Entertaining speech therapy. Defectology. Tongue Twisters. Pure talk. Speech therapy poems, rhymes, games, exercises. Difficult letters. Speech development. Children's page. speech therapy poems (continued) Speech therapy poems for children 4 5

10 conditions for success

Before you start teaching useful poems to your child, you need to remember 10 rules that will help you cope with the task. Communication with a child has its own characteristics, and only those parents who readily acquire the necessary knowledge can give a child good speech. The first classes should take no more than 2-3 minutes. Gradually increase the duration of the lesson (maximum - up to 15-20 minutes). Number of classes – 2-3 times a day. Experts advise doing them after breakfast and after a nap. Practice little by little, but often - doing the same exercise builds a skill. To prevent your child from losing interest in the rhyme, you can slightly change the text. Teach your child in a specially designated place where there are no distractions, support your explanations with visual material and your own example. Game form classes are required. To interest your child, use facial expressions, gestures (show how a crow flies, how a cat washes itself), jokes, laughter, thematic lessons (about the seasons, animals, weather, etc.). By and large, any rhyme can be turned into a speech therapy chant. If the child himself remembers some of the exercises, support his initiative. Praise the student even for small achievements. Focus on what your child does right rather than on mistakes. Be an ally to the little family member. If he stubbornly fails at something, smile and together find out “why his tongue is so naughty” and how to fix it. Don't force your child to study. Cancel the lesson if your son or daughter is not feeling well enough. And if the desire to learn has disappeared, find the reason for the loss of interest and eliminate it. Don't be discouraged if you don't see results. Talk to a speech therapist to understand what your problem is.

"Healing" poems

The following speech therapy rhymes are suitable for children 4-5 years old.
Hedgehog with a hedgehog and a hedgehog Picking blackberries.
The red-sided fox also wants to profit.
The godfather thought: Hedgehogs have a lot of needles!

Rain, no rain, no rain,
Rain, rain, wait.
Let the gray-haired grandfather reach home.

The lazy red cat lay on his stomach.
I want to eat, but I’m too lazy to toss and turn.
Here he lies and waits - maybe the bowl will crawl?..

The broom swept the floor,
Broom is very tired
He sneezed, he yawned,
And he quietly lay down under the chair.

Once upon a time a centipede
Invited to lunch.
Bugs, insects, midges are waiting,
And she’s still not there.
Finally the centipede appeared at the table.
- I was a little late, I barely crawled.
After all, such bad luck, How can I not be late?
There is a notice at the entrance: “Please wipe your feet!”

- Kra! - the crow screams. - Theft! Guard! Robbery! The missing!
The thief sneaked in early in the morning! He stole the brooch from his pocket!
Pencil! Cardboard! Traffic jam! And a beautiful box!
- Stop, crow, don’t scream! Don't shout, be quiet!
You can't live without deception! You don't have a pocket!
- How! - The crow jumped and blinked in surprise.
- Why didn’t you tell me before?! Carraul! Karrrman was stolen!

A bug fell into Cheburashka's cup,
Good Cheburashka pulled out a bug,
I put the bug on a piece of paper to dry.
The bug has dried up
Got up from the piece of paper
And I screwed up again
In a cup for Cheburashka.


Required letter "P"

The letter " R"we teach together,
The letter " R"It is very necessary to know
To be correct, five
Name R some say:

(I. Ageeva)

Letter "R"

In the letter " R» lives R Russia,
R eki, R oh, R aketode R oh,
R uki mate R And R alone
AND R our parents' house,
AND R the yabinoness of July,
AND R aspens, and R assvet.
Letter " R» - R anenya with a bullet,
What do you have R grandfather wears it.
R woke me up R O R Elsy.
R the distance and shi were blown away R b.
R mustachioed vete R rushes forward R I'm fucking
By R Avnina. You breathe
R Russian air unit R wow
AND R bow to the daisies!
Started with this letter
Our R alone and life.

Knight (R - L)
(Patter poem)

In battle the knight's armor became weak,
And the knight put patches on his armor,
Yes, right in patched armor with flowers
I came on a date with my beloved lady.

And the lady looked at the knight proudly,
She grabbed the flowers and answered proudly:
- I don’t need a knight with a big patch!
But I need a knight with a big salary!
(G. Dyadina)

Tiger cub at the speech therapist (R - L)

Tiger cub to speech therapist
Came to the reception
And he, apparently out of fear,
Hid under the table:
Still would! Whole tiger
And he has a hundred teeth!
And there are a lot of claws:
There must be a hundred too!

What a disaster!
And the tiger almost cries:

I'm a doctor of these needles
I really don't like it.
I'm a crucible, a crucible, a crucible,
I don't talk.
And no one tells me
What is worse than the sound...
I don't want to spill it.
I'd rather howl

Speech therapist from under the table:
I V-v-you very la... la... la...
That is, I am very glad to see you!
I love talking to tiger cubs!

(E. Evseeva)

Trouble (R)

They're robbing
Where are the guards?

What was stolen?
Two feathers,
Since morning…
Did you steal?
We didn't take it!

It's me
Rook cry
In our language.
(A. Shibaev)

Four little devils (H)

Four little black little imps
They drew a drawing in black ink:
Black are the stockings, the watch, the closet and the dog,
And the damn grandfather looks like a scarecrow.
In an hour, the grandchildren soiled the entire dacha,
And a kettle with cups, and a grandmother to boot.
(A. Usachev)

Bow (H)

The bow broke
The cricket has a twig.
On the stove, in the stove
And chock - silence.

The hut hid.
What will happen? What will happen?
Who's the new bow?
Will he get it for cricket?

But the brownie himself
For poor cricket
I made a bow,
Contrived, out of a bitch.
(V. Bakhrevsky)

In spring (H, W)

The sun whispers to a leaf:
- Don’t be timid, my dear!
And takes it from the kidney
For the green forelock.
(V. Orlov)

Grove and Thicket (H, Shch)

The Grove More Often said in the summer:
"You dress garishly."
“And so be it,” said the Thicket to the Grove. –
When winter comes, I’ll dress more simply.”
(Renata Mukha)

Letter "H"

Insects have the letter "H"
You will find it in crickets and locusts;
Grasshopper, butterfly, bee -
Oddly enough, “H” is cute to everyone!
(M. Yasnov)


I wandered more often, grumbling,
I could barely drag my feet.

Met in this thicket
With a real sorcerer.

The sorcerer poured from the vat
Magic tea in two glasses.

I accidentally drank tea
And now I walk around, I miss it.

True, no longer grumbling,
And clattering hooves.
(A. Ignatova)

Hide and seek (Sh, Sh)

Masha is looking for a cat
The cat is looking for a bowl
Misha is looking for dad
Dad is looking for a hat.
(E. Serova)

Lynx (W)

Spotted, fluffy,
Brushes on the ears.
She has an inaudible
Like a cat's step.
(L. Preobrazhenskaya)

Hissing Lessons (Sh)

Everyone has singing lessons,

And snakes have hisses.

I ask you to hiss:

"Shi-shi-shi" and "shu-shu-shu."

"Shu-shu-shu" and "shi-shi-shi" -

Repeat, kids.

Higher, higher, don't be false!

Did you hiss?

Write it down!

(A. Usachev)

Pear under pear (W, R)

Pear, little girl,
The pear tree was shaking.
From pear to pear hail,
Pear is happy with pears.
(S. Pogorelovsky)

Yogurt (W, R)

They gave curdled milk to Klasha -
Klasha is dissatisfied:
- I don’t want sour milk,
Just give me some porridge.

Dali instead of yogurt
Our Klasha porridge.
- I don’t just want porridge,
So - without sour milk.

Dali along with curdled milk
Porridge Klash ours.
Ate, ate Klasha porridge
Along with curdled milk.

And she ate and got up,
She said thank you.

(E. Blaginina)

Bird's dinner (W, R)

At the magpie and the crow
There's pasta in the frying pan!
At the little sparrow Eroshka
There are peas on the path.
(I. Sinitsyna)

Bumblebee (SH)

The bumblebee is buzzing
Over the lush porridge,
Moving the grass finely.
The porridge will turn pink
Sweet porridge
For the bumblebee.
(L. Yakhnin)

Hat (W)

Shura sewed a hat for school.
Shura wore a hat and went to school.
The hat is made from chinchilla.
Shura is good in a hat.

(A. Leontienko)

Appeal to the cat (Ш)

The mouse is not chubby
Don't eat it, stupid!

Machine (W)

Machine Machine
Painted by Masha.
(E. Krasnorutsky)

What did the pencil say (Sh)

Pencil, are you sad?
Was big, but became a baby?!
But my artist
There was a baby, but he became big!
(S. Pogorelovsky)

Forest rustles (Ш, Ш)

The pine tree whispers to the children,
To the naughty pine cones:
“Hush, bigwigs, don’t be naughty!
Don't make noise, sleep better.
The wind is blowing over the peaks,
The wind roams through the hollows,
The wind whistles and makes noise,
Looking for the wind, who does not sleep.
The wind seeks out the disobedient.
Quiet, children. Sleep, children."
The cones close their eyes,
The cones quickly fall asleep.
The breeze is near them
He rustled... and then fell silent.
(A. Alexandrov)

Goldfinch (Shch, Shch, C)

The goldfinch sings all day long

In a cage on the window,
He's in his third year now,
And he is afraid of cats.

But Masha is not afraid
No cat, no goldfinch.
She gave the goldfinch something to drink,
And she chased the cat away.
(A. Barto)

Sunny (Sch - Ch)

The sun looked through
Hanging fiery

(Y. Kozlovsky)

Needles (W – F)

The hedgehog has needles
And sharp and prickly,
But they are not for sewing
For a calm life!
(S. Pshenichnykh)

Strict Rhinoceros (R, G)

The rhinoceros is strict with enemies -
There is a severe horn on the nose.
And the enemies are the horn of the rhinoceros
Will meet you strictly at the doorstep.
(E. Veseleva)

Thunder (G, R)

menacing thunder
It thunders, it rumbles,
Hail on the ground
He wants to quit.
(V. Vasina)

Goose is a hero (G, R)

Brave goose goose hero,
For a goose, a goose is a mountain,
The goslings will not be offended,
Look how menacing he looks.
(S. Pshenichnykh)

A Greek was driving across the river (R, G)

Greek rode across the river,
He sees a Greek: there is a cancer in the river.
He stuck the Greek's hand into the river,
Cancer for the hand of a Greek - DAC!

-Who is fighting with me?
The Greek shouted angrily to the crayfish. –
Who are you, a fish or a crab?
And what for the hand of the DAC?

The cancer in the river answered the Greek:
– Don’t put your hands in the river,
Whether you are Turkish or Greek,
Or a Russian person.

People littered
All streams, ponds and rivers:
There is mud from you in the river and darkness... -
This is how cancer answered the Greek.

Don't muddy the water in the river,
So that there is no trouble!
(A. Usachev)

Lessons from Cancer (R)

The fish have a lesson in the river this morning.
Director Cancer is angry and strict.
In the morning he shouts at the fish:
– Write “R” a hundred times in a row.

Ro-sa, re-ka, sailor, hooks,
Ru-chey, ra-whale, fishermen.

And in the third grade, near the snags,
Dictation dictates to Pisces Cancer:

“Native land! Dear river!
You have neither bottom nor edge.
Wide and deep
Our Russian river!

It is more difficult in the senior class of Raku:
The crucian carp and the ruff got into a fight,
The catfish broke Burbot's pencil case.
And Cancer writes in the river journal:

“The gudgeon has no primer -
He arrived for lessons in vain.

The crucian carp's diary got wet -
Sloppy student.

The sturgeon has a notebook of cheese.”
The lesson is over.
(A. Usachev)

What are the rooks screaming about (R)

Whom kar-kar-kar-kartoshina
These are lies, lies, lies, lies,
What a gra-gra-gra-rook!
Don't kra-kra-kra, we didn't steal!
No bra-bra-bra, we didn’t take it!
We don't live by kra-kra-thefts,
Not gra-gra-robbery!

For real, great, great, damn! –
We croak-croak-croak with resentment,
We croak angrily,
Until the evening in the morning -
Become great-great-great-truer
And right, right, right
To the feathered sconce-sconce-brethren
It's time, it's time, it's time!!!
(S. Pogorelovsky)

On Mount Ararat (R)
(Bursty March)

I haven't been able to write the letter "R" since childhood.
And this worried my mother very much:
She used my dad as an example
And I repeated with him from morning to night:

On Mount Ararat
Red grapes are ripening
Ara, ara, Ararat,
Red grapes are ripening.

And happiness passed by,
Liar, alas, my bride -
And we didn't kiss under the moon,
And until dawn they repeated together with her:

On Mount Ararat
Red grapes are ripening
Ara, ara, Ararat,
Red grapes are ripening.

But our son became a consolation for us,
After all, he is there to bring joy to my wife and me,
It wasn’t the word “mother” that he uttered for the first time,
And he said clearly, as if at a parade:

On Mount Ararat
Red grapes are ripening
Ara, ara, Ararat,
Red grapes are ripening.

(S. Osiashvili )

Dive (P)

One more dive
And I caught a fish
(L. Yakhnin)

Invitation (P)

“Kar-r! - the crow screams. - Kar-r!
Put on the samovar, neighbor!
Don't be sorry for the brew!
Accept the gifts!

(O. Alexandrova)


River. Fish. Fisherman.
Cancers. Duckweed. Rakolov.
Groves of murmur. Fontana.
I'm glad to spread the stream.

(Lyuba Grom )

A beetle named Jacques (F)

There lived a Beetle named Jacques.
Jacques sewed a jacket for dad,
Pajamas for mom
For the wife - a jacket,
For my son - a jacket,
For my daughter - a vest,
To granddaughter Zhuchka -
Leather trousers,
Toad Jabot,
And nothing for myself.
(A. Usachev)

Buzzing Poems (F)

I met a Hedgehog in the forest.
The hedgehog lay buzzing in the forest.
I asked the Hedgehog: “Tell me,
Why are you buzzing like that?
The hedgehog said: “I’m not buzzing.”
After dinner I lie down.
I ate a snake for dinner
Maybe he's lying there buzzing.
I told Uzhu: “Tell me,
Why are you buzzing like that?
In response: - I’m not buzzing,
After dinner I lie down.
I ate a toad by the swamp,
Maybe she wants to buzz.
I shout to the toad: - Tell me,
Why are you buzzing like that?
The toad croaked to Uzhu:
– And I’m not buzzing at all.
I swallowed a bug
The beetle is definitely buzzing.
Everyone shouts to the Beetle: - Tell me,
Why are you buzzing like that?
“Well, I’m buzzing,” answered the Beetle. –
I'm waiting for a normal sound...
I always when I'm lying
After dinner, I'm buzzing!

(A. Usachev)

Beetle (W)

I don't buzz when I sit
I don't buzz when I walk
I don't buzz when I'm working,
And I buzz when I'm spinning.

About Toad with her husband (F)

Once upon a time there lived a Toad and her husband.
Every evening by the river
The toads were waiting for dinner
Beetles will come to them.

Toad - in a leather jacket,
With a necklace of acorns.
Her important husband is wearing a vest.
They wait and wait - but there are no guests.

It's a pity Toad and her husband didn't know
What's stranded in the swamp
They're for dinner every night
The Cranes are waiting.
(T. Kryukova)

About Zhora and the snake (F)

Zhora was friends with the snake.
I already lived at Zhora’s house.
The house was protected from robbery,
Lying on the threshold.

Zhora, valuing friendship,
I caught toads, fed snakes,
Like crooks from Zhora
So they ran, trembling.

If only the snake could live without grieving,
Zhora serves as a watchman,
Yes, Zhora’s neighbors
I didn't have enough patience.

How can you live if you're already sick?
Thieves run around screaming
So there's glass in the whole house
Fall out, rattling?!

In general, Zhora, don’t be a grouch,
I took the snake to the zoo,
And in return it’s already on the market
He bought himself a hedgehog.

The hedgehog lived by the rack.
The house was protected from robbery.
In a word, a fairy tale about Zhora
I can continue further...

(A. Eroshin)


I caught a beetle in the garden.
The beetle, buzzing, walked along the path.
Live a little while, beetle, in a box,
Buzz there for now.

The beetle got angry and grumbled:
“I don’t want to lie there, buzzing.
If I lie for a long time -
I'm running out of patience.

Beetles have a different regime!
We, bugs, cannot lie down,
We're going for a walk on a fine day
It’s just terribly expensive!

There is no need to offend the bugs,
You need to live with the bugs on friendly terms,
Respect and adore,
And don’t put them in boxes!”

The beetle has strong armor,
The beetle has a buzzer inside.
I feel a little sorry for the beetle
Release from the box.

But the beetle and I are similar -
The beetle loves walks too!
Well, beetle, live in the garden,
I will come to visit you myself.

(A. Eroshin)

Bumblebee (F, G)

A bumblebee circles over a flowerbed
And buzzes enthusiastically:
W-w-wonderful landscape!
Ju-ju-ju! I enter into the world!
Zhu-zhu-zhu-zhu! Braking!
I'm landing!
I-I really like it here!
I see, I flew for a reason,
W-w-wonderful nectar
We can h-get gas here!

(A. Eroshin)

Wicket complaint (W, L)

I serve you diligently
With iron, complaining, I squeal:
Please, respect me -
Grease rusty grease!
(S. Pogorelovsky)

I will be a polar explorer (F, R)

To us, brave polar explorers,
You're not supposed to catch a cold.
So as not to be afraid of the cold,
Ice cream started to harden me!
(Zaki Nouri)

Swifts (F, R)

Swifts swim in the sky -
Their turns are swift,
Not ghosts, not mirages,
Floors are not scary for them.
(A. Gorskikh)

Rye (F, R)

I go
Along the...
The rye has already turned yellow...
Rain, rye
Don't worry:
Awaiting the harvest
(V. Voskoboynikov)

Stargazer (D)

Star accounting
Lead by an astrologer.
From star to star
And the stars are everywhere!
Here's a star parade
(E. Veseleva.)

Goat and dragonfly (G, R)

Under a bush, closing my eyes,
The Two-Horned Goat is sleeping.
Here is the Goat, opening his eyes,
He sees: a Dragonfly in the sky.
The Goat is upset,
That she is not a Dragonfly!
I also want Two-horned
Circle above the road!
(Tim Sobakin)

Rodent (G - R)

The rodent is lucky:

The rodent gnaws everything ;

And teeth from gnawing

They grow - such luck!

(E. Veseleva)

About Zakhara and Sahara (Z – S, R)

Sugar for Zakhara - from sugar Sugar:
There are sugar mountains of Saharan sand.
Zahara should come to the Sahara more often,
Yes, Sahara is very far from Zakhara.
(S. Pogorelovsky)

Curious Varvara (R, S)

Curious Barabara
Came to the market
And she stuck her nose into everything:
In boots, in sour cream, in lard,
Into the samovar and into turpentine.
(A. Usachev)

Wasp repeller (C)

Don't itch around, wasp -
envious eyes.
Don't sit on our sweetness,
look for another joy.
I'm not afraid of you at all,
but I'm afraid I'll eat it by accident.

Snowfall (C)

It's snowing, it's snowing,
Snow is wandering around the world.
And where does he come from?
And where does it go?
Snowfall, snowfall,
Snow fall.
It's snowing randomly
Like a dream.
Dreams of earth, dreams of heaven
He sees, falling asleep,
White garden, white forest
Falling asleep with snow.
(E. Fargen)

C-counter (C)

Sima ate seven icicles.
Senya ate a hundred icicles.
Sima wheezed for seven Saturdays.
Senya forty Wednesdays sniffled.
(Lyuba Grom )

In the bathroom (F - P)

I got into the bath
AND tile
All covered
Hail drops

(Ya. Kozlovsky)

For what? (H, P - B)

What is water for in the world?

To drink.

Well, what about the cups? For what?

To beat.

(O. Tikhomirov)

Request (S - C)

- Hey, ram, give it to me
White asks
(Ya. Kozlovsky)

Tent (Yo - O, U - Yu)

We're hiking in the morning and dem.
We'll take it with us house.
It's hard to carry a house in your hands,
Let's fold this house into backpack zak.
And when we are in the forest dem,
We'll put it under the pine tree house.
(A. Maslennikova)

Speech therapy poems for kids

We speak correctly and clearly!

Speech therapy poem No. 1

To Cheburashka in a cup

The bug flopped

Good Cheburashka

I pulled out a bug

Put the bug down

Dry on paper.

The bug has dried up

Got up from the piece of paper

And I screwed up again

In a cup for Cheburashka.

📎Sound L
Speech therapy poem No. 2

Moonlight blue

Didn't let the donkey sleep

The donkey sat on a boulder

And he yawned and yawned...

And by chance the donkey suddenly swallowed the moon,

Smiled, sighed -

And he fell asleep peacefully.

📎Sound R
Speech therapy poem No. 3

Angry rats

They chewed the roof

But a red kitten came, the rats ran into the holes

And they were trembling with fear.

Khryusha - piglet

Grunts sleepily:

Oink and grunt! Oink and grunt!

- give me the apricots!

Piggy Pig,

Before you eat,

Take some soap

Wash your face!

📎Sounds S T
Speech therapy poem No. 4

Wandered into our kindergarten

Ten little chickens.

I got them from the street

Speckled chicken.

Sweet little hen, you're on the wrong street,

This is a kindergarten.



📎Alternation of consonants P - B:


📎Alternation of consonants T - D:

📎Speech therapy poem No. 6

We can’t understand Dasha,

After all, Dasha has porridge in her mouth.

But not buckwheat or pilaf -

This is a mess of words!

📎Speech therapy poem No. 7

The letter “R” loves the tiger cub -

He has been growling at her since childhood.

The letter “R” loves fish -

Best of all... is silent.

📎Speech therapy poem No. 8

The letter "R" is our piglet

Grunts loudly from the cradle.

I will be close friends with him -

"R" will help me teach.

📎Speech therapy poem No. 9

For lessons with a speech therapist

I'm already skipping and running:

After all, the teacher is strict

I can show my tongue!

📎Speech therapy poem No. 10

Every officer must

Saying “R” is great!

Otherwise he's a soldier

It won't line up in an even row.

(Commands: “Attention!”, “Equal!”, “Line up!”, Pay off in order!”)

📎Speech therapy poem No. 11

Deputy or singer

Being burry is unbecoming.

Don't give bread to parodists,

Learn to speak clearly.

📎Speech therapy poem No. 12

We sat down in order

We do exercises together,

Not with your feet, not with your hands,

And with their... tongues.

📎Speech therapy poem No. 13

Yesterday's hail

The grapes were damaged.

📎Speech therapy poem No. 14

Radish in okroshka

Seryozhka cuts.

📎Speech therapy poem No. 15

And as a gift from Marina

Three huge tangerines.

📎Speech therapy poem No. 16

The tiger and the lynx are relatives for the pussy,

Turnips, radishes - for radishes.

📎Speech therapy poem No. 17

Arthur in the portrait

In a burgundy beret.

📎Speech therapy poem No. 18

In a rat's hole

Cheese rinds.

📎Speech therapy poem No. 19

Thirty-three huge crayfish,

Everyone is in smart red tailcoats.

📎Speech therapy poem No. 20

Spring rye -

Grain culture.

📎Speech therapy poem No. 21

At the princess's at Arina's

There are three feather beds on the bed.

📎Speech therapy poem No. 22

We congratulated Ira

On the radio.

📎Speech therapy poem No. 23

Cigarettes, cigarettes

For the guys, everyone is banned.

📎Speech therapy poem No. 24

Ice hole in the pond -

I'll come fishing.

📎Speech therapy poem No. 25

Our Borka dived like a beaver,

But Romka used an axe.

📎Speech therapy poem No. 26

Driver early in the morning

He turns the steering wheel.

📎Speech therapy poem No. 27

Curly redhead Yura

Proud of his hair.

📎Speech therapy poem No. 28

Radio constructor

I came up with a loudspeaker.

📎Speech therapy poem No. 29

Warm appeal to the people:

Take care native nature!

📎Speech therapy poem No. 30

Let's come dressed up for the holiday,

Neat and tidy.

📎Speech therapy poem No. 31

Crosswords and charades

We are happy to solve it.

📎Speech therapy poem No. 32

I'm happy to correct

Your own speech apparatus.

📎Speech therapy poem No. 33

Purchased by Arthur

Tour to Europe.

📎Speech therapy poem No. 34

Prokhor and Varvara -

Beautiful couple.

📎Speech therapy poem No. 35

Guaranteed cook in the tavern

Pasta for Ira's side dish.

📎Speech therapy poem No. 36

And in the hands of children

Multi-colored balls.

📎Speech therapy poem No. 37

Star Raven repertoire:

In the morning, in the evening - everything is CARRR!

📎Speech therapy poem No. 38

In our lake Andrey

Thirty caught eels.

Fry, smoke them and cook -

Very tasty eels.

📎Speech therapy poem No. 39

To get the kernel from a nut, (P, C)

You need to crack through its shell.

📎Speech therapy poem No. 40

The beaver gnaws birch trees with his teeth, (R, Z)

As if with sharp incisors.

📎Speech therapy poem No. 41

Pineapples on a pine tree

I saw Sveta in a dream.

📎Speech therapy poem No. 42

📎Speech therapy poem No. 43

The goose took a bath

But he remained dry.

📎Speech therapy poem No. 44

In the garden among the branches

The nightingale whistles.

📎Speech therapy poem No. 45

I tried, I tried -

I signed for the parcel.

📎Speech therapy poem No. 46

From autumn aspen (N, L)

The last leaf fell off.

📎Speech therapy poem No. 47

Observed by the owl

Hourly schedule,

Everything is on schedule,**

By agreement. (According to A. Usachev)

📎Speech therapy poem No. 48

Kolka's sick knee

Lenka treats with a green prick.

📎Speech therapy poem No. 49

Poodle Malvina

I made it out of clay.

📎Speech therapy poem No. 50

I cut the orange into slices

For Alina and for Kolka.

I'll pour it into a cup for a kitten (1)
Milk, milk.
He will start lapping aside (2)
Milk with tongue.
Serves as a spoon for a kitten (1)
Tongue, tongue.
And the thin tail trembles,
And the barrel sighs.
And when dinner is finished
Our mustachioed eccentric,
Knowing that you need to be clean,
Wash like this:
He will lick his lips, (3)
And then - again,
Wash your fur coat clean (4)
Tongue, and sometimes
He washes his face with his paw -
Like scrubbing with a washcloth.
"Purr!" - he will tell me with love:
"That's it, thank you: I'm full!"

(1) - "Cup": the mouth is wide open, the anterior and lateral edges of the wide tongue are raised, but do not touch the teeth.
(2) - “Kitten”: we imitate the movements of a kitten’s tongue - “we grab the milk with the tongue and send it into the mouth.”
(3): lick your lips in a circle.
(4): imitate the kitten licking its fur.

Katya cooked some porridge:
Substitute, dolls, cups!
Cup - Sasha, cup - Masha, (1)
This cup is for Natasha
And half a cup - Valenka,
The smallest doll.
This one is for a bunny, this one is for a bear,
Pinocchio the naughty one.
Pinocchio, sit down like an adult! (2)
Eat with a spoon, not your nose!
Who can eat everything quickly,
That pie will get with pear.
Come on, quickly grab the spoons! (3)
We quickly ate every last crumb!

(1) - "Cup".
(2) - “Spoon”: the tongue becomes narrower and longer.
(3): open and close your mouth wide).

Barely a small fungus
I was able to break through the moss.
He grew up all day long,
By evening it became huge.
He was surprised when he saw us,
And, after thinking, he bowed:
He took off his hat and arched the back:
- Won't you take it to the basket?!

Exercise "Mushroom": the tongue rests on the upper palate, while the lower jaw lowers and the frenulum of the tongue stretches.

And now - look, look -
You and I are heroes:
Collapsed old old house -
We'll raise the roof on it.

Exercise "Mushroom".

The wind turned into a tube
A leaf blown into a pipe:
Song - breath of the wind -
It rang... somewhere, somewhere,
There, beyond the blue forests
Turned into sails.
Sea wind - big brother -
I'm so happy about this song! -
Puffs out his cheeks
The sail fills:
Ship clouds -
White cranes -
They're sailing beyond the forests again -
They bring rain from the sea.

Exercise: roll the tongue into a tube and blow through it.

Hey little bunny, gray bunny,
Play the balalaika for me!
Play along and I'll sing
My best song!

The gray bunny played out,
The bunny tried very hard,
The balalaika rang,
The red squirrel sang.

Are you tired? Well, take a rest
And start playing again.
Well done, bunny!
That's the balalaika!

Exercise "Balalaika": irritate the tense upper lip with the tongue.

Who is knocking and knocking in the forest?
- A woodpecker is hammering a tree:
- D-d-d-d-d-d-dy,
My work is not easy:
I'm not just knocking -
I am treating this tree:
Under the bark there are bug holes,

Exercise “Woodpecker”: “knock out” the sound “D” with the tip of the tongue on the upper alveoli.

The goose argued with the turkey:
"Poultry house, whose house is this?"
The goose hisses: “You’re a baby!
I'll protect it! My home! Shhh!"
And the turkey: “Blah-blah-blah-blah!
You don't have a cola!
Everyone understands: the poultry house is mine!
I'm going home!"
Sparrows fly from the rooftops
Frightened: “Shhh!”
And they run to the edge of the village
Ducks from "Blah-blah-blah!"...
You know how to scare, friend,
Both like a goose and like a turkey?
Make us laugh a little:
Show us two badasses!

Exercise "Goose": we hiss - we blow on the tongue, raising it to the sky.
Exercise “Turkey”: stick out your wide tongue behind your upper lip, saying: “Bl-bl-bl.”

The lion cub learns to roar
He really wants to “Rrrrr!” say.
I lifted my muzzle,
He wants - “Rrrrr!”, comes out: “Meow!”

How can he become a formidable lion?
You and I will help him!
Tractor - blue hero -
How does the engine start? - Trrr!

Lightning flashes! Thunder!
We won't let him into the house -
The roof is solid! No holes!
Let him grumble: - Grrr! Grrrrr!

River bank. The surface of the water.
You can hear the boat: “Dy-dy-dy.”
Here comes a passenger -
The boat will roar: "Drrrr! Drrrr!"

The little lion cub tried
The lion cub practiced for a long time.
He's like a dad to the whole world
He will say loudly, loudly: “Rrrrr!”

Learning to “growl”: we are training to pronounce “R”.

Once upon a time I decided to make my own house
Tidy up the gnome:
I found some paint and a brush -
The ceiling was whitewashed.
Brush: back - forward, - (1)
The gnome also takes paint,
Paints again: forward - backward.
How beautiful! The gnome is happy.

He is now dried mud (2) (on the upper teeth)
Sweeps away cobwebs
Both in the corner and on the chest of drawers:
- Let the spiders go into the garden!
Above - everything. I'm going downstairs.
Well, you dirtbag, watch out!

Dwarf, kneeling, (2) (on the lower teeth)
- Left and right! - washes the wall:
- Right left! - again and again.
The house shines like new!

Put down a rug (3)
Our old man on the fence:
- I’ll shake the dust off it five times -
I'll put the bed on the floor again.

The floor has been washed. It's nice to be at home.
And the tired gnome decided:
- I deserve a treat -
Raspberry tea. With jam!

(1): with a wide tongue we draw from the upper incisors to the soft palate.
(2): with the tongue we brush the teeth from the inside to the left and to the right.
(3): spread a wide tongue on the lower lip; After a while, we alternate the actions: stick the sharp tongue forward - spread the wide one on the lip again (“shake off the dust”).

There is a swing in the yard.
Did you swing? Indeed?
Come on, little bunny, sit down:
Up and down, up and down!

Here's a fox:
- Stop! Give!
Rock me too!
Well, let's fulfill your whim:
Up and down, up and down!

Oh, swing clubfoot
Stops with his paw:
- I'm rocking! Beware!
Up and down, up and down!

Exercise "Swing": the tongue moves up and down.

Egorka goes to grandma: (1)
Climbs a hill, (2)
After the hill there is a lowland again. (3)
River... Bridge arched his back. (2)
Then there is a flat path. (3)
The rain splashed - a little, a little.
A rainbow woke up in the sky,
It curved over the path. (2)

(1): smile, open your mouth slightly, press the tip of your tongue to your lower teeth.
(2): arch the back of the tongue.
(3): lower the tongue.

Gray wolf under an old tree
I clicked my teeth for two hours.
He opened his mouth wide,
But I didn’t catch the bunny.

Exercise "Crocodile": open and close your mouth wide.

Baby elephant and zebra

It's hot and hot at the zoo.
I feel sorry for the baby zebra! -
The sun is hot all day long,
Even a shadow is useless.
The poor zebra is feeling very bad!
Only the elephant will not groan:
He lowers his trunk into the pond - (1)
It takes a long time to collect water.
The trunk is up: now you need to blow. (2)
- Rain! - oh, how happy the zebra is!

(1): Simulate the suction of water through a thin tube.
(2): stretch your lips forward with a tube and blow.

The bear doesn't have a basket - (1)
Picks raspberries in his mouth. (2)

(1): mouth wide open and closed.
(2): Purse your lips tightly.

Not bait - no hook
The fish was given a worm.
The fish rejoices: “Oh-oh-oh!
I think I'll eat it!"

Exercise "Fish": round the lips, make an exciting movement with the lips.

Baby elephant

Look at the baby elephant:
The child has a long trunk!
- And I can do that too! -
Seryozha says to mom.
Rolled up his lips
And how he pulled forward!
- Look how good it is! -
I look like an elephant!

Exercise “Proboscis”: pull your closed lips forward like a tube. Hold in this position for a count of 3 to 5.


Chipmunk, having met us, is in a hurry
Hides nuts behind his cheek -
The cheek became like a ball!
- Show what’s there, don’t hide!
The chipmunk gets angry in response:
- There’s nothing behind the cheek -
See how thin it is.
- We see - the other one is round.
Don't keep it a secret -
What's behind the cheek? Show me!
- And behind this one it’s empty too! -
Chipmunk is seriously alarmed
He nuts back and forth
Rolls over: - Here!
They are not here, and they are not here!
We got our lunch:
- Don't worry and don't get angry!
For carrots - help yourself!
Let's go - a bear is waiting for us...
- Hey guys! There are nuts.

Exercise “Rolling nuts”: with the tongue from the inside we rest alternately on one cheek, then on the other. Perform the exercise slowly and clearly.

There is a path on the side, and a meadow in the center.
Little pony, my good friend,
Again and again he takes the guys for rides:
Do you hear the hooves clattering and clattering?

Since he can't play with me,
It’s as if I’ll become a horse too:
The tongue sounds like hooves:
- Clack-clack-clack-clack! Clack-clack-clack-clack!

Exercise “Horse”: smile, show your teeth, open your mouth slightly and, sucking your tongue to the roof of your mouth, click the tip of your tongue. Open your mouth wide.

Lollipop from cheek to cheek
My daughter rolls over.
Doesn't rush, doesn't chew:
Let it not melt longer!

Exercise "Rolling nuts."

When you and I wake up,
Let's smile at the sun!

Exercise “Smile”: keep your lips in a smile, your teeth are not visible.

We will plant onions and turnips
And we will put up a strong fence. (1)
It is necessary to make a gate in it - (2)
We welcome good guests!

(1) - “Fence”: the lips are stretched in a smile so that 2 rows of teeth are visible, we place teeth on teeth in a natural bite; 2) “collar”: the same, but open your teeth, keeping your lips in a good smile)

I get a round bagel
I always have tea for breakfast.

Exercise “Donut”: teeth are closed, lips are rounded and slightly extended forward, the upper and lower incisors are visible. Hold in this position for a count of 3 to 5.

Here is a fence, and there is a hole in it,
I watched her yesterday:
Children are taken to kindergarten -
Everyone goes through the hole:
They're climbing over the fence
Aunt Sveta and Egor,
Uncle Fedya and the twins,
Here is Boris and his sister Natasha,
Baba Galya is dragging Dimka,
The cook, Aunt Valya, puffs.
It’s not easy for Aunt Valya:
There is milk on the cart.
They crawl through: “Oh!” yes "Ah!"...
And the gate is two steps away!

Alternating exercises “Donut” and “Fence”.

Rabbit - white fluff,
Play with me, buddy!

Exercise "Rabbit": teeth are closed, the upper lip is raised and exposes the upper incisors.

And now for two minutes
You and I will become like ducks:
Pull your lips forward -
The mouth will become a flat beak.

(Exercise “Duck”: stretch out your lips, squeeze them so that your thumbs are under the lower lip and the rest are on the upper lip, and pull your lips forward as much as possible, massaging them and trying to imitate the beak of a duck.

I'll give the horse some potatoes:
- Here, enjoy yourself a little!
- Frr! - the horse is unhappy.
- Better give me black bread with salt!

Exercise “Dissatisfied Horse”: the flow of exhaled air is easily and actively sent to the lips until they begin to vibrate. You should get a sound similar to a horse snorting.

Balloon bright red
It lies on the table in vain.
I'll fool him better:
He will become big and flying!

Exercise “Balloon”: alternately inflate one cheek, the other, and both cheeks.

To make your teeth cleaner,
I clean them with a brush every day.

Exercise “Brushing your teeth”: close your mouth; move your tongue in a circular motion between your lips and teeth.

Children treat the pig
Pig's nose chooses:
Holds high Andryusha
Sweet big pear.
On the right is red-haired Antoshka
Offers her potatoes.
Maybe Katyushka is nimble -
Down there - pick up the cabbage?
On the left - with Lada apples.
Piggy needs to do something:
Looking for Piglet again:
"Pick this? Take this?"

Exercise “Piglet”: move your lips extended like a tube left and right, rotate them in a circle.

Something will scare the fish -
The fish puffs out its cheeks: (1)
Like, better not touch me! -
I am big! And in thorns!
How the danger passed, (2)
The fish became skinny again.

(1): puff out your cheeks.
(2): pull in the cheeks.

The mouse will look out of the hole -
Really wants the cheese rind! -
Here he hides again:
There's a cat nearby - it's scary to pick it up!

Exercise "Hide and Seek": quickly stick your tongue straight out and immediately put it back in your mouth.

I'm in a wonderful mood today:
Grandma made delicious jam. (1)
I'll probably lick my lips a hundred times, (2)
And then I’ll say “thank you” to my grandmother.

(1) - “Delicious jam”: lick your upper lip from right to left, then from left to right.
(2): lick your lips in a circle.

Smile quickly, my friend!
And now, child,
Show me your proboscis
It's like you're a baby elephant!

Dusty and large carpet
They put it on the fence
We knock out: “Ta-ta-ta!”
The house will be clean!

Exercise: smiling widely, bite your wide tongue, repeating: “Ta-ta-ta.”

Like a clock, let's set it to the beat:
- Tick-tock! Tick ​​tock!
We talk like this:
- Tick-tock! Tick ​​tock!
We're not just chatting
And we count the seconds
There is no way to fall behind:
- Tick-tock! Tick ​​tock!

Exercise “Clock”: open your mouth slightly, smile a little; the tongue, like a pendulum, moves straight from one corner of the lips to the other, does NOT slide along the lower lip.

If I bite my lips,
So I'm worried.
If I itch my lips,
So, I'm asking for something sweet.

Exercise: bite and scratch first the upper lip, then the lower lip.

Opening the purse -
We see a tube in the bag.

We alternate the “Smile” and “Proboscis” exercises.

The fish said to the fish:
- I cooked borscht today
From shells and mud,
It was very, very tasty!

The fish answered the fish:
- You, godfather, said the wrong thing:
It was not borscht, but cabbage soup -
For borscht, look for grass!

Exercise “Fishes are talking”: we clap our lips together.

Poems for speech development

Kar-kra-kra! All deep into the yard!
The fight started in the morning!
Two badass roosters
Feathers tear and wrinkle the sides:
- And I am the best decorated!
- I'm colored like a rainbow!
Fight over beauty...
Wings and tails to shreds!...
And they remained in the tails - kra! -
Just fluff and two feathers!

Pink sad puppy:
"I could run fast,
Drive away cats, growl...
How can I become real?"

Immediately forty seven forty
Arrived for class:
They chattered and made noise...
What did they manage to understand?

Do you hear the stream babbling?
He's in a hurry, he's in a hurry
To the fast, talkative river,
Where do crustaceans and fish live?

Rain: “Tram-tram,” pounded on the roofs.
Yegor heard the sound of rain -
I took out the old drum,
He also started drumming.

Tell me, sister Marinka,
What's chirping along the path?
Who starts the conversation?
Maybe the motor crackled?
Maybe the insects have a tractor -
Are they plowing the grass field?
Maybe the guard is at the find -
Is a scary bug making a noise like a rattle?
- Dear little man,
This is how a grasshopper creaks its wing...

Look, look:
Brighter than the morning dawn
Brighter than the clear sun
Red breasts of birds!

The guests sat down on the rowan tree -
Like bunches of bright berries
They caught fire here and there...
- What's your name, handsome guys?

We are the favorites Santa Claus,
Snow is a joy to us, not a threat.
Cold, give me cheerfulness! -
Bullfinches love winter.

The axes clattered:
- We are sharp and we are fast:
Next to this little house
Tomorrow the mansions will grow.

The old forest argued with the field:
“Is pride breadth, spaciousness?
A sea of ​​mushrooms, a handful of berries -
Hurry up, people, to visit!"
The field muttered bitterly:
“The chatter of the herbs will subside soon.
Snow will litter the open spaces -
Winter has its own patterns.
Here the choir of streams will wake up -
We will continue the debate in the spring."


In January the fox tarred his skis,
I sewed a jacket, a red beret,
And in the morning - like an arrow up the hill,
Where does bitter aspen grow...
The partridges are flying up!
The tail flashes among the trunks!
- Guard! Trouble! Nightmare!
It's hot in the grove! Bonfire! Fire!
-You, magpie, balabolka!

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Available: For everyone

Speech therapy poems(132pcs)

Maybe someone will find it useful for teaching children, I’ll write some out myself)))

Sound Sh
Speech therapy poem No. 1

To Cheburashka in a cup

The bug flopped

Good Cheburashka

I pulled out a bug

Put the bug down

Dry on paper.

The bug has dried up

Got up from the piece of paper

And I screwed up again

In a cup for Cheburashka.

Sound L
Speech therapy poem No. 2

Moonlight blue

Didn't let the donkey sleep

The donkey sat on a boulder

And he yawned and yawned...

And by chance the donkey suddenly swallowed the moon,

Smiled, sighed -

And he fell asleep peacefully.

Sound R
Speech therapy poem No. 3

Angry rats

They chewed the roof

But a red kitten came, the rats ran into the holes

And they were trembling with fear.

Khryusha - piglet

Grunts sleepily:

Oink and grunt! Oink and grunt!

- give me the apricots!

Piggy Pig,

Before you eat,

Take some soap

Wash your face!

Sounds S T
Speech therapy poem No. 4

Wandered into our kindergarten

Ten little chickens.

I got them from the street

Speckled chicken.

Sweet little hen, you're on the wrong street,

This is a kindergarten.



Alternation of consonants P - B:


Alternation of consonants T - D:

Speech therapy poem No. 6

We can’t understand Dasha,

After all, Dasha has porridge in her mouth.

But not buckwheat or pilaf -

This is a mess of words!

Speech therapy poem No. 7

The letter “R” loves the tiger cub -

He has been growling at her since childhood.

The letter “R” loves fish -

Best of all... is silent.

Speech therapy poem No. 8

The letter "R" is our piglet

Grunts loudly from the cradle.

I will be close friends with him -

"R" will help me teach.

Speech therapy poem No. 9

For lessons with a speech therapist

I'm already skipping and running:

After all, the teacher is strict

I can show my tongue!

Speech therapy poem No. 10

Every officer must

Saying “R” is great!

Otherwise he's a soldier

It won't line up in an even row.

(Commands: “Attention!”, “Equal!”, “Line up!”, Pay off in order!”)

Speech therapy poem No. 11

Deputy or singer

Being burry is unbecoming.

Don't give bread to parodists,

Learn to speak clearly.

Speech therapy poem No. 12

We sat down in order

We do exercises together,

Not with your feet, not with your hands,

And with their... tongues.

Speech therapy poem No. 13

Yesterday's hail

The grapes were damaged.

Speech therapy poem No. 14

Radish in okroshka

Seryozhka cuts.

Speech therapy poem No. 15

And as a gift from Marina

Three huge tangerines.

Speech therapy poem No. 16

The tiger and the lynx are relatives for the pussy,

Turnips, radishes - for radishes.

Speech therapy poem No. 17

Arthur in the portrait

In a burgundy beret.

Speech therapy poem No. 18

In a rat's hole

Cheese rinds.

Speech therapy poem No. 19

Thirty-three huge crayfish,

Everyone is in smart red tailcoats.

Speech therapy poem No. 20

Spring rye -

Grain culture.

Speech therapy poem No. 21

At the princess's at Arina's

There are three feather beds on the bed.

Speech therapy poem No. 22

We congratulated Ira

On the radio.

Speech therapy poem No. 23

Cigarettes, cigarettes

For the guys, everyone is banned.

Speech therapy poem No. 24

Ice hole in the pond -

I'll come fishing.

Speech therapy poem No. 25

Our Borka dived like a beaver,

But Romka used an axe.

Speech therapy poem No. 26

Driver early in the morning

He turns the steering wheel.

Speech therapy poem No. 27

Curly redhead Yura

Proud of his hair.

Speech therapy poem No. 28

Radio constructor

I came up with a loudspeaker.

Speech therapy poem No. 29

Warm appeal to the people:

Take care of your native nature!

Speech therapy poem No. 30

Let's come dressed up for the holiday,

Neat and tidy.

Speech therapy poem No. 31

Crosswords and charades

We are happy to solve it.

Speech therapy poem №32

I'm happy to correct

Your own speech apparatus.

Speech therapy poem No. 33

Purchased by Arthur

Tour to Europe.

Speech therapy poem No. 34

Prokhor and Varvara -

Beautiful couple.

Speech therapy poem No. 35

Guaranteed cook in the tavern

Pasta for Ira's side dish.

Speech therapy poem No. 36

And in the hands of children

Multi-colored balls.

Speech therapy poem No. 37

Star Raven repertoire:

In the morning, in the evening - everything is CARRR!

Speech therapy poem No. 38

In our lake Andrey

Thirty caught eels.

Fry, smoke them and cook -

Very tasty eels.

Speech therapy poem No. 39

To get the kernel from a nut, (P, C)

You need to crack through its shell.

Speech therapy poem No. 40

The beaver gnaws birch trees with his teeth, (R, Z)

As if with sharp incisors.

Speech therapy poem No. 41

Pineapples on a pine tree

I saw Sveta in a dream.

Speech therapy poem No. 42

Speech therapy poem No. 43

The goose took a bath

But he remained dry.

Speech therapy poem No. 44

In the garden among the branches

The nightingale whistles.

Speech therapy poem No. 45

I tried, I tried -

I signed for the parcel.

Speech therapy poem No. 46

From autumn aspen (N, L)

The last leaf fell off.

Speech therapy poem No. 47

Observed by the owl

Hourly schedule,

Everything is on schedule,**

By agreement. (According to A. Usachev)

Speech therapy poem No. 48

Kolka's sick knee

Lenka treats with a green prick.

Speech therapy poem No. 49

Poodle Malvina

I made it out of clay.

Speech therapy poem No. 50

I cut the orange into slices

For Alina and for Kolka.

Speech therapy poem No. 51

Sticky honey from the sticky linden tree

The bee gives to delicacies.

Speech therapy poem No. 52

Ships land on Earth

On the Moon, the Lunokhod lands on the Moon.

Speech therapy poem No. 53

Ate Philemon

Lemon with a smile.

Speech therapy poem No. 54

Kolya and two Olyas

They were harvesting onions in the field.

Speech therapy poem No. 55

In Lily's front garden

They watered the lilies with a watering can.

Speech therapy poem No. 56

Camel thorns -

Favorite dish.

Speech therapy poem No. 57

The snail opened the gate. (L, R)

The open spaces beckon to the snail.

Speech therapy poem No. 58

Snail - pyramid (L, R)

It doesn't crawl quickly.

Speech therapy poem No. 59

The baby crocodile's parents are (L, R)


Speech therapy poem No. 60

We sculpt, paint, cut out, (L, R)

Together we decorate the Christmas tree.

Speech therapy poem No. 61

Wings turn silver in the sky (L, R)

Squadron aircraft.

Speech therapy poem No. 62

The storm has gone beyond the horizon -

Zoya immediately closed her umbrella.

Speech therapy poem No. 63

The goat punished the goat

For the sake of good, and not for evil. (according to V. Bakhrevsky)

Speech therapy poem No. 64

Zhenya loves Zhanna,

Zhenya imitates Zhanna.

Speech therapy poem No. 65

How, Zhenya, does a hedgehog look like a snake?

And already there is a hedgehog with the letter “F”!

Speech therapy poem No. 66

Zhenya helped Zhanna:

I borrowed gum three times.

Speech therapy poem No. 67

Husband's wife

Must adore.

Speech therapy poem No. 68

At Dasha's cat

There are fleas in the fur.

Speech therapy poem No. 69

Masha - baby,

Masha has a pacifier.

Speech therapy poem No. 70

Sewed panties

To a teddy bear.

There are pockets on the pants,

There are buckles on the pockets.

Speech therapy poem No. 71

Six little mice are walking to school

Playful and cheerful.

There are six mice in class

They rustle, make noise, rustle.

Hush, the cat is in a hurry!

Sniff - and there’s not a soul in school. (T. Kryukova)

Speech therapy poem No. 72

Wool in curls (W, R)

At... a lamb.

Speech therapy poem No. 73

The number six calls to school, (W, F)

The school is waiting for six-year-olds.

Speech therapy poem No. 74

Lyosha’s toys are good: (W, R, L)

Cheburashka, bear, horse.

Speech therapy poem No. 75

The mouse rustles in the underground, (W, F)

The cat is guarding the mouse.

Speech therapy poem No. 76

I am wood chips and wood

I'll throw it in the stove.

Speech therapy poem No. 77

Here's a fisherman on the hook

There is an excellent worm.

Speech therapy poem No. 78

We were "upset"

Chili peppers.

Speech therapy poem No. 79

Dina is crying, Dina is crying.

What is the reason? What is the reason?

Mommy's daughter

Pinched on the cheek.

Speech therapy poem No. 80

Gave me some water for tea

A babbling brook for us.

Speech therapy poem No. 81

Rolls from the oven

Very, very hot.

Speech therapy poem No. 82

Unusual, unusual:

My grandson received an “excellent” rating!

Speech therapy poem No. 83

Four Anyutochka

They screamed for 24 hours.

They shouted for 24 hours,

Not the least bit tired.

Speech therapy poem No. 84

The student grumbles silently -

Oh, the teacher is so bored.

Speech therapy poem No. 85

Enlarged pupils

Very new glasses.

Speech therapy poem No. 86

Bee on a flower

Flower in a pot.

The flowers are fragrant,

The bee is biting.

Speech therapy poem No. 87

Pancake on a plate

For Lyubochka girls.

Speech therapy poem No. 88

Badge on the jacket

There is a bug on the icon.

Speech therapy poem No. 89

Cricket in the night

Crickles by the stove.

Speech therapy poem No. 90

Mushrooms on a stump,

Cucumbers in a barrel.

Speech therapy poem No. 91

Birds on a branch,

There are foxes in the forest.

Speech therapy poem No. 92

There is water in a glass,

There is a match in the box.

Speech therapy poem No. 93

There are needles on the Christmas tree,

There is crust on the bun.

Speech therapy poem No. 94

Keys in the lock

There are laces in the shoe.

Speech therapy poem No. 95
Coals in the stove,

And the sand in the river.

Speech therapy poem No. 96

The watch is accurate,

The apples are juicy.

Speech therapy poem No. 97

Bouncing ball

The flower is fragrant.

Speech therapy poem No. 98

Dark cloud

Country porch.

Speech therapy poem No. 99

Bosom buddy.

Speech therapy poem No. 100

There is a lid on the teapot, (H, W)

There is a lump on the lid.

Hand for the bump

We lift the lid.

Speech therapy poem No. 101

Sword on shield, (H, SH)

The shield is cracking.

Speech therapy poem No. 102

I want - I grumble,

I want to - just kidding.

I want - I scream

I want - I whisper.

I want - I’m cracking,

I want to - I whistle.


I study all day.

Speech therapy poem No. 103

There's a palace on a pole,

There is a singer in the palace. (Riddle, starling)

Speech therapy poem No. 104

All of Türkiye

Found in the flower... (nasturtium)

Speech therapy poem No. 105

On the porch of the palace (C, R-L)

Three royal faces.

Speech therapy poem No. 106

Ivan has two sofas.

Vova has two deuces again.

Speech therapy poem No. 107

The willow branches hung beautifully.

Speech therapy poem No. 108

To the cornflower, cornflower -

And Valya has a wreath.

Speech therapy poem No. 109

Genka and Galka

They are playing catch-up.

Genius genes

Gunin's Genes.

Speech therapy poem No. 110

Bouquet for the bull

It will be... for lunch.

Speech therapy poem No. 111

Figure of Glafira (G, F, R)

Marshmallow round.

Speech therapy poem No. 112

It crushes the bark every day.

Woodpecker healing

Ancient oak,

Good woodpecker

Dubu love.

Speech therapy poem No. 113

The raccoon will not eat until

His food is not washed.

His assistant is the river:

Raccoon in the water near the shore

He rinses the food, rubs it lightly,

And then he eats to his fill.

Speech therapy poem No. 114


A hedgehog threatens a hedgehog:

I'll put it on your shoulder blades!..

It would be a hedgehog to respect a hedgehog -

Take pity on your ironing and teeth.

Speech therapy poem No. 115

Tench and ide

Once upon a time there lived tench and ide -

We lived in the mud without being lazy.

The ide took the ide kids to the nursery,

Tench molt - to boarding school.

Speech therapy poem No. 115

Egg rhymes with face

And this is not without reason:

They have a lot, a lot in common,

For example, roundness.

And if the chicken is proud

Shining egg

She flies up onto the porch

With a shining face.

Compote and cat rhyme.

And this is no coincidence:

Dried fruit hidden in compote,

There is a secret hidden in cats.

But still I ask you very much,

To avoid mistakes,

Don't keep cats in pots

Do not pour them into cups.

Yes, by the way, we need to pay attention

Attention to cats too

Although at first glance they

Rhymes with window.

No need to wipe the cat

Until it shines with a soft cloth! -

She will wash herself

Tongue and paw.

Speech therapy poem No. 115

Various joys, how much joy you bring!

I'm happy about the summer

To the frisky wind,

Early morning

Mother-of-pearl dew,

Horned snail,

The open gate...

I rejoice in little -

My joys grow.

Speech therapy poem No. 116

A beetle is buzzing in a flower.

The toad is dozing in the burdock. The path is waiting for a turn to hide in the forest.

The meadows await the coolness of the night,

It's hot, but everyone is happy about the sun.

The yellow buttercup drinks dew.

Speech therapy poem No. 117

forty forty

For their own people

Forty shirts

They scribble without quarreling.

Forty shirts

Stitched on time -

We immediately quarreled

Forty forty.

Speech therapy poem No. 118


The evil snake noticed the hare,

The green snake knows it's amusing itself,

The little bunny forgot the laws of evil,

I forgot why the snake lay here.

Speech therapy poem No. 119


One two three four five:

The Greeks went out for a walk:

Androsthenes, Alexis,

Agathons, Aristides,

Antipaters, Antiochus,

Antigones, Antilochis,

Archimon and Archelaus.

How many Greeks? Count it!

Speech therapy poem No. 120


Hand into the river

Metal metal.

Naked foot

Kicked the penalty.

Speech therapy poem No. 121


Let's wait a minute to cry:

We will overcome the pain,

Let's overcome grief

Troubles - we will overcome.

Let's turn away

Other sorrows.

At first -

Let's wait and cry...

Speech therapy poem No. 122

There are reeds on the river

Ruffs played out there:

The circle is older,

The circle is younger,

And just kids!

Speech therapy poem No. 123

Grandfather Hedgehog,

Don't go to the shore:

The snow melted there

Floods the meadow.

You'll get your feet wet

Red boots!

Speech therapy poem No. 124

Hare Egorka

Fell into the lake.



Speech therapy poem No. 125

Spinning top wolf

Wool barrel,

He ran through the spruce forest

Hit the juniper.

Got caught in his tail

Spent the night under a bush.

Speech therapy poem No. 126

Kotasik Mikhasik fell from a pine tree.

And the cat has sad dreams.

Always the same at the end of these dreams

He sees himself without a tail and mustache.

But if he is not sleeping, he has a tail and mustache.

Find it and see for yourself.

Speech therapy poem No. 127

Music, music to us from the store!

Music, music, music!

A piano is going to kindergarten today.

Let the children sing on the spring holiday.

Speech therapy poem No. 128

There is a vase locked in the sideboard.

It contains chopped pineapple.

They took me away immediately.

Only in vain. After all, this vase

I have never broken

Even though I've climbed many times.

Speech therapy poem No. 129

Such an obnoxious little siskin!

Doesn't read weird books.

I want to teach him, but I can’t teach him.

He gallops day and night,

And the beak sharpens on the cup.

What a sissy! Such an eccentric!

I study, but he doesn’t.

Speech therapy poem No. 130

Our cat, porridge Masha, -

Playful cat.

He'll just run somewhere

Everything there will turn upside down.

They instantly come to life at Mashka’s

And reels and pieces of paper.

As if he was hurrying under the closet.

This is Masha’s character.

Well, what if there are little mice there?

The cat is gone, she has gone somewhere.

Like a little mouse rustling there,

The cat doesn't run to the closet.

The cat doesn't need a closet.

Apparently, I feel sorry for the mouse Masha.

Speech therapy poem No. 131

In the Valenka store

They buy felt boots.

Small felt boots

How cute!

But I put on felt boots

Little Valenka -

It turned out to be felt boots

Too small for her!

Speech therapy poem No. 132

Grow your braid to your waist,

Don't lose a hair.

Grow your pigtail to your toes,

All the hairs are in a row.

Grow up, braid, don't get confused,

Daughter, listen to your mother!

For Alina and for Kolka. Hit the juniper.