How to quickly learn English on your own. How to learn English at home: step-by-step instructions. Learning a foreign language on your own

The English language is interesting, but the huge number of grammatical exceptions and original words can frighten even a person inclined to study languages. However, there is no need to despair, we will tell you how to easily and quickly learn English at home.

How to independently learn English at home from scratch: step-by-step instructions

Step 1. Motivation

You may be surprised, but the first step is not memorizing ten English words or basic grammar rules. To start learning, you first need to decide why you want to learn English. Decide for yourself what exactly you want to achieve and how you plan to move towards the goal.

Think about why studying in English important to you. A mental exercise like this will help ensure that you have the right level of motivation to get started. The higher it is, the faster and easier you will learn English.


Step 2. Actionable goal and deadline

If everything is good with motivation, you can move on. Now set yourself a specific goal and a time frame for achieving it.

The goal should be formulated as clearly as possible. Here are examples of bad and good goals.

Bad goals

  • I want to speak English.
  • I want to study at a university in another country.
  • I want to meet a foreigner and communicate with him in English.

Good goals

  • In 8 months I want to read and understand a book in English.
  • I want to prepare for an international exam in 6 months and pass it with flying colors.
  • In 3 months, I want to have time to communicate with a native English speaker about everyday topics, such as sports, music, movies, travel or food.

What is the difference between bad and good goals? Bad goals are not specific in content and are not limited by time frame, which means they can be stretched out indefinitely.

Specific goals with a deadline will help you evaluate your progress in learning the language and understand how to properly organize your training in order to quickly learn English.

Step 3. Find English resources with a level one higher than yours

How to quickly learn English on your own at home? Original content without adaptation is your main assistant.

If your English is at a basic or below-intermediate level, then do not immediately take on books in the original or foreign newspapers and magazines. Watch videos with subtitles on educational channels such as the BBC. The main thing is to start getting used to the original English speech.

Make sure your resources aren't so simple - you don't have to understand everything easily and quickly. Simple material will not give you anything new, which means you will waste your time. Why repeat words that you already know well? Move on to new ones. How to quickly learn English words? Write down all unfamiliar words and expressions in your home dictionary, and then give yourself mini-dictations. You can paste complex expressions around the house so that you can constantly catch your eye on them.

How do you know if this resource is right for you? It’s very simple - check how often you look in the dictionary. If every word, then the material is too complex, but if with moderate frequency, then this is the best option.

Step 4. Engage with material that matches your goal

If your goal is to start communicating with native English speakers about films, then start watching films in English with original subtitles. If you have set yourself the goal of passing an international exam in order to study abroad, study using specialized textbooks to prepare specifically for this exam. A more down-to-earth option is to communicate freely with foreigners in English. To achieve this goal, start meeting native speakers in language clubs or simply make friends on Skype in special applications.

It is very important to have a specific goal. It will help you decide on your future language learning strategy.

Step 5: Start actively learning new words

While learning, analyze your mistakes. It seems that you cannot cope in such a situation without a teacher, but this is not so. You can find any information on the Internet, including about the intricacies of the English language.

You will need

  • - teaching aids in English language;
  • - workbook;
  • - fountain pen;
  • - DVD player;
  • - MP3 player;
  • - video materials in English;
  • - audiobooks in English.


Determine why you need English. In progress self-study You will have to constantly motivate yourself by setting aside time to study and expending effort, so it is important to find a compelling reason that will become a universal motivator for you. Depending on your situation, the goal may be a tourist trip, a trip abroad, or work in a prestigious foreign company.

Get ready for some serious hard work. The so-called modern technologies mastering languages ​​that supposedly can make you speak fluently in a month instills unnecessary illusions. Learning a language can take several months of focused independent work, and it may take several years to master a language perfectly.

Start learning English with the alphabet and pronunciation. Without knowing whether a particular letter is , it will be difficult to use a dictionary, read an abbreviation, or even simply dictate your name over the phone.

Having mastered the alphabet, move on to memorizing words. Be sure to limit yourself to a specific time frame. For example, set yourself a minimum goal of learning five hundred new words in a month. This will amount to only 15-20 lexical units per day. Stick to your plan. It is important not just to memorize any words, but to first try to translate into English the speech set that you are used to using every day. This will save you from having to learn words that you may never need.

To quickly review the material you have covered, get yourself a separate dictionary notebook. Write down the words you have mastered and the expressions you like in your notebook. It is important to take notes by hand, as this engages motor memory and promotes better learning of new material. Another valuable tool for self-study English language can become separate cards, on one side of which the word is written in Russian, and on the back - its English equivalent.

In parallel with the accumulation of vocabulary, begin to master the basics English grammar. This will allow you to correctly construct phrases from the words you have learned. Try to speak out loud as much of the material you are learning as possible.

To develop skills in understanding foreign speech, watch DVD films and videos in English, without translation. It is advisable to have a notebook and pen with you. Turn off subtitles and try to understand individual words and expressions by ear. After pausing the player, do not be lazy to turn to the dictionary to look up the meaning of the new word you heard. Periodic listening to English-language radio stations, especially news channels, will also be a good help.

Use your MP3 player to free time listen to books in English. This will also allow you to understand the structure of speech and feel its melody. It is convenient to have a text version of the book on hand for parallel reading. The skill of simultaneous listening and reading will be especially valuable at the initial stage of language acquisition.

Make learning English your priority without being afraid to make minor sacrifices everyday affairs. When planning time for studying, aim to study for 20-30 minutes, then switch to other things, and then again pay attention to the language. Taking breaks from work will make learning more effective.

English is one of those rare disciplines that thousands of adults strive to learn. Alas, not everyone can boast that they have actually learned it over the years of study. But life demands, the employer demands, and sometimes the soul also demands. Let's try to figure out what strategy is best to use when besieging a fortress called "English" and what is the likelihood of its conquest.

Why do you need English? Motivation for learning a foreign language

Let's start with the main thing - what motives prompt you to do this. They are the ones who, as a rule, determine the outcome of the entire undertaking. According to my observations, everyone who wants to learn English can be divided into approximately 4 groups. If you arrange them in order of increasing chances of success, you get the following:

1. My husband (wife) speaks excellent English and shames me that I can’t even put two words together. And I will take it and prove it!

You can't imagine a worse motivation! It contains a powerful negative towards the subject being studied. After all, in fact, what you need is not a language, but the love and acceptance of a partner, while English acts as a barrier between you and a loved one. Who loves obstacles like this, raise your hand! Nobody? I guessed this, because I don’t remember a single successful case of learning a language with such motivation. And if you are going to a tutor or to a course with bitter thoughts about your own imperfection, then it is better not to waste your money.

2. We need to finally learn it, otherwise English is everywhere around. And in general it can be useful.

The goal is quite vague, and success can only be achieved if you find a talented teacher who can really interest the student in Complex Object and irregular verbs, or if you suddenly discover a remarkable ability for language. Otherwise, after 10-15 lessons you will give up on everything and decide that happiness is not in English.

3. At work, knowledge of the language is required - for business trips and communication with foreign partners and colleagues.

Good motivation, in most cases leading to success (of course, adjusted for the student’s abilities). The reason for failure in this case is dislike for the work itself.

4. English is needed for a specific personal purpose: getting a job, marrying a foreigner, passing a language exam to study abroad.

Such motivation is a real gift for a teacher! With a successful choice of learning method, the result is almost guaranteed.

Where to go to study?

So, you have determined your motivation and assessed the likelihood of success. Now the classic question arises: where to go to study?

1. Courses (language school) in Russia

This option is good for those whose motivation is vague, and whose level of knowledge is either zero, or what in the methodology is usually called false beginner - “false beginner” (I once taught, but forgot everything). The same teacher will always conduct group classes more interesting and lively than individual ones, if only due to the fact that he will be able to use more activities - ways of practicing the material. Well, a competitive atmosphere, of course, is much more conducive to mastering English than one-on-one lessons.

How to choose language courses?

The first method is similar to the one with which we select good doctor, hairdresser - based on recommendations from friends. The second is based on my own impressions. A self-respecting institution is unlikely to deny you the right to attend one lesson, and if it refuses, then this is a reason to think about whether you should connect your language future with this school. But if after the first lesson you want to take a second one, then feel free to bring the money to the cashier.

Attention: native speakers as teachers are not an absolute plus! Be sure to ask if they have Teacher Education or at least work experience as a teacher in Russia. After all, English-speaking people may simply not understand the difficulties we face. For example, an English teacher may not pay enough attention to practicing the use of "am", "is" and "are". How does he know that in Russian these forms of the verb “to be” (“is”, “is”, “essence”) have long disappeared from the language? Therefore, sometimes even those language schools, where only native speakers teach, are sometimes forced, at the request of an entry-level group, to invite Russian-speaking teachers.

2. Tutor

It is better to contact him if you have a specific goal - after all, only with a tutor can you organize classes that are most convenient for you in terms of time and format. For example, if at work you deal with logistics, then in the courses no one will give you vocabulary on this topic specifically for you, and you will simply set such a task for the tutor, and he must complete it.

Attention: during the selection process, state as clearly as possible what your goal is, and ask with passion whether he has experience working with the vocabulary you need. For example, if you import goods from abroad (which is why you learn the language international communication), and the supposed tutor has never translated negotiations or corresponded on this topic in his life, then his lessons are unlikely to be useful.

Where to look for a tutor?

Advertisements are hung on poles either by those who are just trying their hand at this profession, or by specialists who are not in much demand. Good professionals are passed from hand to hand, and sometimes a line forms for them. There are also specialized sites with the word “tutor” in the name, accessing which will not cost you anything - the commission is paid by the teacher himself. Those who are registered on these sites, as a rule, try very hard to satisfy customer requests as much as possible, since their rating and the number of orders depend on the reviews subsequently received by the administration.

3. An ideal combination of the two previous options - invite a tutor to your office and train a group of specialists

This requires initiative and organizational skills from you. But the effort is worth it! From experience I can say that a better way to learn a language within your native country has not yet been invented.

4. English courses abroad

How effective is it? You shouldn’t put excessive expectations into a two- to three-week trip. You will get a good result only if the family where you will be accommodated is suffering from lack of communication and is ready to regale you with conversations in the language you are learning from morning to night. If the members of this family prefer communication with a TV/computer or a sound sleep to all foreign guests in the world, then the language environment - what you went to learn the language abroad for - shrinks to a minimum. Of course, a sociable person (by the way, think about whether you are one) will always be able to start a conversation on the street, in a store, or in a bar, but still... Still, find in the contract concluded with a travel agency a clause on the possibility of replacement families living during the learning process.

5. Conversations with an expat

Those whose knowledge is at the “Pre-Intermediate, moving to Intermediate” level can improve it in conversations with an expat (foreigner living in our country). This method is wonderful because, in addition to excellent language practice, you gain a wealth of knowledge about the country where your interlocutor is from. However, I emphasize that your level of English should be such that you can participate in at least a simple small talk. Expats offer their services on various websites. On some, you can listen to samples of teachers’ speech, look at photographs and evaluate their experience. Yes, expats’ time is not cheap – but the results are worth it!

6. On your own

You can keep your English in a state of alert without meeting native speakers. There would be self-discipline, and there would be plenty of materials for independent work! To begin with, a few words about such a classic option as reading. If your level of knowledge allows you to read only adapted books, then please, please, do not buy books from Russian publishing houses without the recommendation of a teacher. Yes, they are an order of magnitude cheaper than their Western counterparts, but their level (Beginner, Elementary, etc.) is determined by the authors according to the principle “as God dictates.” While in the Western methodology there are very clear criteria for how much vocabulary and grammar a student should know at each specific level. Publishing houses such as Penguin, Pearson-Longman, Oxford, Cambridge have been supplying the entire world market with adapted literature, divided into levels, for decades - and there are no equals in this area yet.

But, without wanting to offend my native country, I want to say that Speak Out magazine, published by Glossa Press, is a real treasure for everyone who learns English. The articles in it are always written or edited by native speakers (so no “Russian English”!), at the bottom of each page there is a glossary with transcription, and the most interesting topics are selected.

For visual lovers, there are educational series. One of the most loved by students all over the world is Extr@. You can download it in many places, for example, on the website, where it is conveniently divided into chapters. The language level is Elementary, gradually becoming Pre-Intermediate, the style is comedic, the actors’ pronunciation is excellent and very clear, the topics are universal (acquaintance, dating, job search, shopping, holidays, etc.). The main characters are two English girls and two guys, one is the girls’ compatriot, and the other is an Argentinean, who naturally came to learn English. Along the way, he teaches girls to dance tango and... In general, I wish you a pleasant viewing!

For those who consider themselves a serious person and much more advanced in language, I suggest watching popular science films from the BBC. And here art films I do not recommend it, unless, of course, you think that your language is at the Proficiency level ("professional proficiency"). Fast, sometimes slurred speech, a lot of jargon, tricky jokes, unusual realities... It won't take long to reach a state of complete frustration!

Even more serious people can turn to the TED website, where there is a huge selection of lectures on a variety of topics. Practice shows that in general even those whose level is Pre-Intermediate can understand them. And if it is higher, then you can even enjoy the lectures. In general, the lecturer’s measured speech is exactly what a person learning any language needs.

Just don't try to learn English by watching the news! The speech of television and radio announcers is officially considered the fastest in the world.

7. International guest network СouchSurfing

To summarize, I want to say that English, like any other foreign language, will definitely submit to someone who perceives it as a fateful opportunity, and not as a dull duty. To the one who opens the textbook with joyful anticipation. To someone who takes advantage of the slightest opportunity to apply their knowledge. Do you know what case in my practice was the most successful? When a girl who recently broke up with her boyfriend decided to open up new horizons in life with the help of English. After two years of learning the language from scratch, she was invited to work on the Russian team of the Discovery Channel. Not a bad result, right?

– Where to start learning English on your own?

This question can be asked by two categories of people: very, very newbies and those who have some kind of weathered base from their school days. So let's immediately separate: newcomers - to the left (more precisely, read on in this article), and those who have studied - to the right and . Because the recipe will be different for you.

Now I’m addressing only you, beginners: this article is dedicated to your route from beginner to elementary level. Together with Olga Sinitsyna, head of the methodology department, we described each step in detail and collected all the necessary links. This is the most complete article on the topic. Precisely for those who want to do everything themselves.

Contents of the article: teaching English independently from scratch

1. Alphabet: learn English from scratch on your own and for free

Pay attention to the patterns and differences of the sound system as a whole: in English there are almost no soft consonants, there are long/short and wide/narrow vowels, etc. To understand all this, .

3. First words: learn English on your own from scratch for free online

Since sounds need to be learned as part of a word, at the very first stage you will learn your first English words. You need to start with simple words that are used in everyday life.

6. Learn English grammar for beginners

In parallel with reading and studying entire phrases, you need to understand grammar. But not in theory, don’t delve into it by itself - learn useful English phrases and using their example, delve into the essence of grammatical rules. How it works, .

Also watch the video on how to properly teach grammar to a beginner

Let's look at what exactly needs to be understood and remembered at the initial level:

Articles. They are not in the Russian language at all. An article is a function word that is used together with a noun:

an apple (apple)

Here we have used the indefinite article an, because the word begins with a vowel. If a word begins with a consonant, then the article will be - a.

a dog (dog)

But in addition to the indefinite article, there is also a definite article - the. This video will help you understand articles:

Plural. Learn the rules of education plural in nouns. This is usually done by adding the suffix -s:

a cat – cats (cat – cats)

Order of words in a sentence. In English it is strict: the subject comes first, then the predicate, then the other parts of the sentence:

I love my job. (I love my job)

In an interrogative sentence, the word order is different and an auxiliary verb is added:

Do I love my job? (I love my job?)

It will help you deal with these subtleties.

There must be a verb. Without a verb English sentence it simply cannot exist. And where there is no verb in Russian, .

I am a doctor. (I am a doctor or I There is doctor, literally)

Features of the time system. The English language has three tenses, just like ours: present, past and future. But each time has four forms, and those who study them are constantly confused. You don't need to immediately plunge into this chaos.

Imperative mood– when you tell another person what to do. In English it is formed simply:

Love me! (Love me!) Do it! (Make it this one)

And other topics: degrees of comparison of adjectives, regular and Irregular Verbs, turnover there is – there are. Full list of topics. And so you and I will gradually get to elementary.

7. Comprehensively, from all sides: how to learn English on your own from scratch

All this - words, phrases, grammar - needs to be improved from 4 sides: listening, writing, speaking and reading. We have collected and described for you independent exercises and materials for working on each skill:

Your level now is zero or beginner. On average, it takes 90-100 hours of study to reach the next level. Decide right away how many hours a day you are willing to study? If it’s an hour, then in 3 – 3.5 months you should reach the elementary level. If it’s half an hour, then multiply the time by two. So set this period as a deadline for yourself.

Now break down this huge goal of “reaching the elementary level” into specific and very clear tasks like “learn to express thoughts in the present tense”, “learn the 100 most common words”, “read a book in English”. Also plan these tasks according to specific deadlines.

Be sure to read it! Or watch the video:

9. What then? How to learn English on your own at home from scratch quickly

Learn English on your own online from scratch

Now you have a clear action plan. All in your hands. If you need simulators to practice English, then. When registering, we will determine your English level and choose a goal together. And after that, the service will provide daily activities for practice: vocabulary and grammar training, short stories for reading, video and audio for beginners. Let's break through together. 🙂

How to learn English on your own at home from scratch? So that the phrase “Landan from the Capital of Great Britain” would not be your only signature, we have collected for you best tips! Choose what you like best.


If you want to quickly learn English on your own at home from scratch, then you should stick to some system. It is similar to the system used in physical training and covers all areas when learning a foreign language.

There are only five points that you must master:

  • grammar;
  • reading;
  • lexicon;
  • listening;
  • speaking.

The point of the system is that every day you should devote 15-20 minutes of your time to a specific item.

Day 1: Grammar

Grammar is the basis of everything. First, you should remember all the pronouns, tenses, irregular verbs and exceptions.

§English course from Dmitry Petrov and from the channel "Culture". In just 16 lessons, the teacher will introduce you to the basics of the English language, using his individual system.

§Channel English Galaxy will tell you how to learn English on your own at home from scratch and for free. The channel presents a huge number of lessons that will help you master a foreign language.

Native speakers use only 4 tenses in everyday speech: Present Simple, Past Simple, Future Simple and Present Continuous. Well, they also love the passive voice. This is enough for the elementary level.

Useful software

The Duolingo app will explain the basics of English grammar. You will need to devote only 10-15 minutes of free time a day to the language. The application will teach you simple grammar and translation of basic things.

You shouldn't sit studying English for 4-5 hours. 15-20 minutes a day is enough. There may be 3 or 4 such days a week.

Day 2: Reading

Start with the most simple texts. Let these be children's books about bunnies, cats and foxes. But you will understand everything that happens there. Books can be found in large book houses or ordered online.

Yes, e-books– that’s cool, but it’s better to print the text or buy a book in English. So you can write the translation of a word right above the English word. Like they used to do at school.

In addition to books, you can find websites, entertainment portals or blogs in English that talk about things that interest you. The most important thing is that you should like it. If you are more interested in reading technical texts, then why do you need to know about how God sent a piece of cheese to the crow? Read what you want.

§Books in English for beginners (level elementary):

  • Peppa Pig (books about Peppa Pig);
  • Danny and the Dinosaur (Denny and the Dinosaur);
  • Winnie the Pooh (Winnie the Pooh);
  • Moomin and the Moonlight Adventure (adventures of Moommi Troll);
  • When Lulu Went to the Zoo (When Lulu went to the Zoo).


  • The Adventures of Tom Sawyer
  • Alice in Wonderland
  • Mary Poppins (The Adventures of Merry Poppins)
  • The Black Cat (Edgar Poe)/(Black Cat)
  • The Gift of the Magi (Gift of the Magi).

§Books in English for level advanced:

Yes, you are the God of English! Read either “Harry Potter” in the original or “The Lord of the Rings”.

  • The Time Machine;
  • The Invisible Man;
  • Pride and Prejudice;
  • Four Weddings and a Funeral;
  • The Grass is Singing.

Day 3: Vocabulary

How to learn English on your own at home quickly? You need to expand your vocabulary. You can combine this day with the second day if you wish. While reading, write down all the unfamiliar words that catch your eye.

Get a dictionary

Get your own personal dictionary so you don’t lose all the words, because not everything can fit in your head. This could be a notebook or notepad.

§1 option: unfamiliar English word| Russian translation

§Option 2: unknown English word | explanation of word translation in English

§3 option: unknown English word | explanation of word translation in English | Russian translation

Useful software

Cool app that will help you remember foreign words, called Easy Ten.

  • You can choose the words you want to learn yourself;
  • you can choose the difficulty level of words;
  • there is a pronunciation of words;
  • there are examples of phrases using a specific word;
  • Russian translation;
  • The application sends notifications every half hour; the word being studied with translation is displayed on the screen, which contributes to better memorization.
  • The application is paid, only 3 free days are given.

Translate the menu of your phone or work computer into English. The most basic words in English will always be before your eyes.

Day 4: Listening

Forget about those stupid cassettes of terrible quality that they played for us at school. Because of the noise, you were just starting to listen to the boring text about some newspapers, business and cap of the company, and the dialogue was already ending. And you didn’t have time to catch anything. How to easily learn English on your own at home?

Watch and listen to what interests you:

  • foreign YouTube channels;
  • interesting and educational videos;
  • tracks and clips in English.

Both TV series and YouTube videos come with subtitles. Just press the Play button and enjoy. Try to protect yourself as much as possible with the English language so that you can get used to it, and then you will automatically understand everything that is said, and without subtitles.

Day 5: Speaking

If you have a friend or acquaintance who speaks perfect English, talk to him more often. But if you don’t have such people nearby, this is not a reason to be upset.

§How to learn spoken English on your own at home? You need to communicate with the indigenous people, who ideally own it. The Hello Talk app will help with this. You simply register, indicate your level of English knowledge, your interests, tell about yourself and look for friends from different countries. It's like a small global social network.

Pros of the application:

  • You can improve your level of knowledge of any language;
  • communicate with people from different countries;
  • help them learn your native language;
  • if you wrote or said something incorrectly, your interlocutor will correct you;
  • you can correct other people too;
  • ability to record audio messages;
  • the ability to share your moments and photos;
  • likes and comments are present.

§A similar application with similar functionality is Tandem.

§You can also recommend a resource fiverr. There you can find a person who speaks English as a native speaker and talk to him on Skype. The service is paid.

Useful channels, sites and applications

How to learn English on your own at home from scratch and for free? We have collected several methods and tips for you! Take what you like.


Here are some useful channels:

Learn English with Papa Teach Me

Guy's channel Learn English with Papa Teach me who teaches English in English! Everything is super simple and clear!

Skyeng: online English school

A cute girl teaches English through songs, series, videos, TV shows and much more. An interesting and educational channel for anyone who doesn’t know how to learn English on their own at home from scratch.


How many have seen videos of foreigners listening to Russian music? Venya has a lot of videos like this in which you can see the reaction different people for CIS content. Venya also travels a lot around the world, teaches English and shares a lot of life hacks.

Marina Mogilko

A Russian girl who founded her own business and went to live in the USA talks about her life, her work, the pros and cons of America. And she is simply beautiful!

English Maria

A great English teacher who teaches the way she wants. And, by the way, she does it quite well!

Applications and websites

In addition to the above applications, several more can be noted:


Interactive learning of the English language, where everything is collected: grammar, speaking, reading, listening. Completing tasks is easy and simple. And most importantly, it’s not boring. Also LinguLeo has its own website that helps you learn the language.

§English with Puzzle English

U Puzzle English There is both a website and an application. This is a great project that is suitable for those who want to learn English. The point is that you need to use puzzles to assemble a complete picture of audio, video or text. You can also find a huge amount interesting articles and memes. Well, where would we be without games?


If you urgently need to check a text in English, then entrust this task to native speakers. On the site you can ask for help editing your article or essay.

§Sites with double subtitles

Movies with double subtitles will help you learn English at home from scratch. You can find them on the following sites:


As you can see, learning English on your own at home from scratch and for free is quite possible. Do, read and watch only what you like. Feel the language, catch its rhythm. And soon you will not feel embarrassed when speaking English, and will be able to express your thoughts clearly.

Let mi speak from may hart,

Thanks for your time!