, to improve the general educational and general cultural level;

According to the time of publication and receipt of the materials provided for them in the library - new acquisitions, for different years, “forgotten publications”;

By terms of operation – permanent, long-term, short-term;

By type of publications - books, other types of publications (magazines or newspapers, etc.), several types of publications at the same time (complex), new media (CD-ROM, records, microfilms, video cassettes, etc.), multimedia applications;

According to the composition of the presented publications: an exhibition of one book, a series, a collection.

Virtual book exhibitions can be created using a standard set of MS Office programs, or in online services for subsequent insertion of their HTML code into a blog or link on a page on a social network.

There are various forms of presentation of virtual book exhibitions(programs and online services for creating an exhibition are indicated in brackets):

1.Presentation (Power Point, Slide Share)

2. Slide presentation (slide show) of covers and short annotations for books with musical accompaniment (Power Point, Photopeach, Photosnack)

4. Exhibition of books in the form of an interactive poster (Power Point using hyperlinks, ThingLink).

5. Exhibition of books in the form of a mental map, a technique for visualizing thinking in the form of a map, in the center of which the main topic is indicated with keywords associated with it extending from it in different directions (Word, Power Point, Mindmeister, FreemindMap, Popplet).

7.Exhibition of books in the form of a 3D book (MS Publisher, Flip Book Maker, Flip PDF, ZooBurst Calameo Photosnack Myebook.

8.Exhibitions on geographical map(Google Maps).

9.Exhibition – virtual board (Thinglink, Google Presentations).

10. Exhibition – poster (MS Publisher, Glogster, Thinglink, Playcast).

Approaches to organizing virtual exhibitions are very diverse: from the already traditional, conservative form - images of book covers and annotations of publications, to an animated journey into the world of books. Exhibitions of the latter type contain detailed information about authors, artists, bibliography, Additional Information from other Internet sites. Exhibitions no longer duplicate traditional book exhibitions displayed within the walls of the library. Often they start out as mini-sites.

When creating virtual exhibitions, design programs are used: Adobe Pho-toshop, FSViewer, Corel DRAW, ImageReady. When posting an exhibition on a website or blog, the HTML programming language is used. Scanning of covers, illustrations for text recognition and editing is done in the FineReader program.

Algorithm for creating a virtual book exhibition next:

1.Development of a model for an electronic book exhibition: choosing a topic, selecting documents, informational, illustrative, audio and video materials, drawing up a diagram of the exhibition (you can draw a layout of the exhibition on a piece of paper).

2. Technical preparation of the project: photos or scanning of covers, illustrations, searching for cover images on the Internet, preparing text materials, trimming audio and video fragments, saving preliminary materials in a separate folder.

3. Completing work in the selected program or online service:

3.1. Exhibition in MS Power Point using hyperlinks:

The first slide contains a thematic picture, the name of the exhibition, as well as control elements - transition buttons (i.e. books presented at the exhibition, which will be discussed in detail on the corresponding slide or topics, by clicking on which the user goes to a slide with a selection of publications on it).

Next, separate slides are created for each book (topic) indicated on the first slide. For example: Slide 1 - “Creativity of modern science fiction writers: Sergei Tarmashev, Sergei Lukyanenko, Maria Semenova.” Slide 2 – “Publications by Sergei Tarmashev.” Slide 3 – “Publications by Sergei Lukyanenko.” Slide 4 “Publications by Maria Semenova.

We create hyperlinks - transition buttons. The first transition button is the inscription “Sergey Tarmashev” on Slide 1. Select the text block “Sergey Tarmashev”. At the top, in the control panel, click “Insert” and select “Hyperlink”. Select “Link to”, then click on “Place in document” and select from the list on the right “Slide No. 2” - “Publications by Sergei Tarmashev”. Then, in order to return to the beginning of the exhibition and select the next book (topic) to view, we create a hyperlink to Slide 1 according to the following scheme: select a photo (or text fragment), which we will click on during the presentation to return to the beginning of the quiz. Next, right-click and select “Hyperlink” - “Link To” - “Place in Document” - “Slide 1”. We return to Slide 1 again and repeat the same actions with the remaining names - “Sergey Lukyanenko”, “Maria Semenova”.

Then we add design, animation (optional), set the display time: “Slide show” - “Setting times” and select the duration of display of each slide. Then press the F5 key and turn on viewing mode. On the page with the description of the publication, you can also record a short audio story-explanation or attach a melody or sound effects.

When you add a presentation to a page in in social networks, it is necessary to write a diagram for viewing the exhibition, and when showing it at an event, explain the rules and show it in the form of an interactive game. During the presentation, the reader selects a book, clicks on it with the mouse and is taken to a page with a description of the selected publication. To return to the beginning, he left-clicks on the slide and returns to the first slide. The reader performs the same steps to view other publications posted on Slide 1.

3.2.Creating a virtual book exhibition in the Thinglink online service for insertion into a blog/page on a social network:

Go to and click “get started”:

In the window that opens, select “Free” - free version, and click “Start”:

In the form that opens, register the library: enter your data, name, e-mail, password. If you have a library account on Google, Facebook or Twitter, you can log in through them.

On the page that appears with the selected picture, we begin to create a virtual exhibition by left-clicking on the books and adding annotations, publication descriptions and other accompanying materials in the field on the left:

Interregional educational campaign

“Reading books by Albert Likhanov”

in 2016

Traditionally, on the days of Likhanov’s literary and pedagogical readings in the Belgorod region, the A. Likhanov State Children’s Library announces an educational campaign “Reading the books of Albert Likhanov.” Education of moral ideals, citizenship and patriotism in children and adolescents using the example of the works of A.A. Likhanov – this is the goal of the Action. Books by Albert Likhanov, like him public life, shining example patriotism and citizenship.

Before plunging into joint reading and empathy with the heroes of the works of an outstanding writer of our time, librarians introduced readers to the work and biography of the famous public figure and writer. Active participants in the 2016 Action included readers and specialists from libraries in the Samara region (more than 40 institutions), Voronezh and Volgograd regional children's libraries, Kursk regional library for children and youth, libraries in the Nizhny Novgorod region, and republican children's libraries in Khakassia and Udmurtia.

Expanding geography we joined the Promotion libraries of the centralized system of children's libraries in Minsk (Republic of Belarus). Children's Library No. 2 organized readings of books in the Belarusian language “Likhanovskaya Readings in the Belarusian Language”. On Belarusian language A. Likhanov’s collection “Disturbing Stories” has been translated and readers will continue to read the stories until December 3 – International Day of Persons with Disabilities. Reading excerpts from the story “Steep Banks” included linguistic tasks. Dialogue events were held using slide presentations based on the book by A. Likhanov “Music”, “The Last Cold”, the premiere of the book “Circus Circus Performers” took place in children's library No. 16. An exhibition of one book, “The Last Cold,” was set up in the interior of children’s library No. 14.

In the Kursk Regional Library for Children and Youth an electronic presentation “Looking Through the Pages of Albert Likhanov’s Work” was demonstrated, and a book exhibition “Everything Starts with Good” was held. Teen Services Specialists Voronezh Children's Library organized a commented reading of the book “Warm Rain”. Of particular interest to readers of the Volgograd Children's Library were the conversation “Childhood on the Pages of Albert Likhanov's Books” and the reading of the story “Kresna,” dedicated to the author’s first teacher. In the Khakass Republican Children's Library There was a book exhibition-prospect “The Lifelong Path of Goodness”, at which reviews and loud readings were held. Republican Library for Children and Youth (Udmurt Republic) held a media conversation for teenage readers, “Good Books of a Kind Man,” and organized an exhibition-review, “Reading the Books of Albert Likhanov,” where literature about life and work and reviews of the author’s works were widely presented. The exhibition was supplemented with the section “Read and be interested! Suggest and advise!”, where everyone left reviews about the writer’s books and the exhibition. Participants of the Promotion in the Nizhny Novgorod region steel central children's Central Library Library Prioksky and Moskovsky districts of Nizhny Novgorod, the cities of Arzamas, Shakhunya and Sergach, Vorotynsky district. Conducted literary clock“Everything starts with goodness”, “A man with an interesting destiny”, “Flipping through the pages of a book”, lessons of morality and kindness “I give you a piece of warmth”, “Without kindness we would be too cramped”, “The main thing is to do good to people”, “Hurry to do good deeds.” Readers created an art collage called “Good Deeds.” A large amount of information work has been organized: oral magazines “Everything Starts with Good”, information hours “In the World of Albert Likhanov’s Books”, “Caring Man”, reviews of book exhibitions “Towards Good through a Book”, “Keeping the Light of Childhood in the Soul”. Multimedia presentations “Coming from wartime childhood”, “A heart given to children”, “And childhood and war were together”, “Talk about kindness”, “Books for educating the soul” were prepared, book trailers based on the author’s works were shown.

They showed great interest in the Promotion libraries of the Samara region. Literary programs and educational events of various formats have been prepared. The works chosen for reading and discussion were: “My General”, “The Last Cold”, “Broken Doll”, “Music”, “Children’s Library”. Specialists centralized system of children's libraries Literary meetings with the book “Albert Likhanov - Chief Marshal of Childhood”, “I Give My Heart to Children”, a flashbook “I Live and Remember...” based on the novel “Unforgiven” were organized in Samara. Library readers took part in the quiz “Do you know the books of Albert Likhanov?”, a conversation with elements of the raft “Feeling Other People’s Pain”, watched and discussed excerpts from the book and film “The Last Cold”. The book exhibition “Thank you, beloved author” was very popular. "Association of Children's Libraries" The city of Tolyatti joined with dialogue events based on the stories “The Boy Who Doesn’t Hurt”, “My General”, and the literary hour “Taking Care of the Heart of a Child”. The Central Children's Library of Novokuybyshevsk organized an interview on the book by A. Likhanov “My General”. Teen library readers Samara information and library system participated in the reading relay “War Spares No One”, the portrait evening “About the Past for the Future”, a reading conference on the book “My General”, a moral reading lesson “Men’s School”, illustrated the plots of the works they liked. Librarians have prepared a slide magazine “Albert Likhanov - a watchful childhood”, a recommended list of literature “Towards Good Through a Book”, book trailers for the books “Nobody”, “Broken Doll” and “Unforgiven”. The iso-quiz “Everything starts with good” interested readers. Participants chose the portrait of Albert Likhanov from three options for portraits of contemporary writers; from three quotes the words of Albert Likhanov were determined; Choose a writer's book from three photographs of book covers. In the literary tests, participants were supported by books in a specially designed exhibition. Libraries in Syzran and municipal districts Syzransky, Volzhsky, Krasnoyarsk, Bolsheglunitsky, Stavropol, Koshkinsky, Pokhvistnevsky, Kinelsky Elkhovsky and others organized a series of educational events: a literary portrait “I would like to be heard as a child”, an opening lesson “The General of Our Childhood”, an hour of reflection “Life is like music”, thoughtful reading lessons, readers’ conferences, a literary and musical lounge “Albert Likhanov - a note of fate” , a lesson-reflection “The main thing is to do good” based on the novel “My General”, after discussing the books, readers compiled a “Bouquet of Good Deeds”. “2016 seconds we read the books of Albert Likhanov” - a loud reading of the novel “My General” in the fresh air was performed by readers from 8 years old to 14 years old in the village of Sultangulovo. The story “The Last Cold” became a real discovery for readers; they saw the war through the eyes of children - the heroes of the book. Teenagers rethought the meaning of the concepts of “shame,” “conscience,” “selflessness,” “selflessness,” and “goodwill.” The film “My General,” based on the work of the same name, also helped readers unravel the “military secret” of the general. Presentations have been prepared for the events: “I give you a piece of warmth”, “Chief Marshal of Childhood”, “Albert Likhanov - a writer for all times”, book exhibitions - “Books for educating the soul”, “Knight of the Soul”, “Memory of Feelings”, “About a loved one” and dear”, Books about truth, honesty and victories”, “Read and think”, the booklet “Particles of Kindness of Albert Likhanov” was published, the bibliographic bookmark “No longer children, not yet adults”.

During the days of the Action, readers of Russian libraries “immersed” themselves in the world of the writer’s works and talked a lot about the author’s contribution to modern fiction, about his caring attitude towards those living on earth, especially children, the weak, the sick and the disadvantaged. Experts noted that for many children, acquaintance with the writer’s work was a discovery, and therefore in future work it is important to popularize the highly moral works of Albert Likhanov.

Regional stage of the action“Reading the books of Albert Likhanov” started at the Belgorod State Children's Library of A. A. Likhanov.

Participants of the Action - 2016 read excerpts from the works of Albert Likhanov, combined common theme- family. About loving parents and grandmother's pies, about a heroic grandfather, true friends and the first teacher, but also about family problems, acute conflicts, overcoming one's weaknesses, delusions, sorrows, and the desire for harmony and hope for a better future. A video has been prepared with the participation of library readers and Belgorod students state institute arts and culture. On November 9, the library hosted a “live” meeting of the writer with children and a presentation of the video campaign.

Specialized children's and public libraries Belgorod region organized cycles of discussion and educational events. The main theme was family values. During the literary events based on the writer’s work, complex themes of wartime childhood, orphanhood, family relationships, and adolescence were touched upon.

In the Central Children's Library of the MBUK "CBS No. 1" of the Gubkinsky urban district, a lesson-presentation "Pure Pebbles of Childhood" was held, a problematic conversation on the topic "Family dramas in the works of A. Likhanov" opened for teenagers the novels and stories "Labyrinth", "Deception", “Good Intentions”, “Calvary”, “The Ultimate Measure” and others. The guys watched a book trailer based on the novel “Nobody,” which explores the theme of orphanhood. At the end of the event, the children took books to read at home from the book exhibition “Defender of Disadvantaged Childhood Albert Likhanov.” The children's library branch No. 6 hosted a reading conference “What are you doing, adults?” based on the book " Solar eclipse“, young readers of branch library No. 5 met with the author’s works at the “Writer’s World” exhibition. The reading conference “Talent for Humanity” and the literary meeting “Serious Reading for a Serious Writer” were organized in children's libraries in the Belgorod region. The Central Children's Library of the Municipal Educational Institution "Central Library of the Rakityansky District" held a commented reading "Dedicated to my beloved teacher..." based on the story "Kresna", a conversation "About the most important thing in life: about honesty, about justice, about compassion..." took place in the Proletarian Children's Library, recommendation booklets “Books that help you live” were published in the Sakhzavod Model Library. Readers' conferences were held in the Chernyansk regional children's library on the book “My General”, in the central children's library of the MKUK “Korochanskaya Central District Hospital” named after. N.S. Sokhanskaya (Kokhanovskaya) “Children without childhood” based on the book “Good Intentions”, readers of the central children's library of the MKUK “Central Bank of the Novooskolsky District” discussed the book “Circus Circus Performers”. In the Urazovsky model children's library, a testing ground for opinions “We are given life for good deeds” was held for readers of secondary school age. Previously, for a month, the children read the works of Albert Likhanov. According to the children, of all the works they read, the story “The Last Cold” was chosen for discussion. Readers of the children's libraries of the Central Bank of the Yakovlevsky District participated in the literary mosaic “Master of Good Deeds”, read and discussed the stories “George from Dinky Jazz”, “Kikimora”, and the exhibition “Lessons of Likhanov - Lessons of Our Life” was held. Presentations of a new story from the series “Russian Boys” - “Fulyugan from the High Road” - took place in many libraries. Creative portraits and thematic literary hours have been prepared: “I come from childhood”, “A. Likhanov’s Childhood Country” - in the Grayvoronsky district children’s library and district libraries; portrait in the literary interior “Let the world around me be kind” - in the city library No. 1 of Shebekino; “There are values ​​that have no price...”, “Everything starts with good” - in the libraries of the MKUK “Central Bank of the Novooskolsky District”; “By reading, we become kinder”, “Towards goodness through a book” in the libraries of the MKUK “Central Bank of Ivnyansky District”. The literary and cinematic hour “Good Intentions: Turning Through the Pages, Reviewing the Film” was held in the central children's library of the Krasnogvardeisky District Central Children's Library.

Specialists of children's libraries of the MKUK "Stary Oskol Central Library" invited teenage readers to moral lessons: "The High Gift of Kindness", "A Writer for a Small Person with a Capital Letter", a video lesson "Kindness" about parents-educators Tatyana and Mikhail Sorokin. In children's library No. 13, after reading the story “Solar Eclipse,” young readers at a master class made their own bookmarks in the shape of a white dove as a symbol of peace. Information hours were held about A. Likhanov as public figure and the work of the Russian Children's Fund: legal watches “Russian Children's Fund and A. Likhanov”, “Keeping the light of childhood in the soul” - in the central children's library named after. A. Gaidar MBUK "CBS of Belgorod"; “In the name of truth and goodness” - in the central children's library of the MKUK "Central Bank of the Volokonovsky district", "Life is given for good deeds" - in the central children's library of the MKUK "Central Library of the Prokhorovsky district".

Each library event of the Action was accompanied by book exhibitions and slide reviews, presentations and book trailers, and media resources were created. Specialists from the Central Children's Library of the Central Bank of the Rovensky District created and posted on the website an interactive test quiz “Don’t rush to part with childhood...”.

The book trailer based on the book “Kresna” was prepared by members of the “Interneshk@” club of the central regional children's library of the Shebekinskaya Central District Hospital. During the Action, the personality and work of the writer were revealed by book exhibitions: “Books that protect childhood”, “Albert Likhanov and his time”, “Field of Albert Likhanov’s works”, “Servant and guardian of childhood”, “The world of a teenager in the work of A. Likhanov”, “A. Likhanov’s books are a reflection of life,” “The writer’s word, bringing light and goodness to people.”

"Theater is a miracle, theater is a fairy tale"

We present to your attention a selection of books for the Year of Theatre.

We present to your attention a selection of books about kindness, about kind and brave deeds, about mutual assistance, about helping others.

"Everything on earth is from mother's hands"

We present to your attention a selection of books on pedagogy about raising children.

"Meet the flocks of birds with love"

We present to your attention a selection interesting books about our feathered friends.

"Poetry of printed lines - Nature's inspiration"

2017 in Russia has been declared the Year of Ecology. We invite you to take part in the book event.

"Happy Birthday Santa Claus"

“Komi mu kuzya me muna: writers of the Komi Republic for children”

Children's books are a great way to learn about the world and yourself. We present to your attention a selection of interesting books by Komi writers and poets who write for children and about children.

From book pages to the big screen

2016 has been declared the Year of Russian Cinema. We invite you to take part in the regional book campaign “Book on Screen” and once again read or re-read the “filmed” books. Perhaps these will be books you know that were brilliantly transferred to the big screen, or maybe not so well-known, but no less interesting. You will plunge into the magical world of the book and meet your favorite characters.

Are there any children who are not interested in space? It captures the imagination, attracts with many unexplored corners, and seems full of mysteries and secrets. We present to you a review of books about space and astronauts, for everyone who is not indifferent to the topic of space exploration, who is interested in the role of Russia in world astronautics. The list includes both scientific and children's books about space.

Virtual exhibition "Me and the Right"

Even the smallest citizen Great country must know his fundamental rights and freedoms, learn to protect them and defend them correctly. And, of course, do not forget about your responsibilities.

Virtual exhibition "We owe all the best to our teachers"

“Teacher... We often say this word, but we don’t think about what a huge role the Teacher plays in our lives. It’s hard to imagine how much effort, work, soul, and patience teachers put into each of their students so that they grow from little girls and boys into successful, happy people.” We bring to your attention a selection of books about school and teachers.

Virtual exhibition"The candle of memory does not go out"

You can only remember what you know. If we read books about the war, we will have something to remember. After all, through books, memory and respect for the feat that our grandparents accomplished is transmitted. Everyone needs to read books about war in order to understand how happy we are simply because we have not experienced the horrors of war ourselves. Because we must know at what price the world in which we live is paid. Read books about the war so that no one can deceive you by telling tales and nasty things about people who were able to defeat fascism. To understand who the real heroes are and who are traitors.

Virtual exhibition "Murkin's stories".

The love for cats all over the world turned out to be so great that their owners simply could not do without a special holiday for their pets. On March 1 of every year, everyone who cares celebrates Cat Day. Cats were, are and remain the most mysterious animals tamed by humans. For all lovers of these affectionate, lazy, graceful and incredibly charming creatures, we present a selection of interesting books about cats.

Virtual exhibition "Tales of the Russian Forest".

Fairy tales accompany a person throughout his life: as children, we heard them from our mothers and grandmothers; as we grew up, we ourselves began to read them to our children. This was our first book, which contained all the most wonderful, inexplicable, funny, and sometimes scary.