How to develop charisma in a girl. How to develop charisma in yourself. The new leader is a charismatic leader

The topic of influencing people is a very popular one, and everyone approaches it in their own way.

So why are some respected and others not? Why do some people listen and follow them, while others, even if they are in office, spend a lot of effort on managing people and do not achieve results? Is it congenital? Or can you develop it in yourself? I think it can be developed, and I have such experience in my practice. Let's break down the big problem: charisma. For small subtasks.

I dedicate the first article Psychological Strength and Weakness.

What does Psychological Strength consist of? How do others evaluate our “weight”?

  1. Social status. Creating a picture for others about your roles - in the right words, about achievements and skills. A professional coach can help you.
  2. Appearance: force: clothing, size, beauty, associative perception (symbols of power, success). A thoughtful wardrobe, depending on your status and the desired impression on others. Careful attention to detail: what is accepted in the social circle in which you want to have weight. Observation, coach or stylist to help you. Weakness: inattention to one’s wardrobe, sloppiness, inappropriate clothing for the status and event.
  3. Demeanor: weakness and light psychological weight - vanity, incorrect posture. Force- royal posture, sequence of movements, calm and confidence.

Exercises: royal posture - look in the mirror at how you walk. Shoulders should be straightened. The body is calm, without tension. The spine is straight, looking forward and confident. The chin is a little (a few millimeters up). We practice walking straight and confidently. Only the muscles of the eyes and back are tense.

A calm presence.

  1. Force— The Master’s gaze is direct, open, appraising and observing. Equal and calm. Weakness - a look from below asking and apologizing, or from above - the aggressor pushes away.
  2. Voice. Force- the tone is firm, calm. Weakness - high and nervous notes. The voice is trained with special exercises. Voice training - read poetry on camera in different intonations, conduct analysis. It is more effective with a professional or in public speaking training.
  3. Speech skill: Force - creativity (we develop, read a lot, listen to Leaders speak), energy - a well-established daily routine, nutrition, auto-training.
  4. Gestures. Force: free and firm control of the body, appropriate open gestures. Weakness: tight body, poor gestures.

Your actions give rise to habits, habits form character traits, Character traits are collected into Character, and Character already shapes Life, determines “Destiny”. So it started with your actions?

Exactly!! From daily, daily... habitual ones.

Today is about actions in shaping the vigor and energy of a Charismatic person. Two practical tips: Good morning and a useful evening.

  • Good morning:

Target: to establish a cheerful start to the day and the right charge for the day.

Meaning: Trains will and responsibility. Adds health. Fills you with energy.

Keep a diary where you will tick off the following:

  1. I woke up and got up right after the alarm clock at 6-8 in the morning (no later!),
  2. Smiled, said "Good Morning" to the world,
  3. Walk briskly to the bathroom, wash your face with cold water or shower, and greet your loved ones with a kind and positive greeting.
  4. Charging 5-10 minutes,
  5. Healthy breakfast
  6. Plan for the day in all areas (family, work, self).
  • Useful evening:

Target: to establish the foundation of a healthy lifestyle.

Meaning: correct work the body with healthy sleep, good relationships at home, the internal good state of a happy person, training the will.

We also note in the Diary:

  1. Shower after work.
  2. Healthy dinner with loved ones until 20-00. Love is a verb.
  3. Chat or walk with family.
  4. Gratitude to loved ones and the world for what happened during the day. Working through the experience in your head. Preliminary plan for tomorrow.
  5. Sleep from 22-23:00. Well, at least today!

And without the Foundation of your Charisma it will not last long!! No matter how purposeful you are and no matter what other skills you have developed.

We'll build the foundation, then we'll start building the walls, and then decorate!

It is indeed difficult for many people to organize and control themselves on the path to change. If you need a "Magic Kick", choose a specialist according to your liking in your city.

Let's start building walls.

Psychologists agree that we evaluate a person in the first few seconds, on an unconscious level. And this assessment is then very difficult to change.

What do we evaluate in the first few seconds?

  1. Body.
  • Gait. How do you walk: do you mince with small steps or take huge steps? Are you walking with a firm gait, or is your whole body shaking? We need to work with this.

Exercise: week, 5 times a day, on the street, follow the person in front at a safe distance and copy his gait for 5 minutes. Do it for a week!! Draw conclusions.

  • Posture. Posture reveals whether you are a confident person.

Train your back straight! Royal bearing.


"Royal posture is where royalty begins - with a straight back. Speed ​​up! Go to the wall, lean your back, repeat its plane with your back, and then, keeping your back, move away. When you can breathe in this state and not even be tense, that’s what you need. So, the back is straight, the shoulders are straightened: unfolded and relaxed.

At work, when you feel like you’ve been sitting too long, do a simple exercise: bring your shoulders forward, lift them up, move them back as far as possible and then relax... In two weeks you will get into the habit of sitting straight without sliding from your chair, and your back will begin to feel comfortable without any additional exercises.

Great! In the meantime, we are honing the details. The royal posture is maintained by three vectors of force. The first vector gives solidity, the second - lightness, the third - energy.

The vector of solidity goes from your waist down: imagine that your feet are firmly stepping on the ground, which both attracts and holds you. You and the earth are one, the vector attracts you to the earth and creates a foundation for you. You stand firmly on the ground, your stance and gait have become solid.

Which, however, should not interfere with the overall feeling of vigor and energy. Imagine that there are springs in your legs and you really want to jump! Actually, that’s how boxers move in the ring: they jump on their own, but you can’t knock them down.

The second vector of force goes straight up from the crown of your head: as soon as you feel this (and this is easy), lightness is added to your gait. Walk with your neck high, as if your gaze is coming from the second floor level. Nod several times as if condescending to the highest approval. Note that with this nod, the chin goes towards you, and not away from you. The chicken's head jerking from bottom to front has now been replaced by a soft royal nod from top to bottom. So, your entire upper body, and specifically your head, is held by a vector of force directed upward. Higher, higher!

Finally, release from the solar plexus (touch it) the third vector, a vector of energy directed forward and upward. Forward and upward! Once you do this, the emphasis in your legs will shift to your toes, a feeling of readiness to jump will arise inside, and people nearby will begin to say about you: “An energetic person!”

It’s very nice that with simple things like this you can achieve serious changes in your impression of yourself.

Any new skill needs training, and when you have given yourself royal posture, you need to train it, accustom yourself to it. If you ask one of your loved ones or friends to monitor you and your posture, it will be useful for both you and your friends: note that their posture will soon improve as well. It’s very good to go to a children’s goods store and buy yourself a crown there, and preferably a heavier one. Having placed it on your head, you will feel a sharp and unexpected effect: your back will immediately straighten, your neck will become more rigid, and your movements will become smooth. At least to prevent the crown from slipping over your ears.Pharmacies sell a posture corrector: something between a bra and a collar, put on the shoulders, and can be worn under clothes.

Another good recipe: put a medium-heavy book on your head, place cups of water on your palms (you can hold them with your fingers) and spread your arms slightly to the sides. You will very much resemble an exquisite floor lamp, but not for long, because the load turns out to be serious. What, in fact, attracts many: it doesn’t take long, but the result is felt immediately. Try it - you will feel how exactly those muscles that are needed are activated.Good luck to you, Your Majesty!" The author of this exercise is N.I. Kozlov.

  • Facial expression. This point is both simple and very complex. A person has 132 facial muscles on his face, and it is almost impossible to consciously control them in full. But, having created the “correct images” with thinking, the face will draw with its muscles what is necessary.
  1. Self-esteem. Confidence in your abilities. Believe in yourself. Mastery of your craft. If self-esteem is low, work with a psychologist is necessary.
  2. Attitude towards an interlocutor or a group of people. As my colleague says: “Find a curve in the body or soul of your interlocutor and fall in love” - a sincerely good attitude, on equal terms: You are a good person (group) - I am a good person! — immediately drawn by the facial muscles.

Exercise: Train your interlocutor to identify the advantages in your head in advance. For example, your thoughts are “What a nasty cleaning lady we have in our office” - and she answers you in the same way. So start with her “a hard-working woman, golden hands, an ideal office after her” - for example, such thoughts, or find what you like. Think like that for a week when you see her. Track the results.

And then the man opens his mouth and we evaluate Voice.

Let's break this down into Tasks:

  • Is the voice quiet or loud, is it clearly audible? Learning to change the volume.


  1. Watch a video of a man whom many consider bright and charismatic.
  2. Write it down short video, as you usually say, evaluate the advantages and disadvantages.
  3. Practice changing the volume of your voice while reading a piece. Ask your loved ones to evaluate how you handled this task. Continue to focus on this in everyday life.
  • Hoarseness, trembling. If your hoarseness makes you look brutal, that’s great, but if it bothers you, you can work with a stage speech teacher.
  • Sluggish, incomprehensible diction, like porridge in the mouth.


Find on the Internet or a book with tongue twisters. For 15 minutes a day, for a month, train to clearly pronounce each letter. Take the “exam” to your loved ones or friends who can evaluate it objectively.

  • Overlaying emotions on the voice (excitement). You are worried, and your voice immediately reveals it. What to do? As they say, “earn hours” of communicating with people. Try to communicate more with people: in a cafe, store, on the street, at work with those whose opinions are not critical to you. Gradually your voice will become more confident. Experience is really needed here.
  • Intonation or monotony. When a person speaks monotonously, you don’t want to listen to him and it’s not interesting; rather, such a person will be able to noticeably immerse you in a trance.

The brighter the intonation, the more interesting it is to listen.

Exercise: watch the video of Mironov’s performance and rate it. Now go to the mirror and read poetry. Remember how it was in childhood. With expression and highlighting of important shades and nuances in the voice. Adding clear emotions and tender, bright and exciting emotions. Turn your head gradually to the sides, with a small amplitude - this helps the sound of your voice change.

Of course, I have a lot of faith in people! But practice shows that such training goes better and gives greater results when exercised in a group or individually with a trainer.

I think that, of course, there were several people who started trying and training right now. In a few days, some of them will stop doing this... Only a few with a strong will and a wild desire for success will follow this path to the end! If you are not one of them, there is no need to spread rot on yourself. You are just a person who needs help. Don’t turn development into a struggle with yourself, the struggle is not productive! You have been developing your skills for years, and, of course, it is difficult to change them immediately and easily. Under supervision and with the help of a professional, this usually works out better.

A person is capable of much! Almost everything.

Develop yourself with pleasure.

To be continued…

No one doubts that it is charisma that makes a leader a leader whom people are ready to follow with inspiration. A charismatic boss is able to motivate a team to achieve accomplishments much more powerfully than a salary increase.

Some sociologists define charisma as a superpower, and charismatic as a person with supernatural power. Having analyzed thousands famous leaders, they came to the conclusion: charisma is a set of certain qualities.

Qualities of a Charismatic Leader

  • Focus not on yourself, but on your employees
Effective leadership always means that the leader perfectly understands the characteristics of his team. What works for these people doesn't work for others. Therefore, to be a charismatic leader you need to understand your subordinates well and be in contact with them.

The stronger the relationship, the better. When employees interact with a charismatic boss, they feel his authority and even a certain greatness.

  • Extraversion
The charisma of a leader involves active recruitment and involvement of employees in work, so it is difficult to imagine that a charismatic boss would constantly withdraw into himself. A charismatic person is always cheerful and charges others with his energy.

This does not mean that an introvert cannot be a charismatic person, but he will have to try very hard, because contacts with people drain him, while an extrovert, on the contrary, is fueled by them.

  • Brilliant Negotiation
A charismatic leader is not only a sociable person, but also has the gift of being particularly expressive and precise in his message. He can tell interesting story on occasion and give the necessary example. His conversation flows smoothly and engagingly. He knows how to frankly express his feelings.

Such qualities are often given from birth, but you can consciously instill them in yourself.

  • Empathy
In order to be charismatic, the ability to involve employees in work and find contact with them is not enough. Empathy is what a leader will never become charismatic without.

Aristotle also emphasized empathy as an indicator of character and fortitude. People are always able to identify sincere sympathy. Therefore, a leader will not be able to form strong emotional connections with employees unless he demonstrates that he truly understands and accepts the interests of others.

Without a doubt, charisma is not so much an innate gift as it is a skill that can be developed and refined before it develops into true leadership.

Both a powerful and decisive person and a self-doubting person can achieve influence on the masses. Both an open extroverted person and a closed introvert can become a charismatic. A person prone to research activities, and one who takes active action.

The vain Benito Mussolini, the vulnerable dictator Steve Jobs, the lover of women and luxury Silvio Berlusconi. They are completely different, but they have something in common - the ability to make a strong impression on their audience. And each of them, with the help of this, achieves the main thing - power, authority and the ability to influence others.

How to develop charisma?

1. Become internally free

Charisma is unthinkable without significant internal freedom of the individual. This means the ability to see the world in your own way, as well as freedom from some of the restrictions that most people follow. It's the freedom to create your own goals.

Many people deliberately give up freedom, voluntarily placing it in the hands of a leader, because they do not know what to do with it. They are not ready to take responsibility for themselves and their decisions. To be charismatic means to be freer than others, to be able to navigate the world of possibilities and to be able to make decisions.

2. Be highly motivated

Whatever the goal of the aspiring leader: to earn money, achieve comfort and security, provide for his family, realize his potential, achieve high social status - he inevitably comes to the understanding that his actions have a high social significance. Whatever he does is very important for hundreds and thousands of people.

A charismatic leader must formulate his mission and high purpose. His task is to implement something large-scale to give others new opportunities. A charismatic person always gives more to the world than he takes from it.

3. Have lots of ideas

A charismatic person always wants a lot, he needs change and movement forward. Passivity is disgusting to him. He doesn't like vacations because he starts to worry and get bored. He has a lot of enthusiasm. He is very proactive and is willing to fight against circumstances and inconveniences to make the world a better place.

Most people do not come up with new ideas not because they lack intelligence or experience, but because of an internal prohibition on challenging the current state of affairs. The leader, thanks inner freedom, is able to step over such obstacles.

4. Be independent

A leader always emphasizes his independence and autonomy. Consciously or not, he strives to take the reins of leadership in any group, wherever he finds himself - at work, in his family, on the basketball team.

A charismatic person does not need external justification for his actions; his own, internal motives are enough for him. A person who aspires to a great mission must sincerely believe that he has a special purpose. He is convinced that he is doing a good deed and doing it right.

5. Have your own principles and be able to be guided by expediency

When making decisions, leaders are guided not by moral standards, but by expediency. Fining an employee for your own pleasure is inappropriate. Not fining an employee when an offense requires punishment, when without this the discipline of the entire team would be violated, is also inappropriate. If a leader is guided by expediency, then he gets rid of unnecessary worries and pangs of conscience.

In addition to expediency, a charismatic can define important principles for himself, for example, “repay the debt at any cost.” Principles also save you from suffering and having to make a difficult decision every time. A charismatic is a person with principles and own rules.

To become charismatic, you need not only to set goals, but also to be able to fulfill them. Develop your own principles and be able to follow them. A leader who has power over others and knows how to manage them has power, first of all, over himself.

Charisma is the inner fire of a person. Thanks to this quality, many people achieve great success in life. Not everyone knows how to become charismatic guy or a bright, attractive girl. However, psychologists assure that this quality can be developed, you just need to work on yourself.

What is charisma

There are people who surprise others with their character, behavior, sense of humor and many other qualities. This happens for one simple reason - they have charisma. This is a bright character, characterized by a cheerful mood, cheerfulness, and inner spark. Thanks to such qualities, you can charm any person, you just have to want to.

Charisma evokes admiration and respect in almost every person. Previously, experts argued that such a human gift is not inherent in everyone. However, today it has been proven that charisma can be developed in oneself. After all, it is closely related to a person’s psychological mood.

How to tell if the person in front of you is charismatic

There is an opinion that every person has a bright character. It's just that some people can use it, others cannot. Charismatic people always take jokes lightly. They can easily laugh not only at their friends, but also at themselves. Such people always show a strong character, they try to be different from others and look at life with optimism all the time.

Charismatic people easily recognize the negative sides of their character and try to work on themselves. In public, they do not know how to be shy and easily express their opinions. A person with a bright character always strives to prove himself and does not hesitate to demonstrate his abilities.

If in front of you is an insecure person, he cannot be called charismatic. When such people express their opinions, no one listens to them. They rarely look at life with optimism. They don't believe in the future, they can't joke. If you are in this category, then read on to learn how to become a charismatic person. After all, this quality is very important in life.

How to become a bright personality

To become a charismatic person, you need to listen to the advice of psychologists. If you stick to them, then your life will quickly improve. For girls there are the following recommendations from experts:

  1. Look at life with optimism. Never be discouraged. Remember that time will put everything in its place.
  2. Be calm in any situation. Try to control your character, do not show unnecessary emotions.
  3. Respect and love not only yourself, but also those around you.
  4. Create your own unique style. A memorable appearance is a component of charisma.
  5. Don't be shy about speaking or making jokes in public.
  6. Don't discuss a person behind his back. If you don’t like something, it’s better to say it straight to your face.
  7. Look for the positive in any situation.
  8. Never interrupt your interlocutor. Try to build a dialogue, not a monologue. This is very important in communication.

Now you know how to become a charming and charismatic girl. For a guy, there is one more additional tip that is very important: be a gentleman. Try to help the weaker sex. Give up your seat in the transport, open the doors and let the girl go ahead. There are a lot of such actions, but not every guy does this.

When you talk, smile at your interlocutor more often. After all, such behavior evokes not only respect, but also admiration. Try to make your gestures, voice, and facial expressions pleasant to others.

We figured out how to become a charismatic person. Remember that everything depends only on you. You can become a bright personality only when you listen to the advice of experts and begin to act in the right direction.


In the article we looked at how to become a charismatic guy or a bright, charming girl. Based on this, we can conclude that you need to work on your image, behavior and character.

Remember: you need to engage in self-education every day. Strive to reveal your abilities. No need to say that there are none. Every person has talent, look for it well, and you will definitely discover something new in yourself.

Always set a goal for yourself. Only thanks to her can you move forward. The person who wants to achieve as much as possible from life will succeed. Work on yourself, try, study, and you will definitely succeed.

Many people are interested in knowing how to develop charisma? After all, individuals who possess this quality are attractive. There is something special about them, thanks to which they attract the attention of many, and make them want to be closer to them, often without having any special external data. It is logical that many people want to be the same.

Qualities of charismatic people

To begin with, it is worth noting that charisma is a gift. Something that is in a person from birth. This quality manifests itself at a natural level, he does not make any effort for it. Charisma is manifested in behavior, in facial expressions, in speech, in the way a person does something. And it has nothing to do with moral and ethical character and type of activity. Both a priest and a criminal, a programmer and a cook can be charismatic.

Every person who has this quality, is unique in its own way. But there are qualities that are common to everyone. Among these are:

  • Self confidence.
  • Sociability.
  • Self-control.
  • Empathy.
  • Leadership.
  • Sharp mind and sense of humor.
  • External attractiveness. Not necessarily beauty. This could be a “catchy” smile, a particularly expressive look, the ability to “play” with facial expressions.
  • The presence of a "zest".

Many people have all of the above from birth. But, if you have the desire, you can develop some of the qualities in yourself.

Step #1: Socialization

How to develop charisma? You need to become sociable. People with this quality have no communication problems at all. They easily make contact even with those whom they see for the first time in their lives, and find mutual language. They have competent, logical speech, and they are characterized by the ability to clearly and succinctly express their thoughts. They are ways to listen and hear, accept other people's opinions and defend their position.

Therefore, we need to work in this direction. Become more relaxed and open. Immediately become someone who fails. But we need to strive for this. Be in public more often, enroll in rhetoric or public speaking courses, and then perform in front of an audience at a stand-up club.

Plus, having decided to public speaking, a person will push himself out of his comfort zone. He will simply have to act in front of the silent audience - try to interest them, make them laugh, and attract attention. Experience gained in similar situations, helps in social situations later.

Step #2: Finding Feedback

If a person is really interested in how to develop charisma, he should try to use any social environment in order to test the impression he makes on others. How? Just start telling stories. If it’s boring, then people will start to run away from communication - one will pick up the phone, another will pretend that they called him, a third will leave altogether, a fourth will go to the toilet.

And it is very important to conduct such “testing” among unfamiliar people. Friends, in any case, will pretend that they are interested, out of politeness.

By the way, since it will be difficult to analyze your behavior yourself later, you can ask a close friend about this, after taking him somewhere with you as a third-party “spectator”.

Step #3: practice in front of the mirror

If a person is thinking about how to develop charisma, then he is probably focusing on someone. Eat clear example? Great, you should start following it.

The best way is to train in front of a mirror. To practice them you will need some text. Preferably, reasonable and emotional. Or maybe a poem in verse.

The selected text must be memorized and practiced in front of a mirror, looking at yourself. You need to behave while reading in such a way as to attract your attention. Look at yourself as if from the outside. And impartially notice what catches and what doesn’t, what mistakes in rhetoric should be corrected, in what direction to work on facial expressions, gestures, intonation, etc.

This should be practiced every day. And, when one text is mastered “excellently,” learn the next one, necessarily of a different nature, in order to develop in a different direction. This is how charisma and artistry are formed.

Step #4: self-education

Is it possible to develop charisma? Some of the qualities that it includes - yes. And one of these is education. Charismatic people are literate, comprehensively developed, and are able to carry on a conversation on almost any topic.

Self-education is very important. This is the path to self-improvement and development. If a person does not learn anything new, he degrades. Or stands still.

Male charisma

Gentleman's attractiveness is different from ladies'. And therefore, the topic of how to develop charisma in men also needs to be addressed with attention. So, here is a short list of qualities that are characteristic of attractive men:

  • Self-confidence, precise and clearly defined life goals. Some of them are already behind us. And upon reaching new ones, the man sets new ones.
  • Consistency and self-reliance are the main principles in achieving these goals.
  • Show respect to the people around you.
  • Positive communication skills.
  • The ability to take advantage of almost any situation.
  • Well-groomed, attractive.
  • Moderately artistic, interesting conversationalist.
  • Someone who knows how to notice little things in situations and people. He often makes compliments based on them.

And a charismatic man always values ​​and respects himself. But what it doesn't have is this:

  • Boredom, pessimism, negative emotions, gloominess.
  • Habits of shifting the blame for your actions onto others and making yourself a saint.
  • An exorbitantly inflated sense of self-importance, always expressed in front of everyone.
  • Irritability, anger and aggression.
  • Habits of criticizing people and approaching them with advice and imposing opinions.

Such people only repel, and there is little attractive in them.

How to develop charisma for a man? The exercises, in principle, that are mentioned above are also suitable - they are universal. It’s better to talk about what directions you need to work in. So the key ones are:

  • Courage. Men are always associated with courage, masculinity, confidence, and fearlessness. And their actions and courageous deeds are sometimes admirable. Do you want to become charismatic? You will have to overcome all your fears, stop being afraid of defeat and let go of any doubts. This will also give you self-confidence and freedom.
  • Manners. No one will pay attention to a man who walks hunched over, and during a conversation gesticulates inappropriately, nervously, or crosses his arms over his chest. Charismatic people are distinguished by their ability to skillfully use body language.
  • Sense of humor. A charismatic gentleman knows how to make people around him laugh, and it is not difficult for him to laugh at himself. Jokes should be subtle, original and even beautiful - not below the belt for sure.

And, of course, leadership could not be ignored. It is charismatic people who often unite the team and become driving force, a motivator for something.

Ladies' charisma

A few words should be said about her. Before we talk about how to develop charisma in a woman, it should be noted that this quality, if it is inherent in girls, is somewhat different from that of men. Simply because other behavioral and role reactions are expected from representatives of the beautiful part of humanity. So, here is what is included in female charisma:

  • Cheerfulness and cheerfulness.
  • Friendliness and smiling.
  • Optimism and positivity.
  • Attractive energy.
  • Unpredictability.
  • Sense of humor.

Girls like this are worth their weight in gold. There is no aggression, demonstrative sadness, pessimism, anger, or dissatisfaction in them. One is drawn to them; they have a certain magnetism. So how to develop charisma in a girl?

Here the recommendations will be the same as on the topic “How to please a man?” It is believed that female charisma is charm. And it manifests itself in sensuality and femininity. But you can’t do without the intellectual factor. A beautiful “cover” will certainly attract attention, but it will not hold it without interesting “content”. So here's what you need to work on:

  • Attractiveness. A girl should look well-groomed, tastefully dressed, with neat hair and makeup that favorably emphasizes her dignity.
  • Charm. An appropriate smile, sincere laughter at the jokes of your interlocutor, the ability to note some quality in your opponent, turning it into an unobtrusive compliment - all this makes a girl more pleasant to talk to.
  • Ease. It’s hard to say in other words here. “Easy” girls do not look busy - they are open to this world, communication, and adventures.
  • Communication skills. It is believed that most often men are the soul of the company. Therefore, girls should work on their ability to build a constructive and interesting dialogue, raise interesting topics for discussion, ask and answer questions.

In general, there is a lot to be said about how to develop charisma. The exercises are all practical, so before starting them, it will not be superfluous to familiarize yourself with the “theory”. Namely - with books.


Books that develop charisma are an excellent source of thought-provoking information. After reading them, a person will not automatically acquire charm and attractiveness, but he will have some of his own thoughts on this topic, and he will also begin to think about what knowledge obtained from literature can be applied to himself. Most recommend reading the following literature:

  • "Leader's Charisma"
  • "Lead people with you."
  • “How to influence, persuade and inspire.”
  • "Charisma. The art of successful communication."

These books receive excellent reviews from both psychologists and ordinary people. So it certainly won’t hurt a person who is interested in the topic under discussion to become familiar with at least one of them.

Dan Rockwell is a management expert, coach, and author of the Leadership Freak blog.

Admiration turns into influence.

Charismatic leaders achieve results through their personality and self-presentation. People crave the approval of charismatic leaders. They love to give those what they want. Charismatic leaders are magnetic and influential.

Here are 10 ways to boost your charisma:

1. Approve yourself. Charismatic leaders do not need to please anyone and do not try to please everyone.

2. Attack the enemy. Charismatic leaders speak out angrily against the wrong order of things. "This can't go on any longer!" Fight waste of resources, injustice, abuse.

3. Show optimism. Powerless leaders spit disapproval without demonstrating any optimism. But anyone can complain. And a charismatic leader articulates a compelling vision.

4. Get clear on what you're focused on.. We are attracted to people who know what they want.

5. Act with courage.

6. Show your commitment.

7. Be sociable. Charismatic leaders know how to blend into a crowd.

8. Encourage others.

9. Express disapproval. The willingness to disapprove gives strength to approval. The most charismatic leaders were able to express disapproval loudly. Think of Jesus, Gandhi or Martin Luther King.

10. Believe in your victory.

Bonus: Seek and receive approval from those in power.

8 dangers of charisma:

1. Insulation.

2. Overdependence. Organizations that relax because they know the leader will always save them are doomed to fail.

3. Exceptionality. "I'm better than others."

4. Exploitation. "Do as I say."

5. Excessive cooperation. People have a hard time telling you the truth. But then who will tell you the unpleasant truths?

6. Unrealistic optimism.

7. Abuse- when power is used to humiliate others rather than to resolve issues.

8. Inflated ego and arrogance.

5 Ways to Deal with Charismatic Leaders:

1. Expect and monitor delegation. A charismatic leader tends to believe that the world revolves only around him.

2. Give honest feedback often. Leaders who reject feedback think too much of themselves.

3. Focus on results. Look through the noise and self-promotion and ask: what has actually been done?

4. Gauge people's reactions. Don't let them nod your head all the time.

5. Ensure strong leadership accountability to the board or inner circle. Any leader who rejects accountability is dangerous.

I believe that a leader should serve his people. But many humble leaders are also charismatic.

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