Anton lavey satanic bible. The Devil's Bible or Codex Gigas is the largest book in the world. Anton Szandor LaVey and the Church of Satan

There are many mysterious and even sinister books in the world, but one of them should be described in more detail. This book is called "The Devil's Bible", it contains sacred Christian scriptures, as well as a self-portrait of the "Prince of Darkness".

However, in the story of this mysterious and apparently ominous book, there is intrigue, mystery and mystery. This ancient manuscript weighs 75 kg and has decent dimensions of 92x50 cm. 160 donkey skins were spent on the production of this book!

The Devil's Bible, sometimes also called "" was written at the turn of the 12th-13th centuries. It belongs to the pen of a monk from the Czech town of Padlažica, which is located near Prague. There is a legend that the Devil himself helped the monk in writing this mysterious book. This is where this ancient manuscript gets its name.

Legend has it that one monk committed a grave sin, and to atone for this sin he vowed to write the Bible in one night. When it dawned on the self-confident monk that he would do such a thing difficult work During one night, unrealistically, he asked Satan for help.

The Devil's Bible contains the Old and New Testaments, the texts of “Etymology” by Isidore of Seville, “The Jewish War” by Josephus, a calendar indicating all the days of saints and various.

However, the most mysterious and amazing thing in this Bible is page number 290, it contains not only texts sacred to Christians, but also a drawing of the “evil one.” It is also clearly noticeable even with the naked eye that page No. 290, as well as several pages, both before and after it, differs not only in shade from all other pages, but also in the style of the text, as if they were written by a completely different person.


If you believe the legend, the mysterious Bible was born as the fruit of a conspiracy between a novice of the monastery and the Devil himself. A monk who committed a sinful act, in order to atone for his sin, swore to the abbot of the monastery in just one night to write the Bible and not only write, but also draw pictures in it. When the time passed midnight, the monk finally realized that the task he had sworn to complete was, in fact, impossible to complete. Then he asked for help from the Prince of Darkness, in return he offered him his soul and depicted his portrait on one of the pages. The legend, unfortunately, does not say what fate befell the monk who sold his soul to the Devil after writing the ominous Bible.

The Inquisition, which had enormous power at that time, was aware of what had happened, but on its part, no action was taken related to this incident. Instead of destroying the “satanic creation,” the manuscript was carefully preserved for several centuries in the libraries of various monasteries.

In 1595 it came into the collection of King Rudolf III of Hungary, for a long time was kept in his castle. During the 13-year war that took place in Europe in the first half of the 17th century, a mysterious manuscript fell into the hands of the Swedes, who took it to Stockholm. And since that time, the Devil's Bible has been exported from Sweden only three times to exhibitions in Berlin, Prague and New York.

Whether the story with the ancient manuscript is fiction or not, the drawing with the outlines of Satan remains a fact. Also, several pages in front of the image of the Prince of Darkness were filled with ink, and then another 8 pages of text from the Bible were removed. It is unclear why and by whom this was done. Another mystery associated with this ominous manuscript.

Despite such ominous legends, this book was not destroyed or banned. Even more, several generations of young monks studied it Holy Scripture. Today, only specialist scientists, employees of the Royal Swedish Library, having previously put on sterile gloves, can study the pages of the Devil's Bible.

satanic bible

Cover of the English edition " satanic bible»

LaVey Satanism
Associated organizations
Church of Satan
First Satanic Church
Famous figures
Anton LaVey · Peter H. Gilmore
Diana Hegarty · Carla LaVey
Left Hand Path
Pentagonal revisionism
Suitheism · Might is right
Lex talionis · Theistic Satanism
satanic bible· Satanic rituals
Satanic Witch · Devil's Notebook
Satan speaks! · Black flame
Church of Satan
The Secret Life of a Satanist
Satanic scriptures


The Satanic Bible was first published in 1969 by Avon Books and has been reprinted many times since. The main text has always remained the same, but the acknowledgments section has undergone changes compared to the very first edition (the first edition contained the famous extended acknowledgments section, later shortened), and the introduction has been replaced and supplemented several times. Burton Wolf ( Burton Wolfe), a journalist and member of the Church of Satan from its early days, is the author of the introduction, which has been published in the book for many years. Peter Gilmore, now the High Priest of the Church of Satan, wrote a new introduction, which replaced Burton Wolfe's text and is now included in the edition of The Satanic Bible, beginning with . University Press published The Satanic Bible and The Satanic Rituals in hardcover, but these editions have been out of print for a long time and have become second-hand books (some copies sell for more than $1,000 on eBay).

Sections of The Satanic Bible

The Satanic Bible, in addition to an introduction written by other authors, is divided into four sections under the following titles:

Book of Satan

In this section, LaVey also first coined the term psychic, or spiritual, vampire, which refers to people who "suck the life force out of other people." Now this term, synonymous with the phrase “energy vampire” (probably more often used in Russian), is included in the active vocabulary of many people. The author suggests avoiding any relationships with psychic vampires who try to play on human feelings of guilt. At the conclusion of The Book of Lucifer, LaVey warns of “pseudo-Satanists.”

Book of Belial

Contents of The Satanic Bible

Chapter Chapter
Nine Fundamentals of Satanism
- Infernal diatribe -
- Enlightenment -
I. Wanted!: God - alive or dead
II. The god you worship could be you
III. Some Signs of the New Satanic Age
IV. Hell, the Devil and how to sell your soul
V. Love and Hate
VI. Satanic sex
VII. Not all vampires suck blood
VIII. Indulgence... but not coercion
IX. On the issue of human sacrifice
X. Life After Death Through Ego Satisfaction
XI. Religious holidays
XII. Black mass
- Power over the earth -
I. Theory and practice of satanic magic
II. Three Types of Satanic Ritual
III. Ritual room, or room of intellectual emancipation
IV. Components of practicing satanic magic
1. Desire
2. Timing
3. Image
4. Direction
5. Balancing factor
V. Satanic Ritual
1. Some notes to consider before starting the ritual
2. Thirteen steps
3. Devices used in satanic rituals
- Raging Sea -
I. Appeal to Satan
II. Devilish names
III. An Appeal to Challenge Lust
IV. A Proclamation to Call for Destruction
V. An Appeal for Compassion
VI. Enochian Keys and Enochian Language
First key
Second key
Third key
Fourth key
Fifth key
Sixth key
Seventh key
Eighth key
Ninth Key
Tenth key
Eleventh key
Twelfth key
Thirteenth Key
Fourteenth key
Fifteenth key
Sixteenth key
Seventeenth key
Eighteenth key
Nineteenth key

see also

  • Devilish names

Other books by A. S. LaVey

  • "Satanic Witch"
  • "Satanic Rituals"
  • "The Devil's Notebook"
  • "bible of the damned"


  • Church of Satan (English) - official website
  • The Satanic Bible, as well as the Eleven Earthly Rules and the Nine Satanic Sins.
  • (M., 1996)
  • A. S. LaVey, “The Satanic Witch”
  • A. S. LaVey, “Satanism” () - monograph, the material of which was included in the “Satanic Bible”
  • Interview with Peter Gilmore, author of the foreword to the latest edition of The Satanic Bible


  • LaVey, Anton Szandor. The Satanic Bible(Avon, 1969, ISBN 0-380-01539-0).
  • LaVey A. Sh. Satanic Bible. M.: Unholy Words, Inc. (RCS), .

22.10.2015 26.08.2019 - admin

Devil's Bible, also known as the Codex Gigas or The Satanic Bible, is a unique medieval manuscript whose history is surrounded by legends. The Latin name of the manuscript translates as “Giant Book,” and it is quite justified: today the Devil’s Bible is the largest handwritten book in the world. Its weight is about 75 kilograms, and the binding measures 92x50 centimeters.

Of course, this manuscript is unusual not only for its size. The Devil's Bible got its name from the page on which there is an image of Satan, which attracted attention throughout the book's existence and gave rise to legends. The devil has attributes traditional for medieval symbolism: a forked tongue, horns, clawed paws. The ermine skin he is wearing may symbolize higher power. On the pages adjacent to the image of the devil, there are strange shadows resembling traces of flame. Many considered them a symbol of evil possession.

The famous image of Satan in the Codex Gigas.

Depictions of Satan appear in other medieval books, but none are as large or as detailed. It is also unusual that the author of the manuscript depicted him in a closed cell, while usually the Devil was depicted in hell.

Another notable feature of Codex Gigas is its composition. The book includes the Old and New Testaments, historical and natural science works, as well as spells intended to drive out the Devil. Although medieval manuscripts were often heterogeneous in composition, such a set of texts is not found in any other manuscript of this period.

The unusual nature of the book gave rise to a legend about its creation. According to legend, a certain monk violated the rules of the monastery and, as punishment for this, he was to be walled up alive. To avoid death, he asked to postpone the execution for one night, promising by the morning to create a manuscript that would include all the knowledge known to mankind, and thereby glorify the monastery. When the monk realized that it would not be possible to finish the work on time, he turned to Lucifer in prayer. The devil magically completed the manuscript, but in payment for the work he took the monk’s soul, and added a “devil’s page” to the book itself.

History of the manuscript

Indirect evidence, such as mentions of famous historical figures in the memorial lists included in the manuscript, suggests that the work on the book was completed around 1230. It is believed that the Devil's Bible was created in a monastery in Podlazice (Czech Republic). Some researchers believe that this is unlikely, since no other manuscripts have survived from this small and poor monastery.

During religious wars In the 15th century this monastery was destroyed. In the following decades, the location of the Codex Gigas changed several times until it became part of the collection of Emperor Rudolf II at the end of the 16th century. After graduation Thirty Years' War the book came to Sweden as a war trophy. She remains in this country to this day. In 1697, there was a fire that almost destroyed the book. They managed to save it by throwing it out of the window, but several pages were lost forever. In addition, a person who was under the window was injured by a fallen book.

Over the past three centuries, the Devil's Bible has only once left the storage of the Royal Library of Stockholm. From September 2009 to January 2008 it was on display in Prague, at the Czech National Library.

Modern research

At the beginning of the 2000s, a group of researchers from different countries studied the manuscript to establish the true history of its creation. They used paleography and forensic methods, studied the author’s handwriting, determined the composition of the ink and the characteristics of the material from which the pages were made.

As a rule, scribes prepared the ink themselves, using one of the technologies known at that time. To determine the composition of the ink, the pages were examined under an ultraviolet lamp. As a result, it was discovered that the entire book was written with ink of approximately the same composition.

Features of the book's design, including the way the famous image of the Devil is executed, suggest that the author was self-taught and not a professional scribe. Manuscript researcher Christopher de Hamel describes the hypothetical author of the Codex Gigas as a man obsessed with an idea: while working on the illustrations, he tried to make them as impressive as possible. He had a certain artistic talent, but was not trained in illustrating books, unlike professional scribes who followed certain canons.

Manuscript page.

Decorative elements on the pages of the manuscript.

According to the researcher, the same impression is created by the handwriting in which the book is written. The fact that the handwriting is the same on all pages of the manuscript is another important argument in favor of the fact that the Codex Gigas is the fruit of the labors of one person.

Researchers estimate that working on one page took about an hour. Writing a book could take about five years, but only if the scribe worked on it almost around the clock. In addition, preparatory work, for example, cutting out sheets, took some time. It could take several days to write one decorative letter. At the same time, the author of the book could not help but follow the daily routine established in the monastery. Taking these factors into account, the time required to create a unique manuscript is estimated at 25-30 years.

It is possible that this work was entrusted to the monk as punishment for some offense. In the Middle Ages, there was a belief that a person could cleanse his soul of sins by rewriting sacred books. This may be the reason for the unusual set of texts included in the manuscript. The author of the book wrote “instructions” for his own salvation, and that is why there were spells next to the Bible, and the image of Satan itself is adjacent to the page on which the kingdom of heaven is depicted. It is also possible that the Devil is depicted inside a certain building to demonstrate the contrast between the “city of God” and the “city of the devil.”

Codex Gigas spread. Photo:

The “shadows of flames” were also explained on several pages. Researcher Michael Gullick concluded that pages adjacent to the image of the Devil attracted more attention from the owners of the book, they were opened more often, and as a result the parchment darkened when exposed to sunlight. Thus, these “shadows” do not indicate the “obsession with evil” of the author of the book, but the interest that the page with the image of the Devil aroused among its subsequent owners.

The legend about the creation of the book may have arisen due to the incorrect reading of one word. Throughout the book’s existence, the word “inclusus” in the name of its author (Hermanus Inclusus) was interpreted as imprisonment, imprisonment, walling up alive as punishment for some sins. But it also has another meaning - seclusion, hermitage. Then it may indicate the monk’s voluntary decision to leave the world in order to devote himself to working on the manuscript.

Composition of the manuscript

Along with biblical texts, a significant place in the codex is occupied by historical ones, which are allocated about 100 sheets. It is noteworthy that these are not only works about world history (“Jewish Antiquities” and “Jewish War” by Josephus), but also texts dedicated to local realities - “Czech Chronicle” written by Kozma Prazhsky, a list of names of the monastery brethren, a calendar with a memorial list .

Another 40 sheets are occupied by “Etymologies” by Isidore of Seville. The main purpose of this work is to answer the question of the origin of all types of human activity and everything that is in the Universe through the study of the origin of words. "Etymologies" include a description of many significant events of secular and.

The texts included in the Devil's Bible are arranged so that they form a single narrative covering everything known at that time world history- from Old Testament times to the era in which the author of the book lived. The Old Testament, which tells the history of the Jewish people, is supplemented by “Jewish Antiquities” and “History of the Jewish War.” These books are followed by the Etymologies of Isidore of Seville, which mark the transition to the history of Christianity. This part of the book also includes natural science and medical works. The presentation of sacred history ends with the full text of the New Testament.

After this, the author proceeds to describe the history of specific people - the inhabitants of Bohemia, which is presented in the Czech Chronicle, starting with the plot of the Christianization of the country. The calendar located at the end of the book reflects the history of the Catholic Church as a whole and the local church. It contains the names of the monastery’s benefactors, deceased monks, as well as famous historical figures that era. The memorial list was written by the same scribe who authored the rest of the manuscript. This makes it significantly different from memorial calendars in other manuscripts, which were created by many scribes over a long period of time.

The Codex Gigas was not just a manuscript of stunning size and unique design, but also a book of extreme importance for the religious life of the monastery. The fact that it was read many times is evidenced by notes in the margins made in different handwritings. The medical treatises included in the book could also be of practical value.

Despite the fact that the legendary features of the Devil's Bible have received a completely rational explanation, this book remains a unique historical monument. The Codex Gigas has no analogues among medieval manuscripts: it is the result of the work of one monk, reflecting the worldview of an entire era.

Satan, without a doubt, was the best friend of the church in its entire history, since he kept it in business all these years. The false doctrines of Hell and the Devil have been allowed to flourish too long thanks to the Protestant and Catholic churches. Without the Devil to point fingers at, right-wing devouts would have little to do other than threaten their followers. “Satan leads us into temptation,” “Satan is the prince of Evil,” “Satan is evil, cunning, cruel,” they warn, “If you succumb to the temptation of the Devil, you will experience the torments of eternal damnation and roast in hell.”
The semantic meaning of the word Satan is “adversary,” “enemy,” or “accuser.” The very word “Devil” comes from the Indian “devi”, which means “God”. Satan represents opposition to all religions that serve to destroy and suppress man for his natural instincts. Satan was given the role of an evil character simply because he personified all the carnal, earthly and bodily aspects of human life.
Satan, the supreme devil Western world, was at first an angel whose duty was to report to God about human misdeeds. Only from the 14th century did he begin to be portrayed as an evil creature, half-man - half-animal with goat-like horns and hooves. Before Christianity gave him the names Satan, Lucifer, etc., the carnal side of human nature was dominated by a god called Dionysus or Pan and depicted as a satyr or faun by the ancient Greeks. Pan was originally a “good fellow” and symbolized fertility and fertility.
When a nation moves to new form reign, the heroes of the past become the robbers of the present. It's the same with religion. Early Christians believed that pagan gods were devils and that dealing with them meant practicing “black magic.” They called miraculous celestial events “white magic” and this was the only difference between the two “types” of magic. The old gods did not die, they fell into Hell and became devils. Brownies, goblins and beeches (English - bogey, bugaboo), which were used to scare children, come from the words: Slavic “God” and Indian “Bhaga”.
Many pleasures that were revered before the advent of Christianity were prohibited by the new religion. Only minor modifications were needed to turn Pan, with his horns and cloven hooves, into the most convincing devil yet! His attributes were also easily transformed into punishable sins and the metamorphosis became complete.
The association of the goat with the Devil can be found in the Christian Bible. The holiest day of the year, the Day of Atonement, was celebrated by sacrificing two goats “without blemish,” one of which was intended for the Lord, the other for Azazel. The last goat, which contained human sins, was served for dessert and was the “scapegoat.” This is the origin of the goat used in the ceremonies of today, just as in Egypt it was sacrificed to God once a year.
Humanity has plenty of devils and they, of course, differ in their origins. The performance of a satanic ritual is not intended to evoke demons; this practice is followed by those who fear the dark forces they awaken.
Presumably, demons are evil spirits that have the properties to favor the corruption of people and events that they touch. The Greek word "demon" means "guardian spirit" or "source of inspiration" and, of course, theologians, legion after legion, invented these harbingers of inspiration - all of them evil.
A proof of the cowardice of the “wizards” of the right path is the practice of summoning the corresponding demon (which, presumably, is a smaller copy of the devil) to carry out his assignment. At the same time, they proceed from the fact that the demon, being the devil’s lackey, is more easily controlled. Occult folklore tells that only a very “protected” or insanely stupid sorcerer is able to think of summoning the Devil himself.
The Satanist does not secretly summon these “unfinished” devils, but fearlessly awakens those who make up the hellish army of experienced rapists - THE DEVILS THEMSELVES!
Theologians have cataloged some of the names of devils in their lists of demons, but below is a list of the names most effectively used in Satanic rituals. These are the names and brief footnotes of the summoned gods and goddesses who make up the majority of the creatures inhabiting the Royal Hell Palace:


SATAN - (Hebrew) adversary, enemy, accuser, Lord of Fire, Hell, South.

LUCIFER - (Latin) bearer of light, enlightenment, morning star, Lord of the air and the East.

BELIAL - (Hebrew) without a master, the foundation of the earth, independence, Lord of the North.

LEVIATHAN - (Hebrew) serpent from the depths, Lord of the sea and the West.


(to avoid discrepancies, they are given in alphabetical order in the original transcription)

Abbadon (Abaddon, Abaddon) - (Hebrew) destroyer

Adramelech (Adramelech) - Sumerian devil

Ahpuch (Apukh) - Mayan devil

Ahriman (Ahriman) - Mazdakian devil

Amon (Amon) - Egyptian god of life and reproduction with the head of a ram

Apollyon (Apollyon) - Greek synonym for Satan, archdevil

Asmodeus (Asmodeus) - the Jewish god of sensuality and luxury, originally - “judging being”

Astaroth (Astarte) - Phoenician goddess of voluptuousness and lust, equivalent to the Babylonian Ishtar

Azazel (Azazel) - (Hebrew) gunsmith, inventor of cosmetics

Baalberith - Canaanite Lord of Concord, later turned into a devil

Balaam (Balaam) - the Jewish devil of greed and greed

Baphomet (Baphomet) - the Templars worshiped him as the incarnation of Satan

Bast - Egyptian goddess of pleasure, represented in the form of a cat

Beelzebub (Beelzebub) - (Hebrew) Lord of the Flies, taken from the symbolism of the scarab

Behemoth (Behemoth) - Jewish personification of Satan in the form of an elephant

Beherith (Begerit) - Syriac name for Satan

Bile (Vil) - Celtic god of Hell

Chemosh (Chemosh) - national god of the Moabites, later - the devil

Cimeries (Kimeris) - sits on a black horse and rules Africa

Coyote (Coyote) - American Indian devil

Dagon (Dagon) - Philistine vengeful god of the sea

Damballa (Damballa) - snake god of voodooism

Demogorgon - Greek name for the devil, not meant to be known to mortals

Diabulus (Devil) - (Greek) "flowing down"

Dracula (Dracula) - Romanian name for the devil

Emma-O (Emma-O) - Japanese ruler of Hell

Euronimus (Euronymous) - Greek prince of death

Fenriz (Fenriz) - son of Loki, depicted as a wolf

Gorgo (Gorgon) - dimin. from Demogorgon, Greek name for the devil

Haborym - Hebrew synonym for Satan

Hecate (Hecate) - Greek goddess of the underworld and witchcraft

Ishtar (Ishtar) - Babylonian goddess of fertility

Kali (Kali) - (Hindi) daughter of Shiva, high priestess of the Thuggis

Lilith (Lilith) - Jewish devil, first wife of Adam

Loki (Loki) - Teutonic devil

Mammon (Mammon) - Aramaic god of wealth and gain

Mania (Mania) - goddess of Hell among the Etruscans

Mantus (Mantu) - the god of Hell among the Etruscans

Marduk (Marduk) - god of the City of Babylon

Mastema (Mastema) - Jewish synonym for Satan

Melek Taus (Melek Taus) - Yizid devil

Mephistopheles (Mephistopheles) - (Greek) one who avoids the light, see also Goethe's Faust

Metztli (Metztli) - goddess of the night among the Aztecs

Mictian (Mictian) - Aztec god of death

Midgard (Midgard) - son of Loki, depicted as a snake

Milcom (Milkom) - Ammonite devil

Moloch (Moloch) - Phoenician and Canaanite devil

Mormo (Mormo) - (Greek) King of the Vampires, husband of Hecate

Naamah (Naama) - Jewish she-devil of seduction

Nergal - Babylonian god of Hades

Nihasa (Nihaza) - American Indian devil

Nija (Nidza) - Polish god of the underworld

O-Yama - Japanese name for Satan

Pan (Pan) - Greek god of lust, later placed in the devil's retinue

Pluto (Pluto) - Greek god of the underworld

Proserpine (Proserpina) - Greek queen of the underworld

Pwcca - Welsh name for Satan

Rimmon - Syrian devil worshiped in Damascus

Sabazios (Shavasius) - Phrygian origin, identified with Dionysus, snake worship

Saitan - Enochian equivalent of Satan

Sammael - (Hebrew) "the malice of God"

Samnu (Samnu) - the devil of the peoples of Central Asia

Sedit (Sedit) - American Indian devil

Sekhmet (Sekhmet) - Egyptian goddess of revenge

Set (Seth) - Egyptian devil

Shaitan (Shaitan) - Arabic name for Satan

Shiva (Shiva) - (Hindi) destroyer

Supay (Supai) - Indian god of the underworld

T "an-mo (Tian-mo) - Chinese counterpart of the devil, god of greed and passion

Tchort (Devil) - Russian name for Satan, "black god"

Tezcatlipoca (Tezcatlipoca) - Aztec god of Hell

Thamuz (Thamuz) - Sumerian god, later ranked among the retinue of the Devil

Thoth (Thoth) - Egyptian god of magic

Tunrida (Tunrida) - Scandinavian devil

Typhon (Typhoon) - Greek personification of Satan

Yaotzin (Yaotsin) - Aztec god of Hell

Yen-lo-Wang (Yen-lo-Wang) - Chinese ruler of Hell

The devils of the religions of the past always have at least some animal properties - proof of man's constant need to deny that he is an animal, because admitting it would cause great damage to his exhausted ego.

The pig was despised by the Jews and Egyptians. She symbolized such gods as Frey, Osiris, Adonis, Persephone, Attis and Demeter, and was sacrificed to Osiris and the Moon. However, over time, she was turned into a devil. The Phoenicians worshiped the fly god Baal, from whom another devil, Beelzebub, comes. Both Baal and Beelzebub were identified with the dung beetle or scarab, as the Egyptians called it, which was credited with the ability to self-resurrect, just like the mythical Phoenix bird, which rose from its own ashes. The ancient Jews, thanks to their contacts with the Persians, believed that the two most important driving forces in the world there is Ahura Mazda - the god of goodness, fire and light; and Ahriman - the serpent, the god of darkness, destruction, death and evil. These and countless other examples not only depict to us the devils invented by man in animal form, but also show the need to make sacrifices to please the new religions of the original animal gods and turn them into devils.
During the Reformation, in the 16th century, the doctor and alchemist Johann Faust discovered a way to summon the demon Mephistopheles from hell and entered into an agreement with him. He signed a document in blood, in which he pledged to transfer his soul to Mephistopheles in exchange for a feeling of youth, and at that very hour he became young. When the time came to pay the bill, Faustus was torn to pieces in his room, as if in a laboratory explosion. This story is a protest of the times (XVI century) against science, chemistry and magic.
In order to become a Satanist, it is not at all necessary to sell your soul to the Devil or enter into an agreement with Satan. This terrible tale was invented by Christianity so that people would not stray from their flock. With pointing fingers and trembling voices, the priests taught their parishioners that if they succumbed to the temptations of Satan and lived their lives in accordance with their natural inclinations, they would have to pay for their sinful pleasures by handing over their souls to Satan and eternal torment in Hell. People were led to believe that an unsullied soul was a ticket to eternal life.
The sanctimonious prophets taught people to fear Satan. But what about terms like “fear of God”? If God is so merciful, why should people fear him? Is it really possible to believe that fear simply has nowhere to go? If you need to fear God, then why not stop being “Satan-fearing” and, at least, amuse yourself with at least denying your fear of God? Without this all-encompassing fear, the pious would have nothing with which to maintain their influence over the parishioners.
The Teutonic goddess of death and daughter of Loki was named Hela, the pagan god of torture and punishment. Another letter "l" was added to her name during the writing of the books Old Testament. The evangelists did not know the word "Hell" (Hell (English) - hell) and used the Hebrew word "Sheol", the Greek "Hades" (grave) and "Tartaros" (the lower world, the underground dwelling of the fallen angels), as well as the Hebrew word " Gehenna" (the name of the valley near Jerusalem, where Moloch ruled and garbage was burned - this is where the Christian church developed the idea of ​​​​"fire and brimstone" in Hell).
Hell in the minds of Protestants and Catholics is a place of eternal punishment; however, Catholics believe that there is “Purgatory,” where after death all souls go for a while, and “Limbo” (the threshold of Hell), where all unbaptized souls end up. Buddhist Hell is divided into eight parts, the first seven of which can be escaped through atonement. The Ecclesiastical description of Hell presents it as a terrible place of fire and torment; Dante's Inferno and the Hell of the northern peoples are seen as a cold, icy terrain, a giant refrigerator. (With their threats of eternal damnation and frying of the soul in Hell, Christian missionaries faced complete misunderstanding of some peoples who did not want to assimilate their nonsense. Pleasure and pain, like beauty, are in the eye of the beholder. So, for example, when the missionaries who arrived in Alaska , began to scare the Eskimos with the fiery horrors of Hell and the flaming lakes awaiting sinners, they impatiently asked: “How can we get there as quickly as possible?”)
Most Satanists do not accept Satan as an anthropomorphic creature with cloven hooves, a tasseled tail and horns. He simply represents the forces of nature - the Forces of Darkness, so named only because no religion has bothered to take these forces away from the darkness. Science has also been unable to apply technical terminology to these forces. They are like a vessel without a tap, which very few people have used, since not everyone has the ability to use a tool without first disassembling it and not naming all the parts that make it work. It is this constant desire to analyze everything that prevents many people from taking advantage of this multi-faceted key to the unknown - which Satanists have given the name "Satan".
Satan, as a god, demigod, personal savior, or whatever role you would like to see him in, was invented by all the founders of all religions with one sole purpose - to rule over the sins of man, the so-called unclean deeds and places on earth. Everything expressed in physical or spiritual satisfaction was defined as "evil", thus ensuring everyone for life with the sin of illicitness!
But since they called us “evil”, we are evil - so what? The era of Satan is ahead! Why not take advantage of its benefits and LIVE? (In the original footnote: LIVE (live) means EVIL (evil) vice versa.)


Satan represents mercy to those who deserve it, instead of love wasted on flatterers!

You can't love everyone; It would be ridiculous to think that this is possible. If you love everyone and everything, you lose your natural ability to choose and become a poor judge of character and quality. If you use something too freely, it simply loses its true meaning. Therefore, the Satanist believes that you should love strongly and fully those who deserve your love, but never turn the other cheek to your enemy!
Love is one of the strongest emotions experienced by a person; in second place after it is hatred. Forcing yourself to feel love indiscriminately is very unnatural. By trying to love everyone, you only diminish your feelings for those who need it. Repressed hatred can lead to many physical and emotional disorders. By learning to release your hatred towards those who deserve it, you will clear yourself of malignant emotions and the need to unleash pent-up hatred on your loved ones.
It should be noted that in the history of the world there have never been any great movements of “love” that did not end with the murder of countless people just to prove to them how loved they are! All the hypocrites of this earth always have their pockets full of love!
Every Pharisaic pious who claims that one must love one’s enemy, even when offended by him, consoles himself with the thought that God’s punishment will befall his enemy. Instead of admitting to themselves that they themselves have the power to hate their opponents and treat them appropriately, they say: “Then it is God’s will” and “pray” for them. Why humiliate yourself by pursuing such an inaccurate policy?
Satanism has always been attached to ruthlessness and cruelty, but only because people were afraid to face the truth, and the truth is that human beings are not so kind and not so loving. It is only because the Satanist recognizes himself as capable of both love and hatred that he is considered evil. However, on the contrary, precisely because he is able to release his rage through ritual expression, he is much more capable of love - of deeper love. Sincerely recognizing and acknowledging the love and hate that he is capable of feeling, he cannot confuse one with the other. Anyone who is unable to experience one of these feelings cannot FULLY experience the other.


Much controversy has arisen around Satan's views on "free love". It is often assumed that sexual activity is the most important factor in the Satanic religion and that a predisposition to participate in sex orgies is a prerequisite for becoming a Satanist. In fact, nothing could be further from the truth! In reality, opponents of our religion, who do not have an interest in it deeper than the sexual aspects, are very discouraged.
Satanism promotes sexual freedom, but only in the true sense of these words. Free love, in Satan's understanding, can mean the freedom to be faithful to one person or to give free rein to your sexual passions with as many people as you deem necessary to satisfy your individual needs.
Satanism does NOT condone origastic activities or extramarital affairs for those for whom it is not a natural inclination. It would be unnatural and damaging for too many to be unfaithful to their chosen ones. For others, being sexually attracted to one person would be a disappointment. Everyone must decide for themselves which form of sexual activity is best suited to their individual needs. It is self-deceptive to incline yourself to adultery, or to sleep with others before marriage only in order to prove to others (and even worse, to yourself) that you are free from sexual obligations. This is just as wrong by Satanic standards as leaving any of your sexual needs unsatisfied due to old guilt complexes.
Many of those who are constantly concerned with demonstrating their liberation from guilt are in fact even more sexually entangled than those who simply accept their activities as a natural part of life and do not make much fuss about their sexual liberation. Thus, for example, it is a long established fact that a woman suffering from nymphomania (the dream of every man and the heroine of all greasy short stories) is in fact not sexually free, but frigid and wanders from man to man, too preoccupied to ever find liberation in sex.
Another misconception is the idea that the ability to participate in a gangbang indicates sexual freedom. All modern free sex groups have one common feature- they isolate themselves from fetishistic and deviant activities.
But the most vivid examples non-fetishistic activities, thinly disguised as “freedom”, have one thing in common. All participants in the orgy take off their clothes, following the example of the leader, and enter into communication, also following his example. Neither of them realizes that their "liberated" form of sex may seem restrictive and infantile to those who cannot equate monotony with freedom.
The Satanist realizes that if he wants to be a connoisseur of sex (and truly free from guilt), he will be deterred by the so-called sex revolutionaries, as well as by the feigned modesty of a guilt-ridden society. Free sex clubs lack true sexual freedom. Only if sexual freedom cannot be expressed individually (which includes personal fetishes) does the need to participate in sexual orgies arise.
Satanism condones any form of sexual activity that properly satisfies your needs - be it heterosexual, homosexual, bisexual or even asexual - as you choose. Satanism also approves of any fetish or deviance that improves or enriches your sexual performance, as long as it does not involve anyone unwilling to take part.
The prevalence of deviant or fetishistic behavior in our society would boggle the imagination of a sexually naive person. There are many more options for sexual activity than an unenlightened person might think: transvetism, sadism, masochism, urolagnia, exhibitionism - these are just a few of the most common. Everyone has their own fetish in some form, but since many people are not aware of the prevalence of fetishistic activities in our society, they feel corrupted by giving in to their “unnatural” desires.

Footnote: Fetishism is practiced not only by humans, but also by animals.

Fetish is an integral part of the sexual life of animals. A sexual scent, for example, is necessary for one animal to be sexually aroused by another. Laboratory experiments have shown that an artificially odorless animal loses its sexual attractiveness to other animals. The stimulation achieved by a sexual aroma brings pleasure to a person despite the fact that he often denies it.

Even an asexual person has a sexual deviation - his asexuality. Much more abnormal is the absence of sexual desire (except in cases of illness, old age or other compelling reason that caused its decline) than promiscuity. However, if a Satanist prefers sexual sublimation to open expression of passion, that is entirely his business. In many cases of sexual sublimation (or asexuality), a careless attempt at sexual development can be destructive for the asexual.
Asexuals find an outlet for their sexual energy in a huge number of manifestations, such as work or hobbies. All forces and interest directed normal person on sexual activity, are devoted to other pastimes and activities. If a person chooses other interests over sexual activity, that is his right and no one is given permission to judge him for this. However, a person must at least be aware that this is sexual sublimation.
Due to the lack of suitable occasions for expression, many sexual desires never go beyond sexual fantasies. Having no way out often leads to coercion and is therefore very big number people invent ways of venting their desires that are invisible to others. Just because most fetishistic activity is not outwardly noticeable, a sexually naive person should not be deluded into thinking that such activity does not exist. One has only to give examples of some tricks: male transvestists find pleasure in their fetish by wearing women's underwear while going about their daily business; a masochist can wear a rubber belt several sizes smaller in order to again enjoy the discomfort throughout the day; and no one even suspects about all this. These illustrations are some of the most banal examples that could be given.
Satanism approves of whatever method of sexual expression you find most acceptable, as long as it DOES NOT HARM ANYONE. This provision must be clarified to avoid misinterpretation. Not harming another does not include unintentionally hurting someone who may disagree with your views on sex because of THEIR personal views on sexual morality. Naturally, you should avoid offending the views of those who are dear to you - for example, overly sensitive friends or relatives.
However, if you sincerely strive to avoid hurting them, but despite your efforts they accidentally discover the truth, you cannot be held responsible for this and therefore should not feel guilty either for your beliefs or for the pain caused by your beliefs. If you constantly fear the possibility of offending sensitive people with your views on sex, then there is no point in trying to emancipate yourself from a guilt complex, just as there is no point in flaunting your sexual permissiveness.
Another exception to the rule relates to relationships with masochists. The masochist takes pleasure in the pain CAUSED TO HIM; so depriving a masochist of his pleasure through pain causes him as much harm as real physical pain does to a non-masochist. The case of the truly cruel sadist is illustrated by this example: The masochist asks the sadist to beat him, to which the ruthless sadist replies “no!” If a person wants to be hurt and enjoys suffering, then there is no reason to deny him this pleasure.
The term "sadist" is broadly defined to describe someone who derives pleasure from indiscriminate cruelty. However, it seems that a REAL sadist is picky. He carefully selects from a vast supply of suitable victims and takes great pleasure in fulfilling the wishes of those who desire suffering. A good sadist is a real epicure in choosing those on whom he can properly pour out his emotions! If a person is healthy enough to admit that he is a masochist and enjoy enslavement and beating, a real sadist is only happy to help him with this!
Apart from the above exceptions, a Satanist must not intentionally cause harm to others by violating their sexual freedoms. If you try to pour out your passion on those who do not welcome your advances, you are infringing on THEIR sexual freedoms. Thus, Satanism does not advocate rape, child molestation, the sexual desecration of animals, or any other form of sexual activity that involves those who do not wish to participate or whose innocence or naivety allows them to be intimidated and misled into doing anything other than theirs. will.
If all those taking part in sexual activity are mature adults who consciously accept full responsibility for their actions and willingly participate in any form of this activity - EVEN IF IT IS A GENERALLY RECOGNIZED TABOO - then there is no reason for them to suppress their inclinations.
If you are aware of all the results, implications and inconveniences, and are confident that your actions will not harm anyone who does not want or deserve to be hurt, then there is no reason to suppress your sexual preferences.
Just as no two people are alike when it comes to the amount of food they consume, sexual appetites vary from person to person. Neither the individual nor society has the right to set limits on sexual standards or the frequency of sexual activity. Relevant behavior can only be condemned in the context of each individual situation. Consequently, what is considered sexually and morally correct by one person may be degrading to another. The rule also has the opposite effect: a person may be distinguished by great sexual prowess, but he is not allowed to belittle others whose sexual capabilities may not correspond to his own and, it would be reckless to impose his opinion on others, such as, for example, a husband with an insatiable sexual appetite, whose needs the wives are not the same as his own. It would be unfair to expect her to respond enthusiastically to his advances; but she should show the same degree of concern. In cases where she does not feel great passion, she must either passively but KINDLY accept him sexually, or not complain if he chooses to find outlet for his desires elsewhere - including autoerotic practice.
The ideal relationship is when people have deep love for each other and are sexually compatible. However, such relationships are relatively uncommon. It is important to note that spiritual and carnal love can go hand in hand, but this does not always happen. If there is some degree of sexual compatibility, it is often limited and some, although not all, sexual desires will be satisfied.
There is no greater sexual pleasure than that achieved by interacting with someone you love deeply, especially with a good sexual match. If you are not sexually suitable for another, then it should be noted that lack of sexual compatibility does not indicate a lack of spiritual love. A person can, and this often happens, exist without others. Typically, one partner switches to outside activities BECAUSE he feels deep love for his beloved and does not want to harm or belittle him. Strong spiritual love is enriched by sexual love, which is, without a doubt, a necessary ingredient in any satisfying relationship; but due to differences in sexual preferences, third-party sexual activity or masturbation brings the necessary support and release.
Masturbation, perceived as taboo by many people, creates guilt complexes that are not so easy to deal with. This point should be especially emphasized, since it forms a very important part of many successful magical deeds.
Ever since the Judeo-Christian Bible described the sin of Onan (Genesis 38:7-10), man has been concerned with the serious consequences of "solitary sin." Even though modern sexologists have explained that Onan's "sin" is nothing more than coitus interruptus, much of the damage done through centuries of theological misinterpretation continues to plague people today.
Apart from actual sexual crimes, masturbation is one of the most dissatisfied of any sexual activity. During last century countless treatises described the terrible consequences of masturbation. Almost every physical and mental illness has been attributed to masturbation. Pale appearance, difficulty breathing, sunken chest, nervousness, pimples and loss of appetite are just some of the characteristics allegedly attributed to masturbation; complete physical and spiritual degradation were promised to those who did not follow the instructions for young people.
The tragic descriptions found in these texts would seem almost humorous were it not for the unfortunate fact that, although modern sexologists, doctors and writers have done much to remove the stigma of masturbation, deep-rooted guilt complexes have only been partially erased. Most of people, especially those over forty, are unable to emotionally accept the fact that masturbation is natural and healthy, even if they accept it intellectually. Among other things, they, although often subconsciously, pass this disgust on to their children.
Despite numerous refutations, they used to think and now continue to think that a person can go crazy if he constantly practices auto-eroticism. This ridiculous myth grew out of concerns about the widespread prevalence of masturbation among patients in psychiatric hospitals. It was believed that since terminally ill people masturbate, it was masturbation that led them to madness. No one even thought about the fact that the absence of sexual partners of the opposite sex and freedom from prohibitions, which are characteristics of real madness, become the true reason for such practice for the insane.
Many people would rather their partners seek out sexual contacts on the side than commit auto-erotic acts, but the reason for this is their own complexes. They are afraid that they will have to take part in masturbation or because of the fear of being disgusted by their partners, despite the fact that in a surprising majority of cases, new sensations are achieved from the mere awareness that the partner is having an affair with strangers, although this is rarely admitted.
If arousal is achieved through the knowledge that a partner is sexually involved with other people, it must be done openly so that both parties can benefit from the activity. However, if the prohibition against masturbation comes from one or both parties only because of a guilt complex, then they should make every attempt to erase these complexes - or exploit them. Many relationships could be saved from destruction if their participants did not suffer from complexes regarding the natural act of masturbation.
Masturbation is seen as evil because it produces pleasure derived from deliberately caressing "forbidden" parts of the body with one's own hands. The guilt complexes that accompany many sexual acts can be mitigated by religiously acceptable assertions that sensual pleasures are necessary for procreation; These self-consolations work even in cases where you carefully follow the calendar of “safe” days. However, this logical explanation does not bring peace to the practice of masturbation.
No matter what you've heard about the "immaculate conception" - even if your blind faith allows you to swallow this nonsense - you know full well that in order for YOU to have a child, you must have sexual intercourse with a person of the opposite sex! If you have a guilt complex for committing an “original sin,” you will no doubt feel even deeper guilt for committing a sexual act ONLY for self-gratification, without the intention of producing children.
The Satanist understands perfectly well why devouts declare masturbation “sinful.” Like all natural actions, it will be performed by people, regardless of the severity of the persecution. Guilt induction is an important part of their sinister scheme to force people to atone for their "sins" by making sacrifices to temperance temples!
Even if a person is no longer burdened by a complex caused by religious beliefs (or thinks so), he still feels shame when he gives in to the desire to masturbate. A man may feel deprived of his masculinity by gratifying himself instead of engaging in competition or the pursuit of a woman. A woman, in turn, can satisfy herself sexually, but yearn for the satisfaction of her ego that comes from the sport of seduction. Neither the pseudo-Casanova nor the imaginary seductress experiences satisfaction by “descending” to masturbation; both would prefer an unsuitable partner. From a satanic point of view, it is much better to engage in an ideal fantasy than to engage in unsatisfying intercourse with another person. Plus, when you masturbate, you are in complete control.
To illustrate the indisputable fact that masturbation is a normal and healthy act, it is enough to say that it is performed by almost all representatives of the animal kingdom. Children would also follow their INSTINCTIVE masturbatory desires, IF they were not scolded by their indignant parents, who, no doubt, were punished by THEIR parents, and so on downwards.
It's sad but true that parents' sexual complexes are inevitably passed on to their children. In order to save our children from the ill-fated fate of our parents, grandparents and, perhaps, ourselves. The twisted moral codes of the past must be declared for what they really are - pragmatically drawn up sets of rules that, if diligently followed, will lead to the complete extinction of humanity. Unless we rise above the ridiculous rules of sexual behavior in our society, including the so-called sexual revolution, the neuroses caused by these stifling restrictions will continue. Commitment to prudent and humane new morality Satanism can and will develop a society in which our children have the opportunity to grow up healthy and without the destructive moral burdens of the current sick society.

edited news Core - 20-03-2011, 11:29

© Ruslan Rashitovich Ginatullin, 2020

ISBN 978-5-4485-5681-4

Created in the intellectual publishing system Ridero

From the author

What did you do? I don't know.

Heaven to Hell! A world without heaven.

The Devil is watching. You're burning out

Together with us. Satanail

Our savior. Snake son.

He will break the ominous cross.

His faith is so brutal.

His power shines at night.

Moonlight behind the clouds.

The blood boils in our veins.

He turned Hell into miracles.

O lord, fallen angel!

May he spread our wings.

We'll fly to the skies.

May the Devil himself help us,

Almighty and magical.

Black magic sheet white

We light it, it burns.

Satan is our witness.

the contract has already been drawn up for you

wishes will come true suddenly and accidentally

you need to leave the past and not drag sadness along with you

the past - wrong beliefs and decaying morals

love is eternal, just like the Devil is eternal

how divinely humanized you are,

a warm-hearted man, this meeting?

draw up an agreement, if you are not careless about this honor

how the devil's hands yearn for a meeting

and the contract is made forever

Don't read this with your heart

Just take my word for it.

If you are interested in the Devil, he is not a liar or a deceiver, an ancient creation of God.

The devil is a creature that can have two genders.

He can be anyone, even an animal.

The devil sinned against people, and then went against God.

And all this was according to the will of the Father God, who sometimes acts cruelly.

The devil brings only evil to his enemies.

And the devil also means beauty, love, intelligence, wealth and health.

The devil helps his soul owners, the devil has prepared a big jackpot for you - to make your cherished desires come true.

All you need is to make a new friendship

It's very fun and not boring with the devil.

I myself was possessed by the Devil.

And I am glad that I served him.

He currently rules the earth,

And his strength is great. He's got damn luck

Enormous strength, damn iron patience,

A lot of time, and those

Those who have found the love of the Devil become immortal demons.

He is a tempter, a beautiful Angel, and a man, and an ancient serpent.

A reptile that is more than four thousand years old.

The devil became the enemy of God when he handed out punishments to mortals.

This was his calling.

Realizing that she is an executioner with beautiful charm,

Satan did not want to torment people, she repented.

She wanted attention

She cried through a smile because of the expulsion.

She wanted to deal with management, not punishment.

And when you see this, another time will come.

Time of the Devil's knowledge.

Take the side of Satan and you will understand the truth of this faith.

Satan is everywhere, in every book in the universe,

In many different universes.

Spirits have been living in mirrors for more than a century

Since the creation of the universe by human standards.

They need you too, mortal man.

The cards that are true to fate will tell the future.

The choice is to follow the dark God or the angelic light.

And we knew the love that God has for us and believed in it.

God is love, and he who abides in love abides in God, and God in him.

The devil is the best friend of all love.

If you want to see how obsessed I was with him, watch it.


You will open this book with benefit, and not in vain.

Such is the black magic of the Devil.

There are evil spirits, angels and Satan.

You will sell your camp to the Devil for magical symbols.

And his soul will forever belong to him.

This book is full of curses and spells

Against the cruel, blind, old God,

Who was replaced by the wise Satan.

You will receive the best selected evil in full.

The heart will be filled with magical cocaine,

Grave hemp will grow,

A flowery tobacco that attracts the Devil.

These flowers are from the plantations of Hell. Satan says:

“Your will will forever be mine, the game has such rules.”

I will be angelically trusting and devilishly obedient.

You will understand that everything living has a base,

Which can be rearranged into different phrases.

Never wear an angel crucifix

This is about Jesus Christ, who was allegedly crucified by bookish corrupt creatures,

And also those who wished him well.

Do not wear the crucifix of a humble angel,

Your worship and repentance,

Otherwise you will owe your soul.

Or I'll destroy you right away

Or I will make you suffer and deprive you of your mind.

The only true teaching is black magic.

This is a conductor between Hell, Heaven and other worlds.

The doors are opened by a key called black magic,

The magic of love, sex, money and pleasures, fulfillment of desires,

The magic of eternal youth eternal memory and eternal memories.

Living vampire spirits play with mirrors.

For them, these are portals of new knowledge that bring success in satanic knowledge.

But know that if a pure, honest and poor monk comes to you,

Which after death will turn to dust,

May a tree with flowers for smoking grow on his grave

Or the devil's marijuana perennial,

And you will have smoke instead of reading.

And the immortal spirit, imprisoned in ashes,

He will inspire you with signs and reveal secrets,

To which there is no answer in the real world.

At the cemetery you will understand that the Devil is the desire for love and immortality.

Black magic is the darkest matter,

Made from the devil's silk, in a damn time, in a damn century.

In fact, this is a magical product,

Which accepts and attracts absolutely all the money,

In return for money, your strength is replenished with the truth of your faith.

Dead bodies from a dark sleep will rise in the coffins.

They will always feed on your beauty.

After all, beauty is Satan himself.

Here the sheets and that earth are cursed,

Where did these death trees grow,

On which the Devil's bible was written.

Moved these ink words right here

From a place where the Devil makes himself known.

The desert is full of the Devil,

And his will penetrates your eyes.

I conjure: love will go to friends, relatives,

And death will go to the enemies.

But there will always be hell on earth.

Satan is the daughter of God, and you are her servant.

Immortal beautiful angel of light.

All the hordes of Hell and the fallen angels of evil will overtake you.

The black rose will crumble into ashes and turn into the dust of the earth.

The mandrake will grow from the underworld.

The lips of goodness will be closed with pleasure. Words will be lost.

And whoever wants to know all the secrets of the true truth,

Let him read backwards in Arabic.

All those who argue with the Devil will go crazy

And never do good to them.

The devil will put everything in its place,

It will fulfill three wishes, just imagine.

Friday the thirteenth. The Devil is the Lord of Hell.