How to spell beard in English. Russian-English short dictionary of general vocabulary

Russian-English translation BEARD

Thin beard

Letting go of the beard

With beard

Laugh in your beard

2) (in birds)

Russian-English short dictionary on general vocabulary. Russian-English short dictionary of general vocabulary. 2012

  • Russian-English dictionaries →
  • Russian-English short dictionary of general vocabulary

More meanings of the word and translation of BEARD from English into Russian in English-Russian dictionaries and from Russian into English in Russian-English dictionaries.

More meanings of this word and English-Russian, Russian-English translations for the word “BEARD” in dictionaries.

    Russian-American English Dictionary
  • BEARD - 1. beard 2. (in birds) wattle laugh in a beard - laugh in one's beard with an unraveled beard (...
    Russian-English dictionary of general topics
  • BEARD - (in turkeys) tassel
    New Russian-English biological dictionary
    Russian Learner's Dictionary
  • BEARD - w. 1. beard 2. (in birds) wattle laugh in one's beard - laugh in one's beard with a beard in front...
    Russian-English dictionary
  • BEARD - w. 1. beard 2. (in birds) wattle ♢ laugh in one's beard - laugh in one's beard with a beard ...
    Russian-English Smirnitsky abbreviations dictionary
    British Russian-English Dictionary
  • BEARD - (blat.) bummer, failure
  • BEARD - Failure. An unpleasant incident or situation. Syn: trouble, failure. It arose from fishing argot, a tangled line - a beard. “Yes... you look like a beard, my dear...”
    English-Russian-English dictionary of slang, jargon, Russian names
  • BEARD - beard; grow* a beard; blue Beard ( fairy tale character) bluebeard
    Russian-English Dictionary - QD
  • BEARD - female 1) beard thin beard let go of the beard laugh in the beard with the beard 2) (in birds) wattle w. beard let go of the beard...
    Large Russian-English Dictionary
  • BEARD - beard beard
    Russian-English Dictionary Socrates
  • WHISKER - noun; ordinary pl. 1) sideburns, sideburns 2) mustache (cat, tiger, etc.) 3) beard, beard hair to grow whisker...
  • STUBBLE - noun 1) stubble, stubble 2) short-cropped hair; a beard that has not been shaved for a long time, stubble (agricultural) stubble, stubble - * crop stubble...
    Large English-Russian Dictionary
    Large English-Russian Dictionary
    Large English-Russian Dictionary
  • BLUEBEARD - noun 1) Bluebeard (a literary character named after the color of his beard) 2) trans. wife-killer Bluebeard wife-killer Bluebeard trans. ...
    Large English-Russian Dictionary
  • BEAVER - I noun. 1) beaver, beaver 2) beaver fur, beaver, beaver 3) castor hat; beaver hat 4) beaver 5) sl. beard; ...
    Large English-Russian Dictionary
    Large English-Russian Dictionary
  • BEARD - beard.ogg 1. bıəd n 1. 1> beard long flowing, grey, red beard - long wavy, gray, red beard 2> beard ...
    English-Russian-English dictionary of general vocabulary - Collection of the best dictionaries
  • BEARD - 1. n 1. 1) beard long ~ - long [wavy, gray, red] beard 2) beard and ...
    New large English-Russian dictionary - Apresyan, Mednikova
  • BEARD - 1. bıəd n 1. 1> beard long flowing, grey, red beard - long wavy, gray, red beard 2> beard and ...
    Large new English-Russian dictionary
  • BEARD - 1. noun. 1) beard, mustache, facial hair (in humans); beard (in animals) to grow ...
    English-Russian dictionary of general vocabulary
  • — 1. adj. 1) heavy Syn: weighty 2) large; thick The boy is so heavy he needs extra-large shirts. ≈ …
  • BLUEBEARD - noun 1) Bluebeard (a literary character named after the color of his beard) 2) trans. wife-killer Bluebeard wife-killer Bluebeard trans. ...
    New large English-Russian dictionary
  • BEARD - 1. noun. 1) beard, mustache, facial hair (in humans); beard (in animals) to grow a beard ≈ grow a beard ...
    New large English-Russian dictionary

Copyright © 2010-2020 site, English-Russian dictionary Online. Free Russian-English dictionaries and encyclopedia, transcription and translations English words and text into Russian.
Free online English dictionaries and word translations with transcription, electronic English-Russian vocabularies, encyclopedia, Russian-English handbooks and translation, thesaurus.

Complete information on the topic “beard translation into English” - all the most relevant and useful information on this issue.

beard, beaver, bearded

gray beard -  gray beard

thick beard -  bushy / heavy / rough / thick beard

long beard - long beard

wavy beard -  flowing beard

gray beard -  grizzled beard

neat beard -  neat / trim beard

scraggly beard -  scraggly beard

untrimmed beard -  unshorn beard

thick/shaggy/ beard -  bushy beard

beard sticking out in tufts -  a straggly beard

he had a beard reaching to his waist -  his beard reached to his waist

red beard (as a sign of a traitor) -  cain-coloured beard

long [wavy, gray, red] beard -  long beard

his long, white, patriarchal beard

thick beard; shovel beard; wedge beard -  spade beard

thick eyebrows [th beard] -  thick eyebrows

thick hair [th beard] -  opulent hair

facial hair; beard; mustache -  face-fungus

facial hair; beard; mustache -  face fungus

Related words or rarely used in this meaning

WooordHunt - your assistant in the world in English

Russian-English translation BEARD

- laugh in your beard

Russian-English short dictionary of general vocabulary. Russian-English short dictionary of general vocabulary. 2012

More meanings of the word and translation of BEARD from English into Russian in English-Russian dictionaries.

Translation of BEARD from Russian into English in Russian-English dictionaries.

Russian-American English Dictionary

  • BEARD - 1. beard 2. (in birds) wattle laugh in a beard - laugh in one's beard with an unraveled beard (…
  • Russian-English dictionary of general topics

  • BEARD - (in turkeys) tassel

    New Russian-English biological dictionary


    Russian Learner's Dictionary

  • BEARD - f. 1. beard 2. (in birds) wattle laugh in one’s beard - laugh in one’s beard with a beard unfolded...

    Russian-English dictionary

  • BEARD - f. 1. beard 2. (in birds) wattle ♢ laugh in one's beard - laugh in one's beard with a beard ...

    Russian-English Smirnitsky abbreviations dictionary


    British Russian-English Dictionary

  • BEARD - (blat.) bummer, failure
  • BEARD - Failure. An unpleasant incident or situation. Syn: trouble, failure. It arose from fishing argot, a tangled fishing line - a beard. "Yes. You look like a beard, my dear."

    English-Russian-English dictionary of slang, jargon, Russian names

  • BEARD - beard; grow* a beard; bluebeard (fairy tale character) bluebeard

    Russian-English Dictionary – QD

  • BEARD - female 1) beard thin beard let go of the beard laugh in the beard with the beard 2) (in birds) wattle w. beard let go of the beard...

    Large Russian-English Dictionary

  • BEARD - beard beard

    Russian-English Dictionary Socrates

  • Large English-Russian Dictionary

  • Large English-Russian Dictionary

  • Large English-Russian Dictionary

  • Large English-Russian Dictionary

  • BLUEBEARD - noun 1) Bluebeard (a literary character named after the color of his beard) 2) trans. wife-killer Bluebeard wife-killer Bluebeard trans. ...

    Large English-Russian Dictionary

  • BEAVER - I noun. 1) beaver, beaver 2) beaver fur, beaver, beaver 3) castor hat; beaver hat 4) beaver 5) sl. beard; ...

    Large English-Russian Dictionary

  • Large English-Russian Dictionary

  • BEARD - beard.ogg 1. bıəd n 1. 1> beard long flowing, grey, red beard – long wavy, gray, red beard 2> beard ...

    English-Russian-English dictionary of general vocabulary – Collection of the best dictionaries

  • BEARD - 1. n 1. 1) beard long

    – long [wavy, gray, red] beard 2) beard and ...

    – Apresyan, Mednikova

  • BEARD - 1. bıəd n 1. 1> beard long flowing, grey, red beard - long wavy, gray, red beard 2> beard and ...

    Large new English-Russian dictionary

  • BEARD - 1. noun. 1) beard, mustache, facial hair (in humans); beard (in animals) to grow ...

    English-Russian dictionary of general vocabulary

  • BEARD - 1. noun. 1) beard, mustache, facial hair (in humans); beard (in animals) to grow a beard - to grow a beard to shave off ...

    English-Russian dictionary of general vocabulary

  • ANTELOPE - common name for many artiodactyl mammals belonging to the bovid family (Bovidae), but differing from its other representatives in a more graceful physique...

    Russian Dictionary Colier

  • WHISKER - noun; ordinary pl. 1) sideburns, sideburns 2) mustache (cat, tiger, etc.) 3) beard, beard hair to grow whisker...

    New large English-Russian dictionary

  • STUBBLE - noun. 1) stubble, stubble 2) short-cropped hair; a beard that has not been shaved for a long time, stubble (agricultural) stubble, stubble - * crop stubble...

    New large English-Russian dictionary

  • HEAVY - 1. adj. 1) heavy Syn: weighty 2) large; thick The boy is so heavy he needs extra-large shirts. ≈ …

    New large English-Russian dictionary

  • BLUEBEARD - noun 1) Bluebeard (a literary character named after the color of his beard) 2) trans. wife-killer Bluebeard wife-killer Bluebeard trans. ...

    New large English-Russian dictionary

  • BEARD - 1. noun. 1) beard, mustache, facial hair (in humans); beard (in animals) to grow a beard ≈ grow a beard...

    New large English-Russian dictionary

  • Russian-English short dictionary of general vocabulary

    Copyright © 2010-2018, English-Russian Dictionary Online. Free Russian-English dictionaries and encyclopedia, transcription and translations of English words and text into Russian.

    Free online English dictionaries and word translations with transcription, electronic English-Russian vocabularies, encyclopedia, Russian-English handbooks and translation, thesaurus.


    thick beard - heavy beard

    long beard

    grizzled beard

    red beard - Cain-coloured beard

    untrimmed beard - unshorn beard

    grin into one’s beard - grin / chuckle into one’s beard

    with beard (about a joke, message, etc.) decomposition-stale; so old it has whiskers on it

    Blue Beard m. folk- Bluebeard

    ♢ laugh in one’s beard

    with beard decomposition (about an anecdote, message and so on. ) -stale

    See also in other dictionaries:

    bearded man- a bearded man, and ... Russian word stress

    BEARD- female middle part of the lower jaw, under the lips; chin. | Hair on the cheeks and chin: split. fatherland. Some have a beard with a wedge, some with a spade. He's as big as a fingernail, and his beard is as long as his elbow. Himself as long as an elbow, a beard as long as a fingernail. An old man with a jug, a beard with... Dictionary Dahl

    beard- noun, f., used. often Morphology: (no) what? beards, what? beard, (I see) what? beard, what? beard, about what? about the beard; pl. What? beards, (no) what? beards, what? beards, (I see) what? beards, what? beards, about what? about beards 1. A beard is called... ... Dmitriev's Explanatory Dictionary

    beard- Ukrainian beard, st. glory brada γένειον (Supr.), Bulgarian. Brada, Serbohorv. brada, chuck. brada, slovenian. Brada, Czech Brada, Polish broda, cough. barda, broda, v. Luzh., n. puddle Broda. Related Lit. barzda, ltsh. bârzda, bārda, other Prussian. bordus, lat ... Etymological dictionary of the Russian language by Max Vasmer

    beard- beard, beards, beards, beards, beards, beards, beards, beards, beards, beards, beards, beards, beards (Source: “Complete accentuated paradigm according to A. A. Zaliznyak”) ... Forms of words

    Beard- wearing (or shaving) B. at all times has been and remains to one degree or another iconic, just like hairstyle or cosmetics. Being a secondary sexual characteristic, B. can be interpreted as a manifestation and symbol of masculinity, the embodiment of vitality;... ... Russian humanitarian encyclopedic dictionary

    BEARD- BEARD, beards, wine. beard, plural beards, beards, beards. 1. Hair on the lower part of the face. 2. Two small fleshy parts hanging under the beak of some birds. Rooster beard. Ushakov's explanatory dictionary. D.N. Ushakov. 1935 1940 ... Ushakov's Explanatory Dictionary

    beard- BEARD1, s, wine. beard, mn beards, beards, am, f Hair on the lower part of a man's face, as well as a tuft of long hair, feathers under the beak, mouth of an animal, bird. His thick, graying beard gave him a sedate merchant look (D. Mamin... ... Explanatory Dictionary of Russian Nouns

    Beard- I f. 1. Hair on the lower part of a man’s face. Ott. A tuft of long hair under the muzzle in some animals. Ott. Fleshy structures or a tuft of long feathers under the beak of some birds. 2. What is yours appearance resembles a beard (which ... Modern explanatory dictionary of the Russian language Efremova

    BEARD- BEARD, s, wine. beard, plural beards, beards, am, women. 1. Hair on the lower part of the face in men. Let go of the beard. Salient b. Laugh into your beard (quietly, surreptitiously; colloquially). 2. Some animals have: a tuft of hair, feathers or fleshy appendages... ... Ozhegov's Explanatory Dictionary

    • Beard, Jesse Russell. This book will be produced in accordance with your order using Print-on-Demand technology. High Quality Content by WIKIPEDIA articles! A beard is the hair on the lower part... Read more Buy for 1125 RUR
    • Beard. The world's first bearded guide, Carlos Sunier. A beard has long become not just facial hair, but a sign of true masculinity, elegance and style. So how long ago did this fashion appear? It will always exist or already... Read more Buy e-book for 329 rubles

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    Translation of the word "beard" from English into Russian.

    white beard - white beard

    small beard - small beard

    bearded figure - bearded figure

    straggly growth (of beard) - uneven growth (of beard)

    bushy / heavy / rough / thick beard - thick beard

    light / sparse beard - beard

    neat / trim beard - neat beard

    designer beard - fashionable stubble, stylish stubble

    to grow a beard - grow a beard

    to trim one’s beard - to trim a beard

    to shave off one’s beard - shave off the beard

    to stroke one’s beard - stroke the beard

    Beard translation of the word possible into English in the online dictionary

    Beard in English –

    Translate Beard in an online translator

    Online translators for other languages:

    In other dictionaries:

    Beard - Explanatory Dictionary of the Living Great Russian Language by V. I. Dahl

    Beard – Efremova T. F. New dictionary Russian language

    Beard – Explanatory Dictionary of the Russian Language by S. Ozhegov

    Beard – Ozhegov S.I., Shvedova N.Yu. Explanatory dictionary of the Russian language

    Beard – Abramov N. Dictionary of Russian synonyms and similar expressions

    Beard - Explanatory dictionary of the Russian language. Ed. D. N. Ushakova.

    Translation from Russian of the word beard

    Enter a search word

    Translation into English, German and French

    • beard- beard, mustache
      • red beard
    • Bart- goatee
      • with a gray beard - mit grauem Bart
    • Barte- goatee
    • Vollbart- thick beard
    • Biber
    • barbe- goatee
      • black beard - barbe noire

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    Tatiana, Eva, Sasha, as well as Joey, Joanna and Sally

    beard in English

    Beard translation

    In chapter Linguistics to the question how to write in English: how many centimeters is your beard? given by the author Natalia the Healer the best answer is Better ask how big is his dick

    What is your beard length in centimeters?

    In English, beards are measured in inches.

    and you definitely need to find out the length of a certain man’s BEARD.

    How long is your beard in centimeters (in inches)?

    Translations „ beard“in the Russian » English dictionary (Go to English » Russian)


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    1. beard (goatee)




    Shaving off your beard took ten years off you.

    By shaving your beard, you look ten years younger.

    Tom is growing a beard again.

    Tom is growing a beard again.

    Tom has been growing a beard all summer.

    Tom grew a beard all summer.

    Have you got a beard already?

    Do you already have a beard?

    I'm growing a beard again.

    I'm growing a beard again.

    The beard does not make the philosopher.

    A beard does not make you a philosopher.

    The old man stroked him beard thoughtfully.

    The old man stroked his beard thoughtfully.

    A beard doesn't make a philosopher.

    A beard does not make you a philosopher.

    Tom shaved his beard off after becoming a fan of stoats, since stoats, the paragon of beauty, don’t grow beards.

    Having become a fan of ermines, Tom shaved his beard, because ermines - the embodiment of beauty - do not wear beards.

    He grew a beard to look more mature.

    He grew a beard to look more mature.

    I love bearded men.

    I love bearded men.

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    For general comments on the site, use the Reviews and Suggestions section.

    How to pronounce beard

    Can you read it better? Different accent or dialect? say "beard" (language: English)

    beard example in a phrase

    Not all of us have a naturally chiselled jaw. If this is the case, growing a beard can add fullness to your face

    Not all of us have a naturally chiselled jaw. If this is the case, growing a beard can add fullness to your face pronunciation Pronunciation by stlowery (Male from USA)

    We invite you to familiarize yourself with the topic: "beard translation into English", including the latest trends.

    beard, awn, facial hair, prong, notch

    red beard - red beard
    gray beard - gray beard
    thick beard - bushy / heavy / rough / thick beard
    14 more examples collapse

    |ˈbiːvər| -

    beaver, beaver, beard h, visor, castor hat, beard, beaver fur

    |ˈbɪrdɪd| -

    beard thin, spinous

    combat emphasis; beard - recoil lug
    thick eyebrows  - thick eyebrows
    thick hair  - opulent hair
    facial hair; beard; mustache - face-fungus
    facial hair; beard; mustache - face fungus

    Related words or rarely used in this meaning

    |ˈwɑːtl| -

    wattle, beard, bird catkin, Australian acacia

    bearded man- a bearded man, and ... Russian word stress

    BEARD- female middle part of the lower jaw, under the lips; chin. | Hair on the cheeks and chin: split. fatherland. Some have a beard with a wedge, some with a spade. He's as big as a fingernail, and his beard is as long as his elbow. Himself as long as an elbow, a beard as long as a fingernail. An old man with a jug, a beard with ... Dahl's Explanatory Dictionary

    beard- noun, f., used. often Morphology: (no) what? beards, what? beard, (I see) what? beard, what? beard, about what? about the beard; pl. What? beards, (no) what? beards, what? beards, (I see) what? beards, what? beards, about what? about beards 1. A beard is called... ... Dmitriev's Explanatory Dictionary

    beard- Ukrainian beard, st. glory brada γένειον (Supr.), Bulgarian. Brada, Serbohorv. brada, chuck. brada, slovenian. Brada, Czech Brada, Polish broda, cough. barda, broda, v. Luzh., n. puddle Broda. Related Lit. barzda, ltsh. bârzda, bārda, other Prussian. bordus, lat ... Etymological dictionary of the Russian language by Max Vasmer

    beard- beard, beards, beards, beards, beards, beards, beards, beards, beards, beards, beards, beards, beards (Source: “Complete accentuated paradigm according to A. A. Zaliznyak”) ... Forms of words

    beard- See... Dictionary of synonyms

    Beard- wearing (or shaving) B. at all times has been and remains to one degree or another iconic, just like hairstyle or cosmetics. Being a secondary sexual characteristic, B. can be interpreted as a manifestation and symbol of masculinity, the embodiment of vitality;... ... Russian humanitarian encyclopedic dictionary

    BEARD- BEARD, beards, wine. beard, plural beards, beards, beards. 1. Hair on the lower part of the face. 2. Two small fleshy parts hanging under the beak of some birds. Rooster beard. Ushakov's explanatory dictionary. D.N. Ushakov. 1935 1940 ... Ushakov's Explanatory Dictionary

    beard- BEARD1, s, wine. beard, mn beards, beards, am, f Hair on the lower part of a man's face, as well as a tuft of long hair, feathers under the beak, mouth of an animal, bird. His thick, graying beard gave him a sedate merchant look (D. Mamin... ... Explanatory Dictionary of Russian Nouns

    Beard- I f. 1. Hair on the lower part of a man’s face. Ott. A tuft of long hair under the muzzle in some animals. Ott. Fleshy structures or a tuft of long feathers under the beak of some birds. 2. That which in its appearance resembles a beard (which ... Modern explanatory dictionary of the Russian language by Efremova

    BEARD- BEARD, s, wine. beard, plural beards, beards, am, women. 1. Hair on the lower part of the face in men. Let go of the beard. Salient b. Laugh into your beard (quietly, surreptitiously; colloquially). 2. Some animals have: a tuft of hair, feathers or fleshy appendages... ... Ozhegov's Explanatory Dictionary

    is the fastest and most convenient translation of words and phrases, which includes:

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    Women middle part of the lower jaw, under the lips; chin. | Hair on the cheeks and chin: split. fatherland. Some have a beard with a wedge, some with a spade. He's as big as a fingernail, and his beard is as long as his elbow. Himself as long as an elbow, a beard as long as a fingernail. An old man with a jug, a beard with... Dahl's Explanatory Dictionary

    beard- noun, f., used. often Morphology: (no) what? beards, what? beard, (I see) what? beard, what? beard, about what? about the beard; pl. What? beards, (no) what? beards, what? beards, (I see) what? beards, what? beards, about what? about beards 1. A beard is called... ... Dmitriev's Explanatory Dictionary

    beard- Ukrainian beard, st. glory brada γένειον (Supr.), Bulgarian. Brada, Serbohorv. brada, chuck. brada, slovenian. Brada, Czech Brada, Polish broda, cough. barda, broda, v. Luzh., n. puddle Broda. Related Lit. barzda, ltsh. bârzda, bārda, other Prussian. bordus, lat… Etymological Dictionary of the Russian Language by Max Vasmer

    beard- beard, beards, beards, beards, beards, beards, beards, beards, beards, beards, beards, beards, beards (Source: “Complete accentuated paradigm according to A. A. Zaliznyak”) ... Forms of words

    beard- Cm … Synonym dictionary

    Beard- wearing (or shaving) B. at all times has been and remains to one degree or another iconic, just like hairstyle or cosmetics. Being a secondary sexual characteristic, B. can be conceptualized as a manifestation and symbol of masculinity, the embodiment of vitality;... ... Russian humanitarian encyclopedic dictionary

    BEARD- BEARD, beards, wine. beard, plural beards, beards, beards. 1. Hair on the lower part of the face. 2. Two small fleshy parts hanging under the beak of some birds. Rooster beard. Ushakov's explanatory dictionary. D.N. Ushakov. 1935 1940 ... Ushakov's Explanatory Dictionary

    beard- BEARD1, s, wine. beard, mn beards, beards, am, f Hair on the lower part of a man's face, as well as a tuft of long hair, feathers under the beak, mouth of an animal, bird. His thick, graying beard gave him a sedate merchant look (D. Mamin... ... Explanatory dictionary of Russian nouns

    Beard- I f. 1. Hair on the lower part of a man’s face. Ott. A tuft of long hair under the muzzle in some animals. Ott. Fleshy structures or a tuft of long feathers under the beak of some birds. 2. Something that in its appearance resembles a beard (which... Modern explanatory dictionary of the Russian language by Efremova

    BEARD- BEARD, s, wine. beard, plural beards, beards, am, women. 1. Hair on the lower part of the face in men. Let go of the beard. Salient b. Laugh into your beard (quietly, surreptitiously; colloquially). 2. In some animals: a tuft of hair, feathers or fleshy appendages... ... Ozhegov's Explanatory Dictionary


    • Beard. The world's first guide to the bearded movement Buy for RUR 695
    • The Beard: The World's First Guide to the Beard Movement (in Super) by Sunier Carlos. A beard has long become not just facial hair, but a sign of true masculinity, elegance and style. So how long ago did this fashion appear? It will always exist or it will be too late...

    Women middle part of the lower jaw, under the lips; chin. | Hair on the cheeks and chin: split. fatherland. Some have a beard with a wedge, some with a spade. He's as big as a fingernail, and his beard is as long as his elbow. Himself as long as an elbow, a beard as long as a fingernail. An old man with a jug, a beard with... Dahl's Explanatory Dictionary

    beard- noun, f., used. often Morphology: (no) what? beards, what? beard, (I see) what? beard, what? beard, about what? about the beard; pl. What? beards, (no) what? beards, what? beards, (I see) what? beards, what? beards, about what? about beards 1. A beard is called... ... Dmitriev's Explanatory Dictionary

    beard- Ukrainian beard, st. glory brada γένειον (Supr.), Bulgarian. Brada, Serbohorv. brada, chuck. brada, slovenian. Brada, Czech Brada, Polish broda, cough. barda, broda, v. Luzh., n. puddle Broda. Related Lit. barzda, ltsh. bârzda, bārda, other Prussian. bordus, lat… Etymological Dictionary of the Russian Language by Max Vasmer

    beard- beard, beards, beards, beards, beards, beards, beards, beards, beards, beards, beards, beards, beards (Source: “Complete accentuated paradigm according to A. A. Zaliznyak”) ... Forms of words

    beard- Cm … Synonym dictionary

    Beard- wearing (or shaving) B. at all times has been and remains to one degree or another iconic, just like hairstyle or cosmetics. Being a secondary sexual characteristic, B. can be conceptualized as a manifestation and symbol of masculinity, the embodiment of vitality;... ... Russian humanitarian encyclopedic dictionary

    BEARD- BEARD, beards, wine. beard, plural beards, beards, beards. 1. Hair on the lower part of the face. 2. Two small fleshy parts hanging under the beak of some birds. Rooster beard. Ushakov's explanatory dictionary. D.N. Ushakov. 1935 1940 ... Ushakov's Explanatory Dictionary

    beard- BEARD1, s, wine. beard, mn beards, beards, am, f Hair on the lower part of a man's face, as well as a tuft of long hair, feathers under the beak, mouth of an animal, bird. His thick, graying beard gave him a sedate merchant look (D. Mamin... ... Explanatory dictionary of Russian nouns

    Beard- I f. 1. Hair on the lower part of a man’s face. Ott. A tuft of long hair under the muzzle in some animals. Ott. Fleshy structures or a tuft of long feathers under the beak of some birds. 2. Something that in its appearance resembles a beard (which... Modern explanatory dictionary of the Russian language by Efremova

    BEARD- BEARD, s, wine. beard, plural beards, beards, am, women. 1. Hair on the lower part of the face in men. Let go of the beard. Salient b. Laugh into your beard (quietly, surreptitiously; colloquially). 2. In some animals: a tuft of hair, feathers or fleshy appendages... ... Ozhegov's Explanatory Dictionary


    • Beard. The world's first guide to the bearded movement Buy for RUR 695
    • The Beard: The World's First Guide to the Beard Movement (in Super) by Sunier Carlos. A beard has long become not just facial hair, but a sign of true masculinity, elegance and style. So how long ago did this fashion appear? It will always exist or it will be too late...