Drawings for the competition of multi-colored paints

Natalya Denisova

From October 26 to October 30, a show jumping took place in our kindergarten drawings on the topic"Golden autumn"

Children and parents took an active part. Autumn- a very beautiful time of the year and the work turned out wonderful. The children tried very hard, the work came out beautiful, neat and bright. On October 30, the jury awarded the winners with diplomas for 1st, 2nd, 3rd place. All contestants received sweet prizes.

Flocks of birds in the blue sky

They fly south for the winter,

And the trees are putting on

Sewn gold outfit -

Autumn colors do not regret

And generous harvest!

Let the sun warm us

This bright time!

I liked these works very much. The best I want to show you!

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Here comes the wonderful time - autumn. This year September turned out to be very hot, the trees are golden, the sun is hot, the insects are buzzing.

Autumn is the most inspiring time of the year. The abundance of colors gives you the opportunity to convey your feelings in a huge number of shades. In bright green.

Autumn is probably the most charming and mysterious season marked with special colors. Therefore, an exhibition was held in our kindergarten.

AUTUMN IN THE EYES OF CHILDREN Dear Colleagues, good time of day. Coming to the end of the second autumn month. During this period of work on the site, I met.

Autumn is golden! Kindergarten No. 16 in Velikiye Luki hosted an exhibition of autumn crafts (crafts made from natural materials! Photo report! Pushkinskaya.

For several years now, our kindergarten has been holding a competition of crafts made from natural material "Golden Autumn". Children with great pleasure.

On Friday, the competition for children and family work "Golden Autumn" ended in our kindergarten. Since I can’t yet in the methodical office.

Most recently, a wonderful spring holiday took place - March 8! A holiday for all mothers, grandmothers, sisters, and just all girls. On this day, everyone is ready.

Dear colleagues and our young participants!

Congratulations on the completion of the first round of the Autumn Landscapes 2017 contest. It's time to take stock.

We are glad that the event aroused such great interest. All crafts and drawings are good. Everyone tried - both children and parents. Submit your work and junior schoolchildren, and very young guys 2-3 years old, no one was left aside.

It is impossible to say about all the works, there are more than a hundred of them, we will note the most interesting ones.

"Our hands are not for boredom." The validity of these words was successfully proved by the guys who preferred handicrafts.

Susanna Levonovna Avetyan's pupils have good crafts. Darya Karpenko turned out a wonderful caterpillar-fashionista in a hat made of red leaf, Eva Vinogradova turned out to be a hardworking, cheerful, funny hedgehog. I really liked the application of Gavrilova Dasha. The girl managed to convey the beauty of the autumn forest. The creation of this work requires patience, perseverance. Chupanova Marianna made a good autumn bouquet. Aesthetic pleasure was experienced by the jury members from the skillful hands of Maria Popova: a cheerful, peppy hedgehog in a red vest, fashionable blue shorts with large yellow polka dots, with thorns from seeds. The plot-thematic application of Masha testifies to her interest in the beauty of the world around her. Well done, Masha! Wonderful craft, one of the brightest in this thread! And Vyazmin Veniamin interesting technique completed the drawing "Autumn has come."

The animal world comes to life in the drawings and crafts of our young participants. The most common heroes are hedgehogs! Interesting little hedgehogs were fashioned by Dergun Darina, leader Tatyana Viktorovna Dergun. A small hedgehog on a carpet and red foliage with rowan berries turned out to be Pavlova Polina, leader Yulia Vladislavovna Kulikova. A wonderful hedgehog - a soft toy with green apples on its back - an article by Victoria Stepanova, leader Elena Vladimirovna Chunosova. From the traditional gifts of autumn, you can also make a beautiful hedgehog - this was proved by her work Anastasia Maltseva, teacher Ekaterina Mikhailovna Podlutskaya. Kondakov Timofey also turned out a wonderful hedgehog, the leader is Elena Yuryevna Komarova. Very bright and skillful craft, Timofey!

Doos Yana is only three years old, and Lena Zaitseva is four, but it is felt that creating applications gives them joy. The hedgehogs created by them are distinguished by their originality, brightness, and completeness of form. We congratulate Yana, Lena and their tutor Olga Viktorovna Guyda on their victory.

In the forest clearing created by Dmitry Tsendrovsky, everyone rejoices in autumn: a thrifty hedgehog of their squash, a bulbous mouse, a mole in a blue cap made of carrots, a beautiful caterpillar and ladybugs. And how many mushrooms are in Dima's clearing! Anna Pavlovna Naumova helped in the creation of this magnificent composition.

And how many different owls were sent to our competition! Artyom Kondratiev turned out an excellent owl, Tatyana Sergeevna Evseeva helped him. And what wonderful birds were able to create a pupil of Ekaterina Petrovna Pavlinova Dynchikova Nastya, the youngest participant in our competition. Well done, Nastenka! No less remarkable work - a basket of cones - was made by the second pupil of Ekaterina Petrovna Bova Veronika.

Our attention was also attracted by the queen of the night - an owl, born of the imagination and skill of Kuznetsova Glafira, leader Kristina Valerievna Panova. It was a great idea to make owl feathers from rowan leaves, Glafira J Katya Golubova also made a funny owl, Olga Anatolyevna Ivanchenko helped her in this.

Another representative of the animal world who visited our competition is a hare. The author of the original hare from cabbage, zucchini and eggplant shoes is Artem Dmitriev, leader Svetlana Anatolyevna Safonova. Gray bunny - Long ears in a basket full of autumn gifts - such is the craft of Donskoy Makar, leader Nadezhda Vladimirovna Donskaya.

To create crafts, a variety of materials are used, and often gifts of autumn - vegetables and fruits. For example, from Dolgov's potato, so familiar to us, Alisa was able to create an amazing duck (head Nina Aleksandrovna Tarkhanova). It also turned out to be an excellent material for creating a collective craft of the "Stork" group "Merry Pigs", leader Tatyana Sergeevna Prugova.

And Andrey Lazarev, head Olga Sergeevna Kuptsova, made an original horse and carts out of carrots, in which cheerful passengers were accommodated. Great job, Andrey!

Eminova Victoria was able to make a beautiful tea service out of ordinary zucchini, the leader is Chuprina Anna Evgenievna.

Another wonderful duck and her hedgehog friend turned out at Arina Margieva, leader Oksana Georgievna Ryumina.

Plasticine in the hands of children just comes to life. Arina Chernomurova created beautiful forest monasteries from this material. Afanasyeva Varvara also created incredible beauty from this material - a very bright picture of the autumn forest, the leaves on the trees were especially original. Svetlana Leonidovna Nikishina helped Varvara. Gorgeous beautiful butterflies among the autumn leaves were fashioned by Arina Terentyeva, tutor Yulia Nikolaevna Kokvina.

Looking at the works of Vladislav Barinov and Varvara Dyakova, one admires their patience and accuracy. Natalya Yurievna Kuzkina helped the children.

Autumn is traditionally a mushroom season. Our participants did not bypass this topic in their drawings and crafts. Drawings by Markelov Nikita, director Regina Vladimirovna Platonova, Morozov Dmitry and Konon Arina, directors Evsienkova Lyudmila Mikhailovna and Yaradankulieva Inna Igorevna, give out inveterate mushroom pickers in them. Another pupil of theirs, Maria Dereveneva, knows color very well; she is the author of an autumn still life.

Salivon Veronica and Malanicheva Nastya, pupils of Senkevich Irina Nikolaevna and Kruzhkova Galina Rudolfovna, are also passionate about drawing. Their genre is landscape.

There were many talented architects among the participants of the competition. Maybe you dream of rural silence and a rich garden plot? Then you will like the crafts of Artamonov Dani, Kryzhanskaya Karina, Mkrtchyan Saak (heads Ekaterina Nikolaevna Antonova, Vera Dorzhievna Tsvetkova, Maria Alexandrovna Bugaeva).

Perhaps you are tired of the traditional layout of a village hut? Then here are pumpkin houses for you, and their architects are Gavrilyak Artem and Galeev Albert, leaders Anna Sergeevna Peleeva and Elvira Fazilovna Mukhametzyanova.

And if the fairy-tale hut is closer to you, then visit the hut on chicken legs by Nardina Matvey, head Anastasia Alexandrovna Makeeva.

We plunge into the fairy-tale world, looking at the crafts of Firsova Sophia, she also made a house for Baba Yaga. And Polyakov Ivan built a windmill. Both crafts are distinguished by craftsmanship and elegance of execution. The leader of the children is Oksana Vasilievna Karelson.

And Egor Pevchenko recreated a whole autumn park and forest! Nadezhda Anatolyevna Kaplieva helped him in this.

Floral motifs are embodied in the handicrafts of Evgenia Urazayeva. She called her work "Flower Parody", however, the jury thought that it was a neat and beautiful composition, with harmonious colors, an interesting bright accent J Head teacher Zhenya Irina Mikhailovna Alekseeva.

Another noteworthy flower arrangement was made by Yana Svetlakova, head Alena Sergeevna Kazarina - flowers of delicate shades are perfectly combined with an emerald-colored ribbon.

Autumn - 2017 definitely did not expect such surprises! "How come Golden autumn do without a nice hat?” - thought Bayrasheva Ralina and made it. The teacher-head of Ralina Anastasia Mikhailovna Sukhanova.

Mask, mask, who are you? Everyone is used to New Year's masks, but we saw the original autumn one - Maria Bolshchikova - for the first time. Marina Vladimirovna Orlova and Vera Viktorovna Shchavleva helped Mary in the realization of her plan.

Arina Gileva’s skillful hands were able to create a wonderful cake for autumn (heads Elena Ivanovna Malyshkina and Irina Alexandrovna Nikolaeva).

Wonderful trees "grew up" in the kindergarten "Swallow", thanks to the interesting ideas of their pupils. This is a clearing with an amazing tree Vasilisa Pyasetskaya, and a forest tree by Egor Kvasnikov, as well as an original football ball made from autumn leaves by Khmelev Semyon and a basket of cones with autumn gifts by Vladislav Veterkova. The educators Tatyana Alexandrovna Novikova, Margarita Andreevna Bogryashova, Lyubov Sergeevna Nachevkina helped the children.

Talented children from the teacher Margarita Anatolyevna Knyazeva. The original craft was sent to the competition by Rodionova Valeria - this is an autumn family tree.

Speaking of original crafts, we must not forget about two more works! “The clock shows autumn” - this is how Igor Kuragin, head Marina Anatolyevna Muravyova, called his craft. Have you ever seen a clock with clouds, sun, trees? But Ksenia Grishchenko's fantasy helped her to create such an exclusive watch.

were in the competition fairy tale characters- Baba Yaga, welcoming autumn 🙂 A neat house, an owl on the roof, Baba Yaga herself in orange beads - this is such an elegant craft that Anastasia Skorokhodova turned out, the leader is Aitan Fizuliyevna Gasimova. Nastya, hello kitty! 🙂

It seems to us that the cheerful forest, created by the hands of Alice Mordashova, will be a good friend to Baba Yaga. Evgenia Sergeevna Potrepalova helped in the creation of this unusual and very sweet character.

Autumn for the children's crafts generously dropped the cones from the trees. It remains only to collect them, connect the imagination. Komova Maria needed cones to create a hedgehog, and the fantasy of Lutyanova Xenia, Maltseva Anastasia, Shestakova Daria (heads Nadezhda Leonidovna Gerasimova, Ekaterina Mikhailovna Podlutskaya, Kristina Petrovna Yuzchishchina) revived them.

Who said that buds are not suitable for creating a bright flower arrangement? Terekhova Ulyana resolutely refuted this statement by creating multi-colored flowers from cones.

Creative individuality is clearly visible in the crafts of the children of Natalya Ivanovna Vazhnichina. This is a riot of autumn colors in the work of Sofia Skidanenko, and a beautiful portrait of the Queen of Autumn with leaves in her hair by Koval Rimma, and a cozy nest, “Warm Place”, twisted by Pushkin's Amelia's skillful hands.

For many people, autumn is the most beautiful time of the year. But looking at the application of Maksimenko Alyosha, you understand that the most beautiful autumn time has settled in Magadan. Alyosha, of course, is endowed with creative imagination and fantasy. The work stands out for its singularity, brightness. The second work of Alyosha called "Warmth of Autumn" is also worthy of attention. This small autumn lantern really leaves warm feelings.

And Kochergina Daryana, when creating her autumn composition, used numerous gifts of the forest. It is felt that the child is endowed with fantasy. Alyosha and Daryana were helped to realize their creative ideas by Natalya Evgenievna Zubanova.

It would seem that we have seen a lot of flower arrangements in life. But the bouquet of Damir Basharov led us to admiration. Flowers can be replaced with onions, peppers, potatoes, grapes. The bouquet is not only beautiful, but also useful. We are sure that in the future the ability to create such compositions will be appreciated by some not only romantic, but also economic young lady 🙂

To create a beautiful craft on an autumn theme, bright colored paper is also suitable. The autumn flower of Shlyapnikova Victoria impressed us with its originality, strictness of execution, and accuracy. The head of Victoria is Nadezhda Valerievna Samorodina.

The work of pupils of the MBDOU "Kindergarten No. 253" in Barnaul is distinguished by a special skill in the execution of drawings, crafts and applications. The leaders of the children Ekaterina Igorevna Sanarova and Yulia Igorevna Grishechkina. The Oak of the Golozubova Angelina is an organically combined plasticine and colored paper, the sky in this craft turned out to be especially original. Cousin Polina is a master of paper, from which she made excellent migratory birds. The embodiment of the dream of any mushroom picker was created by Vladimir Vikhorev - a large porcini mushroom made from buckwheat and rice. Lemeshkin Daniil turned out a beautiful autumn tree, and Alisa Petrichenko made three cheerful foxes from autumn leaves.

The appliqués made with the use of natural materials, Babina Arina and Chernyshova Veronika, the leader Irina Alexandrovna Fakhretdinova, Mansurova Dilmara, the leader Gulfiya Kyalevna Abushaeva, Popova Timofey, the leaders Yaradankulieva Inna Igorevna and Evseenkova Lyudmila Mikhailovna are distinguished by the originality of the idea. Well done boys! A beautiful birch, made in the same technique, was obtained by Sofya Uzdenova, and Dzyurakh Herman made a very cute elk out of autumn leaves. Head of children Tatyana Viktorovna Ushanova.

The submitted works by Kuprina Elmira, headed by Evgenia Andreevna Tambovtseva, are a synthesis of different technologies: drawing and appliqué. Medko Timofey, head Svetlana Anatolyevna Antipova, also performed his work in the same technique. Interesting take on you guys! Two other pupils of Svetlana Anatolyevna - Evsyukov Zakhar and Mezhevikin Dmitry - are also passionate about drawing.

There were also collective works in our competition. For example, the guys from the Golden Fish group, leader Tatyana Vladimirovna Malinovskaya, created a bright and unusual autumn tree, decorating the door to their office with it.

The children of Natalia Vladislavovna Belova drew a wonderful autumn landscape, the guys feel the color well.

The joint work of the students of Natalia Nikolaevna Solodchenko turned out to be very bright and interesting. Each image of this application explores joy!

Pupils of Anna Evgenievna Vikhareva, they are only two years old, drew an original tree - with palm leaves 🙂 It even has something in common with our logo 🙂

It is impossible not to say a few words about our young artists. The main subject of their image is a beautiful autumn forest. And this is not surprising, since nature plays an important role in the development of visual abilities in children. The main thing that our participants are endowed with is the desire to display the beauty they have seen, “forests clad in crimson and gold.” To do this, you need a little: a landscape sheet, paints. And now parents, educators, members of the jury are already admiring your picture.

A lot of autumn trees were drawn by our participants, but there were no such ones as Potimko Maxim, Davydenko Nikita and Kandina Sophia. The children are endowed with the ability to see and feel the expressiveness of the subject. The work is meticulous and meticulous. Leaders of the guys: Natalya Arnoldovna Chistyakova, Anastasia Vladimirovna Putintseva.

Drawings by Daria Frolovicheva, leader Olga Vladimirovna Dyakonova, Serebryakova Ekaterina, leader Olga Ivanovna Zhuravleva, clearly show that the children have an excellent sense of color and use brushes and paints, they can accurately convey the atmosphere of autumn nature.

Chashkina Regina, director Nadezhda Ivanovna Arzyamova, called her watercolor “Hello, golden autumn”, depicting a beautiful alley immersed in autumn foliage, which is why it is so bright.

Everyone relates to autumn in their own way, but for most children, autumn causes a feeling of joy. This is felt when looking at the drawings of Evgeny Petlevanny, head Elena Petrovna Vasilyeva, full of bright colors, and Alexandra Belyaeva, head Oksana Petrovna Belyaeva.

The children of Olga Vladimirovna Kartashova draw wonderfully. Very bright drawings, a riot of colors, interesting stories. Leave a very bright impression! Valyaev Artem portrayed a brave cat-fisherman, calling his work "Autumn Fishing", and in the drawing by Kholina Polina called "Autumn Forest" you can see a cute hedgehog stockpiling for the winter.

The idea of ​​the drawing by Yeghina Alexandra, tutor Guzal Nailevna Ibragimova, is interesting. A very nice picture: in the autumn rain, a family of foxes in waterproof jackets brings a whole basket of cheese to the crow 🙂 Sasha turned out a very kind picture.

Leonova Dasha is still five years old, the leader is Alena Ivanovna Pashina, but even now her pictorial inclinations are visible. The work is meaningful, emotional richness. The inspiration of the author is conveyed by bright colors and the unity of the composition.

Pleasant to the eye landscapes were painted by Illarionova Lyudmila and Chibisova Polina. A harmonious combination of colors, correctly selected shades, conciseness - this is all about these drawings. Leaders of young artists - Aleshina Elena Olegovna, Klyap Oksana Vasilievna.

Shaginurova Zarina and Kupriyushkin Mikhail make only the first strokes, but it is felt that they are passionate about drawing in earnest. The leaders of the guys Elmira Gaptelshakurovna Galimova and Tatyana Nikolaevna Maul. And the work of Fedorvtseva Eva is distinguished by its originality, the leader is Tamara Vasilievna Kuznetsova.

Chuikova Varvara and Bautina Irina are diligent students of the art school. Why do we know we are diligent? Because they do great work! The group is headed by Anna Sergeevna Nasonenko.

The members of the jury also highly appreciated the fantasy of Kabitsyna Polina. The work is distinguished by the generalization of the created image. A good drawing on the autumn theme was also made by Alyabyeva Marina, the head of the girls, Maria Vasilievna Dolgan.

Klevanskaya Evgenia also has a wonderful autumn fantasy called "Red-haired Autumn", directed by Iya Vladimirovna Denisova.

Dmitrieva Gleba, leader Sirenya Rafikovna Mavlyutova, Gorobets Anastasia, leaders Evseenkova Lyudmila Mikhailovna and Yaradankulieva Inna Igorevna, Novoselskaya Polina, leader Svetlana Valerievna Panfilova, managed to convey the shape, proportions of the object, it is felt that children are endowed with the ability to see and convey the expressiveness of the autumn forest.

On your diplomas, guys, you will find photos of your competitive works sent by you. It is not always possible to save all the crafts, all the drawings of childhood, so we hope that the diplomas of the "Autumn Landscapes - 2017" competition will be a good memory for you, as well as a pleasant reminder of the past event.

Recitation competition

This time, for the first time, we combined the competition of drawings and handicrafts from competitions of readers, motivating this by the fact that autumn landscapes can be created not only with a brush, but also with a line of poetry. Often the competition of readers is the most difficult competition in technical terms, so only the most daring and courageous take it on 🙂

Thanks to your teachers-leaders: Evseenkova Lyudmila Mikhailovna, Yaradankulieva Inna Igorevna, Muranova Elena Olegovna, Medvedeva Svetlana Vasilievna, Demacheva Tatiana Nikolaevna, Karpova Elena Mikhailovna, Gulina Nadezhda Gennadievna, Fadeeva Nadezhda Georgievna, Evtishenkova Minzada Gazimovna, Zhuravleva Tatyana Ivanov no, Kruzhkova Galina Rudolfovna, Senkevich Irina Nikolaevna, Kurkina Natalya Borisovna.

Second stream

“Queen-Autumn is leaving, / Having given away her gifts ...” - it is with these poetic lines that we want to sum up the results of the second competition “Autumn Landscapes - 2017”

We are glad that our event found such a lively response among the children and their mentors: educators, teachers. So far, this is the most massive competition in the two years of the project's existence.

All drawings and crafts are good, in each work the individuality of the author is visible. The results are below in the final table, but we would like to note some works separately.

The handicraft of Oborina Maria, the leader Galina Vladimirovna Sibiryakova, seemed to us very similar to the famous character of Russian fairy tales Baba Yaga. But how original, with what tact and understanding Masha called her work - "Forest Beauty" 🙂 Well, what, Baba Yaga turned out to be really pretty pretty.

But Shpet Roman imagined Baba Yaga differently. His Baba Yaga apparently lives in northern forests and is already trying on a white fur coat for the new season with might and main 🙂 Roman not only created the image, but also made a good hut for his heroine. Vera Maryanovna Mikhavko helped him in this.

The handicraft of Roman Ionov, the head of Aziz Gabil kyzy Lachynzade, also attracted our attention. Roman made Mr. Snail with his own hands, with a mustache according to the latest fashion, in a top hat, and anyone will envy such antennas! Very interesting and unusual work!

"Well, why am I worse?" - looking at Mr. Snail, Diana's hedgehog Dovganich thought and also decided to grow a gorgeous mustache! Polina Tsyplakova created a miracle tree from cones, Yulia Chikareva created a cheerful fungus from peas and beans, and Valeria Vtorova and Margarita Zenova created interesting flower arrangements. All this was done by the pupils of Lyudmila Vyacheslavovna Zaitseva.

Another hedgehog, which was made from paper by Polina Melnikova, the leader Elena Vladimirovna Dyudyaeva, decided to stand out even more and painted her needles in a pleasant pink color!

To make crafts from the gifts of autumn, you often need to be smart and have a well-developed imagination. Petrenko Taisiya has all this, she made a hedgehog from a zucchini (supervisor Regina Zakhirovna Mikhailova). On his needles, he carries a generous harvest of ripe apples and even grapes 🙂

And Korablina Yulia got a millet-buckwheat hedgehog! Hard work that requires attention and perseverance! Helped Yulia Valentina Yuryevna Pomazova.

No less cute and economic hedgehogs turned out at Vasilisa Semyonova, leader Gulnara Khaydyarovna Shamryukova, Kudashova Alisa, leader Nailya Rafaelovna Shaipova ... Thank you guys for your creativity and work!

We saw many different hedgehogs in the forest clearings. And Ermakova Natalya and her leaders Bauer Tatyana Valeryevna and Khromtsova Maria Sergeevna decided that it was time for the hedgehog to get its own home. The house is durable, made of beams. Natasha even made a fence, folded a woodpile. And so that the hedgehog was not bored, I placed his friends nearby. We are calm for the hedgehog: the winter will be warm, it will be fun and satisfying! Well done, Natasha!

Mirzomurodova Anisa remembered another forest dweller, whom other participants somehow ignored, and made a cute craft “Autumn Bear Cub”, and Skripnichenko Daniil created a beautiful composition of yellow maple leaves. If only everyone could see her! It seemed to us that in front of us was a gold bar. But they were beautiful roses. Head of children Klochko Elena Yurievna.

Our participants did not forget even about the king of animals - the lion! What a fantasy Shevelova Alice (leader Olga Alexandrovna Kirillova) has! She created the lion's mane from autumn leaves.

The fantasy of Voynovskaya Milla brought to life a charming bull with a straw barrel 🙂 The craft is very interesting and not easy. Here is the bull itself, and the courtyard with knitted firewood, a corral, a dog and a duck. It all fits together and looks great. Head of Milla Angelina Sergeevna Zelenskaya.

And there are crafts, at first glance, simple, like those of Angelika Khalatyan, head Elena Mikhailovna Vavilova, but at the same time they look beautiful and bright, aesthetically not inferior to more complex works.

The solid house was built by Yegor Vermiyash, despite the fact that it is still small. Not a house, but a house where everything is thought out for a comfortable life: a staircase to the second floor, a terrace, a carport, bushes, flowers, a tree. Well done, Egor (supervisor Valentina Nikolaevna Samoylenko)!

Goncharenko Vasily also made a house for the spider. Pumpkin house, durable, tied skillful hands, a cobweb, a bright red bunch of mountain ash, a blue-eyed romantic spider - this is Vasily's handicraft (head Tatyana Nikolaevna Chernova).

What a bright Borovik craft turned out by Queen Veronica! The work is distinguished by accuracy, a good color scheme. Not only the leaves decorated the mushroom, but the berries also gave it elegance. And when we admired the autumn landscape of Kuzmina Sophia, the famous Pushkin lines came to our mind: “The sky was already breathing in autumn, the sun was shining less often ...” She is only 5 years old, but she already knows the skills of perspective. The leader of the children is the teacher Svetlana Vladimirovna Sergeeva.

Cones are a very common material for autumn crafts. It was from them that Chekunova Anastasia, the leader Yulia Sergeevna Krasilnikova, made her wonderful basket. It can be seen that Anastasia was preparing for the competition thoroughly, thinking through everything in detail: the stand is combined with a rowan bunch, and Nastya herself looks like a fairy-tale heroine. Very aesthetically pleasing and neat work, Nastya. Well done!

What are fruit vases? Glass, crystal, porcelain. “No, I will have an unusual one: from autumn leaves!” - decided Trusev Artem, leader Elena Valerievna Polkovnikova. In it, he placed as many autumn gifts as possible, thereby proving the generosity of our nature.

We were pleasantly surprised by the work of Podoprigora Dasha, head Svetlana Yuryevna Korotkova, with her mastery of embroidery. Dasha embroidered a basket with gifts of autumn: red pepper, onion, eggplant. Very skillful work. Not everyone immediately understood that these were threads, and not shading, that is, it was embroidery, not a drawing!

The children of Ekaterina Petrovna Pavlinova also did their best. A very thrifty hedgehog with an expressive nose was created by Dyadkova Sandra, and Krasnov Alexander demonstrated a good sense of color and understanding of the basics of composition, creating his bouquet "Fantasy Autumn" from golden cones, roses and red rowan. We think that Alexander Krasnov will definitely become a florist in the future: there are prerequisites for this.

Handymen of all trades children of Nadezhda Leonidovna Gerasimova. Sizarev Anton knows a lot about mushrooms, Novikova Tatiana easily manages with plasticine and she gets a whole family of charming little hedgehogs, and Melikhov Georgy is on you with colored paper and as a result - a great autumn tree 🙂

What a touching idyll of plasticine was created by Valentina Bakhtiguzina, head Marina Petrovna Bilaya. Judge for yourself how nice it is to sit on a bench near your house, next to which huge pumpkins have grown, autumn gifts are in a basket, a thrifty squirrel is resting on a tree branch. In a word, beauty!

In addition to a creative mood and suddenly surging inspiration, for a good craft, patience, accuracy and perseverance are also needed. Sophia Nikulina has all this, she made an autumn tree out of colored paper, patiently cutting and pasting each leaf. Victoria Alexandrovna Silchenko can be rightfully satisfied with her pupil.

Kozmina Valeria is older and her work is more difficult, but the efforts spent are worth the result: we really liked Valeria's autumn owl, teacher-supervisor Maria Aleksandrovna Tarasova. Congratulations, Valeria, on your victory!

Autumn is not only a rich harvest, the rustling of leaves underfoot and English spleen, but also September 1! Well, of course, one of the main holidays of autumn is Knowledge Day. And the owl, as you know, is a symbol of wisdom and education. It was in this image that the good-natured owl Artem Korshunov appeared before us with the alphabet under her wing (leader Olga Aleksandrovna Zierova).

Other, no less remarkable owls, were also obtained by Dmitry Bulygin, head Susanna Levonovna Avetyan; the owl of Vladimir Gamaev is distinguished by originality: Volodya just looked more closely at the autumn leaves (head Marshalkina Alesya Vasilievna); but the owls of Kamenskaya Anna (head Sanarova Ekaterina Igorevna) are distinguished by a cheerful disposition; Zolotukhin Sasha, together with Chernova Tatyana Nikolaevna, decided to concentrate all their attention only on the head of an owl, this work is distinguished, first of all, by creative imagination.

“It's good to meet autumn in the countryside,” we thought, looking at the handicraft of Arina Minlikaeva, head Ilmira Mansafovna Mukhametshina. Here the house is cozy, and the river is nearby, and the carrot crop is excellent, and a family of cute hedgehogs lives nearby, and if you cross the bridge to the other side, you will find yourself in a small forest generous with mushrooms.

Dyakov Dmitry drew inspiration from places familiar from childhood. His work is a combination of drawing and appliqué using natural materials. Dmitry depicted the Uchan-Su waterfall in the Crimea. This work is not without originality, for example, green leaves are trees when viewed from a height. The teacher-supervisor is Irina Georgievna Gaenko.

Many guys imagine autumn in the form of a Beautiful Lady. Often, autumn leaves are woven into her hair. These are the works of Sophia Gurina, leader Kristina Valerievna Panova. Other guys make different decorations for the autumn beauty, for example, wreaths of leaves and fruits, as Victoria Bobkova did, leader Svetlana Andreevna Fedyashova. But to build a house is a man's business, and Mandrykin Artyom, the head of Luiza Vladimirovna Prokopyeva, did an excellent job with it. There is a solid fence, and a tree in the garden, and there is even a sign! Artem also took care of the interior of the dwelling - there is a comfortable bed, a dining area and even curtains on the windows 🙂

We also had a few crafts that did not quite correspond to the theme of the competition, but they were masterfully made, so we cannot but mention them! No wonder scarlet sails are considered a symbol of hope. With the hope of winning the competition, Ananina Anna made her craft, the leader Natalya Vagivovna Lyapunova. And I was not mistaken! May hope, Anya, never leave you!

If we could take all the autumn trees created by the participants of the competition, we would have a wonderful autumn forest! Their variations on this theme were presented by Terekhin Elisey, leader Galina Sergeevna Smirnova; guys from kindergarten No. 18 of the city of Izhevsk (head Karpova Elena Vladislavovna); Rogalsky Dima was inspired by Tamara Vasilievna Bezborodova; Konankov Artyom, leader Kuznetsova Tatyana Alekseevna; Filatova Eva (supervisor Filatova Ekaterina Mikhailovna).

A special place in this forest would be occupied by the tree of Kleina Sophia, leader Regina Galievna Zagorodnova. Sophia made not an ordinary tree, but a topiary, that is, a “tree of happiness”. And not just sent a photo of the finished craft, but attached a whole step-by-step master class!

We also had group work. Talented children from tutors Valentina Alekseevna Khvostenko and Svetlana Valentinovna Bezlepkina. Color tint, clear lines, knowledge of not only flora but also the animal, this landscape is different. Only hardworking and diligent children could draw such a picture. Well done boys! Your collective work brought us joy and good mood.

Now let's see the creations of our young artists. There really is something to see 🙂

Recently, non-traditional drawing techniques are gaining more and more popularity. An example of such work is the painting with salt "Autumn Forest", which was made by children from kindergarten No. 434 in Barnaul. It is not surprising that young people also walk through such a beautiful forest - an interesting solution was to add figures of young people cut out of a magazine. Svetlana Sergeevna Tumashova helped the children in creating this canvas.

No less talented were the pupils of Elena Vladislavovna Karpova, who submitted their drawing of an autumn forest to the competition already in the traditional drawing technique using appliqué elements.

Albina Griboyedova's landscape is distinguished by thin lines, original swans, and bright colors. Shchemilinina Yaroslava needed a lot of patience to create an autumn sketch. Head of young artists Yulia Olegovna Zhuravleva.

Polina Ovchinnikova has an unusual drawing technique, the leader is Snezhana Rinatovna Eremeeva. But, looking at her painting “A flock of white cranes is flying south…”, you understand that Polina masterfully masters this technique, and also has excellent command of color and knows how to create the right atmosphere.

Do you know autumn night? No, you don't know the autumn night! But Stepina Maria and her leader Tatyana Anatolyevna Luzina know! And now we know too 🙂 The night is coming. Silence. The moon that appeared in the sky and the stars illuminate the sleeping nature. Beautiful! Maria was able to convey all this in her drawing “Night Autumn”.

Everything is good in Maxim Arzyamov's drawing, directed by Svetlana Nikolaevna Semyonova: beautiful birch trees, slender Christmas trees, yellow-green grass, clouds slowly floating across the sky.

In the drawing “Autumn on the River Bank” by Molodtsova Evgenia, the necessary atmosphere is perfectly conveyed, the autumn park performed by Daniel Petukhov also attracts attention. Teachers-leaders Petr Alekseevich Bocharov and Tatyana Anatolyevna Aleksandrova.

Dedova Varvara makes her first strokes, the leader is Elena Vladimirovna Afonina; Dolgov Nikolai and Makar, under the guidance of mother Svetlana Nikolaevna. But interest in fine arts already felt. Albeit not quite on the topic of the competition, but a very good drawing was made by Elizaveta Sedykh, who is an illustration of the fairy tale about the Princess Nesmeyana. Furtseva Margarita is the author of an interesting plot-thematic drawing. From this landscape breathes such peace, the water in the lake is so clean that the swan is reflected in it in all its glory. The head of the young artists is Oksana Sergeevna Alemasova.

Shevchikhin Yegor (head Pelekh Irina Anatolyevna) called his landscape "Autumn in the mountains" and proved that the palette of nature is an inexhaustible source of emotional sensations. Elizaveta Shapovalova (head Zheleznyakova Svetlana Vasilievna) decided to dream up and presented autumn in the form of a female portrait. The portrait turned out to be gentle, and the use of yellow and orange colors filled it with warmth. The original portrait of autumn was created by pupils of Kindergarten No. 60 from the city of Blagoveshchensk, together with their teacher Sirotina Evgenia Valerievna. The external beauty, brightness and thoughtfulness of the attire make the audience admire the Beautiful Lady again and again.

Little Soldatova Xenia proudly holds her creation "My Kitten" in her hands. Very touching, Ksyusha, you made it, and the work was painstaking and required a lot of patience. Congratulations to you and your leaders Chekushkina Galina Nikolaevna and Kormieva Marina Viktorovna on high score. Ryabukhin Alyosha was inspired by the late autumn (head Kolosova Lyubov Vitalievna). There are no usual warm tones in his landscape, but shades of cool and neutral colors create a surprising contrast.

The work of Alexandra Otpuschennikova (headed by Elena V. Budnikova) is different high level technical skills, interesting idea. Nikitina Polina prefers small details: a maple branch won her over with its shape and color. We will not hide: she conquered us too. Head Burmistrova Natalya Viktorovna.

Mandarin, kiwi, apples. For many, this is a delicious fruit. But Luzanova Varya (head Epaneshnikova Vera Andreevna) picked up an interesting image for each of them. And this is not just healthy fruit, but a fun company.

Bolokhova Anastasia (head Sokolova Elena Gennadievna), Shkitova Anna (head Balabuev Ilya Alexandrovich), Akhmedova Leyla (head Mordukhovich Olga Alexandrovna) and Titaeva Victoria (head Nudga Nadezhda Pavlovna) are middle-level students, therefore their landscapes are distinguished by a thoughtful design, the ability to feel the expressiveness of the subject fill it with emotional richness. Girls not only love, but also know how to draw. Professional skills in these landscapes are visible.

Creative children at Gerasimova Nadezhda Leonidovna. Her pupils mastered various techniques well. Georgy Melikov “grew” his tree with great care, Tatyana Novikova successfully chose plasticine for her plan, and Anton Sizarev made us once again admire the gifts of the forest.

If we are already talking about the activity of the contestants, then we cannot remain silent about kindergarten No. 285 from Rostov-on-Don. Pupils of this institution master various technologies: work with plasticine, paper appliqué. Very time-consuming work that requires perseverance, accuracy, developed imagination. And all this in the classroom is instilled in children by Ovechko Anna Vladimirovna.

In MADOU No. 32 of the city of Murmansk, brave and capable children are brought up. They are not afraid of difficulties, so they took up the collective work "Autumn Murmansk" together with their leader Savelyeva Elena Konstantinovna. Your love for hometown The guys were able to convey rich colors, a beautiful landscape.

We experienced great joy when we learned about the existence of the Labor Army House of Creativity in our country. I am glad that in the House of Creativity, a professional teacher Gelmel Galina Alekseevna instills in children a love for the fine arts. It is felt that your students are not only seriously passionate about drawing, but they are also sure that the most important thing for a landscape painter is a diligent study of nature. “What diligence! What observation! - the members of the jury did not stop exclaiming, getting acquainted with the works. Looking at your landscapes, guys, you catch the smells and freshness of the forest, the mirror-like water surface, the harmony of birches, the blueness of the sky, haystacks ... We congratulate you on your victory and wish you further success.

You also rejoice for the children of Inna Vadimovna Kuchava. Pekhtelev Danil carefully placed his owl in a hollow. Surin's fantasy Alina recreated, apparently, her favorite fairy tale "The Three Little Pigs". Where, whose house will be determined by each building material from which the houses are made. Well done Alina! Someone will be surprised by a large zucchini, but Kirill Trigorlov's fantasy told him: to be a zucchini whale. And not just a whale, but a cheerful one. Shilov Prokhor painstakingly created his spider, but there is something to admire. And Dmitry Yakushkin was attracted by the porcini mushroom. And he decided: "Be him a giant." The tree of Yulia Sanochkina is rich in gifts. Well done boys!

Pyatigorsk means we have a road to go there. In this city there is MBDOU No. 45 "Rainbow", which impressed us with its activity, creative inclinations. Firstly, the children have interested educators: Alyabyeva Svetlana Alekseevna, Dimova Lidia Vasilievna, Nikitina Tatyana Aleksandrovna. Secondly, the initiative of educators finds support from parents. Third, Creative skills children develop successfully. Crafts by Milena Galitsina, Anna Katasonova, Denis Tsiryut (headed by Svetlana Alekseevna Alyabyeva) are distinguished by their brightness and unusual design. Kalugina Irina called her craft "Autumn Tale". Ira, this is really a fairy tale! "Autumn Enchantress" - the work of Sheiko Liza. We have seen many portraits of autumn, Lisa, but your Enchantress stands out for her originality of conception, grace, and good color scheme. We congratulate Ira, Lisa and, of course, their leader Dimova Lidia Vasilievna.

But we had the opportunity not only to appreciate the skill of children in creating crafts and drawings, but to see and hear the authors. Alyabyeva Svetlana Alekseevna, Nikitina Tatyana Alexandrovna, Dimova Lidia Vasilievna painstakingly prepared fourteen readers! A beautiful stage, well-dressed children, good reading - all the members of the jury were able to appreciate. The reading of Zakhar Mazalov, Milena Galitsina (headed by Svetlana Alekseevna Alyabyeva) is distinguished by special expressiveness and penetration. Good reading was demonstrated by Balasanyan Amalia (supervisor Alyabyeva Svetlana Alekseevna), Vu Ngok Ha, Konstantinova Sophia (supervisor Nikitina Tatyana Aleksandrovna). Congratulations to the children of the Parovozik group, teachers and parents with such good results!

Deserves special attention literary and musical composition "Golden Autumn" of the kindergarten of the combined type No. 48 "Crane" of the city district of Balashikha. Please accept congratulations on the victory, the guys of the "Karapuz" group, the teacher Yanbaeva Irina Nikolaevna and, of course, Gabova Stanislava Olegovna, the author of the idea and the director of the editing. Wonderful music, interesting readings of poems, beautiful drawings, autumn applications - everything pleased. And although sometimes the poems were repeated, the individuality of each reader was felt.

Many thanks to Anna Nagornova and her supervisor Olga Vladimirovna Suchkova for pleasant moments. Everything was carefully thought out in Anya's poetic composition: a good reading, a beautiful background with autumn signs, a headpiece, the final wish of the participant, her appearance. But most importantly, Anya loves Russian poetry, so she decided to present the autumn theme with poems by A.S. Pushkin, A.I. Feta, K.D. Balmont. We congratulate you, Anya, on your victory and hope that you will keep your love for poetry for the rest of your life.

Love for poetry is also instilled in children by Anna Konstantinovna Partsevskaya, the head of the creative club, which allows them to achieve good results: Maxim Ulyanov demonstrated the best reading.

Nagimullina Kamilla carefully prepared for the recording: good reading, the main friends of the book, even the listener was. Camilla chose a restrained manner of reading, but she was able to feel the main idea of ​​the poem. Congratulations to Kamilla and her leader Makeeva Tatyana Alexandrovna, teacher of Russian language and literature, with a good result.

A pleasant impression was left by the readers of Krasilnikova Yulia Sergeevna - Blinov Mikhail, Petrov Sergey. Seryozha succeeded well in the dialogue, the reading was convincing. We think that Vladimir Orlov, the author of the poem "Autumn Tasks", would be pleased with such a performance.

Dear children, teachers, parents, it is impossible to mark all the bright, original works. But, evaluating the work of the contestants, we saw their diligence, support from adults. The most important thing that any competition gives a child is movement forward, faith in one's own strength, a new impulse of creative energy.

Farewell, golden autumn! Hello winter winter!

Chairman of the Jury Anisimova Svetlana Albertovna, Honorary Worker general education RF

Project Manager Pavel Vladimirovich

Diplomas of participants who have chosen delivery of award documents by Russian Post will be sent on November 25. Scanned copies of your documents are already in the cloud.

Gratitude for teachers who have prepared three or more participants in the craft and drawing competition or two or more participants in the reading competition will be sent to email November 27th.

Dear friends!

Our autumn drawing competition has come to an end. We saw a lot of beautiful, bright, original and picturesque. The children depicted autumn in a variety of tones and colors. A team of experts and the chairman of the expert commission worked on summarizing the results. According to the results of the evaluation of the expert commission in each age category, three winners were determined!

In the category "Children from 2 to 5 years":
1 place:
Pingin Valera ""
2nd place: Sanatin Nikolai ""
3rd place: Shimolin Avdey ""

In the category "Children from 10 to 15 years old":
1 place:
Chernykh Alexey ""
2nd place: Tyurenkova Lada ""
3rd place:Zubekina Vasilisa " "

Congratulations to the winners!

Reception completed! Please don't pay more!

Dear friends! The most colorful and most unpredictable time of the year is coming! … and it’s true that autumn is so different: sometimes it’s golden and bright, sometimes it’s rainy and cold, sometimes it’s warm and friendly, sometimes it’s gloomy and windy. And yet, how beautiful and charming autumn is, this “golden” season! How many bright colors of nature and unusually colorful landscapes can be seen in autumn. Autumn time is a time of contemplation and creation! So how do children see autumn? We invite you to take part in international competition children's drawings "Such a different autumn"

Drawings on the autumn theme are accepted for the competition! The child can draw a bright forest landscape, harvesting, an autumn herbarium, a walk on a rainy gloomy day, or funny autumn games, for example, launching boats in puddles. It should be clear from the picture that it depicts autumn!

Girls and boys from 2 to 15 years old in their age categories can participate in the competition. Be sure to give the picture a name and talk about it (i.e. explain what is shown in the picture). The child must draw and compose the drawing and its description. If he still does not know how to write, an adult can do this, but verbatim from the words of the child.

You can draw with felt-tip pens, pencils, pastel crayons, paints, plasticine. And you can all together! Let your child show maximum imagination.

Please note that before the start of the competition without fail it is necessary to familiarize yourself with the rules of the competition, the requirements for the work and the instructions for adding works. All the necessary buttons with this information are located on the right upper corner of this competitive position (in green).

1. on the site;
2. in the competition;
3. Pay the organizing fee in the amount of 80 rubles (for each work);
5. Place your work for the competition in the appropriate age category using the links from the table below.

Acceptance of works: from September 1 to October 15, 2014 (23:59 Moscow time) inclusive;