Alone at home. Rules of conduct (electricity, fire, water, household substances, strangers)

Our apartment has many useful devices that make household work easier. But you need to be able to handle them correctly. Otherwise, disaster may occur.

A policeman keeps order on the street. It regulates the movement of cars, allows or prohibits pedestrians from crossing the street. In the house main role your parents are playing. They will explain to you what children can and cannot do.

Exist rules reasonable behavior, which are important for everyone to know: both children and adults.

Our helpers in the house are electrical devices. Most of them have wires that connect to the source electric current using a plug and socket.

Electricity- a source of energy for devices. He is our assistant, but when using him we must follow the rule of reasonable behavior. Never handle an electrical appliance or electrical outlet with wet hands! An electric shock can be not only painful, but also fatal.

Never leave the iron, stove and water tap unattended! Fire and Water- our friends, but they can cause harm. If you see fire, call an adult. Call 101. You can't hide from fire. We must try to quickly leave the burning room.

Substances used on the farm, can be dangerous. Therefore, you cannot take unfamiliar substances without the permission of adults.

To open the door And talk on the phone need to be careful. You can open the door only when you see through the peephole or hear the voice of a person you know well. You can't tell strangers that you're home alone. You cannot tell strangers your phone number and address. Material from the site

On this page there is material on the following topics:

  • Home safety report

  • Rules for reasonable behavior saving electricity

  • Rules of conduct with electricity report

  • Healthy home abstract

  • Essay on home safety

Questions about this material:

A preschooler’s mastery of a system of norms of behavior in nature from the position of environmental ethics, excluding damage to it, is carried out on the basis of environmental knowledge and value orientations. Indeed, violations of environmental rules usually do not occur because the child is harmful. Absolutely confident that he is doing a good deed, he picks up the chick that has fallen from the nest and brings it home to feed it; throws collected garbage into a reservoir - the bank will be clean, etc. Such anti-ecological actions are often carried out as a result of the lack of natural science knowledge available to children of this age and the ability to adequately assess the current situation.

How to help a preschooler realize the need for correct behavior in nature, compliance with its norms in Everyday life? In our opinion, educators and preschool teachers will help solve this problem by following the recommendations below.

1. It is advisable that Each environmental rule had its own formulation and natural scientific justification. Rules of behavior in nature are usually of a prohibitive nature: “Don’t tear...”, “Don’t break...”, “Don’t scare...”. However, as is known, the child reacts to such sanctions from an adult with internal resistance. The norms of behavior in nature will be perceived adequately by children if they not only know them, but also realize the objective need to comply with them. Consider, for example, the rule of behavior in relation to poisonous mushrooms. It is known that some guys develop a negative attitude towards them. When children encounter such mushrooms, they try to destroy them, knock them down, crush them, often motivating their behavior by the fact that poisonous mushrooms Animals or people may be poisoned. Let us supplement the rule “Do not knock down or trample even inedible mushrooms” with the following description: mushrooms, including those inedible for humans, are an important part of the forest. With their underground mycelium, they grow together with the roots of trees, shrubs, and grasses, delivering water and nutrition to the latter. For animals, mushrooms serve as food and medicine. No less important is that mushrooms are a decoration of the forest.

2. The second recommendation smoothly follows from the first: rules of conduct in nature should be formulated not only in the form of prohibitions, but also in the form of instructions and permissions. For example: “You are allowed to feed the birds”, “We advise you to photograph the first spring flower.”

3. Next, taking into account phenological changes in nature, make work on the rules of behavior a constant, systematic, continuous thread woven into the overall fabric environmental education preschoolers. You can distribute the rules of behavior in nature according to the seasons: let there be autumn, winter, spring and summer environmental rules.

4. The following recommendation for the formation of reasonable behavior in the nature of preschoolers is based on their psychological characteristics, as the predominance of concrete-figurative thinking. Due to this It is desirable that each rule have a graphical expression. Environmental signs made similar to traffic signs have become widespread in the practice of preschool teachers.

Ecological signs

5. To consolidate the rules of reasonable behavior in nature with the help of environmental signs, it is recommended use a variety of tasks.

The teacher demonstrates an environmental sign - the children name the rule for it.

The teacher formulates a rule, the children come up with and draw a sign (the task is creative).

The child names the rule, and other children select the corresponding sign from the cards with environmental signs laid out on the table.

Environmental signs are laid out on the table so that the blank side of the card is visible. In turns, children choose any sign, turn it over, study it, and then explain the meaning. The winner is the one who was able to most fully reveal the content of the sign.

The teacher invites the children to divide environmental signs into three groups: “Permissive”, “Prohibitory”, “Warning”.

Having laid out environmental signs on the table, the teacher tells the children that in nature everything is interconnected, if at least one element of nature disappears (plant, animal, fontanelle), others may also disappear. Then he invites each child to choose a sign and talk about what will happen if the natural object depicted on it disappears.

In parallel with environmental signs, they are used story pictures, which depict certain life situations that happen to a person in nature. The teacher invites the children to look at the drawings and choose the appropriate environmental sign. Instead of a drawing, the teacher can use an oral description of the plot.

Summarizing the above, we note that only through painstaking and purposeful work do children develop conscious, felt knowledge about correct behavior in nature, knowledge that gradually develops into their own beliefs and turns into a simple natural habit of environmentally literate and reasonable behavior in nature.


  • Based on the repetition of knowledge about the functions and structure of the digestive system, form ideas about the hygienic conditions of normal nutrition, about the diet;
  • Develop the ability to work with educational and additional literature, compare, draw conclusions, and apply acquired knowledge in practice;
  • Instill responsibility for your own health and the health of others.

Equipment: tables: “Food hygiene”, “Contents” organic compounds in food products of plant origin”, “Content of organic compounds in food products of animal origin”, “Daily energy consumption in people engaged in various types of work”, “Approximate norms of people’s daily need for nutrients", laboratory equipment for conducting the experiment.

Used in class various shapes works aimed at enhancing the cognitive activity of students. When updating knowledge, individual work is combined with frontal work. Tasks of different levels are used: reproductive, creative and constructive. For each correct answer, students receive tokens, the total number of which determines their grade for the lesson.
The assimilation of knowledge is organized through working with a textbook, listening to speeches, conducting experiments and experiments, individual group and frontal work.
At the beginning of the lesson, paper cut-out figures in the form of an oval are attached to the board, on which the lesson questions are written on the back side. These are like uncharted islands that will open up. Problematic issues, set before each presentation by guests: a hygienist, a nutritionist, allow you to activate the thought process.
After the doctors’ presentation, students complete tasks in groups: answer questions posed before the presentation or do practical work: using food packaging to determine their energy value.
Laboratory experiments and practical assignments allow students to make the necessary observations of a research nature, analyze, compare, draw conclusions or generalize.
Students become familiar with the rules of rational nutrition and relate them to folk proverbs and sayings.
At the end of the lesson, students complete the chart “What does food hygiene include?” and after listening to Sanin’s poem “Now I’m consulting a doctor,” they draw a conclusion about what self-medication and poor nutrition can lead to.


1. Organizational moment

Teacher: I am pleased to see everyone in class in a good mood. After all, as L.N. said. Tolstoy “The need for education lies in every person.” With each lesson, each of you becomes more educated.
The motto of our lesson today will be the words of F. Bacon: “Reading gives knowledge, conversations - resourcefulness, and the habit of writing - accuracy.” ( Presentation , slide 2)

2. Updating knowledge

Teacher: In the last lesson we learned about the transformation of energy in the human body. For each correct answer you will receive a certain number of points: white token - 1 point, blue - 2 points, red - 3 points. After graduating from school, you will understand that your progress forward depends on these very points, which will be given first by the examiners, and then by life. It is important that these scores are given objectively.

Differentiated survey

A) At the blackboard: “Energy transformation in the human body”

B) Work on individual assignments on site:

  • Reproductive level: “Finish the sentence.” ( Annex 1 )
  • Creative level: test “Metabolism and energy”. ( Appendix 2 )
  • Constructive level: “Solving cognitive problems” ( Appendix 3 )

B) Frontal survey: ( Presentation , slide 3)

– What is the name of the main process that occurs continuously in the cell?
– What is the process of metabolism in the body?
– What are the two opposite directions of metabolism?
– What is plastic exchange?
– What is energy metabolism?

3. Learning new material

Teacher: Food is the main source of energy in the human body. The more energy a person expends, say, on muscular work, the more intense the recovery processes in the body, the more food he needs.
And today the goal of our lesson is to show the relevance of the problem of nutrition in the modern world, to formulate the rules of rational nutrition, to form ideas about the hygienic conditions of normal nutrition, and about the diet.
As the epigraph for our lesson, I took the words of Socrates: “We do not live in order to eat, but we eat in order to live.”
Open your notebooks, write down the date and topic of the lesson “Energy consumption. Food standards and hygiene".
Guys, look at the board, it's all covered with white spots.

(On the board there are cut out paper figures in the form of an oval, on which the lesson questions are written on the reverse side). It's like uncharted islands. And we will discover these islands today. Guests will help us with this: a hygienist, a nutritionist and expert groups. (The class is pre-divided into 4 groups)

– What is the energy consumption in the body? To answer this question, let’s determine the body’s energy consumption at rest and when performing work. Record the results in the table.

Completing the task:

A) Hold your breath and count how many seconds you managed to do this, write down the results.
B) Do 10 squats and also hold your breath, what you observe, write down the result.


Teacher: What is the result of the experiment?
– What conclusion can be drawn?

Suggested answer: Working muscles need energy, which is released as a result of breakdown organic matter. After work, this process intensifies and more accumulates in the blood. carbon dioxide than at rest, so breathing can be held for a shorter period of time.

Teacher: Now a doctor-hygienist will speak to you. After listening to his speech, you will have to answer the question:

  • Group 1: What does energy consumption depend on?
  • Group 2: What are nutritional standards?
  • Group 3: Distribution of calories in a teenager’s daily diet.
  • Group 4: Energy value of nutrients.

(Presentation , slide 4)

Hygienist. At the end of the last century, the German hygienist and physiologist Max Rubner showed that during the combustion of 1g of a substance and during its oxidation, the same amount of energy is released in the body. This proved the validity of the conservation law not only for inorganic nature, but also for living organisms. For hygiene, this study was important in that it made it possible to determine the energy value of substances consumed by humans.
It has been established that the more physical work a person does, the greater the energy expenditure. You can verify this by looking at the table in the textbook on page 142.
There is a formula that allows you to determine the energy consumption performed by a person in 1 minute, based on heart rate (HR).

Q = 2.09 (0.2 HR – 11.2) kJ/min(Q – energy consumption)

For people of different professions, it is important, having determined the daily energy consumption, to establish nutritional standards - this is a set of substances included in food that completely restore the amount of energy that is expended during the day.
It has been established that 1 g of carbohydrates and 1 g of proteins during oxidation give 17.17 kJ, and 1 g of fats - 38.7 kJ
That. in order to correctly create a diet, you need to know how many kJ were spent and how much food you need to eat to compensate for the energy expended. The recommended distribution of calories in a teenager’s daily diet is as follows:

25% – breakfast
50% – lunch
15% – afternoon snack
10% – dinner.

(Group representatives answer questions posed before the presentation)

Teacher. And now, based on the results of the presentation, expert groups will conduct an experiment.
Each expert group has food packaging that indicates the energy value of the product.

  • Group 1: Determine the energy value of sour cream.
  • Group 2: Calculate how much energy a person will spend after 30 minutes. skiing if your heart rate is 120 beats per minute.
  • Group 3: Determine the energy value of rolled oats.
  • Group 4: Determine the energy value of food that includes:

Second course:

mashed potatoes – 200 g
cow meat – 50 g
butter – 5 g
fresh cabbage salad – 100 g

Teacher. Many people think this way: if only we had food on hand, we’ll figure out what to cook and how much to eat. This opinion is wrong. You can have a lot of food at home, but not eat right. Neglect of nutrition often ends sadly. In some cases, it leads to difficult-to-treat obesity, in others – to gastritis, gastric and duodenal ulcers.
How should you eat? A nutritionist will tell you about this. You should pay attention to the rules of rational nutrition.

Nutritionist. The ancient Romans had a wise saying, which is not accidentally taken as the epigraph to our lesson: “We eat in order to live, and we do not live in order to eat.” Turning food into an end in itself is harmful. Undoubtedly, “excessive passion for enjoying food” is harmful, noted I.P. Pavlov, like every extreme of life.”
The harm of overeating is confirmed by animal experiments. One of I.P.’s students Pavlova proved the dependence of the work of the stomach on the volume of food. He inserted rubber balloons into the dog's stomach and inflated them. It has been noticed that if the pressure is very high, the secretion of juice is delayed. It follows: excessive overfilling impairs digestion, food is not absorbed.
Excess food, that's it main reason excess weight, obesity. To avoid this, you need to eat within the limits of energy expenditure. Therefore, every person should be familiar with the rules of rational nutrition:
(rules written down on separate sheets of paper are posted on the board)

Rule one: Eat regularly, preferably 4-5 times a day. If you follow these recommendations, you will not feel hungry and, when you sit down at the table, you will be completely satisfied with a small portion.

Rule two: Chew your food thoroughly, do not overuse salty and peppery foods.

Rule three. Food should be varied. Be sure to include fruits, milk, dairy products, fish, vegetable oil, and vegetable salads in your diet. These products contain substances necessary for the body.

Rule four. Don't be greedy with food. Extra pounds appear from overeating, this is a risk of developing diabetes, cholelithiasis, heart and spine diseases.

(Presentation , slide 5)

Teacher. In the textbook, find the answer to the question: What needs to be done to prevent the development of obesity?

Teacher. Our world is full of wise thoughts, but not everyone clearly understands how they can be usefully applied. And now we will fill this gap. Each expert group must distribute statements or sayings of great scientists and thinkers, folk wisdom and sayings about rational nutrition according to the rules of rational nutrition.

(The statements printed on sheets of paper are read out and students place them on the board under the rule to which they correspond)

Materials for group work:

1. He who chews long lives long.
2. Chew well and swallow sweetly.
3. It is better to eat 5 times than to be full once.
4. Tell me what you eat and I will tell you who you are. (A.S. Pushkin)
5. Overeating leads to illness. (Hippocrates)
6. Those who are greedy for food end up in trouble.
7. Many people are ruined by excess of food, not by its lack.
8. My head hurts from verbosity, and my stomach hurts from gluttony.
9. Act in such a way that you want to eat more when you get up from lunch. (L.N. Tolstoy)

Pause for psychological relief.

Teacher. Proper and balanced nutrition for schoolchildren is very important, because... The teenage body is a growing organism. What nutrients does it need most and why? You will find the answer to this question in the textbook in the paragraph section “Diet for schoolchildren.” Read this section and ask questions about it that you can then ask the other group.

(Students read the article and after reading ask questions to the other group)

Teacher. Today in class we learned about food hygiene and looked at the basic rules of balanced nutrition. What does “food hygiene” include?

(Students fill out the diagram)

4. Consolidation

– What does energy consumption depend on?
– Which sign “greater than”, “less than” or “equal” should be used in the case of:

a) obesity
b) exhaustion
c) normal

“energy receipts”________________ “energy consumption”

Teacher. What happened to the person who did not follow these rules?
Listen to Sanin’s poem “Now I’m Consulting a Doctor,” which talks about what self-medication and poor nutrition can lead to.

(Student reads a poem)

Oh, diet nonsense!
Oh, my life is not easy!
In the fat field of losing weight
I worked hard.
I'll tell you everything in order,
I confess everything on the spot...
Alas, I didn’t do exercises,
He did not recognize walking or running.
One day there was no time for jokes -
I couldn't put on my suit
After fasting for 15 days,
I started to lose weight before my eyes.
I have very little left,
To get back into shape...
The wife called the ambulance -
We managed to save them after all.
On the Hollywood Diet
I moved quickly
But three banquets got in the way:
Two birthdays, an anniversary.
The days flew by delightfully
However, I won't lie:
During this difficult week
I dropped two and added five...
I took control of my behavior
(I am both quick and bold in my decisions),
And I started eating raw food,
I didn’t eat cheese, but I ate raw.
At first it was very sad
But, friends, I did not lose heart,
Raw meat and cabbage
I washed it down with raw water.
I'm in this tough fight
Didn’t retreat and didn’t fuss,
And it began to melt like a piece of ice,
But suddenly my stomach became upset.
And so I grabbed it sometimes,
You pressed me so hard that you could even scream!
Then I spat on the raw
And again he switched to cabbage soup.
And vinegar didn’t fix the matter,
And copper didn’t help the body...
I left fashionable diets,
When I seriously got sick.
Now I consult with doctors,
I eat and sleep wisely at night.
I am no longer familiar with shortness of breath,
I bought an expander and dumbbells -
A healthy mind in a healthy body.

5. Summing up the lesson

Giving marks depending on the number of tokens.

6. Homework

For those who received:

  • score “5” – prepare a report on age-related changes in metabolism. Compose tasks on the topic of the lesson;
  • score “4” – make a supporting summary of the paragraph “Food hygiene”;
  • score “3” – read the paragraph “Food hygiene” and answer the questions about the paragraph.