Children's failures: how to deal with them correctly. Failure as a pedagogical problem School failures

Natural instincts make us be right there at any difficult moment in the life of our children. But is it always worth it? We all want our children to be "well done": they studied well at school, entered a good institute, made a good career. But in this desire, we do not distinguish where we provide assistance, and where - a disservice.


  • it's you, yes, yes, here you are, rushing to school to bring a lunch forgotten by a child on the table or homework
  • grab a pencil and hurriedly finish the rest of the math assignments, because it’s time for the child to sleep
  • themselves on hastily do all those school creative assignments where you have to cut, write, glue and sew, signing them with your child's name

But being successful for your children is not the same as having your children succeed on their own. Failure makes children stronger and less receptive, and only personal experience can teach them the right reaction to the fact that failures happen, that the world is not perfect and how to deal with it.

Every bruise during training is minus one bruise in a real fight. The fact is that it does not happen that everything works out. And it is very useful for children to experience failure, but not in really important things, of course. Give them the opportunity to practice “failures”, this will teach them not to, draw conclusions, correct actions and understand their emotions, manage them.

Responding positively to failure, children should admit your mistakes(at their own request, and not at the sight of an angry parental gaze). A lot of research has been done by various scientists on a topic known as "attribution theory". Based on these studies, the idea was confirmed that a child who admitted to getting a bad one promises much better academic results than a child who said that his homework was eaten by a dog. This is the basis of the academic system, which directly depends on the child’s ability to make mistakes, experience failures and at the same time a) be sincere and honest, admitting his mistakes, and b) learn to correct and experience them as a lesson, and not as a drama of a lifetime.

In order to teach a child to cope with failure, it is necessary, first of all, let go of your own high demands to him.

In the anthology of all parents “Communicate with the child. How?" Julia Gippenreiter writes about this: “It is useless to demand from a child the impossible or very difficult, for which he is not yet ready. It is better to change something outside of it, in this case, your expectations. For example, it is impossible for a five-year-old boy to stand in line for a long time in one place. All parents have expectations about what their child can or should already do and what they should not do. If expectations are too high, the result is a negative experience for the parents. This does not mean that we should not "raise the bar" for the child, i.e. cultivate in him a practical mind, responsibility, obedience. This must be done at any age. But the bar cannot be set too high. And most importantly - follow your reaction. Knowing that a child is learning new heights, and misfires are inevitable, can greatly add to your tolerance and allow you to take his failures more calmly.

Next, you need draw a line: where you are still a child, and where you no longer interfere in the process of acquiring his own experience. Again, the words of Gippenreiter: “If it is difficult for a child and he is ready to accept your help, be sure to help him. At the same time: 1. Take upon yourself only what he cannot do himself, leave the rest to him to do. 2. As the child masters new actions, gradually transfer them to him. Rules 1 and 2 do not contradict each other, but simply refer to different situations. In situations where Rule 1 applies, the child does not ask for help and even protests when it is given. Rule 2 is used if the child either directly asks for help, or complains that he “does not succeed”, “does not work out”, that he “does not know how”, or even leaves the work he has begun after the first failures. Any of these manifestations is a signal that he needs help. Let's go together: it's very good to start with these words. These magic words will open the door to the world of new skills, knowledge, hobbies for the child.

Be an example for their children. Parents often completely protect the child from any information about life: financial, household, relationships with relatives, their work, creating around the child a world of always happy and trouble-free dad and mom. Sometimes, on the contrary, they unnecessarily devote the child to the problems of the family, discussing some troubles with him, sighing sadly and showing dissatisfaction with the “dullness of being” with all his appearance. Do not blame adult problems on the child, but also do not make a happy face at a bad game: be sincere and optimistic in your judgments and actions. “No, I definitely won’t go to the magistracy,” one talented student told the professor. “My father always complained so much and was so unhappy until he received this title ... I will never agree to this in my life.”.

Cultivating a positive attitude- this is when the child failed the test or wrote the control poorly, and instead of condemning you, you will deal with the results of this work together. And, above all, pay the attention of the child to those complex examples which he managed to solve correctly and on his own! Well, then - it's up to diligence in study, which, perhaps, will not be marked with a good mark soon, but will nevertheless become more noticeable in practice.

Emphasis on strengths a child is the best "cure" for failure. The mission of every parent is to help the child discover his strengths, even if they lie somewhere outside school curriculum. Imagine how you would feel if you constantly had to focus on your weaknesses during the working day. You would hardly feel motivated, and the same with children. Give them the opportunity to be successful: you can read more about this in our material "".

The psychological syndrome of chronic failure develops at the end of preschool or at primary school age. The interpersonal situation of development in this syndrome is characterized by a mismatch between the expectations of adults and the achievements of the child. The risk of its occurrence appears when systematic classes begin with the child, the results of which do not suit the parents and / or the teacher.

Usually in junior and middle preschool age adults do not show increased interest in how well the child copes with certain tasks. The attitude towards him, his evaluation as "good" or "bad" is determined by completely different criteria - whether he behaves well, whether he obeys his parents and teacher, etc.

During the period of preparation for schooling or a little later, at the beginning schooling, the attitude of adults to the successes and failures of the child changes. "Good" is, first of all, the child who knows a lot, learns successfully, and easily solves problems. Difficulties and failures, almost inevitable at the beginning of schooling, are often taken sharply negatively by parents.

Children in need of corrective help (due to a sensory defect or delayed mental development), often find themselves in a similar situation already at the age of three. The same effect is possible with high expectations of parents who are concerned about the achievements of the child from early childhood, begin to teach him to read and write at the age of three and are dissatisfied with his insufficiently fast progress.

The reaction of the social environment, specific for chronic failure, is a constant negative assessment, comments, dissatisfaction of parents and a teacher.

As a result, the child develops and maintains high level anxiety. He loses self-confidence and self-esteem. Position elementary school student with chronic failure is the idea of ​​​​oneself as a hopelessly bad student. These are the main features of the psychological profile in this syndrome.

The natural consequences of a high level of anxiety are an unproductive waste of time on irrelevant details, distraction from work by reasoning about “how bad it will be if I fail again, if I again get a deuce”, rejection of tasks that already seem in advance too difficult for the child.

The constant fear of making a mistake distracts the child's attention from the meaning of the tasks he performs; he fixates on random little things, losing sight of the main thing. Fears make him repeatedly check his work, which leads to additional unjustified waste of time and effort. non-possession effective ways check makes it also meaningless, since it still does not help to find and fix the error. The desire to do the best job (perfectionism) in the end only makes things worse. Poor performance (an inevitable consequence of a constant state of anxiety) is a central feature of performance in chronic underachievement.

This is how a vicious circle develops: anxiety, disrupting the child's activities, leads to failure, negative assessments from others. Failure breeds anxiety, helping to perpetuate failure. The further you go, the more difficult it becomes to break this cycle, which is why failure becomes "chronic". The more responsible work a child does, the more he worries. If the level of anxiety is already increased, then its additional increase (excitement) further lowers the results of work. Because of this, responsible control and examination papers performed not better, but worse than everyday tasks. There is an addiction that surprises many parents and educators: with an increase in motivation, achievements decrease.

In addition to increased anxiety, there is another condition without which chronic failure does not occur. This is a rather high degree of the child's socialization, an attitude towards diligence, obedience, and uncritical fulfillment of the requirements of adults. If there is no such attitude, then he is more or less indifferent to the discrepancy between his achievements and the expectations of adults. Of course, such a child may also have an increased level of anxiety, but for other reasons.

Parents themselves often talk about the presence of a child's set on diligence, telling how long he sits at the lessons (although at the same time he can be constantly distracted from the tasks being performed). In a psychological examination, the child's emphasis on the exact fulfillment of the requirements of the inspector is manifested, as well as the desire to avoid unusual and ambiguously defined tasks that the child evaluates as especially difficult.

Anya B. is 9 years old. She is in the third grade and for the second year she has been reputed to be a “two-girl”, but so far both her parents and the teacher put up with this for some reason. Now the teacher's patience has run out. She said that Anya should either be left for the second year, or transferred to for the mentally retarded.

A psychological examination showed that Anya has a low, but normal level of mental development for her age. The stock of knowledge is somewhat below the norm, but not so much as to make it impossible to study in a mass school. Increased fatigue, reduced. This is probably a consequence of overload: the girl's father says that she has a lot of extra classes - this, in his opinion, is the only way to teach her what the school curriculum requires.

home psychological feature Ani - a very high level of anxiety, restlessness. She is always afraid to make a mistake. Because of this, sometimes she completely refuses to complete tasks that she is quite capable of. Sometimes, nevertheless, having taken up the task, she pays so much attention to the little things that she no longer has the strength or time for the main thing. When drawing, she uses an eraser more than a pencil. This does not make much sense, since the new line drawn by her is usually no better than the erased one, but the time for each drawing is spent twice or three times more than necessary.

The primary causes that ultimately lead to chronic failure may be different. The most common prerequisite is the lack of readiness of the child for school, leading to difficulties from the first days of education. For example, underdevelopment fine motor skills(the ability to control the subtle movements of the fingers and hand) immediately causes failure in learning to write. The lack of formation of voluntary attention leads to difficulties in organizing all the work in the lesson; the child does not remember, "misses past the ears" the tasks and instructions of the teacher.

Often the cause of the first failures is a learning disability (mental retardation), a discrepancy between the applied teaching methods and the child's abilities. In the future, chronic failure develops on this basis, and, even if the delay has already been compensated, educational achievements do not increase: they are now supported increased level anxiety. With a particularly deep mental retardation, and even more so with mental retardation, the syndrome of chronic failure does not occur: in these cases, the child has reduced criticality, and he simply does not notice his own failures and lagging behind other children.

In some cases, the “weak link” that triggers the vicious circle is the overestimated expectations of the parents. The normal, average school successes of a child who was considered a "wunderkind" are perceived by parents (and, therefore, by himself) as failures. Real achievements are not noticed or not appreciated enough. As a result, a mechanism begins to work, leading to an increase in anxiety and, as a result, to real academic failure.

It is possible that an increased level of anxiety is initially formed not due to school failures, but under the influence of family conflicts or an incorrect parenting style. The general self-doubt caused by this, the tendency to react in a panic to any difficulties, is later transferred to school life. Further, the already described syndrome of chronic failure develops, and even with the normalization of family relations, anxiety does not disappear: now it is supported by school failure.

Regardless of the initial cause, development according to the type of chronic failure proceeds in approximately the same way. Ultimately, in all cases, there is a combination of low achievements, sharply increased anxiety, self-doubt and low assessment of the child by others (parents, teachers).

All these disorders are reversible, but until they are overcome, academic success, of course, continues to decline. Often, parents, trying to overcome the difficulties that have arisen in a child, arrange daily extra classes (as we saw with Anya's example). This increases asthenization and, consequently, enhances the overall unfavorable situation, further hinders development.

For a psychologist, the most important indicator that indicates the presence of chronic failure is "anxious" disorganization of activity (that is, violations of planning and self-control caused by an increased level of anxiety). "Anxious" disorganization should be distinguished from the initial unformed organization of actions. One of the characteristic indicators that disorganization is caused precisely by an increase in anxiety is the deterioration of results with an increase in motivation. The "anxious" decay of activity (in contrast to the initially low level of its organization) is indicated by numerous symptoms of anxiety, both observed in behavior and manifested in tests.

If the anxiety is high, but there are no pronounced disturbances in the organization of activities, then we can only talk about the threat of chronic failure, that the child is at high risk, and not about the prevailing psychological syndrome. Chronic failure is a neurotic psychological syndrome. In the course of its development, neurotic symptoms very often join the primary psychological symptoms: tics, obsessive movements and thoughts, enuresis, sleep disturbances, etc. Sometimes (but, of course, by no means always) the appearance of neurotic symptoms paradoxically helps to overcome the initial syndrome. Parents, preoccupied with the child's illness, cease to pay as much attention as before to his school failures. This change in the reaction of the social environment breaks the vicious circle that has maintained chronic failure. From the category of "underachieving" the child falls into the category of "sick".

Another common consequence of long-term chronic failure is a drop in learning motivation, the emergence of a negative attitude towards school and learning. In this case, the initial high socialization of the child by the end of the younger school age may be replaced by an antisocial attitude.

For many children, persistent failure over time leads to a pessimistic approach to reality and the development of a depressive state. Signs of depression are characteristic of long-standing chronic failure. They usually appear towards the end. elementary school and mark the formation of a new psychological syndrome - total regression. This syndrome is detailed below.

Why does the child study poorly? total regression

In adolescence, children with chronic underachievement often undergo a transition from the position of a bad student to the self-consciousness of a hopelessly unsuccessful individual. This marks the formation of a new psychological syndrome - total regression. Among the features of the psychological profile, the depressive background of mood begins to play a central role. Activity is characterized by the refusal of any manifestations of activity, from communication both with adults and with peers. In response, the social environment "turns away" from the teenager, which deepens depression and reinforces the idea of ​​their worthlessness.

Alexey P. is 17 years old. He is the only child in the family and lives with his parents. During last year Alexey does not study and does not work. He spends almost all his time at home, listening to "hard rock". In the past, he read a lot, but he stopped this activity a long time ago. He has no friends, and he hardly communicates with his parents. At the same time, he often turns to them with certain demands: to buy him a more modern tape recorder, more fashionable clothes, etc. (about buying clothes, parents express bewilderment: why does he need it if he doesn’t go anywhere?). Parents find it difficult to determine when exactly the manifestations that disturb them appeared. According to them, he "always did not study well, but he was a good, obedient boy." As a teenager, he began to skip school, which caused the first really serious family conflicts. At first, his parents feared that he "fell into bad company", but soon realized that he had no company - neither "bad" nor good (although he used to have several friends). Alexei was threatened with expulsion from school for absenteeism, but a year ago, without waiting for the exclusion, he himself finally stopped studying.

A psychological examination revealed the presence of pronounced depressive tendencies in Alexei. The young man perceives life as meaningless, has no plans for the future. He is very egocentric, unable to change his point of view and understand the position of other people (in particular, his own parents). Self-esteem is reduced. Alexey estimates his prospects very low.

Total regression is one of the most severe psychological syndromes of adolescence and youth. For him, not only a stop in development is typical, but also the loss of previous achievements (which explains his name). This is clearly seen in the above example: for example, if in the past Alexei showed a high interest in reading, now this interest is absent; previously existing contacts with peers were also lost.

Total regression is a neurotic and psychopathic psychological syndrome, with an even more pronounced neurotic effect than that of chronic failure. Often it develops against the background of an already existing neurosis. Withdrawal into illness, which sometimes leads to a reduction in the initial psychological syndrome in case of chronic failure, does not perform a similar function in case of total regression. On the contrary, it can lead to a deepening of the state, further reducing the activity of the adolescent. This syndrome is also fraught with serious violations in the formation of personality.

Advice for parents with chronic failure in a child

The main thing that adults should do with such a "diagnosis" is to provide the child with a sense of success. To do this, when evaluating his work, you must be guided by a few simple rules. The main one is in no case to compare his very mediocre results with the standard (the requirements of the school curriculum, adult samples, the achievements of more successful classmates). The child should be compared only with himself and praise him only for one thing: for improving his own results. If in yesterday's test he correctly did only one example out of ten, and in today's test - two, then this should be noted as a real success, which should be highly and without any condescension or irony appreciated by adults. If today's result is lower than yesterday's, then it is only necessary to express firm confidence that tomorrow's will be higher.

It is very important to find at least some area in which the child can be successful, to realize himself. This area should be given high value in his eyes. Whatever he is successful in: in sports, in purely domestic household chores, in computer games or in drawing, this should become the subject of a lively and close interest of parents. In no case should a child be blamed for failure in school affairs. On the contrary, it should be emphasized that since he has learned to do something well, he will gradually learn everything else.

Sometimes it seems to adults that the child has no abilities at all for anything. In reality, however, this almost never happens. Maybe he runs well? Then you need to send him to the athletics section (and not say that he does not have time for this, because he does not have time to do his homework). Perhaps he knows how to accurately work with small details? Then he should enroll in an aeromodelling club. A child suffering from chronic failure should not only be praised more and scolded less (which is obvious), but praised exactly when he does something (and not when he sits passively without disturbing others).

Parents and teachers need to heal their impatience: it will take a long time to succeed in school, because the reduction of anxiety cannot happen in one week. And even then the "tail" of the accumulated gaps in knowledge will make itself felt for a long time. The school should remain for a very long time an area of ​​gentle assessment that reduces anxiety (which in itself gives some improvement in results). One should be prepared for the fact that school affairs may remain outside the sphere of children's self-affirmation, therefore, the painfulness of the school situation must be reduced by any means. First of all, it is necessary to reduce the value of school grades (but not knowledge!). In especially serious cases, one has to devalue a number of other school requirements and values ​​(for example, turn a blind eye to the fact that homework is not fully completed). Thanks to these measures, the child's school anxiety gradually decreases, and since he continues to work in the classroom, some achievements also accumulate.

It is important that parents do not show their child their concern for his academic failures. So that, sincerely interested in his school life, they at the same time shift the focus of their interests to the relationship of children in the classroom, preparation for the holidays, class duties, excursions and trips, but not fixed on the area of ​​​​failure - school marks. The sphere of activity in which the child is successful and can assert himself, regain his lost self-confidence, should be emphasized as extremely significant, highly valued and keenly interested in them. Such a revision of traditional school values ​​helps to prevent the most serious result of chronic underachievement - a sharply negative attitude of the child to learning, which by adolescence can turn a chronically underachieving child into a complete bully. At the same time, another frequent consequence of chronic failure does not arise - a total regression, leading to deep passivity and indifference. In general, the more parents and teachers fix a child on school, the worse it is for his school success.

In the end, let's return to the question posed by Anya's parents: does it make sense to leave a child with chronic failure in the second year or transfer to a special school? The answer to this question is definitely no. The girl's abilities are quite sufficient to learn educational material. It is only necessary to make the lessons more lively and interesting and stop constantly scolding her, causing her to have approximately the same state that occurs in a rabbit at the sight of a boa constrictor. Then she, of course, will be able to get to the level of the “threesome”, which is already quite good. Leaving for the second year will only further lower her self-confidence (although there is almost nowhere to lower her), further deepen her chronic failure.

Moreover, Anya should not be sent to a school for the mentally retarded (or for children with developmental delays). These schools are not intended for children with sharply increased anxiety, but for those who have a lower level of mental development.

For some children, it is learning disabilities that lead to chronic failure. In this case, a special school will be useful and perhaps a transfer to such a school will be enough to overcome the difficulties that have arisen. But Anya has a different reason for the difficulties, which means that other measures should be taken.

With this psychological syndrome, there is little that can be done with "home remedies". It is highly desirable to refer the child to psychotherapy. Most often, with this syndrome, relationships in the family as a whole are so seriously violated that family psychotherapy is needed. If the child has severe depressive symptoms, then a consultation with a psychiatrist is necessary.

In any case, you need to try to convince parents to treat the teenager as tolerantly and kindly as possible, understanding that his condition is not normal from a psychological (and possibly medical) point of view.

10/13/2013 03:54:20 PM, Elka45

My child does not have total academic failure. There is a failure in mathematics. A special bottleneck is oral counting. Causes - slows down, forgets the first action when doing the second, etc. As a result - 2 and 3 for the oral score, 4 for the rest of the work, as a result, the hardest 3 in the quarter. And the child turns out to be a threesome. He is very worried about this. I studied myself almost to the point of insanity, last year I hired a tutor, there was practically no result. What would you recommend to help him?

Failure is understood as a situation in which the behavior and learning outcomes do not meet the educational and didactic requirements of the school. Poor progress is expressed in the fact that the student has poor reading, counting skills, weakly owns the intellectual skills of analysis, generalization, etc. Systematic poor progress leads to pedagogical neglect, which is understood as a complex negative qualities personality, contrary to the requirements of the school, society. This phenomenon is extremely undesirable and dangerous from a moral, social, and economic standpoint. Pedagogically neglected children often drop out of school and join risk groups. Underachievement is a complex and multifaceted phenomenon of school reality, requiring versatile approaches in its study.

Poor progress is interpreted as a discrepancy between the training of students with the mandatory requirements of the school in the assimilation of knowledge, the development of skills and abilities, the formation of experience in creative activity and the upbringing of cognitive relations. Failure prevention involves the timely detection and elimination of all its elements.

The failure of schoolchildren is naturally associated with their individual characteristics and with the conditions in which their development takes place. Pedagogy recognizes the education and upbringing of children at school as the most important of these conditions.

The definition of the types of underachievement is also contained in the work of A. M. Gelmont, who identified three types of underachievement depending on the number of academic subjects and the stability of the backlog:

    general and deep backlog - for many or all academic subjects long time;

    partial, but relatively persistent poor progress - in one - three of the most difficult subjects (as a rule, Russian and foreign languages, maths);

    poor progress is episodic - now in one, then in another subject, relatively easily taught.

Ways to eliminate school failure. Modern didactics offers the following as the main ways to overcome academic failure:

    Pedagogical prevention - the search for optimal pedagogical systems, including the use of active methods and forms of learning, new pedagogical technologies, problem-based and programmed learning, informatization of pedagogical activity. Yu. Babansky proposed the concept of optimizing the educational process for such prevention.

    Pedagogical diagnostics - systematic monitoring and evaluation of learning outcomes, timely identification of gaps. To do this, the teacher’s conversations with students, parents, observation of a difficult student with fixing data in the teacher’s diary, conducting tests, analysis of results, summarizing them in the form of tables according to the types of errors made. Yu. Babansky proposed a pedagogical council - a council of teachers for analyzing and solving the didactic problems of lagging students.

    Pedagogical therapy - measures to eliminate backlogs in learning. In the domestic school, these are additional classes. In the West - alignment groups. The advantages of the latter are that classes are conducted based on the results of serious diagnostics, with the selection of group and individual teaching aids.

    educational impact. Since failures in studies are most often associated with poor education, individual planned educational work should be carried out with unsuccessful students, which includes work with the student's family.

One of the directions of psychological correction for violations learning activities- this is stimulation and support of a child's various cognitive activity, positive emotional reinforcement of its various manifestations, creation of conditions for its development.

One of the main tasks of psychological correction is to restore the child's desire to learn. A person has an innate need to "extract meaning from the world around us and do it under arbitrary control."


    Vorontsov A.B. Pedagogical technology of control and evaluation of educational activities. - Publisher: Rasskazov A.I., 2002. - 304 p.

    Gladkaya I.V. Grade educational outcomes schoolchildren. - Publishing house: KARO, 2008. - 144 p.

    Kolisnichenko N.V. Test control of knowledge. - Publisher: RAGS, 2008. - 44 p.

    Pedagogical technologies: Tutorial for students of pedagogical specialties. / Ed. V.S. Kukushina. - Moscow: ICC "MarT"; Rstov n/D, 2004. 336 p. (Series "Pedagogical Education")

    Fedorov V.A., Kolegova E.D. Pedagogical technologies of professional education quality management. - Publisher: Academy, 2008. - 208 p.

Equipment: blackboard, chalk, computer, MM projector, screen.

Technologies: mini-project, group learning technology.

The educational project is created by students in order to develop a substantiated author's system of a diagnostic complex (control technology) for managing the educational process. At the end of the work, fragments of diagnostic complexes and pedagogically sound managerial optimization decisions are shown. educational process.

The project method is a way to achieve a didactic goal through a detailed development of a problem (technology), which should end with a very real, tangible practical result, formalized in one way or another (Prof. E.S. Polat). This is a set of techniques, actions of students in a certain sequence to achieve the task - solving a problem that is personally significant for students and designed in the form of a certain final product.

The main purpose of the project method is to provide students with the opportunity to independently acquire knowledge in the process of solving practical problems or problems that require the integration of knowledge from various subject areas.

Technology of group training (work in static and dynamic pairs, mutual exchange of tasks, mutual verification and control, etc.). Such an organizational and methodological solution allows you to work out in detail the situation of pedagogical control in small groups, as well as consolidate knowledge and experience in the application of cooperation technology.

In this case, the teacher should act as a curator. Curator (from Latin curator) - someone who oversees the progress of a particular work or other process.

Issues for discussion

    What methods of evaluating the educational process are most significant: qualitative or quantitative? (compared to other manufacturing processes).

    To what extent is it possible to evaluate all (absolutely all!) components, aspects of the educational process with the help of control technologies?

    To what extent can a teacher prevent the causes of failure?

    What are the tools for remedial work to overcome student underachievement in your subject?

    What is more important for a person, a mark or assessment at the stages of educational activity (at school), educational and professional activity (in professional educational institution), professional activity (in production)?

    What is the basis for the opinion that C students are more successful in production than A students? etc.

As a result of student assessment, there is a problem of poor progress or failures in the studies of individual students. Failure is understood as a situation in which the behavior and learning outcomes do not meet the educational and didactic requirements of the school. Underachievement is expressed in the fact that the student has poor reading, counting skills, poor intellectual skills of analysis, generalization, etc. Systematic underachievement leads to pedagogical neglect, which is understood as a complex of negative personality traits that contradict the requirements of the school and society. This phenomenon is extremely undesirable and dangerous from a moral, social, and economic standpoint. Those who are pedagogically neglected often drop out of school and join risk groups.

Research has identified three groups of causes of school failure.

1. Socio-economic - financial insecurity of the family, general unfavorable situation for the family, alcoholism, pedagogical illiteracy of parents. The general state of society also affects children, but the main thing is the shortcomings of family life.

2. Causes of a biopsychic nature are hereditary characteristics, abilities, character traits. It should be remembered that inclinations are inherited from parents, and abilities, hobbies, character develop during life on the basis of inclinations. Science has proven that all healthy babies have roughly the same 364

opportunities for development, which depends on the social, family environment and upbringing.

3. Pedagogical reasons. Pedagogical neglect is most often the result of mistakes and the low level of school work. Education, the work of a teacher is a decisive factor in the development of a student. Gross mistakes of the teacher lead to psychogenies, didactogenies - mental trauma received in the process of learning and sometimes requiring special psychotherapeutic intervention. Didactogeny is a rough marriage in the work of a teacher.

Research also shows more specific reasons for academic failure:

A rigid, unified system of education, the content of education is the same for everyone, and does not meet the needs of children;

Uniformity, stereotyping in methods and forms of teaching, verbalism, intellectualism, underestimation of emotions in learning;

Inability to set learning goals and lack of effective monitoring of results;

Neglect of the development of students, practicality, coaching, orientation to cramming.

Output: didactic, psychological, methodological incompetence of the teacher leads to failures in learning.

To eliminate the didactic causes of failure, there are such means.

1. Pedagogical prevention - the search for optimal pedagogical systems, including the use active methods and forms of education, new pedagogical technologies, problem-based and programmed learning, computerization. Yu. Babansky for this purpose proposed the concept of optimization of the educational process. In the United States, they follow the path of automation, individualization, psychologization of learning.

2. Pedagogical diagnostics - systematic monitoring and evaluation of learning outcomes, timely identification of gaps. To do this, there are conversations between the teacher and students, parents, monitoring a difficult student with fixing data in the teacher's diary, conducting tests, analyzing the results, summarizing them in the form of tables according to the types of mistakes made. Yu. Babansky proposed a pedagogical council council of teachers to analyze and solve the didactic problems of lagging students.

3. Pedagogical therapy - measures to eliminate backlogs in learning. In the domestic school, these are additional classes. In the West there is an alignment group. pre,; the property of the latter in that classes are held in them; based on the results of a serious diagnosis, with the selection of groups<: повых и индивидуальных средств обучения. Их ведут спе j циальные учителя, посещение занятий обязательно. !

4. Educational impact. Since failures in studies are most often associated with poor education, then with no | successful students should carry out individual planned educational work, which includes work with the student's family.

Of course, academic failure is a complex problem that has didactic, methodological, psychological, medical and socio-pedagogical aspects. Its solution should also be complex.

Questions and tasks for self-control

1. Complete the sentences.

Types of control are current, ..., ... . Control methods include observation ........, didactic ..., method ... of work.

2. Define the concepts: knowledge testing, didactic test, knowledge assessment, academic failure, pedagogical neglect.

3. List reasons for academic failure.

4. Name and describe the means of overcoming academic failure: SCH

Pedagogical prevention, SCH

- educational therapy,

Literature for independent work

Bespalko V.P. Components of pedagogical technology. M., 1989. Ingenshmp K. Pedagogical diagnostics: Per. with him. M., 1991. Kparsh M.V. Pedagogical technology in the educational process. M., 1989. Kynuceem Ch. Fundamentals of general didactics. M., 1986. ZetlinB. C. Prevention of student failure. M., 1989.

Pedagogy. Textbook for students of pedagogical universities and pedagogical colleges / Ed. P.I. piddly. - M: Pedagogical Society of Russia, 1998. - 640 p.

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Plan. 1. Causes of student failure 2. Didactic means of dealing with academic failure 2.1 Pedagogical prevention 2.2 Pedagogical diagnostics 2.3 Pedagogical therapy 3. Literature

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PURPOSE: - to learn the leading concepts: school failures, pedagogical prevention, diagnostics, therapy; - to consider the possible reasons for the failure of schoolchildren; -determine the main ways and means of dealing with learning failures. School failures can be covert or overt. Hidden failures are observed when the teacher does not notice defects in the knowledge, skills and abilities of students. These defects most often concern the material worked out in the previous classes. Thus, the starting point for weak student performance in learning is hidden failures, very small gaps in knowledge or skills in the field of only one subject or even the topic of the lesson. These gaps, if the teacher does not identify and eliminate them in time, can lead to obvious failures. The latter, in turn, are first temporary, and then - after relatively stable failures - lead directly to repetition and dropouts.

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1. REASONS FOR SCHOOLCHILDREN'S FAILURE School failures occur for various reasons, which almost never act in isolation. Complexes of causes mainly cover socio-economic, biological-psychological and pedagogical, including didactic, conditions. Studies conducted by E. Radlinskaya (Poland), R. Galem (France) indicate that among the complex of socio-economic reasons, poor material living conditions for children are a common cause of poor progress. Most repeaters are malnourished children who do not have appropriate clothes, textbooks, etc. Most of them cannot count on parents' help with homework, low cultural level of parents, their hostile attitude towards school, unfavorable family circumstances , excessive workload of children with homework, etc. - all these are additional reasons for the failure of children.

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Most researchers who have focused on studying the relationship between the level of mental development of children, determined to a large extent by the inclinations of heredity and academic failures, have come to the conclusion that they can be the result of physical disabilities, various types of nervous disorders, etc. The authors distinguish such reasons of a biopsychological nature, such as a general weakness of the body, a weak type of higher nervous activity, impaired vision, hearing, disorders in the emotional and volitional sphere, a low level of development of cognitive abilities, instability of attention, etc. In general, modern authors are far from overestimating the role of innate inclinations in the process of human growth and development. They see the main sources of school failures not so much in unfavorable innate inclinations as in the incorrect development of these inclinations.

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Many researchers pay attention to the significant influence that certain character traits have on academic performance, as well as emotional factors such as rewards and punishments. The positive influence of praise, a sense of success, self-confidence was already established in the 1920s thanks to the research of the American woman E.B. Khurmok and confirmed by the Soviet psychologist S.L. Rubinshtein. The strong influence of the nature of students on their school destinies is noted in their works by French researchers. Thus, Andre Le Gal argues, for example, that students of the "brisk-reflexive" type usually show extraordinary abilities in languages, in the field of natural sciences and in philosophy. The phlegmatic type - to the technical sciences and at the same time the lack of abilities for the sciences of an abstract plan. In general, all researchers come to the unanimous opinion that innate inclinations to a certain extent determine the school fate of students, but other causes of mental origin play a more significant role, the occurrence of which depends on the work of the school, the influence of the conditions in which the student lives.

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Modern educators and psychologists generally do not agree with the overestimation of the influence of socio-economic and biopsychological causes on the success or failure of students in their studies. In their opinion, educational work, conscious and purposeful efforts of the teacher play a decisive role in the fate of students. One of the main pedagogical reasons for poor progress is too rigid, uniform system of education. This system makes it difficult to individualize educational work and in many cases makes it impossible to connect school studies with life, the needs of children and youth, dooming the weak to failure, and even the best, without creating conditions that ensure their full development. Often the reason for the insufficient success of students is the unsatisfactory work of the teacher in terms of didactics.

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Almost all researchers believe that the effect of educational work at school depends primarily on the teacher. This is evidenced by the following facts: - in the same school, with the same students and under the same conditions, some teachers achieve good results, while others achieve satisfactory or unsatisfactory results; - the style of the teacher's work, the methods he uses, his attitude towards students play a much greater role than the conditions and content of work in different classes and in lessons in different subjects; - despite worse conditions (lack of space, combined classrooms), some teachers achieve good results. Numerous groups of researchers see the causes of school failures in various defects contained in such means as textbooks, teaching aids, in the imperfection of curricula and programs, in overloading students with classes. There is also a relationship between children's attitudes to learning and to school and learning outcomes. In turn, the child's attitude to learning depends mainly on the interest in learning, as well as on the objectivity of the evaluation of his work.

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2. DIDACTIC TOOLS TO COMBAT LEARNING FAILURES To eliminate some of the causes of school failures, such as lack of proper support for the student from the family, adverse material conditions, etc., the teacher, as a rule, can have only a slight influence and his abilities are limited in this respect. He has comparatively greater possibilities in relation to counteracting those causes of school failures of the student, which lie in himself and the means of his work. Therefore, the main didactic means of preventing and eliminating school failures include: - pedagogical prevention, including problem and group learning; - pedagogical diagnostics, primarily the use of such methods of monitoring and evaluating learning outcomes that allow you to immediately identify emerging gaps in the knowledge, skills and abilities of each student; - pedagogical therapy, especially the elimination of the identified lag in the area of ​​the studied program material by individualizing the teaching in the lesson, as well as additional classes organized by the school.

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2.1 Pedagogical prevention The results of the process of education and upbringing largely depend on the forms and methods of teaching and upbringing used by the teacher. Among such forms and methods that contribute to the growth of the effectiveness of the learning process is problem-based learning. The work of students (in the classroom) in teams of several people on certain problems of a practical or theoretical nature leads to an increase in interest in learning, accustoms to collectively overcome difficulties, creates conditions for the exchange of opinions, develops critical thinking, teaches rational methods of planning and organizing work, etc. .d. That is why problem-based learning in groups is one of the most important conditions for successfully combating school failures.

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2.2 Pedagogical diagnostics The basis of pedagogical diagnostics is the teacher's conversations with students and their parents, observation of students, visits by the teacher to the student's family, test studies, meetings of teachers. The class teacher should also cooperate with the parents of students, with youth organizations, with other teachers in order to know the interests of the student, inclinations, the optimal pace of work for him, etc. Knowing all this allows the teacher to ensure rational individualization of educational work as in the classroom , and during extracurricular learning outcomes in various forms, in order to identify as early as possible the gaps that individual students have in mastering the program material. The main means of accomplishing this task is his systematic study of learning outcomes for each section of the program. Based on these results, tables are compiled on the types of errors made by students. These tables can serve as a starting point in the analysis of the work of individual teachers and in deciding whether to use appropriate methodological tools to eliminate possible shortcomings in the work.

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2.3 Educational therapy Knowing the gaps in the knowledge of individual students, the teacher uses various forms of work to eliminate them. For example, he can instruct students to perform individualized homework, conduct individual consultations, pay special attention to weak students during the lesson, develop a common line of educational influences with parents, etc. If all these forms of individual work do not lead to the desired results, the teacher should direct him to the appropriate leveling group. Classes in leveling groups should take place after school hours. In these groups, students must work independently under the guidance of a teacher. Both the group lesson plan and the evaluation of the results obtained should be discussed during teacher meetings. Knowledge of the mistakes made by students and revealed through studies of learning outcomes forms an additional factor that allows teachers to individualize learning in leveling groups.

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The composition of these groups should not be constant. It is right for students to participate in their work until the gaps are filled. Some students work simultaneously in two or even three leveling groups. Programmed texts are very useful in filling gaps in students' knowledge. They allow students to work independently at their own pace and force them to systematically monitor and evaluate their results. Singling out among the pedagogical reasons for the failure of students in school studies that are relatively dependent on the teacher. among the latter, the following groups can be distinguished: - various methodological errors and shortcomings, for example, non-compliance with certain principles of education; - insufficient knowledge of pupils by the teacher; - the lack of necessary attention to students who are lagging behind in their studies by the school. The preventive, diagnostic and therapeutic procedures described above are closely related to the elimination of the listed groups of causes.

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Preventive measures concerning the pedagogical causes of failure: methodological errors<------>pedagogical prevention ignorance of students<------>pedagogical diagnostics lack of help from the school<------>pedagogical therapy for underachievers It follows from the diagram that although the teacher has the ability to correct school failures, this ability is limited. Beyond the influence of the teacher are the causes of a socio-economic and biopsychological nature, the impact of which on the quality of students' knowledge is indisputable.

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REFERENCES: Babansky Yu.K. On the study of the reasons for the failure of schoolchildren.// Sov. pedagogy. 1972, 1. 2. Babansky Yu.K. How to optimize the learning process. M.: Knowledge, 1978, p. 41-44. 3. Kalmykova Z.I. The problem of overcoming poor progress through the eyes of a psychologist. M: knowledge, 1982. 4. Kupisevich Ch. Fundamentals of general didactics. M., 1986, pp. 283-307. 5. Levitina S.S. Is it possible to control the attention of a student? M: Knowledge, 1980, pp. 42-46, 50-51, 62-65, 68-73. 6. Lipkina A.I. Student self-esteem. M.: 1976, p.51-64. 7. Tsetlin V.S. Prevention of student failure. Moscow: Knowledge, 1989. 8. Shatalov V.F. Where and how did the troikas disappear? M.: 1979.