Types of people in psychology. General character traits. Personality types in conflict situations

Surely you have heard the phrase: "How many people, so many characters." From the point of view of psychology, this statement is correct, because no two people are alike. We are distinguished by principles, favorite hobbies, reaction to various events and stimuli. It is the types of human character, the individual combination of personal qualities that determine the actions of people.

Temperament - features and classification

Determination of character - a set of persistent, relatively constant, determining a person's attitude to the world around him and his behavior. Experts identify several criteria by which the classification of temperaments occurs.

It should be noted that psychologists view temperament and character as two complementary concepts. The formation of personality occurs under the influence of individual characteristics of behavior. It should be understood that character traits are formed and manifested under the influence of temperament.

Understanding the terminology

Before moving on to the topic - personality education - you need to understand the basic concepts, namely, temperament and character - what are the differences.

  • - human behavior in various situations. This is a combination of individual qualities that a person acquires throughout life. Personality characteristics are determined by the social environment in which the personality develops.
  • Temperament is an emotional response to external stimuli. These are the innate properties of a person, due to the biological and mental characteristics of the individual.

It is important! Certain character traits are revealed depending on the social environment and environment where a person finds himself. Temperament does not change and remains constant regardless of the conditions and accompanying circumstances.

In psychology, it is customary to evaluate only the traits and types of individual qualities of a person. We can say that a person has a good, bad or strong character, but such assessments are not applicable to temperament. Based on value judgments, the specialist identifies personal deficiencies and selects a strategy to eliminate them.

Different typologies of individual qualities

The most popular is the typology proposed by a German psychologist Kretschmer. In his opinion, the types of a person's character depend on the characteristics of his figure and physique.

Kretschmer classification

  1. "Picnics". Outwardly, these are dense, overweight people, of short or medium height, large head, short neck and small facial features. From a psychological point of view, such people - cyclothymics - are emotional, they easily make contact, quickly adapt to new circumstances and living conditions. It is in this category that people prone to manic-depressive syndrome are most often found. Read about disharmonious personality development.
  2. Athletics. Outwardly, these are tall people with broad shoulders, strong muscles and a chest. From a psychological point of view, people of the "ixotimics" type are practical, restrained. Weaknesses of character - authority, inability to show emotions and adapt to new circumstances. With complex psychological disorders, such people develop epilepsy.
  3. "Asthenics". People of this type can be recognized by their lean build, underdeveloped muscles, long legs, arms and an elongated face. The psychological type - schizotimics - they are characterized by stubbornness, isolation and inability to adapt to life circumstances. People in this psychological group are prone to schizophrenia.

Character types in Jung's classification

Another classification was proposed by the Swiss psychiatrist Carl Gustav Jung. The dominant criterion of typology is dominant emotional functions - feelings, intuition, thinking and sensations. In his opinion, in each person, to a certain extent, the external or internal world prevails. In this regard, Jung classifies people into two types - introverts and extroverts.

Introverts are closed, focused on their inner world, deliberately fenced off from external circumstances. They tend to analyze events, worry, listen to personal feelings, etc. It is difficult for such people to get to know each other and change their habits.

Extroverts are direct, open to communication, active. They have many friends, because the worst thing for an extrovert is loneliness. Her favorite hobby is traveling, and her favorite way to relax is to spend time with friends, tell jokes and, of course, become the soul of the company.

Character warehouse by temperament

Another common classification is the comparison of a certain temperament with specific individual qualities. In this case, one must take into account that in everyday life it is impossible to meet a person with pronounced features of a particular temperament. Mixed types of temperaments are more inherent in people.

  1. Choleric - he is characterized by such manifestations - impetuosity, speed of decision-making, passion and imbalance. What character traits require correction - emotional imbalance and fatigue. Choleric people tend to quickly get carried away and waste their energy irrationally.
  2. Phlegmatic is unhurried, emotionally stable, does not show emotions. What are the dominant qualities - persistence, poise, productivity and diligence in work.
  3. A melancholic is a person who is characterized by experiences of every even insignificant event. Weaknesses of character - emotional vulnerability, excessive impressionability.
  4. A sanguine person is a mobile, "live" person with frequent mood swings. What character traits are dominant - reacts quickly to all events, easily experiences troubles. He has expressive facial expressions and high productivity in, but on condition that the task is interesting for him.

Many are interested in the question - does the character change. Indeed, personality traits are formed and changed throughout life. The process begins in early childhood. The first individual traits in a child appear already in preschool age, parents can highlight a certain way of behavior and attitude to the world.

If you want to raise a child with a strong personality, to form persistence, courage and endurance in the child, introduce him to collective games with a certain plot and rules.

How to cultivate character and teach a child to work and responsibility? From childhood, entrust your baby with simple tasks, gradually complicating them. Thus, the child develops discipline, endurance, behavior is determined, and the child learns to assess his actions and decisions. So it happens.

A new stage begins when the child enters school, when his ability to communicate with classmates is manifested, to fulfill new responsibilities. As a result of a change in the environment and way of life, the child develops organization, accuracy, and hard work.

It is important! In childhood, the personality of the baby is influenced by the nature of the parents and their habits. At school, the main role in character education is played by the school collective - classmates, teachers.

The character of the child is revealed with the help of the following areas during the period of schooling:

  • organization and consistency;
  • purposefulness and perseverance;
  • accuracy and hard work;
  • discipline;
  • consciousness of duty and responsibility to the school team;
  • collectivism and camaraderie.

In adolescence, personal characteristics develop most actively, because at this age the child is attracted to adulthood, higher requirements are imposed on him. Feelings such as duty, responsibility, participation in the collective life of the class are manifested more consciously.

It is possible to change the character of the child. Psychologists note that there are no children whose personal characteristics could not be re-educated. However, the process requires the participation of a specialist who can identify character flaws and select the most effective strategy for further action.

How to develop better personal characteristics

The best guide to character development is David Brooks "The Path to Character"... She talks about why many successful people say, "Yes, you can awaken your best personal qualities and fully realize yourself."

Above all, strong character requires education from an early age. The task of parents is to form a certain worldview in a child that determines behavior and actions. For this, a certain system is used, which involves a combination of play, work and learning activities; in the process, the child accumulates useful skills of correct behavior.

It is necessary to put the child in such conditions that the activity of the baby fully corresponds to the principles to be instilled. You cannot cultivate a strong character if you do not offer the child the conditions in which he needs to show courage.

The most important means of developing a strong character is work. Entrusting the child with socially significant tasks that require overcoming difficulties, you bring up the following traits of a harmonious and successful personality in the child:

  • purposefulness;
  • persistence;
  • collectivism.

It is important! One of the conditions for the competent organization of educational activities is the consistency of educational activities at school and parenting.

Self-education of character is the most important stage in the formation of personal qualities. Teach your child to read, because, using the example of literary heroes, he compares his behavior, learns to make a decision, to contact friends and adults. Another stage of successful self-education is the ability to restrain unwanted habits. Remember the expression - sow a habit, reap character. To avoid having to correct negative individual qualities in the future, pay attention to children's habits.

In order to timely recognize and eliminate negative character traits, parents should interact with kindergarten educators and teachers at school. A child's personal qualities are largely shaped by the judgments and actions of adults.

About the types of people and personal qualities - look at the video.

The classification of temperament, produced two and a half thousand years ago by Hippocrates, has become the alphabet of all modern psychologists. The ability to predict a person's possible reaction to a given situation by facial expression, gestures, and sometimes physique is very important for any manager or personnel worker. Possession of such a skill allows you to correctly distribute responsibilities in the team, entrusting work to everyone according to his abilities.

The merit of Hippocrates is that he singled out the main types. There are four of them, in a pure, refined form, each of them is extremely rare, but one usually prevails, affecting the selective ability to work in relation to the occupation and determining the psychological microclimate.

Sanguine people are considered the most pleasant "in all respects" members of the team. At first glance, their merits are so high that you can just admire such people. Some managers sometimes think that other types are not needed at all, they want to gather some sanguine people in a team. They are creative, always sprinkle with new ideas, get along with everyone due to their natural sociability, friendly, optimistic, witty, easily adaptable to change and very energetic. However, looking at a sanguine person more closely, it is easy to find his serious shortcomings. The ability to get carried away with a new idea is quite logically combined with a quick loss of interest in it, and, consequently, a lack of desire to bring the matter to an end. Sanguine people are very good at generating ideas and executing the most creative areas of work.

Phlegmatic people seem to be their complete opposite - a sort of lugs, they do everything slowly and gradually. They do not like to talk at all, they rarely gesticulate and, having got used to a certain way of life, any change in it is perceived as hostile interference. Such passivity, which at first glance seems like a bad trait, is actually a very valuable quality. The perseverance of the phlegmatic and his methodical ability to work can be very well used for painstaking work when other types of people's characters are unlikely to fit. He may be a rare quitter, but he is able to become a true hard worker, it all depends on the leader's ability to correctly set the task.

Melancholic people do not seem to be a very successful acquisition for the team. They combine slowness with imbalance and hot temper, and for all their irritability they are usually very lazy. It is easy to offend a melancholic without wanting to. Initiatives are zero, but to perekalmut with his grumbling the whole team for him is a piece of cake. But one should not rush to get rid of such a worker. Melancholic people are very talented and, when appreciated, they can work wonders. These are not trotters, they just need to be able to manage.

Choleric people are extremely energetic and active, it is impossible to imagine them somewhere on the edge, and not in the thick of things. The ability to quickly navigate the environment and make a decision, albeit not always optimal, persistence and will to complete any business to the end are combined with aggressiveness and irascibility, and self-confidence with self-confidence. The mood changes very often. Choleric people do not know how to restrain themselves, but quickly withdraw after an outbreak of anger. As a rule, subordinates of such bosses love if they are smart, and hate if they are not. And such, alas, it happens, the choleric fool is the most terrible leader.

These are the main types. There are no good or bad among them, in nature everything is rational. It just happens that a person is not in his place, and most often from this he himself first of all suffers.

Modern psychiatry considers types according to the theory of a German professor, but the basis of this classification is the a priori pathology of any person. Despite the vagueness of the border separating sick people from healthy people, I really want to believe that most of the people around us are still normal.

One of the main aspects of a person's existence is his self-realization in various spheres of activity, among which successful adaptation and productive interaction with other people is of leading importance. Since time immemorial, philosophers, and then psychologists have tried to establish certain patterns in human behavior and perception of the world in order to make relationships between people more understandable and mature.

Thus, at the dawn of psychology, the Austrian psychiatrist Z. Freud formulated a theory about the structure of the psyche, and the Swiss psychiatrist K.G. Jung, based on this knowledge and his own many years of experience, created the first concept about psychological types of personality. This teaching today has become the basis for many competent socio-psychological theories and even entire areas of modern psychotherapy.

One of such modern theories is socionics as a doctrine of the interaction of a person and the outside world, depending on the personal characteristics of a particular person, which classify him as one of the 16 socionic personality types.

Socionics as a science was created in the seventies of the last century by the Lithuanian scientist Aushra Augustinavichiute on the basis of informatics, sociology and psychology. In the scientific community, socionics is more likely not a science, but one of the famous typologies of personality, which serves as a diagnostic method in psychological counseling.

K.G. Jung - the forefather of socionics

In the 19th century K.G. Jung created his famous theory of personality types, the definition of which is based on ideas about attitudes and basic functions of the psyche. He identified two main personal attitudes: introversion, when a person's interest is directed into the depths of his own inner world, and extraversion, when a person is directed to the outside world. At the same time, there is a concept of a personality's inclination to a particular attitude, but not of its complete predominance.

Jung attributed thinking, sensation, intuition and feeling to the main functions of the psyche. Sensation means interaction with the world based on the senses, thinking and feeling help to realize these sensations at the level of comprehension and emotional experience, and intuition answers the question of the origin of these phenomena at the subconscious level.

For each person, one of these functions is dominant, and the rest complement it.

These functions have been divided into two groups:

  • rational, to which thinking and feeling belong;
  • irrational (sensation and intuition).

In this case, rationality implies an orientation towards the objective norms of society. Based on these aspects, Jung created a classification consisting of 8 main personality types, which expanded to 16 psychotypes in socionics.

The birth of socionics

To create a new full-fledged typology and highlight more specific personality types, A. Augustinavichiute combined Jung's concept with the theory of information metabolism of the Polish psychiatrist A. Kempinski. This theory is based on the concept of the exchange of information between a person and the outside world in comparison with the metabolism in the body, when information is food for the human psyche, therefore, mental health is directly related to the quality of incoming information. Thus, socionics calls personality types types of informational metabolism. Do not confuse the presence of dominant features with.

Socionic personality types are not a constant, "frozen" personality characteristic, their definition reflects only the way of information exchange, without touching the individual characteristics of a person (education, culture, experience and character), which are studied by individual psychology. Accentuation is a sharpened trait of a person's character, which should be paid attention to as bordering on pathology, but accentuation is not the goal of research in socionics.

Formation of names

How did socionics specific personality types get their name? The name of the type comes from the dominant attitude (extraversion or introversion), and the two most powerful functions of the four, while the names of the functions have undergone some changes: thinking and feeling have become, respectively, logic and ethics, and sensation has been called sensing.

Rationality and irrationality are determined by the location of functions in the name of psychotypes. If we talk about rational personality types, then the first word in the name will be logic or ethics, and for irrational ones - sensing or intuition.

The names of the 16 types have over time been supplemented by different scientists for a clearer accessible characterization of a person. The most popular names for these types are: formula names based on Jung's theory, pseudonyms of famous historical figures - carriers of the indicated signs, pseudonyms - characteristics of a person's professional predisposition.

Basic socionic types

Jung owns a classification of 8 basic psychotypes, on the basis of which socionics proposed a more detailed classification, consisting of 16 psychotypes.

  • Logical-intuitive extrovert(LIE), Jack London, The Entrepreneur. He is able to clearly highlight his own capabilities and abilities, is easily inspired and starts new businesses, is fond of dynamic sports that give extreme sensations. Feels new trends, takes risks, relying on intuition. He confidently uses new technologies in his work, deeply analyzes himself and the world around him. Inclined to and close communication with people.
  • Logical-sensory extrovert (LSE), "Stirlitz", "Administrator". A very hard-working, socially adapted type, he always feels the need to bring the started business to completion. Planning activities, practically treating things around him. He is inclined to show love and care for loved ones, loves noisy fun, company. Good-natured, but harsh, can be hot-tempered and stubborn.
  • Ethical-intuitive extrovert (EIE), "Hamlet", "Mentor". Very emotional person, prone to empathy and the manifestation of a wide range of emotions. Possesses expressive facial expressions and eloquence. Able to anticipate different events and prepare for them in advance. Catches inconsistencies in the words and emotions of others. Often not sure of a partner's love, prone to jealousy.
  • Ethical-sensory extrovert (ESE), "Hugo", "Enthusiast". He is able to influence people with the help of emotional pressure, while getting along well with them, can cheer up, is inclined to sacrifice his own interests for the sake of another person and show love and care for loved ones. In work, he achieves everything on his own, loves when other people emphasize his merits.
  • Logical-intuitive introvert (LII), "Robespierre", "Analyst. He knows how to distinguish the main from the secondary, does not like empty talk, is inclined to clear practical thinking. In his work, this type loves to use unusual ideas, while demonstrating his independence. Uses intuition where he does not know the exact answers. Dislikes noisy companies, feels difficulties in establishing relationships with other people.
  • Logical-sensory introvert (LSI), "Maxim Gorky", "Inspector". Loves order and rigor, delves deeply into work, analyzing information from different angles. Differs in some pedantry. He really looks at things, gets down to business only if he knows for sure that he can complete it. It inspires confidence, but prefers short business contacts with other people.
  • Ethical-intuitive introvert(EII), "Dostoevsky", "Humanist". He subtly feels the nature of relations between people, attaches great importance to trust, does not forgive betrayal. Knows how to reveal the hidden abilities of others, is endowed with the talent of an educator. He is fond of self-education, people often turn to him for advice. Very vulnerable, hard to endure aggression and lack of love.
  • Ethical-sensory introvert (ESI), "Dreiser", "Keeper". Recognizes pretense and falsehood in relationships, divides people into their own - strangers, guiding the psychological distance. Defends his views and principles. He knows how to stand up for himself and his loved ones, does not tolerate the moral superiority of other people. Knows how to deeply analyze himself and others.
  • Intuitive-logical extrovert (ILE), "Don Quixote", "Seeker". Differs in a wide range of interests, knows how to adapt to new conditions and easily switches to new methods of work. He is a generator of ideas, does not like tradition and routine. Can explain complex ideas, being a pioneer in them. More inclined to synthesis in thinking, creates a new idea from ready-made components.
  • Sensory-logical extrovert (SLE), "Zhukov", "Marshal". He is inclined to use physical force in order to achieve victory at any cost. Obstacles only increase his desire to win. Likes to lead, not enduring submission. Analyzing the situation, he likes to draw up a specific action plan, clearly follows it.
  • Intuitive-ethical extrovert (IEE), "Huxley", "Adviser". He is able to subtly feel other people, has a developed imagination. Loves creative work, does not tolerate monotony and routine. Sociable, likes to give good advice in the field of interaction with people.
  • Sensory-ethical extrovert (SEE), "Napoleon", "Politician". Able to see the capabilities of others, using this knowledge for the purpose of manipulation. Supervises over
    weak, clearly identifying their weak points. He likes to keep his distance, in communication he is rather guided by his own interests. In the eyes of others, he tries to look like an outstanding original person, but often he is not.
  • Intuitive-logical introvert (OR), "Balzac", "Critic". This type is a polymath with a philosophical mindset. He is cautious, makes a decision only with confidence in its correctness, analyzing the vulgar in its connection with the future. Doesn't like violent expressions of emotions, appreciates coziness and comfort.
  • Sensory-logical introvert(SLI), "Gaben", "Master". Feelings are for him the main source of knowledge of the world. Shows empathy, subtly feels and loves other people, rejects artificiality and falsehood. Differs in a technical mindset, likes to work with his hands, while always keeping within the required deadlines.
  • Intuitive-ethical introvert (IEI), "Lyric", "Yesenin". A dreamy and lyrical personality, knows how to intuitively predict events, is well versed in people, loves and "feels" them. Has a good sense of humor, attracts the disposition of other people. This type attaches great importance to appearance. She does not know how to save money, and while working she likes to have a long rest.
  • Sensory-ethical introvert (SEI), "Dumas", "Mediator". Knows how to enjoy ordinary life, calmly enduring monotony and routine. Easily gets along with people, respecting their personal space, while demanding the same attitude from them. Likes to joke, to entertain, avoids conflict situations. Often he is an assistant, likes to feel needed and significant in the eyes of other people.

Nowadays, developed technologies make it possible for everyone, without exception, to be tested and find out their socionic types, but do not forget that a person's personality is very multifaceted and ambiguous, therefore, only a professional psychologist can qualitatively compose and describe a socio-psychological portrait of a personality in the course of multilevel psychological diagnostics. where socionics is one of the methods.

Behavior largely depends on what characters a person has. Each has its own characteristics. Character is a combination of a number of psychological properties (there are more than five hundred in total). But there are also certain nuances that appear in different situations and relationships. Character traits are divided into positive and negative, congenital and acquired. Each can tell a lot about a person.

What is the character of a person

Correct assessment begins with determining what types of character people have. All traits are categorized into five main groups:


It includes traits conditioned by the attitude:

To yourself;

Labor and selling it;



It includes:




Increased and low emotionality;



Unstable emotionality.


It includes:









It includes:


Depth and flexibility of intelligence;


Mindset (practical or theoretical);


Quick wit;




It includes the following features:




Honesty and similar qualities.

Certain qualities are noted for drawing up a psychological portrait.

What are the traits of a person

The positive ones include:

Adequacy, altruism, activity;

Fearlessness, frugality, prudence, nobility;

Generosity, good breeding, politeness, attentiveness, cheerful disposition, will, morality;

Humanism, gallantry, harmony;

Friendliness, delicacy, conscientiousness, discipline, foresight, diplomacy, efficiency, kindness, good nature;


Femininity, cheerfulness;

Thoughtfulness, thrifty;

Ingenuity, initiative, diligence, sincerity, intelligence;

Creativity, sociability, correctness, culture, competence, collectivism, eloquence;

Curiosity, gentleness, ease of communication;

Wisdom, masculinity, peacefulness, dreaminess;

Tenderness, independence, reliability, observation, resourcefulness;

Experience, sociability, charm, education, caution, responsibility, neatness, responsiveness, giftedness, objectivity;

Decency, positivity, practicality, understanding, friendliness;

Decisiveness, romance, hospitality;

Self-criticism, modesty, ingenuity, conscientiousness, independence;

Tactfulness, hard work, craving for creativity, patience;

Smiling, perseverance, poise, respectfulness, perseverance, courtesy, perseverance;

Thrift, charisma, courage;

Chastity, purposefulness;

Sincerity, honesty, sensitivity;

Generosity, playfulness;

Vigor, economy, enthusiasm, empathy, erudition.

All the antipodes of the listed traits belong to negative qualities.

For example:







Mercantile spirit;




Callousness, etc.

Each positive trait has an opposite meaning. However, there are some qualities that can be called neutral:






For some people these are positive qualities, for others they may turn out to be negative. For example, assertiveness. In business, it is sometimes necessary, but in personal relationships it sometimes gets in the way. Shyness is good for a girl, but it is negatively perceived when it appears in a young man. When compiling a psychological portrait, all of the above positive qualities, their antipodes and other features are taken into account.

A person's character is not formed instantly, but until old age. The social environment is of great importance. For example, volitional qualities inherent in a person are manifested in freelance situations when endurance, courage, stubbornness, etc. are required. Emotionality is a mental manifestation that occurs in certain situations. At the same time, feelings can be negative or positive, dynamic or stable, neutral. If we talk about intellectuality, then this includes the individual characteristics and the quality of the individual's thinking. For example, criticality, stupidity, breadth of mind, flexibility in any relationship, etc.

The character of people is strongly influenced by their perception of the environment. Some consider everyone to be good or bad, others - only themselves. Each person has a certain attitude:

To oneself (one's own dignity, self-criticism, self-respect, etc.);

Labor (punctuality, accuracy, negligence, etc.);

The environment (politeness, isolation, sociability, rudeness, etc.).

As a result, a certain temperament is formed. It includes qualities that are constant for a particular person:

1. Sanguine people are very mobile, efficient, but they quickly get tired of hard work. They have bright facial expressions and strong expressions of emotion. They are sociable, sympathetic, balanced. They look at everything from a positive point of view, they are optimistic. They have a cheerful disposition.

2. Choleric people are characterized by sudden mood swings, hysteria, impetuosity. They have frequent outbursts of anger, irascibility, but quick disposition.

3. Melancholic pessimists, overly worried about any reason, are often in an anxious state. Such people are very distrustful of others, vulnerable, restrained, they have good self-control.

4. Phlegmatic people have very low activity. However, they are very prudent, cold-blooded and prudent. Any business is always brought to an end.

Separately, it should be noted that each nationality has its own character traits, although there are many common features. Russians have the greatest diversity.

Their character is very different from other nationalities.

Main criteria:

a) Spiritual generosity, which most nationalities do not have.

b) Compassion.

in) Craving for justice.

d) Patience, endurance, endurance.

e) Negative qualities include pessimism, foul language, laziness, and hypocrisy. The positive ones are responsiveness, loyalty, compassion, humanity.

Russian is easily distinguished by the totality of character traits, one of which is a special sense of humor, which other nationalities are not always able to understand. The set of qualities is so diverse that most of them have an excessive display of emotions. Some traits can change throughout life. At the same time, other qualities remain unchanged. However, negative traits are not always regarded as negative. Sometimes they emphasize dignity.

For example:

1. Selfishness is not only ignoring other people, but also following one's own interests in the first place. Such a person has his own opinion and will not follow the lead of others.

2. Overconfidence can improve productivity and performance. Then a person feels self-satisfied, which ultimately brings positive results for society.

3. Envy sometimes pushes a person to work better, to achieve the best result.

4. Stubbornness helps you achieve any goals you set.

The character of any person consists of positive and negative qualities. As a result, a certain type is formed. For example, a person may be lazy, but kind and sympathetic. The other is evil, but very hardworking and aspiring. Moreover, women are always more emotional, selfless, good-natured, patient. Men are most often reserved, decisive, and responsible.

People's characters and problems

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Today we will touch upon the consideration of types of human character. Why is this needed? If you learn to classify yourself and others correctly, you can improve your communication skills with people. You will know their pros and cons. You will learn to truly manage yourself and others effectively. I will not paint a long introduction, I will tell you about the types themselves in more detail:

Schizoid type - Scattered from Basseinaya street

  • Schizoid type - people of this type are in an eternal struggle for safety. It is she who is the main value. Such people perceive the world around them exclusively as a hostile environment.

People of this type are overly active, very emotional. They look like real freaks and freaks. They can search for a person close in spirit all their lives and not find, due to the fact that they do not trust anyone and expect a trick from any person, although loneliness brings them colossal suffering. The life of such people is a struggle between what they would like to achieve and a cozy comfort zone, in which, in principle, it is not so bad to stay and do nothing. Others are treated with contempt. You won't get words of gratitude or compliment from them. Great philosophers and theorists, but only in their imagination. Others do not understand them.

What defense mechanism use:

If they do not find a response in the external environment, they withdraw into themselves (always introverts) and live in their own imagination. Those. - someone is actively involved in creativity, someone in science, etc. The risk of addiction to alcohol and drugs is high.

A person belongs to the schizoid type of character if it has at least a few of the following qualities:

- It is difficult for others to please him with anything;
- A person is emotionally closed and cold to others;
- Poorly shows both positive and negative emotions (cannot express dissatisfaction, will silently endure);
- Doesn't react to compliments or criticism in any way;
- Likes to work alone, cannot stand collective tasks;
- Spends a lot of time in his own imagination and fantasies;
- Lack of trusting relationships even with the closest people;
- Rejects social norms, deliberately boycotts them.

Depressive type - Eeyore Donkey

  • Depressive type - (we are not talking about temporary depression or depression as a disease, we are talking about a permanent state of a person) such a type of person's character in which the person has completely and constantly no interest in life and only negative moments are always and everywhere seen.

Even at the most joyful (seemingly) moment of life, they will find a reason for discontent and frustration. They react sharply and hard to life's difficulties. They are constantly in anticipation of these very difficulties. Stingy on emotions. All negative emotions are internally directed at themselves, for others they are non-aggressive. Speech, gestures, facial expressions are inhibited. They quickly get tired of absolutely any work. Most often, people of this type are very kind, although sometimes they do not recognize this quality in themselves due to low self-esteem. But others are often overestimated and attributed to them non-existent positive qualities.

What defense mechanism use:

Do not use defense mechanisms. They blame themselves for the slightest offense, go into themselves with their heads, engage in self-flagellation.

The person belongs to depressive type

- Once I experienced the loss of a very close person and after that became withdrawn and uncommunicative;

- A person cannot get rid of the constant feeling of guilt;

- If a person falls in love, he very much idealizes the object of his love;

- A person practically cannot fully express the emotion of anger (aggression at a low level);

- Low self-esteem;

- Negative perception of the world and the eternal expectation of a "catch".

Manic type - Carlson

  • Manic type - (mania from the Greek. "Passion", "madness", "attraction") - highly effective, positive and energetic people, sometimes rude and inflexible, possessing a quick intellect, lively facial expressions and gestures, well-delivered expressive lively speech. They are irreconcilable about the shortcomings of people and their own. They are prone to cruelty in moments of strong emotional shock (which they, of course, carefully hide).

They ignore all the negative and translate any troubles into a joke. They often act like children. Someone acquires this type of character due to being spoiled in childhood, and someone, on the contrary, due to a too difficult childhood and lack of attention during this period. They believe that everyone should live only as they live, according to the same rules. They are critical of others and no less critical of themselves. In short: rigidity, inflexibility, conservatism, perfectionism and pedantry. Good leaders and thought leaders. Due to this type of character, even the closest people are often rejected from themselves due to the fact that they object and disagree with any "truths" of this type.

What defense mechanism use:

Negation. Denial of emotional feelings and difficulties. Denial of negativity. Everyone is joking or pretending they don't care.

The person belongs to manic type, if it has at least a few of the listed qualities:

- Activity and initiative;

- Hot temper and irritability;

- Love of risk and getting pleasure from it;

- Optimism;

- Inclination to leadership and promotion of "ideas" to the masses;

- Inflexibility and uncompromisingness in disputes;

- Accelerated thinking and speech.

Manic-depressive type - Kesha's parrot

  • Depressive-manic type - the type of character in which a person is "thrown" from deep sadness to complete euphoria.

A large number of creative people belong to this type: Kurt Cobain, Merlin Monroe, Gogol, etc. They often have addiction to drugs, promiscuous bisexual intercourse. They are prone to eating mental disorders (anorexia, bulimia) and suicidal moods. In fact, these are big children who are in sadness that they cannot achieve something, but as soon as there is a chance to do what was planned, a state of euphoria and fun sets in.

What defense mechanism use:

Switching from one state to another is a defense mechanism.

Man treats to manic-depressive

- Change from a state of depression to a state of mania;

- It is difficult to enjoy life;

- Unstable self-esteem;

- Sensitivity to criticism;

- Fear of loneliness and the desire to get a partner (but at the same time the difficulty in building long-term relationships);

- Helplessness and lack of independence in everyday matters.

Narcissistic type - Julian

  • Narcissistic type - a type of character in which a person achieves self-respect solely by receiving confirmation of his uniqueness from the outside.

People of this type have deep inner problems, live with the feeling that they are unloved. Afraid of being weak or funny in public. They set themselves high goals, suffer from perfectionism. People of this type have not developed the ability to love. Many have a thirst for fame and fortune. They consider criticism in their address unacceptable, they are furious with it, or pretend that they do not care about it. The needs and emotional state of loved ones are of little concern to them. They may feel envy towards those who live a busy social life (have a wide circle of acquaintances or are respected by family members). We are ready for a lot for the sake of glory.

What defense mechanism use:

Idealization and depreciation. Or they idealize and praise themselves in front of everyone. Or, conversely, they humiliate their dignity and expect others to refute their words.

Man treats to the narcissistic type, if it has at least several of the following qualities:

- Waiting for a positive assessment of others without any adequate reason;

- Obsession with money, power, love or other "cretery" of success;
- Conviction in their uniqueness and boundless talent (and only the chosen one can appreciate this talent);
- Using others to achieve their own goals;
- Unwillingness to delve into the problems of others;
- Convincing yourself that everyone around you is jealous (although they themselves are prone to envy);

- Arrogant behavior.

Paranoid type - Shapoklyak

  • Paranoid type - a type of character in which rigidity (sometimes even cruelty), decisiveness and distrust of the world around them prevail in a person.

All their lives they can look for a hidden meaning in everything. They don't trust people, they see everyone as a traitor. They control everyone and everything. Have difficulty identifying and setting goals. They may make a promise and not make or shift responsibility to another person (but they also do not require others to keep a promise). They analyze and reason well. Are vindictive. They love to be alone with themselves. They often find non-standard niches for work or creativity. Are not obsessed with meeting their needs. They are often smart, well-read and quick-witted.

What defense mechanism use:

"They hunt down the traitor," that is, they expect a trick from any person, even the closest one. From this they are not very upset when someone betrays them, because it was not a surprise and they are only once again convinced that there are “enemies around”.

Man treats to the paranoid type, if it has at least several of the following qualities:

- Are vindictive and leave for a long time after a quarrel;
- Excessive suspicion;
- Protection from others, even in those moments when no one attacks;

- quarrelsomeness in the team;
- Unreasonable jealousy of a partner;
- Feeling that others cannot stand him and gossip behind his back;
- Irresponsible attitude to their promises.

Obsessive-compulsive type - Leopold

  • Obsessive-compulsive type - the type of character in which the personality is paramount - moral behavior, benevolence, responsibility.

They perceive the world around them safely, and they consider new people nice and benevolent. Sometimes they are perceived by others as boring. Obsessive individuals are those for whom “thinking” is of the highest value, and compulsive ones are those for whom “doing” is more important. They are afraid of public condemnation. They masterfully hide their true emotions. Anger is kept under control (i.e., it is shown, but the boundaries of what is permitted are not crossed). Making a choice hard. In relations with people, they are rigid, incapable of compromise and intolerant of everything that, from their point of view, threatens orderliness and perfection; they try to control the anxiety arising from this by increasing pedantry.

What defense mechanism use:

Obsessive people have isolation, solitude from others. For the compulsive, the destruction of what has been done.

The person belongs to obsessive-compulsive type, if it has at least a few of the listed qualities:

- Difficulty with the choice;

- Striving for excellence and spending time rechecking completed cases;

- Excessive pedantry in work;

- Stubbornness;

- Inability and unwillingness to delegate their responsibilities to others;

- Inflexibility when performing work (they always do the way it should be and was invented before them).

Hysterical Type - Jessica Rabbit

  • Hysterical type - the type of personality in which a person is in a state of overstimulation, unconscious anxiety and fear of indifference on the part of society.

People with a hysterical personality structure are characterized by high levels of anxiety, tension and reactivity, especially on an interpersonal basis. They are warm-hearted, "energetic" and intuitively "human" people, prone to get into situations associated with personal drama and risk. Due to the high level of anxiety and conflicts they suffer from, their emotionality may seem superficial, artificial and exaggerated to others. Many researchers believe that hysterically organized people are tense, hypersensitive and sociophilic individuals (McWilliams, 1998). Often moody, arrogant and reckless. Experiencing problems with logic and analysis.

What defense mechanism use:

Dissociation mechanism. As a result of the operation of this mechanism, a person begins to perceive what is happening to him as if it is happening not with him, but with someone else.

The person belongs to hysterical type of character, if it has at least a few of the listed qualities:

- Strong desire to be the center of attention and admiration of the opposite sex;

- Showy character, theatrical behavior or exaggerated expression of feelings;

- Suggestibility, easy fall under the influence of surrounding or situational influences;

- External manifestation of excessive sexuality (revealing outfits, vulgar behavior, bright makeup in women).
