Introducing older and preparatory age children to the letter Y and the sound (I short). outline of a literacy lesson (preparatory group) on the topic. Summary of a lesson on preparing for teaching literacy to children in the preparatory group. Familiar

Literacy lesson notes

Prepared and conducted by: teacher preparatory group № 6

Abramova O. V.

Topic: Letter I short, sound (Y)

Goals and objectives:

Introducing the letter;

Differentiation of the concepts “sound” and “letter”;

Identification of articulatory and acoustic characteristics of sound;

Isolating sound in words, determining its location;

Comparison of a sound with other sounds phonetically similar to it;

Enriching children's vocabulary, creating conditions for using new words in their own speech;

Formation of the skill of forming and using forms of words, coordination with other parts of speech;

Learning to answer questions dialogical speech, adding missing words;

Development of fine motor skills of the fingers, the ability to navigate on a sheet of paper in a square.

Materials and equipment: wall alphabet, blackboard, chalk, large-checked notebook, pencil.

Progress of the lesson.

  1. There is a letter in our language that is invisible, but plays a significant role. Try to find out what letter we are talking about from a short story.

Strange letter.

The letters in the alphabet are boring.

Shall we sing? - one said to her neighbor.

“I can’t,” she said sadly.

Try it. Sing like me: i-i-i-i-i-i-i-i-i-i!..


And it’s true, you can’t. It’s strange: all the vowels sing, but you don’t.

I'm not a vowel.

Agree, or what?

Don't know.

Well, who needs you like that?

Everyone needs it. See, I'm standing in the alphabet.

Stop - it’s a pity, isn’t it?

Not “stand”, but “stop”. So I came in handy!

Well, okay, stop. Why do you have this sign?

Guess for yourself...

Can you guess what letter we are talking about?

Right. Letter - And short. What sound does it represent?

Absolutely right - sound (Y). What kind of sound - vowel or consonant? To define it, let's pronounce it. What is in our mouth that helps us pronounce it?

That's right, tongue. He presses his sides to the roof of his mouth. This means that it is still a consonant, but an unusual one, and always a soft consonant.

2. In our speech there are few words with this sound. Basically, it is found in the middle or at the end of words. And at the beginning he stands only at foreign words that appeared in our speech - “iod”, “yoga”, “yogurt”.

Let's try to determine in which words the sound (Y) can occur. Answer the questions. If you choose the answer correctly, then your words will contain the sound (Y):

What do we say when we suddenly feel pain? (Oh!)

When did we become afraid of something? (Ouch!)

The tiny girl who lived in a flower? (Thumbelina)

Who kidnapped the Frog Princess from Ivan Tsarevich? (Koschei the Deathless)

What is the name of the boy who knows nothing? (Dunno)

A boy who doesn't want to do anything? (Lazy person)

Bad grades at school? (Three, two)

A bird that sings well? (Nightingale, canary)

A bird that can talk? (Parrot)

Sea white bird? (gull)

Who dined with the animals at the zoo? (Sparrow)

Urban transport? (Trolleybus, tram)

Well done! All questions answered. In which part of the words did we most often encounter the sound (Y)?

I agree with you - in the middle and at the end of words.

3. Now let's rest a little. Let's have a physical minute. but it is unusual: there will be words with the sound.....(Y)

(Children move around the room, having fun.)

Oh oh oh! Oh oh oh!

An evil wizard has come to us!

He waved his hands

He bewitched all the children.

The children bowed their heads,

They fell silent and froze.

(The children freeze, bowing their heads.)

Animal friends came to class,

Instantly the villain was driven away

And the children were bewitched.

And now it's time to dance,

We don't need to be discouraged!

(Children dance.)

4. – Now we will play an unusual game. We will learn to order. I name a word, and you tell me this word with the word “You”.

Run, listen, jump, dance, smile, wash, think, do, clap, wash, clean, walk, water, collect.

What has changed in these words? (The sound (Y) appears.)

5. – We got acquainted with the sound (Y) - we pronounced it, determined in which part of the words it occurs most often. But we must not forget about the letter it stands for - the letter I is short. Now, so as not to offend her, we will write it.

(On the desk)

N- put on a belt,

And - put on a belt.

The letter N is put on straight,

The letter I is oblique.

You gave her a hat-

The letter I will become short.

(When writing a letter, the distance between letters, size is pronounced).

Well done! What letter and what sound did we meet today? What can you say about them?

In the next lesson we will find out who this sound is friends with.

Purpose of the lesson: we study the letter Y, the formation of reading skills, the development of speech skills, the improvement of phonemic awareness, the basics of elementary graphic skills.

  • introduce the preschooler to the letter Y, correct pronunciation sound;
  • teach how to write the printed letter Y in squares;
  • to generate interest in learning poems and riddles.

Name what is shown in the pictures below:

Kettle Parrot Yogurt Yog

  1. Please listen to the words (emphasize the last sound in your voice): mine, yours, wild, kind, smart.
  2. What sound is there in all these words?
  3. What sound is there in both the word PARROT and the word MIKE?
  4. At the beginning, at the end or in the middle of a word is the [Y] sound in the word PARROT? - MIKE? - GIVE? - AIBOLIT?

When we pronounce the sound [Y], the tip of the tongue is behind the lower teeth, and the back of the tongue rises to the palate. Say: YYY. The back of the tongue rises to the palate and prevents air from freely leaving the mouth when we pronounce the sound [Y].

  • Vowel or consonant sound [Y]?
  • Voiced or voiceless?
  • Why?
  • Look at the letter Y. What letter does it look like?

The letters are similar, but the sounds are completely different: [I] is a vowel, and [Y] is a consonant sound.

Repeat: BUNNY. What is the first syllable in this word?
What is the second syllable in this word?

Similarly - with the words MIKE, SMART, STUPID, TRAM, AIBOLIT.

Read the words:
my, my, smart, kind, red, hero, bunny, stupid, strong, green, funny, tram.

Assignment: printed letter Y for preschoolers

Examine the letter Y. Sew the letter Y in the air and once in the notebook, carefully in the cells with a simple pencil or ballpoint pen.

In cases where the child is asked to write a whole line of a letter, syllable or word, the adult gives a writing sample at the beginning of the line.
If a preschooler has difficulties, then an adult can draw two approximate lines, or put reference points that the child will connect with lines, or write the entire letters, and the child will simply circle them in a different color. Calligraphy should not be required at this stage of training.

Continue the sentence

The house on rails is right there.
He will kill everyone in five minutes
Sit down and don't yawn,
Departs... (tram).

Guess what we sang?
Kara... (wai).
Guess what they sang to us? Bye... (bye).
What month is it, guess? The month of May).
What's in the glass, guess? Sweet tea).

Tale about the letter Y

What do you know about yoga?

“What do you know about yogis?” - that was the name of the book that the mouse Mouse found in the garden. On the cover there was a picture of a naked guy - a yogi, who, as if nothing had happened, was lying on nails sticking out of the board.
In other pictures, the same yogi simply stood with his bare feet on hot coals or sat frozen in a block of ice. In addition, Mouse read that yogis can go without eating or drinking for months.
- Need to try! - decided Mouse.
“I can imagine what will happen when mom opens the refrigerator, and I’m sitting there frozen and smiling. Or dad opens the stove, and I sit there on the coals and say: “What, I’ve never seen yoga, or what?”

To begin with, he hammered nails into the board and just lay down on them, when he immediately jumped up and started yelling at the whole garden:


He ran home, took out iodine and began to smear the nail scratches on himself. And iodine burns! Mouse smears, groans, and thinks: “I’ll throw this book to the cat.” Let him be a yogi now.”

Riddles for children starting with the letter J

When it boils, steam comes out,
And it whistles and bursts with heat,
The lid rattles and knocks.
- Hey, take me off! - shouts.

Amazing carriage!
Judge for yourself:
The rails are in the air, and he
He holds them with his hands.

In the woolen clearing
The thin leg is dancing.
From under a steel shoe
A stitch creeps out.
(Sewing machine)

It might break.
It might cook
If you want, into the bird
It may turn.
Tell me who is so afraid of things,
Like a stick is a dog,
How is a stone a bird?
(Lazy person)

I run to my mother river
And I can’t remain silent.
I am her own son,
And he was born in the spring.

He produces sheets
Wide latitude.
Supported by strong stems
One hundred rough, tenacious fruits:
If you don't get around them -
You will find them all on yourself.

He grew up angry and prickly in the field,
Needles in all directions.

I am always friendly with the light.
If the sun is in the window,
I'm from the mirror, from the puddle
I run along the wall.
(Sunny bunny)

There's a button on the head
There is a sieve in the nose,
One hand
Yes, and the one on the back.

Funny poems about the letter J for children

Iodine is good, iodine is not evil.
In vain you shout: “Oh-oh-oh!”
- I just saw a bottle of iodine.
Iodine sometimes burns, of course,
But it will heal faster
Iodine smeared wound.
(V. Lunin)

Let's play, bunny
Play with me.
The bunny answers:
- I can’t, I’m sick!
Oh-oh-oh, poor thing!
(E. Blaginina)

Oh-oh-oh! - said OH-OH.
- I, my friend, am completely sick!
- Go for a walk!
All will pass! - said AY-AY.
(G. Vieru)

A yogi will never say: “Oh!”
"Oh oh oh!" - the yogi will not shout.
Young man, control yourself!
Old, be like young!
(V. Berestov)

I am on the tails of birds and animals:
Here is an ermine, here is a sparrow.
(E. Grigorieva)

At the station "I Brief"
We were greeted with a riddle:
“Read, dare and guess -
How, without getting up from your seat,
You can turn the tram
On many trams?
...What to miss
So that you can have a bunny
Turn into a stutterer?
One of us for about three minutes
I thought about the solution
And he answered, “Erase the hook.”
Above the letter “And short”.
(S. Marshak)

The ant found a blade of grass
There was a lot of trouble with her.
Like a log thrown onto your back,
He carries her home...
He bends under the burden.
He is already crawling with difficulty.
But what a good one
The ants are building a house!
(3. Alexandrova)

Lesson summary:

  1. Pronunciation of new words increases the preschooler’s vocabulary, develops speech and memory.
  2. Cell exercises develop fine motor skills hands
  3. Riddles develop children's intelligence, ability to analyze and prove. Teachers use riddles when teaching children to increase interest during complex tasks.
  4. Poems influence not only the development of memory. It has been proven that if you learn a few lines every day, new neural connections appear in the brain and your overall learning ability increases.

Corrective and developmental tasks.

Teach the child to listen carefully to the speech of an adult and correctly understand logical and grammatical structures.

Teach your child to pronounce the sound [Y] correctly.

Improve the skills of analytical and synthetic activity, develop the child’s sound-syllable representations.

Learn to analyze sentences, find prepositions and words with a certain sound in a sentence.

Learn to transform words.

Learn to write short sentences from dictation, following basic spelling rules.

Exercise 1. Didactic exercise “How to do it correctly?” An adult reads a sentence to a child. The child listens carefully and determines whether the sentence is pronounced correctly or incorrectly. If a mistake is made, the child corrects it.

The cart is pulled by a horse. The cat caught the mouse. A horse pulls a cart. The mouse caught the cat. The lantern is illuminated by the street. The street is illuminated by a lantern.

Task 2. Introducing the sound [Y]. The adult invites the child to listen to a series of words and name the last sound in the words:

sparrow, stream, burdock.

An adult shows in front of a mirror and explains to the child the articulation of the sound [Y]:

  • lips slightly smiling;
  • the teeth are close together;
  • the tip of the tongue is behind the lower teeth, the back of the tongue is raised towards the hard palate, forming a gap through which an air stream passes;
  • the neck "works".

Characteristic sound: consonant sound (the tongue creates a barrier to the air), sonorous, hard. Designation: blue circle with a bell.

Task 3. Phonetic exercise.

How do they scream in fear? - Oh! Oh! Oh!

Task 4. Look at a number of drawn objects, name them, select only those whose names contain the sound [Y], determine the place of the sound [Y] in the words:

T-shirt, fly, books, house, tea, barn, seagull, burdock.

Task 5. Complete the word with a syllable. What is the same last sound in the first syllable of all words?

KA: may..., guy..., tea..., bark..., hare...

Task 6. Guess riddles, determine the place of the sound [Y] in all the guessing words, divide them into syllables, come up with a sentence with each word.

From a hot well

Water flows through the nose. (Kettle)

He grew up in a field, angry and caustic,

Needles in all directions. (burdock)

Task 7. Remember the types of transport whose names contain the sound [Y] (tram, trolleybus). Divide the words into syllables, determine the place of the sound [Y] in these words.

Task 8. The adult names 3-5 words with the sound [Y], and the child must listen carefully and repeat all the words in the same sequence.

Task 9. Name the extra word in the series (based on the presence of the sound [Y] in the words):

T-shirt, seagull, nut, sofa; stupid, young, big, city.

Task 10. Select as many feature words as possible that answer the question “which one?” What is the same last sound in all these words?

Cheerful, brave, good...

Task 11. Remember as many words as possible with the sound [Y].

Name words with the sound [Y] consisting

of one syllable (May,..),

of two syllables (bunny, ...),

of three syllables (trolleybus, ...),

of four syllables (balalaika, ...).

Task 12. Replace the third sound in words with the sound [Y]. What words did you get? Make sentences with each pair of words:

Cup - seagull, paw - ..., fishing line - ..., river - ..., hat - ..., midge -...

Task 13. Answer the question: what words will be obtained if the sound [Y] is removed from them?

T-shirts - poppies, slats - ..., huskies - ..., jays - ...

Task 14. Learn pure sayings:

Ay-ay-ay - May is coming soon.

Ooh, ooh, ooh, wind, blow.

Oh-oh-oh - take me with you.

Hey-hey-hey - drink some water.

Task 15. Learn a poem and then recite it, clapping your hands for each syllable.

What sound is often heard in the poem?


Yod is good, Yod is not evil.

In vain you shout: “Oh-oh-oh!” -

I barely saw the bottle.

Iodine, of course, sometimes burns,

But it will heal faster

Iodine smeared wound.

V. Lunin

Task 16. Make sentences from words. (Analysis of sentences, finding a preposition and a word with the sound [Y], determining their place in a sentence, writing down the sentence diagram.)

Bunny, sit, bush, under; Seagull, sea, fly, over; Tram, go, city, by.

Task 17. Introducing the letter Y.

Here's a short one, take a look.

Three needles, thread on top.

V. Kovshikov

What else does the letter Y look like?

Letter games. Differentiation of letters I - Y.

Task 18. Independent sound-syllable analysis of words, writing in block letters, reading words:

May, tea, kettle.

Converting words using split alphabet letters:

bunny - shirt - nut - gang - seagull.

Recording sentences under dictation, reading:

Who is here? Zina is here. Zina has a bunny. Dima is here. Dima is wearing a T-shirt. Sima is here. Sima has a seagull.

Today in the lesson we will talk about the letter, which can be called a cunning traveler. Cunning, because in appearance she is very similar to her neighbor in the alphabet, and also because her sound can hide well. And a traveler for the reason that in ancient times it either appeared in our alphabet or disappeared, and initially it was not considered a letter at all. And only in the last century did it have its permanent place in the alphabet, next to the vowel I. This is the letter Y (I short) and the sound [th’]. Sometimes the sound it represents is also called “yot.” So why did we need another letter I in our alphabet? First, let's remember the characteristics of sound [i]. The sound [and] vowel, it stretches, is sung. Now try to sing the sound [th’]. Did not work out? Of course, because it's a short consonant. This means that in our alphabet the vowel [and] and the consonant [th’] have absolutely miscellaneous work, so we both need and are important. Today we will talk about only one work of the letter Y.

Let's start with the definition of the sound [th']. Place your hands on your throat or ears and pronounce the sound [th']. We felt the vibration, which means it is a ringing sound. Now remember one more trick of this sound: the sound [th’] is only soft, and it does not have a hard pair. This means that the sound [th’] is consonant, sonorous, soft. Now let's practice recognizing this sound in words.

Today we will go to the bird kingdom. Guess the riddle and name the place of the sound in the word: at the beginning of the word, in the middle or at the end.


Jump to the grains!

Peck, don't be shy!

Who is this?

Sparrow- sound [th’] at the end of a word (Fig. 1).

White winged bird

Flies over the sea.

He will see the fish -

The beak is enough.

Chaika - sound [th’] in the middle of a word (Fig. 2).

Who is without notes and without a pipe

He produces trills best of all,


Nightingale- sound [th’] at the end of a word (Fig. 3).

Little gray bird

Small bird,

You always move your neck.

Is there a need for this?

Wryneck- sound [th’] in the middle of a word (Fig. 4).

Rice. 4. Vertichneck ()

In the bird's joyful enthusiasm,

Firmly believing in success,

Which bird dives into the sea?

Without a doubt, the best?

Guillemot- sound [th’] in the middle of a word (Fig. 5).

It's not a rainbow, it's not a flame!

What kind of bird? Guess!

He chats with us all day


Parrot- sound [th’] at the end of a word (Fig. 6).

I don't like to live without anything to do,

I get up at five o'clock,

Then I plant cedars with my beak,

Those are oaks in a deep forest.

Jay- sound [th’] in the middle of a word (Fig. 7).

Noise and din throughout the area,

The birds are running around in fright.

A predator appeared in the sky,

Looking for something to eat.

Hawk- sound [th’] at the beginning of a word: [yastr’ip] (Fig. 8).

We noticed that the sound [й’] appeared only once at the beginning of the word. The fact is that this sound is rarely found in words of the Russian language. There are few words in our language that begin with the letter Y, among them mainly geographical names, but not only. Try to name words starting with the letter Y.

Every child knows iodine.

Mom smears iodine on the wounds(Fig. 9) .

What dairy product should all children drink? Yogurt (Fig. 10).

A yogi will never say: “Oh!”

"Oh oh oh!" - the yogi will not shout(Fig. 11) .

Young man, control yourself!

Old, be like young!

Yorkshire Terrier, or York (Fig. 12).

Rice. 12. Yorkshire Terrier ()

Let's look at how the letter Y is written.

Because comma

He sits on her shoulders.

Consider the block letters. What do they remind you of? Letters Ii.

The letter Y is called I short.

Y like I in your notebook.

So that Y is not confused with I,

Write a tick at the top.

Jump-jump bar

And she lay down diagonally.

H has changed inside,

The result is the letter I.

And then above the letter I

The bird flew by

Become Y (I short) letter I

I wanted it right away.

What does the letter Y look like?

Got up and under the lantern,

We don't recognize him.

Changed - look

Stealthily looking at him.

Previously it was just I,

And now Y (I short).

Writer Viktor Khmelnitsky came up with his own story.

Previously, the letters Y and Y invited each other to visit, but the letter Y always left a wand in the hallway, and the letter Y could not distinguish it from soft sign. And when the letter Y came to visit, she left her hat on the hanger, and the hostess confused the guest with the letter I. In the end, they got tired of this confusion. What about tea? And now they drink tea in the garden. The letter Y keeps his wand with him, and the letter Y may not take off his hat(Fig. 13) .

Rice. 13. A fairy tale about the letters Y and Y

The sound and letter Y love to answer the question “which one?” Let's check. Look at the picture and tell me.

Which kitten (Fig. 14)?

Red, small, funny, soft, etc.

What kind of backpack (Fig. 15)?

School, new, heavy, beautiful, etc.

Rice. 15. School backpack ()

What kind of watermelon (Fig. 16)?

Striped, sweet, sugar, tasty, etc.

Let's read the words: oh, oh, hey- th helps to express feelings.

Replacing one letter in a word, we get another word: may - bark - paradise - swarm - mine.

The sound [th'] is always soft. So, the letter Y denotes the sound [й’], which is always soft, and the vowel I shows the softness of the preceding consonant.

Let's look at the written letters Y (Fig. 17, 18).

Look, look,

Dear friend,

Until what?

We are similar!

What we have in common is

You are like me

And I’m like you.

We look like chicks.

Maybe we are twins?

Rice. 17. Written and block letter AND ()

Rice. 18. Written and printed letter Y ()

What is the difference? Y has a tick or a bird on top.

Practice writing the letter Y.

Now let’s complete the following task: listen to the poem and write down all the sounds [th’] with the letters Y. Hint: as many sounds as there are letters.

Next to my room

And there are a lot of friends there:




And wingless

And winged

And hornless

And horned,

And tailless

And tailed...

How many letters did you get? 9. What animals living in the forest did you imagine? Tell me.

Now let's write a short dictation.

Write the letter that represents the first sound in the word “Roma”.

Write the letter that represents the last sound in the word “lazy”.

Write the letter that represents the second sound in the word “forest.”

Write a capital letter N.

Write the capital letter of today's lesson.

Rice. 19. Test yourself


1. Practice writing the capital and small letter Y in cursive.

2. Remember and name 5 fairy tales whose names contain the letter Y.

3. Compose a little fairy tale about Oi and Ai.


1. Andrianova T.M., Ilyukhina V.A. Russian language 1. - M.: Astrel, 2011.

2. Buneev R.N., Buneeva E.V., Pronina O.V. Russian language 1. M.: Ballas, 2012

3. Agarkova N.G., Agarkov Yu.A. Textbook for teaching literacy and reading: ABC. Academic book/textbook, 2014

1. Festival pedagogical ideas"Public lesson" ()

Topic: Consonant sound [th], letter Y. New Year's adventure with the heroes of your favorite fairy tales.

Goals: familiarity with the sound [th], denoted by the letter Y; practicing the skill of clearly pronouncing the sound [th]; development of phonemic awareness; learning the ability to isolate the sound [th] from a number of sounds, syllables, words; make sentences with given word; learning to read syllables using syllable tables and words with the sound [th]; development of memory, attention, thinking; fostering discipline and the ability to work in a team.
Equipment: sound houses; pictures of words with the sound [th] (Koshey the Immortal, Emelya, Zmey Gorynych, Thumbelina, Leshy, Vodyanoy); cards with windows to determine the place of a sound in a word; red, blue, green lanterns with and without bells; colour pencils; pictures of Snowman, Baba Yaga, Father Frost, Snow Maiden, Christmas tree, Christmas tree decorations with syllables and words with the letter Y printed on them; manual "Fun Train".
Progress of the lesson.
I. O.n.z. Surprise moment.
- Hear, guys, someone sighs and calls us. Yes, this is our friend Snowman.
- What happened, Snowman?
- Oh oh oh! - Ah ah ah! Hey Hey hey!
Guys, the Snowman is so scared that he can’t say anything else. Who scared him so much?
- Oh oh oh! - Ah ah ah! Hey Hey hey!
He probably wants to name the fairy-tale hero who scared him so much.
Let's listen again to what he says and determine which sound is repeated more often than others.
- Oh oh oh! - Ah ah ah! Hey Hey hey!
II. Introducing a new sound.
Characteristics of the sound [th] according to articulatory and acoustic characteristics.
- That's right, this is the sound [th]. What is he like?
Let's make this sound. Will we be able to sing it? What's stopping us? (Obstacle - the tongue arches the back). What sound is this? (Consonant). Is it soft or hard? What do you want to do, clench your fist or stroke your palm? (soft). The sound [th] is always soft. Listen to your throat, is this sound ringing or dull? (voiced). The sound [th] is consonant, sonorous, always soft.
III. Development of phonemic awareness.
- To find out the name of the fairy-tale hero who scared our Snowman, you need to learn to identify the sound [th] among other sounds. What color magic lantern will we light when we hear the sound [th]? (green with bell)
1. Definition of the sound [th] in a series of sounds.
A U Y N Y M P Y ...

2. Definition of the sound [th] in a series of syllables.
3. Definition of the sound [th] in words.
- We have learned to identify sound, now we can determine the name of the fairy-tale hero who scared the Snowman.
Puss in Boots, Giant, Shrek, Kikimora, Baba Yaga.
- That's right, this is Baba Yaga.
IV. Working with new sound.
Determining the place of the sound [th] in a word.
- Baba Yaga hid Father Frost and Snow Maiden. And fairy-tale characters whose names contain the sound [th] will help us find it. They will go in search of Grandfather Frost and the Snow Maiden on our Merry Little Engine. In the first carriage will go those characters whose names have the sound [th] at the beginning of the word, in the second - in the middle, in the third - at the end of the word. (Koschei the Immortal, Emelya, Zmey Gorynych, Thumbelina, Leshy, Vodyanoy) They all really want to celebrate the New Year with us.
V. Introducing the letter Y.
- While our heroes are looking for Father Frost and the Snow Maiden, we will prepare invitation cards for them. We know the sound [th], but what do you need to know to write it? The letter Y. We hear and pronounce sounds, we write and read letters.
The letter Y is called “And short.”
Y like I in your notebook.
So that Y is not confused with I,
Write a tick at the top.

VI. Work with new letter.
1. Highlighting the letter Y in the text.
- Underline all the letters Y on the invitation card. What pencil will we use to underline the letter Y? (green)
New Year!
Koschey the Immortal, Emelya, Zmey Gorynych, Thumbelina, Leshy, Vodyanoy come to my kindergarten for the New Year's holiday.
2. Reading syllables with a new letter.
And here is Father Frost and the Snow Maiden. They came to us for the holiday and brought a Christmas tree with them.
To decorate the Christmas tree, you need to read the syllables and words with a new letter on the toys.
VII. Physical exercise.
We decorated the Christmas tree, and now let's play with it. Attention game “Christmas trees big and small.”
- Let's show how big the Christmas trees are (raise your hands up) and how small they are (put your hands down). (Children should show large and small Christmas trees, not paying attention to the deceptive movements of the speech therapist, but listening only to his verbal instructions).
VIII. Consolidation of what has been learned.
1. Expanding vocabulary.
“Change the word.”
Have fun on our holiday. Baba Yaga also asks to come to us. Santa Claus gave her a task, but she couldn’t do it without us. Let's help her. Need to
change the word so that the sound [th] appears in it: T-shirt - T-shirt, hare - bunny, bench - bench, sparrow - sparrow, egg - egg, ruler - ruler, nightingale - nightingale...
2. Working with pure tongues.
“Read and finish”:
Oh - oh - this is my bunny
Ay - ah - we baked a loaf
Ay - ay - a parrot in a cage
Oh - oh - we're going home

3. Drawing up proposals.
What words with the sound [th] did you hear? (bunny, loaf, parrot, home, mine)
Make sentences with them.
IX. Bottom line.
It's time for Santa Claus fairy-tale characters return to your fairy tales. And the sound [th] remains with us in the city of Sounds. Let's remember what sound this is? (consonant, soft, voiced). Well done!