Particularly a comma in the middle of a sentence. In particular, is it separated by commas? The introductory word “in particular” - punctuation features

Does "in particular" stand out at the end of a sentence? and got the best answer

Answer from Yergey Petrov[guru]
Look, here's a tip for not using commas:
And here's the commas:
h t t p: / / c l. u s - i n. ne t / t n _0 7 _ 6 7 _ 0 3. p h p
But, since the portrait depicts a military man, and even with such stupidity as “Dead Water,” we won’t trust him especially in matters of punctuation, in particular)))

Answer from Serendipity[guru]
9) The combination in particular, indicating the relationship between the parts of the statement, is separated by commas: He is interested, in particular, in the origin of individual words; These questions were discussed in a number of monographs and, in particular, in special articles.
If the combination in particular is part of a connecting construction (at the beginning or at the end), then it is separated by commas along with this construction (see § 24, paragraph 3): Many peoples and nationalities inhabiting Russia, in particular the peoples of the Far North , received writing relatively recently; Many people, including me in particular, would be willing to take on this work.
The construction in general and in particular is not distinguished by commas: Over tea the conversation turned to farming in general and gardening in particular (S. -Shch.).
Rosenthal, Handbook.
The Internet is full of links to this guide.

Answer from Alla Kaytamba[active]

Answer from Nikita Maximov[newbie]
“In particular” is isolated only at the beginning and in the middle of sentences. Sorry, no links
P.S.: in my opinion, it’s better to write “lovers of world and military history", but that's just my opinion!

Answer from 2 answers[guru]

Hello! Here is a selection of topics with answers to your question: does “in particular” stand alone at the end of a sentence?

Often, when writing text in Russian, the question arises of how to format the combination “in particular” according to the rules of punctuation. This phrase can play a different role in a sentence, and, accordingly, be highlighted differently with commas or not highlighted at all.

Let's consider cases when “in particular” appears in a sentence introductory words or a member of the proposal.

The introductory word “in particular” - punctuation features

This introductory word indicates the sequence of thoughts of the author of the text, is located at the beginning, middle or end of the sentence and is always separated by commas. In such cases, the introductory word can be replaced with synonymous words:

  • "especially";
  • and etc.

The rally was attended by many people who came from nearby cities and towns, which, in particular, suggests that the people are ready to fight for their future.

“In particular” is located in the middle of the sentence, separated by commas on both sides.

There was a flowerbed big variety beautiful and rare plants. In particular, the Hawaiian chrysanthemum stood out among others.

Introductory word stands at the beginning of a sentence, followed by a comma.

When the combination “in particular” is not separated by commas

1 Whether it is separated by commas “in particular” or not, if it is in the composition, depends on its location in this turnover. The turn itself is always separated by commas.

I had many questions, in particular those that worried me as a mother of three children with an age difference of two years.

It is located at the beginning of the turn, so a comma is placed before it.

But compare:

A lot of different people was on his way, equally respecting him as a good teacher in particular.

It is located at the end of the turn and is not preceded by a comma.

If this combination is in the middle of a clarifying phrase, then it is separated by commas on both sides:

There is nothing better than relaxing on the seashore on a hot summer day, sipping , in particular, fruit cocktails from a straw, and swim in the warm sea, rocking on the waves.

2 Sometimes a phrase appears in a sentence as a noun with a preposition; in such cases, “in particular” does not need to be isolated.

To make it easier to distinguish an introductory word from a noun with a preposition, you need to remember that, unlike an introductory word, a noun in a sentence plays a syntactic role and you can ask a question about it.

I didn’t delve too deeply (into what?) into the pastry chef profession in particular, except perhaps into the section on baking pies.

Here “in particular” answers the question “into what?” and can be replaced by “in detail”, “in detail”.

3 If a phrase is part of the constructions “in general (in general,) and ... in particular,” then it does not need to be separated with commas:

The President spoke about improving health care policies in general and, in particular, the opening of new hospitals.

He was very responsive to all the people around him in general and to children in particular.

In particular

introductory word

Identified by punctuation marks, usually commas. For details on punctuation for introductory words, see Appendix 2. ()

Schellenberg in particular organized the supply of German units stationed on the Atlantic Wall with British automatic weapons. Yu. Semenov, Seventeen moments of spring. The desire for the complete destruction of failed life on the planet, which gripped his descendants, was realized, in particular, in the flight of the ancestors of the Tormancians. I. Efremov, Hour of the Bull.

The words “in particular” as part of the adjunct phrase are isolated together with the words related to them.

But interest in to the outside world , in particular to books, and my memory began to change greatly. A. Chekhov, Ward No. 6. I'm also used to writing down my thoughts on anything., in particular on cigarette boxes. K. Paustovsky, Golden Rose.

In the construction “ general particular,” punctuation marks are not required.

I thought about you, about attractiveness in general and yours in particular . I. Efremov, The Razor's Edge.

Dictionary-reference book on punctuation. - M.: Reference and information Internet portal GRAMOTA.RU. V. V. Svintsov, V. M. Pakhomov, I. V. Filatova. 2010 .


See what “in particular” is in other dictionaries:

    Chapter 3. WHAT DOES THE HISTORY OF CULINARY AND, IN PARTICULAR, THE HISTORY OF MENU TEACH?- So, what conclusions can be drawn from a review of the development and changes in the lunch menu of different classes of the population of Russia over the past 150,200 years? What conclusions can be drawn from that comparison of dishes that differ in composition and nutritional nature... ... Great encyclopedia culinary arts

    in particular- for example, so, namely, at least, especially, for example, approximately to say, at least, approximately, precisely, say, for example, to say Dictionary of Russian synonyms. in particular adverb, number of synonyms: 12 namely (10) ... Synonym dictionary

    in particular- in particular, introductory sl. The comments, in particular, related to the style... Together. Apart. Hyphenated.

    in particular- see in particular; in sign. introductory collocation Usage for clarification, clarification. in the sign: exactly, especially. Pay attention, in particular, to your gait. Change production technology, in particular the order of operations... Dictionary of many expressions

    direct data exchange between bays, in particular for the implementation of high-speed functions such as online blocking- [Intent] Interface model of a substation automation system Logical interfaces at substation 1 ... Technical Translator's Guide

    In particular- PARTICULARITY, and, g. Ozhegov's explanatory dictionary. S.I. Ozhegov, N.Yu. Shvedova. 1949 1992 … Ozhegov's Explanatory Dictionary

    MORAL PHILOSOPHY is a science, in particular in Catholicism. theology,- MORAL PHILOSOPHY is a science, in particular in Catholicism. theology is the same as ethics. Philosophical encyclopedic Dictionary. 2010 … Philosophical Encyclopedia

    in particular- in particular … Spelling dictionary-reference book

    without going into particulars- adverb, number of synonyms: 5 galloping across Europe (17) without going into details (25) ... Synonym dictionary

    In particular- adv. qualities circumstances 1. Used to highlight a homogeneous member of a sentence, which is more specific in relation to a more general one homogeneous member, corresponding in meaning to the word: especially, especially. 2. Used as... ... Modern Dictionary Russian language Efremova


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  • A note on judicial reform in the Western Territory in general and in particular in the Kyiv province, Kolmakov. Note on judicial reform in the Western Territory in general and in particular in the Kyiv province / Comp. N. M. Kolmakov U 425/75 E 85/187: Kyiv: typ. M. P. Fritz, 1872: Comp. N. M. Kolmakov Reproduced in...

In particular, is it separated by commas?

    There are three options:

    1) Introductory word (separated): She started talking about in particular, which translates Macbeth. Yu. K. Olesha.

    2) Introductory word as a connecting conjunction(is isolated together with the turnover): Among the difficult destinies of Russian scientists, in particular the Decembrists, their fate, the fate of their scientific works is one of the most tragic. L.K. Chukovskaya.

    3) Adverb, including when contrasting in general - in particular (not isolated):

    To all at all and to no avail in particular but the talent was felt. V. F. Khodasevich.

    The conversation started, of course, about the weather, about blizzards in general and in particular, about the fish trade. V. A. Sollogub.

    In particular- this word is separated by commas in a number of cases. The placement of punctuation marks or their absence depends on what part of speech this word is and what role it plays in a certain context.

    Initially word form in particular represents noun particularly with the preposition in, for example:

    I do not advise you to delve into the artist’s personal life in particular.

    The word in particular can act as union and participate in a clarifying construction paired with another noun. This construction is separated by commas:

    They gave her a good salary and a package social conditions, in particular, paid additional leave for five days.

    And finally, the word in particular is introductory. It is impossible to pose a syntactic question to it and ask questions from it to other members of the sentence, that is, this word is not a member of the sentence. It must be separated by commas, for example:

    Pay attention, in particular, to his manner of speaking.

    Good afternoon. The word in particular refers to introductory words. According to the rules of the Russian language, introductory words must be separated in any part of the sentence (with one or two commas). This means that the word, in particular, under such conditions, must always be isolated.

    There are, of course, exceptions in which a word in particular should not be isolated. When a word in particular is a member of a sentence and is used to mean: in general, in general outline, without going into details. When such conditions arise in sentences, then it is no longer worth highlighting the word in particular with any commas, no matter in what part of the sentence it appears.

    When answering this question, the context will be decisive, based on which we can talk about the role that a given phrase plays in a sentence. There are at least three options, but only the first one stands out when:

    • in particular, it represents an introductory word or introductory phrase. Example: your conclusions, in particular regarding my person, seem very immature to me.
    • noun with a preposition: I would not like to go into detail now (cf. synonym - details). There is no reason to separate in this case.
    • adverb: your style of aggressive persuasion is not acceptable for employees in general, and for me in particular.
  • As a rule, it stands out, but the placement of commas depends on the context. This expression can be a separate introductory word (and then only it stands out) or part of a connecting phrase (I saw many strange animals, in particular wombats and iguanas, and heard the singing of spheres). There are no punctuation marks inside the general particular.

    Combination in particular is separated by commas in two cases when the combination in particular is an introductory word in a sentence, for example the following sentences:

    • Today the school will undergo renovations, in particular in the chemistry classroom, which suffered the most damage after the accident.
    • Today we will study mathematics, in particular, we will study decimal fractions.

    These two sentences have an introductory word in particular that appears in the middle of the sentence and is therefore set off by commas on both sides.

    If the combination in particular is a noun with the preposition in, then here we will not separate it with commas, for example, the following sentence:

    Also, a combination in particular can be used as a conjunction, and here we will also use a comma, as when listing, for example, take the sentence:

    • During the holidays, schoolchildren visited exhibitions, art galleries, in particular the Museum of Fine Arts.
  • In particular, the main function of this word is an introductory word and in most cases it is highlighted with commas, both at the beginning of the sentence, both in the middle on both sides, and at the end of the sentence.

    Example sentences: In particular, I consider this question to be cardinal. It seems to me that everything has been resolved, in particular the issue of your eviction.

    Only in very rare cases is the combination not separated by commas. But these are very rare cases.