Meaning of the word whim. Meaning of the word whim

Far-fetched ,)).

  • For the time will come when they will not endure sound doctrine, but in their own whims They will choose for themselves teachers who have itching ears; and they will turn away their ears from the truth and turn to fables.
  • After all, I’m not your equal at all, I had my own serfs, and I have a lot of fine fellows like you in the stable for one of my own whims sec, and that I lost everything, there was a special God's will, and there is a mark of anger on me, and therefore no one dares to touch me.
  • And now for two days, starting from St. Petersburg itself, a strange whim fate made him the inseparable companion and interlocutor of a charming woman, whom he liked more and more every hour.
  • She will be called mistress, perform the slightest of her whims, and the husband himself will be at her beck and call when he sees that everyone bows to his wife’s beauty.
  • whim
  • and. the desire for something that is easy to do without; the demand for something superfluous, unnecessary, invented out of nothing to do; lordly undertakings, self-indulgence, inventions, guesses, absurd desires; unreasonable, arbitrary desire, for one’s own amusement and pleasure; legibility, whimsy, fastidiousness, intricacy; originality, capriciousness and wilfulness; caprice. There is no end to our whims. A fat dog gets mad, a man plays the fool on a whim. Many whims have turned into needs for us. Apart from daily bread, everything is a whim. To indulge a whim, it doesn’t matter to pay. A horse with a spirit, a man with a whim. the boyar is in captivity to his whims. I have to get pregnant, you have a whim to wear (says the bride, gnawing her teeth on the church castle, at the entrance to the crown, Smol.). Whimsical, oh man. and an animal with many whims; intricate, whimsical, picky, capricious; demanding, changeable in his imaginations and desires; demanding something special for himself in everything. Whimsical, like a small child, like a woman at first. This is a whimsical horse, it doesn’t eat stale food. things, arrangement: intricate, abundant and varied, luxurious; in art whimsical yet light, playful and enticing in small ways. Whimsical table. Whimsical decoration of the rooms. Whimsical, generally related to whims. Fancy goods, luxurious, French trinkets. Whimsical, whimsical, whimsical, who has many whims. To be whimsical, to be whimsical, to be whimsical, to please oneself in everything, to invent, to contrive things according to one’s liking and whims; to be intricate, to be whimsical, to be picky or to desire absurdly, to disassemble and demand too much, to please oneself. The patient began to recover, she began to crave some medicine. Give free rein to the pain, he will become whimsical
  • quirk, oddity, fad, whim
  • capricious desire
  • capricious desire, whim
  • synonym for whim
  • strange desire, whim
  • Capricious desire, whim.
  • Synonyms for whim

      • caprice
      • fad

    Hypernyms for whim

      • wish

    A capricious, absurd desire, a far-fetched need, a whim. “There is no end to his chatter, reproaches, whims and whims.” Chekhov . “Look, what whims have developed!” Griboyedov . “Here young maidens bloom at the whim of a depraved villain.” Pushkin(about the fortress village).

    Dictionary Ushakova. D.N. Ushakov. 1935-1940.


    See what “whim” is in other dictionaries:

      Cm … Synonym dictionary

      Women the desire for something that is easy to do without; the demand for something superfluous, unnecessary, invented out of nothing to do; lordly undertakings, self-indulgence, inventions, guesses, absurd desires; unreasonable, arbitrary desire, for one’s own amusement and pleasure; legibility, ... ... Dahl's Explanatory Dictionary

      WHIMS, and, wives. Capricious desire, whim. Fulfill whose n. whims. Ozhegov's explanatory dictionary. S.I. Ozhegov, N.Yu. Shvedova. 1949 1992 … Ozhegov's Explanatory Dictionary

      whim- and, f. 1) An absurd, capricious desire, demand. A child's whim. Maestro's whim. Who's rich? Do you know that all of Siberia is not enough for the whims of one person! My friend! Everything is in the imagination (Fonvizin). Synonyms: capri/z, prichu/da,… … Popular dictionary of the Russian language

      - (quirk), a sophisticated desire, often inconsistent with moral standards. see range of acceptability. (Source: Dictionary of Sexual Terms) ... Sexological encyclopedia

      G. Capricious, absurd desire, far-fetched need, whim. Ephraim's explanatory dictionary. T. F. Efremova. 2000... Modern explanatory dictionary of the Russian language by Efremova

      Whimsy, whims, whims, whims, whims, whims, whims, whims, whims, whims, whims, whims (Source: “Full accentuated paradigm according to A. A. Zaliznyak”) ... Forms of words

      whim- lust, and... Russian spelling dictionary

      whim- (3 f), R., D., Ave. at/want; pl. at/want, R. at/want... Spelling dictionary of the Russian language

      AND; and. Caprice, absurd desire, whim. Execute whose l. whims. Women's p. Without the whims of anyone... encyclopedic Dictionary


    • Rebel. The whim of the heart. Series Novels by S. Sawyer, Sawyer Cheryl. 272 pp. Continuation of the story of the beautiful Vivian. The brave and determined rebel is indomitable in her desire to change life, which was once so measured and calm. In the name of bright ideals she...
    • Scandalous Seduction, Charlotte Featherstone. Unable to forget about the scandalous story of her birth and afraid of repeating the dramatic fate of her mother, Isabella Fairmont does not allow her feelings to rule in her heart. She chose…

    WHIMS w. the desire for something that is easy to do without; the demand for something superfluous, unnecessary, invented out of nothing to do; lordly undertakings, self-indulgence, inventions, guesses, absurd desires; unreasonable, arbitrary desire, for one’s own amusement and pleasure; legibility, whimsy, fastidiousness, intricacy; originality, capriciousness and wilfulness; caprice. There is no end to our whims. When a dog gets mad, when a person wants to make a fool, he makes a fool of himself. Many whims have turned into needs for us. Apart from daily bread, everything is a whim. To indulge a whim, it doesn’t matter to pay. A horse with a spirit, a man with a whim. And the boyar is in captivity at his whims. I have to get pregnant, you have a whim to wear (says the bride, gnawing her teeth on the church castle, at the entrance to the crown, Smol.). Whimsical, oh man. and an animal with many whims; intricate, whimsical, picky, capricious; demanding, changeable in his imaginations and desires; demanding something special for himself in everything. Whimsical, like a small child, like a woman at first. This is a whimsical horse, it doesn’t eat stale food. | About a thing, device: intricate, abundant and varied, luxurious; in art whimsical yet light, playful and enticing in small ways. Whimsical table. Whimsical decoration of the rooms. Whimsical, generally related to whims. Fancy goods, luxurious, French trinkets. Whimsical, whimsical, whimsical, who has many whims. To be whimsical, to be whimsical, to be whimsical, to please oneself in everything, to invent, to contrive things according to one’s liking and whims; to be intricate, to be whimsical, to be picky or to desire absurdly, to disassemble and demand too much, to please oneself. The patient began to recover, she began to crave some medicine. Give free rein to the pain, he will become whimsical.

    Sentences containing the word whim

    • She wondered what strange whim of fate had brought them together again and in such a place.
    • No sign of a fold, no uneven ground, no architectural whimsy.
    • When we were alone, we both laughed at our lordly whim.
    • Bussy put the prince's best interests and his love whim on the scales.
    • And now the king is completely at the mercy of this new whim.
    • And since the only law became the whim of the ruler, there were no guarantees other than his whim.
    • The new autocrat, the Roman Senate, was already showing some despotic whims.
    • At the whim of an ambitious ruler, they were depicted as huge heads.
    • I was not happy because I knew that my dream would be sacrificed to the whim of a woman.
    • They lived long, and this long life were obliged only to his royal whim.
    • She could lavish smiles and tender glances, speak tender words - so simply, out of a whim.
    • But one day, at the whim of the captain, the ship plunged into deep waters of two thousand meters.
    • As a child, he was in the care of his mother who adored him and the blacks who satisfied his every whim.
    • There was a lot of game along the way, but the hunters did not kill a single animal just for the sake of whim.
    • In any case, precautions were taken both against the whim of drawing lots and against the whim of universal suffrage.
    • Grabbed by the tentacles and stuck to their suction cups, the poor thing dangled in the air at the whim of the huge trunk.


    and. the desire for something that is easy to do without; the demand for something superfluous, unnecessary, invented out of nothing to do; lordly undertakings, self-indulgence, inventions, guesses, absurd desires; unreasonable, arbitrary desire, for one’s own amusement and pleasure; legibility, whimsy, fastidiousness, intricacy; originality, capriciousness and wilfulness; caprice. There is no end to our whims. When a dog gets mad, when a person wants to make a fool, he makes a fool of himself. Many whims have turned into needs for us. Apart from daily bread, everything is a whim. To indulge a whim, it doesn’t matter to pay. A horse with a spirit, a man with a whim. And the boyar is in captivity at his whims. I have to get pregnant, you have a whim to wear (says the bride, gnawing her teeth on the church castle, at the entrance to the crown, Smol.). Whimsical, oh man. and an animal with many whims; intricate, whimsical, picky, capricious; demanding, changeable in his imaginations and desires; demanding something special for himself in everything. Whimsical, like a small child, like a woman at first. This is a whimsical horse, it doesn’t eat stale food.

    About a thing, device: intricate, abundant and varied, luxurious; in art whimsical yet light, playful and enticing in small ways. Whimsical table. Whimsical decoration of the rooms. Whimsical, generally related to whims. Fancy goods, luxurious, French trinkets. Whimsical, whimsical, whimsical, who has many whims. To be whimsical, to be whimsical, to be whimsical, to please oneself in everything, to invent, to contrive things according to one’s liking and whims; to be intricate, to be whimsical, to be picky or to desire absurdly, to disassemble and demand too much, to please oneself. The patient began to recover, she began to crave some medicine. Give free rein to the pain, he will become whimsical.

    Explanatory dictionary of the Russian language. D.N. Ushakov


    whims, w. A capricious, absurd desire, a far-fetched need, a whim. There is no end to his chatter, reproaches, whims and whims. Chekhov. Look, what whims have developed! Griboyedov. Here young maidens bloom at the whim of a depraved villain. Pushkin (about the fortress village).

    Explanatory dictionary of the Russian language. S.I.Ozhegov, N.Yu.Shvedova.


    And, well. Capricious desire, whim. Perform someone's whims.

    New explanatory dictionary of the Russian language, T. F. Efremova.


    and. A capricious, absurd desire, a far-fetched need, a whim.

    Examples of the use of the word whim in literature.

    And yet in our Alcoran you continually find divine language, and human thoughts, as if by some amazing whims God dictated the words, and man supplied the thoughts.

    These stops soon began to bore my impatient Lolita, who, as happens with children, was deprived of all sympathy for little strangers. whims, she showered me with rude abuse for demanding that she caress me, while blue-eyed brunettes in blue panties, red-haired girls in green sleeveless jackets, and boyish-looking smoky blondes in faded paper pants passed by in the glare of the sun.

    Before her marriage, Euphemia was one of her most ardent admirers and the only one whom she, succumbing to a momentary whims, involuntarily distinguished, was Count Victorin, a handsome young major of the Life Guards, who occasionally appeared in the capital.

    According to an incomprehensible architectural whims This wing of the building had a gable ceiling, and light entered the room obliquely through the ceiling.

    The one who by chance whims started it all: the ruler of the Lower World, the ruler of the Vazdru, Eshv and Drin, one of the Lords of Darkness, Azrarn, the prince of demons.

    This heavy carriage, drawn by maddened horses, will still fly along some kind of path unknown to anyone. whims, and what will change if we engage in litigation while riding in it?

    Dignity can be preserved even in defeat, and the stamp of dignity lay on the faces of the old long-moustached Polish warriors who won many battles during their hard lives, and perhaps when they retreated under Tsetsora and crushed the Sultan’s army near Khotyn, defending their homeland not with someone else’s hands, but with their own chest and did not go to these steppes on their own whims, and in accordance with their Zholner duty, even now they also retreated after defeat with their heads bowed and with tears in their eyes, although they were strong people and could restrain groans even with the most severe wounds.

    Zelensky was extremely strict with his servants, and he received punches for the slightest failure to comply with his hygienic orders, which, as you know, our Russian people treat as some kind of unfounded whims.

    But still we are happier than others, we have a small additional activity - to maintain the course for the sake of whims inertial direction sensor.

    The male godfather, surrounded by girls, is a real vampire - the dependence of dumpsters and pickers on her whims knows no boundaries - they are even obliged to lick menstrual fluid, scratch her heels, play in her chest and entertain her with sessions from magazine looks at men to their own show.

    I realized that I needed to open up to Kondoidi and ask him to do for me what he proposed to the silyakhtara, and it would be extremely difficult and humiliating for me to become dependent on whims a man with whom I treated quite harshly.

    We should strive for health until there is no longer a need for pharmacies and opticians, hairdressers, corset makers, all kinds of beauty salons, where we are darned and patched to please our whims and hiding the deformities that modern life endowed our faces and figures.

    Think better about what for your sake whims You cut off a healthy branch, deprived the crusader army of one of the bravest champions of a great cause and gave the servant of the true God into the hands of a pagan.

    What will such a person give to his country, abusing the freedom of speech, press, assembly, choosing crookedly, voting corruptly, resolving all issues of the community and the state according to whims your passions and the whisper of your personal interests?

    The captain and Dave Peters were as far apart in their way of thinking as a Neanderthal and a Cro-Magnon man, had they met whims providence.

    Desire for something that is easy to do without; the demand for something superfluous, unnecessary, invented out of nothing to do; lordly undertakings, self-indulgence, inventions, guesses, absurd desires; unreasonable, arbitrary desire, for one’s own amusement and pleasure; legibility, whimsy, fastidiousness, intricacy; originality, capriciousness and wilfulness; caprice. There is no end to our whims. When a dog gets mad, when a person wants to make a fool, he makes a fool of himself. Many whims have turned into needs for us. Apart from daily bread, everything is a whim. To indulge a whim, it doesn’t matter to pay. A horse with a spirit, a man with a whim. And the boyar is in captivity at his whims. I have to get pregnant, you have a whim to wear (says the bride, gnawing her teeth on the church castle, at the entrance to the crown, Smol.). Whimsical, oh man. and an animal with many whims; intricate, whimsical, picky, capricious; demanding, changeable in his imaginations and desires; demanding something special for himself in everything. Whimsical, like a small child, like a woman at first. This is a whimsical horse, it doesn’t eat stale food.
    | About a thing, device: intricate, abundant and varied, luxurious; in art whimsical yet light, playful and enticing in small ways. Whimsical table. Whimsical decoration of the rooms. Whimsical, generally related to whims. Fancy goods, luxurious, French trinkets. Whimsical, whimsical, whimsical, who has many whims. To be whimsical, to be whimsical, to be whimsical, to please oneself in everything, to invent, to contrive things according to one’s liking and whims; to be intricate, to be whimsical, to be picky or to desire absurdly, to disassemble and demand too much, to please oneself. The patient began to recover, she began to crave some medicine. Give free rein to the pain, he will become whimsical.

    Dal V.I. . Dahl's Explanatory Dictionary, 1863-1866 .

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    The following word meanings:

    • What's happened limp- limp a little, fall on one's leg, hobble. Limping, action according to the verb. Walk limping, limping, limping, limping. Who didn't limp? Not …
    • to embolden someone, to give courage, spirit; -sya, to become dignified, to give oneself courage or the appearance of a brave man.
    • chuckle - lower dress up, dress up smartly.
    • to crow - to crow someone, to do with a crest, to fluff or comb a crest. The groom chuckled. -sya, suffer. or return get ruffled, sit frowning.