What is needed to pass the exam. Everything you need to know about the Unified State Exam in computer science. What documents are required to register for the Unified State Exam?

Preparing for the Unified State University is not easy for all graduates, but each of them is interested in the question: what you need to know to pass the Unified State Exam in literature. To make the exam preparation process easier, there are a few things you need to take into account.

Stages of preparation for the Unified State Exam in literature

The first step is to familiarize yourself with the list of works that you should read.

The second stage is to carefully study the requirements for the exam and the structure of the Unified State Examination.

The third stage is to become familiar with the theory of literature.

The fourth step is to become familiar with the Part C criteria and practice writing.

How to prepare for the Unified State Exam in Literature?

After reviewing literary theory, work through each text listed in the Codifier. Then you need to repeat the writer’s biography from the textbook and write down the main dates on a special card. Each work must be re-read, after which you need to formulate the essence of the plot and conflict in two or three sentences. After thinking about the problem, write down all the wording on a separate card. The full names of the main characters should be written down separately.

The next stage of preparation will be working with textbooks and additional literature. While reading, you need to make short notes.

After mastering all the training material, use the FIPI notebooks prepared by E.L. Erokhin and S.A. Zinin.

Part B needs to be worked on independently, but to prepare for part C, you need the help of a teacher who can evaluate what you have written, give advice, and sort out mistakes.

Another important point in preparing for the Unified State Exam in literature is that you need to set a goal for yourself, how many points you should score. To do this, make a list of 5-6 educational institutions that are suitable for you and find out from the admissions committee what they were like last year.

If you are interested in the question of what you need to know to prepare for the Unified State Exam in Literature, use the following study guides:

Two-volume book “Russian literature of the 19th-20th centuries. Tutorial for those entering universities”, publication of the Faculty of Philology of Moscow State University;

N.M. Azarov “Text. Russian manual XIX literature century" (any edition). Azarova’s method is considered the most effective for preparing for the Unified State Exam;

L. A. Skubachevskaya, N. V. Slautina, T. V. Nadozirnaya and others. “Unified State Exam. Literature. Universal reference book" (Eksmo publishing house);

Book “Unified State Exam. Literature: exam assignments", prepared by S. A. Zinin;

E. L. Erokhina. "Literature. Thematic workbook FIPI", publishing house "Exam".

Which is mandatory in 2018. In this material we will consider the rules for successful preparation for profile Unified State Examination mathematics.

The profile exam in mathematics consists of two parts. The first includes eight basic short-answer questions to test practical and basic knowledge of mathematics. Students who have chosen a specialized exam in mathematics must learn to solve them very quickly; according to calculations by methodologists of the Federal Institute of Pedagogical Measurements, each task should take from 3 to 5 minutes. The second part contains tasks higher level Difficulty: four tasks with a short answer and seven with a long answer. For the last three tasks Special attention should be addressed to graduates who plan to enroll in best universities countries with specialized mathematics.

The exam lasts 3 hours 55 minutes. The exam is assessed on a 100-point scale for admission to higher education. educational institution in 2017, you had to score at least 27 points. The tasks are divided into three modules: “Practice-oriented tasks”, “Algebra and principles mathematical analysis" and "Geometry".

Who should take the profile exam?

The profile exam in mathematics is an elective subject. If mathematics is listed among the subjects required for admission, choose only the specialized exam. If a graduate is not confident in his abilities or is taking mathematics just in case, he should sign up for the specialized and basic exams. Study the list carefully entrance examinations to selected higher education institutions. If mathematics is included among the subjects, then you must pass a specialized exam. In the list of entrance exams, specialized mathematics may appear not only in technical and mathematical specialties. Increased requirements for knowledge of mathematics are imposed in the natural sciences: for example, when entering the fields of “Clinical Psychology”, “Chemistry”, “Biology”, “Ecology”. Knowledge of mathematics will be needed for some humanitarian specialties, for example, upon admission to the direction “Fundamental and applied linguistics"at Moscow State University. In the first half school year It is necessary to carefully study the requirements for admission to educational institutions of interest.

What tasks are difficult?

During the exam, graduates make mistakes common to all tasks. One of the most common is inattentive reading of the assignment. In 2017, 16% of people made a mistake in the task below because they did not read the conditions properly.

Task 11. A motor ship, whose speed in still water is 27 km/h, travels some distance along the river and, after stopping, returns to its starting point. The current speed is 1 km/h, the stay lasts 5 hours, and the ship returns to its starting point 32 hours after departure. How many kilometers does the ship travel during the entire voyage?

Graduates found the distance between departure and stop points, instead of determining the duration of the entire flight. This is a stupid mistake that may cost you the required points. As a rule, graduates do not carefully read the text of the assignment due to fear of not having time to complete it and anxiety due to the exam situation. Teacher of the Unified State Exam and Unified State Exam in mathematics in pairs TwoStu Maria recommends that after reading the conditions of the problem for the first time, make notes about what is given and what needs to be found, then read the problem again and start solving it.

Up to 57% of those who took the specialized Unified State Examination in mathematics made mistakes in tasks on stereometry. To successfully solve problems in stereometry in the Unified State Exam, you must:

  • perform arithmetic transformations of numeric and literal expressions;
  • be able to carry out additional construction and proof of the correctness of these constructions;
  • know the basic formulas for finding the values ​​of geometric quantities of spatial figures.

FIPI methodologists note the low graphic culture of graduates, which is also the cause of errors when solving geometric tasks. Drawing classes will help develop graphic culture, the teacher of the Unified State Exam and Unified State Exam courses in the TwoStu pair shares advice.

When preparing for the specialized Unified State Examination in mathematics, be sure to carefully study the following topics:

  • determining the sign of a trigonometric function;
  • formulas of trigonometric equations;
  • knowledge of the trigonometric circle;
  • knowledge of the algorithm for solving inequalities;
  • solving a system of logarithmic inequalities;
  • solution of fractional rational inequality.

It was in these topics that graduates made mistakes most often when solving tasks for the Unified State Exam in 2017.

How to prepare

FIPI methodologists do not recommend preparing for the Unified State Exam in specialized mathematics only using test options from collections. This way you can practice solving tasks of the same type, which will not be at all similar to those that will appear on the exam. It's best to decide a large number of tasks for each exam topic, from simple to complex tasks. Current problems on exam topics can be found in the open Unified State Exam task bank on the FIPI website; tests and thematic problems can be solved on the Yandex.Unified State Exam portal.

The main advice for graduates is to start preparing for the exam right now. If the student’s level of knowledge is high, he successfully studies mathematics in a specialized class for at least 6-7 hours a week and solves Olympiad-level tasks, it may be enough for him self-study using online resources and manuals. At the same time, it is necessary to constantly monitor your progress and ability to meet the allotted time, solve 2-3 options of the Unified State Exam in mathematics weekly.

An excellent student in a school with a low level of mathematics teaching and a good student in a specialized class should think about studying in preparation courses for the Unified State Exam in mathematics. There, students will discuss questions that cause difficulties from year to year and will be taught how to solve Olympiad-level tasks.

Individual or paired lessons with a tutor in preparation for the specialized Unified State Exam in mathematics will help to identify what the student’s main problem is and thoroughly analyze the methods solutions of three the latest assignments - the most important for admission to the country's leading universities.

When preparing for the Unified State Exam, it is important to remain calm and carry it through to the exams, because mistakes are made not only due to a lack of knowledge, but also as a result of panic. Regular preparation and the intention to enter a higher educational institution are the best assistants in preparing for the specialized Unified State Exam in mathematics.

Graduates, are you going to take a specialized exam in mathematics? Which tasks cause the most problems?

Are you preparing for the traffic police exam? Then urgently read this article, in which I will tell you how to pass your license the first time. Otherwise you’ll have to wait for a retake, and then start going through everything all over again, and it’s not a fact that you’ll succeed the second or even third time. Ilya Kulik is with you again. Go!

The exam itself takes no more than 4 hours, so to get a driving license quickly you just need to pass the exam the first time. And for this you need to properly prepare for them and know some secrets, because of which they go for a retake.

As is known, State exam To obtain a driver's license consists of three parts:

  • theoretical part;
  • autodrome(site) – testing of initial driving skills;
  • city– driving a vehicle in conditions traffic.

Now I will tell you for each of these tests separately, what you need to do and what not to do in order to successfully pass them all the first time.

Theory is the easiest test

The theoretical exam for future drivers usually does not cause difficulties. To successfully pass this stage, it is enough to memorize all the exam papers. Fortunately, this can now be easily done thanks to publicly available online services, where you can perform test tasks and get clarification on them. One of the best sites with exam tickets is perhaps the resource SDA24.com. You can also use printed publications.

In order for ticket information to be assimilated and loaded into long-term memory, use the Ebbinghaus repetition technique - read about the technique at Wikipedia . Because in the period after memorization, the material is forgotten. And meaningful text is remembered 9 times faster!

The UchiPDD app contains a memorization algorithm and contains lectures for all eight subjects in the curriculum - download the UchiPDD app atplay.google.com and on the App Store.

When testing your knowledge with tests, in case of incorrect answers and when choosing at random, carefully read the explanations. The more you decide, the better. It is necessary to achieve error-free execution of all tickets - only in this case can you be sure that during the exam, when anxiety will also interfere, you will not make more than 2 permitted mistakes.

Of course, you shouldn’t forget about studying the Traffic Rules themselves. A deep knowledge of the Rules will not only help you find the answer in a non-standard situation, but is also simply necessary when passing the practical part.

Rules for taking the test

You are given 20 minutes to complete the test; a minute per question is enough to thoroughly think about it, weigh the pros and cons and choose the correct answer. Do not rush to mark an option, read the questions carefully, pay attention to the particle “not”; they ask about permission or prohibition of an action.

Thank you, Ilya, this is an important reminder! You need to read the question and answer options TO THE END, don’t rush! And of course, excitement. You are where your attention is. This means that if attention is focused on excitement, then there is a high probability of error. Concentrate only on solving the tickets, breathe deeply and freely.

The possibility of a random answer must be excluded in accordance with clause 87 of the Administrative Regulations for conducting the driving test: the program accepts the answer only with additional confirmation (for example, by pressing the key again). If this is not the case, according to clause 86 of the same regulations, you must be provided with other, working equipment. But still, avoid accidental clicks, take your time, do not make sudden movements, and do not put your hands on the keyboard.

If you find it difficult to immediately answer any point, move on to the next one: the order in which the tasks are solved does not matter. But do not forget to return to those missed later: after all, the absence of an answer is considered as a wrong decision.

You can hear tips that will help you pass the theoretical exam the first time from the Chairman of the Board of the NP “Guild of Driving Schools of Russia” S. Yu. Lobarev in the following video.

Time is fleeting and the requirements for passing the vehicle driving exam are becoming more stringent. Today, if there is one error, the student receives five additional questions and five minutes of time. And if there are two errors in one block, the red screen lights up.

In the traffic police, you need to know the subject yourself with an “A”

In addition to errors, there is another reason for marking “FAILED”: the use of cheat sheets, mobile devices, neighbor's tips. If the examiner notices this, the driver candidate will immediately stop taking the test.

Therefore, not only do not use prohibited techniques, but also do not give any reason to suspect you of this: do not turn to other examinees, and especially do not talk even on extraneous topics, turn off your mobile phone while taking the test.

Politeness and calm

You can give a couple more tips that will be useful at all stages of passing the driving exams. The first is to behave calmly, politely and respectfully towards the examiners.

If you think that the exam was organized with violations, and the examiners do not agree with your comments, you should not prove that you are right in the dispute: this will only set the examiners against you, which will affect subsequent tests. In such a case, it is necessary to file a complaint in the prescribed manner.

And the second piece of advice: do not take sedatives, much less stimulants. For the theory test, you will need maximum concentration, and for the practical part, you will also need quick reaction time. And various medications can affect these qualities not in better side, which is confirmed by practice: those who take the medicine almost always fail the driving test.

To relieve stress, use your proven means that do not affect your condition: eat sweets, listen to your favorite music, do gymnastics, etc.

Site – passing basic driving skills

On the site, it is not speed that is important, but the correctness of the given trajectory of movement and the fulfillment of other requirements. It is not forbidden to stop, the main thing is to keep the time to 10 minutes.

Upon successful passing of the theoretical exam, the driver who has completed his training is allowed to take the driving test at the race track. Here it is necessary to demonstrate the ability to drive a car.

The main thing is experience

For confident driving, training in a driving school is not enough, since the program pays attention to acquiring the initial skill. If you want to drive confidently, calmly and safely, plan on additional driving hours with an instructor.

Sufficient mastery of driving can only be achieved through practical training. Therefore, study the technique thoroughly necessary exercises and practice and practice. Don’t miss lessons, try to skate the maximum number of hours, although experience shows that this does not always work out. And if training at a driving school was not enough for you to confidently perform all the elements, take additional driving lessons, and don’t skimp.

The need for additional lessons should be foreseen in advance and included in the lesson. Ideally, they will be taught to you by your instructor at a driving school, but you can use the services of any other person who has the appropriate permission.

Self-study – is it possible?

Now only a person who has a special document confirming the right to be an instructor can teach driving, and the car must be equipped, among other things, with additional pedals.

Therefore, you can practice on your own in a relative’s or friend’s car only in a place where traffic police inspectors will 100% not see you, for example, at a summer cottage. Otherwise, the student will face a fine of 5,000-15,000 rubles, and the owner of the car will face a fine of 30,000 rubles. under Article 12.7 of the Code of Administrative Offences.

Moreover, those who practice at motor racing tracks and closed areas are also fined – traffic inspectors also visit them regularly. Therefore, train in such places only with an instructor in a special car.

Exam preparation

On the day of the exam, dress in loose and comfortable clothes, ideally the same ones you usually wore when you practiced. The same applies to shoes. You should not take extra things with you - bags, umbrellas, etc. Firstly, they can distract from driving, and secondly, due to excitement they can easily be forgotten in the car.

Before you start driving:

  • adjust proper seat and mirrors;
  • start the engine;
  • buckle up;
  • turning on the low beam Tell the examiner that you are ready to begin taking the test.

When adjusting, do not rush: even if it takes a long time, you will be comfortable driving the car. You can start moving only on command. And don’t forget to take the car off the handbrake – this is trivial advice, but many people taking their license (and even novice drivers) forget about the parking brake, the activation of which must be checked by the examiner before the start of the exam.

If you have a traffic police exam tomorrow, here are a few recommendations:

  1. Take a walk before bed to get a better night's sleep and avoid being late for your exam. In the evening, put your passport and printed receipt in a visible place. Look in advance and plan your route and time, taking into account possible traffic jams in the morning.
  2. Start your day with a positive thought! Take a shower and be sure to have breakfast. Mentally plan your day using visualization, imagine everything down to the smallest detail. “You confidently answer theory questions correctly. Fasten your seat belt and calmly perform all the exercises on the site and in the city.” Fix confidence and calm in your mind and body!
  3. And be sure to breathe! At any stressful situation pay attention to your breathing and breathe a little deeper than usual! Oxygen relieves the body of adrenaline, and thoughts focused on breathing help to perceive what is happening more adequately.
  4. Remember that the traffic police inspector is the same person as you, who goes to bed, eats, communicates with friends))) To overcome your fear, it is better to trust him, realizing that he also trusted you by getting into the car you are driving ))

Completing tasks

Perform the exercises carefully and as academically as possible. Take your time, but don't hesitate either. Try to park the machine perfectly parallel to the boundaries where required, keeping a reasonable distance from the lines and posts. All this, in fact, needs to be worked out at the stage of preparation for the exam. If you pay attention to this, all you have to do is show up and, as always before, complete all the elements perfectly the first time.

How examinees are assessed

You should know what exactly is being assessed in the exercises. It’s very simple: there is a certain list of conditions under which the grade “FAILED” is given. The exam will not be counted in the following cases:

  • more than 30 seconds passed from the examiner’s command to the start of movement - so follow the inspector’s signals and do not yawn;
  • hit more than 2 times to the line borders or marking elements knocked down;
  • there was a departure from the boundaries of the site for exercise;
  • STOP line crossed when the task requires you to stop in front of it;
  • control line not crossed according to the instructions or the distance to it does not correspond to the required;
  • the required trajectory is not followed;
  • stalled 3 or more times engine;
  • was moving in reverse when this is not provided for by the exercise;
  • the car rolled back more than 30 cm after stopping on a climb;
  • drove through a red traffic light(in the exercise “traversing a controlled intersection”);
  • more than the allowed time was spent completing all exercises(for those taking tests in categories M, A, and the time for the “Speed ​​maneuvering” exercise is also limited);
  • your foot touched the ground more than 2 times, when the task does not require it, or failure to turn on the turn signal more than once, when necessary, when passing for an M and A1 license.

If the listed events do not occur, the test for basic driving skills is considered passed. But mistakes made at this stage, even when formally passing it, will influence the examiner’s desire to “fail” the future driver at the final test.

So don’t think that just because you’ve rented out the site, you’re guaranteed the rights. The most difficult test yet lies ahead.

Frequent mistakes on the overpass: the engine stalled (it happens that the student’s leg “shakes” from excitement); the vehicle rolled backwards and hit the mounting post; when descending, stop at a distance of more than 1 meter in front of the STOP line.

When performing elements using reverse gear (parallel parking, entering a pit and making a three-step turn), remember that you can only engage it once!

Exam in the city: how to pass it easily the first time

Upon successful completion of the first two stages, the former driving school student is allowed to be tested in real traffic conditions. The difficulty of the exam on the streets is that it is impossible to foresee exactly the situation that will occur during the exam. It is on this test that students most often fail, even if they pass the theory and the stage the first time.

How is a successful driving test determined?

The evaluation criteria are as follows: all possible errors are divided into three categories:

  • rude;
  • average:
  • small.

For one gross error, 5 penalty points are awarded, for an average one - 3, for a minor one - 1. If you score 5 or more points, the exam is not passed. Thus, you can allow a maximum of one medium and one minor, or four minor flaws. At least one serious mistake - failing the exam. You can find their complete list in the following.

Exam preparation

Even at the training stage, you should find out the likely route for the exam and ride along it with an instructor. Practice is key here, so try to drive enough that moving around the city streets won't cause you any difficulty. Take additional lessons if necessary.

Preparation for movement is similar to that before handing over the site. Adjust the seats and mirrors, buckle up, turn on the low beams - this is the mandatory list. If you know for sure that the car is equipped with daytime running lights, then the headlights do not need to be turned on during daylight hours. And don't forget to take the car off the handbrake.

Important! You need to not only buckle up yourself, but also make sure that everyone in the car does the same, including the inspector, who may deliberately not touch the seat belt to check the future driver. Feel free to remind him and the instructor to buckle up. After all, driving with unbelted passengers means 3 penalty points for the examinee.

Pitfalls of the last stage

Traffic inspectors sometimes resort to tricks: they give instructions that contradict the Traffic Rules. Under no circumstances should you comply with such requirements - remember that you are the driver, and only you, and not the inspector, are responsible for compliance with traffic rules. Therefore, at this stage, a very good knowledge of the Traffic Rules is necessary in order to understand when the inspector’s instructions are one of the elements of the task, failure to complete which is tantamount to “failing” the exam, and when it is a cunning trick.

During the exam, the state traffic inspector evaluates the candidate driver’s ability to navigate real city roads in accordance with traffic rules. So, these are not inspector tricks, but road safety requirements.

If the inspector says: “Choose a place, turn around in the opposite direction,” and there is a public transport stop ahead, this does not mean that you are being asked to turn around in a prohibited place. You, as a future driver, must assess the road situation and choose a permitted place to turn around. Be careful and do not shift responsibility for your actions!

At the same time, there are situations when the examiner tries to impute a violation that actually did not occur. If you are sure that the traffic rules are on your side (and for this you need to know them by heart), argue with reason and restraint to the traffic inspector that he is wrong, preferably with reference to the paragraph of the Rules. Practice shows that examiners appreciate the deep knowledge of the future driver and accept the right objections.

Basic driving rules

Do not forget to look in the mirrors; it is better to do this with your head turned so that it is noticeable to the person taking the exam. Use the turn signal when necessary: ​​when starting to move, changing lanes, turning. When stopping, be sure to put the car on the handbrake, especially on inclines. Turn off your mobile phone so that you are not tempted to answer the call. Using a cell phone while driving is a serious mistake.

You need to move confidently, demonstrating your ability to drive a car, but, of course, without recklessness. Excessively low speed, unsmooth gear shifting, inept use of controls - all these are shortcomings for which penalty points are awarded.

Therefore, practice and practice again before the exam. Unfortunately, now this can only be done with an instructor who has an official training permit and in a specially equipped vehicle. But here it’s up to you to decide what’s more important to you: saving money or easily and confidently passing your driving test the first time and quickly getting your license.

  • don't skimp on training– driving skills are acquired only through practice;
  • train until you can easily complete all tasks - this applies to both theory and practice;
  • learn all the traffic rules properly, do not limit yourself to memorizing the situations indicated on the tickets. The key to success in any exam is excellent knowledge of the subject itself, which in the case of driving a car is the Traffic Rules;
  • be as careful as possible, take your time, but at the same time be collected - this is necessary at all stages;
  • follow the traffic rules exactly when driving around the city, do not forget about the possibility of a trick on the part of the examiner;
  • try to be one of the first to pass the exam– sometimes examiners have an unspoken quota on the number of people passing their license in one day, that is, if you are not included, say, in the top ten lucky ones, even with good results, you will be “flunked” because the daily quota has been met;
  • Don't worry– if you have studied responsibly, then anxiety is the only thing that can prevent you from passing exams quickly;
  • get a good night's sleep before taking your license - fatigue is not a necessary companion at an important event.


A driving test is necessary to ensure that a new car enthusiast can be trusted to drive a car independently. This is a serious test for anyone who wants to become a driver. But with proper preparation and use of the tips from this article, you can easily pass your license the first time.

Did you manage to pass your license right away? Maybe they used some special tricks? Share your impressions and experiences with me and readers in the comments. You can also ask there if something is unclear in the article.

That's all I have for today. Click on the icon social network, which you use, and subscribe to the blog, if you have not already done so, so as not to miss the release of new useful articles. Bye everyone, and good luck with your exams!

The answer is simple - words.

You need to know the words. Words. Words. Words a thousand times. And again the words.

If you think that you only need to know grammar, then you are very mistaken.


How many “pure” words can you get from grammar?

  1. 7 points in the Grammar section (19-25)
  2. 2 points (criterion 3) – writing
  3. 2 points (criterion 4) – essay
  4. 2 points (criterion 3) – speaking part No. 3
  5. 2 points (criterion 3) – speaking part No. 4
  6. 5 points – speaking part No. 2 (ask 5 questions)

What happens? In total you can get 20 points for grammar. You can score the remaining 80 points only through vocabulary.

For some reason, most students believe that knowing tenses and passive voice will save the whole situation. This is wrong. This is very far from the truth.

What do you need to pass the Unified State Exam in English with a score above 75?

I repeat - words.

In 2018 A terrible thing happened - something that no one expected and I can’t predict. In the essay topics, the guys came across the word literacy, could not translate it, and almost everyone (think about it - almost EVERYONE who wrote) received 0 points for the essay.

Not fair? Of course it's not fair! This example can be recorded as a perfect example of dishonesty in this world.

How can you influence your score on the English Unified State Exam?

A letter to Verbitskaya? They already wrote that way, she replied that there is nothing wrong with the word literacy, because an essay is an assignment high level, so you should know this word.

How do you understand that it is impossible to fight this - nothing will change. Neither after letters, nor after petitions. But the situation can be changed by gaining a vocabulary of words. We can't influence the format of the exam, but we can do what you can - learn the words.

2 questions left.

How not to learn words for the Unified State Exam?

just according to the codifier, according to some lists that are on the Internet (you will waste your time).

How should you learn words for the Unified State Exam?

  • read books and retell
  • listen to BBC 6 min podcasts and retell
  • look documentaries Unreported World and discuss with your tutor
  • write a lot using new words
  • prepare mini reports and projects on a specific topic (now you can select a topic from the codifier)

If you're already doing all this with your tutor, great! You are on the right track.

If you don’t have a tutor yet, then come to my lessons at least once a week. Make a difference. Take a step towards your dream - pass Unified State Examination get a high score and go to college.

Read more about lessons for preparing for the Unified State Exam.

Compulsory subjects - mathematics and the Russian language - have been used as a form of state final certification of general secondary education for a number of years. Conducting final certification has general rules that have been subject to changes several times. About the latest changes general rules and will be discussed in this article.

About the rules

The Unified State Exam (compulsory subjects and elective subjects) is carried out using control measuring materials (CMM), which are standard form complexes with tasks. In addition, there are special mandatory forms for filling out answers to assignments. Compulsory USE subjects, as well as elective subjects, are accepted in Russian in writing, unless this is a section of foreign languages ​​(“speaking”).

Exams are held in Russia and abroad according to a single schedule. The organizers are Rosobrnadzor and the executive authorities of those constituent entities of the Russian Federation that manage the education sector (EI). Outside the country, the Unified State Exam (compulsory subjects and elective subjects) is also accepted by Rosobrnadzor and the founders of educational organizations of the Russian Federation, which are located abroad, have state accreditation and implement educational programs of general secondary education, as well as foreign institutions of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Russian Federation, which have structural specialized educational units.

Admission to the Unified State Exam

Compulsory subjects and elective subjects are taken by students who do not have academic debt and have completed individual or general assessments in full with grades in all subjects for all years of study not lower than satisfactory.

Disabled children and people with disabilities, as well as students with limited opportunities health, studying in closed educational institutions and institutions where they serve sentences of imprisonment.

Students in educational programs of vocational secondary education also have the right to certification in the Unified State Examination form (Russian language and mathematics, as well as elective subjects for admission to a higher educational institution). Students in educational organizations of the Republic of Crimea and the city of Sevastopol have the same right.

Recertification and external training

The right to certification in the Unified State Examination form is available to graduates of previous years (with a document confirming receipt of general secondary education before 2013), as well as to those students who are mastering educational programs of vocational secondary education and studying in educational organizations abroad of the Russian Federation, even if they have There are valid Unified State Exam results from past years.

People who have completed secondary education programs in other forms - family education or self-education, or who have completed educational programs not accredited by the state can also take the Unified State Exam. They can pass the State Examination as an external student


Currently, the required subjects for passing the Unified State Exam are Russian language and mathematics. However, changes and additions are planned for 2020. Firstly, according to the head of the Ministry of Education and Science Olga Vasilyeva, a history exam will be mandatory for everyone. In addition, the compulsory subjects of the Unified State Exam in 2020 may include a foreign language and geography. Indeed, without knowledge of history, the country will not be able to successfully move into tomorrow. Will geography be a compulsory subject of the Unified State Examination? For now, since all existing system exams will be revised.

However English language Most likely it will be as a compulsory subject in the Unified State Exam (or another foreign one). A number of regions will take this subject in testing mode in 2020. Further, by 2022, the country will be ready to include a foreign language in the examination minimum in schools, and now trial tests are being compiled and programs are being developed. History as a compulsory subject in the Unified State Examination is an issue that has already been practically resolved, although this will happen, according to Olga Vasilyeva, no earlier than 2020. This will be the third required subject.

History with geography

Olga Vasilyeva made many statements at the All-Russian Conference on the History of Russia, which was held in February 2017, regarding the development of education in the country. Much has been said about passing the Unified State Exam in 2020. Required items will be replenished. She clarified that today children only take mathematics and the Russian language, but the third subject of the Unified State Examination should certainly be history.

She also stated that she was listening carefully to the increasingly louder public opinion regarding the GIA, which students take after finishing the ninth grade, in geography. Many citizens are advocating for the introduction of such an exam at school graduation. The list of compulsory Unified State Exam subjects will definitely be replenished. Perhaps geography will be one of them.

For admission to university

In 2009, all school graduates received information about the compulsory Unified State Examination subjects. They were the Russian language and mathematics. At the same time, every eleventh grader must receive a score not lower than that established by Rosobrnadzor. Additionally, school graduates independently select several required subjects to enroll in a university. You need to choose from the list of general education disciplines that are included in the Unified State Examination list. How many compulsory subjects, for example, should an eleventh grader who is planning to enter university take? This will depend on the chosen specialization. For example, a future programmer needs ICT and computer science.

Unified State Exam assignments in mathematics can be completed in advance not only completely, but also repeatedly, for this there are official portals With open banks tasks. Since this subject is compulsory, graduates do just that. But mathematics is different from mathematics. The same future programmers should not solve the basic option, but the profile one. Unified State Examination tasks in profile-level mathematics require, however, only knowledge of the school course. The website of the chosen university probably has free demo material that you can use for self-study.


Subjects, including compulsory ones, chosen by a school graduate for admission to a university:

1. Russian language.

2. Profile and basic mathematics.

4. Physics.

5. Social studies.

6. History.

7. Information and communication technologies and computer science.

8. Geography.

9. Biology.

10. Literature.

11. Foreign language (English, French, German, Spanish).

To receive a certificate of completion high school, you only need to take two compulsory subjects - Russian language and mathematics. Further, on a voluntary basis, the graduate can take any subjects of his own choice in accordance with the requirements of a certain one. Everything depends on the planned direction of training, that is, the specialty.


Since the country is undergoing not too rapid, but dramatic changes, this cannot but affect the education system. The Ministry of Education and Science has accumulated a lot of complaints from the country's population. Of course, this examination system has its advantages, such as the option to prevent corruption and the independence of the knowledge assessment obtained. But there are also a lot of disadvantages. It is planned to develop a mechanism for passing the Unified State Exam in six subjects by 2019, as well as to increase the number of primary school certifications. Of course, knowledge must be assessed systematically so that students acquire skills that increase responsibility and order.

Both parents and teachers point out the testing nature of the exam as a disadvantage of the existing Unified State Examination organization. Most students are simply trying to guess the correct answer. This system should have been abolished a long time ago, replaced by a survey form that existed until 2009. Of course, both rehearsals and public opinion polls are necessary before anything new is introduced into this system, because, first of all, it is necessary to understand how much each of these changes will improve the situation.

Deadlines and tasks

Conducting the Unified State Exam on the territory of the Russian Federation, as well as outside it, provides for a unified schedule. Every academic subject has its own duration according to the time of the exam. In January of this year, the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation issues a decree approving a unified schedule and duration of each exam. It also provides the entire list of tools that will be needed for training and education and will be used when conducting the Unified State Exam.

FIPI ( Federal Institute pedagogical measurements) develops examination tasks (KIM), that is, sets of standardized tasks with the help of which the level of mastery will be established educational standard. On the FIPI website you can familiarize yourself in advance with the demo section Unified State Exam options for each subject, as well as with documents that regulate the content and structure of CMM - with all codifiers and specifications. Assignments can have either extended or short answers. Oral answers from examinees foreign languages recorded using audio media. This section (“speaking”) is still on a voluntary basis.


Information about control measuring materials that are used to carry out state certification cannot be disclosed, since it is classified as information with limited access. Therefore, everyone who will be involved in conducting the Unified State Exam, as well as persons taking the exam during the period of its conduct, are responsible for the disclosure of KIM information in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation.

If KIM information is published, for example, on the Internet, this will become evidence of the presence of signs of an offense under Articles 13.14 and 19.30 of the Code of the Russian Federation on Administrative Offenses; 59, part 11 of the Federal Law of the Russian Federation "On Education in the Russian Federation".


The state final certification, which is carried out in the Unified State Examination form, uses a hundred-point grading system in all subjects except basic-level mathematics. Separately, for each subject, a minimum number of points is established, and if the examinee has overcome this threshold, then his mastery educational program overall average will be confirmed.

When check exam papers ends, the results of the Unified State Examination in all subjects are reviewed by the chairman of the State Examination Committee, after which he makes a decision to cancel, change or approve them. The results are approved within one working day after checking all examination papers.


If a high school graduate being examined is not satisfied with the scores received, he has the opportunity to file an appeal of disagreement within two days from the date of announcement of the Unified State Examination results. It must be drawn up in writing and submitted to educational organization, which gave admission to the examinee to the Unified State Examination.

Graduates of previous years and other categories of Unified State Exam participants can submit an appeal to the place of registration for the exam or to others determined by the region. Unified State Exam results for each examinee exist only in the federal information system, and paper certificates about them are not provided. Their validity period is four years.


If a graduate of a given current year receives a result that is below the established minimum score in any of the required subjects, he can take the Unified State Exam again - the unified schedule provides for additional deadlines for this. If a USE participant of any category fails to obtain the minimum points in the subjects that he chose for admission to the university, then the retake will take place only after a year.

Since 2015, all schoolchildren can take the Unified State Exam according to compulsory subjects up to three times (this only applies to mathematics and the Russian language). This is possible either in additional days, if only one subject is failed, or in the fall (September, October). In the latter case, admission to a university cannot take place, since the required deadlines have passed, but the student will receive a certificate.