A fact proven by scientists. Great scientific misconceptions (25 photos). People get fat by eating more than necessary

1. Cats don't care about people

Incredible, but true: cats distinguish people by their voices, but they prefer to ignore even the voices of their owner. Cat owners have known about this throughout the long (about 10 thousand years) history of cat domestication, but this fact was experimentally confirmed only in 2013. Japanese scientists played recordings of human voices to twenty cats; cats reacted differently to familiar and unfamiliar voices, but did not show much interest in either one or the other.

2. Those who do their homework study better.

Who would have thought: repeating material and practicing skills acquired in class in free time helps to acquire new knowledge. So that schoolchildren and students cannot say that no one has scientifically proven the benefits of homework, two economists from East Carolina University in the USA took it and proved it using the example of students who studied microeconomics. Those of the students who did homework, received higher grades (mostly B's) and were less likely to fail exams.

3. Walking in high heels is painful and harmful.

If she says, “This heel is very comfortable,” she is lying. It may not hurt as much as in other shoes, and is much more comfortable than it will be after two hours of walking, but barefoot or in sneakers would be much more comfortable. If a woman wears heels in 2018, it means that she is either obliged by the dress code (royal wedding/film awards/ballroom dancing), or she is driven by vanity, prejudice or ideas about beauty and femininity that are not always relevant in the 21st century. Scientists from the Institute on Aging in Boston proved the obvious almost ten years ago, in 2009, by comparing foot pain complaints among men and women. It turned out that such pain is the cause of 20% of all visits to a therapist among American adults, and almost all patients who come with such complaints are women who often wear shoes with heels, large and small.

4. Pigs love to wallow in mud.

The love of pigs for puddles, clean and dirty, is a well-known fact, but its reasons have been little studied. It is clear that wet mud helps pigs cool their bodies - this is especially useful in the absence of sweat glands. In 2011, a Dutch zoologist published a study describing the behavior of pigs' closest "relatives" - hippos and moose. Observing these animals, the scientist came to the conclusion that pigs love mud and puddles not because they do not have sweat glands. It's the other way around: they didn't develop sweat glands because of the pigs' love for liquid mud, which replaced the cooling methods common to other mammals.

5. Men look at beautiful women

We all already guessed, but researchers from the University of Nebraska-Lincoln armed themselves with eye-tracking equipment and proved: yes, men, when meeting an unfamiliar woman, first look not at the face, but at the chest, waist and hips, and the more closely they look than the woman’s larger breasts and the difference between waist size and hip size. By the way, the title of the article can be translated as “Look into my eyes!” (My eyes are up here).

6. People get fat by eating more than they need.

It is not lack of physical activity (although this is also a big problem), not illness, but systematic overeating that causes 99% of obesity. Scientists announced this with confidence in 2009 at the conference of the International Society for Research on Obesity. Since the 70s, every American has gained an average of 8 kilos, and it is not the availability of transport or the low popularity of sports that is to blame. On a national and global scale, the only factor is excess energy consumed through food.

7. Nobody likes meetings

After analyzing the diaries of 37 employees of large companies, scientists came to the conclusion that meetings suck. They turn even the most motivated employees into disgruntled grumblers. These events do not bring benefits to anyone, but they take away time from everyone that could be spent on... well, on work.

8. Everyone wants their partner to be sexually attractive.

When asked what is most important to them in a romantic relationship, people sometimes lie—perhaps without realizing it. Some, for example, claim that their partner’s appearance is not important to them. Researchers at Texas A&M University have developed a test to test whether these people are as indifferent to the appearance of potential partners as they claim. It turned out that even for those men and women who, in their own words, were looking for mutual understanding, support and common interests in romantic relationships, sexual attractiveness is very important - no less than for those who spoke about it directly.

9. Drinking alcohol before going to a bar increases the total amount you drink.

If you have a warm-up drink before going to a bar or a birthday/wedding/corporate party, don’t expect to end up drinking less. The first dose of alcohol will only relax you and speed up the process of drinking the next one. Without self-control, you will drink at the bar the same amount as you would have drunk if you had not taken it before leaving the house, and the “booster” dose will add to the total amount drunk. Moreover, by starting ahead of time, you increase your risk of drinking more than planned and having unprotected sex. All this is more reminiscent of worldly wisdom from older colleagues and relatives, but in fact it is the result of research, Swiss scientists found in 2012.

10. The Internet is a space of procrastination

Work work work. Oh, the animals react funny to the disappearing trick! Even a cockatoo. Pew Research has approached the issue of online procrastination scientifically; experts estimate that 53% of people aged 18 to 29 go online at least once a day solely to engage in nonsense.


Both believers and atheists are constantly waiting for clear evidence that will confirm or refute existence of God.

Below is a list of theories and studies carried out by scientists from various fields who have worked to prove the existence of God, Heaven and Hell.

They lead real facts Or are they still conjecturing many things? You decide!

1. The scientist who “dug” the road to hell in Siberia and recorded the cries of damned souls (1989)

What actually happened:

The Soviet Union drilled a deep hole in the ground - the Kola Superdeep Well (12,262 meters). The well is located on the Kola Peninsula. After its completion, quite interesting geological anomalies were discovered, but as it turned out, there was nothing unusual, much less supernatural, about them.

What the legend says:

According to legend, in 1989, a group of Russian scientists working under the direction of Dr. Azakov was drilling a hole almost 15 kilometers deep in an unnamed location in Siberia when they came across a bottomless cavity.

Intrigued by the unexpected find, they lowered a heat-resistant microphone into the hole along with other sensory equipment. According to experts, they were able to record and then hear the anguished screams of desperate people.

The second surprise was the incredibly high temperature they discovered in the center of the Earth (more than 1000 degrees Celsius). As a result, they came to the conclusion that they had opened the road to hell.

The story was soon picked up by numerous American and European media outlets, and audio files of the alleged sufferers filled the entire Internet. Immediately, Trinity Broadcasting Network (TNB) began discussing the audio track on all of their gospel channels, saying it was definitive evidence that hell exists.

Norwegian teacher Age Rendalen heard the TNB story during a visit to the United States. Feeling a terrible disgust for mass gullibility, he decided to “thicken the colors” of the fairy tale told by the channels.

Rendalen wrote online that he initially did not believe in this tale, but upon returning to Norway, he supposedly read the "factual" report on the story. According to Rendalen, not only were the voices of the damned souls clearly audible on the recording, but also the ghosts of bats were flying out of the hole, leaving an indelible mark on the Russian sky.

To perpetuate his fiction, Rendalen deliberately mistranslated a regular Norwegian article about a local structure and provided it, as well as TNB's English "translation".

Rendalen included in the article his real data, phone number and address, and also left the contact information of one pastor he knew who agreed play along him in case someone wants to check and call to ask about everything personally.

Unfortunately, TNB published the story without contact information for Rendalen and the California pastor, and the story itself was made up " Welcome to hell and hoax" began to be played on radio, television and published in all newspapers.

In fact, the reality is that Soviet scientists essentially drilled a hole, almost 15 km deep, in the ultra-deep Kola well, located not in Siberia, but on the Kola Peninsula, which borders Norway and Finland.

After completion of the well, some interesting geological anomalies were discovered, but they did not indicate any supernatural encounters. The temperature at depth reached 180 degrees Celsius, so further drilling was stopped due to high cost of the procedure.

As it later turned out, the recording used, supposedly the voices of tortured souls, was just a remix of part of the soundtrack to the 1972 film "Baron's Blood" with added effects.

The best part is that today you can buy a copy of The Sounds of Hell for $12.99.

Does God exist?

2) Neurologist who claimed that Heaven exists after spending a week in a coma (2008)

In 2008, Eben Alexander III(Eben Alexander III) suffered a very serious week-long coma, which was caused by meningitis infection. Brain scans showed that the entire cortex, which surrounds the brain in the area responsible for consciousness, thinking, memory and understanding, was not functioning.

Doctors gave him very little chance and told his family that even if Eben survived, he would likely remain brain damaged for the rest of his life. Despite all the difficulties endured, Eben woke up exactly a week later.

While in a deep coma, the brain was so severely damaged that only its most primitive areas worked. After waking up, the man claimed that he experienced something extraordinary: he traveled to heaven.

In his autobiographical book, Proof of Heaven: A Neurosurgeon's Journey into the Afterlife, he talks about how left his body and suffered clinical death.

Alexander claims that after death, an entire eternity of perfect splendor awaits us, complete with angels, clouds, and deceased relatives.

By July 3, 2013, the book had been on the New York Times bestseller list for 35 weeks.

In a large-scale investigation into the history of the neurologist Alexander, based on his medical education, Esquire magazine reported in its August 2013 issue that before the book's publication, neurologist was suspended from medical practice due to negligence, as well as due to his participation in at least two procedures to cover up medical errors.

The magazine's specialists also talked about what they found discrepancies in the book of Alexander. Among the inconsistencies, in particular, what stands out is that Alexander writes that he “fell into a coma as a result of a severe form of bacterial meningitis, while brain activity was suspended.”

At the same time, the doctor who observed him during the coma states that the coma was medically induced, and the patient was partially conscious, but was accompanied by hallucinations.

Alexander's book and the advertising campaign in support of it were criticized by scientists, including neuroscientist Sam Harris, who called Alexander's work "disturbingly unscientific" and stressed that the evidence presented by the author is not only insufficient, it also suggests that the author knows little about how the brain works.

In November 2012, Alexander responded to critics by releasing a second article in which he recounted the words of the doctors who performed all the brain tests on him. “Nothing was done that would impair any of the functions, including vision, hearing, emotions, memory, language or logic.”

Truth or lie? Everyone decides for themselves.

Evidence for the Existence of God

3) Chemistry student who demonstrated that heaven and hell exist

According to urban legend, the following story began with a response that was received from a University of Washington chemistry student.

And here is the question itself: Is hell an ectothermic place (that is, it gives off heat) or an endothermic place (that is, it absorbs heat)?

Most students answered the question using Boyle's law (a gas cools when it expands and heats up when it contracts).

However, one of the students approached the answer like this:

First, we must understand How much does the mass of Hell change over time?. That is, we must have an idea of ​​​​at what speed souls move to Hell and at what speed they leave it.

I think it's quite reasonable to assume that if the soul has already fallen into Hell, then it is unlikely to leave it. As for exactly how many souls go to Hell, it is worth looking at the various religions that exist in the world today.

Most of them claim that if you do not profess this particular religion, then you will undoubtedly go to Hell. Since there are so many religions today, we can confidently say that all souls go to Hell.

Considering the birth and death rates throughout the world, it can be assumed that the number of souls in Hell is growing exponentially(that is, the value increases in direct proportion to the value of the value itself).

Now we are looking at the rate of change in the volume of Hell, because Boyle's law states that in order to maintain the same temperature and pressure in Hell, the volume must expand in direct proportion to the addition of souls. In this case, two scenarios are possible.

1. If Hell expands more slowly than the number of souls living there grows, then the temperature and pressure there will increase disproportionately, so the day will come when Hell will “fall apart.”

2. If Hell increases in size at a rate greater than the volume of incoming souls, then the temperature and pressure will drop and Hell will freeze over.

So where is the truth?

If we take into account the postulate that I heard from my colleague Teresa in my first year ("Hell will freeze over if I sleep with you") and also take into account that I spent last night with her, then of the points I proposed, the second is true.

So I'm sure that hell has already frozen over.

The consequence of this theory is the fact that since Hell has already frozen over, it means that no more souls go there, and, therefore, only Heaven remains, which proves the existence of a divine being. This explains why Teresa screamed for a long time last night: " Oh my God!"

For obvious reasons, the student received the highest grade.

4) Professor of Medicine Who Claimed to Find a Sculpture of God (1725)

In 1725, Professor Adam Beringer, dean of the faculty of medicine at the University of Würzburg, found many carved in limestone figurines of lizards, frogs, spiders, birds with the faces of fish, the sun and stars.

Some of them were signed, for example, the Hebrew name of God in Latin, Arabic and Hebrew. These figures carved in stone, in his opinion, were created by God himself when he experimented with types of life, planning the universe.

Behringer also, along with his main explanation, suggested several possible other interpretations, among which was the version about the imprints of dead animals (fossils). However, most of them, according to the professor, were " capricious thoughts of God."

He also considered the version that these drawings belonged to prehistoric pagans, but it would be more correct to exclude this option, because the pagans did not know the name of God.

In fact he became a victim of deception, committed by his fellow ex-Jesuits Ignatz Roderick, professor of geography and mathematics, and Johann Georg von Eckhart, privy councilor and librarian.

Having got to the bottom of the truth, Beringer sued the deceivers, then a scandal followed, after which all three have lost their authority.

Some of the fossil animals discovered by Behringer then are kept today in the Oxford University Museum.

5) Pascal's Wager: Does God exist or not? You must decide (17th century)

Pascal's Wager is a dogma in apologetic philosophy that was developed by the 17th century French mathematician, physicist and philosopher Blaise Pascal (1623 – 1622).

Dogma states that Throughout our lives, humanity has debated the existence of God.

If God exists, then taking into account the infinite profit or loss associated with belief in God or disbelief, man of sense must live as if God exists, seek him and believe.

If God does not actually exist, then such a person will only have a finite loss (of some pleasure, luxury, etc.).

The following logic is used in philosophy:

1. God either exists or He does not;

2. In the game we all play, it will always come up heads or tails;

3. For obvious reasons, you are unable to prove any of the above statements;

4. You must choose something for yourself (this is not optional);

5. Let's weigh all the benefits and losses if we assume that there is a God. Let's evaluate these two choices. If you win, you get everything, if you lose, you lose nothing.

Historically, Pascal's Wager was groundbreaking because it outlined new areas of study in probability theory, marking the first formal use of decision theory, as well as the emergence of expected topics in future philosophy such as existentialism, pragmatism, and voluntarism.

6) Euler's formula to explain the existence of God (18th century)

Leonhard Euler (1707 – 1783) was one of the first Swiss mathematicians and physicists to make important discoveries in areas such as infinitesimal calculus and graph theory.

Euler also created much of modern mathematical terminology and notation in mathematical analysis, such as, for example, the concept of a mathematical function. He is known for his work in mechanics, fluid dynamics, optics and astronomy. Most He lived his life in St. Petersburg and Berlin.

Much of what is known about Euler's religious beliefs can be deduced from his letters to German princess, as well as from his early works, which show that he was a devout Christian who believed that the Bible was written under divine inspiration.

Moreover, he argued for the divine inspiration of Scripture.

There is a famous legend inspired by Euler's arguments. The French philosopher Denis Diderot, at the invitation of Catherine the Great, paid a visit to Russia. However, the empress was extremely alarmed that the arguments of the atheist philosopher could affect her closest subjects.

So, Euler was asked to confront a clever Frenchman. Diderot was informed that the mathematician had developed a formula proving the existence of God, and he agreed to study its proof.

When the time came for Euler to talk about his formula, he said: " Sir, (a+b) to the nth power divided by n = x, therefore God exists. Now you!"

Diderot, for whom, as history claims, mathematics was akin to Chinese literacy, was left stunned and immediately left the meeting place. Being in an extremely embarrassed position, he asked the empress let him leave the country, to which the latter kindly agreed.

Euler was depicted on the sixth series of Swiss 10-franc banknotes, as well as on numerous Swiss, German and Russian postage stamps. An asteroid that fell to Earth in 2002 was also named after him.

In his honor, the Lutheran Church even created a holiday, which is celebrated on May 24. He was a very devout Christian, a believer in the inerrancy of the Bible, who wrote apologetics and actively opposed the prominent atheists of his time.

7) Mathematician who developed the God Theorem (1931)

Kurt Friedrich Gödel was an Austrian and later American logician, mathematician and philosopher. It is believed that he, along with Aristotle and Frege, was one of the most powerful logicians in the history of mankind.

This man made a huge contribution to the formation of scientific and philosophical thinking in the 20th century. Gödel published his two incompleteness theorems in 1931, when he was 25 years old and had just received his doctorate from the University of Vienna.

The first theorem states that any self-consistent system force is sufficient to describe the arithmetic of natural numbers (for example, Peano arithmetic), however, there are true propositions about natural numbers, which cannot be proven using axioms.

To prove this theorem, Gödel developed a technique known today as Gödel numbering, which encodes formal expressions as natural numbers.

He also showed that neither the axiom of choice nor the continuum hypothesis can be falsified by the accepted axioms of set theory by relying on the axioms being consistent. Previous results allowed mathematicians to talk about the axiom of choice in their proofs.

He also made important contributions to proof theory by clarifying the connection between classical, intuitionistic and modal logic.

When Gödel died in 1978, he left behind an interesting theory based on the principles of modal logic (a type of formal logic that, in a narrow sense, involves the use of the words "necessarily" and "possibly").

The theorem itself states that God, or the supreme being, is that greater than which it is impossible to understand anything. That is, if a person has proven and understood that God exists, he can do anything.

God exists in understanding. If God exists in understanding, we can imagine that He exists in reality. Therefore, God must exist.

Heaven, earth, hell

8) A scientist who says there is no conflict between science and religion (2007)

During an interview with CNN in April 2007, Francis Collins, director of the Human Genome Project, reaffirmed the information that embedded DNA evidence proves the existence of God.

According to the researcher, he gathered a consortium of scientists to read 3100000000 letters of the human genome. As a believer, Dr. Collins sees the DNA information in the molecules of all living things as a divine language, and the elegance and complexity of this language is a reflection of God's plan.

However, he did not always hold this opinion. When Collins was a graduate student in physical chemistry in 1970, his atheistic thinking found no reason to postulate the existence of any truths that deviated from the laws of mathematics, physics and chemistry.

Then he entered medical school and came face to face with the problem of life and death among his patients. One of the patients asked him: " What do you believe, doctor?" From then on, he began searching for answers.

Dr. Collins admitted that the science he loved so much was powerless to answer questions such as: “What is the meaning of life?”, “Why am I here?”, “Why does mathematics work this way and not otherwise?”, “If the Universe had a beginning, then who created it?”, “Why are the physical constants in the Universe so subtle are determined to allow the possibility of the emergence of complex forms of life?”, “Why do people have a sense of morality?”, “What happens to us after death?”.

The process of understanding the world, exploring new horizons and penetrating into the very essence of the most complex natural phenomena impossible without trial and error. Science must fall and make mistakes, because that’s how everything works. The whole point is to disprove what we think we know well enough. If we can't find evidence to the contrary, so be it. And if we can, then a whole new world awaits us! Here are 25 examples of the most common misconceptions of the scientific world of past centuries and even years. But 25 misconceptions are just a drop in the ocean, and the most popular misconceptions and Interesting Facts on the website https://factum-info.net/. Perhaps today there is something that you believe in unquestioningly, and tomorrow this stereotype will become part of new list errors and hoaxes.

25. Four “humors” of the human body

Ancient doctors and scientists believed that the human body consists of 4 fluids - phlegm, yellow bile, black bile and blood. If the body did not produce a healthy ratio of these vital juices, the person became ill. For the same reason, the method of treatment by bloodletting until the end of the 19th century was considered the most effective way to bring the balance of fluids back to normal. Then the golden age of microbiology began, and medicine was able to take a different path, saving more lives through scientific breakthroughs.

But why humor? In vintage medical theories the fundamental human fluids were called humors (an ancient Greek word translated as humor). It was believed that each type of humor or humor corresponds to a certain temperament. This is probably where the ambiguous meaning of the words “bile” and “ulcer” appeared in the Russian language.

24. Miasm Theory

In the science of past centuries, there was a theory that the cause of most diseases is miasma (harmful substances and decay products that fall from the soil and wastewater directly into the air). Until the advent of extensive research in microbiology in the late 19th century, the theory of miasma was the most common explanation for almost all ailments, including typhoid fever, malaria and cholera.

In the process of developing this theory, science has generated a number of extremely interesting medical solutions and devices. During the Middle Ages, doctors sometimes prescribed bad odor treatments (such as inhalation of intestinal gases) to their patients. Apparently, they believed that if unpleasant odors can cause illness, then they can also overcome it.

23. The Earth is the center of the Universe

Thanks to Nicolaus Copernicus, today we know that our Earth is not the center of the universe. In the 16th century geocentric system world, according to which all the stars revolved around our planet, was replaced by the heliocentric one and then by the following modern cosmological models of the Universe. And that's not all... Modern scientists know much more than astronomers of past centuries, and we have Newest technologies, allowing you to look far beyond the horizons of the conceivable. But what more people learns about space, the more new questions appear!

22. Phlogiston

This term first appeared in the mid-17th century, and its author was the German chemist and physician Johann Joachim Becher. The learned man suggested that this element is a superfine matter or fiery substance contained in flammable substances and released from them during combustion. In addition, in the 17th century, people believed that we breathe not to receive oxygen, but to exhale this same phlogiston from the body and not burn alive.

21. Neanderthals and Homo sapiens did not mate with each other

For a long time, geneticists believed that modern people- descendants exclusively of the species Homo sapiens, and the DNA of Neanderthals has sunk into oblivion. However, in 2010, scientists managed to sequence (determine the sequence of amino acids and nucleotides) the genes of Neanderthals. It was then that it was discovered that about 4% of people living outside Africa are partly descendants of those same Neanderthals, and traces of the DNA of this extinct species were found in their blood. It seems that our ancestors still communicated with Neanderthals much more closely...

20. Genetic differences between human races

In fact, there is no genetic difference between human races. Recent studies already in the 21st century have even shown that there may be much more differences between African peoples than in general between some Europeans and blacks.

19. Pluto - planet

At first, Pluto was not considered a planet, then it was still classified as this type of celestial body, calling it planet 9 solar system. This was until 2006, when the International Astronomical Union updated and expanded cosmological terminology, and Pluto was again demoted, but this time to the rank of dwarf or minor planet under number 134340. A number of scientists continue to insist that it heavenly body is a classical planet, so there is every chance that it will be restored to its previous status again. For those who are not in the know, the main difference between dwarf planets and classical ones is the ability of the astronomical object being studied to clear its orbit from cosmic debris, dust or planetesimals.

18. Ulcers appear due to stress and anxiety

Wrong. An ulcer appears as a result of the activity of a special bacterium, and researchers who proved this received in 2005 Nobel Prize. One of the scientists involved in the experiments deliberately ingested these microorganisms to prove their connection with inflammation of the skin and mucous membranes.

17. The earth is flat

For many centuries this statement was considered a dogma and an ordinary fact. But if you think those days are behind you, you are wrong. For example, the Flat Earth Society still promotes the idea of ​​a flat Earth, and assures people that all satellite images are fake. Members of this organization deny generally accepted scientific facts and believe in conspiracy theories. Society is convinced that the Sun, Moon and other stars rotate above the surface of our flat planet, that gravity does not exist, that there is no South Pole, and that Antarctica is the Earth's ice belt.

16. Phrenology

This pseudoscience says that inner world, character and sometimes even the fate of a person depend on physical appearance. Followers of phrenology believe that the most important information about a person’s mental properties can be obtained by measuring the parameters of the skull and analyzing its structure.

15. “Inviolable” laws of Newtonian physics

Since 1900, when Max Planck published his landmark paper “Towards a Theory of the Distribution of Radiation Energy in the Normal Spectrum” at a meeting of the German Physical Society, quantum mechanics has completely changed our understanding of the world. At the quantum level, processes occur that are difficult to understand and explain using classical mechanics and Isaac Newton’s three famous laws...

14. California Island

One of the sunniest states in the USA, California, was once considered a full-fledged island. No wonder there is an expression “California is an island in itself.” This metaphorical phrase was once used quite literally. This was the case until the end of the 18th century, when, during scientific expeditions, cartographers finally realized that this piece of land was a real continental coast and an indivisible part of North America.

13. Telegony

Telegony is the false science that offspring can inherit the genes of their mother's sexual partners with whom she had sex before their father. This doctrine was especially popular among the Nazis. They believed that an Aryan woman who had even once had sexual intercourse with a non-Aryan man was no longer capable of producing a pure-blooded Aryan man.

12. Irrational numbers

Pythagoras and his followers had an almost religious obsession with numbers. One of their key doctrines was that all existing numbers can be expressed as ratios of integers. That is why when the ancient Greek philosopher and mathematician Hippasus noted that Square root of 2 was irrational, this shocked the Pythagoreans. Moreover, there is a version that the learned men were so greatly amazed and offended that they even drowned Hippasus in the sea.

11. Hollow Earth theory

If you've ever read French writer Jules Verne's science fiction novel "Journey to the Center of the Earth" or even watched the movie based on it, you already know what this theory is all about. Almost until the end of the 19th century, some scientists still believed that our planet was hollow and subject to internal exploration. These scientists believed that the size of the void is not very smaller sizes the Earth itself. The wildest fantasies said that inside our planet there is a second atmospheric layer, internal reservoirs, its own life forms living on the inner surface of the planet, and in the center of this sphere a small star hovers in airless space.

10. Raising lambs

The ancient Greeks were a people who were in many ways ahead of their time and other nations. They practiced science, made mathematical discoveries, and built architectural masterpieces. But despite all this, the Greeks believed that lambs could be raised on trees. This crazy theory was generated by the stories of Indian pilgrims and traders who recalled trees on which “wool grew.” The belief that sheep and rams could be grown like plants persisted until the 17th century.

9. Time is constant

This was believed until the discoveries of Albert Einstein. When he proved that only light is constant, the public did not immediately believe it and even considered him crazy for some time. However, today NASA pilots have to set their watches in a special way, because time flows differently depending on the distance at which spaceships are from the source of gravity, and from the speed of movement. The difference is felt even on Earth. For example, at sea level the clock ticks faster than on the roof of the famous Empire State Building (443 meters).

8. The more complex organisms are, the more genes they have.

Scientists used to think that humans have about 100,000 genes. The most surprising discovery made during the research of the Human Genome Project (HGP), an international research project, was that we only have about 20,000 genes. What's especially incredible is that some tiny mosses have been found to have over 30,000 genes!

7. Water is only found on Earth

This thesis also turned out to be a fallacy. More recently, the NASA space agency reported that Europa, Jupiter’s natural satellite, has more water reserves than our entire planet.

6. Monkeys are the smartest animals on Earth, with the exception of humans.

For a long time, it was generally accepted in the scientific community that since primates (monkeys) are mammals closest to humans in body structure and origin, they are also incredibly smart. However, recent studies have proven that in nature there are birds that are smarter than even the smartest monkeys. Don't underestimate birds...

5. Death of the ancient Egyptian pharaoh Tutankhamun

In 2006, archaeologists discovered evidence that Tutankhamun died due to an accident with his chariot. However, already in 2014, historians reported that the real cause of his death was the consequences of incest, hereditary diseases, characteristic of incest.

4. Neanderthals Were Stupid

It was previously believed that Neanderthals became extinct because Homo sapiens was smarter. New evidence contradicts this theory. According to new research data, Neanderthals may have been even smarter than our ancestors. But why then did they disappear from the face of the Earth? There is still no answer to this question...

The most optimistic version is that Neanderthals did not actually die out, but simply dissolved among the Homo sapiens tribes, integrated into our society and assimilated with our ancestors, as evidenced by traces of their DNA in our blood.

3. The expansion rate of the Universe

According to the most famous cosmological model of the 20th century, the expansion of our Universe is gradually slowing down due to gravity. However, in the 1990s, new data showed that the expansion of the Universe is actually accelerating.

2. Dinosaurs Had Regular Skin

What we know about the appearance of dinosaurs is based partly on guesswork, partly on analysis of their descendants, and in some cases on fossilized prints. Previously, there was a theory that the body of these extinct animals was covered with skin or scales, but now the version of feathered dinosaurs is becoming increasingly popular in the scientific community.

1. Alchemy

Sir Isaac Newton was a great scientist and made great contributions to physics. But this did not stop him from believing in alchemy, which is now considered a pseudoscience based on myths. Until the end of his days, Newton believed that one day he would be able to turn ordinary metal into gold. Don’t rush to laugh, because it is thanks to alchemy that we have modern chemistry. Already read: 6547 times

Friends, today we would like to bring 30 irrefutable and scientifically proven facts about our bodies and food which we eat every day. Read on to find out where the white coating on our tongue comes from and at what hours our liver processes alcohol best!

So here are the bodily facts about food and about what is connected with our digestion and eating:

    Your hair can support the weight of a whole apple. Scientists have not yet specified the size of the apple.

    There are as many bacteria in your mouth as there are people on our planet.

    The lining of your stomach renews itself every 3 days.

    There is so much acid in our digestive system that it can easily digest an iron nail. But we don’t advise you to experiment, just take our word for it!

    Your body produces approximately 1 liter of saliva every day.

    Some scientists believe that the saliva you produce over the course of your life could fill two swimming pools. And the saliva of these scientists, of course, too!

    White plaque in the language that you see every morning - these are cells that died overnight.

    The liver breaks down alcohol most actively between 18:00 and 20:00. So plan your active get-togethers around these hours!

    Men have much less on their tongues taste buds than women. That's why we top all our dishes with ketchup and mayonnaise. And don't be offended by it!

    1/2 of your (sorry) biological waste is bacteria.

    Your tongue print is completely unique, keep that in mind when showing it. bad people. :)

    By the way, the tongue is the strongest muscle in our body. And not what you are thinking about now. :)

    The ability of a person to eat inedible objects, such as swords, spoons, stones, plastic, etc., is called polyphagia. Small objects leave the body along with feces, and large ones remain until they begin to bother the owner. We do not recommend eating anything inedible - it’s better to try dishes according to our recipes, which can be prepared for a holiday table or quickly and tasty!

    Sword swallowers actually swallow these very inedible swords - X-rays prove this. The length of the sword can reach as much as 62 cm! I wonder how they get them out later?!

    In 24 hours every day, you secrete approximately 1 liter of bile.

    The length of our intestines is approximately 9 meters. This is what we need to measure ourselves with, and not with what we usually measure ourselves with!

    Your stomach can hold about 4 liters of partially digested food.

    Are you into fasting? It's a good thing, but don't fast for more than 1 day - otherwise you'll end up with permanent headaches, weakness and lethargy. In addition, fasting is harmful for diabetics and heart patients. Use the section of our website with recipes for lean dishes and diet dishes.

    How much does a human heart weigh? The heart of each adult weighs approximately 220-260g.

    The most common food allergy in the world is cow's milk allergy. For those who don’t have it, use our recipes to quickly and easily prepare the most delicious milk recipes using our recipes!

    Our navel is scientifically called umbilicus. An excellent nickname for a dog - use it for your health!

    99% of all calcium in our body is found in our teeth.

    In terms of hardness, the enamel of your teeth can be compared to quartz.

    Over the course of a day, your body can generate enough heat to bring 30 liters of cold water to a boil. How do you cope with the annual shutdown? hot water?

    Hitting your head against a wall burns approximately 150 calories per hour. Here it is - the most reliable way to lose weight!

    The fat in our body is enough for an average of 7 pieces of laundry soap. Plus we can heat the water! Just some kind of bath and laundry complex.

    U overweight women smart children are born - scientists have found out. Remember this when communicating with the opposite sex!

    The stomach uses hydrochloric acid (HCl) to digest food. Yes, yes, the one that in films melts our skin and causes burns!

    Your body contains enough chlorine (Cl) to disinfect as many as 5 swimming pools (2 of which, apparently, are filled with your own saliva). :)

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Based on the magazine XXL 01/2011

Love is a magical feeling that gives people joy, makes them feel happy, makes themselves better. Of course, love must be mutual. Everyone wants to experience it: young and old, smart and stupid, gullible and cynics... The list goes on and on. But scientists want not only to experience love, but also to study it. Moreover, they have been studying it for more than one year, so they have already managed to prove some facts. So here you go three science-proven facts about love.

Lovers ignore their partners' shortcomings

People's brains turn off when they fall in love - this is cognitive decline phase, therefore, people in love tend to ignore the shortcomings of their other halves.

According to scientists who have conducted biological studies, this phase lasts from one year to two and a half years. This condition plays a vital function for a person; it is necessary for procreation. After all, if two lovers ignore each other’s shortcomings, then they have every chance of having sex and thereby ensuring offspring.

Love at first sight really exists

Scientists have proven that love at first sight exists. It may not be particularly strong, and it usually doesn’t smell like the absolute trust of lovers in each other, but passion is usually in abundance. Scientists have learned through experiments that the human brain is capable of producing chemical compounds and hormones associated with feelings of love, just 1-5 seconds after you look at the object of passion.

People in love tend to have obsessive-compulsive disorder

This disorder is considered a mental illness. Obsessions– constantly emerging obsessive fears, images, impulses or ideas.

Concerning compulsions, they are called stereotypically repeated actions. Italian scientists, in the course of their research, found that people in love who experience this feeling for less than six months can behave in exactly the same way as patients with obsessive-compulsive disorder. This happens when the level of serotonin, the happiness hormone, decreases in a person’s blood.