How to get a deferment from the army. New law on deferment from the army. Deferment from the army for children

When questions arise about deferments, some lawyers immediately try to refer you to the Federal Law “On Military Duty and military service" Our lawyers think this is not entirely correct, since understanding all the legal terms without special education very hard.

It will be easier and clearer to divide all deferments into four categories

  1. health deferments
  2. social deferments (related to marital status)
  3. professional deferments
  4. deferments for education

It is worth noting that each category includes both the most frequently used deferments and those that are used quite rarely. We will not cover the latter so as not to waste your time - if necessary, you can find out about them from one of our lawyers for free and directly by phone.

Health deferments(suitability category “D”) is provided to those who have recently undergone surgical treatment or been injured. An exacerbation of a chronic disease may also be grounds for obtaining a deferment for health reasons. A deferment for health reasons can be granted for up to 12 months. The delay period is determined by the doctor, taking into account the time required for treatment and recovery. At the end of the deferment, the citizen must be re-examined (a new category of fitness for military service is determined).

Deferments based on marital status expected for those who have 2 or more children. If you have only one child, a deferment will be granted if your wife is 26 weeks or more pregnant. Young people raising a child without a mother or fathers of a disabled child will receive a deferment (until the child reaches the age of 3 years). The deferment will be granted to those who are constantly caring for their father, mother, wife, brother, sister, grandfather, grandmother or adoptive parent, if there are no other persons obligated by law to support these citizens and if there is a conclusion from a medical and social examination institution about the need of these citizens for permanent outside care. If you are a guardian or trustee of a minor brother or minor sister, you will also receive a deferment in the absence of other persons obligated to support your brother or sister.

Profession-related deferrals, are waiting for those who entered service in the authorities after receiving higher education V educational institutions these bodies (we are talking about service in the internal affairs bodies, the State Fire Service, institutions and bodies of the penal system, as well as customs authorities Russian Federation). If you have received a higher education and have a special rank, a deferment will be granted upon entering military service national guard immediately after graduation. Candidates for deputies and deputies also receive a professional deferment (if they win the elections).

Deferment of training will be provided to students of higher educational institutions - bachelors, specialists or masters. Specialists and bachelors will receive a second deferment if they were granted the first one to graduate from school. Masters receive a second deferment if they received the first one for studying for a bachelor's degree. From January 1, 2017, all college students receive a deferment for the entire period of study (if this is the first deferment that is granted to them for their education). Graduate students can still receive a deferment regardless of the number of deferments used. They are granted a deferment for the entire period of study and for 1 year to defend their qualifying work.

For any questions regarding the provision of deferments from conscription for military service, you can seek a free consultation from specialists at the Prizyvnik Bar Association.

Who won't join the army?

The procedure for completing compulsory military service, as well as the grounds for exemption and deferment from it, are regulated by the law “On Military Duty and Military Service” (Federal Law No. 53 of March 28, 1998). Article 23 defines the following categories of citizens who, having received a summons from the military registration and enlistment office, will remain with their family:

  1. Citizens recognized as partially fit for conscription into the army: they will receive a military ID upon reaching 18 years of age. In this case, limited suitability for military service must be confirmed by a decision of a military medical commission. The conscript undergoes examination at the military commissariat at his place of residence. At the same time, he must have a medical card or other certificates confirming the presence of a chronic disease: diseases of the nervous or cardiovascular system, musculoskeletal system, lack of weight, lack of a certain number of teeth, etc. A complete list of such diseases is described in detail in the appendix to the “Regulations on military medical examination” (Resolution of the Government of the Russian Federation of July 4, 2013 No. 565). It is required that a certificate confirming an unsatisfactory state of health be obtained from the military medical commission, and in in some cases in a state or municipal clinic or hospital.
  2. Citizens who prefer alternative service. An application for alternative service must be submitted to the military registration and enlistment office at the place of permanent registration. The reason why the conscript needs this type of service, and not the army, should be clearly and convincingly stated. This can be argued, for example, by one’s own moral principles or religious considerations. The duration of alternative service is 18-21 months. During this time, the young man is employed in his specialty (often far from his place of permanent residence), an employment contract is concluded with him, he receives a small salary (For more details, see Alternative service - what are the terms and procedure?).

    Typically, alternative service involves performing unskilled and low-paid jobs: failed soldiers work as orderlies in hospitals, at production and construction sites, etc. For young people with higher education, it is possible to serve as a clerk, librarian, or archivist.

  3. Citizens who served in the armed forces of a foreign state, with whose government Russia has concluded an international treaty.

Brothers and sons of conscripts who died in the army, as well as citizens who died during military training, can be legally exempt from military service. The law provides for the right to exempt from the army persons who have a candidate or doctorate degree. Citizens serving sentences in prisons, colonies, under investigation or who have an outstanding criminal record are not accepted for military service.

How to get a deferment from the army?

It is possible that a completely healthy young man will want to join the army in the future, but now he wants to study at a university or technical school, start a family and build a successful career. In this case, it is better to use the right of deferment. Deferment from the army 2019-2020 is regulated by Art. 24 Federal Law “On Military Service”. The deferment rules apply to:

  1. Citizens with a temporary illness. In such a situation, a deferment is granted for a period of no more than 1 year.
  2. Citizens who care for their sick relatives, and there is no one else to do this, i.e. if the conscript is the only support and breadwinner in the family.
  3. Citizens raising children without a mother or who are guardians (trustees) of their minor brothers and sisters - provided that there is no one else to raise small relatives.
  4. Citizens who have a child and a wife at least 26 weeks pregnant.
  5. Citizens who entered the service of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, fire safety, Ministry of Emergency Situations, etc.
  6. Citizens with 2 or more children or 1 disabled child who has not yet turned 3 years old.

The deferment also applies to persons elected to legislative bodies at the federal and regional levels (deputies), as well as to those registered as candidates for elective positions.

Young people who do not want to serve often use another legal basis for deferment - studying at universities. But this applies only to full-time students of budgetary and commercial departments. The main thing is that the university has state accreditation.

The deferment period cannot be longer than the period of study: for specialty programs it is 5 years, bachelor’s programs - 4 years, master’s programs - 2 years, postgraduate programs - 3 years. The right to a deferment also remains for those students who took an academic leave or were expelled from the university at their own request. However, the right is retained only if, in connection with academic leave The deferment period will increase by no more than a year, and in case of expulsion and subsequent reinstatement, the period should not increase at all.

Don't know your rights?

It happens that a student is already 27 years old at the time of completion of his studies (the maximum age when a man is subject to conscription for compulsory military service). For example, if a young man received a bachelor's degree, after which he entered a full-time master's degree, and then decided to continue his studies in graduate school. In this case, he is automatically exempt from urgent conscription into the army.

A deferment is also possible for students of vocational schools, colleges and other secondary specialized educational institutions. Since 2017, such a deferment has been provided for the entire period of study. In this case, the teaching is not only light, but also guaranteed “freedom” for several years.

Should we trust offers like “I’ll help you get out of the army for money”?

There are many advertisements on the Internet inviting conscripts to avoid the army. The cost of the issue can cost a tidy sum. Often scammers simply take the money and leave their clients with nothing. The guarantee that a young man will not be called up for military service is practically zero. At the same time, serious punishment is provided for attempting to illegally evade the army - a fine of up to 200 thousand rubles or the amount of income for a period of up to one and a half years, arrest for up to six months, or prison or forced labor for up to 2 years (Article 328 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation). To this may also be added punishment for giving a bribe (Article 291 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation).

If a young man has legal grounds for a deferment, he must take the initiative and bring all available documents to the military registration and enlistment office. If he is a student, a certificate from educational institution; If you have a dependent pregnant wife, two or more children or disabled relatives, a certificate of family composition and a conclusion from the social security authorities is sufficient.

If a conscript is sick, then an extract from his medical record and a conclusion from the attending physician will be suitable for deferment. He will undergo a medical examination on a general basis, and if necessary, the young man can be sent for a medical examination at a military hospital.

What are the consequences of deception?

We strongly do not recommend that you try to simulate an illness or any of your “peculiarities” (pretend to be mentally ill people, homosexuals, etc.): the medical board of the military registration and enlistment office employs psychologists who are able to recognize a lie almost from the first minute of your inappropriate behavior.

If you have documents on hand that give you the right to a deferment or release from the army, then if the specialists of the regional military registration and enlistment office make an unsatisfactory conclusion about fitness for service, you should appeal such an act to the military commissariat of a constituent entity of the Russian Federation or in court. In this situation, it is advisable to use the services of an experienced lawyer who can defend the legal position of his client. Help can also be provided by human rights organizations that work free of charge and try to widely publicize cases of violation of the rights of conscripts.

While studying at school, a secondary vocational or higher educational institution, a conscript can apply for a deferment, but this right does not apply to everyone. I’ll tell you who doesn’t need to be afraid of being drafted in this article.

School deferment

Deferment from the army while studying at school is provided to students who have turned 18 years old. It is given for the entire period of study, so the student cannot be called up for service either during his studies or immediately after graduation.

This deferment from the army is valid until October 1. At this point, the student, if he plans to continue his education, must enter a college or university and apply for the next deferment. If a graduate does not enroll anywhere, then after October 1 he may be called up for military service.

To receive a deferment for studies, the student must provide the military registration and enlistment office with a certificate from the school or lyceum. It must indicate the date, number of the order for enrollment in an educational institution, class and date of graduation.

The certificate must be:

  1. registered in the journal of official documents of the educational institution,
  2. signed by the director or his deputy,
  3. confirmed by the seal of the educational institution.

Deferment from the army in college and technical school

Schoolchildren who successfully pass the exams can enter a secondary vocational educational institution. Deferment from the army after 9th and 11th grades when entering a college, technical school or school is provided for the entire period of receiving education.

Conditions for obtaining a deferment from the army in college and technical school:

  1. To receive a deferment, the student must provide the military registration and enlistment office with a certificate from the place of study. It must indicate the date and number of the enrollment order, the course of study and the date of graduation. The document is signed by the manager or deputymanager and certified by the seal.
  2. A college/technical school provides military deferment only if it has passed state accreditation.
  3. The deferment from the army must be formalized at the military commissariat.

The answer to the question of whether they give a deferment from the army after college or technical school also has its own nuances. This possibility is not provided, so conscripts who took advantage of one deferment may be drafted into the army, even if they enter a university or institute.

How to get a deferment from the army at a university: bachelor’s and specialist’s degrees

If a conscript has entered an institute or university, he also has the right to a deferment. It is important to note that a deferment from the army when distance learning is not provided. Right to temporary exemption from conscriptionguaranteed only to those students who are admitted to full-time.

How not to go into the army if you study by correspondence, read in.

To apply for a deferment, the student will need a certificate confirming the fact of study. It should indicate:

  • date and number of the enrollment order,
  • approximate date of graduation from the educational institution,
  • current course of study.

With this certificate and registration certificate, conscripts need to come to the military registration and enlistment office, undergo a medical examination and receive a decision on granting a deferment. If necessary, the military commissariat may request documents confirming receipt of secondary (complete) general education.

Important points

  1. Only the military registration and enlistment office, and not the university management, can exempt you from conscription.
  2. The military department does not grant deferment from the army.
  3. A deferment from the army for a bachelor's or specialist degree is not granted if the same deferment has already been issued.

How to get a deferment from the army at a university: master's degree

If a conscript has completed a bachelor's degree, he can enroll in a master's program and receive another deferment from the army. You can defer conscription for military service if three conditions are met:

  • the university/institute has passed state accreditation,
  • a master's student is studying full-time,
  • the student entered the master's program immediately after graduating from the bachelor's degree.

To receive a deferment for a master's degree, the student must provide to the military registration and enlistment office:

  1. Certificate form Appendix No. 2 confirming your studies at the university. It indicates the number and date of issue, the number of the enrollment order, the specialty code and the date of graduation from the university. The document must be signed by the rector or his deputy and have the university seal.
  2. A copy of the bachelor's diploma, certified by a notary or the university that issued the diploma.

Does the second master's degree give a deferment from the army? No, a graduate will not be able to obtain a second exemption from conscription. You can continue your studies only upon admission to graduate school.

Memo from the Assistance Service for Conscripts:

During the period between the completion of a bachelor's degree and enrollment in a master's program, a student can be drafted into the army even if he has a postgraduate leave.

Postgraduate studies and deferment from the army

After completing the master's program, the conscript can continue his studies by enrolling in graduate school. After completing his studies, the young man is given one year to defend his dissertation.

Graduate school gives a deferment from the army if a young man studies:

  1. For programs that have passed state accreditation.
  2. For full-time study (correspondence postgraduate studies do not provide for a deferment from the army).

To obtain a deferment, you must provide the military registration and enlistment office:

  1. A copy of the higher education diploma vocational education. Certified by a notary or the signature of the head and the seal of the educational institution that issued the original diploma).
  2. Certificate of application form No. 2.
  3. A copy of the accreditation.

Does the second postgraduate course give a deferment from the army? The Federal Law “On Military Duty and Military Service” does not provide for a limit on the number of deferments when studying for a second postgraduate course. A deferment from the army is provided if the graduate has re-entered full-time education and is studying in accredited programs.

Deferment after expulsion from the university

Obtaining a deferment after expulsion from a university has an important nuance. According to the federal law “On Military Duty and Military Service,” a conscript has the right to continue his studies, but only if:

  1. he left on his own initiative,
  2. The period of study after recovery did not increase.

Not provided if the student was expelled on the initiative of the dean's office or rector's office due to academic failure. They can also be drafted into the army if the conscript dropped out on his own initiative, but the period of training after reinstatement has increased by a year or longer.

Second and third deferment from the army

To determine when a conscript can take advantage of the deferment again, you need to pay attention to Article 24 of the federal law “On Military Duty and Military Service.” It states:

"[If] the first deferment from conscription for military service was granted to the citizen in accordance with paragraph seven of this subparagraph, the citizen can again exercise the right to a deferment from conscription for military service in accordance with paragraph nine of this subparagraph.”

The seventh paragraph should begin with the phrase “bachelor's degree programs if the specified students do not have a bachelor's degree.” The ninth is for “master’s programs.” Accordingly, the right to a second deferment is granted if the conscript, after graduating from a bachelor’s degree, enters a master’s program.

This is not the only case when a conscript can receive a second deferment. The same right is given to young people who:

  1. They receive a deferment while studying at school, and then enter higher or secondary specialized educational institutions. If an 18-year-old student enrolls in a bachelor's degree program, then after receiving a bachelor's degree he will be able to apply for a third deferment from the army by enrolling in a master's program.
  2. They receive a deferment while studying at preparatory courses, and after completing them they enter a university or institute.
  3. Graduated from a master's degree or specialty and entered graduate school.
  4. We dropped out of graduate school, but then enrolled again.

The main criterion for obtaining a second and third deferment from the army is continuity educational process. Only those students who switch to military service are not drafted into the army. new level education in the year of completion of the previous one. The second mandatory condition for obtaining a deferment is training in educational program, which has state accreditation. If the program (or the educational institution as a whole) is not accredited, the inductee will not be granted a deferment. There is no deferment from the army for second higher education.

How to get a deferment from the army for studying abroad?

Military commissariats do not issue a deferment from the army to study abroad, but this does not mean that the young man will not be able to obtain a higher education in foreign university. The fact is that Russian citizens permanently residing in the territory of another state are removed from military registration and are not called up for service.

If you are going to get an education abroad, you need to come to the regional military registration and enlistment office, report your intention and write an application for deregistration. The application must be accompanied by evidence of moving abroad: documents on enrollment in a university, tickets, temporary residence permit and/or residence permit. Documents for foreign language must have a notarized translation. After consideration and approval of the application, the conscript will be deregistered.

Distance learning abroad, if the conscript is in Russia, does not exempt you from conscription. In such cases, a deferment cannot be issued.

With respect to you, Anna Nikolaeva, lawyer of the Assistance Service for Conscripts.

The grounds for obtaining a deferment from the army are specified in Article 24 of the current Federal Law “On Military Duty and Military Service.” With the onset of 2017, adjustments to the above article came into force. The amendments affected young people receiving education in secondary, secondary specialized and higher educational institutions. Who has the right to receive a deferment from the army and what its duration is, we will consider in more detail in the article.

The Federal Law “On Military Duty and Military Service” was adopted on March 28, 1998. The law regulates the duties of military personnel to fulfill their duty to defend the Fatherland according to the Constitution, as well as the procedure for enlisting citizens of the Russian Federation, including foreign citizens, into military service.

The law includes 9 sections and 65 articles:

  • general provisions (art. 1-7);
  • military registration (Articles 8-10);
  • preparation of citizens for military service on a compulsory and voluntary basis (Articles 11-21);
  • conscription of citizens into the army (Articles 22-31);
  • military service under contract (Articles 32-35);
  • military service (Articles 36-49);
  • general provisions, reasons and procedure for dismissal (Article 50-51.1);
  • reserves of the RF Armed Forces, SVR and FSB (Article 51.2-57);
  • reservists of the RF Armed Forces and other military organizations and bodies (Articles 57.1-57.8);
  • final provisions (arts. 58-65).

Articles 16, 30 and 59 have lost their legal force.

The current edition is dated July 26, 2017, the provisions came into force on August 6 of the same year. Some of its provisions will come into force in the new year - January 1, 2018. Article 24, regulating the receipt of a deferment from the army, was amended by an amendment dated July 3, 2016; the changes and additions came into force from the beginning of 2017.

Who can get a deferment from the army?

There are many reasons for deferment from the army, which are all described in Article 24. Let us consider in more detail who and on what grounds can receive temporary release.

Due to health conditions

During a medical examination of a conscript, there is a fitness category “G”, which indicates a temporary health disorder - fractures, dystrophy or excessive obesity. This category is assigned by the draft commission, which issues a verdict on a temporary deferment from the army for a period of up to 1 year. Six months later, the conscript undergoes a second medical examination. If there is no deterioration in health, a final decision is made on the citizen’s fitness.

Getting an education at an educational institution

Pupils and students have the right to a deferment from the army if they undergo full-time study at accredited educational institutions. This paragraph has been amended - If previously it was possible to obtain a deferment until the age of 20, now the temporary exemption will be valid for the entire period of study. This concerns schools, colleges, universities. Those who entered graduate school or defended their dissertation and received the title of candidate of science can also count on temporary exemption. The deferment from conscription into the army is one-time only. However, this rule has an exception if the conscript wishes to continue his education, for example, after school he entered a college or university, etc.

For family reasons

Deferment from the army may be granted if the conscript:

  • is a single father;
  • has 2 or more children;
  • his child is disabled and has not reached the age of 3 years;
  • has a child and a spouse whose gestational age is at least 26 weeks.

Also, a young person receives temporary exemption from the army if he cares for his parents, spouse, grandparents, or siblings. A mandatory condition for deferment is the absence of other relatives obligated to support them, the presence of a medical certificate indicating the need for constant outside care, and they are not on state support.

Another reason for deferment from the army is the conscript's taking on guardianship/trusteeship of a minor brother/sister, if there are no other relatives ready to take responsibility for the children.

In connection with work

Deferment from the army is given to employees of the Department of Internal Affairs, State Border Service, Penitentiary Service, Federal Drug Control Service and customs officers. The main condition is to enter service in these bodies immediately after graduating from the university of the above bodies. Also, civil servants (deputies) can count on temporary exemption from military service.

By order of the President

Every year, 500 people receive a deferment from the army, thanks to the order of the President. Young people are selected from among talented youth to support scientific potential.


The federal military deferment law provides for varying lengths of temporary release. When it comes to health— then the deferment is valid until 1 year.

In a situation where the conscript is a student of one of the educational institutions, the duration will be the entire period of training. Previously, a conscript was required to interrupt his studies upon reaching the age of 20. We must not forget that a deferment from the army by law can be given 2 times, provided that the young man has decided to continue his studies further at a higher educational institution.

If conscript plays the role of a single father, then the deferment from the army will last the entire period while he raises the child on his own. The situation is repeated in the example with the presence of 2 or more children or when there is already one child and the spouse is 26 weeks pregnant. In the case of a disabled child, the young man will not be drafted into the army until the child turns 3 years old. Every year, documents proving these facts must be provided to the military registration and enlistment office until the conscript reaches 27 years of age. Things to remember:If the child dies or the father is deprived of parental rights, then the temporary exemption from the army will be lifted. In the case of caring for relatives or registering guardianship, the duration of the temporary deferment from the army depends on the time of performing these functions.

If the conscript is serving in the civil service, then the deferment from the army will be valid for the entire period of fulfillment of powers in these bodies. If a young person participates in elections, the duration will be the entire period of participation in elections up to the day the results are announced or, in the case of early withdrawal, up to and including the day of withdrawal.

Download the text of the law

To fully understand the current provisions of the law, you should familiarize yourself with its relevant contents. You can download the latest edition with all changes and amendments at.

Twice a year - from October to December and from April to July - conscription time comes. The law will be interesting to read for conscripts who want to receive a deferment from the army under Article 24 of the current law.

Having received a school certificate of secondary education, thinking about further continuation of studies, for a professional placement, young people have to think about military service, or about receiving deferments from the army.

How to get a deferment from the army for studies? What law? how to get it in college, university?

In the Russian Federation, calls for military service are received by adults who have reached the age of eighteen, with the absence of contraindications based on health status, having received confirmation of a medical report.

Information that will definitely be useful to you:

School graduates are making plans for their future secondary or top level. Therefore, the legislation establishes a number of privileges, expressed as exemptions from service, since the process of study is ongoing.

Deferment from the army for studies law

Today, the availability of deferment details is regulated in the Federal Law “On Military Duty and Military Service.” Under the terms of Art. 24 of this legislative act, students of educational institutions have the right to defer.

Schooling now covers an eleven-year course, just up to eighteen (the initial conscription limit). Military registration and enlistment offices send calls for the purpose of passing a commission, and, based on a school certificate, provide exemption.

Already, and the student has not yet received his school certificate, then it is necessary to obtain an exemption from conscription before graduating from a real general education institution, no more. For these citizens there is a deferment valid until October, after passing the final tests, expressed in a single state exam to have a document confirming completion of studies.

Situations when it is impossible to provide a deferment for studies:

When educational institutions are not accredited;

At an educational institute that provides evening, correspondence, and distance learning;

Full-time secondary school education, when the initial deferment upon completion of school is used;

Upon admission to a second higher education;

When studying full-time, when applying for a master's degree, more than a year from the date when the bachelor's degree was awarded;

Students studying at universities, secondary educational institutions, expelled due to poor academic performance and other reasons initiated by representatives of the places of study.

How many deferments from the army for studies?

The exemption can only be used once, but there are certain exceptions. In order to find out whether a young person can use another exemption, it is necessary to refer to Art. 24 of the Federal Law “On Military Duty and Military Service”, correctly identifying all paragraphs by numbering.

It will also be useful to know for the future:

The main condition allowing the application real fact deferment again and again, it is a process of continuous learning. Students who move to a new stage of education in the year in which the previous one ended will not have to serve. The second necessary criterion for deferment is if the training involves a program that has state accreditation.

Granting the first deferment

For the first time, exemption from military duty on the basis of study should be granted to young men who have not graduated from a general educational institution. A schoolchild cannot be drafted into the armed forces until he reaches the age of eighteen.

They will not be obliged to serve now even with the appearance of a certificate. For persons of conscription age and graduating class, exemption from military service is established until 01.X of the year in which school is completed. It must be remembered that only young people have the right to temporary exemption from military obligation if they successfully pass the certification exam (USE) and receive a school certificate.

For the first time, full-time secondary school students should have benefits for military service until they graduate and young people turn twenty.

For the first time, a preferential exemption is available to students at a higher education institution and it must be accredited.

Students in religious educational institutions that provide full-time education and have a license for educational activities.

Exemption for graduate students studying full-time at accredited institutions.

Second deferment from the army

Repeated exemption from military duty on the basis of training employment is provided only in the following situations:

1. For the first time, a young man’s deferment is used while studying at school - then he is granted a second exemption upon entering a university;

2. For the first time the exemption is used while studying at an undergraduate university - then he is granted a second exemption for admission to a master's program;

3. Exemption for graduate students - how many times, not limited by law;

4. Liberation for students in religious educational institutions;

Other options for military deferment on an educational basis:

transfers, academic leave, deductions.

Students retain the right to military deferment in case of transfer at the place of study (between places of study), transfers with a change of specialty. There is a continuation of deferrals in situations where there is no increase in the general academic period or when there is an increase of no more than an annual period.

Note! Repeated release is permissible only upon completion of higher education. While studying at colleges and technical schools, repeated exemption from military duty is not allowed.

Third exemption for reasons of study

For the third time, postgraduate students, as well as interns and residents, are awarded preferential exemption; they have access to any possible number exemptions until completion of studies and defended dissertation.

How to get a student deferment, what documents to provide

Now students of any accredited educational institutions have the right to legally and indisputably receive deferments from military registration and enlistment offices. The appointment of this exemption occurs at the commission, with the necessary provision of a reference document that has the appropriate structure, it states that the conscript is studying at a school, college, or university. The appointment of release must occur by personally arriving at the commission.

Some commissariats provide release in absentia, in a sense, there is a violation of legal norms. This mainly happens when the young man is in another locality while studying, remaining in the same place of military registration. Because of this, he will not be able to arrive at the commission at the place of registration.

To receive a deferment for a student called by the commission, it is necessary to provide this package of documents:

Passport, birth certificate;

Certificate of where you are studying, in an approved form;

University diploma (provided by graduate students, interns, master's and residency students);

Institute license (copy), allowing to carry out activities under accredited programs (university, secondary school students);

Certificate of passing a medical examination confirming the conscript’s fitness for military service due to health reasons.

Deferment from the army when studying abroad

According to Russian law, a foreign higher education institution is not allowed to establish a military exemption. This is based on the fact that foreign educational institute It is impossible to comply with the requirements mandatory when a conscript receives deferments:

State accreditation, taking into account the requirements of the law of the Russian Federation;

The need to deregister a conscript who is outside the borders of Russia in the interval of more than six months;

Place of permanent residence for a conscript of another state.

Therefore, a conscript while studying at a foreign educational institute cannot claim exemption from service, although conscription is not obligatory for him, since he is not listed in the military register, having lived outside the borders of our state for more than 3 months. Judging therefore, an educational diploma from a foreign country is an option not to be subject to military service. These citizens need to know that upon returning to the Russian Federation (re-registration with the district commissariat), the option of calling up the armed forces is possible.

Military deferment in college

The most difficult task for granting deferments will be for students in different technical schools and colleges than for high school students and university representatives. Exemption is available to young men when they have completed ninth grade. schooling and were enrolled at the place of study to receive secondary vocational education.

Deferments are possible subject to certain conditions:

The conscript is studying full-time (full-time);

Studying takes place in accordance with accredited programs established by law;

The young man had not previously received a similar exemption from service.

Important! Since the beginning of 2017, all conscripts studying at colleges and technical schools who entered an eleven-year school are applying for a deferment from military duty for the full term of study until the presentation of a diploma certificate, like everyone who entered colleges after nine years of education. Rights continuing education These students can apply from the moment the law amendments came into force.

Deferment from the army at university

Young people who enter higher education institutions on the basis of an eleven-year school are exempted for the full period of study before receiving a diploma. Now, according to the terms of the law, there is no deferment for conscripts who have expressed a desire to continue their studies on the basis of higher education, after college or technical school.

The legislation provides for deferments for master's degree students, but not in all cases. Exemption should be granted only if the conscript entered the same year in which he became a bachelor, because a continuous course of study is necessary. In addition, he can receive a master's degree at another university.

A young person needs to notify in advance of his decision to continue studying in a master’s program after completing entrance examinations, submit documents (application, photocopies of ID, document of higher education).

Additional Information! For a conscript who, after studying on the basis of a specialty program, wants to take advantage of the opportunity to be exempt from military duties while still enrolling in a master's program, this is now not possible.

Postgraduate deferment from the army

For postgraduate students (adjunct, residency, internship) receiving education after university, the law provides for exemption for the entire study period. Typically, graduate school takes three to four years of study.

To obtain an exemption, the following conditions must be met:

Completing full-time (full-time) studies;

An educational institution must have state accreditation (license) based on programs for training scientific personnel.

To receive a deferment, a conscript must ensure in advance that the appropriate application is submitted to the military registration and enlistment office, after a medical commission, and submit a package of documents by October 1:

A certified copy of the graduate school’s enrollment order;

A certificate signed by the head of the university, with information (date of completion of the master's program and the estimated date of defense of the final work);

University diploma;

Identity card (copy);

A copy of the license (when the conscript is studying at a scientific institution), confirming the university’s grounds for conducting educational activities.

Based on the foregoing, it can be noted that conscripts can be granted more than one deferment from military duties under these conditions:

The conscript used a deferment after graduating from school (for the first time), then re-exemption from the army is available by entering a university;

The conscript received an exemption while studying on the basis of a bachelor's degree program (for the first time), the use of an additional deferment in a master's degree was allowed;

The conscript entered graduate school because the law does not limit the number of deferments for such training;

The conscript is busy receiving education from any educational institution of a religious nature.