Rusachok Zakhoder is my impression of the main characters. Encyclopedia of Fairytale Heroes: Zakhoder B. "The Little Mermaid". Debt repayment methods

Hardcover, offset paper
Dimensions 265x205x10 mm

Boris Zakhoder wrote not only wonderful children's poems, translated "Winnie the Pooh" and English poetry. He also wrote wonderful fairy tales in prose. This unusual collection includes the fairy tales "The Little Mermaid" and "The Gray Star", as well as interesting and instructive stories based on folk tales.
He is also notable for his drawings. Viktor Chizhikov . But Chizhikov is special here, not as bright as we are used to seeing him. Illustrations in restrained, muted colors - fog and silence.
Here is what the author wrote in the preface to the cycle “Tales for People”: “ Strange name, you might say. Aren't all fairy tales for people? So it is. But these tales are told by the animals themselves, and they are told to people. All people - both adults and children. After all, animals have great respect for people, they believe that they are stronger and smarter than everyone in the world. And they want people to treat them well. To be kinder to them. And they hope that when people get to know them better, they will become kinder to them. It is then that the animals tell about their lives, about their joys and sorrows, about their funny adventures ... They tell not fairy tales, but the pure truth. But there are so many secrets and miracles in their lives that these true stories may seem like fairy tales to many people ...

Year of writing: 1967

Genre of work: fairy tale

Main characters: Rusachek- bunny, frog- former tadpole, Beasts- the inhabitants of the forest.


Rusachek was friends with Tadpole. But one day, the hare could not find a comrade. He turned into a frog. He told Rusachka who he was and that he had changed because he had grown. This is how fish grow from eggs. The bunny ran to his mother and asked who he would become. But the answer turned out to be boring, that he would be, like dad, a big, beautiful hare. This did not suit him, so he began to look for someone to turn into. The capercaillie didn't fit. He does not hear anyone, and the hunter can threaten. The squirrel lives on a tree, and it's not a hare's business to climb trees. Preparing food for the winter did not go into Rusachok's plans. The mice were afraid of others, the Foxes offended the animals, and the Bear most spends time in the den. I liked only the Elk, but it’s not easy for them to become, it takes a long time to grow. Rusachek, having finished his wanderings, went to the Tadpole. But the friend did not recognize the visitor. After all, he became a big, beautiful Hare-Rusak. This greatly pleased the hero.

Conclusion (my opinion)

The bunny thought he was a weak animal. But it turned out that this was not the case. Each animal is busy with important work and feels comfortable. It is important to appreciate the place where you are. Away from home is not necessarily better.

Once upon a time there was a little bunny named Rusachok, and he had a familiar Tadpole.

The bunny lived on the edge of the forest, and the Tadpole lived in the pond.

Sometimes they meet - the Tadpole wags its tail, the Little Mermaid drums with its paws.

Little Mermaid to him - about carrots, and Tadpole - about algae. Fun!

Here somehow the Little Mermaid comes to the pond - look, look, but the Tadpole is not there. How to sink into the water!

And on the shore some frog sits.

Hey, Frog, - says the Little Rusachok, - have you seen my friend Tadpole?

No, I didn’t see it, - the Frog answers, and he laughs: - Hwa-hwa-hwa!

Why are you laughing, - Rusachok was offended, - my friend has disappeared, and you are laughing! Oh you!

Yes, not me "eh", - says the Frog, - but you "eh"! You don't know yours! This is what I am!

What does me mean? - Rusachok was surprised.

I am your friend Tadpole!

You? - Rusachok was even more surprised. - It can't be! The Tadpole even had a tail, but what about you? You don't even look like one!

You never know what doesn’t look like it, replies the Frog, but it’s me anyway! I just grew up - and turned into a Frog. It always happens!

That's the thing, - says Rusachok. - Always, you say, it happens?

Of course, always! Everything is like this: as they grow, so they will turn! From a worm - a mosquito or a beetle will turn out there, from an egg - a fish, and from a Tadpole - a well-known thing - a Frog! There are even verses like this:

The tadpoles are in a hurry

Turn into frogs!

Well, here Rusachok finally believed him.

Thank you for saying, he says. - There is something to think about!

And they parted ways.

Rusachok came home and asked his mother:

Mom! Will I grow up soon?

Soon, soon, son, says mom. - As the leaves turn yellow - you will be big! We rabbits are growing fast!

Who will I become?

What does it mean - who will I turn into? Mom didn't understand.

So what will I be when I grow up?

Of course, by whom, - mom answers, - you will become a big, beautiful hare, like your dad!

Like Dad? Well, we'll see about that! - said Rusachok.

And he ran, went to see who he could turn into.

“I’ll look,” he thinks, “at everyone who lives in the forest: whoever I like more, I’ll become!”

Small but smart! He walks through the forest, and all around the birds sing.

“Eh,” the Little Mermaid thinks, “but shouldn’t I become a bird too? I will fly myself and sing songs! I really love to sing, but we hares sing very quietly - no one hears!

As soon as he thought this, he sees: a bird is sitting on a branch. A wonderful bird: bigger than a hare, black feathers, red eyebrows and sings wonderfully:

Boo Boo Boo! Chufy-chufy!

Aunty bird! Rusak screams. - What is your name?

Chufy-chufy! - Capercaillie answers (that's what he was).

Uncle Chufyk, how can I become a bird?

Chufy-chufy! - Capercaillie answers.

I want to turn into a bird, - Rusachok explains.

And he is all his own:

Boo Boo Boo! Chufy-chufy.

"He doesn't hear, does he?" - thought the Little Mermaid, and as soon as he was about to come closer, he hears: top-top, top-top!

Hunter! Save yourself, uncle Chufyk! - shouted the Little Rusachok and barely had time to hide in the bushes, suddenly the gun would rattle like: bang! Bach!

Rusachok looked out: the air is full of smoke, feathers fly - the Hunter snatched half of the tail from the Capercaillie ... Here's a chufyk for you!

“No,” the Rusachok thinks, “I won’t be a Glukhar: he sings well, loudly, but he doesn’t hear anyone; here it won’t take long to lose the tail ... Our business is to keep the ears on the top of the head!”

One, two, three, four, five -
Went for a walk Hunter!
Suddenly the Bunny runs out
And let's shoot him!
Pif! Puff! Oh oh oh!
My hunter has escaped!
I sang - my heart became more cheerful.
He sees - Squirrel jumps from branch to branch.

“He jumps great,” Rusachok thinks, “no worse than me! Why don't I become Belka?

Squirrel, Squirrel, - says, - come here!

Squirrel jumped to the lowest branch.

Hello, Rusachok, - he says, - what do you want?

Tell me, please, how do you, squirrels, live, - the Rusachok asks, - otherwise I decided to become a Squirrel!

Well, it's a good thing, says Belka. - We live perfectly: we jump from branch to branch, we peel cones, we gnaw nuts. There are only a lot of worries: arrange a nest, collect a supply for the winter - mushrooms and nuts ... Well, nothing, when you get used to it! Climb a tree - I'll teach you all the squirrel science!

The Little Mermaid came up to the tree, and he himself thinks: “There are some worries ... We, hares, live without worries, we don’t build nests, we don’t dig holes ...”

He climbed a tree, but his head was spinning ...

No, - he says, - I don’t want to be a Squirrel! It's none of our business to climb trees!

Squirrel laughed, clattered, and threw a bump at him. Thanks, didn't get it.

The Rusachok looked at them.

Suddenly - what is it: they all ran headlong away.

A fox! A fox! - they shout.

And rightly so, the godfather Fox is coming: a red coat, a white chest, ears on top, a log tail. The beauty!

“Really,” Rusachok thinks, “they were afraid of her, so beautiful! Can not be!"

He came out boldly, bowed and said:

Hello little fox! May I ask you one thing?

Look how brave! Lisa was surprised. - Well, ask, just live, otherwise I have a short conversation with your brother!

And I'm short. Teach me how to become a Fox? Tell me how you live? I liked you very much!

Lisa is flattered.

Well, - he says, - I usually live: whom I catch - I will crush, whom I will crush - I will eat it! That's all science!

Oh, how scared the Rusachka became! But he didn’t show it - he only cuts his ears.

Here, - he says, - why everyone is afraid of you! No, I will not become a Fox - it is not our business to offend others!

And it’s good, - says the Fox, - otherwise, if the hares become foxes, who will we, foxes, eat?

And at the very eyes they are burning, she bared her teeth: now she will jump - and goodbye, Rusachok!

Only Rusachok didn’t even listen to her: as soon as she starts, remember her name! She runs, and says to herself: “Look what you thought up! There are live hares! This means: if I become a Fox, I must eat myself! Well well!"

Rusachok ran through the forest for a long time. I saw all the animals. He liked everything, except for the Wolf - he is even angrier than the Fox. Yes, but not entirely. I wanted to become a mouse - but it was painfully small and my ears were short; wanted a Hedgehog - yes it was painfully prickly, no one would stroke him, and a hare - he loves affection; Beaver wanted - yes, it is painfully wet in the river ...

He was about to become a Bear: the Bear told him that he eats honey, and honey, they say, is even sweeter than carrots, but the Rusachok did not want to sleep in a den in winter, suck his paw.

We, he says, cannot do that. Our job is to run.

Run-run - ran to the forest swamp. Yes, it froze. There is a beast - all the beasts are a beast: he is big, big, bigger than the Bear, his legs are long, his ears are no worse than those of a hare, and as many as two pairs! And the eyes are kind, kind. It is worth it - it nibbles grass, it gnaws on an aspen branch. How Rusachka liked him - it's impossible to say!

He bowed low to the beast.

Hello, uncle, - he says, - what is your name-dignify?

Hello. Rusachok, - says the giant, - call me Elk Elk.

And why do you, uncle, have two pairs of ears?

Elk Elk laughed.

This, - he says, - you, apparently, took my horns by the ears!

Why do you need horns?

Defend yourself from the enemy, says Elk. - From the wolf there or from someone else.

Oh how great! Rusachok says. - And how do you, moose, live?

We live normally: we gnaw branches, we pinch grass.

Do you eat carrots?

We also eat carrots, if we get them.

Do you eat other animals?

God be with you, says Elk. - What did you think!

Here the Elk liked the Little Mermaid even more.

“I will become Elk,” he thinks.

Don't you climb trees? - asks.

What are you! Why is this?

Do you run fast?

Nothing, I'm not complaining, - Elk Elk laughs.

And in the winter you don’t sleep in a den, don’t you suck your paw?

What am I - a Bear, or what? Elk snorted.

Well, here Rusachok completely decided to become Elk.

But just in case, I decided to ask one more thing:

Is it possible to become Elk soon?

Well, - says Elk Elk, - soon: you need to grow up for five or six years - and there will be a real Elk Elk from Elk!

How upset Rusachok was here - he almost cried!

No, - he says, - it's not our business - to grow for five years! Goodbye, Uncle Elk! Nothing comes out for me...

Farewell, baby, says Elk Elk. - Do not be sad!

And Rusachok ran home. I ran to a familiar pond - yellow leaves float in the pond, and the Frog sits on a large leaf. He grew up, of course. Perhaps you can call him a Frog, but Rusachok recognized him right away anyway.

Hello, - shouts, - the former Tadpole!

He found out, but the Frog, apparently, did not: he was frightened and dived into the water.

Rusachok was surprised. "What is he?" - thinks.

The Frog leaned out of the water and said:

Oh you! Why do you scare people?

Yes, not me "eh", but you "eh"! Rusachok laughed. - Why don't you, former Tadpole, recognize your own? It's me!

What does me mean? - the Frog was surprised.

Well, I'm your friend Rusachok.

Like this, says the Frog. - What kind of Rusachok are you? You are the real Hare-Rusak! And dived.

Rusachok looked into the water when the circles calmed down.

He sees - and it's true: he became a big, beautiful Hare. Just like dad: fluffy fur, strong paws, big eyes, and ears - neither in a fairy tale to say, nor to describe with a pen!

And he drummed with his paws. From happiness.

Securing a loan with collateral is considered beneficial for both parties to the transaction.

For the lender

The bank receives a significant guarantee in the event of a client's insolvency. In order to return its funds, the creditor has the right to sell the provided collateral property. From the proceeds, he takes the money put to him, and returns the rest to the client.

For the borrower

For the borrower, there are both positive and negative sides of the transaction with the pledge of property. The advantages include:

  • obtaining the maximum possible loan amount;
  • obtaining a loan for a long period of time;
  • lending money at a reduced interest rate.

At the same time, the client must remember that if it is impossible to repay the borrowed funds, he will lose his car. Sovcombank usually provides a loan secured by a car for a long period. During this time, various unforeseen circumstances may occur. Therefore, before pledging a vehicle, you should weigh your financial capabilities.

It is because of this that pledging an apartment does not always look tempting, but providing your vehicle as additional security for a bank loan is a more thoughtful and less risky business.

Sovcombank has been operating in Russia for over 25 years and is a major banking institution, which increases its reliability in the eyes of potential customers. It offers individuals big variety credit products, including among consumer loans there is a loan secured by personal transport. This loan has its own characteristics.

Maximum amount

Sovcombank issues a maximum amount of 1 million rubles to the client on the security of his car. Money is provided only in Russian currency.

Loan terms

Sovcombank gives a loan secured by a car for no more than 5 years. In this case, the client has the right to take advantage of early repayment of the loan without applying any penalties to it.

Interest rate

If the borrowed funds for the purposes specified in the agreement exceed 80%, then the rate offered is 16.9%. If the amount of the loan received for a specific purpose is less than 80%, then the rate is increased and amounts to 21.9%.

If a citizen has a salary card in the bank, then the loan rate can be reduced by 5 points.

When concluding the proposed insolvency insurance contract, the borrower can receive a loan with an interest rate of 4.86%. At smallest size the loan taken by the client and the minimum term for concluding the agreement, the bank will offer a lower annual interest rate.

Such an insurance amount is paid once a year and is a salvation in the event of financial difficulties for the client.

Requirements for the borrower

A loan is provided for individuals on the following loyal terms.

  1. Age. The client of the bank applying for the loan must be older than 20 and younger than 85 at the time of repayment of the last loan installment.
  2. Citizenship. The potential borrower must be a citizen of Russia.
  3. Employment. At the time of conclusion of the loan agreement, the client must be employed. Moreover, the experience last place work must be more than 4 months.
  4. Registration. An individual can apply for a loan only if he is registered at the location of the bank's office branch. The distance from the place of residence to the nearest office should not exceed 70 km.
  5. Telephone. An important requirement is the presence of a fixed telephone number. It can be both home and work.

A vehicle pledged to a bank must meet certain conditions.

  1. No more than 19 years must have elapsed from the date of manufacture of the car at the date of conclusion of the contract.
  2. The car must be on the move, in good condition.
  3. The pledged vehicle must be free from other pledge obligations. The vehicle cannot have a double deposit.
  4. At the time of signing the contract, the car should not be a participant in the car loan program.

Required documents

Before signing an agreement with the bank, the client collects the documents required for this transaction. Moreover, both papers related directly to the borrower and documentation for the pledged vehicle will be needed.

For an individual

The borrower must provide a list of the following securities regarding himself:

  • Russian passport and its copy;
  • SNILS or driver's license (at the choice of the client);
  • certificate of income, completed in the form of a banking institution. It indicates the amount of earnings for at least the last 4 months, taking into account all deductions, that is, income in a “net” form. The document must be endorsed by the head of the enterprise, the seal of the organization is affixed to it.
  • notarial consent of the spouse. If it is issued as a guarantor, then it is additionally necessary to conclude an agreement, which specifies all the obligations of the person giving the guarantee regarding the loan received.

For a legal entity

To provide a loan to a legal entity, a significantly larger number of documents will be required. Conventionally, they can be divided into 3 groups.

  1. Constituent. These include the Articles of Association, documents of appointment CEO, chief accountant.
  2. Financial. This package of documents includes papers on registration with the Unified State Register of Legal Entities, certificates of the status of the current account.
  3. Are common. Documents on the activities of a legal entity, its partners, the main types of contracts.

Property documents

The following documents are required for the car:

  • vehicle passport;
  • certificate of registration;
  • OSAGO insurance policy.

You can apply for a car loan in several stages.

  1. Before concluding an agreement, you should determine the purpose of obtaining borrowed funds and weigh your financial capabilities.
  2. Applying for a loan. This can be done at the Sovcombank office or on the official website online (
  3. Collection of documents for the client and the car.
  4. After receiving the consent of the bank to apply for a loan, you must come with all the papers to the nearest branch.
  5. The conclusion of the loan agreement and the signing of the mortgage on the car. Registration of these documents in Rosreestr.
  6. Transfer of money by the bank to the account specified by the client.

Debt repayment methods

After receiving a loan, its timely repayment is considered an equally important issue, so it is important to clarify the possible ways.

  1. You can pay the loan amount at any Sovcombank office through an operator or through a terminal or ATM of this banking institution.
  2. If the client has personal account Sovcombank, he will be able to repay his loan obligations with the convenience of not leaving his home.
  3. In any branch of the Russian Post, the client can make a money transfer by indicating the details of the bank account.
  4. You can pay the amount of the debt through ATMs of other banks. Please note that in this case a fee will be charged.