Illidan - heroes of Heroes of the Storm (HOTS). Hero's Story: Illidan Illidan and Tyrand fanfiction

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Many players were excited to see Illidan Stormrage return to Legion, and it's no surprise. Illidan is a well-developed character with an interesting history, and some wonder why he didn't try to contact his brother and lover after returning. In past life paths Illidan, Malfurion and Tyrande were closely intertwined - for example, during the War of the Ancients, which occurred several thousand years ago. Now what? The connection, which existed for an incredibly long time, was interrupted in the Legion for some reason. Have the events of the Burning Crusade taught us nothing? There, all these characters also did not interact with each other in any way - Malfurion was in a coma and could not go with his brother to Outland, but now, after everything that happened in Val'sharah, why doesn't he fly to Argus and chat with his brother? Despite their rather strange relationship, Malfurion and Illidan certainly care about each other - after all, the same blood flows in their veins, no matter where fate takes them. Will Illidan be able to reunite with Malfurion and Tyrande? Let's find out.

Judging by the information that appeared on Wowhead, the story of everyone's favorite characters will continue in the near future, and although they will not speak to each other directly, Illidan will give us a crystal so that we can give it to Tyrande and Malfurion in Azeroth. Why doesn't he take the crystal himself? According to information about the ending of the expansion, Illidan, with the support of the Pantheon, plans to lure Sargeras into a trap and plunge him into stasis, thereby putting an end to the invasion of the Burning Legion. That is, the developers reintroduced Illidan into the game only to send him somewhere far away again. It's cruel, but this is what redemption looks like in the eyes of his people. Note that I said “in the eyes of his people” because I personally think that Illidan did not sin too much. Yes, some of his actions were radical, but from the point of view of the final goal, they were all justified.

The crystal that Illidan gives us contains a message addressed to his brother: “Malfurion! We fought with each other even in our mother's womb. This struggle continued throughout my life. You followed the path that Cenarius showed you. I heard a different call. I craved power, but not to command and conquer. I wanted to protect Azeroth from an unstoppable enemy. You never supported my intentions - partly, I myself am to blame for this. But now that my fate has been decided, I would like to reconcile the differences that divided us. The Legion has fallen, but new threats are yet to come, and I don't know who can deal with them better than you, brother. You have spent your life making Azeroth the way you want it to be. Now you have to fight for what he has become. Take care of Tyrande. Listen to her advice. She was always the best of us. The journey will be long, but no matter what happens, carry the name Stormrage with honor."

Malfurion reacted to this: “My brother was selfish and caused a lot of harm, his actions are difficult to forgive, but still there were times when we fought shoulder to shoulder. We had a common goal... Those were good days. But now is not the time for personal thoughts and regrets. We must save our world, its soul is beating in agony."

Personally, I think Malfurion could have been more lenient given what Illidan has done. After all, defeating the Legion was his goal too. I like that he mentions the old days, but he doesn't seem to remember what Illidan had to sacrifice or how zealously he defended Azeroth. And in general, his answer sounds very cold and distant, not at all brotherly. I had the strong impression that there was something missing and that Malfurion could have said a lot more. Illidan went to prison, was killed, was resurrected and sacrificed himself again, and after that he heard this...

Of course, I'm glad that Illidan and Malfurion finally talked, but I was expecting something a little more emotional... human or something. Illidan spoke well - he described the relationship with his brother, admitted that each of them made the right choice, despite the fact that their paths diverged. Illidan saw Malfurion as a brother from beginning to end, and he assigned an important role in eliminating future threats. Without a doubt, Illidan still trusts Malfurion and hopes for him, which, in general, is understandable, because Malfurion is an experienced druid who won the battle with the Emerald Nightmare and Xavius. It is possible that he will play an important role in the wars of the future, along with other characters, as he did in Legion, but Illidan will no longer help his brother in this.

Still, I was glad to hear the dialogue between the demon hunter and the druid, because in Burning Crusade they showed us nothing at all on this topic.

And in his speech, Illidan remembered Tyrande and I again want to note that his lines were very well developed. Don't they touch the soul?

!!! “Tyranda... You once trusted me so much that you went against Malfurion’s will and freed me from prison, but over time this faith dried up. Like my brother, you decided that the choices I made led me into darkness. Know that every action I took led me to a single goal. I wanted to save our world. I didn’t know half measures, I didn’t compromise. Whenever I began to doubt myself, I clung to one single thought... the thought of you. You have always represented the virtue of Azeroth, Tyrande. Faith in you did not fade away in me even in the darkest times. Now I see my destiny clearly. I know what I must do, and I entrust the defense of Azeroth to you and my brother. Take care of him, Tyrande. I wish your heart would have made a different choice, but I know that it was not mistaken.”

Tyrande responded: “Words of repentance... are they worth believing? After Illidan was defeated at the top of the Black Temple, I tried to get rid of my feelings. I felt disappointed and bitter. When I learned that Illidan was alive and leading an army into battle with the Burning Legion on the Broken Shore, I could not bring myself to talk to him. But the time for talking has passed. Duty calls him, just as it does us.”

And again, Tyrande’s words sound somehow stingy and dry, despite the fact that she seems to be aware of the trials that befell Illidan, understands what dictated his choice and why it was necessary. In the War of the Ancients novel and Warcraft 3, Illidan and Tyrande shared a close bond, so I expected a lot more emotional response from Tyrande. Illidan is amazingly honest and his words are heartfelt - whoever wrote them clearly loves this story. The last line completely left me speechless. I've always wondered why fate treated Illidan so cruelly; wasn't the path of a demon hunter enough? No, he fell in love with a woman who could not reciprocate his feelings, and then he also admitted that this decision on her part was correct. Illidan has definitely changed a lot over the years. In the War of the Ancients, he tried to convince Tyrande that Malfurion was not suitable for her, did not want to accept refusal and was angry to such an extent that it seemed to others that he was ready to hurt someone (of course, he would never do this). Since then, he had come a long way, recognized Malfurion as a brother and realized that he could not command his heart.

The only strange thing I find in all of this is Tyrande’s phrase: “When I learned that Illidan was alive and leading an army into battle with the Burning Legion on the Broken Shore...” At the time of Illidan’s return, Tyrande was in the Nighthold, and she , it was probably a little out of the question, but the fact that she “couldn’t bring herself to talk to him” goes some way to explaining the complete lack of plot development throughout the expansion. However, we have already received more than in the Burning Crusade, despite the fact that Malfurion's reaction leaves much to be desired...

I hasten to remind you that Tyrande, Malfurion and Illidan will never speak to each other directly, and all messages will be transmitted using the crystal.

Tell me, are you satisfied with this outcome? Personally, I'd like to see more details, not at the end, but gradually throughout the expansion - maybe when Illidan returns in the Nightholds... but at least what we have is still better than nothing .


Illidan Stormrage, a night elf turned demon, one of the key characters in the WarCraft universe. Illidan was an ordinary member of the night elf race. Malfurion Stormrage was Illidan's brother, and together they fought back the demon during the First War of the Ancients. From an early age, Illidan tried to practice and use the magic of the Druids, but he was attracted to sorcery more than the magic of the land of the Druids. In addition to magic, the night elf had strong feelings for Tyrande Whisperwind, but she chose Malfurion.

For his talents, strength and courage, Illidan became the personal wizard of the highborne war leader Ravencrest.

The Highborne Queen Azshara helped the Eredar creature Archimonde and his demons launch an invasion of Kalimdor. Azshara's treachery became known to everyone.

Malfurion convinced his brother to leave his queen and help him close the portal and stop the demons. Illidan listened to his brother. But when Cenarius, Alexstrasza, Ysera and the dragons entered the battle, Malfurion realized that the forces of the demons were great and it was not enough to defeat them in an equal battle. The Druid believed that the only way to stop the invasion and close the portal was by destroying the Source of Eternity. This idea greatly outraged Illidan, since the source was the place from which the elves received strength and immortality, so the loss of the Source of Eternity was too great a price for Illidan. In addition, the night elf discovered that he was attracted to the forces of the Burning Legion, in which, behind the chaotic behavior, he saw a real magical frequency. The satyr Xavius ​​saw this and used his confusion to fill Illidan's mind with doubt, causing the elf to use the power of the Burning Legion to become stronger, while Illidan himself believed that he was helping to defeat the Legion. This led to him giving the “Demon Soul” to Sargeras to strengthen the portal.

Illidan went to Zin-Azshari. There he falsely swore allegiance to Azshara and Mannoroth. Illidan's plan was to obtain the "Demon Soul" - an artifact of great power that was created by Deathwing, who at the time was known as Naltharion - the Guardian of the Earth.

The “Demon Soul” was able to close the portal through which demons entered Kalimdor. To use it, Illidan needed to become even stronger. He was eventually brought before Sargeras (former Titan, now Demon Lord), who saw through the night elf's plan to obtain the "Demon Soul" for the Legion. The Titan was pleased with the plan and gave Illidan a gift in exchange for his loyalty. Illidan's eyes were burned out by Sargeras, who was still on the other side of the portal, and in their place the elf received vision that allowed him to see any kind of magic, hidden demons, satyrs and other creatures. Thanks to this vision, Illidan dealt with many demons, for which he received the nickname - Demon Hunter. Tattoos were applied to the body to enhance the effect of demonic and arcane magic.

Queen Azshara was fascinated by the "new" Illidan (who cared greatly about her opinion), but remained cautious, sending Captain Varothen to assist the night elf in his search for the Demon Soul.

Having reached the source of eternity. Illidan asks Malfurion to close the demon portal, to which he replies that he needs to buy time to close the entrance to the world of Kalimdor. Tyrande saw that the entire forest was infested with demons, and they knew what the elves were up to. Having gotten rid of the demons, their path is blocked by two “Magmatic Messengers of Death”. Illidan uses a bottle containing the “waters of eternity” and pours it on himself, gaining power, he easily destroyed the giants. Proceeding further along the way, they meet Captain Varothen and the elite guards. Tyrande and her guardians fight the servants of Azshara, and Illidan rushes to Mannoroth (Lord of the Underworld).

After Tyrande dealt with the guards, she began to cover Illidan from the constant attacks of demons with the help of the power of Elune. In the battle, Illidan uses an arcane spell and defeats Mannoroth, sending him to the demon world. Malfurion closes the portal.

After the Great Sundering, Illidan, having filled seven vials with water from the Well of Eternity, climbed to the peak of Mount Hyjal, where he found a small quiet lake into which he poured the contents of three vials. The rapid chaos of energy that arose destroyed the lake, turning it into a new Source of Eternity.

Illidan's joy did not last long until he was discovered by Malfurion, Tyrande and the rest of the night elf leaders, who were horrified by what he had done. Unable to accept the fact that his brother had committed such treason, Malfurion tried once again to explain to his brother the stupidity and depravity of his chosen path. He tried to convey to him that the magic used by Illidan was chaotic in nature and, as long as it existed, could lead to nothing but destruction. Illidan refused to listen, so enraptured by the power of this magic that he mistook his brother for an ignorant fool. He claimed that this magic would be needed when the Legion returned.

The complete lack of understanding shocked and angered Malfurion, who realized that Illidan was lost forever due to the influence of magic. He ordered his brother to be imprisoned deep under Mount Hyjal, far from everyone. The famous warrior and jailer of the night elves named Maiev was chosen as a guard.

WarCraft III: Reign of Chaos

10,000 years have passed, suddenly in the darkness Illidan hears a voice that is like moonlight in the midst of centuries-old darkness, it was the voice of Tyrande. She freed him and told him about the Legion's new invasion of Kalimdor. Illidan agrees to fight demons for the sake of love for Tyrande, but not for love of his people. Coming out of the dungeon they meet Malfurion. At the meeting, the druid was not happy with his brother and in the conversation Malfurion said that he did not want anything to do with the traitor. After a failed meeting, Illidan sets out to show his brother his true power and prove that demons can no longer control him. In the thicket of Felwood Forest, Illidan meets Arthas, after a small battle, the Death Knight claims that they have common interests. The source of corruption in the Ashenval Forest is the Skull of Gul-Dan - a powerful artifact kept by the demons under the command of Tikondrus (Lord of Terror).

The thirst for magic and power again took possession of Illidan. Having reached the artifact, he acquired new strength. The corruption of the forests was stopped, Illidan became a half-demon. His appearance also underwent changes; wings, horns and hooves appeared like those of demons, and he began to leave fiery traces.

Thanks to the power of the skull, Illidan could transform into the new kind a demon who could hit an enemy at a distance and burn him with the heat of the underworld at close range.

He attacked one of the most powerful Nathrezim (Tikondrus) and destroyed him. Malfurion and Tyrande suddenly appear, and the druid banishes his brother from the Ashenvale Forest forever for using demon magic.

WarCraft III: Frozen Throne

Some time later, through the portal, Kiljaeden contacts Illidan, who promised new strength and power in exchange for the obedience of the Demon Hunter. His order was to destroy the Frozen Throne. Using his vision, Illidan finds and awakens the naga, led by Lady Vaishi.

Jailer Maiev of the Nightwatcher clan, Illidan's former jailer, is on the trail of her escaped prisoner to put him back in chains. Illidan went to the ancient and ruined city of Sadalar, which rose from the depths of the sea to land. On this island there was a tomb containing the remains of Sargeras, which Illidan needed. Having taken the ancient artifact “Burning Eye of Sargeras”, he was going to go to the lands of Lordaeron. Illidan was fed up with Maiev constantly breathing down her back, he decided to deal with her and sent nagas to attack her camp, near the shore of Sadalar. But Malfurion and Tyrande arrive with reinforcements. The forces are not equal, Illidan tells the druid that he has a new master and sails off to the lands of Lordaeron to carry out his plan. Having arrived, he begins to carry out a ritual with the help of the “Eye” to destroy the Frozen Throne. But again, his brother ruins all the plans, stops the ritual and grabs Illidan with the help of the forces of nature. The jailer, accusing him of treason, sentences him to death penalty. The druid says that Illidan became such a demon that Tyrande died because of him. Not knowing what he is talking about, the demon hunter claims that he did not harm Tyrande, but all this time he was trying to defeat their common enemy - the Lich King, by destroying the Frozen Throne. Kael'thas intervenes in the conversation, saying that the priestess may be alive and was simply carried away by the current. For his betrayal, Malfurion captured Maiev and released Illidan from the shackles of the plants. Illidan volunteered to find and save Tyrande. After arguing, Malfurion admits that the naga will reach Tyrande much faster, given the fact that she was carried away by the current of the Erevas River. Furthermore, it was obvious that despite Illidan becoming a demon, he would never harm her. A few hours later, Malfurion and Illidan were already walking along the banks of the Erevas River, looking for traces of Tyrande. Once on the island, Tyrande and the elf built a small defensive camp, which was constantly attacked by small detachments of undead. Illidan convinces Malfurion that he will quickly get to Tyrande and save her, asks the druid to protect him from attacks from the undead from the air. When Illidan appeared with a group of naga, Tyrande thought that he had come to kill her. Instead, Illidan and his naga began to fight the undead side by side with Tyrande's elves. The combined forces were able to break away from the Scourge and reunite with Malfurion and the other night elves. Tyrande and Malfurion were filled with joy. Illidan caused much destruction and suffering, but his salvation of Tyrande prevented Malfurion from sending his brother to prison or sentencing him to death. He releases Illidan and warns him never to threaten his people again.

Illidan opened a portal to Outland, said goodbye and ran into it. Shortly after he left, Maiev arrived and Tyrande tried to stop the angry overseer, but to no avail. Without hesitation, Maiev and her warriors set out to follow Illidan.

Arriving in Draenor, Illidan is captured and captured by Maiev. Lady Vashj and Kelthas free Illidan from Maiev's captivity. When Illidan wakes up, he invites Keltas to swear allegiance to him under the conditions that he and his people will never again suffer from a thirst for magic. After some time, Illidan talks about his agreement with Kiljaeden and plans to destroy all the demons in Outland so that the lord of the Legion does not find him.

Two days later, Kael, Illidan and Lady Vashj decide to destroy the gate through which Magtheridon transports demons to Outland. Having closed the gates and deprived Magtheridon of reinforcements, Illidan plans to capture the Dark Citadel and become the ruler of Outland. That evening, Illidan gathered his army and prepared to attack. But then the Draenei arrive - the ancient inhabitants of Outland, led by Akama.

The united army of Akama, Vaisha, Illidan and Kael sweeps away the bloody orcs and demons, Mageridon dies, and Illidan becomes the ruler of Outland and leaves the Black Temple as his base.

Illidan's triumph did not last long. Soon after the victory, a furious whirlwind of fire and steel burst into the Dark Citadel, and Kiljaeden himself arrived. Illidan began to make excuses that all this time he had been gathering an army to destroy the Frozen Throne. Eredar gave Illidan one last chance to destroy the Frozen Throne. After the conversation, Illidan gathered an army and went to Northrend.

Arriving, Illidan learns that Arthas is in a hurry to protect the Frozen Throne. Illidan orders him to be detained while he performs a ritual to clear the passage to the entrance to the snowy tower at the peak of which there was a throne. Having completed the ritual, Illidan approaches the entrance to the throne room. But at the last moment Arthas appears and in the battle he seriously wounds Illidan.

World of WarCraft: Burning Crusade

After an unsuccessful assault on Icecrown and a wound inflicted by Arthas's rune sword, Illidan returned to the Dark Citadel where he continued to rule. All his military commanders fled. Keltas, after the Battle of the Frozen Throne, betrayed Illidan and captured the Naaru fortress. Lady Vaishi took an uncertain position. Akama generally convened adventurers from Azeroth, prepared and carried out the murder of Illidan, in which the jailer Maiev Shadowsong also took part.

Let's not forget that Illidan became a demon, and demons don't die, they go to the underworld. Perhaps the famous Demon Hunter will be able to get out of there too.

Blades of Azzinoth

The legendary double-bladed crescent-shaped Blades of Azzinoth, a weapon that Illidan received from the demon Azzinoth from the Doomguard, killing him in the War of the Ancients. The blades gave an advantage in defense and attack to the owner, and their magical ability was to summon the Flame of Azzinoth, 2 fire elements fighting on the side of the owner, but only Illidan learned to wield this ability. In World of WarCraft, these blades can be obtained by a player in a raid (Black Temple) by killing Illidan and receiving one of them with a 5% drop chance. By collecting them you can get the legendary achievement "Owner of the Blades of Azzinoth."

Hearthstone: Heroes of WarCraft

In Hearthstone, Illidan is a legendary card often used by warlocks or decks with a lot of spells and cheap cards. The opponent's mood deteriorates greatly when he sees the famous demon hunter and a huge amount of Azzinoth's flames on the table.

"Traitor... In fact, they betrayed me. Persecuted by everyone, rejected by everyone... But I, blind, see what is inaccessible to the sighted - that sometimes fate needs to be hastened. And now - forward. And may the shadow of doom overtake all who will get in our way."


Race:Demon/Night Elf hybrid (Demon)

Class:(all), Mage, Fighter, Warrior, Rogue (RPG)


Location:Temple Summit, Black Temple

Illidan Stormrage is currently the self-proclaimed Lord of Outland, ruling over it from the Black Temple. He was born a night elf, and is now called Maiev Shadowsong, "neither demon nor night elf, but something more." He is the twin brother of Malfurion Stormrage and was (possibly still) in love with Tyrande Whisperwind. Once an extraordinarily gifted sorcerer, today the magnitude of his power is difficult to categorize, thanks to increasing his strength in vast quantities as a demon hunter, sorcerer, and absorbing the power of the Skull of Gul'dan.
His quest for power and mastery of dark magic led him to commit many horrific deeds against his people and the races of Azeroth, including siding with Sargeras during the War of the Ancients and creating the second Well of Eternity. For his actions, he was imprisoned for ten thousand years, until his release during the Third War. He became known as the Traitor for his actions against the night elves and now also bears the title of Lord of Outland. He was introduced as a raid boss in the Black Temple in Patch 2.1.

War of the Ancients

It should be noted that the "changed history" is associated with official history Warcraft.
Illidan (also known as the Betrayer), Malfurion's twin brother, practiced High Magic. In his youth, he tried to become a master of druid power like his brother, but sorcery called to him in a way that earth magic could not. Unlike his brother, Illidan was born with amber eyes, a sign at the time great destiny However, this actually indicated the innate potential of the druid. When Malfurion and Tyrande found their destiny, Illidan was still searching for his. He himself is not the Supreme, but nevertheless, he became the personal commander of Black Raven.

When Archimonde launched his invasion of Azeroth, Azshara's treason became known and Malfurion convinced Illidan to abandon his queen. Illidan followed his brother. But when Cenarius and the dragons joined the battle, Malfurion realized that their enemy was too strong to fall in battle. To end the invasion, he planned to destroy the Well of Eternity. This idea horrified Illidan. This Well was the source of his magic - and gave the elves immortality - and its loss was too great a price for him to pay. In addition, the night elves noticed that he became more and more delighted with the forces of the Burning Legion, despite the impeccable magic that lay at the origin of their chaotic behavior. The night elves fought to defend their lands, and the Burning Legion's numbers seemed undiminished. The satyr Xavius ​​took advantage of his doubts, using his confusion to plant fruits of destruction in Illidan's mind, which forced him to seek the power used by the Burning Legion so that he could become stronger. He thought it would help defeat the Burning Legion, but in reality he helped them by giving Sargeras the Demon Soul to make the portal stronger.

Illidan had strong feelings for Tyrande Whisperwind, the new priestess of the Sisters of Elune. Illidan was so eager to impress Tyrande that he often acted thoughtlessly, especially in magic; he didn't realize that these actions were not what the priestess was looking for in a soul mate. But while Illidan fought for her heart, none of them realized that the battle ended as soon as it began; Tyrande chose Malfurion almost from the very beginning. Xavius ​​knew this and used his power to cloud Illidan's thoughts, convincing him that if Malfurion died, then Illidan would no longer have a rival for Tyrande's love. Eventually, the sight of Tyrande in the arms of his brother Malfurion destroyed his connection with the defenders.

Illidan, with a new plan consuming his mind, traveled to Zin-Azshari, where he pretended to be loyal to Azshara and Mannoroth. Illidan's plan was to obtain the Demon Soul, an artifact of great power created by Deathwing, also known as Neltharion, the Guardian of the Earth, which had the ability to close portals that allowed demons to enter Kalimdor. However, to put his plan into action, Illidan must gain more power. He appeared before Sargeras, who quickly realized the night elf's plan - to obtain the Demon Soul for the Legion. Sargeras was pleased with this plan, and gave Illidan a "gift" for his loyalty. Illidan's eyes were burned out by Sargeras, allowing the elf to see all types of magic, and mysterious tattoos covered his body. Azshara was fascinated by the "new" Illidan, but remained cautious, sending Captain Varo'then to accompany Illidan on his quest for the Demon Soul.

Illidan from Destruction.

After the Great Sundering, Illidan, who had filled seven bottles with water from the Well of Eternity, explored the top of Mount Hyjal, where he found a small, calm lake. There he poured the contents of three bottles into the water. Chaotic energy quickly manifested itself, coloring the lake and transforming it into a new Well of Eternity. However, Illidan's joy was short-lived when his brother Malfurion, Tyrande and the remnants of the Kaldorei leaders found him - they were shocked by what he had done. Malfurion could not believe that his brother could commit such treason, he again tried to explain to Illidan the stupidity of his action. The magic he insisted on was chaotic in nature, and could only bring destruction as long as it existed. Illidan refused to listen, he was so enraptured by the power of magic that his brother seemed like an ignorant fool to him. Illidan stated that this magic should make the Burning Legion never return.

The lack of remorse shook Malfurion to the core and he became angry with his brother, now realizing that Illidan was lost forever, by magical power. He ordered it to be imprisoned deep beneath Hyjal and kept far from sight and mind.

Release from prison

Illidan languished in a lightless prison for 10,000 years. Califax, Protector of the Grove, and a contingent of night elves kept a constant watch over the Traitor. Liberation came unexpectedly at the hands of Tyrande, who killed the night elf guards in hopes of using Illdan against the Legion, which returned to Azeroth with the Scourge. With his love for Tyrande undimmed by millennia of imprisonment, Illidan agreed to help. He vowed to push the Legion back and leave the night elves forever.

Illidan became a black demon after absorbing the power of the Skull of Guld'an.

Malfurion opposed Tyrande's decision, thinking that freeing Illidan was a disastrous mistake. Upset that his brother had not changed and eager to prove to him that the demons no longer controlled him, Illidan left Malfurion behind, leading the night elf forces into the Felwood to hunt down the Legion. During this time, in Felwood, he met Arthas, Champion of the Lich King, and they fought in battle. According to Illidan, the battle could have gone on forever. He stopped the duel and wanted to know why Arthas came to him. Arthas responded openly, talking about the Skull of Gul'dan, a demonic artifact that was corrupting the Felwood. He explained that if the artifact was destroyed, then the decay of the forests should stop. To make sure that Illidan fell for the bait, Arthas did not give details about the power of the Skull , adding that his master knows of Illidan's thirst for power. Although Illidan did not trust Arthas, he still sought the Skull and its power.

The Great Gate Demon protected the Skull and Illidan and his forces had to fight to gain access to the artifact. Driven by necessity and the belief that with increased power he could reform in Tyrande's eyes, Illidan absorbed the powers of the Skull of Gul'Dan. Dark forces The great sorcerer transformed the body of the night elf, turning him into a half-demon, and giving him the strength to fight the Legion. Transforming into a demon, Illidan killed Tichondrius and defeated his troops. But with victory came devastation. Tyrande and Malfurion sensed the demonic power lurking within Illidan and turned away from him in disgust and disappointment. Malfurion harshly criticized his brother, convinced that Illidan had traded his soul for even more power. Enraged, Malfurion drove his brother from the forests.

Feeling his sacrifice and underappreciated success, Illidan muttered "So be" and left the lands of the night elves.

Demon service

After the defeat of the Legion, Illidan was visited by Kil'jaeden, who, paying attention to Illidan's good results in the battle with the Legion, offered him one last chance to serve them. The demon ordered Illidan to find the Frozen Throne and destroy it. Nerzhul became too strong for Kil'jaeden, he could no longer control it, and Illidan was given the role of executioner, in exchange for strength and magic. The demon gave him the Orb of Kil'jaeden to help him in this task.

Having united his memory with the memory of Gul "Dan, Illidan learned about the existence of the tomb of Sargares, and a plan matured in his head. Using his new power, the former Demon Hunter called upon the forces that had been dormant in the depths of the ocean for millennia.

Illidan summoned the naga. The naga, once the kaldorei servants of Azshara, sought revenge on the night elves and other land races that had been spared the Great Schism. The Naga were led by Queen Azshara's former handmaiden, Lady Vashj. Maiev Shadowsong, Illidan's former volunteer jailer, was the first to face new enemies. Illidan fled to the port of Nendis, and satyrs and nagas covered his retreat. At the port, Illidan stole a boat and disappeared into the ocean, while part of his squad clashed with Mai's squad in battle.

Illidan came ashore on the Broken Isles - the destroyed remains of Suramar (ironic, in this city Illidan grew up) which was raised from the days of the ocean by Gul'dan and his sorcerers during the war with the Alliance, finding the Tomb of Sargeras.

Conflict on the Broken Isles

Maiev and a warband of Sentinels arrived on the Broken Isles shortly after Illidan, and the two forces clashed in brutal battle. Overcoming the resistance of the Nagas, the Night Elf fleet came close to the tomb, and the landing force led by Maiev and Naisha followed Illidan. With the knowledge of Gul'dan, Illidan quickly passed through the Tomb and came to the room where the Eye of Sargeras was kept. In order to get rid of the persistent pursuers, Illidan used the Eye and collapsed the Tomb, escaping through the underwater passages used by the nagas. Maiev managed to get out thanks to her magical abilities , however, a detachment of Sentinels led by Naisha died in the depths of the tomb.On the surface, Illidan and Maiev continued their battle after the Overseer sent a messenger for reinforcements from Ashenvale.

Illidan after receiving the Orb of Kil'jaeden.

Malfurion and Tyrande arrived at the Broken Isles with reinforcements. With their arrival, the forces of the night elves went on the offensive and Illidan's forces collapsed, but he himself and a detachment of his supporters managed to retreat. Tyranade pursued them and Illidan trapped her to protect himself and then warned her not to interfere. He retreated across the sea once more. During this war, Tyrande finally realized why she had rejected Illidan: too drunk on his growing magical and political power, he had forgotten his own inner strength. Malfurion, despite his increasing power, kept this power within himself. Armed with this knowledge, Illidan finally came to terms with his feelings.

Illidan landed on the shores of Lordaeron, and quickly made his way through Silverpine to Dalaran, where Illidan began using the Eye of Sargeras to shatter the polar ice cap and destroy Icecrown and the Frozen Throne. However, he was prevented by troops of night and light elves under the command of Malfurion and the commander of the light elves, Prince Kael'thas. Malfurion was sure that by destroying the cap of the world, Illidan would destroy the whole world. Illidan thought that in this way he would destroy the ice throne of the Lich King, their common enemy. Malfurion was furious with him because of the supposed death of Tyrande. However, Prince Kael'thas suggested that the Priestess was alive. Kael'thas explained that Tyrande was not "torn apart" by the undead, as Maiev told Malfurion, but fell into the river and was carried away by the current. Malfurion arrested Maiev and personally led the search for Tyrande. Illidan also joined the search for his beloved, leading an attack from the sea It was Illidan and his nagas who found Tyrande.

The Demon Hunter and his naga furiously attacked the undead and, breaking through the strongholds of the Scourge, reached Tyrande. Illidan helped her get out and brought her to Malfurion. The grateful brother told Illidan that he was free if he never threatened the night elves again. Illidan, wanting to end the conflict with his brother, agreed.[

Escape to Outland

Having betrayed the Legion, Illidan now hoped to hide in Outland. Having created the portal, the elf left his relatives, but he was not destined to find peace. Maiev's troops, refusing to submit to Malfurion, followed their leader. Thus began a new hunt for Illidan Stormrage.

Illidan was unable to hide from the Sentinels for long, and Maiev was soon captured. However, help came from where it was not expected. Troops of Nagas and Blood Elves, led by Vashj and Kael'thas, attacked the prisoner's guards and, defeating the forces of Maiev, freed Illidan. Vaishi introduced the Prince of the Bloodies to her leader. The grateful Illidan took the oath of the elves and appointed Kael'tas as his right hand.

At the head of the troops, Illidan attacked the portals through which Magtheridon, Lord of Outland, received reinforcements from the Legion. The Hell Orcs were unable to provide worthy resistance, and the portals were closed.

Illidan's troops entered the Black Temple, Illidan, who took the oath of Akama, the leader of the Broken, personally led the attack. With the help of new allies, the defenses of the Black Temple were broken, and Magtheridon himself was captured by Illidan and placed in the Hellfire Citadel. Defeated and submissive, Magtheridon could not believe that Illidan acted on his own, without the support of the Burning Legion.

March to the Frozen Throne

After the new flag flew over the Black Temple, Lady Vashj and Prince Kael'thas went up to the terrace to inspect their new possessions. It was then that Kil'jaeden appeared in all his unholy glory. Enraged by Illidan's defiance and attempted escape, the demon gave Illidan one last chance to destroy the frozen throne. Fury of the Storm, having gathered his troops, went to Northrend.

In the vastness of Northrend, Illidan, Vashj, and Kael'Tas entered into battle with the Scourge, led by Anub'arak. Having won their first victories, the troops moved towards the Ice Crown. However, Ner'zhul foresaw these events, and Arthas arrived in Northrend. Having defeated Illidan's troops on the coast, Arthas and Anub'arak descended into the ruins of Azjol-Nerub and arrived at the Ice Crown at the same time as Illidan's forces. A fierce battle broke out around the four obelisks that sealed the Frozen Throne. However, Illidan lost this battle, Arthas opened the door to the Frozen Throne and at the foot of it defeated Illidan Stormrage in battle, after which he left the battlefield, rising to the top of the Crown.

The troops of Vashj and Kael'thas retreated back to Outland, taking the weakened Illidan with them. The warrior survived, but was seriously wounded in a duel with Arthas. Returning to the Black Temple, Illidan began to accumulate strength again, preparing for a new, inevitable battle with the Burning Legion, which he's in Once again let me down

Note that the in-game animation between Illidan and Arthas was originally planned to be a video cinematic. Time constraints, however, forced the scene to be done inside the game. The developers have said that their greatest regret about this change is that many assumed Illidan died, when the video would have revealed that Illidan survived to watch Arthas's transformation.

A couple of pictures

Illidan is one of the few Heroes of the Storm characters who has no energy (mana, rage). Based on this, the only limitation for Illidan is the cooldown time of his abilities, which is reduced from auto-attacks due to his passive skill. This character has a small amount of health, but he is able to restore it from auto-attacks. All of Illidan's abilities indicate that he is an excellent initiator, albeit with a small amount of health.

Illidan Stormrage is the self-proclaimed Lord of Outland. He was born a night elf, the twin brother of Malfurion Stormrage, and was deeply in love with Tyrande, the Priestess of Elune. Illidan was an extraordinarily gifted sorcerer whose power became difficult to categorize. His desire for power and mastery of arcane magic led him to commit a number of terrible crimes against his own people and the other races of Azeroth, including his alliance with Sargeras during the War of the Ancients and the creation of the second Well of Eternity.

For his actions, Illidan was imprisoned for ten thousand years. Illidan, with the help of Tyrande, was able to escape. In the forest, he met Arthas, the champion of the Lich King, and fought with him. The strength of the fighters was equal, and the fight reached a dead end. Illidan stopped the duel and demanded an explanation from Arthas why he was following him. Arthas told the elf about the skull of Gul "dan - a demonic artifact that desecrates the forest. He explained that if you destroy the artifact, the corruption will leave the forest. In order for the bait to work, Arthas did not skimp on details, describing the power of the skull. Although Illidan did not trust Arthas, but everything -equally sought to gain the power of the skull.

Illidan summoned the naga people to the surface. The nagas, formerly the quel'dorei and minions of Azshara, wanted to take revenge on the night elves and other land races that had not suffered from the Great Schism. The nagas swam in the wake of Illidan, who came ashore on the Ruined Isles. It was these islands that Gul'dan and his warlocks raised from the ocean twenty years before this moment, and this is where the Tomb of Sargeras is located. Maiev and the Guardians arrived on the Shattered Isles shortly after Illidan. He had already reached the tomb, but Maiev was hot on his heels. Once she caught up with him, the elf and Lady Vashj activated a powerful artifact, and Illidan used the Eye to bring down the tomb vault on her, and then escaped through an underwater passage created by his naga. Although he killed Naisha and all the Guardians in the tomb, Maiev escaped using her magical abilities.

Illidan landed on the shores of Lordaeron, and through Silverpine headed towards Dalaran, where he planned to use the Eye of Sargeras to destroy polar ice, thereby destroying the Ice Crown and the Frozen Throne. But when he began to use the Eye, he was again interrupted by Maiev and Malfurion, thereby spoiling the spell. Malfurion felt Illidan's spell tearing the earth apart and decided that his brother had become dangerous to this world and needed to be stopped. Illidan called Malfurion a fool for trying to destroy the Lich King, their common enemy. After Malfurion released him, Illidan opened a portal to Outland, where he immediately fled, pursued by Maiev. Since Ner'zhul was still alive, he knew that Kil'jaeden's anger would not be long in coming, so he decided to find a world in which he would be safe. But even in this destroyed world, Maiev and the Guardians still pursued Illidan. The jailer caught him and put him in a cage.

Kael and Vashj saved him from prison. Illidan accepted the loyalty of the blood elves, and made Kael his right hand. When they entered the Black Temple, Illidan met Akama there, leader of the Broken, who also swore allegiance to the elf. Magtheridon noted Illidan's extraordinary strength and suggested that the demon was an envoy of the Legion, sent by his masters to test the Overlord. But Illidan only laughed at this suggestion and replied that he was not a test, but a replacement, and imprisoned him under the Hellfire Citadel. As soon as Illidan gathered the forces of Outland under a new banner, Kil'jaeden appeared in all his terrifying majesty. The demon wanted to punish Illidan for his foolish attempts to hide, but Illidan quickly declared that he was gathering an army for a second strike on the Frozen Throne. Kil'jaeden, noting that Illidan “managed to gather a good army,” gave the elf another chance to serve the demons.

Illidan, Vashj, and Kael laid siege to Northrend and fought the forces of Anub'arak who stood in their way. But Ner'zhul, realizing that he was finished if he did nothing, called Arthas to Northrend to complete his plan, which he planned months earlier. Illidan's army reached Icecrown just as Arthas and Anub'arak made their way through Azjol-Nerub, and the two factions fought in an epic battle. Arthas opened the doors leading to the Frozen Throne. But Illidan did not stop. Meeting at the foot of the glacier , Arthas and Illidan fought again. After several minutes, Arthas broke through Illidan's defense and defeated the elf. Illidan Stormrage fell into the snow dead, or so it seemed. He was seriously wounded, but not killed. Arthas feared this, and before leaving, warned Illidan to leave Azeroth and never return.When Vashj and Kael realized that they could not destroy the Frozen Throne, they retreated back to Outland, taking Illidan with them.

Having finally moved to Outland, Illidan started a causeless war with Shattrath City. Eventually it becomes known that Akama is conspiring to end Illidan's tyranny. He frees Maiev Shadowsong. With the help of adventurers, Akama and his Ashtongue servants fight to protect the temple and ultimately challenge the Traitor. During the battle, Maiev appears, freeing the adventurers from one of Illidan's spells, helping them in battle. During the battle, Maiev remembers everything that has hurt her during this time, from being forced to guard Illidan's prison to the atrocities that led to Naisha's death.

At the end, when Illidan is close to his death, Maiev rejoices that he is finally defeated, but before he dies, Illidan tells her that a huntress is nothing without the hunt. Akama once again became the master of the Black Temple and vowed to fill its corridors with light, as it once was.

Illidan's Story

Illidan's Story

Original writing: Illidan Stormrage

Also known as: Traitor

Demon type: unique

Faction affiliation: independent

Illidan Stormrage, a half-night elf, half-demon traitor, currently rules the Outlands from his Black Temple.

General information

Illidan's Story

Illidan's Story

Illidan is the twin brother of Malfurion Stormrage, who, like his brother, was childhood friends with Tyrande Whisperwind millennia before the Great Rift. Unlike Malfurion, Illidan lacked the patience to learn the ins and outs of Druidry and proved to be a poor student, despite their teacher being the demigod Cenarius.

However, Illidan had a talent for magic, which was the main occupation of night elf society at the time. However, his magical abilities were of little consolation, since he was born with golden eyes, which was very rare among night elves before the Rift. Although golden eyes were generally considered a sign of future greatness, Illidan showed no signs of achieving anything more. Little did Illidan also know that his eyes actually spoke of great druidic potential.

Admired by the mystical arcane magic, he learned incredibly complex spells, but to his disappointment, the Moon Sentinels did not accept him into their ranks, even despite his ability to magic. Despite this, Illidan was convinced that he would become a hero to his people.

He soon found another compelling reason to achieve greatness. One day during the festival, he saw Tyrande dancing in the crowd and realized that he had fallen in love with her. Over the years, he fell in love with her kindness, her laughter, her beauty and her loyalty.

His joy was only dimmed by the fact that Malfurion also had strong feelings for Tyrande, although his brother did not immediately realize this. Illidan understood that Tyrande would definitely choose either him or Malfurion as his beloved. It depended only on which twin showed himself to be more worthy in her eyes.

Illidan redoubled his efforts in mastering the arcana and rejoiced when he got the chance and quickly decision gave him the opportunity to save the life of Lord Kur'talos Ravencrest. The grateful noble made Illidan his personal magician and began to have great faith in the courage and magic of his new protégé.

Unfortunately, the demon who tried to kill Ravencrest was only the first of many that were about to appear on ancient Kalimdor. The first invasion of the Burning Legion has begun.

War of the Ancients

Illidan's Story

Illidan's Story

Ravencrest organized an army of night elves to fight the demonic invasion. When the leader of the Moon Guard, Latosius, was killed in battle, Illidan seized the opportunity. He led the surviving mages and channeled their collective strength, achieving significant success and killing many of the Legion's minions. Despite this, the war looked hopeless as more and more reinforcements arrived from the Twisted Nether.

At a critical moment in the war, Malfurion refused to obey Ravencrest's orders and left the night elf army. He set out on a risky journey: he planned to find flocks of dragons and turn to them for help. In a fit of emotion, Illidan met with Tyrande and told her that he could no longer remain silent. He confessed his love to her and said that Malfurion had gone completely mad in his pursuit of Druidry.

Worried about Malfurion, Tyrande condemned Illidan, who realized that he had confessed too late. She had already made her choice and it was not Illidan. Once again, Malfurion effortlessly achieved what Illidan could not. Only this victory was especially bitter, since Malfurion still did not realize his love for Tyrande.

The pain of unrequited love haunted Illidan, and he found himself having dark thoughts. He couldn't even imagine that at that moment he was being influenced by Lord Xavius, a satyr capable of spreading corruption to the Legion. Eventually, Illidan also left the camp, but he left for a completely different purpose. He sought Sargeras, creator of the Burning Legion.

Illidan swore allegiance to the dark titan, for which Sargeras gave him great power. He burned out Illidan's eyes and gave the empty sockets a magically enhanced gaze. As his next reward, Sargeras inflicted an intertwining network of tattoos on Illidan's body, which imbued the night elf with powerful arcana energy.

For this undoubted betrayal, Illidan later became known as “The Traitor.” Although he helped the Burning Legion slightly, he eventually sided with his brother Malfurion and the night elves. Together with his brother, he closed the portal that the Highborne courtiers had opened right in the Well of Eternity, thus preventing the appearance of Sargeras in Azeroth, which would have led to the destruction of the world. Shortly before the portal closed, a group of Highborne rebelled against the Legion and, led by Dath" Remar Sunstrider, united with the main army of the night elves.

Dark Path

Illidan's Story

Illidan's Story

Azeroth was saved, but the abuse of the Well's magic caused it to self-absorb, splitting ancient Kalimdor into several parts. A new ocean appeared, and the night elf defenders had to flee from the oncoming waves. Having reached the mountains of Hyjal, the night elves were finally able to rest: the waters of the ocean had reached their limit.

Before the Well exploded, Illidan managed to fill several vials with water. He was confident that despite the night elves' victory, the Legion would return someday. Despite the fact that it just ended destructive war, he believed that only arcane magic could save the night elves from a second invasion. So he found a secluded lake at the top of Mount Hyjal and poured three vials into it, irreversibly turning it into the second Well of Eternity.

He thought that his people would praise him as a hero. He was wrong.

A small group of night elves, including several repentant Highborne, discovered what Illidan had done and were horrified. Illidan thought that the Highborne would try to capture the Well, as they did with the first Well, and attacked them. Malfurion arrived a little later and helped capture his twin brother.

As Illidan's brother and war hero, Malfurion was allowed to decide future fate his brother. Amazed by Illidan's power, Malfurion decided that Illidan was too dangerous to remain free. But even under such conditions, Malfurion could not sentence his brother to death. Instead, Illidan was sentenced to a more severe punishment: he was imprisoned for the rest of his immortal life. As a result of Malfurion's so-called mercy, Illidan spent the next ten thousand years in isolation, imprisoned deep underground, guarded by the Overseers.

Lost Soul: The Third War

Illidan's Story

Illidan's Story

Confirming Illidan's fears, the Burning Legion invaded Azeroth again during the Third War. Tyrande, head of the night elf government, awakened Malfurion from his slumber, and together they headed underground to awaken the rest of the druids. Along the way, Tyrande found herself in Illidan's prison, and the priestess thought that he could be a strong ally in the war. Although Malfurion warned her, she led her Guardians to prison.

The guards would not give up their prisoner without a fight, so Tyrande and her soldiers killed the guards blocking the path to Illidan's cell. She told the prisoner that his people once again needed his help in fighting the Burning Legion.

Illidan agreed to fight against the Legion. However, his long and unjustified imprisonment was difficult for him. He said that he agreed not out of loyalty to his people, but only for her well-being.

Free at last, he followed Tyrande up into the infested forests of Felwood. Tyrande and her soldiers went to look for Malfurion, who was awakening the last sleeping druids. She believed that by presenting Illidan's freedom as a fact of life, she could convince her beloved to give her twin brother another chance.

Left alone, Illidan came across the death knight Arthas Menethil, who told him that the demons infecting Felwood used a magical artifact for this: the Skull of Gul"dan. Arthas explained to him that the Lich King would be very grateful if Illidan stole this artifact for him. But in essence, Arthas suggested that Illidan take the artifact's power for himself.

Illidan still craved magic and was confident that by mastering the power of the skull, he could defeat the Legion forces in Felwood. Despite his suspicions about Arthas' motives, Illidan still stole the artifact and consumed it, taking its powers for himself. Having already been marked by Sargeras earlier during the War of the Ancients, Illidan finally turned into a demon immediately after absorbing the demonic powers of the skull.

Using his newfound power, Illidan killed Tichondrius the Darkener, the leader of the demons infecting Felwood. Shortly after Illidan's victory, Tyrande and Malfurion returned to the forest and confronted Illidan. At first, none of them recognized Illidan in the form of a powerful demon. Upon learning what had happened, Malfurion became angry and, rejecting all of Illidan's merits, condemned him. Still responsible for deciding Illidan's fate, Malfurion banished him from the lands of the night elves.

The new punishment did not surprise Illidan. Malfurion had always found it unpleasant to deal with powers other than those he and Tyrande possessed. Let the self-confident brother of Illadan limit himself to so-called “safe” magic. Let him walk in his precious Emerald Dream while life in Azeroth passes him by. Illidan would never have accepted such a death in his lifetime.

If Illidan were denied everything but one thing, he would choose power.

Alliance with the Nagas

Illidan's Story

Illidan's Story

After the defeat of the Legion in the Battle of Mount Hyjal, the demon lord Kil'jaeden contacted Illidan. He asked Illidan to kill the King of the Dead, who betrayed the Burning Legion, making Arthas his personal warrior and head of the Scourge. For this, Kil'jaeden promised give Illidan whatever he wants.

In the face of Kil'jaeden's superior strength, Illidan had no choice but to agree. To assist in this task, he summoned a large group of naga from the bottom of the sea, including Lady Vashj. The naga, who were once Highborne, knew Illidan and respected his magical a talent that was now even greater than they remembered, they agreed to become his allies.

Meanwhile, Overseer Maiev Shadowsong discovered that Illidan had escaped and vowed to catch him. She and her Overseers pursued him through Ashenvale and followed him across the sea to the Broken Isles, where Illidan and his naga allies entered the Tomb of Sargeras.

Maiev tracked Illidan when he first acquired the Eye of Sargeras. Having run into his former jailers, Illidan used a powerful demonic artifact against them. He escaped, and all the Overseers remained, locked in one of the parts of the tomb, which was quickly filling sea ​​water. The Overseers tried their best to bury Illidan alive; he was simply paying back debts.

Of all the Watchers in the tomb, only Maiev escaped death by water. Illidan's naga constantly attacked Maiev's greatly diminished forces, but she managed to send a messenger who reached Malfurion and asked for help. Malfurion and Tyrande arrived just in time to save the overseer, but Illidan managed to escape.

The trio followed Illidan to Lordaeron, where Illidan and several naga mages began casting a powerful spell using the Eye of Sargeras. Malfurion and Maiev arrived in time and managed to stop the spell before it was completed. Enraged and angry, Illidan explained that he was trying to destroy the Frozen Throne and its invader, the Lich King. Illidan did not mention the contract with Kil'jaeden, since Malfurion might not understand this. In any case, due to Malfurion's intervention, the contract could be considered terminated.

Malfurion and Illidan soon discovered that Tyrande and a small group of Guardians had been driven down the River Arevass and were under attack by the Scourge. Illidan still loved Tyrande, so he quickly decided to help her. To save Tyrande, Malfurion hesitantly agreed to work with Illidan. Malfurion established and defended the night elf camp while Illidan and his naga rescued Tyrande and her soldiers.

In gratitude for saving Tyrande, Malfurion forgave Illidan for his dangerous sorcery. But at the same time, he warned Illidan to never threaten the night elves again. Having little interest in the affairs of his former race, Illidan agreed to Malfurion's terms and opened a portal to the Outlands, where he hoped to escape the wrath of Kil'jaeden. The Burning Legion did not tolerate failure.

Lord of the Outlands

Illidan's Story

Illidan's Story

Burned by the desire for revenge, Maiev could not give up the pursuit. She and a small group of followers followed Illidan into the portal. The number of opponents was too great, and Illidan was captured again.

Fortunately, this superiority was due to the fact that he sent Lady Vashj and her naga to recruit new allies: Prince Kael'thas Sunstrider and his group of blood elves. These blood elves soon followed the naga into the Outlands and freed Illidan, who promised to teach them to cope with the addiction to magic. Kael "tas swore allegiance to Illidan and helped his new master close all portals to Outland. With this, Illidan hoped to stop further replenishment of the ranks of demons from the Twisted Void and block any attempts by Kil'jaeden to find him.

The ruler of the underworld at that time, Magtheridon, who ruled the Outlands, became a suitable target. Illidan led powerful army blood elves and nagas against the forces of Magtheridon, defeated him and took possession of his fortress, the Black Temple.

But Illidan's triumph did not last long. In a whirlwind of magic and rage, Kil'jaeden himself appeared in Outland, despite the fact that Illidan had sealed all the portals that led to this world. Illidan greatly underestimated the power of the demon lord.

Illidan began to make excuses to Kil'jaeden, assuring that he had arrived in the Outlands only to increase his forces before the attack on the Frozen Throne. Kil'jaeden was hard to convince, and he decided to give Illidan one last chance. He warned Illidan that failure would mean death.

Left with no choice, Illidan led the blood elves and naga back to Azeroth. The Scourge desperately defended itself against Illidan's army until Arthas and the Crypt Lord Anub'arak arrived. Arthas and Illidan fought one on one, and Arthas won. He commanded Illidan to leave Azeroth and never return.

After this, Illidan returned to the Black Temple. While his allies fight to keep the many portals of the Outlands sealed, Illidan prepares for the day when Kil'jaeden arrives to punish him for his failed attempt to assassinate the Lich King.

Illidan Demon

Illidan's Story

Illidan's Story

As is the case with some demons, Illidan does not consider himself a servant of the Burning Legion. Indeed, Illidan was alternately his ally and enemy in different time in past. Despite his demonic transformation, he retained almost his entire personality, which is very rare among demons. Being a demon, he is incredibly evil and often treacherous, but has not yet lost the remnants of his nobility. Their conflict with his ambitions and lust for power makes him a dangerous and unpredictable adversary. Although Illidan never became a “traitor” in the full sense of the word - he returned Malfurion’s beloved from captivity and helped the inhabitants of Azeroth defeat the Burning Legion, many still consider him an apostate.

Since Illidan's case is unique, there is no point in guessing how long his behavior will differ from ordinary demons.