Vowels o and e after sibilants in adjective suffixes. Video lesson “Letters O-E after sibilants in the endings of adjectives Adjectives with the ending ogo after sibilants

§ 1 Letters о-е after sibilants in the endings of adjectives

In this lesson, we will look at the rule about under what conditions the vowel o is written at the end of adjectives, and under what conditions - e, and we will learn how to apply this new rule.

What vowels should we write at the end of the adjectives good..goi big..go? The adjective good has an unstressed ending. In an adjective, the capital ending is stressed. The stems of each word end in a sibilant sh. These are exactly the conditions when the rule applies.

At the endings of adjectives after sibilants, o is written under stress, without stress - e.

Let's apply this rule to our adjectives: good..let's write E, because. after the hissing vowel there is no stress, and in the adjective big..go - O, since after the hissing vowel the vowel is stressed:

In proverbs:

In the endings of the highlighted adjectives big, alien, in accordance with the rule, after the hissing under stress, o is written, and in the prickly adjective without stress -e.

§ 2 Letters o-e after sibilants and Ts in the endings of nouns

Under these same conditions, vowels -о, -ев endings of nouns are written after sibilants and ц:

Therefore, the rule can be formulated for two parts of speech at once:

At the endings of nouns and adjectives, after sibilants and c, o is written under stress, without stress - e.

Let's look at the adjectives:

Can our rule be applied to these adjectives? No, you can’t: all the conditions are not met, because in the words: chocolate, sh..shlk, black, although the vowel comes after the hissing vowel, it is at the root of the word. For this case, we apply another rule, the rule of spelling the letters o, e after the sibilants at the root of the word.

§ 3 Memo

In order to better remember the spelling pattern you are studying and the rule for spelling the letters o-e after sibilants at the end of adjectives, read the poem:

It will help you remember the material of this lesson and the rule.

List of used literature:

  1. Babkina M.V. Thematic and lesson planning for the textbook “Russian Language” for grade 5, edited by E.A. Bystrova / Babkina M.V. - M.: LLC " Russian word- textbook", 2011. - 152 p.
  2. Gdalevich L.A., Fudim E.D. Russian language lessons in 5th grade: Book. for the teacher: From work experience. - M.: Education, 1991. – 176 p.
  3. Calendar and thematic planning “Russian language grade 5” according to the textbook: “Russian language grade V”. Textbook for general education institutions. Authors and compilers: Ladyzhenskaya T.A., Baranov M.T., Trostentsova L.A. and others - M.: Education, 2012. Federal State Educational Standard.
  4. Kapinos V.I. Speech development: theory and practice of teaching [Text]: 5-7 grades: Book. for the teacher / V.I. Kapinos, N.N. Sergeeva, M.S. Soloveychik. - 2nd ed. - M.: Linka-Press, 1994. - 196 p.
  5. Knigina M.P. 5th grade. Tests: at 2 o'clock. – Saratov: Lyceum, 2006. – Part 1. – 64 s.
  6. Kozhina M.N. Stylistics of the Russian language. – M., 1983.
  7. Lvov M. R. Dictionary-reference book on the methods of the Russian language. - M., 1988. - 240 p.
  8. Nikitina E.I. Russian language. Russian speech. 5th grade. 19th ed., erased. - M.: 2010. - 192 p.
  9. Ozhegov S.I., Shvedova N.Yu. Dictionary Russian language. - M., 1992.
  10. The program of the course “Russian language” for textbooks edited by E.A. Bystrova for grades 5-9 of general education institutions / ed. E.A. Bystrovoy, L.V. Kibireva. - M.: LLC "Russian Word - Textbook", 2012. - 64 p.
  11. Romanova S.A. Thematic development of Russian language lessons. 5th grade. - M.: School - Press, 1999. - 176 p.
  12. Russian language V class. Textbook for general education institutions. Authors and compilers: Ladyzhenskaya T.A., Baranov M.T., Trostentsova L.A. and others - M.: Education, 2012. Federal State Educational Standard.
  13. Russian language reference materials: tutorial for students of M.T. Baranov, T.A. Kostyaeva, A.V. Prudnikova; edited by N.M. Shansky. - M.: Education, 1993. - 287 p.
  14. Russian language. Textbook for pedagogical students Institute for specialties No. 2121 “Pedagogy and methods of beginning. training." In 2 parts. Part I. Introduction to the science of language. Russian language. General information. Lexicology of modern Russian literary language. Phonetics. Graphics and spelling
  15. Russian language: textbook for 5th grade of general education institutions: at 2 p.m. Part 1 / E.A. Bystrova, L.V. Kibireva, Yu.N. Gosteva et al.; edited by E.A. Bystrovoy. - M.: LLC "Russian Word - Textbook", 2013. - 280 p. - Federal State Educational Standard.

Municipal educational institution

Volodarskaya high school

Abstract open lesson

Russian language

in grade 6B on the topic:

“Vowels O and E after sibilants

in adjective suffixes"

Compiled by a teacher of Russian language and literature

1 qualification category

Kurbatova Nina Sergeevna

Ulyanovsk, 2018

Lesson objectives:


    Teaching students how to form adjectives using suffixes-ov-, -ev- .

    Mastering the rules of writing lettersoh after the hissing andts in the specified suffixes.


    Development of thinking, logic, analysis and systematization skills, identifying essential features and properties, and drawing general conclusions.

    Development of the ability to apply knowledge in practice.

    Formation of skills in partial search cognitive activity, independence.

    Development of speech culture.


    Foster mutual respect.

    To cultivate a love for the Russian language, a sense of beauty and creative imagination in students.

Rock type : a lesson in “discovering” new knowledge

Lesson type : lesson-research

Technology : problem-dialogue

Equipment : projector, cards, illustrative and handout material, presentation.


Motivation to educational activities

(20 sec).

Hello! My name is Nina Sergeevna. Today I will give you a Russian language lesson. I'm very glad to see you all.

Prepare to receive information.

Communicative UUD: be able to listen to your interlocutor

Updating knowledge, communicating the lesson topic, setting goals

(7 min)

Today we will play the role of linguists - researchers. We will have to keep our diary during the lesson, making notes on the material being studied. I ask you to pick up the diary of a linguist-researcher and write down your last and first name in it.

1 task. Word research. Classifying them according to their characteristics.

Write down the words with spellings:

For the first row " Letters O-E after the hissing words at the root"

For the second row “Letters O-E after sibilants in the suffix of nouns”

For the third row “Letters O-E after sibilants at the endings of nouns and adjectives”

Write down the words in the appropriate column, classifying them according to the location of the spelling in the word (root, suffix, ending).

Res..tka, street..y, doctor..m, dog..nka, daughter..nka, woman, sh..roh, friend..k, hedgehog..vy, prickly..go, squeak..howl, squirrel..nock, lead..howl.

Row 1, please name the words that you wrote in the first column: gr..tka, zh..lud, sh..rokh. What determines the choice of the correct spelling of words? (from root and accent. As well as the selection of words with the same root ) Let's draw a diagram.

Row 2, please name the words that you wrote in the second column: dog..nka, daughter..nka, friend..k. What determines the choice of the correct spelling of words? (from suffix and stress ) Let's draw a diagram.

Row 3, please name the words that you wrote in the third column: street..th, doctor..m, prickly..go. What determines the choice of the correct spelling of words? (from ending and accent ) Let's draw a diagram.

We did well. Guys, what words were left without a group? (adjectives). Why? Let's try, by analogy, to title the fourth column of the table for them - “Letters O-E after sibilants in the suffix of adjectives.”

What will the topic of our lesson be?“The letters O-E after sibilants in the suffix of adjectives.” Write the topic of the lesson in the researcher's journal.

The teacher listens, goes to the board, explains the spelling, processes the information, classifies words according to the location of the spelling in the word.

Cognitive UUD: be able to systematize the material obtained in previous lessons.

Communicative learning activities: be able to determine the purpose of educational activities, be able to listen to the interlocutor, formulate your own opinion and position.

Regulatory UUD:

Be able to find the necessary material in the dictionary, be able to plan your action in accordance with the task.


Formulation of the problem

(2 minutes.)

What is the purpose of our research? (Our goal is to develop the ability to apply the rule of writing lettersO-E after hissing adjective suffixes -OV-, -EV- ).

To achieve the research goal, we need to complete three tasks.

- What tasks will we solve to achieve this goal?

1) Formulate the spelling rule O-E after sibilants and C in the suffixes of adjectives -OV-, -EV-.

2) Create an algorithm for working with spelling. Reinforce the rule as you complete tasks.

3) Let's develop the skill of distinguishing the spelling of lettersO , e Ande after the hissing andts V various parts words different parts speech.

Students answer questions, work with the table, explain, give examples, determine the purpose of the learning activity with the help of the teacher and independently. Write down the topic in a notebook and determine the objectives of the lesson.

Communicative UUD: be able to express your thoughts orally, answer the teacher’s questions, hear and understand the speech of others.

Cognitive UUD: be able to explain phraseological units..

Regulatory learning activities: be able to determine the purpose of educational activities (stages) and tasks in collaboration with the teacher.


Discovery of new knowledge.

(3 min.)

Well done! And now, without turning to sources, by analogy with the first three columns, let’s try to examine column 4 and derive the rule ourselves.

Hedgehog..howl, food..howl, lead..howl.

What do these words have in common? (suffix) We display the diagram.

Formulate a rule. When are the letters O-E written after hissing adjectives in suffixes?

1. Let's turn to the reference material: p. 28 in the textbook. Read the rule, remember it and reproduce it with examples. (Students say the rule).

- What was our first task? Have we dealt with it?

They summarize the information, transfer the rule by heart, learn to correctly indicate the spelling (on the board and in the notebook).

To sum it up:completed the first task of the lesson

Regulatory management control: be able to carry out final control of activities (“What has been done?”).

Communicative UUD: be able to express your thoughts with accuracy and sufficient completeness.


Primary consolidation

(4 min.)

Physical education session (2 min)

Task 2. Create an algorithm for working with the rule.

    Based on the examples on the board, create an algorithm for marking spelling in diaries.

Drawing up the algorithm frontally. Let us comment on the compiled algorithm.


1.Identify part of speech (noun)

2. Determine in which part of the word the letter is missing (in the suffix)

3.Where does the emphasis fall?

4. If the suffix after sibilants is stressed, I write -o, and in other cases - e.

- What was our second task? Have we dealt with it?

Physical exercise (to movement music)

They work with the basic outline of the algorithm and fill it out.

Repeat the movements to the music after the teacher.

Cognitive UUD: be able to choose a solution, justify the choice.

Communicative UUD: be able to express your thoughts with accuracy and sufficient completeness, be able to take into account the opinion of a friend.


Incorporating new knowledge into the knowledge system and reviewing (5 min.)

Let's put our algorithm into practice.

Reception Spelling relay race.

The teacher gives the student in the first row a card with words. He will have to independently insert the missing spelling into one word, explaining it. Then he passes the piece of paper to his neighbor at his desk. And so along the chain to the end and back. Each student completes 2 words in total.









Test yourself!

Our first row will be experts. I give you the group work. Using the checklist, you should check the work and evaluate it.

In the meantime, while the experts are working, we will once again repeat our scheme and spelling algorithm for the spelling we are studying.

Cognitive UUD: be able to find the necessary information.


Independent work.

3 min

Now let’s check how you have learned this rule. Spelling O-E-E after sibilants and C (in the root, suffix, ending)

Task: Indicate the correct answer .

1. The letter E is written at the root

a) sh..lk b) sh..k c) sh..mouths d) sh..fer

2. The letter O is written in the suffix

a) cheap b) black c) glossy d) black

3. The letter E is written at the end

a) soot..b) key..m c) pencil..m d) owl..m

4. The letter E is written in the suffix

a) father..vsky b) frog..nock c) quartz..vsky d) worm..k

5. The letter O is written in the suffix

a) calico... b) glossy c) patterned d) manganese...

Independent work in the form of choosing a difficulty level in the form of a test, followed by mutual testing.

5 correct answers – 5 points

4 correct answers – 4 points

3 correct answers – 3 points

2 correct answers – 2 points

1 correct answer – 1 point


Lesson summary. Reflection

(2 minutes.)

What new did you learn today?

What have you learned? What did you discover?

What problems did you encounter? What was difficult?

Answers the teacher's questions.

Communicative skills: be able to answer questions, listen and understand others.

Regulatory management control: be able to evaluate the results of activities (one’s own, someone else’s)

Cognitive learning skills: be able to show creativity.



(1 min.)

Multi-level homework.

Compose a dictation of 20 words on the topic “The letters O and E after sibilants and C”or execute

- ex. 363 (distribute words into 4 groups)

- ex.362 (replace phrases)

Select a task from the ones offered.

Regulatory UUD: be able to assess your capabilities.


Reflection (1 min.)

Reception Ladder of Success

Children come up and place the little man (themselves) on the step that is closest to them.

Regulatory management control: be able to evaluate the results of activities (one’s own)

Date: 08/07/2013 Subject:

Live in a foreign city, start a big business, talk with best friend, achieve a good harvest, approach the nearest village, get lost in a dense forest, organize a powerful movement.

1. A fire is blazing hot near a large pine stump, blue, fragrant smoke is spreading. (S.-M.) 2. On the other side, even spring is not red. (Last.) 3. Golden streams of young hot light poured out. (Tyutch.) 4. Golden beetles were circling over the scarlet flowers of the fragrant rosehip. (A.I.T.) 5. The sky was surrounded by flying lightning. (Tyutch.) 6. There was a sunset all in an ominous fire (F. Sukhov.) 7. A mighty hissing, stomping, crackling of breaking blocks was heard. (Seraph.) 8. The boy climbed up the shaky, creaky stairs to the attic. (Naked) 9. Quiet valleys are full of fresh darkness. (L.)


Write down words with o - e after sibilants at the endings of nouns and adjectives in one column, with e - o after sibilants at the roots in another.

1. Great talent requires great hard work. (P. Tchaikovsky.) 2. In the evening twilight a large one-story house with a rusty iron roof and dark windows appeared. (Ch.) 3. Then with a heavy, soft movement of his entire large body, he threw the connecting rod off his shoulder and carried it to the side with outstretched arms. (Kag.) 4. The truck turned into a dacha village and stopped in front of a small dacha covered with ivy. (Hyde.) 5. Through the rustle of the wind, a distant, alien noise was mixed with the chatter of the birds. (Hyde.) 6. The white belly of a small pike and the black head of a large one that grabbed it appeared on a pink splash of water. (Prishv.) 7. With the soul of spring, nature came to life (Tyutch.) 8. Chu! Behind the white, smoky cloud, thunder rolled dully... (Tutch.) 9. We ran out of the closet with noise and whispers. (L.T.) 10. Fresh hay smells thickly of honey and wildflowers on a hot day. (CM.)

Spelling case endings of adjectives can be checked posing the question Which?, since the endings of the question word and the endings of adjectives coincide. The exception is the nominative case singular male, Where under stress the ending is written -Ouch(young Ouch man, field Ouch flower), and no accent is written th or -th(old th warrior, sin th handkerchief).

In the feminine gender in the nominative singular case it is written -and I or -yaya: new and I syn yaya sweater (which jacket?), and in the neuter gender it is written -oh or -her: new oh syn her coat (which coat?).

In plural the ending is written for all three genders -s or -ies: new s syn no scarves, dresses, sweaters (which?).

In the masculine and neuter gender, the ending is written in the instrumental case of the singular -th or -them(answers the question what?), and in the prepositional - -ohm or -eat(answers the question which one?): admired the new th syn them suit (dress), talked about new ohm syn eat suit (dress).

In the feminine gender in the accusative case the singular ending is written -yy or -yuyu(answers the question which one?), and in the instrumental - -Ouch or -to her (-oh or -her) (answers the question Which? which one?): bought new wow syn yuyu jacket, admire the new Ouch (-oh) sin to her (-her) jacket.

After the sizzling at the end of adjectives under stress is written oh no accent is written e, For example: stranger O wow, great O wow, stranger O mu, big O mu; redhead e oh, more e go, red e mu, more eat at(compare with nouns).

After sibilants in adjectives under stress the suffix is ​​written -ov-(penny ov oh, hedgehog ov oh, brocade ov oh, canvas ov y), and no accent- suffix -ev-(plush ev oh, klu h ev water).

    Note. Something to remember writing a word desh ёв th(cf. cheaper).

In short adjectives under stress after sibilants is written O: the food is hot O (O ending), funny O n (O fluent in suffix).

In adjectives on -th, -ya, -ye(fox, fox, fox) in all forms, except nominative and accusative cases of singular masculine gender (fox), before graduation is written b: fox b him, fox b him, fox b And etc.

Diminutive adjectives are formed using a suffix -enk-: syn yenk oh, fat yenk th; after g, k, x possible and -onk-, And -enk-: lay down onk th And lay down yenk yay, wide onk th And wide yenk oh, quiet onk th And quiet yenk th.

In the suffix -an-, -yan- forming adjectives from nouns, one is written n: leather en oh, sand en oh, silver yang oh, except for three words: tree Jann oh, tin Jann y, glass Jann th.

In adjectives formed using a suffix -n- from nouns with a stem on n, spelled two n: kame nn oh, with nn oh, long nn th.

    Note. From such adjectives must be distinguished adjectives with one n: Yu n oh, sir n Ouch etc. (they Dont Have suffix -n-).

In the suffix -in- forming adjectives from nouns with the meaning of belonging or property, one is written n: goose in oh, sparrow in oh, donkey in th.

    Note. One n is written in a noun GOST in and I, which used to be an adjective: living room.

In the suffix -he N- forming adjectives from foreign words , spelled two n: division he N oh, revolution he N oh, constitution he N th.

In the suffix -enn- forming adjectives from nouns, two are written n: productions enne oh, celebrations enne oh, related enne oh, straw enne oh, cranberries enne th.

    Note 1. Adjective wind en th written with one n. Adjectives with prefixes formed from the word wind , written with two n: without wind enne oh, behind wind enne oh, under wind enne th and so on. It is necessary to distinguish adjectives wind en th(with suffix -en-) And wind yang Ouch(with suffix -yan-). Suffix -en- written in adjectives meaning “with the wind”: wind en and I weather (weather with wind), wind en oh summer (summer with the wind), as well as used in figurative meaning: wind en and I young woman, wind en oh behavior. These adjectives have a short form: the weather is windy, the girl is windy. Suffix -yan- used in adjectives meaning “driven by the wind”: wind yang and I mill, wind yang Ouch engine. These adjectives do not have a short form. With suffix -yan- the name of the disease is also written: wind yang smallpox(chickenpox).

    Note 2. In the first stem of compound adjectives two are written n, if it is formed from an adjective with two n: wave nn o-tractor station(mashi station nn aya and tractor), wagon nn o-locomotive park(car park nn y and locomotive). But if the first stem is formed from a noun on n, then it says one thing n: wave n construction plant(machine construction plant), wagon n repair plant(wagon repair plant).

    Note 3. Nouns on -Nick--nitsa And -ness, formed from adjectives with two n, are also written with two n: morning nn y-morning nn IR; society nn y-society nn IR society nn itza-society nn awn; revolutionary nn th-revolution nn awn; production nn y-production nn IR; tse nn y-tse nn awn, and educated from adjectives with one n are also written with one n: hemp n y - hemp n ik, sand n y - sand n ik, yu n y - y n awn.

    Note 4. With two n nouns formed using suffixes are also written -Nick-nitsa from nouns with a stem on n: be friends n a - be friends nn ir-friend nn itza, mosh n a-moshe nn ik-moshe nn itza.

Full adjectives having two n, save them in a short form: tse nn this thing is the thing nn A.

Before the suffix -sk- letter b written after l(village - village b sk ii) and in adjectives formed from the names of the months of ny, ry: December b sk th, November b sk th, jun b sk th, july b sk th(exception: word January sk th).

In other cases, after n And R before the suffix -sk- letter b not written: horse n sk hey, hero - rich R sk th.

To distinguish suffixes -To- And -sk-, we must remember what with the suffix -To- qualitative adjectives are formed, which have a short form(bottom To th - low, narrow To й - narrow), and with the suffix -sk-- relative adjectives, not having a short form(Frenchman sk yy, Kyrgyz sk oh, Circassian sk y).

    Note. From nouns with a stem on k, h And ts relative adjectives are formed with a suffix -To- , and sounds To And h are replaced by sound ts: kaza To- kaza ts To oh, yeah h-tka ts To oh, no ts- mute ts To th. But in some, mainly bookish, formations sounds To And h do not change and the suffix is ​​used -sk-: Uzbek To-Uzbek To sk yay, Ugli h-coals h sk y, also Pfahl ts-pfal ts sk th.

Adjectives on -yny in short form ends with -en: calmly yny-calm en, it's clear yny-it's sunny en , except worthy yny- worthy in .

    Note. Short form participles honored from the verb honor written according to general rule: honored en .

Are being written With capital letter adjectives, formed from proper names using suffixes -ov-, -ev-, -in-, -yn-(Gave ev dictionary, Ivan ov oh childhood, Liz in and the doll, Zhuchk in s puppies, etc.) with the exception of phraseological combinations used in a figurative sense, in which lost contact with own name (Adam ov oh apple, based ov and illness, sissy f ov labor, prokr y hundred bed, etc.).

Are being written lowercase adjectives, formed from people's own names, if adjectives contain a suffix -sk- (T Urgenev sk"Notes of a Hunter" P Ushkin sk y style, l Ermontov sk prose, etc.).

    Note. Capitalized adjectives are written with a suffix -sk-, If they are part of names that have meanings "name, memory", For example: L Omonosov sk no reading, L enin sk and I bonus.