Reading day, methodological development on the topic. World Read Aloud Day World Read Aloud Day

World Read Aloud Day is celebrated on the first Wednesday of March every year. This action has been taking place throughout the country since 2010 on the initiative of the non-profit organization LitWorld. To date, this campaign is supported and successfully carried out by libraries, schools and universities in more than 65 countries around the world. This year, the libraries of the Tobolsk region chose the works of the Tyumen writer K. Ya. Lagunov for reading aloud in...

Cat Day at the Irtysh Library

02.03.2017 News

On March 1, Russia celebrates Cat Day, which this year coincided with World Read Aloud Day. This event 2nd grade students along with their teachers came to celebrate at the Priirtysh rural library. At the event, the children were able to learn more about the domestic cat, about its wild relatives and take part in the quiz “Soft paws, but there are scratches in the paws.” During the event, they got acquainted with the exhibition “My affectionate...

World Read Aloud Day

02.03.2017 News

Every year, thousands of people around the world dedicate every first Wednesday in March to reading aloud. This year, World Read Aloud Day fell on March 1st. The slogan of this day is “Reading is moving forward!” The main goal of this day is to show reading as a way of interacting with the world around you and as an opportunity to convey your emotions to another person along with sounding word. 2017...

“Reading out loud!”

02.03.2017 News

On March 1, at the school, the librarian of the Degtyarevsky rural branch held the “Read Aloud!” event. Due to the fact that 2017 has been declared the Year of Ecology for Children primary classes Stories by V. Bianki, K. Paustovsky, G. Skrebitsky, K. Ushinsky, M. Prishvin were read. Their works continue to instill in children a love for nature and the world around them, teach them to be kind, help the weak and defenseless, and take care of them. ...

Reading island

02.03.2017 News

The library is a haven for the curious. Users of the Abalak settlement visit it every day. It has become a good tradition in the library to hold quiet and loud reading hours on Wednesdays. March 1 was no exception; students hurried to a meeting at the library, where the next “Read Aloud Day” event was taking place. They were waiting for them in the cozy hall of the library book exhibition“Let books come into homes as friends,” on which stood...

World Read Aloud Day at the Tobolturin Library

02.03.2017 News

On World Read Aloud Day, readers of the Tobolturin Rural Library accepted Active participation in the campaign “Read together, read aloud!” As part of this action, there was held literary hour“In the service of his people, or Good shoots of Yakub Zankiev.” On April 6, 2017, our legendary fellow countryman would have turned 100 years old. The librarian introduced those present to certain aspects of the writer’s biography. The first novelist from Siberian Tatars, ...

Read Aloud Day

02.03.2017 News

On March 1, 2017, the Sannikovsky rural branch hosted the “Read Aloud Day!” event. On this day, a group of preschool children visited the library with their parents and teacher G.Kh. Kulmametova, where the children were read stories about savannah animals. At the “How to Read Well” class we read Russian folk tale"By magic". In the evening, adult readers and their children gathered in the library, where they read the stories of Isaiah...

02.03.2017 News

On March 1, the Nadtsyn Rural Library took an active part in the “World Read Aloud Day” event. Young readers were treated to a real holiday of reading, where harmony reigned: the book, the reader, the word, and the listener became one. IN rural library from early morning for kids from kindergarten"Herringbone" was read loudly. - “Which books do you like to read more: with or without pictures?” From this...

Workers Central Library named after. Yu. Gagarin As part of the republican campaign "Read Aloud Day", loud readings were held for students of class 1 "B" of MBOU "Secondary School No. 8" (25 people). The children got acquainted with Marina Dorochenkova's story "Who Lost a Feather."
The book is part of the series of children's educational literature "My Cognitive World" and introduces schoolchildren to the world of forest birds. The work talks about appearance, habits and lifestyle of birds. The book is colorfully illustrated; the librarians showed all the illustrations to the children in a slide presentation. The reading ended with a quiz on the book read.

The information was prepared by Elena Kraeva.
Phone number for inquiries: 77-38-02.

Family Reading Library named after. A. Nikolaeva invited the pupils senior group"Pansies" of kindergarten No. 44 and students of grade 2 "B" of school No. 12 become participants in the action.
On this day, young lovers of books and reading listened to a fairy tale in verse by Julia Donaldson, translated by Marina Boroditskaya, and looked at the wonderful illustrations of the artist Axel Scheffler. D. Donaldson - modern English writer, author of prose, poetry, plays and educational literature for children. She is an MBE for services to literature.
Once in a wonderful country - the Library - each participant in the Reading Day made a small discovery for himself and made new friends - the Snail and the Whale. The children listened with great attention to the touching story about the friendship of a giant whale and a small snail and about the fact that everyone can do a Big Deed and make their dream come true. The giant whale shows the snail a huge, diverse world by placing it on its tail, and when misfortune happens, the baby snail saves the whale.
After reading the fairy tale, the children took part in the games “Fisherman”, “Snail House” and competitions “Beware of the Whale!”, “Who Lives Where”. We watched with interest the educational films “Facts about the snail and the whale.” We made DIY crafts “Whale” and “Snail” using the origami technique. A total of 37 children took part.

Information prepared by Elena Kostina.
Phone for information: 75-91-02.

IN children's and youth library On October 9, for the Reading Day, the students of the NSRCN were offered the story “Kitten” by Sergei Georgiev.
Cats are our four-legged friends. The guys learned interesting facts about these mischievous, charming animals that have been with us for thousands of years. We remembered books, poems and songs, the main characters of which are cats, cats and kittens. The main characters of the story "Kitten" are schoolchildren who are in third grade. The third graders were afraid that the teacher would have a negative attitude towards the kitten that was brought to school, and the teacher, meanwhile, was herself a participant similar situation in childhood. Those present noted that the book teaches how to be friendly, responsive and help comrades in difficult times.
During the event, the children answered questions from a “cat” quiz, drew their favorite cats, and got acquainted with the funny books of the exhibition “Book Heroes - Four-Legged Friends.” 19 people attended the event.

Information prepared by Elena Tavinova.
Phone for inquiries: 73-28-47.

IN Family Reading Library named after V. Davydov-Anatri spent an hour reading aloud. Students of class 7 "B" of Lyceum No. 18 (28 people) met the author of numerous novels, science fiction stories, and fairy tales, Tamara Kryukova. After the librarian’s story and watching the video “Tea Party with Tamara Kryukova,” another talent of the writer was revealed as a wonderful storyteller. The schoolchildren reacted vividly to the author’s emotional, brightly colored story about his light, mischievous and instructive works. Role-play reading of the story “Duty” from the book “Potapov, to the blackboard!” caused a heated discussion among the guys. This is a collection of hilariously funny stories and poems about school. The plots of some of the stories were used to make a comedy film of the same name. For a series of stories about Zhenya Moskvichev and Lyokha Potapov, Tamara Kryukova was awarded the title of First Prize winner IV All-Russian competition works for children and youth "Scarlet Sails".

The information was prepared by Gulnar Kalakova.

IN children's and youth library The participants of the action were young pupils of the “Forest Polyanka” group of MBDOU No. 12 (22 people). The educational book by Marina Dorochenkova and Anna Kravchuk “Who Lost a Feather?” was chosen for reading.
Everything about the book caught my attention at once - the intriguing title, the bright cover, colorful illustrations by artist Alexandra Malkova, the main characters and many interesting facts from the life of birds. After reading, the guys got acquainted with the way of life of birds. Librarian Anzhelika Igoshina said that bird feathers come in different types: large and elastic, soft and fluffy, and those that are used for decoration. The children enjoyed studying real bird feathers. After conducting a series of experiments with feathers, the guys found out what happens if you put it on your palm and blow on it or drop water on a feather. It was interesting to find out what was inside the pen. The children also enjoyed reading poems about birds, solving riddles and dancing a “bird” dance.
It was a real holiday of reading, where the Book, the Reader, the Word and the Listener reigned. 22 people attended the event.

The information was prepared by Anzhelika Igoshina.
Phone number for inquiries: 73-27-48.

October 9 at library named after N. Nosova Pupils of preschool educational institutions No. 43, 2, 50 (104 people) were invited to the Reading Day.
On this day, young library readers got acquainted with the works of modern children's writers. The library staff read the books aloud: "Jingliks. A No-Brain Business" by Oleg Roy, " Incredible adventures brownie Mokhnatika and banevenka Venichkina in Russia" by Svetlana Krivoshlykova and "Notes for my descendants" by Ariadna Borisova.
The children enjoyed listening to the reading, playing the game "Praise the Brownie", putting together a mosaic, demonstrating their talents and making pets using the origami technique.

Information prepared by Natalia Arkhipova.
Phone for inquiries: 77-26-47.

IN library named after P. Huzangaya students of 3rd and 4th grades of the Novocheboksarskaya secondary school for students with disabilities health" (17 people) got acquainted with the work of S.G. Kozlov. They learned about the touching friendship of a hedgehog, a bear cub and a hare, after listening to the fairy tales: "Trem! Hello!", "How a hedgehog and a bear cub rubbed the stars." The guys sang the song "Clouds" with great pleasure with the characters from S. Kozlov's works. The meeting ended with watching the cartoon "Autumn Ships."

Information prepared by Olga Mironova.
Phone for inquiries: 73-29-66.

B library named after N. Polorussova-Shelebi With students of grades 2 "B", 5 "A", 4 "B" and 6 "A" I held a Reading Day based on Tamara Kryukova's book "Unlearned Lessons" (99 people). At the presentation “Funny Stories of Tamara Kryukova,” the children were told a fascinating biography of the writer’s interesting life.
“He’ll go to the blackboard...” - every student is familiar with this phrase, which causes absolute silence in the class. The theme of her collection is the life of modern schoolchildren with funny stories. Lekha Potapov is a poor student, and Zhenya Moskvichev is an excellent student. Lekha is slow-witted, Zhenya is the most “ideological” person in school. But friends are inseparable Lekha never became a “person of a new type”, or an ultra-rapid, no matter how hard his friend Zhenya from the story “A Person of a New Type” tried for him. The story of "Potapov, to the blackboard!" caused a lively discussion among the children, and the schoolchildren enthusiastically shared their impressions.
Acquaintance with the book “Unlearned Lessons” became a holiday for young readers and aroused real interest in it.

The information was prepared by Lyudmila Shumilova.
Phone number for inquiries: 73-77-35.

Employees family reading library named after. S. Marshak As part of the campaign, we went to visit 4 "A" class of secondary school No. 5 (29 people) to introduce schoolchildren to the wonderful stories of Marina Druzhinina.
First the guys found out short biography author. M. Druzhinina worked as an engineer at metallurgical plant and wrote stories for adults. When her son was born, she began writing for children. Until now, Marina Druzhinina is a regular author of children's magazines "Murzilka", "Funny Pictures" and others.
The children listened with interest and then discussed the stories “Call me, they’ll sing for you”, “It’s good to be an optimist”, “You and I are of the same blood!”, “My friend is a superman”. The reading, using a projector, was simultaneously accompanied by a display of wonderful illustrations by the artist Andrei Lukyanov. The children really liked the book “It's Good to Be Optimistic”, and they wanted to read other works by this author.

The information was prepared by Natalya Zebrova.

October 9 is All-Russian Reading Day! The goal of the All-Russian Reading Day is to try to return to Russia the title of the most reading country in the world. This date is quite young. The holiday was first celebrated in 2007 - then November 24 was adopted National program reading. Since then, various events and holidays promoting reading have been organized at this time of year in all regions of the country. As part of the Reading Day, the Chuvash Republican Children's and Youth Library announced the republican action "Reading Aloud Day" on October 7.

Libraries of the Krasnoarmeysky district took an active part in the republican event “Read Aloud Day”.

Thus, on October 7, the Shivbosinsky rural library joined the republican action “Read Aloud Day”. The book chosen for the readers was “With Us and Among Us” by children’s writer Vera Pirogova. This book is about pets that are constantly near us. They are very smart, kind, and quick-witted. In the story "The Smart Gander" main character I myself found a way out of a difficult situation. The children really liked the interesting and instructive stories about our favorites. At the end of the event, we held a quiz based on the book we read.

Almanchy rural library also joined the action. A book by the Chuvash writer V.G. was chosen for readers. Enesha “Chi pӗchӗk patshalah.” The author turns 75 on October 19. Students got acquainted with the stories “Ҫӑкӑр - ҫӗр ӗрӗкӗ”, “Kayok chӗlhi”, “Chi maturri-Urine”, “Kampasem”, “Nime”. The children liked the instructive stories. After a short discussion of what they had read, the young readers decided to continue reading aloud other stories by the author.

An event with preschool children was held at the Yamanaka Rural Library. Guests of the book extravaganza “Long live the reading man!” the children were not chosen by chance preschool age, because children at this age do not mind listening when people read aloud to them. The librarian chose a book about animals to read, since October 4th was World Animal Day. The children listened carefully, and then actively participated in the discussion, answered questions, which is important at their age - to learn to analyze and understand what they heard or read on their own. The active preschool children gladly agreed to color pictures about animals and completed the task. Also for this holiday, a wall newspaper was created promoting reading and books.

As part of the republican action “Read Aloud Day”, 4th grade students from the Isakovsk secondary school gathered in the Isakovsk rural library under the motto “Read together, read aloud.” Children read aloud Valentin Kataev's fairy tale “The Seven-Flower Flower,” passing it from hand to hand and getting great pleasure from reading. Little readers tried to figure out what Magic power not only a fairy-tale flower, but also the actions of the heroine - the girl Zhenya. The children were not indifferent to Viktor Dragunsky’s funny stories “He is alive and glowing”, “The secret becomes clear” from the new collection “Deniska’s Stories”.

The exhibition “Talking Books” aroused great interest among the children. The children decided to take and read the books they liked from the library.

Throughout the day, young readers who visited the library were invited to read aloud a book of their choice.

Reading books out loud fosters kindness and attention to people, a caring attitude toward animals and nature, and develops curiosity and interest in the literary word and books.

Where better than in the library to celebrate this day by participating in holidays, presentations, and hobby classes conducted by each library department.


10:30 - Autumn leaf fall of fairy tales: theatrical reading hour for preschoolers in the arts and creativity department

10:30 - Visiting a fairy tale: literary and play hour for preschoolers in reading room"Fairy tale"

10:30 - The soul of Russia in its symbols: literary and patriotic hour for children with special needs in the “World of Extraordinary Books” hall

12:00 - I'm nobody, my name is nobody: literary lesson from the series “ Living classics» in the library services department junior schoolchildren

14:00 - Along the paths of the rowan city: educational story about Murmansk for grades 1-4 in the department of local history literature

14:00 - Know how to thank for everything: literary readings in the department of psychological support for readers

14:00 - S. Marshak - poet and translator: activity with elements in English in the literature sector foreign languages

15:00 - Two faces of the same time (V. Mayakovsky - S. Yesenin): poetic crossroads in the S. Yesenin Museum

15:30 - The mystical genius of M. Lermontov: your own game in the electronic resources department

From 10:00 to 16:00 - Tale by phone for preschoolers and primary schoolchildren in the department of information, reference and bibliographic work

From 10:00 to 17:00 - Caught Reading: literary event in the department of library services for students in grades 5-11 and youth

From 12:00 to 15:00 - Top-notch rights stories: loud readings in the central hall

From 14:00 to 16:00 - From mercy in books to caring in life: reading aloud the book by A. Gaidar “Timur and his team”, watching a video in the department of information and reference and bibliographic work

All proposed events will take place in a variety of forms, taking into account age characteristics visitors: a theatrical journey through the pages of books with fairy tale characters, a master class for little poets, a presentation of a set of books for children with special needs, a mini-quiz, building a book pyramid, loud readings and readings over the phone, your own game, a collection of videos.

Children and adults visiting the library will definitely not be bored on this day!

2016 employees of the branches of MBUK. Samara "SMIBS", as part of the "Reading Samara" program, held a Promotion for World Day reading aloud "Reading Relay". The purpose of the event is to show reading as a way of interacting with the outside world and as an opportunity to convey one’s emotions to another person along with the spoken word.

Various events were held as part of the campaign.

So, branch No. 2 introduced the pupils of the preparatory group of kindergarten No. 000 to the writer’s work. The event took place in the form of a long mob: the participants and their teacher read the fairy tale “The Little Humpbacked Horse” in advance, and on World Read Aloud Day they had the opportunity to voice the characters in the cartoon based on this work. Silent fragments were shown on the screen, the children easily got into the role, even improvised. At the end, a quiz was held on “The Little Humpbacked Horse” by P. Ershov. All the guys showed activity and good knowledge of the fairy tale, for which they received sweet prizes.

The staff also went to visit the pupils of kindergarten No. 000 branch No. 13. For the event, a dramatization of Boris Zakhoder’s fairy tale “Little Rusachok” was prepared. The children, with the help of their parents, made character masks. The librarian read the story aloud, and the children listened carefully, and when the librarian mentioned the hero, the child in the mask demonstrated it. All the children really enjoyed the performance. Little actors received prizes. The Reading Relay ended with a fabulous quiz.

Branch No. 8 Together with SPK volunteers, they held the “Let’s Honor!” campaign. The campaign started in the library, in the information and entertainment center. Librarians told the history of this holiday, noting positive sides traditions of family reading aloud, and then the children read excerpts from their favorite works. The action continued on the street, where library staff and student volunteers delighted the residents of the microdistrict with lines from the famous works of M. Lermontov, S. Yesenin, V. Tsoi, as well as other poets and writers, reading the works aloud and inviting passers-by to join the action - read read aloud an excerpt from a work or a favorite poem.

The employees also took to the streets branch No. 18. For reading aloud, the librarians chose the work “The Master and Margarita.” Participants in the action randomly opened a page of the novel and read the passage aloud. Both librarians and passers-by received a lot positive emotions. The event ended with the distribution of flyers.

Employees branch No. 27 held a flash mob “Long Live Reading!” as part of the campaign. for children with disabilities physical capabilities health of boarding school No. 000. Each child introduced the author, the work and read out an interesting fragment, loudly and with expression. Lines from favorite books were read: “Alice in Wonderland”, “Ressi - the Elusive Friend”, A. Kononov “The Big Tree”, P. Travers “Mary Poppins”, etc. The librarians read to the children a story from the funny stories of A. Usachev “Smart the dog Sonya”, fragments from the book “Animals. 150 amazing facts" All flash mob participants received small prizes.

Branch No. 13 chose for the event a dramatization of Boris Zakhoder’s fairy tale “Little Rusachok”. For the event, pupils of kindergarten No. 000 prepared masks of the characters from the work. The librarian read the story aloud, and the children listened carefully, and when the librarian mentioned the hero, the child in the mask demonstrated it. All the children really liked this format of reading and playing. The Reading Relay ended with a fabulous quiz.

Russia is a country of people who love and know how to read. And it is not surprising that on this day in branch No. 11 listened with great attention to the works “Don Stories” by M. Sholokhov. Library visitors who took part in the action expressed gratitude to the librarians for the pleasure they received from reading excellent literature.

Branch No. 14 For an adult reading aloud, I chose the book “Crossing on the Volga” by V. Volodin. And the children read fairy tales from Samara writers - the Bondarenko brothers. Both children and adults took part in the event with pleasure: they read poems, counting rhymes, and excerpts from works. At the end, everyone watched a cartoon based on the Bondarenko brothers’ fairy tale “About Bunny Oy and Bunny Ay.”

All day in branch No. 16 Sergei Dovlatov's stories were heard. Dovlatov is a man-legend, a man-anecdote, a man-myth. The writer’s biggest dream is to be published and read in his homeland. Visitors to the branch had the opportunity to read an excerpt from the stories included in the collection “March of the Lonely Ones.” Readers took part in the action with pleasure. Some were already familiar with the writer’s work, had read his works, while others met this author for the first time and wanted to take the book home to read. The action left no one indifferent - everyone listened to the power of words, shared their emotions, and simply had fun.

Readers and employees were happy to join the global action branch No. 28. They showed that they love and know how to read aloud! On children's subscription The kids expressively read poems about their mother, and the older kids read excerpts from the works of Russian classics. And how much pleasure and laughter there was when the librarians read aloud the stories of the wonderful children's writer Oleg Kurguzov! The guys laughed contagiously and asked them to read more and more. And the children took the books they read aloud in the library home to read.

Readers also took part in the action branch No. 34. For reading aloud, the librarians chose Sevastopol Stories, which this year marks the 150th anniversary of its writing. Library visitors enjoyed the classic literary Russian language of Lev Nikolaevich, which so vividly conveyed heroic defense Sevastopol.

Branch No. 35 invited to the “Reading Relay Race” preparatory group kindergarten No. 65. For the 90th anniversary of the poems “Confusion” and “Telephone”, librarians read these wonderful poems. Children excitedly traveled through fairy tales and solved riddles. At the end of the meeting, the guys performed a performance based on the poem “Telephone”.

Branch No. 38 introduced the children to the country's first film storyteller, Alexander Arturovich Row. We read the film fairy tale “Varvara – Beauty, Long Braid” with great pleasure.

Branch No. 40 As part of the event, he introduced children to books by Samara writers - the Bondarenko brothers, who wrote 15 collections of fairy tales, on which 16 cartoons were made. The librarians read aloud to the children the fairy tales “The Magic Bag”, “The Fox Hare”, “Children of the Same Mother”, examined the actions of the heroes, and discussed their behavior. At the end, the children watched the cartoon “Forest Tales” based on the works of V. Bondarenko.

Branch No. 41 For the “Reading Relay” event I chose Dina Rubina’s story “The Copper Box”. Before reading aloud, the librarian introduced listeners to the biography and work of D. Rubina. The reading of the story itself was creative. The narrative was divided into parts, after reading which, the listeners assumed further development events. It turned out to be a very lively conversation. Everyone enjoyed artistic words Rubina.

185 people were invited to participate in the Reading Relay. The action once again reminded everyone that reading is the best teaching!