How often during the year can you contact your clients and stakeholders? Is it possible to “self-medicate”

Hello! Please tell me how to understand my mother: the fact is that I recently started going to a psychologist (in order to work through my traumas), but, in addition to this, I often correspond with Irina Grigorievna (psychologist) by mail, especially if problems arise. some questions. Moreover, sometimes I ask her for clarification in some difficult life situations. But, according to mom, this is wrong. Or rather, my mother constantly says that there is no need to see a psychologist for any nonsense. All household issues can be resolved together. And contact a psychologist only in the most extreme cases. How can you understand your mother?

Answer from theSolution psychologist:

The frequency of contacting a psychologist depends on the goal you set for yourself and the specialist.

The purposes of contacting a psychologist may be the following:

  • work through traumatic experiences of the past,
  • resolve family conflict,
  • resolve conflict at work (learn to behave correctly in situations of intrigue)
  • prepare for partnerships in your personal life
  • develop your personality for a career or business

The frequency and duration of work with a psychologist will vary when solving such problems.

While you don't have enough life experience, you may be more likely to encounter situations that require clarification. At the first stage, when you are vulnerable and need knowledge and support, the psychologist works with you more often. You can see a psychologist three to five times a week. Then, when you become stronger and more experienced, the psychologist works with you less often - two to three times a week. When you learn the basic psychological patterns and principles, you will be able to work with a psychologist once a week. When the main problems are resolved, you will be able to rely on your own strengths and contact a psychologist occasionally. For example, in a situation of intrigue at work.

You, like your mother, can turn to a psychologist for clarification of situations as many times as you need to solve current problems.

The most important thing is to understand that a psychologist is a hired specialist, and not a family member. The task of a psychologist is to use psychological methods to explain to you how you can improve your life and harmonize your relationships. At the same time, the psychologist must work professionally. That is, to provide assistance without crossing the line at which he becomes a “savior.” You should not have emotional dependence on a specialist. When analyzing the quality of a psychologist’s work, it is important to take into account three criteria of professionalism.

Three criteria for the professional work of a psychologist.

A psychologist works with you correctly if you become sincere. This means that you show the feelings that you really feel. It is important not to forget that sincerity always goes hand in hand with tact and delicacy. Sincerity is never cruel.

A psychologist works with you correctly if you become capable of warm emotional relationships with loved ones. This means that you stop suppressing anger and irritation, hushing up conflicts or, conversely, shouting or humiliating each other. Resolve contradictions in a calm manner, learn to understand each other’s feelings. And gradually, step by step, build genuine relationships in which everyone feels good.

How often during the year can you contact your clients and stakeholders?

Rationale. Your customers or people interested in your products get a slightly different impression from the number of messages they receive from your company than they actually sent. To maintain constant contact with clients and stakeholders, you should send them at least six messages per year if each promotion pays off.

Research conducted among clients of firms different countries, gave a stunning result. Active clients say they receive an average of one message per month from the company they work with. This amounts to 12 messages per year! According to our data, the minimum is six messages per year, i.e. one message every two months. The maximum number of messages, according to clients, is 18 messages per year, i.e. every three weeks.

Please note that these data only reflect customer impressions. And your customers think the same, no matter how many advertising messages you actually send to them. In short, a distorted impression is formed in the client's brain, since memories of messages received from your company are superimposed on memories of messages from other companies.

But if your active clients still claim to receive more messages from you per year than you actually send, why not send them more often? There is already an opinion about your company that you send advertising messages every month. Then do so. If the extra shares pay off, there's no reason to give them up.

If, on top of this, you must visit your best clients in person three times a year, then subtract these visits from the total number of possible contacts.

In this case, send only nine messages per year.

If you send your client a newspaper four times a year, then subtract those four newspaper contacts from total number contacts. Thus, on average, you only need to send five advertising messages per year (12 - 3-4 = 5).

When we surveyed stakeholders rather than clients, we got similar results. Interested parties who have previously received a catalog or a letter with an assortment list, but have never placed an order, claim that they received an advertising message from this company every two months, i.e. 6 messages per year.

Similar data apply to “cold” addresses of the general DH market. If your company has a high degree of publicity, then an individual representative of this group claims to receive two to four advertising messages from your company per year.

The above follows: if the number of messages you send is very different from the average, then you should increase the number of messages sent during the year. If you don't send advertising messages, another company will.

How often can I apply to Employment Centers for benefits?
How many times can you receive unemployment benefits in general?
How often can I apply for unemployment benefits again?
Is there a limit on the number of total periods of unemployment benefits?

I couldn't find an answer to these questions anywhere. Here is what is stated in the employment law:

4. Each period of payment of unemployment benefits cannot exceed 12 months in total within 18 months, except as provided for by this Law.
For citizens, for the first time job seekers(previously not working); those seeking to resume work after a long (more than one year) break; dismissed for violation of labor discipline or other guilty actions provided for by law Russian Federation; dismissed for any reason during the 12 months preceding the start of unemployment, and who had paid work for less than 26 weeks during this period, as well as for citizens sent by the employment service for training and expelled for guilty actions, each period of payment of unemployment benefits cannot exceed six months cumulatively within 12 months. At the same time, the total period of payment of unemployment benefits for these categories of citizens cannot exceed 12 months in total for 18 months.

That is, 12 months and after 6 months you can do it again? And so on?

5. Unemployed citizens who are not employed after the expiration of the first period of payment of unemployment benefits have the right to receive unemployment benefits again, unless otherwise provided by this Law.
The total period of payment of unemployment benefits to a citizen cannot exceed 24 months in total for 36 months.

That is, 2 years and after a year you can do it again? And so on? Or not?

Here's what we managed to dig up on this issue:

Order of the LABOR AND EMPLOYMENT Committee dated 08.12.99 N 138 on CHANGES AND ADDITIONS to the OPERATING ORDER OF TERRITORIAL LABOR AND EMPLOYMENT BODIES OF MOSCOW (RECEPTION, REGISTRATION OF CITIZENS, SOCIAL GUARANTEES), APPROVED BY ORDER OF THE COMMITTEE TA LABOR AND EMPLOYMENT dated 01/05/98 N 02 By; After the expiration of the six-month period of non-receipt of unemployment benefits, the payment of unemployment benefits is resumed in the amount of the minimum wage.

8.1.10. After a 12-, 18-, 36-month period of unemployment, an unemployed citizen acquires the right to re-receive unemployment benefits in the amount of the minimum wage in accordance with paragraph 3 of Art. 31 of the Law.

In this case, the duration of the new period of payment of unemployment benefits should not exceed 6, 12 months in total for 12, 18 calendar months. (clause 8.1.10 as amended by the order of the Labor and Employment Committee dated 04/05/2000 N 117)

The total period for payment of unemployment benefits to a citizen cannot exceed 24 calendar months in total for 36 calendar months (12 months payment of benefits, 6 months break (during this period they can provide small financial assistance upon application, this is about 800 rubles per month, only two directions), 12 months of benefit payment, 6 months break, provided that the citizen was not removed from the unemployment register).

In Moscow they also give 850 rubles for the Luzhkov allowance and 1,275 rubles for travel. It turns out 2995 rubles. (They promise to liquidate all this soon; according to the new law, the period for payment of benefits will not exceed six months within two years, or something like that.)

In the second period of benefit payment (as in all subsequent ones), you must again receive two voluntary refusals to work in order to lose it. Refusals received in previous periods are not cumulative.

After 24 months in Moscow, they ask you to write an application for deregistration. With wording for family reasons. You can start your next term in a month.

The law allows you to stand without deregistration, but this is apparently some kind of departmental order. In addition, there is still one legal subtlety. In order for the next period to be included in the length of service, you need to work at least one day in between. And officially, of course.

Quote: “The periods provided for in paragraph 1 of this article are counted towards the insurance period if they were preceded and (or) followed by periods of work and (or) other activities (regardless of their duration) specified in Article 10 of this Federal law."

If you receive 2 refusals to work of your own free will, then the payment of benefits is suspended for 2 weeks or a month. It is quite possible that this will erase subsequent service from the records in the PRF. But I can’t say this for sure. We need to check.

However, you shouldn’t chase experience. According to the new pension legislation, points are much more important. If you have 15 years of experience (including standing on the stock exchange, i.e. the period of receiving benefits from the employment service), and about 500,000 rubles in the account in the pension fund (these are the coveted 30 points), then you don’t have to twitch. Experience from the employment service will not add a single penny to your pension.

Even if you are deregistered from the employment service, you can still receive information about vacancies.

Studies (retraining) are courses lasting 2-4 months, every day for 6-8 hours (depending on the profession). The scholarship is about 3,000 rubles (at least in Moscow).

(called alternative) medicine, which in modern times are called “manual therapy”, “osteopathy”, “chiropractic”, different kinds massage, all kinds of independent exercises...

If a chiropractor's manipulation is carried out according to all the rules of the Art, it cannot harm the patient. ©Hippocrates.

The point here is that the spine is the main “bearing structure” of the human body, it is also the “main energy highway” of the body, and any disorders in this system will not slow down to affect a person’s well-being, mood and health.

Chiropractic care is a set of methods for correcting ailments, and to a greater extent intended to prevent the very “falling” into an unhealthy state, based on the fact that any problems in the functioning of the ridge always lead to corresponding problems in the body. These “problems” themselves may consist of displacement of the vertebral discs, in which “clamping” of the nerve fibers passing there occurs, disruption of the normal mobility of individual vertebrae (weakness, or vice versa, “looseness”), even severe deposition of salts in places with limited mobility. All this is accompanied by an uneven muscular load on individual “intervertebral” muscles, which affects posture, spoils gait, reduces height... which in turn gives a large number of accumulating complications and inconveniences “create the ground” for deterioration of health.

Not only obvious bone pains are associated with the ridge (such as “back ache”, “neck hurts” or “leg can’t walk”), but various internal organs, and symptoms of a wide variety of diseases, including “nervous” ones, may appear even before organic (and noticeable to the doctor) changes in the “sick” organs appear. That is, something already hurts, worries, but in fact is not yet sick... this is where the help of a chiropractor will be most effective. Such a “new disease” as allergies, as well as other problems associated with malfunctions of the immune system, also turn out to be directly related to the condition of the spine.

Nowadays it is almost impossible to meet a person on the street who has a bad back. All in order: minimum- there are only noticeable chiropractor changes, and usually- there are scoliosis known to the “owner”, and other “non-diseases” that modern medicine abhors. She does not pay any effective attention to them, and these curvatures with diseases “attached” to them, which are treated with pills, injections, or surgery. However, pills and “warming” alone will not return the popped vertebra to its proper place, and the process of creating the disease continues little by little... but by actively tidying up your back, you can eliminate headaches, back pain, and even fight such things as allergies and decreased performance immune system, heart and brain problems.


Modern Medicine does not deny the disease of any kidneys with problems in the corresponding part of the spine - there are corresponding terms, such as “radicular syndrome”, which refers to problems with nerve endings pinched in the spine and “reaching” the same kidneys, sending “wrong” signals to them . To put it simply, the “control system” of the same kidneys somehow passes through the spine, and if due to problems in the spine this “communication channel” ceases to function normally, then the effect of a “damaged phone” is obtained. By restoring the connection, the “control system” is also restored, and the remaining viable protective and self-regulatory systems of the body can work effectively... however, modern medicine does not recognize the possibility of treating diseases by correcting problems of the musculoskeletal system.

A chiropractor does not treat a disease “symptomatically” (by eliminating the symptoms of the disease) - he eliminates the cause and effect of the disease inherent in the spine. There is a feedback here - problems in the organs themselves lead to characteristic displacements in the corresponding parts of the spine, and problems in the spine initiate all kinds of diseases. So chiropractic is effective in both cases.

However chiropractic in general, it is not limited to working only on the spine (this is within the competence of chiropractic), because the spine itself is curved due to, for example, a leg injury - a person begins to subconsciously, out of habit, “protect” the once injured leg, transferring the load to the second. At the same time, the position of the pelvis changes, and the load on the entire spine is redistributed - it bends, “twists with a screw,” and due to the asymmetrical muscular load on individual vertebrae, their independent displacement begins.

How is the correction made?

Spinal straightening is performed through physical manipulation of the patient's body; this can be an effect on individual vertebrae or entire sections of the spine. As a rule, no mechanical devices or tools are used - the entire “toolkit” of a chiropractor comes down to his hands, fingers, some kind of couch (or mat), chair or stool.

There is no point in describing the process itself, since everyone has their own personal experience, “techniques,” preferences, and it also depends on the “overall dimensions” of the patient and the chiropractor...

During manipulations, the patient is required to relax the indicated muscle groups as much as possible, not hold his breath, helped, but not obstructed chiropractor manipulations. The most favorable moment for conducting a “session” is when the patient is in his “comfortable” state, that is, not in a state of nervous tension, not in a state of exhaustion and fatigue - the best state is “reduced muscle tone,” which naturally occurs in state of “mild alcoholic intoxication” or having recently woken up smoothly.

After the manipulations, it is required that the patient does not catch a cold in his back (does not sit in a draft), and loads the back muscles in a dosed manner (i.e., does not “relax”). The chiropractor often recommends doing certain exercises at home, and you should do them whenever possible. Also, watch your posture, that is out of habit do not return to what has become familiar incorrect poses.

How often can you see a chiropractor?

Of course, you shouldn't get carried away. But this in no way means that you have to endure pain when noticeable problems occur due to any unusual loads or other sudden circumstances! Here you need to either run immediately, or, if the moment is missed and inflammatory processes in the muscles and ligaments have begun, weaken these symptoms with “lotions and poultices” (medicines, in short) and go get it repaired after about three days.

There are also established time intervals that are recommended to be observed between “sessions”, necessary for the body to have time to adjust to the correct regime without much stress and unnecessary tension.

When there is an intensive process of correction - this interval is no less than a week, when correction is going on “normally” - it requires two weeks of endurance and independent exercises.

Who needs the services of a chiropractor?

Not to mention those who are already clear that not everything is in order with the spine (those suffering from curvature of the spine, pain in the back, lower back, people with incorrect posture, lumbago, sciatica, etc.), we should outline less obvious options, where the help of a chiropractor will have a very noticeable positive effect:

    All women who have given birth, as a rule, have very significant negative changes in the lower back. In the process of bearing a child, the center of gravity of the body “shifts,” which leads to a redistribution of the load on the vertebrae. Next, fussing with the baby (raise and lower this weight, and keep bending over) also greatly overloads the back, which in existing reality inevitably leads to displacement of the vertebrae.

    Everyone who is forced to “shake in transport” for a long time (both drivers and passengers) - uncomfortable posture, vibration, weight in the hands, on the shoulder - all together leads to very sad consequences for the spine.

    “Sedentary” workers - this is understandable; after sitting hunched over the table, you “creakly” straighten back up.

    Separately, “those who sit at the keyboard for a long time and ‘poke at the buttons’.” There is a whole complex of negative factors, including the notorious “irradiation” and “tunnel syndrome”.

    “Gardeners” who either dig a lot, bend their backs, poke around in the beds upside down, carry heavy things in their hands.

    Users of myo-stimulators and some types of “figure-improving” exercise equipment experience an unbalanced “pumping” of the muscles, which themselves are able to push the vertebrae and other bones out of their place. Myo-stimulators are generally a separate problem... In short, muscles learn to respond to external electrical impulses to such an extent that they are “lazy” to recognize impulses from their native body.

    Bodybuilders (in common parlance - “jocks”) who work out with “iron” for a long time, “strength” athletes - they usually have certain problems in the spine.

In addition, it makes sense to consult a chiropractor for those who “have pain, but the doctors can’t find anything.” It happens that the heart or kidney quite frankly hurts... but no illness is discovered that would explain the presence of these pains. This also includes those suffering from migraine-type headaches that are difficult to relieve with painkillers. All this is very often connected only with spinal problems.

Almost everyone who has reached the age of 30–35 years is recommended to at least see a chiropractor, so that by the age of 50 they will not have well-known and very common health problems. (see article about)

Are chiropractic procedures painful?

As a rule (with a good chiropractor), compared to the torment of problems, “this is nothing at all”... It’s really scary - BONES CRUNCH!!! - this is what it seems to the patient out of habit. In fact, the bones do not crunch, this sound and sensation are similar to how some people themselves like to “crunch their fingers,” and in subsequent sessions all this fear disappears.

However, there are also quite painful procedures associated with correcting serious disorders - for example, correcting severe old scoliosis, chronic dislocation of a joint... but here at least you know why you are suffering.

One more thing - usually after a session muscle pain appears in those areas of the back where something was corrected. This is natural, some muscle groups begin to work, tense, and hurt just like muscles feel after an intense workout. Other muscles, on the contrary, got rid of the constant excessive load, and this is where the effect works similar to that, as if he had “served his time”, he straightened his leg, and a lot of unpleasant sensations formed in it. All these effects quickly pass on their own, but you can speed up the relief of unpleasant sensations with a local massage, or simply “working” painful muscles, stretching in every possible way and straining individual muscle groups. The only thing that is highly not recommended to do in such situations is to fall into bed and wait for it to pass, imagining yourself sick and weak.

What are the contraindications?

There are contraindications, for example osteoporosis, bone sarcoma, bone tuberculosis and the whole other set of organic diseases that lead to bones losing their strength. Also, a chiropractor should not associate with convinced vegetarians.

Also, the lower part of the spine should be handled extremely carefully in late pregnancy, in cases of mechanical damage to the spine... that is, all injuries, fractures, and suspicions of significant diseases in this matter should always be reported to a chiropractor.

Also, under no circumstances should you turn to a chiropractor, paranoid people, or people convinced of “anti-science” this method, persons suffering from suspiciousness (who listen with fear to every movement in their body or see the machinations of the Antichrist in everything)! It is forbidden! - they are better. And for those whom faith does not allow - .

Is it possible to “self-medicate”

As they say, “not mona, but noona!” Because this is the only way to keep your spine in working condition, without regularly going to chiropractors and chiropractors for every reason. There is a wild misconception, expressed, for example, in the phrase “my whole back was corrected half a year ago!” They may have fixed it, but in half a year without independent or “external” support for the desired state, everything has probably already shifted back... or not everything, but something has definitely shifted.

Now the question How get better yourself? ...and here it’s more complicated - there are no problems, or almost no problems with self-correction only for those whose spine has already been brought into an active, “working” state. It's not only here straightaway the slightest “jump” of any vertebra is felt, but the back muscles are able to clearly obey their owner in order to correct the problem “on the spot.” However, having successfully completed the required course of manipulations by a chiropractor, the patient usually receives a comprehensive set of instructions, exercises and “tricks” with which he can help himself in the event of a problem. However, not all of these exercises will give results right away - they need to be “felt” for them to become effective, but nevertheless, until such a skill has been developed, the recommendations should be followed to one degree or another “formally”.

It is very important to learn all this, since, at least little by little, throughout the day, under the influence of certain unusual loads, various small displacements of the vertebrae occur, and it is desirable to keep the spine in the correct state for as long as possible. Then, in the end, the muscular system of the back will be “tuned” and will be able to easily withstand those loads that were extreme in the “usually broken” state.

Effects of chiropractic care

In “non-severe” cases, the positive effect of the manipulation is felt literally immediately - the pain goes away, the head “lightens up”, allergies disappear, a surge of strength is felt, the mood improves and all that... this first impression from visiting a competent chiropractor. There are other interesting effects, for example, as a rule, an increase in height appears, breathing becomes easier, and greater freedom of movement appears. Often, an allergy attack (if there was one) immediately stops, sleep improves, and fatigue decreases.

Upon successful completion of the required course of therapy (following the recommendations and learning methods of self-correction), great changes occur in the entire appearance of the patient - the gait changes, the posture straightens, many health problems that have already become habitual go away... the person, perhaps even for the first time in his life, learns to use with your body. For example, he stops slipping on ice, if he falls, it is not in a traumatic way, he stops spraining his ankles after falling off his heels, and so on. All this, in turn, is very important for how your future life will turn out - how you feel is how you live.

Are “training” methods good?

Recently we have heard about “vibro-traction of the spine”, electrical stimulation various groups muscles, about various “modern scientific methods” of good old chiropractic... Well, maybe in some places this is good, but in practice it is more often necessary to correct the consequences of using such methods. True, from the position of the corrector, such an impression is understandable - those for whom everything has been “fixed” will not seek salvation somewhere else. However, it can be said with complete certainty that no hardware can work as accurately as Living being, and an integrated approach is quite applicable, when therapy is carried out not only with pieces of hardware, but they are used within a holistic course.

Electromyostimulators deserve a separate discussion - everything is very sad here... The operating principle of such devices is based on the “replacement” of the body’s electrical signals that cause the muscles to fire, with signals from a device that imitates these impulses. It turns out the following - the device generates signals that are almost “ideal” in shape and quite powerful in strength, against the background of which its own, “native” impulses seem almost like noise. As a result, it is actually violated normal functioning of the muscular system, and normal response to sent nervous system signals. In addition, after intense loads on the muscles created by the devices (which actually force the muscles to “convulse”), in a real situation these same muscles turn out to be unloaded, and without regular repetition of the procedure they begin to quickly lose tone. There are other specific negative factors, such as the established frequency of forced contractions - it, as a rule, much exceeds the natural one (well, that’s how “many contractions in a short time” are intended), and such frequencies are already akin to the same “transport vibrations” that cause “the backbone is pouring into my pants.”


Beginning tarot readers ask most questions about the frequency of fortune telling on cards. Almost everyone who is just starting to work with a magic deck is interested in how many times you can tell Tarot readings per day, week, month. Also, not everyone knows after what period of time you can turn to cards on the same issue. Well, let's look into this.

How often can you read Tarot for yourself?

Naturally, when we just start working with cards, getting to know them, studying them, we have to make layouts for ourselves, since there are no clients yet, and we want to check the correctness of our own interpretations. Naturally, the question immediately arises: how often can you read the Tarot for yourself?

The answer will be very simple: as much as you think is necessary, but subject to one single rule - do not ask the same question again. The fact is that cards do not like to be “asked again”, so in subsequent layouts made for the same situation they can lie. Therefore, if you are telling fortunes to yourself on the same topic, it is better to reformulate the question, make a different layout, or simply pull clarifying cards from the deck.

The question can be rephrased very simply. For example, you asked the deck “What feelings does Vasya have for me?” and were not satisfied with the response received. Don’t rush to take out another deck to ask the same thing - it’s better to change the wording of the question to “How will my relationship with Vasily develop?” or “How will Vasya react if I do such and such?”

How often can you read Tarot readings for clients?

Here everything also depends on your personal desires and well-being. If you feel very tired and lose energy after seeing two clients during the day, limit yourself to this number, and if you make arrangements for ten people a day without any problems, please continue.

There is another “thorny question” for novice tarot readers - how many times can you read the Tarot for one person? What we mean here is that a client comes to you and asks you to do several layouts at once. If the topics of his questions are different and you are quite capable of coping with such a task, then carry out the required number of layouts. The main thing is that the questions are not repeated.

Many tarot readers meet with their clients regularly, for example, once a month - usually this period is enough for circumstances to change and the alignment can be repeated taking these changes into account. Remember that your goal is to help the person understand the situation, and not to make him run to you every day.

How often can you read the Tarot for relationships?

Those who are concerned about the question of how often you can tell Tarot fortunes about relationships with a man or a woman should think about this. The world around us does not change at the speed of light, therefore, if Vasya does not love you today, he is unlikely to suddenly love you in a week, especially if you do nothing for this, but just sit and ask the cards for advice. Change something, wait until some new events occur - and then refer to the cards again.

We recommend thinking even more strongly to those who ask how often they can tell Tarot fortunes about the return of a loved one. If the cards answer the first time that it can be returned, then be sure to ask them for advice on how exactly this can be done, and do not wait a week to come running for a similar deal again. When receiving information from a magic deck, act and do not sit idly by.

If the Tarot says that the chance is lost and the person will not return to you, move on with your life, and do not shuffle the deck another thirty times, hoping that now promising cards will suddenly appear. Yes, they really can appear, but not in order to tell you that this is exactly how everything will be, but only so that you finally get behind them. If you wanted it, you got it!

How often can you guess by analyzing a situation?

It all depends on the situation itself. You can ask again only when circumstances change. For example, you turned to the cards about a situation at work, received an answer, and a week later the management suddenly changed or some event occurred that affected or may affect the resolution of your question - then it is not forbidden to make the alignment again.

Or, for example, you decided to buy an apartment, found two options, made a layout, found out which one suits you best, and in the process of collecting documents you suddenly found another home that you liked. And now you again have a choice of two options, but instead of one apartment there is now another. In this case, you can turn to the magic deck again.

Along with the popular question “How many times can you read the Tarot per day?”, another one is often asked - when can you ask cards about the future again? It all depends on the specifics. If you consider the future in personal relationships, immediate prospects at work, changes within the family (relationships with relatives) in separate scenarios, then it is advisable not to repeat each of them more than once a month. Or do a re-alignment if circumstances change dramatically.

If you have chosen a complex layout that covers all areas of life at once, then even before it begins, you need to specify a time frame. You can make a reading for the next month, three months, six months or a year and, accordingly, repeat the fortune-telling only when this period ends. We do the annual schedule once a year, the monthly schedule - once a month. Everything is logical and understandable, isn’t it?