How to organize an information day in the library. Information Day at the children's library N1 named after. A.S. Pushkin was dedicated to the forest. Information Day evaluation criteria

The event “Modern Library – a World of New Opportunities”, which took place in the Toropetsk Central Library from November 26 to 30, was dedicated to this date.

The library staff offered their readers a lot of new, interesting and useful things.

On the opening day of the Information Week, issued in reading room book exhibition“Who owns the information, owns the world” presented readers with all the resources of the Toropetsk Library: books, periodicals, bibliographic, information and electronic publications.

For a group of unemployed people and students of the Toropets College, excursions “Meet the Known and Unknown Library” took place, where they had the opportunity to visually get acquainted with the resources of all departments of the library and ask questions that interested them.

Specialist of the Department of Federal civil service employment of the population with a group of unemployed people from the Toropetsk region took part in the “Presentation of Real Opportunities”, which was conducted by the librarian of the reading room A.V. Latysheva.

To the teachers of Podgorodnenskaya secondary school an electronic presentation of the exhibition of new books “The Art of Being a Parent” was presented. Teachers, as specialists working with children, listened with interest to the conversation about new books that arrived at Toropetskaya central library on raising children and adolescents. The same event was held at a 4th grade parent meeting in secondary school No. 1.

“Information is the key to success” was the title of the scheduled meeting of the STEP club.

Boys and girls learned that if a person has access to the necessary information, then work efficiency increases, there is an opportunity to save time, and get answers to all questions of interest.

Subscription employee M.I. Kuznetsova presented to the students of the Toropets College a review of new books for young people, “The Book World of Fantasy.” Special attention attracted by the books: “Metro 2033” by D. Glukhovsky, and “Island of Survivors” by K. Traviss, on which computer games were created.

“In the footsteps of the Grodno Hussar Regiment” was the name of the multimedia journey that L. I. Medvedeva, head of the local history sector, conducted for young people. Students walked through the places of battles and deployments of the Grodno Hussar Regiment,formed in Toropets in 1806.

For representatives of the older generation, L.N. Sergeeva, the subscription librarian, offered the exhibition “Favorite Prose on the Screen” and a video review of famous film novels.

The information hour “Games of Bad Will” was conducted by mass librarian M.O. Dmitrieva for students in grades 6, 8, 9 of secondary schools No. 1 and 2 (64 people in total).

The children learned about the dangers and complexity of gambling addiction, heard sad examples about modern teenagers, who exchanged real life to virtual.

During this period, the number of library visits was 720, of which 233 were visits to public events. 22 new readers signed up.

13 public events were held.

29th of October children's library named after. Z.I. Voskresenskaya conducted
Information Day "Books that know everything!"

“A dictionary is the whole universe in alphabetical order” - this was the motto of the day in the library.

The Information Day program included:

Your wise helpers - exhibition-viewing

We invite all children to the book city of Knigograd - educational and game program

Reference kingdom - wise state - review

The event was prepared for readers of different ages. Throughout the day, all library visitors got acquainted with the kingdom of dictionaries, encyclopedias - universal and special; big and small; ancient and young.

The subscription included a viewing exhibition that revealed the value of these publications and their information and encyclopedic material. Everyone was able to find something interesting for themselves and take their favorite books home.

In the reading room for children, an informative review was held about the numerous reference publications located in the library, with the help of which you can find answers to any questions.

The highlight of the information day was the educational and game program.

Children, together with librarians, traveled to the world of dictionaries, encyclopedias and reference books - their faithful assistants.

In the game "Write vocabulary word", the children checked the correct spelling in a spelling dictionary.

The series of books “My First Encyclopedia” aroused particular interest among the children. The children had to work hard with the “Find Information” task, but they managed to complete it.

The educational and gaming program was accompanied by a colorful slide presentation.

The day of information is over, but there is still a lot of new and interesting things ahead. We invite everyone who loves to read to visit our library. The journey into the world of educational books continues!

XXI century - century information technologies, and you can’t argue with that. And yet, the opinion that you can limit your knowledge of the world around you only to TV and the Internet is considered a dangerous delusion. No matter how educated a person is, each of us needs an adviser, a friend, and an interlocutor. All these roles can often be fulfilled by a good, smart book. Librarians try to help young readers select such literature.

On February 13, in children's library No. 8 of the Centralized System of Children's Libraries in Simferopol, an information day “On the Library Wave” was held. Activities were prepared for different age groups of readers.

The subscription and reading room warmly opened their doors to the youngest preschool readers who came to the library for the first time. Taking a fascinating journey through the kingdom of books, the children became acquainted with the concepts of “library”, “librarian”, “shelf”, “form”, etc.

The excursion was easy, game form: The guys answered the questions of the “Guess the Fairy Tale” quiz and solved the “Who am I” riddles. New, bright books aroused great interest among children.

The information hour “Az and Buki of Information Science” introduced students in grades 5-6 to the basics information culture. The children learned what a book consists of, what an abstract, a preface, an afterword are, how to use reference books, dictionaries and the library's reference and search engine. Young readers tried to look for information about books in alphabetical and systematic catalogs themselves.

High school students were offered an informational talk “ Helpful information and pleasant leisure." The librarian told the children how to find the right book How to distinguish reliable information from false. During the conversation, it was emphasized how important it is to check information for accuracy, and what harm false information can cause. Interesting and educational literature presented at the exhibition “Books Reveal Their Secrets” will help readers in their studies and brighten up their leisure time.

Information Day in the school library

Information Day is a comprehensive event in the system of information, reference and bibliographic work.

DI goals:

· present readers with literature on a specific topic;

· introduce literature received by the library over a certain period.

It is good if Information Days are held systematically (for example, once every 1-2 months). During DI, the librarian conducts a more complete familiarization of various categories of readers with new arrivals of literature or documentation. Moreover, groups of students can be small (for example, subject teachers, class teachers, teachers, school administrators, etc.). Duration of DI may vary from 1 to 3 days.

Usually, DI includes :

· exhibitions and selections of literature received by the library over a certain period;

· exhibitions of reference and bibliographic publications, as well as bibliographic aids of small forms;

· bibliographic reviews;

· conversations;

· consultations with specialists.

The Information Day scenario for students may include reading individual stories or poems from the books presented at the exhibition, a short quiz made up of questions that the books on display will help answer. You can invite subject teachers to the DI who will help the librarian talk about literature on a certain topic, evaluate its merits, and determine which books need to focus the attention of schoolchildren. Such joint work of the librarian and teachers contributes to the collective analysis of current literature and the establishment of relationships in the work of the teaching staff and the library.

It is advisable to plan and conduct information days for teachers taking into account the wishes of the school administration. When holding a thematic Information Day, it is necessary to reveal the topic as fully as possible not only with the help of literature and materials from periodicals of the school library, but also to use the capabilities of the book collections of the village libraries, the educational development center, and the Internet.

Information Day is announced in advance: in announcements, posters or invitation cards. It is important to remember that the more active the advertising of your event, the more participants the Information Day will gather.

Sample programs

Information Days for Teachers


  • Exhibition-viewing of new textbooks
  • Review "New textbooks and teaching aids, received by the library for the school year"
  • Consultation with Deputy Director for educational work"New learning programs. Peculiarities of working on new curricula"
  • Information “Procedure for compensation for damage in case of loss of a textbook”
  • Exhibition-viewing of new literature
  • Review of literature presented at the exhibition
  • Lecture “Reference and bibliographic apparatus of the library” (consultation)
  • Repertoire of periodicals issued for the 2nd half of the year (information)
  • Exhibition-review of literature to help pre-professional preparation and specialized training
  • Review of the exhibited literature
  • Consultation with Deputy Director for methodological work"How to create a program elective course»
  • Information “Textbooks for specialized classes on the federal list”
  • Exhibition-viewing of new literature (or on the topic)
  • Literature review
  • Consultation “Organization of a personal pedagogical file cabinet”
  • Practical lesson " Bibliographic description articles from a book or periodical"

Sample programs

Student Information Days

“I am Ugra land”

Sample program

Poster :

My land!

What's your song?

My taiga!

What's your fairy tale?

My song is oil

My fairy tale is gas,

My mystery -

It's me myself -

Taiga replied

Yu. Shestalov

Dear Guys!

On October 15, 2005, we invite you to the Information Day “I am the Ugra Land.” On this day you will meet unknown pages history of our region, find out what it is rich in, take part in an entertaining quiz.

The information day is held in the library, starting at 1 p.m.


  1. “Native land, Ugra land” (book exhibition)
  2. “I am proud of your great destiny, Ugra land!” (meeting with a labor veteran...)
  3. “The power of a renewed land” (literature review)
  • "The Path to Big Oil"
  • "Blue Lake of Siberia"
  • "Great art of small people"
  • “Do you know the history of our region” (quiz).
  • "Meeting with the Profession"

    Sample program

    Information Day for students in grades 7-8

    Poster :

    Dear reader!

    Information Day “Meeting with the Profession”.

    We will introduce you to people from four different professions,

    We will tell you about the literature that will help you make your choice.

    Choosing a future educational profile is a serious matter.



    1. Difficult choice ( introduction librarian).

    2. Analysis of questionnaires “Who should I be?”

    3. Meeting with the profession “Our work is like this”:

    Educator kindergarten

    Civil Engineer


    4. Literature review “Horizons of calling”

    "People trust them"

    Sample program

    Information Day for students in grades 7-8

    Poster :

    Dear Guys!

    The school library conducts for you

    Information Day “People trust them.”

    On this day you will meet I. Ivanov, who returns lost health to you and your parents, provides medical care in case of accidents.

    You can learn a lot of new things

    about the profession of a medical worker.



    1. “Everything is achieved by labor, everything is glorified by labor” (literary composition).
    2. “I’m proud of my profession” (conversation with doctor I.I. Ivanov).
    3. “How to provide first aid” (practical lesson).
    4. “What the Country Doctor Reads” (book review)

    Advice: You can invite a medical school student or school graduate to conduct a practical lesson. It is advisable to conduct a literature review using the funds of the school and village libraries, as well as the doctor’s personal library.

    “Sport is a whole world”

    Sample program

    Information Day for students in grades 7-8

    Poster :

    Dear Guys!

    Information Day “Sport is a whole world.”

    You will learn about new names and records in sports,

    meet the athletes who glorified our village in the Nizhnevartovsk region and Ugra,

    you can choose the book that interests you.



    4. “The ally of heroism is sport” (book exhibition and literature review).

    5. “Sport is a whole world” (conversation with the coach of the village volleyball team."

    3. “If you want to be healthy...” (conversation with a doctor or a parent who is actively involved in sports with his children)

    4. “My favorite sport” - survey of participants.

    Advice: it is advisable to conduct this DI either in the decade of sport or at the beginning school year, combining it with enrollment in sports sections and clubs)

    "Citizenship begins in the family"

    for parents of grades 1-4


    Dear parents!

    The school library invites you to

    Information Day “Citizenship begins in the family.” On this day you will learn about what books your children can read in our library, get acquainted with the literature intended for you, and learn a lot of interesting things about your children - our readers.



    1. “For you, parents” (literature review).

    2. “Traditions of family reading” (lecture).

    3. " Best books– for children” (review of the book exhibition).

    4. “Read to me, mother” (analysis of children’s questionnaires).

    5. “Our best readers” (presentation).

    "The whole family to the library"

    Sample program for Information Day

    for parents of grades 5-9


    Dear parents!

    The school library invites you to

    Information day for parents “Take the whole family to the library.”



    1. “What we read” (reading analysis).

    2. “A person who reads is a reasonable person” (conversation with a specialist).

    3. “My favorite literary hero” (drawing competition).

    4. “What our children read” (results of a survey of parents).

    5. “Himalayas of books” (open viewing of literature).

    Tip: This DI can be done as part of a classroom parent meeting. It is appropriate to conduct a survey of parents first.

    1. Do you know children's literature?
    2. Which library is your child enrolled in?
    3. Do you have a home library? What kind of literature does it contain?
    4. Do you know what your child is reading now?
    5. Do you talk about what you read with your child?
    6. Do you think a parent should guide their child's reading?
    7. Does your child often see you reading?
    8. Does your professional activity to recommend books for your child?
    9. What book that you loved as a child would you recommend your child to read?
    10. Please advise what else can be done school library to help your child become an active reader?

    "Your friend is fantastic"

    Sample program for Information Day


    Dear reader!

    If you love fantasy, the school library invites you to

    Information Day “Your friend is fantastic.”

    Literature on this topic will be presented to your attention not only from the collections of our library, but also from the personal libraries of your friends and teachers.



    1. “Fairy-tale world of fantasy” (book exhibition).
    2. “I recommend” (presentations of books from personal libraries).
    3. “Fiction is a whole world” (conversation).
    4. “Fantasies and more...” (open review of literature).

    "To us A new book came"

    Sample program for Information Day


    Dear reader!

    On March 10 at 13:00 we invite you to a meeting with new books. You can meet new people literary heroes and select the literature that interests you. We wish you pleasant meetings!


    1. “New of the Season” (book exhibition).
    2. “New books - new friends” (literature review).
    3. “I recommend reading” (friend’s advice).
    4. “New books - new discoveries” (open viewing).

    Dear Colleagues! I wish you success and creative discoveries in organizing and holding Information Days!

    Methodist Mokritskaya S.N.

    Our library honors the memory every year and holds an information day every year. For this bright day, an exhibition dedicated to “The Greatness of the Feat of the Soviet People” was organized in the reading room of the Intersettlement Library.

    The exhibition features a selection of literature reflecting the events of the Great Patriotic War. Unique publications are on display: “June 22. Black Day of the Calendar", "Rising from the Ashes", "Feat of the People", "Hero Cities". Readers were offered books about the Battle of Stalingrad, the defense of Moscow, and the exploits of the partisans. At the exhibition, one could get acquainted with the unique collection “Courage Creating Victory,” which tells about the courage and bravery of those who fought at the fronts and in the rear. This collection was created by library workers; it contains poems by participants in the regional competition “Courage Making History,” which was held on the occasion of the 65th anniversary of the victory. A place of honor at the exhibition was occupied by the historical reference book “The Great Patriotic War of 1941-1945,” which contains memories, essays, letters, documents, and photographs.

    The subscription included a book exhibition “Forties, Fatal, Military and Frontline” dedicated to the 67th anniversary of the Victory in the Great Patriotic War. It presented works of art dedicated to the Great Patriotic War, literature about the military and labor exploits of people at the front and in the rear.

    And also an exhibition of faces: “Victory is immortal - its soldiers are immortal.” At which information was presented about veterans - fellow countrymen, about Chistoyozersky residents who, without sparing themselves, forged the long-awaited victory.

    The fateful victory of the Russian people has always inspired artists of different genres and directions. The interactive exhibition “They Talk About the Feat of the Canvas” featured works by Russian painters and illustrators dedicated to this significant event.

    There was also a video cruise: “Chronicles of the Second World War - works of painters.” Where you could not only admire the paintings, but also learn about the artist who created this masterpiece.

    All those who attended the information day were given a memorial leaflet: “On May 9, the memory of the dead is a legacy to the living” and a recommended list of literature: “Sacred Pages of War.” “Memory of Burning Years”, under this name, a historical evening dedicated to the chronology of the Second World War was held.

    Videos were shown, so those present in the hall were able to remember and learn about the main events and decisive battles in the Second World War. It is not for nothing that the Patriotic War is called the Great War. Its greatness lies in the feat of Soviet soldiers and officers who fought for their Motherland. All literature, poetry and prose dedicated to the Great Patriotic War narrates, inspires and calls our people to heroism, to Victory.

    Readers who attended the information day were able to find out the names of those who fought for the Motherland, see examples of perseverance, courage and unbending will of ordinary soldiers and officers who were able to bring the bright Victory Day closer.