What subjects should I take as an architect after 11? What subjects should I take as an architect and how to enroll in the Faculty of Architecture. Exams for an architect upon admission to a college

From the first stages of the development of human civilization, the profession of an architect was considered very prestigious and highly paid: in Ancient Egypt For example, only members of the royal dynasties could study architecture. At the same time, architecture has always been and today remains one of the most responsible activities.

Unfortunately, many young people do not understand this and go to study at universities to become architects in the hope of earning big money, which is why the competitions for this specialty are rather large - from 5 to 12 people. But then students often become disappointed: it’s difficult to master the training program, they have no talent for design, and they lack the managerial spirit, without which modern world the architect can't get through.

That is why you should first try your strengths and capabilities, evaluate your desire to engage in architecture not theoretically, but more specifically. The best option for this is to enroll in an architecture college. But be prepared for the fact that you will have to overcome serious competition: in this direction the average vocational education from 3 to 5 people per place depending on the college rating.

The best architectural colleges in the European part of Russia

There are few specialized architectural colleges in the Russian Federation; most often, training is conducted by specialized departments of construction technical schools.

Top 10 architectural colleges and technical schools

  • Moscow College of Architecture and Construction No. 7.
  • College of Architecture, Design and Reengineering, Moscow.
  • St. Petersburg College of Architecture and Civil Engineering.
  • College of Architecture and Construction Management No. 17, Moscow.
  • Moscow College of Urban Planning and Service No. 38.
  • Krasnodar Architecture and Construction College.
  • Ural College of Construction, Architecture and Entrepreneurship.
  • St. Petersburg College of Construction Industry and Urban Economy.
  • Moscow Construction College No. 30;
  • Bashkir College of Architecture and Civil Engineering, Ufa.

How to enter an architecture college

To enroll, you must successfully pass not only general education subjects (Russian language and mathematics), but also highly specialized drawing and extracurricular drawing. If drawing is in the school curriculum and the entrance test is based on the 8th grade program, then in order to pass the drawing exam, you need to purposefully study from the age of 11-12 fine arts. When selecting, it will be necessary to take into account GPA certificate

Important! The drawing exam is the most important when entering architectural specialties. It lasts up to 6 hours and consists of two parts: a drawing of a plaster head and a composition task. An applicant who has an understanding of composition, color, and a sense of harmony is more likely to be accepted into college than someone who writes good and competent essays and knows excellent mathematics.

What you have to learn

Except general education disciplines, standard for all colleges, in an architectural college you will study:

  • introduction to the specialty;
  • drawing;
  • descriptive geometry;
  • drawing and painting;
  • architectural design and graphics;
  • design;
  • building codes;
  • computer design programs such as AutoCad, 3D-max and ArchiCAD.

Choosing the profession of an architect is a very responsible step. But, if you are confident in your abilities, go to an architecture college and master the basics of this creative profession- perhaps your name will be on a par with such geniuses of architecture as Vitruvius, Le Corbusier or Zaha Hadid.

A graduate of the Faculty of Architecture shares her experience: how to prepare for admission, what it’s like to study with Soviet teachers and why to become an architect

Architect, graduated from State University of Institution

I decided to study to become an architect by chance. About a year before enrolling, I realized that I wanted to do something tangible that I could touch. However, I have had a craving for organizing space for a long time: as a child, I loved rearranging furniture in a dollhouse and building huts.

In 2016, I graduated from the State University of Land Management. Now I work in my specialty in an architectural firm. I’ll tell you what difficulties I had on the way from admission to work.

What does an architect do?

An architect is a person who knows how to conveniently and reliably arrange objects in space. He designs buildings, supervises construction and handles project documentation.

There are also design engineers. If the architect rather thinks out how the building will look outside and inside, then the engineer develops and calculates the structures. You can work as an engineer with an architectural education, but it is better to finish your studies.

Where to apply

There are 10 universities in Moscow with an architectural specialty:

  • MARCHI - Moscow Architectural Institute
  • MGSU - Moscow State Civil Engineering University
  • GUZ - State University of Land Management
  • RUDN - Russian University Friendship between nations
  • MIIGAiK - Moscow State University of Geodesy and Cartography
  • MASI - Moscow Institute of Architecture and Civil Engineering
  • MGAHI named after. IN AND. Surikova - Moscow State Academic art institute named after V.I. Surikov
  • Moscow branch of RMAT
  • IIR - Institute of Art of Restoration
  • RAZHVIZ – Russian Academy painting, sculpture and architecture by Ilya Glazunov

MARCHI is the main and oldest architectural university in the country; other institutes have only architectural departments. He is the one who asks learning programs and is quoted more than others. That’s why it’s difficult to get into MARCHI: it’s very high competition. I know people who have been going there for several years.

Other universities are simpler, but, by and large, the quality of education is the same in all universities. Because the same teachers teach the same program - they move from one university to another.

When choosing an institute, status plays a role: many employers hire only graduates of Moscow Architectural Institute. It is also worth looking at the slope of the university. For example, in MGSU this is construction, in GUZ it is land management.

What is needed for admission

Exams. To enroll as an architect, it is enough to pass the Unified State Exam in mathematics and the Russian language. Creative exams are of greater importance: drawing and drafting. In the drawing you need to draw a head and a capital. In drawing - perform axonometry, that is, draw a facade, side view and top plan of a volumetric part. Also, some universities have painting as part of their entrance exams.

Drawing of head and capitals

Projection drawing of the part

Deadlines. I prepared in less than a year, but it was a critical time frame. It’s better to start a year or two in advance. Especially if you don’t have an art school behind you. Some of my classmates had graduated from art and already knew how to do what I was learning at an accelerated pace.

On the other hand, passing exams depends more on desire than ability. The more you want to go into architecture, the more chances you have of getting in.

Where to prepare. The main thing is to find a good teacher who will coach you on the main exams. I advise you to look for it at the institute where you are going to enroll. Universities also have training courses. But they give much less than individual lessons.

What's it like to study

Currently, architects study for a 5-year bachelor's degree program. I caught the time when all 6 were studying.

Items. The core subject in architecture is a project. It gives you objects that you have to come up with from start to finish. At first it’s something simple: a playground or a gas station. In subsequent courses we designed banks, museums, holiday homes and other complex public buildings.

Working on the project was interesting, but most of all I liked the history of architecture. We were especially lucky with a teacher in modern architecture - I discovered this direction only thanks to him.

In general, architectural art allows you to look at the space around you differently. Not the way the average person is used to seeing it. You walk down the street and understand the time, the style, why this happened to this particular street. You begin to understand art and become interested in painting. This is very nice and great.

Difficulties. From the very beginning of our studies, we had to get out. I don’t know how it is in other universities, but at the State University they taught poorly. Already in the first class we were asked to assemble a project, but were not explained how to do it. The teacher used terms that I had heard for the first time - for example, “general plan” and “explication”. But no one showed what they should look like. As a result, we had two days to get the drawings and information.

But it was a good lesson: in life you need to be able to find the information you need on your own. Self-education at the institute prepared me for this.

Another difficulty concerned computers and architectural programs. We were allowed to draw in them only in the fourth year - the teachers were sure that the computer did everything for us. For drawings made in the program, grades were even reduced. And the teachers who taught the programs did not know them. So we had to figure it out ourselves.

I think this has to do with the generation of teachers. For the most part, they came from the old Soviet school and were not interested in passing on information to us.

Of course, there were also worthy teachers who taught classes in an interesting way and willingly shared their knowledge. They came to us in the fourth year. One of them led projects, and he was a person passionate about his work, always wanting to learn something new. He supported our ideas and made working on the project a joy for us.


At the end of each course we had practice. In the first year we went for measurements to the city of Borisoglebsk. There we were divided into groups and sent to buildings - usually dilapidated or historical. The point was to take measurements, draw this building and submit it as a project.

A dilapidated church in the village of Bolshie Alabukhi, where we took measurements

In another course, we were sent to restoration practice at the Sukhanovo estate. This was interesting to me because we lived on the estate and could walk around all the buildings, look at them and touch them. But at first the organization of this practice was not very good: we were not given any tools, first aid kits, or normal stepladders. And we had to prepare the building for restoration: clean the walls and cornices, cut down the undergrowth. Then everything was given out, but at first you had to use the means at hand at your own peril and risk.

In the sixth year, as an internship, we had to find a place - an architectural firm, bureau or company - and work there for two months. But none of the employers wanted to hire a student, even for nothing. After all, in fact, we still didn’t know how to do anything, and no one wanted to waste time on us. As a result, we all got settled at the last moment only thanks to acquaintances, relatives and friends who had some connections in architecture.

Where to work

Specialties. After architecture, you can work in any applied specialty related to drawing and drawing: architect, designer, planner, design engineer. They are needed in architectural firms, bureaus, and design studios.

You can also become an artist and draw freely, for example, make scenery in the theater. Or become a teacher in these specialties.

Experience. In order to gain work experience by the end of your studies, you need to get a job as early as possible. But physically it is difficult: due to the workload and large tasks, we often did not sleep at night. I was unable to devote time and energy to work. Some guys managed to earn extra money, although at the expense of their studies. I think they did the right thing - in the end, employers are only interested in experience, not your diploma and grades.

How much do architects earn?

There are two ways to work as an architect.

In the office. It's a 9-to-6 job where you collaborate with other architects on a project. The tasks are distributed among everyone: someone draws, someone goes to take measurements or select materials. Controls the project main architector. He also communicates with clients.

💰 The salary of an office worker is somewhere from 30,000 to 150,000 rubles. The latter is the chief architect for the project.

To myself. An architect can leave the office and look for clients on his own. But if you go freelance, you must literally live by architecture. Because such people never rest, and architecture for them is a way of life.

A freelance architect manages the project entirely alone. He communicates with customers, draws drawings, travels to sites, selects furniture, supervises contractors and monitors construction. Plus, he has higher responsibility: he is also responsible for the reliability of structures.

💰 This is, of course, completely different money. Much more than you can get in the office. For example, on a project for an entire house, with complete installation and engineering, you can earn 600,000 rubles.

Why is it worth going to architecture school?

I can’t say that the profession of an architect is in demand. Finding a job is difficult. Now everyone needs IT specialists and programmers who create virtual reality.

But doing architecture is interesting: it’s great when you can create something pleasing to the eye. Therefore, if you go into architecture, you should love it very much. If you don’t feel like this is a vital necessity for you, don’t go. There is a lot of creativity in architecture, and it takes all of you.

Eventually, of course, you will take your place. But only with a great love for architecture will you achieve real success.


To become an architect, you need to study and enroll in an educational institution. What do you need to take to become an architect? What subjects and exams? Let's find out!

In the digital era, the work of an architect not only has not lost its relevance, but on the contrary, it has become even stronger, but now it requires a large amount of technical knowledge.

Although at its core the profession remains the same - the specialist’s task is to create beautiful, unique and safe projects that are to be brought to life.

What do you need to take to become an architect after grades 9 and 11?

The answer to this question depends on where to go and what specialization to choose. Today, architectural skills can be acquired in both higher and secondary vocational educational institutions. That is, you can enroll as an architect at a university or college/technical school after 9th or 11th grade.

In addition, the profession of an architect has several areas of training; you can study not only in different universities and colleges, but also in different specializations.

This means that what you need to take to become an architect depends on where you plan to go and what to study.

For example, an applicant’s choice may be to work as a restoration architect or dream of becoming a chief architect. These career paths are possible with higher professional education. But you can also focus on landscape design, which means you can go to college or technical school.

Exams for an architect upon admission to a college

For the vast majority, the answer to the question of how to become an architect is clear: you need to study only at a higher educational institution. This is true; only people with a university diploma have the best chance of getting admission to serious projects and a career.

Unlike past centuries, where an idea from drawings could be realized through trial and error, a modern architect works in close conjunction with a professional team of contractors, designers, and builders. Deadlines are always limited, mistakes are unacceptable, and miscalculations are too expensive.

Therefore, the architect must own software that facilitates his work and allows him to transfer the data embodied in the project for their implementation to the entire team involved in construction. The BIM standard and principles of building information modeling, AutoCAD, ARCHICAD and Revit are today mandatory companions for every specialist in the field of architecture and construction.

Therefore, to master a profession in high level It won’t work in college. But still, college or technical school is an excellent opportunity to connect your life with architecture both after 11th and 9th grade, albeit in less significant roles.

For example, you can become a technician, designer, or get a job in a private company as an architect-designer. After college, doing this is more than possible.

What do you need to take to become an architect after 9th grade when entering an architectural technical school or college?

The applicant needs to focus on drawing and drafting - these are the exams that will be the entrance test in the vast majority of colleges.

But that is not all. Since the direction “Architecture” is included in the list of specialties with one of the most difficult entrance competitions, you need to show the maximum marks in the certificate. There will definitely be a certificate competition. That is, you need to take the architect exam not only for drawing and drawing, but also for a competition certificate with the maximum number of excellent marks.

Where to study as an architect after 9th grade?

If we talk about the capital’s colleges and technical schools, then applicants can choose one of several colleges in Moscow, where you can study in the specialty “Architecture” after the 9th grade.

For example, you can apply to become an architect at:

  • College of Architecture and Civil Engineering
  • Moscow College of Architecture and Urban Planning
  • College of Architecture, Design and Reengineering
  • International College of Arts and Communications

If you successfully pass the architect exams and enter college after 9th grade, the duration of study will be 4 years, and after 11th grade it will be about 34 months.

The average cost of training is high - up to 200,000 rubles per year, so entrance examinations It’s worth preparing properly, perhaps you’ll be lucky and you’ll be the one who can apply for the budget.

How to apply to be an architect at a university?

Higher education opens unlimited access to work in architecture. You can become an architectural restorer, a landscape architect, or you can work as a designer or, for example, an interior designer. What to focus on and what direction to choose is up to you.

With a university diploma there are no obstacles. But entering a higher educational institution will not be easy: budget places competition is high, and the cost of studying under a contract is very high.

What subjects do you need to take to become an architect if you go to university? It all depends on the university and specialization.

If we talk about the specialty of interior and landscape architect, then you need to be ready for a creative competition and taking the Unified State Examinations in Russian, literature, history.

If you apply to become a restoration architect, then the items that you need to be prepared to take in addition to creative competition: mathematics, Russian language, computer science, history.

In both cases, admission to a higher educational institution is possible only if you have at least 11 years of education.

What creative exams do you need to take to become an architect when entering a university?

The creative exams to become an architect will include drawing and drawing. Creative tests are not necessarily found, but they exist in the best universities in the country.

Universities where you can enroll as an architect after 11th grade

In Russia there are a lot of first-class universities where you can master a variety of areas in the field of architecture and design, so it is not at all necessary to come to study in the capital, you can even do the opposite - you can leave the capital to study, for example, at the Novosibirsk NGASU SIBSTRIN or the Yekaterinburg Ural State Academy of Architecture. Architects in our country are excellent at teaching in the regions.

But if we talk about Moscow, here are some of the universities where you can go to study:

  • MIIGAiK is one of best universities countries in the field of training specialists in geodesy, cartography and, of course, architecture
  • MARCHI is a well-known university in Russia and outside the country where you can study to become an architect in the field of restoration, landscape, restoration and architectural design
  • Institute of Art of Restoration - an educational institution that trains architects in the field of restoration
  • MGSU is a specialized university of architecture and civil engineering, where there are many specializations and areas of training.

Becoming a state-funded student by passing the entrance exams for an architect at the above-mentioned universities is a great success. The competition for places is huge. If you enroll on a contract, the cost of study can reach 500,000 rubles per year.

Modern education system offers future applicants a wide variety of professions. Today, every person can become anyone and choose a specialty according to their taste and financial capabilities. Architect is considered one of the brightest and most promising professions in our time. Therefore, if you are a talented artist and have a good knowledge base as an engineer, you can safely enter one of the Ukrainian universities and receive a diploma of a highly qualified specialist in the field of creating a wide variety of original architectural objects.

But, before you enroll, you should know what subjects you need to pass to become an architect?

Let's start with the fact that this profession requires specialists to have certain knowledge about building codes design, innovative technologies, modern building materials. The architect must also have enormous creative potential, study various normative literature and create truly unique original structures that will fully meet the needs and wishes of the customer.

Nowadays, the demand for specialists in this field is quite high. Thanks to them, in Ukraine for last years Many new buildings and multi-storey residential buildings have appeared.

For example, let’s take new buildings in Irpen, which are offered by the Comfort Life company. Here everyone can buy a one-room apartment in Irpin on the most favorable terms. You will have a unique opportunity to move into your own home, which you have dreamed of for so long. And the managers of this organization will help speed up this process.

As it turns out, becoming a student at a prestigious Ukrainian architectural university is not so easy. The fact is that the competition for those institutes that train future architects is very large, and every applicant must know what subjects need to be passed to become an architect. Here everything will depend on the specific specialty. Today the most popular are “General Design” and “Architecture”. The first specialty includes in-depth study aesthetic and cultural aspects, and the second is closer to the construction itself. If you decide to become a landscape and interior architect, prepare to take the exam in:

  • Ukrainian literature;
  • Ukrainian language;
  • history of Ukraine.

It also includes a creative exam in drawing, drawing and composition.

To obtain the profession of a general architect (restorer, reconstructor), you need to pass:

  • mathematics;
  • Ukrainian literature;
  • Ukrainian language;
  • creative exam (drawing, sketching, composition).

After graduating from high school, you will be able to obtain the profession of an assistant architect. This position is not highly paid, but what do you want immediately after graduating from higher education? But if you turn out to be a highly qualified specialist and prove yourself well, you can become a project manager in the future. Everything depends on you.

Ukrainian architectural universities

There are not many universities in Ukraine that train excellent architects. As a rule, entrance exams to these universities include the results of external examination and additional competitions that are conducted directly by the higher education institution. Educational establishment. You already know what subjects you need to pass to become an architect, now we offer a list of existing architectural universities in Ukraine for 2016.

Becoming a competent architect is not an easy task that requires long training and Herculean efforts.

History of the profession

If you think about how many hundreds and thousands of years there have been Egyptian pyramids, ancient temples and other structures, we can conclude that an architect is one of the most ancient professions. One of the most famous names of those times is Imhotep.

During the Renaissance it became especially popular and prestigious. Since Italy was the center of the development of art, it was in this country that the greatest number talented specialists.

With the development of science, technology and industry, the responsibilities of an architect have narrowed somewhat. Today its main function is design. Nevertheless, he has the right to control the construction and finishing process.

Why should you choose the profession of an architect?

Becoming is the dream of many young people. There are several significant reasons for this:

  • architecture is not just a field of activity, but a lifestyle;
  • good specialists are respected in society;
  • Considering that architecture does not stand still, you will also constantly develop;
  • the specialist has the opportunity to express his thoughts, transferring them to projects;
  • the ability to work independently without superiors and subordinates;
  • the result of long and painstaking work can not only be seen, but also touched;
  • with good projects, architects improve people's lives;
  • despite the need to strictly follow the standards, there is always room for experimentation and innovation;
  • a good architect is always in demand (even when retired);
  • the opportunity to work in many areas of activity - from the construction of small residential buildings to large industrial facilities.

What you need to know to become an architect

In order to design beautiful and durable buildings, not only education is important, but also innate talent. Nevertheless, without a certain theoretical basis it is also impossible to become a good specialist. What do you need to know to become an architect? Here are the main points:

  • computer design programs;
  • basic calculation formulas;
  • basics of environmental and geodetic standards, as well as map construction;
  • drafting and reading technical documentation;
  • building codes.

Job responsibilities

When wondering how to become an architect, you must first understand the essence of the profession. Thus, the responsibilities of a specialist include the following list of tasks:

  • constructing drawings, drawing up estimates, making mock-ups, as well as developing other documentation related to the building;
  • design of a facility whose construction is planned;
  • carrying out continuous supervision of the building construction process in order to determine its compliance with the design documentation;
  • making decisions if any deviations are detected;
  • contacts with project customers and material suppliers.

Basic requirements for applicants for the position

For those who are looking for an answer to the question of how to become an architect, it will be useful to know what requirements are put forward for applicants for the position. So, if we are talking about a reputable company, then it is important to have the following characteristics:

  • higher education in the relevant field;
  • At least two years of experience in a similar position;
  • fluency in popular computer design and modeling programs;
  • knowledge of document management and the ability to correctly draw up papers;
  • knowledge foreign languages(if the company works with foreign counterparties);
  • knowledge of the latest trends in the field of building materials.

Where to get an education

You can often hear the phrase from young people: “I want to become an architect!” Naturally, for this you need to get appropriate education. It is worth considering that when entering a university, you must have certain drawing and sketching skills, which simply cannot be obtained within the framework of school curriculum. Therefore, the issue of preparation should be taken care of in advance. This is the surest way to become an architect. How many years will the training take? You will have to spend 5-6 years at the institute. But a good architect learns and improves himself throughout his life.

Of course, those who have been involved in education since childhood have the greatest chance of admission. art school. However, if you have natural abilities and desire, then the basics of academic drawing can be mastered within 1-2 years. Worth paying Special attention for the depiction of still lifes and plaster scenes (these tasks are most often encountered upon admission). It is also worthwhile to improve your drawing skills with a tutor.

Usually the competition at universities is quite large. Naturally, not everyone will be able to get the coveted place. But this is not a reason to despair, because there are still schools and technical schools where they teach this specialty. In addition, with a diploma of secondary education you can also enter college. Of course, the training will take longer, but this is a real chance that you can take advantage of.

Few people know that it is quite possible to become an architect without special education. So, you can get a job in a construction or design office, where you will simultaneously receive a salary and gain the knowledge and experience necessary for further career growth. After about 10 years, you will be able to obtain the appropriate license. The main thing is talent and desire.

Profile items

Many young people are interested in the question of what subjects they need to know to become an architect. Of course, the list may differ slightly depending on which university you choose. However, the standard set of disciplines looks like this:

  • Russian language and literature (standard exam for admission to any university);
  • mathematics (a very important subject for an architect, but the management of some institutions replaces it with history, believing that creativity is more important than the exact sciences);
  • creative exam (includes tasks on drawing, composition and drawing).

How to become a good architect

It is important not just to get an education as an architect, but to become a good and sought-after specialist. This task requires Herculean efforts. Therefore, if you have firmly decided: “I will become an architect!”, you need to do the following:

  • Choose carefully educational institution. This should be done not according to the principle of “where they will take you”, but “where they teach better”. Talk to current students or graduates of different universities, and also try to get information about training programs and compare them with each other.
  • Prepare for admission in advance. About two years before graduation, you should begin to study drawing and sketching in depth. You can hire a tutor, but it would be best to enroll in preparatory courses at a university.
  • Start working while still a student. This way you will gain invaluable experience, which, when multiplied by fundamental theoretical knowledge, will make you a valuable specialist.
  • Many ambitious graduates strive to open their own architectural office immediately after receiving their diploma. This is a wrong move. It will be much better if for the first few years you work under the supervision of an experienced architect, from whom you can learn management experience.
  • Develop your own style. This can be done by carefully studying the works of famous masters.
  • Don't miss a single festival, exhibition or other event where you can express yourself. Even if you don't have any experience to show off your skills, be sure to attend such an event to get acquainted with the latest trends in the field of architecture.

What prevents you from being a good architect?

When thinking about how to become a good architect, it is worth knowing not only about those things that contribute, but also about those that interfere with achieving your goal. The second category includes the following:

  • Finding easy ways. Even if you have a natural talent for drawing and drawing, this does not mean that an architect’s diploma is in your pocket. To achieve your goal you need to work hard and strive for new knowledge.
  • The dream of a high salary. You need to understand that the “price” of an architect increases with experience. Sometimes, more than one year passes before a specialist earns a name and good reputation.
  • Impressionability and vulnerability. These qualities are one of the main enemies of the architect. Be prepared for your professional quality and projects will be subject to harsh criticism from customers and management.

Personal qualities of a good architect

What does it take to become an architect? First of all, these are innate abilities and personal qualities that will support you in the process of mastering the profession. Thus, a good architect should have the following characteristics:

  • Creative potential. It cannot be identified with the banal ability to draw. Pencils, markers, paints, etc. are just tools that will help you reflect original and non-standard ideas.
  • Spatial thinking. This is a very important quality for an architect, because he must create not just a flat picture, but present three-dimensional images. Fortunately, if you don't have this quality naturally, it can be developed.
  • Heightened sense of responsibility. Since the architect creates not simple objects, but those in which people will spend time, he must care not only about aesthetics and comfort, but also about safety.
  • Perseverance. In order to make a good project, you will have to sit for more than one hour over whatman paper.
  • Sense of taste. This quality is simply a must for an architect who wants to engage in creative projects rather than standard buildings.
  • Observation. A good architect must notice all the details of existing objects so as not to repeat themselves and create something new and unusual.
  • A good one that will greatly facilitate your work on the project.

Current state of affairs in the industry

Unfortunately, at the moment, domestic architecture is not experiencing better times. Not only qualified specialists, but also simple people note that modern buildings can be tasteless and even ugly. At the same time, genuine architectural monuments are destroyed under the influence of time and the human factor.

If we talk about the labor market, the situation here is also not the best. Getting a good, well-paid job is not so easy, because the competition in this field is enormous. Nevertheless, any crisis tends to end. It is quite possible that a new generation of young specialists will take domestic architecture to a fundamentally new level.


Architect is one of the most prestigious professions, the history of which goes back several thousand years. It gives not only a good financial position, but also high status and respect in society. That is why many are interested in the question of how to become an architect. Of course, this requires natural talent, but without hard work you will not be able to become a good specialist. You need to constantly learn, improve yourself and take on any job to gain invaluable experience. Be prepared for the fact that it may take you years of training and work to become a sought-after and highly paid specialist.