Colors of planets in Vedic astrology. Influence of planets and colors. How can you use this knowledge?

Planets have certain spheres of influence and are endowed with individual specific qualities, properties, powers, and correspondences. Each planet has a corresponding stone, metal, day of the week, number, color, plant and herb.
All colors have a certain effect on a person. Each color is associated with a planet, which gives a person special qualities, talents and skills. To figure out which flowers are favorable, you don’t have to go to an astrologer; you can use the descriptions of flowers and planets to determine which color is right for you.

In astrology, the rays of the Sun, arranged into a spectrum and giving 7 colors, correspond to the 7 main planets.

This color is symbolically represented as the color of passion, strength, intensity and heat of fire, the color of war, disputes, quarrels, destruction and devastation. This color gives a person determination, the desire to achieve his goals and develops will. This is the color of police officers, judges, athletes, people who work with fire, the color of leaders, and also doctors.

This is the color of wisdom. Infinity, eternity, truth, devotion, faith, purity, chastity, spiritual and intellectual life. Blue color gives a person a feeling of peace, sets him up for long and hard work, helps him enjoy the process, and not the result. This is the color of old people and diligent people, people who are not inclined to make easy profits, but are ready to work for a long time for a promising task. This is the color of major politicians and businessmen or, conversely, the most detached people and ascetics.

The color yellow symbolizes calmness, ease in relationships with people, and intelligence. This color gives a person success in all matters - both worldly and spiritual. This is the color of people associated with the law, the color of spiritual and moral personalities.

Green is associated with a desire for creativity, peace, stability and awakening. This color gives a person a sense of novelty, a desire to do something new, a surge of strength and a thirst for knowledge. This is the color of businessmen, students, people of science.

People who prefer the color purple are very powerful people who like to command others and be the center of attention. They are passionate, extremely excited, impulsive, who are able to solve all problems in a moment.

Orange is the color of warmth, bliss, intensity, but at the same time – the soft shine of the setting sun. This color gives a person the desire for big money, power and status. This is a planet political leaders, presidents, kings and people in leadership positions.

The color purple, deep and beautiful, is associated with spirituality, intuition, creativity and intellectual abilities of a person. This Color in some incomprehensible way connects opposites: independence and submission, power and weakness, wisdom and naivety, earthly and divine.

Colors of planets in astrology

For thousands of years, color has played an important role in astrology. Color in astrology is a symbol of the Zodiac sign and indicates the color of the planet. We may dislike the color that represents our sign, but we are unable to do anything, since the symbolism in astrology developed many thousands of years ago.

In horary astrology, you have to use colors quite often to find objects, to select the right product, and much more.

I will give excerpts from some sources, and each of us can judge which author more closely describes the color for a planet or for a sign. (there are other opinions)

According to V. Lilly:

Aries-white mixed with red. Taurus- white with lemon.

Twins-white mixed with red or orange.

Cancer-green, reddish-brown. a lion-Red Green.

Virgo-black, black with spots of blue.

Scales- black, dark crimson, yellowish brown, pastel colors.

Scorpion-brown, black. Sagittarius-yellow, bright green.

Capricorn-dark, black, reddish brown, dark brown.

Aquarius-sky color, blue, electric and silver tones.

Fish-white and sparkling, turquoise.

House colors

1st house is white. VII house - blue-brown, blue-black.

II house is green. VIII house - black, green

Sh house - red, yellow, sorrel. IX house - green, white.

IV house is red. X house - red, white.

Udom - black, white, honey. The XI house is saffron, dark yellow.

VI house - black, dark. The XII house is green.


As you can see, one sign can have several colors.

And I borrowed this table from David McCann

I took this tablet from the book “Secrets of Egyptian Astrology” (Dnepropetrovsk, 1992)

In Biruni's book. "Science of the Stars" also has a table about colors for the Zodiac signs.

This house-color combination is taken from E. Lewis's book "Horary Astrology, Simple and Clear"

PLUTO - dark shades, scarlet, luminous dyes, pigments.

NEPTUNE - sea green, turquoise, gray, lavender

URANUS - tartan, checkered, mixed colors, electric tones, multicolor.

JUPITER - red, mixed with green, ashy, sea green, dark blue, purple, violet, a mixture of yellow and green, light, clear, azure.

SATURN - black, green, brown, dull, pale, leaden, ashy, dark, wood-colored.

MARS - fiery red, scarlet, carmine, steel or rusty color,

brilliant colors, saffron, yellow.

SUN - yellow, yellow/purple, gold, scarlet, purple, pure red, orange.

VENUS - light, sparkling colors, white, purple, bluish, milky blue, mixed with brown or green, sky blue, green, yellow, copper, brass.

MERCURY - dark silver, heavenly color, light blue, azure, gray, mixed and new colors, gray with sky blue, pure.

MOON - white, matte, light cream, pearl, silver with white spots, other mixed colors, pale yellow-white, pale green, pale blue.

According to Indian astrology:

The sun is orange, the moon is white, Mars is red color, Mercury is green. Jupiter is yellow, Saturn is dark blue, Venus is transparent.

The combination below is taken from McEvers.

Colors of planetary combinations :

Moon/Mercury - dark yellow, yellowish brown (“the color of a young deer”)

Moon/Venus - light blue, bluish white

Moon/Sun - light yellow, green

Moon/Mars - brilliant light red

Moon/Jupiter - bright green

Moon/Saturn - dark reddish brown, gray

Moon/Uranus - lovely, fine tartan

Moon/Neptune - water color

Moon/Pluto - brown

Mercury/Venus - purple or light mixtures

Mercury/Sun - light gray

Mercury/Mars - tan-red, brown Mercury/Jupiter - dappled green

Mercury/Saturn - dark blue or gray

Mercury/Uranus - light blue square

Mercury/Neptune - blue-gray, denim color

Mercury/Pluto - dark gray, lilac

Venus/Sun - olive

Venus/Mars - pink, light red, crimson

Venus/Jupiter - greenish-gray, lavender

Venus/Saturn - light gray, light bluish gray

Venus/Uranus - white and blue checkered

Venus/Neptune - purple and blue

Venus/Pluto - soft, dark colors

Sun/Mars - olive, coral

Sun/Jupiter - sparkling dark red

Sun/Saturn - sparkling bronze, blackish orange

Sun/Uranus - green and purple square

Sun/Neptune - mixtures of green and blue

Sun/Pluto - dark purple

Mars/Jupiter - light tan spotted

Mars/Saturn - dark red-brown, red-brown

Mars/Uranus - red square

Mars/Neptune - dark purple mixtures

Mars/Pluto - blood red

Jupiter/Saturn - dark green with dark red spots, dark green with black and brown

Jupiter/Uranus - green and red square

Jupiter/Neptune - turquoise gray, green

Jupiter/Pluto - dark ash tones

There are other opinions regarding the correspondence of a certain color to a zodiac sign. But you can’t list everything...

Each planet has a specific color. By mixing different shades you can achieve perfect unique properties and qualities.

Sun – Orange scale

Sun responsible for protecting the body, health, life values and everything else that concerns the human ego. Therefore, the use of orange colors carries these energies. When using the orange scale, a desire is created to defend oneself and move away from possible irritants.

Moon – white, milky colors

White gamma– these are the colors of acceptance and sensitivity. They are best used in activities and projects related to concentration and attention. White color is the best background for reading and learning. White color gives emotional release and calm.

Mars - red gamma

Mars is the planet of strength and energy. Therefore, the red range of colors primarily gives an impetus to activity and decisive action. Most often I use red colors in the design of highly visited places, so that people make decisions faster. Contact the red scale when you want to gain strength for activity.

Mercury - green gamma

Green range sets a high pace for intelligence and communications. If you need to sell or find something mutual language with people - green colors will make these processes easy and relaxed.

Jupiter - yellow scale

Learning, knowledge, growth and development associated with the yellow scale, ruled by Jupiter. Yellow colors can give motivation and a desire for knowledge if the beholder wants to develop, but they can also exert pressure if the person is passive and inert. So use this range carefully.

Venus – Blue gamma

From time immemorial, blue colors have been energy of tenderness and romance. Blue colors are best used to attract women and romantic types. The best color to attract partners and life partners. Blue colors awaken creativity.

Saturn – black and blue colors

Black is the color of order, that’s why businessmen and serious people love him so much. Something to be wary of side effect black color - depression and stagnation, which is mixed into this range. Arm yourself with black colors if you need to give the impression of a business-like person, seasoned with experience.

Ketu - violet color

Purple colors are quite ambiguous. On the one hand, this is highest degree spirituality and liberation from the captivity of matter. On the other hand, the violet range can carry the spirit of schizophrenia and internal confusion. Be careful with this range.

Rahu – variegated and rich colors

It is also worth mentioning that mixing colors gives unique combinations of planetary energies. Here are some examples:

Pink = Red (Mars) + White (Moon). The color pink definitely indicates sexuality and is a subtle hint. Many girls who like to subtly attract attention use pink in their wardrobe.

Brown = Green (Mercury) + Red (Mars). The brown color scheme is a vintage classic that carries an active message to people and is distinguished by a pleasant visual impact.

Mix colors and get the desired combinations of planets!

Roman Gavrilov

Vastu describes various aspects of the planets, as well as their influence on buildings and residents living and working in them, which makes it possible to understand that the energies of the planets have a certain influence and these rules are unchanged - these are the Laws of Nature.

After you have oriented your house or apartment to the cardinal directions, divided it into sectors and decided on the functionality of the rooms, it’s time to think about arranging the rooms. The main thing to keep in mind is that the living room promotes sociability, the dining room improves appetite, the office increases efficiency and mental alertness, and the bedroom helps to relax. Let us not forget that the northern side is responsible for professional activity, the southwest is for relationships, the northeast is reserved for education, and the northwest is for entertainment and recreation. How to achieve this? Let's study Vastu.

Everything on Earth is influenced by nine planets - Sun, Moon, Mars, Mercury, Jupiter, Venus, Saturn, Rahu and Ketu and every house is influenced by these ruling planets. Rahu and Ketu are considered minor or "shadow" planets. These planets are unfamiliar to Western astrology, but are very important in Vedic astrology. Now let's talk a little more about each planet.
SUN- the most big influence has on East.

The Sun is the ruler of the planets, the ruler of the East, has cleansing energy male, male principle, mind, spirit, willpower. The sun rises in the east and people get the most benefit from the morning sun's rays. Therefore, in Vastu it is accepted that there should be more doors and windows in the house in the eastern and northern directions and there should not be any near the house in these directions big trees and other obstacles to morning sunlight.

The eastern sector is very important. Everything that is done in the east or facing the east is almost doomed to prosperity. Just as the sun rises in this part, so all matters related to career, external action, business, study, influence - all this will improve and prosper in this part.

The rooms in the Eastern Sector are good for prayer and meditation, and there should also be an altar here. Rooms that are governed by the masculine energies of the Sun are especially favorable for the living and activities of men.

Sphere of influence: health, charisma, career, power, vitality, masculine energy.
Color: dark yellow, orange, saffron, terracotta, brown, gold, metal, shades of blue, white. Light, bright, pure tones are preferred. Avoid red color.

MOON- has the strongest influence on North-West.

The moon is considered a special female, the bearer of maternal energy that gives life. Controls the subconscious and intuitive activities of a person, guides the restoration of strength and renewal. Just as the Sun is a symbol of the spirit, so the Moon is a symbol of feelings and everything that is connected with the human soul. It affects that part of our being that is not connected with reason, but feels and perceives.

The North-West is a light and bright sector, responsible for changes in our lives, for travel, for children and guests, for vehicles and animals. If you want change, pay attention to the northwest. What do you have there? How open and bright is the sector? Maybe move this heavy cabinet to the southwest?

If Vastu in the North West of your home is favorable, your fame and respect increases, your relationships and communication improve. Rooms that are governed by the feminine energies of the Moon are especially favorable for the living and activities of women.

The Moon also rules bathrooms and water reservoirs. In Vastu, it is accepted that the Moon influences the inhabitants of the house through the bathroom - a place of cleansing and renewal.

Sphere of influence: relationships, emotions, travel, movement, feminine energy, changes, communication.
Color: milky white, pearl, steel, silver, purple, light tones of blue, green, pink. Avoid dark, dull colors, especially gray and black, as well as red colors.

MARS South.

Mars is considered a symbol of struggle and corresponds to a person’s strong-willed actions, his decisions and conquests in all areas of life, courage, determination and impulsiveness. This so-called red planet is associated with fire. Mars is changeable, destructive, the patron of wars, but protects the home from quarrels and disputes.

Despite the fact that Mars has Negative influence, it also gives vitality and well-being depending on your personal horoscope. Prosperity from Mars will be received by those who planned their kitchen in the South and Southeast. The ideal position of the fireplace and stove is also South-East.

The south is the sector of male assertiveness. If you lack these qualities, then pay attention to the southern part of your home. And if you are thinking about where to put a sports equipment or hang a collection of swords, then the south is just the right place. Vastu defects in the South cause a number of problems and losses, and harmonious Mars enhances religiosity, truthfulness, strict discipline and power.

Sphere of influence: vitality, tone, charisma, prosperity, research, technology, war.
Color: shades of burgundy, red, coral, raspberry, wine. Avoid gray, brown, blue.

VENUS– has the greatest influence on Southeast.

Venus rules the sensual side of human nature, patronizes love, passion, beauty, and the arts. It enhances eloquence, affects the salon, bedrooms and the health of women in the home.

The southeast is the sector of feminine energy in the home. If you want to improve relationships between you and your family, first of all harmonize this part of your home. It is not recommended to make a bedroom in this sector, but it is an ideal place for a kitchen or dining room.

Sphere of influence: beauty, luxury, coziness, comfort, women's happiness and health, love, pleasure.
Color: rainbow effect, muted tones, variegation (but muted), light shades of blue, pink, silver, white. Avoid dark, heavy colors, as well as too bright and harsh colors.

MERCURY– has the strongest influence on North.

Mercury is the fastest planet and is a symbol of rapid change. In the field of human activity, the highest speed is the speed of thought, therefore in Vastu it is accepted that Mercury rules intellectual activity. Changeable, restless, patron of lively conversations and discussions.

The northern sector is the sector of communication, communication, business, finance, as well as guests, intelligence and study. Remember what is in your northern sector? Remove the rubble there, clean it up, add light and space, you can put water there. Following just these simple recommendations will greatly improve your business and help you attract or save money.

With positive Vastu in the North, Mercury improves studies, business, communication skills and good character. Mercury is also responsible for the condition of the hallway, garden around the house, flowers inside, veranda and especially business.

Sphere of influence: communication, communication, study, intelligence, finance, business, trade, guests, childhood.
Color: all shades of green, blue, gray, brown. Avoid red, orange, and dark colors.

JUPITER, Ketu– have the greatest influence on Northeast.

Jupiter is the most big planet, associated with wisdom, knowledge, skill, learning, jewelry, harmony, law and religion. Banishes darkness, stimulates mental activity.

The NE sector is considered one of the most important in the house. Remember, the head of Vastu Purusha is located in this sector. It should be as open as possible, do not keep any trash or debris there! Through this sector, your home receives all the positive energy. It must be kept clean at all times. Minimum furniture.

Good Vastu in the North-East enhances character, commands respect, enhances the best traits of a person, as well as his spiritual growth. Activation of this sector will bring general good luck to the house in all matters.

Sphere of influence: spirituality, expansion of consciousness, realization, prosperity, luck, childhood, growth, care, study, luck, spirituality, respect.
Color: all shades of yellow, cream, gold, orange, blue. Avoid dark colors, as well as shades of red, blue, purple.

SATURN– has the greatest influence on West.

Saturn symbolizes driving force development, which leads a person to fulfill his life task. From human qualities it corresponds to concentration and stiffness.

Saturn is the planet of rules, norms and restrictions. This is the slowest and darkest planet, so it is believed that its zone of influence is all the dark places in the house: closets, pantries, basements, etc.

If the entrance to your home is in the West, it can lead to divorce, depression, uncontrolled sexuality and constant postponement of good deeds. On the other hand, if the Western sector is harmonious, i.e. more closed, Saturn will cause increased popularity, academic success, and happiness.

The Western sector demands the utmost respect. It should not be too open, but always clean and tidy. The best place for discipline and asceticism. Very suitable for the dining area, as well as for the toilet and trash can.

Sphere of influence: wisdom, old age, study (perseverance), discipline.
Color: violet, blue, lilac, lilac, black, dark cherry, brown. But do not overuse these flowers, otherwise they will strengthen the negative influence of Saturn.

EARTH, Rahu- have the greatest influence on Southwest.

South-west is a sector of heaviness and closedness. Everything that is heavy in the house: a ficus in a tub, a 32 kg weight, wardrobe or grandma’s chest - it’s better to install all this in the southwestern part of your house. Here you don’t need to open and clear it, you just need to close it and store it. If you want something to stay with you for a long time, place it in the SW and it will not escape you. For example, books - in this part of the house no one will ever take them or even open them.

By the way, this is the perfect place for the master bedroom. Rahu is responsible for large dark rooms and large massive doors. Heavy curtains, thick curtains, and blinds are used on the windows.

Sphere of influence: influence, security, old age, death, discipline.

Color: terracotta, brick, orange, brown, yellow, gold.

The central part of your home or apartment (Brahma-sthan) should remain open, bright and free of furniture. White color.

As you already understand, each color attracts the energy of a certain planet, affecting our body and mind. By diagnosing an apartment or house, all aspects of room design are identified.

>>Color of Mercury

Mercury color- first planet solar system. Find out the real color of the surface, the influence of the atmospheric layer and composition, comparison with other planets.

Compared to others solar planets, then in front of us is literally bare rock. It has a thin atmospheric layer, but all earthly devices are buried in gray stone. Mercury color arises from a molten planetary surface that cooled and solidified billions of years ago.

Mercury's surface color

To understand what color Mercury is, it is important to remember that the surface is not subject to tectonic activity or erosion. Since its solidification, it has changed only due to meteorite impacts. In the past, some deep basins filled with hot magma. Scientists are convinced that there are no active volcanoes on the planet, but an accidental release of lava or gas is possible.

Above is the best photo showing the true color of the planet Mercury. This is exactly what you will see on the passenger spaceship. A huge dark gray block with crater formations. The color is usually completely gray, but faint spots are visible in some places. One of the trenches is shaped like a spider.

The color of the planet is very similar to the Earth's satellite, the Moon. But when comparing images, you can quickly find the Moon with its seas created by lava flows in the past. To describe the color of Mercury more precisely, it is liquid silver at room temperature.