What healing properties does the Castalian spring have? Kastalsky source - Own works - Creativity - Media library - Young Adult - a portal for fans of youth series. Myths and legends about the origin of the Delphic Oracle


source, spring on Mount Parnassus near Delphi (in Central Greece). In Ancient Greece K. and. revered as the sacred key of the god Apollo and the muses, giving inspiration to poets and musicians. Water K. and. It also served as a cleansing bath for numerous pilgrims heading to Delphi.

Great Soviet Encyclopedia, TSB. 2012

See also interpretations, synonyms, meanings of the word and what is CASTAL SOURCE in Russian in dictionaries, encyclopedias and reference books:

  • spring on Mount Parnassus, near Delphi in Greece. In Dr. Greece was revered as the sacred key of Apollo and the Muses, bestowing inspiration...

  • HIGH DANGER - an object whose special properties create an increased likelihood of causing harm to others (use of vehicles, mechanisms, electrical energy high...
  • in the Dictionary of Economic Terms:
    TAX - reserve used to pay taxes. There are only two sources from which tax can be paid - income...
    Dmitry Ivanovich (1821-1891) - archpriest in Moscow, ed. a number of articles in spiritual magazines and the book “On Divine Services” (M., 1874; 2 ...
  • in the Encyclopedic Dictionary:
    , -a, m. 1. A stream of water coming to the surface from underground. Healing and. Hot and. AND. mineral water. 2. That...
    KASTAL SOURCE, a spring on Mount Parnassus, near Delphi in Greece. In Dr. Greece was revered as the sacred key of Apollo and the Muses, ...
  • KASTALSKY in the Big Russian Encyclopedic Dictionary:
    KASTALSKY Al-dr. Dm. (1856-1926), composer, choral conductor, folklorist. Student P.I. Tchaikovsky, S.I. Taneyeva. In 1907-10 regent, from 1910 dir. Synodal...
  • in the Big Russian Encyclopedic Dictionary:
    SOURCE OF INCREASED HAZARD (legal), activities related to the operation or use of certain objects (transportation means, potent poisons, high voltage currents and...
    Dmitry Ivanovich (1821-1891) ? Archpriest in Moscow, ed. a number of articles in spiritual magazines and the book “On Divine Services” (M., 1874; 2 ...
  • in Collier's Dictionary:
    natural release of groundwater to the earth's surface. Groundwater is found in cavities, pores and cracks rocks at the top …
  • in the Complete Accented Paradigm according to Zaliznyak:
    source, sources, source, sources, source, sources, source, sources, source, sources, source, …
  • in the Popular Explanatory Encyclopedic Dictionary of the Russian Language:
    -a, m. 1) A stream of liquid flowing from the ground. Mineral spring. Hot spring. Drink water from the source. Passing by a sour sulfur spring,...
  • in the Thesaurus of Russian Business Vocabulary:
  • in the Russian Language Thesaurus:
    Syn: beginning, origin, root cause, reason, basis, derivative, ...
  • in Abramov's Dictionary of Synonyms:
    key, spring; beginning, cradle. The source (nest) of infection. A hotbed of Orthodoxy. Wed. . See the beginning, the reason, ...
  • in the Russian Synonyms dictionary:
    Syn: beginning, origin, root cause, reason, basis, derivative, ...
  • in the New Explanatory Dictionary of the Russian Language by Efremova:
    1. m. 1) a) Natural release of groundwater to the surface of the earth; key, spring. b) transfer That which gives rise to something...

  • source,...
  • in the Complete Spelling Dictionary of the Russian Language:
    source, …
  • in the Spelling Dictionary:
  • in Ozhegov’s Dictionary of the Russian Language:
    a written monument, a document on the basis of which a Scientific research Sources for the history of the region. Use all available sources. the source is that...
  • KASTALSKY in Modern explanatory dictionary, TSB:
    Alexander Dmitrievich (1856-1926), Russian composer and folklorist. Contributed to the development of Russian choral culture. Opera “Klara Milich” (1907), cantatas, religious works, ...
  • in Ushakov’s Explanatory Dictionary of the Russian Language:
    source, m. 1. A stream of underground water (or other liquid) flowing to the surface of the earth; spring. Mineral spring. Oil source. 2. transfer, ...
  • in Ephraim's Explanatory Dictionary:
    source 1. m. 1) a) Natural release of groundwater to the surface of the earth; key, spring. b) transfer What gives rise...
  • in the New Dictionary of the Russian Language by Efremova:
  • in the Large Modern Explanatory Dictionary of the Russian Language:
    I m. 1. Natural outlet of groundwater to the surface of the earth; key, spring. Ott. trans. That which gives rise to something serves...
    Kastalsky (Dmitry Ivanovich, 1821 - 1891) - archpriest in Moscow, published a number of articles in spiritual magazines and the book "On Divine Services" ...
  • in the Brief Biographical Encyclopedia:
    Kastalsky, Alexander Dmitrievich - an outstanding Russian spiritual composer. Born 1856; Graduated from the Moscow Conservatory, where he studied harmony, counterpoint and...
  • KASTALSKY ALEXANDER DMITRIEVICH in the Big Encyclopedic Dictionary:
    (1856-1926) Russian composer and folklorist. Contributed to the development of Russian choral culture. Opera "Klara Milich" (1907), cantatas, cult works, mass revolutionary songs...
  • KASTALSKY ALEXANDER DMITRIEVICH in the Great Soviet Encyclopedia, TSB:
    Alexander Dmitrievich, Soviet composer, choral cultural figure and musical folklorist. In 1893 he graduated from Moscow...
  • KASTALSKY ALEXANDER DMITRIEVICH in the Encyclopedic Dictionary of Brockhaus and Euphron:
    composer, born in 1856. Completed a course at the Moscow Conservatory. He wrote 28 spiritual and musical works, 8 plays on Georgian themes for...
  • KASTALSKY ALEXANDER DMITRIEVICH in the Modern Encyclopedic Dictionary:
  • KASTALSKY ALEXANDER DMITRIEVICH in the Encyclopedic Dictionary:
    (1856 - 1926), composer and folklorist. Contributed to the development of Russian choral culture. In cult works he revived ancient forms of Znamenny chant. Liturgy...
  • KASTALSKY ALEXANDER DMITRIEVICH in the Brockhaus and Efron Encyclopedia:
    ? composer, born in 1856. Completed a course at the Moscow Conservatory. He wrote 28 spiritual and musical works, 8 plays on Georgian themes...
  • in Lopatin’s Dictionary of the Russian Language:
    Castal key...
  • LATIN PROVERBS in Wiki Quotation Book.
  • THE 10TH DOCTOR - SEASON 4 in Quote Wiki:
    Data: 2009-09-07 Time: 21:01:06 = Voyage of the Damned = * Rixton Slade: Wait a minute. Who made you the boss? ...
  • CORINTHIAN in the Encyclopedia of Russian surnames, secrets of origin and meanings:
  • CORINTHIAN in the Encyclopedia of Surnames:
    To understand the origin of this surname, you will have to look into a history textbook. Ancient world. Our very educated clergy must be...
  • EH-ROGEL in the Bible Encyclopedia of Nikephoros:
    (spring of the foot; Joshua 15:7) - a spring located not far from Jerusalem, at the entrance to the valley of the sons of Hinnom, on the border of the tribe of Judah...
  • ROSOV KONSTANTIN VASILIEVICH in the Orthodox Encyclopedia Tree:
    Open Orthodox encyclopedia "TREE". Rozov Konstantin Vasilievich (1874 - 1923), archdeacon. Born February 10, 1874 in...
  • PARNASSUS in the Dictionary-Reference Book of Myths of Ancient Greece:
    1) son of Poseidon and the nymph Cleodora. The founder of the ancient oracle Pitho, later dedicated to Apollo. Mount Parnassus was named after him. ...
  • PARNASSUS V Brief dictionary mythology and antiquities:
    (Parnassus, ?????????). A high mountain range in Phocis with two peaks dedicated to Apollo and the Muses. Delphi was located near Parnassus, and in ...
  • PARNASSUS in the Directory of Characters and Religious Objects Greek mythology:
    ) the habitat of Apollo and the muses. Identified with the mountain range in Phocis. At the foot of Parnassus were the Phocian cities of Chris and...
  • PARNASSUS in the Dictionary-Reference Book of Who's Who in the Ancient World:
    1) Mountain in Phocis, on the southern slope of which Delphi was located. Parnassus was considered the abode of the Muses and Apollo, where he took...
  • HYPERSENSITIVE PNEUMONITIS in the Medical Dictionary:
  • HYPERSENSITIVE PNEUMONITIS in the Big Medical Dictionary:
    Hypersensitivity pneumonitis (HP) is a diffuse interstitial granulomatous inflammatory disease of the lungs caused by an allergic reaction after repeated inhalation of dust containing animal proteins...

Kastalsky spring

The Kastalian spring is located near the ancient city of Delphi on the slope of the sacred Mount Parnassus. It was revered as a sacred source of the god Apollo and the muses. According to ancient Greek mythology, it was here that Apollo killed the dragon Python, who guarded the entrance to the shrine, and took possession of the oracle. The Delphic temple with the oracle was considered the main center of veneration of Apollo in ancient Greece and the most authoritative oracle in the ancient world.

According to one version, it is believed that the spring got its name from the nymph Castalia, who threw herself into this spring from Apollo who was pursuing her. The source provided drinking water and water for the priestesses-oracles, the so-called Pythia, who performed ritual ablutions here before divination. Ancient pilgrims, before visiting the oracle at the sanctuary of Apollo, also bathed in the waters of the spring. According to legend, only murderers were required to perform a full ablution, while others could only wash their hair. The waters of the Kastalsky spring are credited with healing properties and a rejuvenating effect. Also, sacred waters were considered a source of inspiration and were especially revered by poets and musicians.

Two springs that fed the Kastalsky spring have survived to this day. They were discovered during archaeological excavations in 1878 (Upper Castalia) and in 1960 (Lower Castalia). Lower Castalia was built approximately 600-590. BC. next to the ancient road. It is a rectangular structure with a stone pool, into which water flowed from a source through a pipeline hidden underground. The courtyard is paved with tiles and equipped with stone benches. Today this bath is clearly visible from highway. Upper Castalia dates from the first century BC. e. and built in the rock with special niches for gifts.

IN modern language The phrase “Castal source” means a source of inspiration.

Kastalsky spring, Kastalia - a spring on Mount Parnassus, near Delphi in Greece, dedicated. in ancient times to Apollo and the Muses. Water K. and. Pilgrims washed themselves before entering. to the Delphic Temple and the soothsayer Pythia before the start of her divinations. In antiquity, ch. arr. Rome, lit. K. and. attributing the ability to evoke creativity in poets. climb.

  • - Alexander Dmitrievich Kastalsky, composer, choral conductor, researcher of Russian folklore. From the family of a clergyman. In 1876...

    Moscow (encyclopedia)

  • - Alexander Dmitrievich is an outstanding Russian spiritual composer...

    Orthodox encyclopedic dictionary

  • - ed. magazine "Children's store" 1824-1825 (Vengerov) ed. and editor of the magazine "Children's Store", 1824-25. Addition: , Ivan Dmitriev., 6th grade, retired. associate professor, writer...
  • - author municipal brochures questions...

    Big biographical encyclopedia

  • - author self-teachers of church singing, spirits. composer, director Moscow synod...

    Large biographical encyclopedia

  • - author story and poetry ...

    Large biographical encyclopedia

  • - Dmitry Ivanovich - archpriest in Moscow, typ. a number of articles in spiritual magazines and the book "On Divine Services" ...

    encyclopedic Dictionary Brockhaus and Euphron

  • - Alexander Dmitrievich, Soviet composer, choral cultural figure and musical folklorist. In 1893 he graduated from the Moscow Conservatory...
  • - a spring on Mount Parnassus near Delphi. In Ancient Greece K. and. revered as the sacred key of the god Apollo and the muses, giving inspiration to poets and musicians...

    Great Soviet Encyclopedia

  • - Alexander Dmitrievich, composer and folklorist. Contributed to the development of Russian choral culture. In cult works he revived ancient forms of Znamenny chant. Liturgy of St. John Chrysostom...

    Modern encyclopedia

  • - a spring on Mount Parnassus, near Delphi in Greece. In Dr. Greece was revered as the sacred key of Apollo and the muses, giving inspiration to poets and musicians...

    Large encyclopedic dictionary

  • - Book Source of inspiration. Parnassus is blooming! Before him, as in those years, a living stream beats. Key of Kastalsky pet and classic from head to toe! a wave of inspiration in the worldly steppe feeds the Exiles...

    Phrasebook Russian literary language

  • - From ancient Greek mythology. The patron of the arts, the god Apollo, once became inflamed with passion for a nymph whose name was Castalia, but she rejected his love...

    Dictionary of popular words and expressions

  • - Kastala class...
  • - Kastala class...

    Russian spelling dictionary

  • - The source of inspiration located on Mount Parnassus...

    Dictionary foreign words Russian language

"Kastalsky spring" in books

From the book This is us, Lord, before You... author Polskaya Evgenia Borisovna

VI. Source The Moscow summer of 1937 was especially sultry. In the heat of midday, the dusty streets were empty, as empty as they can be in the capital, and yet streams of people flowed and flowed into Lavrushensky Lane. There, in the Tretyakov Gallery, an exhibition of Repin opened. For the first time in

From the book Temple Teachings. Volume I author author unknown

THE SOURCE OF EVIL You will make a sad mistake if you count the members different degrees and the Orders of the White Lodge for completed, completed works of Life - for perfect beings like God. While the ego retains the body, will this body be spiritual, astral,

From the book Science of the Cross. Study on Saint Juan de la Cruz by Stein Edith

From the book Master. Reflections on the transformation of an intellectual into an enlightened one author Rajneesh Bhagwan Shri

7. SOURCE Beloved Master, See the moon, forget the pointing finger. You must see the moon and forget the fingers. Do not develop understanding based on words. The Venerable Ancient One said: “The Buddhas expounded all wisdom to save all minds; I have no mind at all, so

From the book Ancient Mexico without Crooked Mirrors author Sklyarov Andrey Yurievich

Where is the source? So, the Olmecs can be safely crossed off from the list of supposed authors of high knowledge. But then where is the source of this knowledge?... Who is its author?... The level of knowledge reflected in the Mayan written texts and the clay collection at Acambaro clearly exceeds

From the book Treatises author

35–36. The source of intact truth is ecclesiastical authority, based on apostolic authority. Rome as a source of authority 35. Caused by our demands to the court and exposed, all these heresies - appeared later or contemporary with the apostles (but equally contrary to them

From the book Understanding Processes author Tevosyan Mikhail

Chapter 9 Space and time. Universe 1 and universe 2. Source of life 1 and source of life 2. Creator. Defense Mechanisms of the Universe Man is the measure of all things Protagoras We need to start this chapter with the words of the American physicist of Austrian origin Frithjof

From the book The Legend of Babylon author Ilyinsky Peter

SOURCE The connection between earth and sky is a city, and we live in it. From Sumerian Texts Given the minimal space the Bible devotes to Sumer, it is striking how accurate the information it provides is. In particular, the beginning of human civilization is placed by Scripture precisely in the earth

Kastalsky Alexander Dmitrievich


From the book Great Soviet Encyclopedia (KA) by the author TSB

Castalian key

From the book Encyclopedic Dictionary of Catchwords and Expressions author Serov Vadim Vasilievich

Castalian key From ancient Greek mythology. The patron of the arts, the god Apollo, once fell in love with a nymph named Castalia, but she rejected his love. Fleeing from Apollo, she threw herself into a stream and disappeared into it. Then in memory of Castalia the god of art

From the book Angels Among Us by Virce Dorin

Divine Source is the Only Source Many use guilt to manipulate others to achieve their own goals. They also resort to flattery, skillfully mixing it with feelings of guilt. For example, one of your friends says: “Only you can

Castalia (Castalia Key)

From the book Encyclopedia of Classical Greco-Roman Mythology author Obnorsky V.

Kastalia (Kastalia Key) Kastalia (????????) is an abundant spring on the southern slope of Parnassus, in Delphi, near the temple of Apollo. Those who resorted to him for advice had to wash themselves with his water before turning to God. The spring received its name, according to some, from Castalia, daughter

From the book Works author Tertullian Quintus Septimius Florence

35–36. The source of intact truth is ecclesiastical authority, based on apostolic authority. Rome as a source of authority 35. Caused by our demands to the court and exposed, all these heresies - appeared later or contemporary with the apostles (but equally contrary to them

Archimandrite Alipius (Kastalsky), Archimandrite Isaiah (Belov) Dogmatic theology

From the book Dogmatic Theology author (Kastalsky-Borozdin) Archimandrite Alipiy

Archimandrite Alipius (Kastalsky), Archimandrite Isaiah (Belov) Dogmatic

The Kastalian spring is located near the ancient city of Delphi on the slope of the sacred Mount Parnassus. It was revered as a sacred source of the god Apollo and the muses. According to ancient Greek mythology, it was here that Apollo killed the dragon Python, who guarded the entrance to the shrine, and took possession of the oracle. The Delphic temple with the oracle was considered the main center of veneration of Apollo in ancient Greece and the most authoritative oracle in the ancient world.

According to one version, it is believed that the spring got its name from the nymph Castalia, who threw herself into this spring from Apollo who was pursuing her. The spring provided drinking water and water for the priestesses-oracles, the so-called Pythia, who performed ritual ablutions here before divination. Ancient pilgrims, before visiting the oracle at the sanctuary of Apollo, also bathed in the waters of the spring. According to legend, only murderers were required to perform a full ablution, while others could only wash their hair. The waters of the Kastalsky spring are credited with healing properties and a rejuvenating effect. Also, sacred waters were considered a source of inspiration and were especially revered by poets and musicians.

Two springs that fed the Kastalsky spring have survived to this day. They were discovered during archaeological excavations in 1878 (Upper Castalia) and in 1960 (Lower Castalia). Lower Castalia was built approximately 600-590. BC. next to the ancient road. It is a rectangular structure with a stone pool, into which water flowed from a source through a pipeline hidden underground. The courtyard is paved with tiles and equipped with stone benches. Today this bathhouse is clearly visible from the road. Upper Castalia dates from the first century BC. e. and built in the rock with special niches for gifts.

In modern language, the phrase “Castal source” means a source of inspiration.