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Rudyard Kipling Collected Works. In 6 volumes

Format: FB2, RTF, eBook (originally computer)
Rudyard Kipling
Year of manufacture: 2007
Genre: Classical and children's prose, poetry and drama
Publisher: "Terra-Book Club". Moscow
Russian language
Number of books: 12 books
Description: Joseph Rudyard Kipling (1865 - 1936) - An outstanding English writer, poet, playwright, journalist and short story writer, a classic of world literature, a freemason, a Nobel Prize laureate in literature, who owes his fame primarily to the romance that permeates his poetry collections; one of the most popular English writers who had a strong influence on public opinion Western countries and gave children all over the world the stories of Mowgli and Riki-Tiki-Tavi.
In 1907, Kipling became the first Englishman to receive Nobel Prize on literature. In the same year, he received awards from the universities of Paris, Strasbourg, Athens and Toronto; He was also awarded honorary degrees from Oxford, Cambridge, Edinburgh and Durham universities.
During World War I, he worked for the Red Cross. After the war, he becomes a member of the War Graves Commission. It was he who chose the biblical phrase “Their names will live forever” on the obelisks of memory.
The rich language of Rudyard Kipling's works, full of metaphors, made a great contribution to the treasury in English.
One of the most complete collected works of D.R. Kipling, released in last years. It includes all of the author's novels, as well as the major short story collections. The main disadvantage of this series is that the collection includes (apparently without editing) pre-revolutionary translations, whose level ranges from decent (E. Chistyakova-Ver) to extremely low (V. Pogodina), but in any case is significantly inferior to the level of Soviet translations time."

Volume 1
The first volume of the collected works includes the novel “Kim” (1901), written by Kipling at the height of his fame and which is a kind of farewell word addressed to India, and a collection of stories “Three Soldiers”, dedicated to the “builders of the empire” - ordinary people in soldier's uniform, a private in the colonial army.

Volume 2
The second volume of collected works includes: the novel “Brave Sailors” (1897), one of the few works of the writer based on American material: the story of the rebirth of the son of an American millionaire after communicating with ordinary sea workers; the largely autobiographical novel “The Light Has Gone Out” (1890), dedicated to the life of a talented war artist; as well as the story "The Story of Badalia Herodsfoot". The writer's creative style is distinguished by rigid precision of prose, laconicism, and brilliant style.

Volume 3
The third volume of collected works includes: two “Jungle Books”, the writer’s most popular works, in the center of which is the human cub Mowgli, who grew up among animals, as well as a collection of stories “In Mountain India”. Kipling's ability to capture ordinary life something exciting and lofty, the truthfulness and deep originality of his talent were highly appreciated by I. Bunin, A. Kuprin, M. Gorky and other Russian writers.

Volume 4
The fourth volume of the collected works includes collections of stories: “The Phantom Rickshaw,” written in the manner of a “scary story” with mysterious content, not inferior in intensity to the stories of Edgar Allan Poe; “Fairy Tales and Legends” and “Works of the Day,” which are among the best things written by the master of elegant realistic and fantastic short stories, who also has a unique way of talking with children.

Volume 5
The fifth volume of collected works includes: the novel “Naulaka” (1891), on the pages of which there is a meeting of the exotic East and the American West - the novel tells the story of the search for the legendary treasure of Naulaka; as well as a collection of tales “Old England”, the folk basis of which, coupled with the traditional style of the old English essay, demonstrate Kipling as a writer inexhaustible in the field of form.

Volume 6
The sixth volume of collected works includes: “Indian Stories”, the play “The Story of Gadsby”, the collection “The Most Amazing Tale in the World and Other Stories”. The world of Kipling's stories is complex and rich, representing essentially an encyclopedia of the plot experience of the best English and American storytellers of the 19th century. They are characterized by psychology, innovation, which consists in introducing new layers of life into the fabric of the narrative, and a kind of naturalism.

Add. information: Design of the series: A. Utkin.


Rudyard Kipling Collected Works. In 6 volumes

Format: PDF, DjVu, Scanned pages
Author: Rudyard Kipling
Year of manufacture: 2007
Genre: Classical and children's prose, poetry
Publisher: "Terra-Book Club". Moscow
Russian language
Number of books: 12 books
Description: Joseph Rudyard Kipling (1865 - 1936) - Outstanding English writer, poet, playwright, journalist and short story writer, classic of world literature, freemason, Nobel Prize winner in literature, who owes his fame primarily to the romance that permeates his poetry collections; one of the most popular English writers who had a strong influence on public opinion in Western countries...


John Steinbeck Collected Works. In 6 volumes

Series: Library of the magazine "Ogonyok"

Author: John Steinbeck
Year of manufacture: 1989
Genre: Classic prose

Russian language
Number of books: 6 books
Description: John Ernst Steinbeck (1902 - 1968) - famous American writer, military journalist and screenwriter, participant in the Second World War, author of many world-famous novels and stories: “The Grapes of Wrath” (1939), “East of Eden” ( 1952), “Of Mice and Men” (1937), etc. Winner of the Pulitzer Prize in 1940 and the Nobel Prize in Literature in 1962 “for realistic and poetic...


Vadim Kozhevnikov - Collected works in 6 volumes

Format: DjVu, Scanned pages
Author: Vadim Kozhevnikov
Year of manufacture: 1968-1971
Genre: Prose
Publisher: Fiction
Russian language
Number of books: 6
Description: Vadim Kozhevnikov was born on April 9 (22), 1909 in the village. Togur of the Narym region of the Tomsk province in a family of exiled Social Democrats. During the Great Patriotic War Vadim Mikhailovich was a war correspondent for a front-line newspaper, since 1943 - for the newspaper Pravda. Participated in the capture of Berlin. In 1947-1948 he served as editor of the literature and art department of the Pravda newspaper. From 1949 until his death, the editor-in-chief...


Graham Greene Collected Works. In 6 volumes

Format: DjVu, Scanned pages
Author: Graham Greene
Year of manufacture: 1992-1996
Genre: Detective
Publisher: “Fiction”. Moscow
Russian language
Number of books: 6 books
Description: Henry Graham Greene (1904 - 1991) - Famous English writer, journalist, short story writer, essayist, traveler and British intelligence officer. Winner of numerous literary prizes and awards. He was nominated for the Nobel Prize in Literature many times, but never received it due to numerous complaints from critics. Six and a half decades of hard work ensured Graham Greene's right to stardom during his lifetime...

but I

Jaroslav Hasek - Collected works. In 6 volumes

Author: Jaroslav Hasek
Year of manufacture: 1983-1985
Genre: Contemporary prose, Humorous prose
Publisher: "Fiction"
Russian language
Number of books: 6 volumes
Description: Jaroslav Hasek (1883-1923) - author of the famous novel about the Adventures of the good soldier Schweik - a figure both comic and tragic. This " small man"literature of the 20th century - the bearer of folk ingenuity and optimism - is visibly known throughout the world through the unforgettable illustrations of Josef Lada. The novel entered the treasury of world literature. Hasek did not have time to finish it...


Arkady Averchenko Collected works. In 6 volumes

Format: FB2, eBook (originally computer)
Author: Arkady Averchenko
Year of manufacture: 1999-2000
Genre: Classic prose, humor and satire
Publisher: Terra, Republic
Russian language
Number of books: 6 books
Description: Arkady Timofeevich Averchenko (1881 - 1925) - Famous Russian writer, satirist, playwright and theater critic, editor of the magazines "Satyricon" and "New Satyricon", in exile. A great master of political satire. A classic of modern Russian literature. His contemporaries called him the "Knight of the Smile." Averchenko's talent was capable of everything: from gentle humor to harsh satire, from funny and...


Alexander Green - Collected works in 6 volumes (Green Alexander Stepanovich)

Format: FB2, eBook (originally computer)
Author: Green Alexander Stepanovich
Year of manufacture: 1980
Genre: novels, novellas and short stories
Publisher: Moscow
Russian language
Number of books: 6 volumes
Description: Green (pseudonym; real name Grinevsky) Alexander Stepanovich, Russian Soviet writer. Born in the family of an exiled Pole rebel in 1863. Wandered around Russia, was a sailor, and a gold miner. On military service(in 1902) joined the Social Revolutionaries; in 1903-10 he was repeatedly arrested for Socialist Revolutionary propaganda, was in the USSR...


V.G. Korolenko Collected works. In 6 volumes

Series: Library of the Magazine "Ogonyok"
Format: DjVu, Scanned pages
Author: V.G. Korolenko
Year of manufacture: 1971
Genre: Classic prose, essays and journalism
Publisher: Pravda. Moscow
Russian language
Number of books: 6 books
Description: Vladimir Galaktionovich Korolenko (1853 - 1921) - Famous Russian writer of Ukrainian-Polish origin, journalist, publicist, public figure, who earned recognition for his human rights activities both during the years of tsarist power and during the Civil War And Soviet power. A classic of Russian literature. Honorary Academician of St. Petersburg...


Emilio Salgari Collected Works. In 5 volumes (6 books)

Author: Emilio Salgari
Year of manufacture: 1992-1994
Genre: Historical and adventure prose
Publisher: Terra
Russian language
Number of books: 6 books
Description: Emilio Carlo Giuseppe Maria Salgari (1862 - 1911) - Famous Italian writer, author of numerous historical adventure novels, including pirate ones. His narration is distinguished by its sharp plot, rapid development of events and entertainment. Salgari's books, in terms of skill and impression, are comparable to the works of J. Verne, M. Reed, A. Dumas and Fenimore Cooper. In 1992, Moscow...


Fedor Sologub - Collected works in 6 volumes (8 books)

ISBN: ISBN 5-93264-022-7
Format: PDF, Scanned pages
Author: Fedor Sologub
Year of manufacture: 2000 - 2004

Publisher: Moscow, NPK "Intelvac"
Russian language
Number of pages: ~5000
Description: For the first time, the publication of the Collected Works of Fyodor Sologub (real name and family name Fyodor Kuzmich Teternikov; 1863-1927) is being published, in which the legacy of one of the leaders of Russian literary modernity, an outstanding prose writer, poet and playwright is presented with the greatest completeness Silver Age. Contents of Volume 1 "Heavy Dreams". Novel. "Earthly Children" Stories. "Bad lady" Ras...


Daniil Kharms - Complete Works in 3 volumes (6 books)

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Format: PDF, Scanned pages
Author: Daniil Kharms
Year of manufacture: 1997-2002
Genre: Fiction
Publisher: Humanitarian Agency "Academic Prospekt", St. Petersburg
Russian language
Number of pages: ~2500
Description: The collected works of D. Kharms were prepared on the basis of his archive in the Russian National Library And Pushkin House and is the first complete collection of his works in Russia, completed at a serious textual and scientific level. The publication includes three volumes of essays with an additional fourth volume and two volumes of notebooks...


Library of Great Writers. Alexander Sergeevich Pushkin (complete works in 6 volumes)

ISBN: None, Great Writers Library
Format: PDF, Scanned pages
Author: Alexander Sergeevich Pushkin
Year of manufacture: 1907-1915
Genre: Classic
St. Petersburg: Brockhaus-Efron
Russian language
Number of pages: 724 (1 volume); 700 (volume 2); 680 (3 volume); 706 (4 volume); 703 (5th volume); 750 (volume 6)
Description: The most complete encyclopedic collection of works of the great poet in six volumes. The distribution presents one of the most famous and high-quality editions of the legacy of the great Russian poet - a 6-volume full meeting essay from the Library of Great Writers Brockhaus and Efron...


Collected Works in 8 volumes (Arthur Conan Doyle)

Series: "Library of the Magazine "Ogonyok""
Format: FB2, eBook (originally computer)
Author: Arthur Conan Doyle
Year of manufacture: 1966
Genre: Detective, science fiction, adventure
Publisher: Pravda. Moscow
Russian language
Number of books: 8 books
Description: This eight-volume collected works of Conan Doyle is not complete. And the “complete Conan Doyle” has not been published in England. The author of seventy books, too many things have not stood the test of time... What will the reader find in our collection? Samples of the writer's fiction, his best novels, novels and short stories. His journalistic and essay...


Collected works. In 5 volumes (Pavlo Zagrebelny)

ISBN: 966-03-1369-1
Format: FB2, eBook (originally computer)
Author: Pavlo Zagrebelny
Year of manufacture: 1986-1987
Genre: Historical novel
Publisher: "Fiction". Moscow
Russian language
Number of books: 8 books
Description: Pavel Arkhipovich Zagrebelny (1924 - 2009) - Famous Soviet Ukrainian writer and journalist, Hero of Ukraine, laureate of the State Prize of the USSR and the State Prize of the Ukrainian SSR. T. Shevchenko. Participant of the Great Patriotic War - artillery lieutenant. He was awarded numerous military and government awards of the USSR and Ukraine. The first secret...


Collected works in 7 volumes (Anatoly Rybakov)

ISBN: 5-300-00064-7
Format: FB2, eBook (originally computer)
Author: Anatoly Rybakov
Year of manufacture: 1995
Genre: Children's and Soviet classical prose, historical novels
Publisher: "Terra". Moscow
Russian language
Number of books: 7 volumes
Description: Anatoly Naumovich Rybakov (1911-1998) - Famous Soviet and Russian writer, Laureate of the Stalin Prize of the second degree. Born in Ukraine, in Chernigov, into an intelligent Jewish family, from 1919 he lived in Moscow, on Arbat. Participant of the Great Patriotic War - head of the automobile service of the 4th Guards Rifle Corps (8th Guards Army), g...

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: By title Newest Oldest

Genre: Classical prose, Language: ru Abstract: Contents: The most amazing story in the world In the forests of India The Lost Legion Conference of government officials Shipping traffic disruptor In the face

Genre: Sea adventures, Language: ru Abstract: The novel “Brave Sailors” tells about a fifteen-year-old boy, the son of a rich owner railways America, about the misfortunes and hardships that he had to endure.

Genre: Classical prose, Language: ru Abstract: Contents: Poor sweet mother External world Gap Unknown Eden Fatima Valley of Shadows Jordan Flood

Genre: Classical prose, Language: ru Abstract: Contents: Without the blessing of the church Return of Imray Finance of the gods Rebel Moti Guj City of terrible night Resurrection at home Maltese cat Dreamer By virtue of similarities No. 007 Brugglesmit Drummers of “Front and Rear”

Genre: Fairy tale, Language: ru Abstract: The famous “frog” boy Mowgli, the cunning panther Bagheera, the wise python Kaa, the evil tiger Shere Khan, the nimble mongoose Rikki-Tikki-Tavi - the heroes of the popular “The Jungle Book” by Joseph Rudyard Kipling, which is widely read more than one generation of readers around the world. Contents: How fear came to the jungle The miracle of Purun Bhagat Invasion of the jungle Gravediggers Royal ankas Quikvern ...

Genre: Fairy tale, Language: ru Abstract: The famous “frog” boy Mowgli, the cunning panther Bagheera, the wise python Kaa, the evil tiger Shere Khan, the nimble mongoose Rikki-Tikki-Tavi - the heroes of the popular “The Jungle Book” by Joseph Rudyard Kipling, which is widely read more than one generation of readers around the world. Contents: Mowgli Brothers Python Hunting Kaa Tiger! Tiger! White cat Rikki-Tikki-Tavi Little Tumai Her servants...

Genre: Classical prose, Language: ru Abstract: The Russian reader finally has the opportunity to read a high-quality translation of one of the best works of Rudyard Kipling. This almost autobiographical novel tells about the fun and difficult life of students at an English private school. Arkady Strugatsky was a true fan of Stalka and Company. Exactly main character this book - " great person

Genre: Classical prose, Language: ru Abstract: Book of selected works of famous English writer Rudyard Kipling (1865-1936) composed stories telling about the hardships and everyday life of people creating an empire far from Old England, shrouded at the same time in the mystery and exoticism of life in the colonial world.

Genre: Historical adventure, Language: ru Abstract: The novel “The Light Goes Out” tells about the tragic fate of a gifted artist who suffered a disaster in his personal life. The novel is largely autobiographical - Kipling wrote it after already gaining fame for his poems and stories.

Genre: Fairy tale, Language: ru Abstract: The collection includes the best works of the English writer Joseph Rudyard Kipling, telling about distant exotic countries and legends from the times of chivalry, in which good old England comes to life.

Rudyard KiplingGreat Britain, 12/30/1865 – 01/18/1936Born on December 30, 1865 in Bombay (India). His father, a major specialist in the history of Indian art, was the director of the museum; mother came from a prominent London family; both grandfathers were Methodist ministers. At the age of six, the boy was sent to England to be cared for by a Calvinist family. In 1882, sixteen-year-old Rudyard returned to India and found a job as an assistant editor in a Lahore newspaper. In 1886 he published a book of poems, Department Songs. It was followed by Plain Tales from the Hills, 1888) are laconic, often crude stories about life in British India. In 1887, Kipling moved to the Pioneer newspaper in Allahabad. His best stories were published in India, in cheap editions, and were later collected in the books “Three Soldiers” and “Wee-Willy-Winky,” containing pictures of the life of the British army in India. In 1889, Kipling traveled around the world, writing travel notes. In October he arrived in London and almost immediately became a celebrity. The following year became the year of Kipling's glory. Starting with the “Ballad of East and West,” he moved towards a new style of English versification, creating “Songs of the Barracks.” There are some bibliographical difficulties associated with the release of Kipling's first novel, The Light Has Gone Out (1890), since it appeared in two versions - one with a happy ending, the other with a tragic one. Due to overwork, the writer’s health deteriorated, and most He spent 1891 traveling around America and the British dominions. Returning in January 1892, he married the sister of the American publisher W. Balestier, with whom he co-authored the unsuccessful novel “Naulanka” (1892). During the honeymoon that the Kipling couple spent in Japan, a bank crash left them penniless, and they settled in the Balestier house in Brattleboro (Vermont). During the four years he lived in America, Kipling wrote his best works. These are stories included in the collections “A Mass of Fiction” (1893) and “Works of the Day” (1898), poems about ships, about the sea and pioneer sailors, collected in the book “Seven Seas” (1896), and two “Jungle Books” (1894–1895). In 1896 he wrote the book Brave Mariners. The Kiplings' life in New England ended in an absurd quarrel with their brother-in-law, and in 1896 they returned to England. On the advice of doctors, the writer spent winters in South Africa, where he became close to the ideologists of colonialism A. Milner, L. S. Jameson and S. Rhodes. He was a war correspondent during the Boer War of 1899–1902. At the height of his fame and fortune, Kipling avoided publicity, ignored hostile criticism, and refused the title of poet laureate and many honors. In 1902 he settled in a remote village in Sussex. In 1901, Kipling published the novel “Kim,” his farewell to India, and in 1902, the delightful children’s book “Just So Fairy Tales.” By the middle of the writer’s life, his literary style had changed; now he wrote leisurely, carefully, carefully checking what he wrote. Two books of historical stories, “Puck from Puka Hill” (1906) and “Rewards and Fairies” (1910), are characterized by a higher structure of feelings; some of the poems reach the level of pure poetry. Kipling continued to write stories, collected in the books Paths and Discoveries (1904), Action and Reaction (1909), Creatures of All Kinds (1917), Debt and Credit (1926), and Limitation and Renewal ( 1932). Kipling's popularity waned in the 1920s. Death of a son in the First world war and the writer endured persistent illnesses stoically. Kipling died in London on January 18, 1936.