Kindergarten middle group lesson on space theme. Abstract of GCD on the topic “Journey into space” in the middle group using ICT. Didactic game “Build a rocket”

TARGET: Development cognitive activity children, artistic and aesthetic abilities.


  1. Consolidate and systematize knowledge about Space (stars, constellations, solar system, planets). To clarify knowledge about the exploration of the Universe and about astronauts.
  2. Develop attention, memory, observation, stage abilities. To improve children's ability to convey the structural features of a spaceship in an applique.
  3. Foster a sense of pride in your homeland.
  4. Activate children's vocabulary: constellations, Universe, solar system, names of planets, names of constellations, astronaut, antonym words.

PRELIMINARY WORK:Cycle of lessons within project activities"This mysterious Cosmos."

MATERIAL FOR THE CLASS:Demonstration material “Space”, model “Solar System”, material for staging (a set of tools, portraits of astronauts, astronaut costume), construction set “Spaceships”, scissors, glue, napkins, cutting molds.


  • Do you guys like to look at the night sky? What can you see in the sky? (stars, moon). How many stars are there in the sky?

There are countless of them. On a cloudless, clear evening, the sky above our head is strewn with small sparkling dots.

  • What is a star? (These are huge hot balls of gas, similar to our sun. They glow, but do not heat, because they are very far from the Earth, so they seem so small to us.)

In order to navigate in the starry sky, people gave names to some of the most bright stars and united the stars into constellations that can be compared to the image of objects and animals.

You and I watched the brightest star.

Child: There is one star in the sky, I won’t tell you which one.

But every evening I look at her from the window.

It flickers brightest of all and in the sky somewhere, Now, probably, the pilot is checking his way along it!

  • What is the name of this star? (Polar Star) What constellation is Polaris located in? (in the constellation Ursa Minor)

Graphic exercise"Connect the dots"

Let's try to connect the stars in these constellations and see what happens. Child: Here is the Big Dipper stirring the star porridge with a large ladle in a large cauldron. And nearby the Little Dipper glows dimly, Collecting crumbs with a small ladle! Guess the riddle, then you will find out what else you can see in the sky. At night I walk across the sky, dimly illuminating the Earth. It's boring, I'm bored alone, And my name is... (Moon)! (illustration is exhibited)

  1. What is the Moon, and why did the artist draw it so that the Earth is holding the Moon by the hand? (The Moon is a satellite of the Earth.)
  2. What is Earth? (Earth is a planet.)
  3. Right. We said that the Earth is native home, and the solar system is hometown where our house is located. There are other planets in this sunny town.
  4. All these planets are united in the solar system. Why was this system called Solar? (Because all the planets revolve around the Sun. The Sun is a big hot star, it warms and illuminates the planets.)

Each planet has its own own way. Believe me, it cannot be pulled out of orbit. Our planets revolve around the Sun. They are all warmed by the Sun in different ways.

Didactic game "Solar system"

  1. Help me return the planets to their orbit. It's so hot on this planet

It's dangerous to be there, friends! (Mercury)

And this planet was shackled by a terrible cold, the sun’s rays did not reach it with warmth. (Pluto)

And this planet is dear to all of us, The planet gave us life... (Earth)

Two planets are close to planet Earth. My friend, name them quickly. (Venus, Mars)

And this planet is proud of itself,

Because it is considered the largest.9Jupiter)

The planet is surrounded by rings and this is what distinguishes it from everyone else. (Saturn)

What kind of planet is Green? (Uranus)

The King of the Sea gave that planet a name, He called it by his own name. (Neptune) A round dance of planets spins, Each has its own size and color. For each, the path is determined, But only on Earth is the world populated with life.

  1. Why can we say that only Earth has life? (Research confirms this.)

Man has always been interested in the mysterious world of Space. Is there air on other planets, are there animals and plants there? And so scientists under the leadership of Korolev invented the first satellite, installed instruments on it, and launched it into outer space.

  1. Which Living being was the first to go to space? (Dogs: Belka and Strelka.) In a space rocket called “Vostok”

Who was the first on the planet to rise to the stars? (Yu.A. Gagarin) - On April 12, 1961, for the first time in the world, Yu. Gagarin made a successful flight around the Earth in a spaceship. Our country is proud of this feat.

  1. Who repeated Gagarin's feat? (G. Titov, V. Tereshkova, S. Savitskaya)
  2. What do astronauts do during flight? (They conduct medical and technical observations, study the surface of the Earth, the Moon, and other planets. They report on approaching hurricanes, typhoons, natural disasters, clarify the weather forecast, and provide satellite television and radio communications.)

Speech game "Say it the other way around"

  1. What should an astronaut be like? I will name the qualities, and for each of my words, choose another word denoting the opposite quality.

Lazy - hardworking

Evil - good

Weak - strong

Slow - fast

Sloppy - neat

Sad - cheerful

Nervous - calm

Old - young

Cowardly - brave

Clumsy - dexterous

  1. All the qualities that you listed are inherent in an astronaut.
  2. Would you like to become an astronaut?

re-enactment "Space flight"

First child: Heroic astronauts flew on rockets.

We saw our cosmonauts in portraits. Second child: Let's play - let's make a rocket!

Like our cosmonauts, we will all fly into space! Third child: You came up with such a nice game for us.

What is needed for a rocket? We'll get it now. First child: Guys, I have some wonderful glue. Second child: I brought a box of nails with me. Third child: Here's cardboard, plywood, all kinds of tools. Together: We'll make a rocket in no time.

  1. And we guys will help our cosmonauts build a rocket.

Didactic game"Assemble from parts"

second child: We are all cosmonauts now, Like Gagarin, like Titov. The crew of our rocket is ready to fly into space.Fourth child:Fast rockets are waiting for us to fly to the planets. We’ll fly whichever one we want.

  1. Is the rocket ready for takeoff? Take your seats.(children stand in pairs)
  2. Let's start counting: 10,9,8,7... 1, start. Third child: Flies into space

Our cosmonaut is around the Earth, Even though the windows in the ship are small, He sees everything as if on the palm of his hand: The steppe expanse, the sea surf, And maybe you and me too. Second child: Ship commander, report the situation! First child: Everything is COMPLETE ORDER! Third child: Permission to enter outer space! First child: I give permission! Attention weightlessness!

Relaxation exercises"Soaring in the air"

I suggest returning to Earth.

Here we are at home. During the trip we saw a lot of interesting things. I propose to depict what you saw.

Take ready-made shapes, cut them along the contour, make one overall picture and glue the images, (independent activity children)

Summing up the lesson.

Lesson notes in middle group on the theme "Space"


Generalize children's ideas about space, introduce children to the history of the Cosmonautics Day holiday, give initial information about the planets of the solar system. Activate children's vocabulary with words: space, planet, astronaut.


Pictures depicting the planets of the solar system. Photos of Yu. A. Gagarin, dogs Belka and Strelka, hoops and rings.

Musical arrangement: “Space music” - Space “Magic fly”

Progress of the lesson:


Children, look at these pictures (images of stars, planets). What do you see (stars, planets)

When can we see the stars? (At night, in the night sky)

Besides the stars, what else did you see in the sky? During the day - the sun, and at night - the moon.

The sun, moon, stars - all this is in outer space. The word "cosmos" means "everything in the world." The universe is everything that exists.

Do you recognize this planet? (show image of Earth)

How did you understand that this is planet Earth? (she is blue)

Why does our planet have a lot of blue color? ( Blue colour- these are oceans, rivers and seas)

Our planet Earth is part of the Universe.

Since ancient times, people have looked at the sky and wondered what is beyond the clouds and dreamed of rising above the clouds. People invented telescopes, these are special instruments that allow people to see what is located very far from the Earth.

Then people invented spaceships. (showing a spaceship)

Spaceships have been tested for a long time to ensure that flights on them are safe for humans. It was not people who were the first to fly into space, but the dogs Belka and Strelka made the first successful flight into space. (show children photographs of animals). And after the flight of the dogs was successful, the first man flew into space.

Tell me, children, who knows the name of the first cosmonaut? (Yuri Gagarin) - show a photo of the astronaut.

This flight took place on April 12, 1961. and since then Cosmonautics Day has been celebrated on this day.

Do you know what astronaut clothing is called? (spacesuit)

Let's put on spacesuits. Let's imagine that spacesuits are small hoops (children stand in the hoops and each one, from bottom to top, threads the hoop through themselves). And now you are ready and we are going on a journey to solar planets. The Sun has its own family - these are 9 planets. They are called the planets of the solar system.

Show children an image of all the planets in the solar system, describe what they look like, and list them.

But our ship is not simple; to fly to each next planet, you need to solve a riddle.

The first planet we will fly to is Mercury. The closest planet to the Sun, this planet has very strong temperature changes from +350 to -170 degrees.

riddle: In space through the thickness of years

Ice flying object

His tail is a strip of light

And his name is (comet)

Well done, you guessed the riddle, now we can fly on. The next planet is Venus.

And the riddle is this: Big sunflower in the sky

It blooms for many years

Blooms in winter and summer,

But there are still no seeds. (Sun)

Okay, you guessed this riddle too, which means our ship can fly further.

Now we are flying to Mars. Mars is sometimes called the red planet. Do you know why?

Rocks on Mars contain a large number of iron, and iron, when it rusts, becomes reddish-brown.

Let's solve the riddle to make our ship fly:

At Grandma's over the hut

Hanging edge of bread

Dogs bark and can’t reach you (for a month)

And now the largest planet in the solar system, Jupiter, awaits us. And the next riddle:

The entire blue path is strewn with peas (stars)

Ahead of us is a planet with rings - Saturn.

riddle: At night there is only one in the sky

Large silver hanging orange (moon)

Well done, guys, you guessed all the riddles correctly and we will fly to the other planets without stopping.

The planets Uranus, Neptune and Pluto are ahead of us.

Now it’s time to return home, so that we can remember our trip, we’ll take photographs and drawings. Children draw planets with soap bubbles.

Abstract directly educational activities on familiarization with the outside world in the middle group, topic: “Cosmonautics Day in kindergarten”
Prepared the lessons: teacher of secondary group No. 1 Semina Ekaterina Aleksandrovna
Generalization of children's ideas about space. Introduce children to the history of the Cosmonautics Day holiday. Give initial information about the planet of the solar system.
Activate vocabulary: space, planets, spaceship, Yuri Gagarin.
Reinforce your knowledge of geometric shapes.
Develop spatial imagination, fine and gross motor skills.
Cultivate curiosity.
Pictures depicting a portrait of Yu. Gagarin, dogs Belka and Strelka, constellations, the Moon. A set of geometric shapes, a sample of a rocket made up of these shapes. Sheets of paper with drawn aliens and rockets made from geometric shapes, pencils.
Progress of the lesson:
Org. moment.
- Guys, guests came to our lesson today. Let's say hello to them. - Hello.
Emotional tuning.
- Guys, what are your mood today?
- Good, joyful, cheerful.
- Let's hold hands and convey our good mood to each other.
All the children gathered in a circle. I am your friend and you are my friend. Let's hold hands tightly and smile at each other.
Guys, from the earliest times, people looked at the sky and thought about how to rise above the clouds and find out what was there. It took a long, long time before people learned to build aircraft. And the first to fly into space were not people, but animals. Take a look at this picture. (Show). On it you can see the first dogs. Who flew into space and came back. Their names are Belka and Strelka. And only after a successful flight into space did the first man go there. (Showing a portrait of Yuri Alekseevich Gagarin).
– What do you think an astronaut should be like? (fearless, bold, courageous, heroic)
– What do they use to fly into space? (on a rocket)
In a space rocket. With the name "East" It is the first on the planet. I was able to rise to the stars.
Since then, every year on April 12 we celebrate Cosmonautics Day, a holiday of astronauts and everyone who helps them fly successfully into space.
- Today we will have an unusual activity: you and I will go into space.
To find out what we will take on the journey, let's solve the riddle.
A bird cannot reach the moon
Fly and land on the moon.
But he can do it
Make it fast (rocket)
- That's right, guys, we'll fly on a rocket. We need to choose engineers and designers who will build a rocket for us. And we will build our own rockets from geometric shapes.
Choose five or six children, and they build a rocket from the modules.

Didactic game “Build a rocket”
Children are offered a sample and a set of geometric shapes. From which you need to build a rocket.
We made very beautiful rockets. Now, pay attention! Please get ready for the flight, take your seats in the spaceship, fasten your seat belts. Is everyone ready to fly? Go! (Counts from 5 to 0.) Start! You and I are in outer space. Stars and planets are visible from the window of our rocket.
Look carefully. What do we see?
- Sun.
The Sun is the star closest to us. If we were on another star, we would see our Sun in the form of a small star. In fact, the Sun is a huge hot ball that emits heat and light. There is no life on the Sun, but it gives us life: people, plants, animals.
The sun is not alone, it has a family - these are the planets. The family of the sun is called the Solar System. There are 9 planets in it. In the family of the Sun, that is, in the solar system, order reigns: no one pushes or interferes with each other. Each planet has its own path along which it circles around the Sun (look at the illustrations).
The planet closest to the Sun is Mercury. Next is Venus. And behind Venus is our planet – Earth. Behind it is Mars, followed by Jupiter, then Saturn, Uranus, Neptune and the last planet Pluto.
How many planets are there in our solar system?
What is the name of our planet?
Let's repeat the names of the planets again.
Now I invite you to play a little.
Outdoor game "Cosmonauts":
Children stand in a circle and dance in a circle with the words:
– Fast rockets for flights to planets are waiting for us. We’ll fly to whatever planet we want! But there’s one secret in the game – there’s no room for latecomers!
(Children run up and take places on the rocket. The game is repeated 2-3 times).
Let's move on, please everyone take your seats. Is everyone ready to fly? Go! (Counts from 5 to 0.) Start!
What planet do we see?
- Earth.
Earth is the only planet in the solar system on which life exists. The air that we breathe and that surrounds our planet is called the atmosphere (show illustration) If there were no atmosphere, then there would be no life on Earth.
Only our planet Earth is suitable for habitation in every way. After all, the Earth is a garden planet in this cold space. Only here the forests are noisy, calling migratory birds. Take care of your planet - After all, there is no other one like it!
But maybe, somewhere far, far away on other planets there are also living beings that we call “aliens.” Now the aliens need our help: we need to help them find their spaceships.
Didactic game “Place aliens in spaceships”
- Look at the sheet and answer me, children: Who flies which rocket?
On a sheet of paper, aliens are drawn from geometric shapes and rockets in the shape of the same shapes. You need to connect with a line the images of a rocket and an alien, consisting of identical geometric shapes.

Well done, everyone completed the task.
– And the planet Earth has a sister, it revolves around it. Guess who she is?
Guess the riddle:
The night comes - it rises. It shines in the sky, dispels the darkness. (Moon)
The Moon is a satellite of our planet Earth.
– Why is the Moon called the Earth’s satellite? (The Earth attracts the Moon to itself, does not allow it to move away, so it is always near the Earth).
It shines brightly in the night sky; through binoculars you can see dark spots on the moon. These are craters that were formed on the moon from comets and meteorites falling on its surface. there is no water, no air, no life on the moon.
- Guys, let’s do an exercise called “Earth Satellite”.
- Everyone will choose a mate. One will depict the Earth, the other - the Moon. The Moon rotates around the Earth, and the Earth at the same time revolves around its axis, that is, around itself.
(Children depict the Earth and the Moon to music)
Well done, now sit down.
Finger gymnastics.
One, two, three, four, five, We begin to take off. We will fly away on a rocket, And we will fly around the whole Earth. On the Moon we will land, And we will return to Earth.
Didactic game “Name the constellations” (children circle the dots).
Guys, astronomers and scientists who observe and study the stars have discovered new constellations in the sky and ask us to help come up with names for them. Place your hands in a tube behind each other, as if looking through a telescope, and look carefully at this constellation. What can you call it?
House, bird, umbrella, flower, etc.
And now it's time for us to return. Close your eyes and say the magic words:
Returned from flight
And they landed on Earth.
XII. Summarizing.
- So we returned home.
- What did we do in class today?
- Which task did you like the most?
- Which task seemed difficult?

[Download the file to see the picture]

Material for the lesson “Cosmonautics Day”Heading 2Heading 315

Teacher of preschool educational institution "Antoshka"
Korostyleva N.A.

Target: To form children’s ideas about the nature of stars and planets, to consolidate children’s knowledge about the peculiarities of the nature of the Cosmos.
Exercise in quantitative counting of objects, teach children to navigate the size of objects (large, small).
To activate words in children’s vocabulary related to the theme “Space”.
To cultivate a sense of beauty, a love of nature; develop observation, attention, imagination,
memory, logical thinking and intelligence.

Layout of the “Big Dipper”, stars with numbers, cards with
image of planets cut in half, blue sheets
paper with numbers up to “seven” with the image of a “bucket”,

Basic general education program preschool education Veraksa, Komarova, Vasilyeva “From birth to school” teacher “Library of a kindergarten teacher”, February No. 2, 2009.
"Preschool educational institution", No. 3(51)2011.
Kaplunovskaya A. “Preschoolers about Space.” - Program
And guidelines. – Zaporozhye: Oh oh oh. "LIPS", 2000.
Mareeva T. “Dialogues in English: The Nature of the Earth and Space”: Classes for children of the 5th and 6th year of life. –
K.: Editorial offices of newspapers from preschool and primary education, 2012.
Starchenko V. “For preschoolers about the starry sky” - a method.

Progress of the lesson
Educator. To learn everything about the planets
Meteors and comets,
See the constellations of paradise,
Visit the planetarium!
Good morning, dear friends!
I welcome you to our Educational Center “Universe” - I am its owner. I suggest you say hello to everyone.

All: Good morning, the sun is friendly!
Good morning, blue sky!
Good morning birds in the sky!
Good morning little stars!
I congratulate you and I love you.
We all live in the same region.

Educator. Children today is a holiday. Tell me which one? (Cosmonautics Day).
So, many years ago, pilot-cosmonaut Yuri Gagarin was the first to fly into space. Since then, every year on April 12, Cosmonautics Day is celebrated all over the world.
(Everyone approaches the canvas).

Educator. There were stars on this canvas, they hid from us. Let's find them.
Be careful, the stars must be collected in order, by numbers. What number should come first? (one). That's right, find her (they are looking).

Educator. Children, the star doesn’t want to take her place, first she wants you to write poems about her.
(Children read poetry).
Bright, fabulous constellations in the sky,
We are destined to find out more about them.
They live together in the Universe together,
The entire sky was covered with lace.
There are many of them - just look up the mountain,
Look at the wonderful drawings of stars.

Educator. The star really liked your poems.
Please find her place in the constellation.
Now let's find another star (they are looking).
Well done. This star wants to ask you.

Magic circle game. (Whoever has the star answers the question).

o What is the sun? (big star).
o What is a globe? (small model of the Earth).
o A man who flies into space? (astronaut).
o What lights up the planets? (Sun).
o Transport for traveling into space? (spaceship, rocket).
o The inhabitants of planet Earth? (earthlings, people).
o What is a comet? (star with a tail).
o How many stars are there in the sky? (so many).

Educator. Well done, find her place in the constellation. (Children pick up a star.)

Educator. - Children, which star is this in order? (second)
Which asterisk should be next? (third).
That's right, let's find him (the children are looking).

Educator. This starlet wants to play a finger game with you.

(Finger game “Planets”)
One two three four five,
Let's walk in space.
One - Mercury,
Two - Venus,
Three - Earth,
Four - Mars
Five - Jupiter,
Six - Saturn,
Seven - Uranus,
Eight - Neptune,
Nine - Pluto.
We have been on space travels,
We named all the planets of the Galaxy.

Educator. It's time for the star to return to her place. We need to hook it up (they hook it up).
This is an asterisk with the number “3”. Let's go look for an asterisk with a number...? …..(four). So who found the next star?
Tell me, what is she like? (bright, yellow, shiny, affectionate, cheerful...).

Educator. This star is asking for help. We need to collect planets.

D/game “Collect the planets”
(You need to make a whole out of two parts.) (Children collect).

Educator. Well done! Assembled correctly. Please show me the smallest planet (show).

The teacher explains. This planet is Pluto.

Now, please show me the most big planet(show). This is the planet Mars.

Please list the planets from smallest to largest. Lay out from left to right (lay out).

Well done, let's count the planets together.

Children count (One planet, second, third, fourth, fifth, sixth, seventh, eighth, ninth).
How many planets are there in total? (9 planets in total).

Find our planet among these planets (children find and show).
What is it called? (Earth).

How did you guess that this is our planet? (she is good, beautiful). So, it is also called blue.
(They attach the star to its place, to the constellation).

Now, what star will we look for? (Fifth) (look for).

Educator. This star wants to ask you riddles.
Listen carefully.

You keep us all warm
You never know tiredness
Smiling at the window
And everyone’s name is... (Sun).

There's a fireball in the sky
She has a long tail
It's not a star or a planet,
Did you guess it? This is... (Comet).

White flowers open in the evening,
And per day they wither. (asterisks)

Educator. Well done! Hang up the star and let's go look for her sister. What is it in order? (sixth).

Educator. The sixth star invites you to imagine yourself as little stars and become her friends.

Psycho-gymnastics “I am a star.”
Stand in a magic circle, sit down and close your eyes. Let's imagine ourselves as stars. We are stars, balls of fire. We slept for a long time and finally woke up because we heard the magical music that the month was playing for us. The little stars began to dance quietly, sway from side to side, rise and fall down, take off again and fall again. The stars rose and flew in a circle. They stopped quietly.

Stars - you are so beautiful, stay like this for as long as possible, pass on a piece of your world to everyone around you.

I think you really enjoyed being the stars.

Let's help the star return to its place.

Educator. Children, how many more stars do you need to find? (one with the number “7”). (Children are looking for a star).
Educator. Children, the seventh star has prepared an interesting task for you.

Exercise “Connect the stars.”
(Teacher's explanation). There are stars with numbers on a sheet of paper. You need to connect the numbers in a certain sequence. First the first star, then the second, third, fourth, fifth, sixth, seventh. (Children complete the task).

Educator. The star is very pleased. Turn the sprocket into place.
All the stars fell into place, and we got a bucket in the constellation Ursa Major.

The teacher reads a poem:
Ursa Major is walking across the sky,
He scoops up star water with a ladle,
He gives water to all the inhabitants of the sky,
Suddenly you wander in at night,
Bucket - “seven stars” - find in the sky,
On the way home these stars creep,
Ursa Major will help you.

Educator. Children, look carefully, and in our
Is there a constellation called Ursa Major in the center? Yes, there is (showed at the stand).
The stars flickered, flickered and disappeared (turn off the lights at the Constellation stand, they are saying goodbye to us.

Child: Goodbye, our friend,
We are all very grateful to you!
You told us a lot
Showed us an interesting world
In time we will grow up
We will all become astronauts.

Educator. Our meeting at the Universe educational center has ended. Goodbye! I will be waiting for you.
Beginning of the form

End of form

Title: Summary of an educational lesson in the middle group “Let’s give stars to the sky”
Nomination: Kindergarten, Lesson notes, GCD, development of ideas about the world around us and about ourselves, Middle group

Position: teacher of 2nd qualification category
Place of work: Children's educational institution "Antoshka"
Location: Rovenki city, Lugansk region, LPR.

Prepared and conducted:

Teacher of group No. 13

"Seven-flowered flower"

E.I. Karpova

Target: development of cognitive and creative activity children on the topic "Space".


Expand and consolidate children's knowledge about space and the solar system;

Activation and enrichment of the vocabulary: helmet, astronaut, solar system, planet, comet;

Foster pride in your people, your country;

To instill a caring attitude towards planet Earth;

Develop emotional perception through photos, videos and audio materials.

Preliminary work:

Conversations about the structure and conquest of space;

Examination of photographs, videos and posters on the topic “Space”;

Visual arts classes on the theme “Space”;

Design of the “Cosmonautics Day” stand and screen;

Work with parents: making crafts, helmets, reading books about space.

Materials and attributes: helmet, plane rockets, laptop, TV.

Progress of the lesson.

Children enter the hall and stand in a circle.

Educator: We are warmed by a ray of sunshine

We deserve the best

The whole universe smiles at us

And everything works out for us

We are cheerful and energetic

And we're doing great.

1.Who was the first to fly into space (Yuri Gagarin) slide 1.

2.Who flew into space before people? slide 2.

3.Who was the first woman to conquer space? (Valentina Tereshkova)Slide 3

  1. What qualities should an astronaut have?


And now, guys, you

I'll ask one question...

School of Young Cosmonauts

They're about to open.

Would you guys like

Should I go to this school?


I'm very glad, but first,

Speaking without further ado,

One desire is not enough

Everyone should be healthy!

Well, are you all healthy?

Children: Yes, they are healthy!

Educator: Is everyone ready for the test?

Children: Yes, we are ready!

Educator: Astronaut training begins with a warm-up. Our test will also begin with a warm-up.

Coordination of speech with movement.

We will try very hard

(jerks with bent arms in front of the chest)

Play sports together:

Run fast like the wind

(running in place)

Swimming is the best in the world

(hand strokes)

Squat and stand up again


And lift dumbbells.

(imitate lifting a dumbbell)

Let's become strong and tomorrow

We will all be accepted as astronauts!

(marching in place)


I suggest playing the game “How to take your place in a rocket”

Find the rocket by shape, find the rocket by color, ticket number and rocket.

Cards are distributed with the image of the rocket number, geometric figure, the colors of the corresponding rocket.

Educator: You have passed the test, now you can take off.


If we want to go into space,

So, we'll be flying soon!

Ours will be the bravest

Cheerful, friendly crew

Educator: Look what happened, we found ourselves at the cosmodrome. What do we need to do before sending?

Children: Wear helmets.

Voice-over using ICT: the flight control director is speaking to you. Space crew get ready for launch!

1.Take your seats.

  1. check the fuel-sh-sh-sh
  2. Turn on engine - R-R(rotation of fists)

3. The report begins 10,9,...0 launch (video clip of the launch of the Rokot rocket).

Educator: And now young cosmonauts, I’ll tell you riddles, listen carefully to the answers and say them diligently.

1.In space through the thickness of years

An icy flying object.

His tail is a strip of light,

And the name of the object is... (Comet)

2.From the heavenly river

Bubbles scattered

And in the night sky

They sparkled with silver.

It's late at night

... (stars) appeared.

3.On an airship,

Cosmic, obedient,

We, overtaking the wind,

We are rushing on ... (rocket).

4.Lights the way at night,

Doesn't let the stars sleep.

Let everyone sleep, she has no time for sleep,

There is light in the sky for us...

5. Planet blue,

Beloved, dear,

She's yours, she's mine,

And it's called...

6.A yellow circle is visible in the sky

And the rays are like threads.

The Earth revolves around

Like a magnet.

Even though I'm not old yet,

But already a scientist -

I know that it’s not a circle, but a ball,

Intensely hot.

Educator: Now let’s remember the planets.

Finger gymnastics

All planets in order

Any of us can name:

One - Mercury,

Two - Venus,

Three - Earth,

Four - Mars.

Five - Jupiter,

Six - Saturn,

Seven - Uranus,

Behind him is Neptune.

He is the eighth in a row.

And after him, then,

And the ninth planet

Called Pluto.

Educator: Now look out the window at the starry sky around you.

Space is a world of stars, it is very diverse. Stars appear small because they are far away. In fact, stars are huge hot balls of gas, similar to the Sun.

Educator: What planet do we live on?

Children: Earth

Educator: That's right, guys. Why is our planet Earth called the blue planet? Because most of Our planet is covered with water - seas and oceans, rivers and lakes.

And it’s time for us to return to earth. The children take off their helmets and go into a circle. Each person is given a medal " Young cosmonaut» .