What happened to Hitler after the war. Paradoxes of history. Hitler: life after death. The truth is different for everyone

...The author of the bestselling book “Hitler in Argentina” Abel Basti, who presented in a sensational interview with AiF (2006)* evidence of the Fuhrer's escape South America, published a new scandalous document. We are talking about a report from the FBI archive classified “Top Secret”, dated August 8, 1947. The document confirms Basti's theory: US intelligence services, having not received convincing evidence of the death of Adolf Hitler, with the help of their agents AFTER the war, tried to find traces of the Fuhrer in... Spain. In order to find out the details, the AiF columnist contacted Abel Basti by phone.

“The Fuhrer was recovering his health in Barcelona”

- What specific information does the FBI report contain?

Shocking. I read from the very beginning: “According to your report dated April 28, 1947, one of the prestigious Spanish doctors admits that he treated Adolf Hitler. According to him, the Fuhrer’s health problems were caused by the fact that he took many stimulant drugs: this led to poisoning of the body.

We inform you that Hitler's body has never been found, and there is no credible source that would confirm his death: therefore, the Fuhrer may be alive. "US Army officials are working to investigate Hitler's presence in Spain." Does anything bother you? It has been two years since the Allies officially declared the Fuhrer dead. But at the same time, the special services are secretly investigating the circumstances to see if he could have escaped? And they completely admit it.

- When, according to your version, did Hitler end up in Spain?

Between 27 and 30 April 1945: he was flown to Barcelona on a special Junkers 290 flight with Eva Braun - the plane's passengers included 13 prominent Nazis, including Martin Bormann and Heinrich Müller. Hitler stayed in an estate near Barcelona for about a month and a half, recovering his health: Spain seemed to him a kind of “springboard” for transportation to Argentina. It was in Barcelona that Hitler and Eva Braun received new documents: passports for thousands of Nazis were printed back in February 1945 - they were very well prepared. I have a sample: the identity card of “Argentine” Federico Wegener. In the photo is the head of the ghetto in Riga, SS Hauptsturmführer Roschmann. The photo was pasted onto new form, a name was invented - and that’s it, the “fresh” citizen of Argentina is ready.

- What subsequently happened to the Spanish doctor?

The document states: “An investigation is required to find out where the patient whose appearance matches the description given by the doctor is hiding. The doctor must be interrogated and, if possible, photographed: the story must be written down without distortion and the information received must be verified.” Let me note: the official version says that Hitler died on April 30, 1945. But why then are intelligence officers interrogating a doctor in Spain, trying to get on the trail of his mysterious patient, if Hitler is long dead? This behavior of the FBI seems quite strange.

“We found the burnt corpse of a double”

- What other new facts do you have?

I provide AiF with an archival recording of a BBC radio broadcast dated May 8, 1945 (you can listen to this recording on our website - www.site. - Author). A British reporter reports from the ruins of the “Führerbunker” - military doctors are examining Goebbels’ body, “but Hitler has still not been found”: instead, a “burnt corpse of a double” was discovered. The program goes on to say: in total, since the fall of Berlin, the Allies found six (!) dead doubles of the Fuhrer in the capital of the Reich.

- Perhaps the journalist was only expressing his private opinion.

Then it is unclear why it was necessary to move this recording into a box stamped “Top Secret” and store it there for sixty years? The same applies to the rest of the evidence I found in the archives. They tell me - yes, the papers are genuine, but FBI agents are people too, they could make mistakes. This is certainly true - but I want an explanation: for what reason was any minor mention that Hitler was able to escape from Berlin kept classified and archived until the next century?

Conspiracy theorists hype their theory with pomp, and then it bursts like a soap bubble. Indeed, archival documents confirm that the intelligence services were actively interested in whether Hitler had the opportunity to move to Argentina. Records, photos - all this looks impressive, but psychologically it’s hard to believe.

I'll tell you one thing. After the famous flight to England in May 1941, Hitler’s deputy Rudolf Hess, rumors appeared: the British Foreign Office was conducting secret negotiations with him about a joint attack on the USSR. This was aggravated by the fact that the interrogation protocols of Hess have still not been declassified. Britain, foaming at the mouth, asserted that this simply cannot happen, not a single British diplomat negotiated with the Nazis, this is unsubstantiated gossip from sensationalist journalists. But on August 31, 2008, an interesting document from the MI5 intelligence archive was published. It turns out that diplomat James Lonsdale-Brines, who was part of the close circle of Lord Halifax, the then British Foreign Secretary, established contacts with the leadership of the Third Reich from 1938 to 1940, cynically proposing the division of the world between England and Germany with the tacit consent of the government. It turns out that the words that no negotiations were held with Hitler are an outright lie.

Yours is coming out this year A new book- “Target - Patagonia: where did Hitler run away?” Do you plan to publish further documents about the stay of the leader of the Third Reich in Argentina?

Yes. Now we are working on lifting from the bottom sea ​​of ​​three submarines (on one of them, as I believe, Hitler arrived in Argentina), and we are also looking for the burial of the Fuhrer. I promise you the results will not disappoint.

Argentine researcher Abel BASTI believes that Hitler died quietly in the arms of his wife and children in Paraguay in 1964...

Argentine writer Abel Basti, a researcher of the life of the head of the Third Reich, is seriously confident: on April 30, 1945, Hitler did not put a bullet in his head, but calmly packed his things for a safe departure from Berlin. Taking Eva Braun with him, he moved to Argentina to a friendly regime, and died only in 1965.

The writer did not find evidence that Frau Hitler also died. In addition, Brown had many long-livers in her family. Her mother died at 96. This suggests that Hitler's wife is still alive. Perhaps the three children of Adolf and Eva are also in full health. Abel Basti knows for sure that they had children! Two were born while the Fuhrer and his wife lived in Germany. Then, when they moved to Argentina, another child was born.

After multiple examinations and interrogations of witnesses, Moscow decided that it was really Hitler. Several times his remains were buried, dug up, and buried again. The last refuge of the Fuhrer was the Soviet military unit in Magdeburg. In 1970, before handing over this territory to the Germans, on the secret order of Leonid Brezhnev, the remains of Hitler, Eva Braun and the Goebbels family were burned, and the ashes were poured from the bridge into the Biederitz river.

However, not everyone agrees with the official version to this day. Hundreds of studies have been conducted and many books have been written in search of the “escaped Hitler.” They searched for him in Spain, Latin America and even Antarctica. Recently, the Argentine writer Abel BASTI published his version of how the bloodiest dictator in Europe ended his days.

The leaders of the Third Reich began to look for a safer refuge back in 1943, writes Basti. Preparations for the evacuation were kept in the strictest confidence - Muller and Bormann, keeping an eye on each other, did not allow a single leak.

In Argentina, bank deposits were made out in front of dummies, small companies were created, and farms were purchased. Nazi emissaries settled in hotels and inns - “transshipment points” for their leaders. At the same time, secret negotiations were ongoing with the allies. For gold and technology of the Third Reich, they allegedly agreed to leave Hitler and his henchmen alone.

At the end of April 1945, Operation Seraglio began. From burning Berlin, which was occupied with fighting Soviet troops, several planes escaped - the top of Nazi Germany was transported to Spain, under the wing of “friend Franco.” From there, the submarines headed for Caleta de los Loros Bay in Argentina.

The author claims that in the area where Hitler came ashore, at a depth of 30 meters under a layer of sand and silt, three submarines were discovered, about which there is not a word in the archival documents of the Argentine military. So it began new life Nazi leader in Latin America.

He lived until 1964

The fugitives followed a long-established route. They were received in the homes of people known for their ties to the Nazis and close to Argentine dictator Juan Peron. Hitler maintained relations with some of them, for example, the Eichhorn family, until his death. Basti cites the testimony of a maid from their estate, who herself saw the “cousin,” as her owners called the Nazi leader.

More and more documentary evidence is appearing, shedding light on one of the mysterious mysteries of the 20th century.

The Eichhorns' gardener, who worked for the FBI, also reported on the presence of the leader of the Third Reich in Argentina. His recently declassified report was found by the author of the book in the archives of this organization.

According to Basti, Hitler not only lived until 1964, but also had offspring. Allegedly, there are photographs of him, Eva Braun and their children, which, according to the official version, the German Fuhrer did not have and could not have had. However, the owners of the unique photographs “are not yet ready to publish them.”

The dictator lived out his last days in Paraguay, the head of which did not particularly hide his sympathy for the Third Reich. He died in the arms of his wife, surrounded by children, without answering for his atrocities. But the author speaks very vaguely about Hitler’s burial place and where his family lives. Apparently this is material for a new sensational book.

AiF provides an interview with writer Abel Basti:

On April 30, 1945, at 16:30 (that is, an hour after the alleged suicide), Hitler was seen next to his personal Ju-52 aircraft.

Bestseller "Hitler in Argentina"

Having conducted research, interviewed dozens of witnesses, and published documents declassified by the FBI, Basti wants to prove that Hitler could have hidden in South America and lived there to old age. Let the readers judge how well he succeeded.

SENOR Basti, in your book you claim that on April 30, 1945, Hitler managed to escape from Berlin by plane. How could he do this if by that time the airfields were destroyed and the Allies controlled the skies?

My book contains previously classified evidence from the FBI archives that on April 30 at 16:30 (that is, an hour after the alleged suicide), Hitler was seen next to his personal Ju-52 plane.

At night, throughout the last week of April, air transport of the Fuhrer's trusted representatives landed on Unter den Linden Avenue, where street lighting poles were preserved. For example, Reich Minister Speer left the “Führerbunker” on the 20th, and three days later he calmly returned back on the Fieseler-Storch plane.

As you can see, the Allied air defense did not stop him. On April 25, a secret meeting was held in the “Führerbunker” to evacuate Hitler, in which the female pilot Hanna Reitsch, the famous pilot Hans Ulrich Rudel and Hitler’s personal pilot Hans Baur took part. The secret plan for the safe movement of the Fuhrer from the besieged capital of the Third Reich was codenamed “Operation Seraglio”.

And who exactly, in your opinion, carried out the evacuation of Hitler?

Two days later, five Storch planes arrived in Berlin (each with seats for ten passengers), and on April 28, the same Ju-52, piloted by pilot Bosser, arrived - this was officially confirmed by Allied intelligence.

A day later, on the orders of General Adolf Galland, the last forces of the German Air Force were unexpectedly lifted into the air over the capital of the Reich - a hundred Me-262 jet fighters. They covered Hannah Reitsch’s plane: she managed to break through the fire of Soviet anti-aircraft guns and fly away from Berlin - it was an experimental flight, and the fact that it was carried out is not disputed by any historian.

Perhaps, having put on make-up, Hitler managed to leave the burning Berlin (the photo montage was made by FBI employees in 1945).

The next day, according to the scenario already tested by Frau Reitsch, Adolf Hitler also left Berlin - he was heading to Spain, from where at the end of the summer he sailed on a submarine to Argentina. He was accompanied by Eva Braun, Müller and Bormann.

Okay, but what about the fragments of Hitler’s jaw, which are stored in Moscow in the archives of the FSB? Research by both Soviet and independent experts unanimously confirmed that it belonged to the Fuhrer. What happens then - Hitler had part of his jaw torn off, but he still escaped?

Experts only had the opportunity to compare this charred jaw with x-rays of that era, which were of terrible quality, and with the testimony of Hitler’s personal dentist - and he could say anything.

If you know, no DNA testing has ever been carried out: Russia systematically refuses to allow such analysis. Meanwhile, this is the only way to find out the truth: it is necessary to compare DNA samples that can be obtained from the remains of Adolf Hitler’s sister, Paula, who died in 1960 and was buried in the Bergfriedhof cemetery.

The grave of the Fuhrer's sister - Paula Hitler

I formally appeal to the Russian authorities to allow me to examine this jaw to obtain final proof that I am telling the truth.

You know, people love conspiracy theories. For so many years there has been talk about the mysterious disappearance of “Nazi number two” - Martin Bormann, who evaporated from Berlin on May 1, 1945. A lot of people swore that they saw him in South America with their own eyes and could not be mistaken. But in 1972, a skeleton was found while digging a pit in Berlin, and a double DNA study showed that these were Bormann’s bones...

The funny thing is: both are right here. Martin Bormann really escaped, lived in Argentina and Paraguay: I found a lot of evidence of this, including documentary ones - especially a photo of Bormann taken in the fifties. Therefore, it is quite possible that when Bormann died of natural causes, his remains were secretly transported to Berlin, after which a performance was staged with their “find”.

AGAIN: in your book you write that Hitler and Eva Braun, along with an extensive retinue and security, arrived in Argentina on three submarines, which were then sunk in the bay for purposes of conspiracy. Indeed, in the place that you indicated, at a depth of approximately 30 meters under water, with the help of special equipment, teams of divers discovered large objects covered with sand. But where is the evidence that these are Nazi submarines?

I relied on the testimony of witnesses who, after the war, observed the arrival of three submarines with swastikas in the tiny bay of Caleta de los Loros, located in the Argentine province of Rio Negro. You say: Argentina has formally been at war with Germany since March 27, 1945 - maybe these are traces of past naval battles?

However, in the archives of the Argentine Ministry of Defense there is not a single word about the sinking of any German submarines. Then where did these sunken ships lying on the ground come from? I submitted a request that the submarines be brought to the surface and thoroughly examined.

List of passengers from Berlin to Barcelona approved on April 20, 1945. First - Hitler, the name of Goebbels, his wife and children is crossed out.

German submarines sailed to Argentina several times after the war - for example, the submarine U-977 arrived in the country on August 17, 1945: it is assumed that its commander Heinz Schaeffer was transporting gold and other valuables of the Third Reich.

You published a US FBI document that casts serious doubt on the official version of the death of Adolf Hitler. This paper, dated November 13, 1945, contains a report from an American agent in Argentina, who works as a gardener for wealthy German colonists - the Eichhorns. The agent reports that the couple, who live in the village of La Falda, have been preparing the estate since June for the arrival of Hitler, which will take place in the very near future. Is this document real?

This is a very strange question because I legally obtained this document after it was declassified from the FBI archives: file number 65-53615. And this is far from the only documentary evidence of Hitler’s escape.

There are several more secret reports from the FBI, CIA and MI5 about the living Fuhrer - but, unfortunately, the USA, Britain and Russia have not yet fully declassified all materials relating to this topic. For example, there are three shorthand recordings of a conversation between Joseph Stalin (one of them with US Secretary of State Byrnes) - where the leader of the USSR openly says that the Fuhrer managed to escape.

Over fifteen years, I conducted hundreds of interviews with direct witnesses to Hitler's presence in Argentina. Most of them have only started talking now - many Nazis in Argentina have died, they have nothing to fear anymore, although not everyone is still making contact. A letter from Nazi General Seydlitz, dated 1956, has also been preserved - he reports that he is going to attend a meeting in Argentina between Hitler and the Croatian “Führer” Pavelic.

You often refer to witness testimony. But how, in this case, should we treat the words of other witnesses who saw Hitler dead and buried his corpse?

There is no one person, who would have seen with his own eyes how Hitler saw through an ampoule of poison and shot himself in the head. The story of the Fuhrer's suicide from beginning to end was invented by people from his inner circle - it was a special plan to confuse everyone.

But even at first glance, there are several contradictions in the eyewitness accounts of Hitler's death if you study the archival documents. At first it was said that he was poisoned. Then - no, he shot me in the temple. After - excuse me, first he poisoned himself, and then he shot himself.

Potassium cyanide causes instant death and convulsions: how did the person then pull the trigger of the gun?

“Hitler died in... 1964,” says the author of the scandalous bestseller

The writer is sure: the Reich Chancellor and his wife fled Berlin on the day when his suicide was announced.

A group of French experts came to the conclusion that the head of the Third Reich Adolf Gitler actually committed suicide in Berlin in April 1945. For 70 years this was repeated by the USSR, the leadership of the countries allied to the USSR in the war, Russia, historians, and doctors. But this did not stop citizens of all states from inventing and sharing myths in the logic “everyone is lying to us because they are lying to us.”

"We can stop all conspiracy theories about Hitler"

The scientific publication European Journal of Internal Medicine published the results of the work of researchers from France who were able to gain access to the teeth and fragment of Hitler’s skull stored in Moscow.

According to experts, the structure of the skull fragment is fully consistent with X-ray photographs of the skull of the leader of the Third Reich, taken a year before his death. An analysis of one of the teeth, carried out using an electron microscope, showed the presence of tartar deposits in the absence of traces of meat fiber. It is known that Hitler was a vegetarian and did not eat meat. Scientists also managed to detect traces of cyanide, directly indicating poisoning.

“These teeth are genuine, there is no doubt about it. Our research proves that Hitler died in 1945. We can stop all conspiracy theories about Hitler. He didn't escape to Argentina in a submarine, he didn't hide in a secret base in Antarctica, or in dark side Moon,” he told AFP specialist in medical and legal anthropology Professor Philippe Charlier.

The theory that Adolf Hitler did not die in Berlin, but fled after living incognito for many years, has existed for decades.

Operation Seraglio

According to one of the most common versions, a special operation codenamed “Seraglio” was developed to save Hitler. By order commander in chief navy Nazi Germany Karl Doenitz three submarines were prepared in the ports of Spain, which were supposed to transfer Hitler, Eva Brown and several people from their circle to South America. The final destination of the trip is most often called Argentina.

Hitler was supposedly at the last moment safely taken out of Berlin, which was stormed by Soviet troops, and then transported by submarine to South America. There he lived quietly for almost two decades in Argentina and Paraguay, passing away in 1964.

In 2006, Argentine documentary writer Abel Basti, who spent many years studying the history of the Nazis' flight to South America, published the book "Hitler in Argentina."

“He was heading to Spain, from where he sailed on a submarine to Argentina at the end of the summer.”

“My book contains previously classified evidence from the FBI archives that on April 30 at 16:30 (that is, an hour after the alleged suicide) Hitler was seen next to his personal Ju-52 plane. At night, throughout the last week of April, air transport of the Fuhrer's trusted representatives landed on Unter den Linden Avenue, where street lighting poles were preserved. For example, Reich Minister Speer left the “Führerbunker” on the 20th, and three days later calmly returned back on a Fieseler-Storch plane. As you can see, the Allied air defense did not stop him. On April 25, a secret meeting was held in the “Führerbunker” to evacuate Hitler, in which a female pilot participated Hannah Reich, famous pilot Hans Ulrich Rudel and Hitler's personal pilot - Hans Baur. The secret plan for the safe movement of the Fuhrer from the besieged capital of the Third Reich was codenamed “Operation Seraglio,” Basti himself said in an interview with Arguments and Facts.

According to the writer, the escape happened like this: “Five Storch planes arrived in Berlin (each with seats for ten passengers), and on April 28 the same Ju-52, piloted by a pilot, arrived Bosser, - this was officially confirmed by Allied intelligence. A day later, by order of the general Adolf Galland The last forces of the German Air Force were suddenly lifted into the air over the capital of the Reich - a hundred Me-262 jet fighters. They covered Hannah Reitsch’s plane: she managed to break through the fire of Soviet anti-aircraft guns and fly away from Berlin - it was an experimental flight, and the fact that it was carried out is not disputed by any historian. The next day, according to the scenario already tested by Frau Reitsch, Adolf Hitler also left Berlin - he was heading to Spain, from where at the end of the summer he sailed on a submarine to Argentina. He was accompanied by Eva Braun, Muller And Borman».

“He was secretly under Anglo-American protection”

Abel Basti was convinced that the Western powers knew about Hitler’s flight: “Hitler’s flight to Argentina and the movement of tens of thousands of Nazis to South America is the result of a conspiracy between Berlin, Washington and London. In return, the allies received Newest technologies The Third Reich - rocket and space research, jet fighters, the atomic project, thousands of unique specialists like a rocket scientist Wernher von Braun. They also got the gold reserve Hitler's Germany- in today's money, approximately 100 billion dollars: although, according to the official version, the train with Nazi gold and diamonds disappeared without a trace... In addition, Britain and the USA needed the experience of Hitler’s specialists to fight communism: the superpowers were preparing for a new conflict with Soviet Union- for all this, Hitler bought his life. Therefore, no one was going to catch him; he was secretly under Anglo-American protection.”

Family man Schutelmeier

Basti is not the only one to describe Hitler's alleged life in South America. The habitat is called Villa Inalco, located near the Argentine city of San Carlos de Bariloche. The fugitive allegedly lived under the name Adolf Schutelmeier. According to one version, the Fuhrer, who was counting on the revival of his movement, suffered from a mental disorder from the early 1950s and gradually faded away.

In 2011 the British Gerard Williams And Simon Dunstan published the book "Grey Wolf: The Escape of Adolf Hitler." It also states that Hitler fled.

According to Williams and Dunstan, three days before the suicide, Hitler and Eva Braun were replaced with doubles who did not know what fate was in store for them. On April 30, 1945, the doubles were dealt with and their bodies were burned. It is these remains, the British believe, that were discovered by Soviet soldiers. Hitler and his wife had by this time been taken to Denmark, from there to the German Luftwaffe base in Trevemund, and then by plane to Reus, south of Barcelona. From there the fugitives were transferred to the Canaries, where a submarine was already waiting for them. The main Nazi arrived safely in Argentina, in the resort town of Mar Del Plata. Settling in the foothills of the Andes, the Fuhrer lived there until his death in the early 1960s.

British researchers, like Abel Basti, are convinced that Hitler and Eva Braun had children. Williams clarifies - two daughters, one of whom was allegedly born back in 1941. IN last years In South America, several people actually appeared who called themselves children and even grandchildren of Adolf Hitler. However, they do not provide any evidence of their “kinship”.

Report from Agent CIMELODY-3

A new wave of speculation that the head of the Third Reich did not die in Berlin in the spring of 1945, but fled to Latin America, arose due to the release in the fall of 2017 of previously classified CIA documents.

According to the report, a CIA agent codenamed CIMELODY-3 received information from his informant that the former SS Philip Citroen, who worked for the Royal Dutch Shipping Company, met with Hitler in Colombia in 1954-1955. From the CIA report it follows that in September 1955, CIMELODY-3 received a photograph of "Adolf Schrittelmeier", which presumably depicts Hitler. However, the report states that neither the agent nor the CIA analysts can assess the reliability of this information.

It is common knowledge that thousands of former Nazis found refuge in Latin America after the end of the war. But Hitler is too prominent a figure for his presence in Argentina to be hidden for many years. The operation to evacuate him from Europe must have involved dozens, if not hundreds of people. Under such conditions, the secret would inevitably cease to be a secret.

Experts in the field of medicine pay attention to one more circumstance. Hitler's health was poor in the spring of 1945, and a submarine trip to South America was not a fun trip. Most likely, the leader of the Third Reich simply would not have been brought in alive.

Finding "SMERSH": how Hitler's remains were found and identified

All myths about Hitler's escape are based on the belief that the evidence of death available in Moscow is unreliable. However, those scientists who, like French researchers, actually got to know them, are sure that Adolf Hitler and Eva Braun really committed suicide in Berlin on April 30, 1945. The suicide took place in the bunker of the Reich Chancellery, where Hitler and his companion spent their last days. After committing suicide, their bodies were burned in a garden near the bunker.

Hitler hoped that in this way his body would not fall into the hands of Soviet soldiers. However, it was not possible to completely burn the body, and already on May 5, the SMERSH search group under the leadership senior lieutenant Alexey Panasov found burnt corpses. The find was classified. Government commission led by Lieutenant General Konstantin Telegin after conducting a series of various examinations in February 1946, she came to the final conclusion - the discovered bodies belong to Adolf Hitler and Eva Braun. In addition to these two bodies, the remains of Joseph And Magda Goebbels, as well as their six children, who were poisoned by their parents themselves. In addition, the body of Hitler's favorite shepherd was found.

While the examinations were being carried out, the remains were transported from place to place along with the relocation of the SMERSH counterintelligence department and were reburied several times - in the city of Bukh, in the city of Finov, and also in Ratenov.

Finally, in 1946, after all the examinations were completed, the remains of Hitler, Eva Braun, Joseph and Magda Goebbels, as well as their children, were buried in strict secrecy in Magdeburg, on the territory of the military camp of the 3rd Army of the Group of Soviet Forces in Germany. The burial, made next to the building of the army counterintelligence department, was rolled up with asphalt, and only a very narrow circle of people knew about its existence.

“Together with coal, they were crushed into ash, collected and thrown into the Biederitz River.”

In March 1970, at the suggestion Head of the KGB of the USSR Yuri Andropov The Soviet leadership agreed to carry out an operation codenamed “Archive”.

On the night of April 4, 1970, a task force led by Colonel Kovalenko opened the burial. The boxes in which the remains were stored rotted and turned into dust, the bones were mixed with the soil.

The remains were placed in boxes, which were taken under guard by operatives, and the burial site was restored to its original form.

On the morning of April 5, 1970, the last stage of the operation was carried out, which was recorded in the act of destruction of the remains: “The destruction of the remains was carried out by burning them at the stake in a vacant lot near the city of Schenebeck, 11 km from Magdeburg. The remains were burned out, crushed into ash along with coal, collected and thrown into the Biederitz River.”

Acts on the removal of the remains and their physical destruction were drawn up in a single copy and sent to Moscow.

These secret documents became available to researchers relatively recently, in the post-Soviet period. There was no need for the Soviet leadership to spread disinformation in confidential documents. This means only one thing - there was no escape of Adolf Hitler to Latin America; he really ended his life in Berlin on April 30, 1945.

Adolf Hitler promised his people greatness, which brought them to the brink of death. The Fuhrer and his faithful Eva Braun ingloriously committed suicide in April 1945, leaving no offspring.

But Hitler’s relatives survived, including his sisters Angela and Paula, as well as his cousin Maria. Their lives were inextricably linked with the life of the leader of the Third Reich and changed irrevocably after his death.

Elder sister

Angela was almost 6 years older than Adolf and was born in 1883 to Alois Hitler's second wife, Franziska. The girl was barely a year old when her mother died at 23 from tuberculosis. Soon the father became friends with his cousin Clara, who was much younger than her husband. Church permission for the marriage had to be sought in Rome - the local bishop refused the wedding due to the close relationship of the bride and groom.

Angela was raised together with the common children of Alois and Clara. Four of the six, including one and a half year old Ida, died at an early age. In addition to Adolf, Angela's older brother Alois Jr. and youngest sister Paula grew up in the family.

Angela was the only one in the family for whom the future Fuhrer had warm feelings and with whom he shared his childhood experiences. At the very beginning of 1903, their father died of a heart attack. Angela, who received a small inheritance, married Leo Raubal and settled separately.

At first, the life of the young family was happy. Leo Raubal and his older sister Giler had three children: Leo, Angela and Elfrida. Unfortunately, 8 months after the birth of her youngest daughter, Angela was left a widow. Her husband died of tuberculosis - the same disease that once deprived one-year-old Angela of her mother.

With three children and a younger sister in his arms

27-year-old Angela was left in the care of not only three small children, but also her younger sister Paula, who was barely 14 years old. Paulina and Adolf's mother died in 1907, briefly outliving her elderly husband.

The tiny child benefits and widow's pension were barely enough to make ends meet and help her sister, who was studying at the lyceum. In the summer of 1911, things became a little easier - Adolf gave up his allowance in favor of Paula.

Angela decides to move to Vienna because it is easier to find work in a big city. Historians have found information that since 1915 she worked in one of the women's boarding houses in the Austrian capital, and by 1919 she became its director.

An interesting fact: in 1920, Angela Raubal worked at the University of Vienna as the head of the Jewish kitchen. Hitler lost contact with his sister for several years and managed to find her only in 1919.

Hitler's housekeeper

In 1928, Angela suddenly abandoned her leadership position and agreed to Adolf's offer to become his housekeeper. Together with her youngest daughter Elfriede, she moves to the Wachenfeld estate, located in Obersalzberg. Hitler rented it and subsequently bought it, making it his main residence until 1945. After reconstruction in the 1930s, the estate received the name "Bernghof" ("Mountain Yard").

Members of Hitler's apparatus recalled Angela as a respected, energetic and determined woman. She considered herself responsible for her brother's well-being, strictly monitored the servants, was an excellent cook and an impeccable housewife. Angela secured complete power in the house - any messages and notes for Hitler first of all fell into her hands.

Life in the stepbrother's estate was not cloudless. Rumors persistently circulated about Hitler’s relationship with the “young charmer” Geli - Angela’s eldest daughter and namesake - which continued until the death of the Fuhrer’s niece.

In September 1931, after a major quarrel with her uncle and potential lover, Angela Raubal's eldest daughter committed suicide by shooting herself with Hitler's pistol. According to some reports, she was pregnant at the time of her death.

Angela was devoted to her brother more than anything else, and even the death of her daughter did not prompt her to leave the service of Hitler. However, with the appearance of Eva Braun in the life of the Fuhrer, whom Adolf’s sister categorically did not accept, Angela Raubal had to accept the loss.

In 1935, she left the Fuhrer's estate and moved to Dresden, where a year later she remarried the architect Martin Hammitz.

Paula Wolf

As a child, Paula did not see affection from her brother. At the beginning of the 21st century, German historians found her diary, the authenticity of which was confirmed by examination. An eight-year-old girl writes about her 15-year-old brother: “I feel my brother’s heavy hand on my face again.”

German scientist Timothy Ryback, head of the Institute modern history city ​​of Obersalzberg, commented on the find as follows: “Adolf replaced the girl’s early deceased father. He was extremely harsh with his sister and beat her repeatedly. However, Paula justified him, thinking that such an approach was necessary for her upbringing.”

Adolf's younger sister worked as a secretary at a Viennese insurance company. In 1930, she lost her job, after which Hitler began to provide her with constant financial assistance, which only stopped with his death. Not needing money, Paula limited herself to temporary part-time jobs.

At her brother's request, she changed her last name to Paula Wolf. Hitler advised her such a move “for her own safety.” After Angela left the Bernghof estate, the farm passed into the hands of her younger sister.

For many years it was believed that Hitler's younger sister was only an innocent relative of the bloody Fuhrer. However, German historians found out that she was going to marry one of the most brutal organizers of the Holocaust, doctor and euthanasia specialist Erwin Jekelius, who was responsible for the death of 4,000 Jews in the gas chambers. Only Hitler's direct ban prevented this marriage.

War and last years of life

During the Second World War, Angela lived in Dresden. She made peace with her brother and even, at his request, passed on the necessary information to those relatives with whom he did not want to communicate. Paula worked throughout the war as a secretary in a military hospital. After the Allied bombing of Dresden in February 1945, the Führer convinced both sisters to move to Berchtesgaden, in western Germany, away from the advancing Red Army troops and ensured their relocation. Angela did not live long after the war. She died of a stroke in the fall of 1949.

Paula was arrested by the Americans, interrogated, but soon released. She lived in the Austrian capital for several years, gradually spending her savings, then worked in an art store. In 1952, she moved again to Berchtesgaden under the name of Paula Wolf, where she lived secludedly in a small apartment until her death in 1960.

Hitler's sister in the Urals

Maria Koppensteiner (nee Schmidt) was the daughter of Hitler's maternal aunt Theresa. During interrogations after her arrest by the Counterintelligence Directorate of the 3rd Ukrainian Front, she said that the last time she communicated with Hitler was in 1906. Nevertheless, it was thanks to their relationship with the leader of the Third Reich that Maria and her husband became the owners of 19 hectares of fertile land.

Ignaz Koppensteiner, Maria's husband, joined the Nazi Party in 1932, and Maria followed his example 6 years later. During the war, farm laborers worked on their estate - Ukrainians driven away by the Nazis from their native places. Maria Koppensteiner was sentenced to 25 years in prison for using forced labor. For five of them she was kept in Lefortovo prison, then she was transferred to a special MGB prison located in Verkhneuralsk.

An elderly woman learned to speak Russian while in prison. She read a lot until she lost her sight. Due to her leg disease, she could hardly go for a walk. Hitler's sister was bullied by fellow inmates and prison staff.

Warden Vasily Selyavin recalled: “The poor thing spent seven winters in slippers with thin soles. A woman who always had a cold begged for felt boots, but the head of the colony replied: “You’ll manage!” She was even denied glasses.”

In 1955, German Chancellor Adenauer achieved the repatriation of German prisoners and internees held there from the USSR. Maria Koppensteiner did not wait for this day - she died, according to some sources, in the Upper Ural prison on August 6, 1953 (according to other sources, December 18, 1954).

According to the official version, the death of Adolf Hitler occurred on April 30, 1945 in an underground bunker located under the Reich Chancellery, at the address: Berlin, Wilhelmstrasse 77. By this time, Soviet troops had already completed the assault on the capital of Nazi Germany. Fierce fighting took place in the city center. Selected German troops were concentrated here. The soldiers of the 1st Belorussian and 1st Ukrainian Fronts had to take every street, every house, every floor at the cost of incredible human losses.

The artillery cannonade thundered endlessly, echoed by machine gun fire. The noise was incredible, but silence reigned at the Fuhrer's headquarters. Thick, marble-lined walls, excellent sound insulation, the depth of the dungeon - all this reliably protected the rooms with people in them from any sounds raging on the surface.

Adolf Hitler had lunch on April 30 with his wife Eva Braun and a small group of close associates. At the end of the meal, he announced his decision to retire and dictated his political will. The couple then went to their apartment. An hour and a half later, a single shot was heard.

He was heard by the Fuhrer's adjutant Otto Gunsche, who was constantly on duty at the door to the Fuhrer's living quarters. He immediately informed the senior footman Hein Linge about this. The men called the head of the party chancellery, Martin Bormann, and they all went together to the living quarters of the great dictator.

A terrible picture met their eyes. Adolf Hitler sat leaning back in his chair, a pistol lying at his feet. Eva Braun froze in a motionless position on the carpet. Three meters from her, also motionless, lay the Fuhrer’s favorite dog, the shepherd Blondie.

Those who entered examined all three. The Fuhrer was dead. He shot himself in the mouth and the bullet exited through the back of his skull. There were no visible injuries on Eva Braun's body. There were none on the dog's body either. Apparently, the couple first poisoned the animal, then the woman took the poison, and Adolf Hitler, like a soldier, killed himself with a pistol shot.

Propaganda Minister Joseph Goebbels and Hitler Youth leader Arthur Axmann appeared in the room. After a short meeting, eyewitnesses to the tragedy decided to burn the corpses. Otto Günsche and Hein Linge wrapped the bodies in blankets and carried them to the emergency exit from the bunker. The exit was in the garden of the Reich Chancellery. At the time described, this entire territory was intensively shelled. Bullets whistled, shells exploded, and numerous craters dug up the ground.

The deceased dictator's henchmen, bending down, dragged the bodies to the nearest craters. Here they were hastily doused with gasoline and set on fire. The fire reluctantly ran over the corpses, then flared up, but quickly went out. The procedure was repeated two more times until the bodies began to look like burnt firebrands.

The officers began to cover them with earth, but then the shelling intensified. Shrapnel from the shells whistled right over the heads of the Fuhrer's adjutant and lackey. The men, to clear their consciences, threw a few more shovels of earth onto the burnt corpses and hurried to return to the bunker.

Already on May 5, the remains were discovered by Soviet soldiers from the SMERSH unit. The scouts carefully combed the entire area closest to the bunker and easily found bodies lightly covered with earth. The corpses of Joseph Goebbels and his wife Magda Goebbels were also discovered. They shot themselves very close to the exit from the Reich Chancellery a little over a day after the suicide of the dictator and his wife, having previously killed their six children.

It was not difficult to identify these two bodies. They were only slightly burned, and Hitler’s doctor Werner Haase, brought by representatives Soviet intelligence to the Reich Chancellery the next day, barely looking at the corpses, he immediately named the names of the Minister of Propaganda and his wife.

Eva Brown

The situation was more complicated with the remains of Hitler and Eva Braun. There were numerous personnel in the bunker of the Reich Chancellery - these were stenographers, cryptographers, signalmen, cooks, and security. All of them were captured. Many of them saw how two bodies were taken out of the dictator's personal apartments. But whether these were the corpses of Adolf Hitler and his wife - representatives of Soviet intelligence were unable to obtain any intelligible answers.

The people present at the death of their leader were not detained in the bunker. Martin Bormann disappeared, Joseph Goebbels could no longer tell anything, the Fuhrer's adjutant and lackey disappeared. It was as if Arthur Axman had disappeared into thin air. The latter was detained only six months later. It was from him that the most reliable information was received about the last hours of the life and death of both the great dictator and Martin Bormann.

In May 1945, Soviet intelligence could not sit still and wait for eyewitnesses to appear. The order from Moscow was unequivocal: to establish in the shortest possible time where Adolf Hitler or his corpse was. Therefore, two badly burned bodies, found very close to the emergency exit from the bunker, were subjected to a thorough comprehensive examination.

Each of them was a baked, burnt mass. It was not possible to distinguish any features or characteristic signs. Only the jaws of the skulls were preserved in good condition. It was precisely these that military intelligence officers seized upon. Already on May 10, they found and interrogated Frau Ketti Goiserman. This lady was an assistant to Adolf Hitler's dentist, Professor Blaschke.

The woman identified the jaws presented to her for identification as belonging to Adolf Hitler and his wife Eva Braun. This was indicated by the features of the dentures in one of them and the fillings in the teeth of the other. These signs were very specific and could not be confused with any others.

So the Fuhrer’s entire upper jaw was occupied by a prosthesis. Moreover, it had a characteristic cut on the left side between the 4th and 5th teeth. At one time, a diseased tooth was removed here, and the professor was forced to break the integrity of the structure in order to get to it. There were two bridges in the lower jaw. There was only one artificial tooth on the right side. It was connected by a bridge to two natural teeth. On the left the picture was more depressing. There were three artificial teeth here. They were also attached using a bridge to natural teeth.

All of these signs were clearly visible on the jaws of one of the burnt corpses. There was no doubt about the fact that this body had recently belonged to the great dictator. To dispel all doubts about the death of Adolf Hitler, the security officers found another witness. He was prosthetist Fritz Echtmann. It was with his hands that dentures were made, which were then installed in the Fuhrer’s oral cavity.

The prosthetist admitted his work and thereby confirmed the testimony of Frau Ketti Goiserman. Soon, SS Obersturmbannführer Hein Linge and SS Sturmbannführer Otto Günsche were discovered in prison camps. They outlined the entire chronology of events concerning the last hours of the life and death of Adolf Hitler.

The most valuable testimony was given by Arthur Axman, who was detained in November 1945. He was a participant in the meeting that determined what to do with the body of the Fuhrer and his wife. Axman also pointed out that on May 2, before his eyes, Reichsleiter Martin Bormann, who could have become another witness in the case of the death of Adolf Hitler, committed suicide.

Thus, all surviving eyewitnesses of such a significant historical event gave confessions to Soviet intelligence agencies. They coincided in detail, so the security officers did not raise any doubts. The death of Adolf Hitler was considered a completed matter and they put an end to it.

The fate of the remains of the great dictator, Eva Braun, Goebbels, his wife Magda, and their six children (five girls and one boy aged 4 to 12 years) is unenviable. Military intelligence officers packed them in wooden boxes and buried them near Berlin. Soon, however, the headquarters of the security officers changed their location, and the ill-fated boxes followed suit. They were buried again in a new place, and then, during the next move, they were removed from the ground. Thus, the remains were buried and unearthed several times.

Finally they found permanent refuge at a military base near the city of Magdeburg. Here the boxes lay in the ground for almost a quarter of a century. In 1970, the territory of the base came under the jurisdiction of the GDR (the German Democratic Republic existed until October 1990). In this regard, the leadership of the USSR decided to destroy the remains. They were cremated and the ashes were scattered by helicopter. Only the jaws of the great dictator and a fragment of his skull with a bullet hole were left for history.

This material evidence of Adolf Hitler's death was sent to Moscow and placed in the KGB archives. On this, in fact, the entire post-war epic associated with the Fuhrer and his entourage finally ended. The souls of suicides passed through the purifying fire and found peace in the afterlife. In the world of living people, passions were only heating up.

Rumors that Adolf Hitler was alive appeared almost immediately after his death. The British, French, and Americans doubted the dictator's demise. There was persistent talk about the supposedly amazing salvation of the Fuhrer. He fled from Berlin, which was engulfed in fire, abroad along the so-called “rat trail.” It was a “window” on the border with Switzerland. Through it, high-ranking officials of the Third Reich with forged documents made their way to a neutral country, and from there they were sent to fascist Spain or Latin American countries.

Here it should immediately be noted that it was very difficult to escape from Berlin, taking into account the fact that on April 25, 1945, the 1st Belorussian and 1st Ukrainian fronts closed a ring around the German capital. On the same day, Soviet and American troops met on the Elbe. Almost the entire territory controlled by the Reich ended up in a cauldron. It was not possible to get out of it by land.

Martin Bormann failed when he attempted a similar attempt on the night of May 2. All bridges and roads were already blocked by Soviet troops. The military unit in which the Reichsleiter was breaking through came under heavy fire. The second man of the Reich was wounded in the thigh and then forced to take poison to avoid being captured.

So there was no chance for Adolf Hitler to escape from Berlin. But this is provided that he was in this very Berlin. The great dictator might not end up in the bunker under the Reich Chancellery. And who was there then, who led the defense of the capital of Nazi Germany for two whole weeks?

On this issue, there is a version that all tactical issues were decided by the Fuhrer’s double. A man exactly like Adolf Hitler. It was he who was shot on April 30, 1945. Eva Braun was also killed along with him, so that the death of the country's main Nazi would look more natural. Hitler himself, at this time, was already sailing in a submarine towards South America.

He moved onto the submarine vessel at the very beginning of April from his headquarters “Adlerhorst” (Eagle’s Nest, 40 km from Frankfurt am Main). He had been there since December 1944, leaving his main command post “Wolfschanze” (Wolf’s Lair) in East Prussia, due to the advance of Soviet troops.

Hitler with
by the people

All this sounds fantastic and absolutely unlike the truth. Until the end of April, the German command cherished the hope that between the Allied forces anti-Hitler coalition disagreements will arise. The Americans and British, frightened by the successes of the Soviet troops, could well have suspended their offensive. This would give Germany the opportunity to transfer part of its forces from Western Front to Vostochny.

The country's military potential was still at a very high level. It would be a mistake to think that there was confusion and panic in the Nazi ranks. Discipline, the all-seeing eye of the Gestapo, devotion to National Socialism, which gave people jobs and high level life - all this united the German nation and encouraged fierce resistance to Soviet troops.

Moreover, Adolf Hitler himself was not known for cowardice. His courage is evidenced by the fact that he volunteered for the front in the First World War, was awarded several iron crosses for courage, and had wounds received in battle. He was a real soldier who did not succumb to enemy bullets. One can talk for a long time about his atrocities, but the great dictator cannot be denied personal courage.

And then claim that at the most difficult moment for the nation, the Fuhrer cowardly abandons his party comrades and shamefully escapes in a submarine, leaving a double in his place. This was impossible in principle. This would be contrary to the very essence and character of Adolf Hitler.

He was with Bormann, and with Goebbels, and with all those who defended Berlin to the end. Only after his death did the Germans put forward a proposal for a truce. Having been refused, Goebbels committed suicide; Bormann did the same just a few hours later. Would these high-ranking Nazis have waited until April 30th if a Hitler lookalike had been with them? Of course not. They would have started negotiations ahead of time, when Soviet troops were still on the outskirts of Berlin, and the course of the military operation was vague and unclear.

Nobody ever paid attention to such arguments. Everyone saw in the great dictator, first of all, a monster to whom everything human was alien. Undoubtedly, he deserved such an attitude towards himself with his atrocities, but we must not forget that Hitler, like all of us, was also a man with his own thoughts, feelings and the concept of honor.

Stalin did not abandon Moscow and did not leave a double in his place when the Germans were only a few tens of kilometers from the Kremlin. He understood that such an act would demoralize those closest to him, and that, in turn, he would begin to negatively influence his subordinates. Will begin chain reaction, and everything will end in complete collapse. So why should Adolf Hitler behave differently?

Hitler with

The great dictator fled neither to Latin America nor to Spain. He committed suicide in the Reich Chancellery on the afternoon of April 30, 1945. This is the natural outcome of it all life path. It simply couldn't be any other way. A different scenario of events can only be intended for a public that loves sensations. Here you can come up with anything and as much as you want. A certain category of people will take all this at face value, and will even pay money.

This point of view regarding the death of Adolf Hitler has every right to exist, once again proving the absurdity of assumptions about his life after the war. But any convincing and demonstrative scheme can be unexpectedly adjusted, as they say, by newly discovered circumstances.

Nowadays, one weighty fact has emerged that outweighs all arguments and logical conclusions about the fatal fate of the great dictator and his death on April 30, 1945. This fact refutes all the results of Soviet intelligence investigations of that time and the testimony of eyewitnesses. It directly indicates that Hitler's corpse was not found. This entails any assumptions that the sophisticated human imagination is capable of.

This fact is based on the achievements of genetics. It was a DNA analysis carried out in 2009 by employees of an American university from Hartford (Connecticut) that destroyed the entire evidence base regarding the death of Adolf Hitler.

For analysis, experts took a fragment of a skull with a bullet hole, stored in secret archives FSB. It was once part of the Fuhrer's skull and was shot through by the single bullet that the great dictator fired into his mouth.

The Americans did not question the authenticity of these remains; they did not have samples of Adolf Hitler's closest relatives. They only wanted to check the pedigree of the great dictator. Heated debates and disputes about the Jewish or African roots of the main Aryan have been going on for a long time. Genetic testing could put an end to this fundamental issue. However, the experiment failed. The skull fragment turned out to be not at all what the Hartford experts wanted.

The badly damaged bone did not belong to Adolf Hitler at all. She didn't belong to a man at all. It was a fragment of a woman's skull. Moreover, the woman was in the prime of her life at the time of her death. Experts estimated her age at 35-40 years. The great dictator was 56 years old at the time of his death, and he was also of a different gender. Eva Braun was suitable in age - at the time of her death she was 33 years old. But she died from poison, and no one shot her in the head.

This conclusion caused a big scandal. FSB officers completely refused to acknowledge its authenticity. Their indignation is understandable and understandable. At the same time, it is puzzling that an obviously foreign part of the body for a long time passed off as a fragment of the skull of Adolf Hitler. How could this happen?

There can be only one explanation here - Soviet intelligence officers got something wrong in that distant year of 1945, covered in military glory. Those who removed the bodies from the crater could also have grabbed this fragment of human bone, which had nothing to do with either the great dictator or his wife.

There were battles, people died in the thousands. Berlin operation entered the annals of history as the largest military battle in the entire history of human civilization. About 4 million people took part in this grandiose battle on both sides. We must not forget about the civilian population, who were unwittingly involved in this terrible meat grinder.


Human bodies on the streets of Berlin were a common sight in those days. The entire long-suffering land was strewn with such bone fragments. Therefore, one cannot strictly judge those who removed from the funnel one of the main culprits of this whole terrible nightmare. The security officers could simply have gotten it wrong.

If in those days they knew about such a thing as DNA analysis, then military intelligence officers would have behaved more carefully and responsibly. But, as we know, this term became popular only at the very end of the 20th century. Modern achievements geneticists and played a cruel joke on the leadership of the FSB, pointing out obvious flaws in the work of such a serious department in those harsh years.

The death of Adolf Hitler on April 30, 1945 is beyond any doubt. Any sensational statements and assumptions to the contrary have no evidence base. We must also not forget that the great dictator was not just a major, but a gigantic political figure. He would not have been able to hide unnoticed for many years in one of the Latin American countries. In any case, rumors would have spread. They would have aroused natural interest among the intelligence services, and the new place of residence of the planet's main Nazi would have been discovered.

Any historical events require evidence. If it concerns major historical figures who radically influence the course of history, then the evidence must be especially thorough and logically verified. It is on these principles that the study of the history of our past is based, without the knowledge of which, as we know, it is impossible to build a normal future.

The article was written by ridar-shakin

Based on materials from foreign and Russian publications