Class hour on the topic of attention to the road. Class hour: Be careful, children on the road! "understanding and trust"

Sections: Cool tutorial

Goal: to create conditions for awareness of the need to develop your attention.

1. Helping children understand the current state of their attention and the importance of attentiveness;

2. Motivating children to work independently to develop attention;

3. Familiarization with ways to develop attention;

4. Development of the ability to work in a group, the ability to hear others;

5. Development of reflection.


2 posters with 8 differences, a tape recorder with recordings of two melodies, a poster with a message from Lesovich, a flower, a snake.

During the classes

I. Greetings.

II. introduction

. Motivation. Goal setting.

Today we have a lot of interesting things waiting for you. Lesovichok was visiting us and for some reason he didn’t wait for us and left us a message.

"Hello! Guys, I really wanted to see you. While I was waiting, I felt bad, apparently caught a cold on the way to you. I probably have a mushroom. I leave you a task. Handle it, I’m waiting for you to visit me in the forest clearing. Lesovichok.”

Concentrate and read the message carefully again.

Guys, I don’t understand at all what Lesovichok is sick with.

Do you understand what kind of disease this is?

What helped you see the mistake in Lesovichok’s message?

What kind of person can be called attentive?

What happened to you? When were you attentive?

(Write on the board as students answer):


We tried hard to figure out what was going on here;

Find the error

No distractions;

Notice everything around you.

Do you need to be careful?

Where can this be useful in life, in study?

The peculiarity of our attention is this: what is interesting attracts attention immediately, and what is uninteresting hardly escapes our attention. It turns out that attention can be developed. Do you want to be attentive?

Today in class, while playing, we will develop our attention. Look what a difficult task Lesovichok left us. Find the differences (2 identical pictures, where there are 8 differences).

III. Group work.

Group task: calmly, in a business-like manner, discussing:

Find differences in the drawings;

Choose a person who will go and show these differences;

Listen carefully to the other group during the performance to avoid repeating yourself.

What helped you find the differences?

IY. A game of attention.

I invite you to a forest clearing. This group is a team of bees. This group is a team of snakes. You need to agree in your group and choose a king or queen. Whose group is ready – raises their hands. (We put on crowns).

Rules of the game. Each team has its own symbol (snakes have a snake, bees have a flower). The task of the teams is to hide their symbol. When the kings enter the classroom, you need to move and make sounds. Team of bees - w, w, w, w, w..., team of snakes - sh, sh, sh, sh... As soon as the kings approach their symbol, the team makes louder sounds, and as they move away from the symbol, the sounds become quieter. (The kings left the class, and at this time the team hides their symbols.) Then we invite the kings to the class, the game continues.


Express your opinion on the game.

What did you like? Why?

Was it easy to find the symbol?

What helped you find the symbol?

Guys, look how many flowers there are in the meadow. I suggest you play.

Y. Game “I run, run, run...”

The guys sit in a circle.

Let's choose a driver. He has a bell in his hands. He runs in a circle and sings a song: “I run, run, run, I carry the bell. I’ll put the bell in your hands and sit down myself.” The bell must be given to someone who has not received it yet.

YI. Reflection.

Express your attitude to the game (in a circle).

What did you like?

How did you feel?

What did we do with you today?

What have you learned about attention?

Where can mindfulness come in handy?

So, today we figured out what it means to be attentive. I want you to develop your attention further. I'm sure this will help you in life.

Road and children

Classroom goals:

1) form schoolchildren's ideas about safety traffic;

2) repeat rules for the movement of pedestrians on the street and road;

3) develop schoolchildren have the ability to find the most safe way from home to school;

4) bring up respectful attitude towards all road users.

Progress of the lesson

All people, as soon as they go outside, become pedestrians. A real pedestrian behaves confidently on the street, and drivers treat him with respect. Cars drive according to strict rules. There are also rules for pedestrians. If you don't know them, you will never become a good pedestrian.

The city is full of traffic!
Cars are running in a row,
Colored traffic lights
Both day and night burn.
Walking carefully
Watch the street.
And only where possible
Cross it!

Strict traffic rules

Rule 1: Pedestrians should only walk on...sidewalk. And you need to walk along it, sticking to the right side, so as not to collide with oncoming people.

Rule 2: if the road is small, pedestrians walk along the sides...towards traffic.

Rule 3: When crossing the street, you should definitely look first...left, and thenright.

Rule 4: You can’t cross the road anywhere and anyhow! Where can you cross the street?...along pedestrian crossings.

Rule 5: The “three-eyed street commander” helps you cross the road correctly at an intersection...traffic light.

Road crossword

striped horse,
Her name is zebra.
But not the one in the zoo -
People keep walking along it. (Transition.)

Along the path in the yard
Kolya is rushing on a horse.
Not a car, not a moped,
And simple... (Bicycle.)

From one end of the city to another
The house walks under the arc. (Tram.)

Not alive, but walking.
Motionless, but leading. (Road.)

On the road to all the guys
We have been shining for a long time,
We are three siblings
Our house - (Traffic light.)

There's a house going down the street
He takes us to work.
Not on chicken legs,
And in rubber boots. (Bus.)

So that you cross the road
to the green light
Listen to our advice:
- Wait! And you will see in front of him
…............light. (Yellow.)

By the side of the road
They stand like soldiers.
You and I are doing everything
Whatever they tell us. (Signs.)

Cars rush through the streets,
Tires are in charge there.
We went down into the passage,
The owner is there... (Pedestrian.)

To help you
The path is dangerous.
Burns day and night
Green, yellow, ... (Red.)

Are you waiting for boarding
On the designated area,
You don't need skill
This place … (Stop.)

Doesn't fly, doesn't buzz -
A beetle is running down the street.
And they burn in the beetle's eyes
Two shiny lights.
The plant gave him this:
And the lights look into the darkness,
And the wheels and the engine,
Rush at full speed. (Automobile.)

Causes of accidents and accidents on streets and roads

    Crossing the road in the wrong place.

    Disobeying regulatory signals.

    Game on the roadway.

    Walking along the roadway in the direction of traffic.

    Unexpected access to the roadway due to standing vehicles, structures, or green spaces.

Tournament "Who is faster?"

    Red, yellow, green?

(Traffic light)

2) Monetary punishment for traffic violators?


3) Two-wheeled vehicle?


4) Pedestrian...


5) Bus...


Tournament "Question answer"

    What is a sidewalk?

(Road for pedestrian traffic)
2. What is a zebra?

(Road markings indicating a pedestrian crossing)
3. Who is called a pedestrian?

(A person outside of transport, located on the road, but not working on it)
4. How to get around the tram correctly?


5. Who is called the driver?

(a person driving a vehicle)
6. Where can children play outside?

(In places specially designated for games)
7.At what age is it legal to ride a bicycle on the roads?

(from 14 years old)
8. How to get around buses and trolleybuses correctly?

(Rear) 9. What must people sitting in the front seats of a car do? (Wear seat belts)
10. What is a railway crossing?

(Intersection point railway from a car)
11. At what age can I get a driver's license?

(At 18 years old)
12. At what traffic light should you cross the street?

(On green).

Riddles about cars

1) This horse doesn’t eat oats,
Instead of legs there are two wheels.


2) What a miracle - the red house,
There are a lot of passengers in it.
He wears shoes made of rubber,
And it runs on gasoline.


3) It wears a trunk, not an elephant.
But he is stronger than the elephant.
It replaces hundreds of hands!
Without a shovel, he digs!


4) A rolling pin is walking along the road,
heavy, huge.
And now we have a road
Like a straight ruler.

(Road roller)

5) A mole got into our yard,
Digging the ground at the gate.
A ton of earth will enter your mouth,
If the mole opens his mouth.

(Excavator, tractor)

6) Rushes and shoots,
He grumbles quickly.
I can't keep up with the tram,
Behind this chatter.


7) I’ll turn my long neck -
I will pick up a heavy load.
I’ll put it where they tell you to,
I serve man.


8) Where a new house is being built,
a warrior walks with a shield,
where he passes, it will become smooth,
there will be an equal playing field.


Useful tips!

The pavement is seething with movement:
Cars are running, trams are rushing.
Everyone be true to the rule -
Keep Right.

It can be easily explained
Whether you are young or old:
Pavement - for transport,
The sidewalk is for you!

Noise, movement, hum of engines.
You can immediately get confused
If you don't know how to understand traffic lights.

When traffic is on the road
Standing by the side of the road
He usually closes
general view for pedestrians.
Truck or bus
It's dangerous to go around.
Every pedestrian should know this very well.

Don't ride on the roadway, kids.
Not on a scooter
Not on a bike.
Rushing along the road
Fast cars,
There you will end up
Right under their tires.

Rules from this book
You need to know firsthand.
And it’s not easy to teach them,
But seriously - for sure!
"Traffic Laws".

Guess the sign?!

I want to ask about the sign.
The sign is drawn like this:
Guys in the triangle
They are running as fast as they can somewhere.

"Children" sign.

If you put your foot down
On the road,
Pay attention, friend:
Road sign - red circle,
The man walking in black
Crossed out with a red line.
And it seems like a road, but
Walking here is prohibited.

Sign “Pedestrian traffic prohibited”

We were walking home from school,
We see a sign above the pavement.
Circle, inside - a bicycle,
There is nothing else.

“Bicycle path” sign

Pedestrian, pedestrian!
Remember about the transition!
He's terrestrial
Know that only a transition
It will save you from cars.

Pedestrian crossing sign

Children should know

Road rules!

You, my friend, trust them:

You will be safe and sound!

Goal: Improving students' knowledge of traffic rules.
Systematization of students' knowledge of traffic rules.
Skill development constructive interaction, mutual assistance, tolerance.
Fostering a sense of mutual respect.
Development of creativity, logical thinking, communication skills
Progress of the class hour SLIDE “ATTENTION CHILDREN!”
(Sound of brakes)
What does this sound mean? How often do you hear these sounds? I wish that you don’t hear such sounds on the roads, even if they only appear in movies.
SLIDE What is a traffic accident? (accident)
“Road accident” is an event that occurs as a result of a collision between cars and pedestrians, in which people are killed or injured, cars or structures are damaged.
The first accident in mechanical transport can be considered the accident with a steam cart of a French inventor in 1769. This is almost 250 years ago. A steam car drove onto the streets of Paris, the driver was unable to control the heavy and clumsy car, and it crashed into a stone fence. The boiler of the steam cart exploded with “a roar that could be heard throughout Paris.” The driver was sent to the hospital.
When fast cars with gasoline engines appeared, the number of traffic accidents also increased. The first officially recorded road traffic accident occurred on August 17, 1896 in Great Britain. A car moving at a speed of 6 km/h hit a pedestrian.
Every year in Russia, 35,000 people die in road accidents (every third accident is due to the fault of pedestrians), 1,500 of whom are children. And about 20,000 more children suffer injuries of varying severity.
What are the causes of childhood injuries? How do you think?
-crossing the road in front of nearby vehicles in an unspecified place;
unexpected exit onto the roadway due to cars, bushes...;
crossing the road at a prohibitory traffic light;
games and walking along the roadway;
driving a bicycle, moped, or car without sufficient skills and knowledge of the traffic rules.
- Do you guys know the traffic rules? We'll check this now.
1. At what age are children allowed to ride in the front seat of a car? (from 12 years old). (3-4 grades)
2. At what age is it legal to ride a bicycle on public roads? (from 14 years old)
3. Is a moped driver allowed to drive on footpaths? (not allowed).
4. Who do we call “road users”? (pedestrians, drivers, passengers).
5. What road sign is installed near schools? (children).
6. Are persons performing work on the road pedestrians? (No).
7. Which traffic light turns on simultaneously for all sides of the intersection? (yellow).
8. Which intersection is called controlled? (the one where there is a traffic light or traffic controller).
9. Who should pedestrians and drivers obey if both a traffic light and a traffic controller are working at the intersection? (to the traffic controller).
10. Which side should you stay on when walking along the sidewalk? (right side).
11. Do passengers always need to wear seat belts? (yes, always).
12. How many signals does a pedestrian traffic light have? (two: red and green).
13. How should you cross the road if you got off the bus? (you cannot bypass vehicles either in front or behind, you need to wait until they leave and the road will be visible in both directions, but it is better to move to a safe distance, and if there is a pedestrian crossing, then you should cross the road along it).
1. What is the most common name for a driver? (chauffeur).
2. Who do we call “road users”? (pedestrians, drivers, passengers).
3. Is it possible for a cyclist to ride on the road if there is a bike path nearby? (No).
4. What road sign is installed near schools? (children).
5. Which turn is more dangerous: left or right? (left, since traffic is on the right).
6. What is the name of a zebra crossing on the road? (crosswalk).
7. Are persons performing work on the road pedestrians? (No).
8. What signals does the traffic light give? (red, yellow, green).
9. Which traffic light turns on simultaneously for all sides of the intersection? (yellow).
10. Which intersection is called controlled? (the one where there is a traffic light or traffic controller).
11. Which side should you stay on when walking along the sidewalk? (right side).
12. At what age are children allowed to ride in the front seat of a car? (from 12 years old).
13. Do passengers always need to wear seat belts? (yes, always).
14. How should a cyclist inform other road users of his intention to stop? (raise your hand up).
15. Why should pedestrians move towards traffic on country roads? (moving along the side of the road towards traffic, pedestrians always see approaching traffic).
16. How should you cross the road if you got off the bus? (you cannot bypass vehicles either in front or behind, you need to wait until they leave and the road will be visible in both directions, but it is better to move to a safe distance, and if there is a pedestrian crossing, then you should cross the road along it).
17. Is it possible to carry a nine-year-old passenger on a bicycle? (no, only up to 7 years old on a specially equipped seat with footrests).
18. Is it possible to cross the road diagonally? (no, because, firstly, the path becomes longer, and secondly, it is more difficult to see the transport that moves from the back).
for each riddle a slide with a solution
1. Going outside
Prepare in advance
Politeness and restraint, and most importantly...
2. Previously, bills and letters,
Drawing, reading,
All the kids need to know
ABC... (Movements.)
3. Standing from the edge of the street in a long boot, a three-eyed scarecrow on one leg. Where the cars move, where the paths converge, Helps people cross the road. (Traffic light).
4. Car collision
All traffic was blocked.
And I remembered at the moment
What kind of incident is this?
(Accident, traffic accident.)
5. It will oblige us to drive quietly, a nearby turn will show us and remind us what and how you are on your way... (road sign).
6 slides with road signs
- Guys, do you know very well? road signs? We'll check this now.
- crosswalk
- children
- bus stop location
- railway crossing without a barrier
- slippery road
- Bicycles are prohibited
6. Look, what a strong man:
On the go with one hand
I'm used to stopping
Five ton truck.
7. What kind of zebra crossing is there on the road? Everyone is standing with their mouths open. They are waiting for the green light to flash. So this means... (Transition).
8. Not alive, but walking,
Motionless - but leading. (Road.)9. I'm often early in the morning
I take the ram by the horns.
Having straddled him,
I'm racing against the wind!
The ram won't say no to me -
10. What a daring janitor
Did you shovel snow on the pavement?
Not with a shovel, not with a broom,
And with an iron hand?
11. The sign was hung at dawn,
So that everyone knows about this:
The roads are being repaired here -
Take care of your feet!
("Men at work".)
12. A rolling pin walks along the road
Heavy, huge.
And now we have a road
Like a ruler, straight.
(Ice rink.)
13. What are the names of those paths
On which the legs walk?
Learn to distinguish them accurately,
Don't fly like you're on fire.
Pedestrian paths –
It's just …?
Last slide “Be careful on the roads”
CHANT “Say what you want...”
I ask you a question, and you answer “yes” or “no.”
Say what you want, there is sweet water in the sea? (No)
What do you want - say, red light - no way? (Yes)
What do you want - say, every time we go home, we play on the pavement? (No)
Say what you want, but if you are in a hurry, do you run in front of the transport? (No)
Say what you want, we always move forward only where there is a transition? (Yes)
Say what you want, are we running forward so fast that we don’t see the traffic light? (No)
Say what you want, is there a person drawn on the “no access here” sign? (No)
Say what you want, the red color on the round signs means “it’s prohibited here”? (Yes)
- I see, guys, you know the traffic rules very well and I would like to wish you to improve your knowledge, anticipate, recognize danger, and avoid it.
- I suggest you watch cartoons about traffic rules.
Showing 3 cartoons (14 min.)
- “Naughty family. Traffic rules" - 04.55
- “Slide in winter” - 3.40
- “Safety rules on a snowy day” - from 01.00….06.13
Performance of the YID detachment
- And now the guys from the youth department of our school (i.e., young traffic inspectors) will perform for you. They recently went to Irkutsk for a rally of the UID movement, where they successfully demonstrated their knowledge of traffic rules. Let's listen to them carefully.
Presentation of certificates to classes for active participation in the “ATTENTION CHILDREN!”
PROBLEMS 3-4; 5-6 grades
1. Imagine that you are a trolleybus driver. At the first stop, 5 people entered the empty cabin. At the second stop, two got on and one got off, at the third, 4 passengers got on and two got off. How old is the trolleybus driver? (as old as the person to whom this question is addressed)
2. The boy was riding a bicycle into the city. A car was driving towards him, with 5 women sitting in it. Each of them carried one chicken and a pair of felt boots. How many living beings were traveling to the city? (1 – boy)
3. On a straight section of the road, each wheel of a two-wheeled bicycle travels 5 km. How many kilometers did the bike travel? (5 km)

Class hour in 4th grade

Theme: “Good road to childhood”

Target: 1.Bring to the consciousness of children that their behavior on the road must meet all the requirements of the road situation.2.Give students the idea that the braking and stopping distance of a car consists of large number components (driver reaction, road conditions, brake operation, etc.) trace the relationship between road conditions and braking distance3. To develop students’ information literacy on traffic rules by reviewing children’s periodicals “The Good Road of Childhood” and “Journey to the Green Light.”(Specifically, publications telling about behavior on the roads in winter, about the characteristics of the braking distance of vehicles.)

4. Foster a sense of responsibility for your life and respect for the rules of behavior on the road in winter.


Formation of knowledge about the road, rules for crossing the roadway in conditions of poor visibility, in winter.

- consider and analyze the causes of accidents caused by pedestrians:-games near the road, - crossing the road in front of nearby vehicles;- features of the braking distance of vehicles in different climatic conditions; Equipment: multimedia installation, exhibition of periodicals “The Good Road of Childhood”. "Journey to the Green Light"

During the classes.

1.Motivation.Why do you think the topic of today's class is called“The Good Road of Childhood”? When is the road good for children? (When nothing bad happens on it). What do you need to know so that your path is always good? (Traffic Laws) 2. Updating knowledge. What advice can you give regarding traffic rules? (Students read the advice in quatrains) 2. Goal settingI suggest you considerproblematic situation , which arose on one of the roads.Poem "Ice" (slide 1) February was warm like April Suddenly it froze And then there’s the snowstorm She threw it on the sidewalk. The blue bus is sliding. No wonder the driver is worried - Guys - schoolchildren in a crowd They cross the street. One fell, another fell, Haste is no help: One rubs the back of his head with his hand,The other one winces in pain. The driver took the trouble away from them (This doesn't always happen...) Playing pranks on the ice on the pavement, Of course it is prohibited.Teacher - Why was the driver so worried when he saw the children?Why does the author use words: The driver took the trouble away from them added (This doesn't always happen...) What could happen in this case? What do you think we will talk about today?(About dangers on the road in winter, slippery roads, braking distances, etc.) Teacher -Why is there a need to have such a conversation right now?(Children's guesses)Teacher - In winter there are many dangers on the roadway. Forecasters predict colder weather at the end of January. And even now there is frost in the mornings. And since in our region the snow melts during the daytime and the temperature drops at night, an unfavorable situation arises on the roads - ice. Although, for children it is often a natural phenomenon brings joy. Where else in the village can you find a better skating rink if not on a slippery road? You love skating on ice, right? Where can you do this? (Children's answers)Important to remember:Not even the most important thing is worth your life. Unfortunately, not all children understand this. And riding on a slippery roadway often ends sadly.Remember! A mistake in a notebook can be easily corrected, but the road does not forgive mistakes. Adult task - warn children from harm. Every morning you go out into the street and become pedestrians. The intensity of traffic increases every day even on the roads of the village. Analysis of data on the number of road accidents in the region shows that very often pedestrians, including children, become victims. To prevent accidents on the roads, we are holding conversations, traffic police inspectors go to schools to meet with students, periodicals urge children to take care of their lives. Every year in schools in the region, first-graders are given reflectors. They are so useful now, because in winter it is dark in the mornings. Everything is done to ensure that our children are alive, healthy and happy! Let's take a closer look at what dangers await us on the roadway in winter? (Children's guesses)Teacher- Today, children's periodicals will help us understand this issue. We have already looked at some of them. This is the magazine “Journey to the Green Light” and the newspaper “Good Road of Childhood”(Student reports about situations on the roads and rules of behavior near the roadway, taken from the above-mentioned periodicals)1. Skis, sleds and skates. Where is it safe to ride them?2. About the features of the braking distance and about the dangers encountered when crossing the roadway.3. About the benefits of reflectors.(Conversation on the content of student messages)I propose to take a closer look at the braking distance features.Teacher - So what is stopping distance? Do we know everything about him? Let's remember the definition(slide)

The distance covered by the car from the moment you press the brake pedal until it comes to a complete stop - braking distances.

Formation of ideas about braking distance Teacher - We all learn the rules of the road so that driving on the street is safe. And the driver of every car takes care of the same. The most important thing for him is the good technical condition of the car. The driver always makes sure that his car is in order. But the most important thing for him is reliable brake operation. They will save him if a pedestrian suddenly runs out onto the road. Think about it: can a car stop right away? Why?(Work in pairs) Exercise . Place the cards in the correct order for the situation, when the driver notices a pedestrian and stops the car: The driver noticed the pedestrian I decided to slow down Pressed the pedal The car stops Braking distances You see that no car can stop right away.I think we need to remember the componentsstopping route.

The entire distance traveled by the car from the moment the danger is detected until it comes to a complete stop - car stopping distance.

The stopping route consists of two parts :

the distance traveled by the car during the driver's reaction time and braking distance.

Driver reaction time.

The driver's reaction time ranges from 0.5 s to 1.2 s.

- And the driver’s reaction time is influenced by his personal qualities: physical state driver, his age, driving experience.

Therefore, in addition to all other reasons, the braking distance and stopping distance also depend on the driver’s reaction. - Compare braking distances in summer and winter. - How many meters does a car travel on dry asphalt after braking at a speed of 60 km/h? (40 m) To do this, the car will need as much as 3 seconds. - But when there is ice, the car travels 155 meters and it will take as much as 10 seconds. - What role do these seconds play on the road? - What will happen to the braking distance if the car moves at a speed greater than 60 km/h? - What other conditions can affect the braking distance? Remember!

Even the most experienced driver cannot instantly stop a vehicle, especially on a wet or slippery road.

- What do you think will happen to the braking distance if the car moves at a speed greater than 60 km/h?Let's look at a table showing the dependence of braking distance on vehicle speed.

Vehicle speed


Memo to students


Do not cross streets and roads in front of closely moving vehicles - this is very dangerous for life.”

(Children read out the memos)

Be careful during adverse weather conditions:

1. During icy conditions

After warm days, the weather became colder. The road was covered with an ice crust. It became slippery. Under these conditions, appearing in front of nearby traffic is very dangerous: on a slippery road it is difficult to stop a car. So be careful on your way home. Do not rush, as you may unexpectedly fall and end up under the wheels.

Skating on a sidewalk, walkway, or especially a roadway can cause serious injury. The ice slides next to the road are very dangerous. The likelihood of a car skidding on a slippery road increases, its braking distance increases, and it is more difficult for a pedestrian to stop instantly. The most dangerous is skidding vehicles; stones fly from under him, and he can escape from captivity in any direction.

2. On a rainy day

Rain on the street. The road is slippery. The car windows are covered with water. Visibility is getting worse. It is difficult for drivers to work in such conditions. The distance required to stop a car increases on wet roads. Therefore, when returning from school, do not rush to cross the street. Look carefully around you, let approaching traffic pass, and only after making sure that you are completely safe, begin crossing.

3. In fog.

It's foggy outside. Visibility is very poor. Therefore, before crossing the road, make sure that no vehicle is moving on it. In fog you need to be especially careful, since the distance to an object is perceived further, and the speed of transport seems slower than it actually is.

4.In frosty weather

It's cold outside. Car windows are covered with frost, making it very difficult for drivers to keep an eye on the road. Crossing the street in front of a nearby car is always dangerous, but in cold weather, when the driver’s visibility is limited, and snowdrifts narrow the roadway and make it difficult to move, you should be even more careful. And so that no trouble happens to you, take your time, wait until all the transport has passed. Only after this can you cross the roadway.

Teacher - I think another factor can lead to an accident.

How do you understand the words?

“Be able to not only see, but also hear the street”

(Children's statements)

Teacher - Teenagers often walk on the roads with headphones playing loud music. And this greatly interferes with the perception of the surrounding reality. Therefore, it is important to remember one more rule:

Try not to walk along the road with headphones on. Pay attention to vehicle signals (turn signals, reverse lights, brake lights)

(Independent work. Mutual check.)Check yourself. 1.Why should you cross the street only at a pedestrian crossing? 2. Why is it dangerous to cross the road while running, even at a pedestrian crossing? 4.Can the driver stop the car instantly? 5. Why is it not enough to look at the roadway once when crossing?8. Why can’t you walk from the sidewalk onto the roadway without stopping?10. Is it possible to play on the road?III. Summary of the lesson. Reflection. 4. Homework. Remember: A mistake in a notebook can be easily corrected, but the road does not forgive mistakes. Make your road the good road of childhood!


Target: Improving students' knowledge of traffic rules.


    Systematization of students' knowledge of traffic rules.

    Development of skills of constructive interaction, mutual assistance, tolerance.

    Fostering a sense of mutual respect.

Development of creative, logical thinking, communication skills

Progress of the class hour SLIDE “ATTENTION CHILDREN!”

(Sound of brakes)

What does this sound mean?How often do you hear these sounds?I wish that you don’t hear such sounds on the roads, even if they only appear in movies.

SLIDE What is a traffic accident? (accident)

“Road accident” is an event that occurs as a result of a collision between cars and pedestrians, in which people are killed or injured, cars or structures are damaged.


The first accident in mechanical transport can be consideredry with a steam cart of the French inventor in 1769. This is almost 250 years ago.The steam car took to the streets of Paris, drivingthe vehicle was unable to cope with the control of the heavy and clumsy machine,and she crashed into a stone fence. The boiler of the steam cart exploded with"roar throughout Paris." The driver was sent to the hospital.

When did fast cars with engines appear?lem running on gasoline, the number of road transport has also increasednyh incidents. The first officially registeredthe traffic accident occurred on August 17, 1896 in Great Britain. A car moving at a speed of 6 km/hhit a pedestrian.


Every year in Russia in road transport proaccidents kill 35,000 people (every third accident is the fault of pedestrians), 1,500 of whom are children. And about 20,000 more childrensuffer injuries of varying severity.

What are the causes of childhood injuries? How do you think?

-crossing the road in front of nearby traffic
in an unspecified place;

    unexpected exit onto the roadway due to cars, bushes...;

    crossing the road at a prohibitory traffic light;

    games and walking along the roadway;

    driving a bicycle, moped, car without sufficientskills and knowledge of traffic rules.

- Do you guys know the traffic rules? We'll check this now.



1. At what age are children allowed to ride in the front seat of a car? (from 12 years old).(3-4 grades)

2. At what age is it legal to ride a bicycle on public roads? (from 14 years old)

3. Is a moped driver allowed to drive on footpaths? (not allowed).

4. Who do we call “road users”? (pedestrians, drivers, passengers).

5. What road sign is installed near schools? (children).

6. Are persons performing work on the road pedestrians? (No).

7. Which traffic light turns on simultaneously for all sides of the intersection? (yellow).

8. Which intersection is called controlled? (the one where there is a traffic light or traffic controller).

9. Who should pedestrians and drivers obey if both a traffic light and a traffic controller are working at the intersection? (to the traffic controller).

10. Which side should you stay on when walking along the sidewalk? (right side).

11. Do passengers always need to wear seat belts? (yes, always).

12. How many signals does a pedestrian traffic light have? (two: red and green).

13. How should you cross the road if you got off the bus? (you cannot bypass vehicles either in front or behind, you need to wait until they leave and the road will be visible in both directions, but it is better to move to a safe distance, and if there is a pedestrian crossing, then you should cross the road along it).


1. What is the most common name for a driver? (chauffeur).

2. Who do we call “road users”? (pedestrians, drivers, passengers).

3. Is it possible for a cyclist to ride on the road if there is a bike path nearby? (No).

4. What road sign is installed near schools? (children).

5. Which turn is more dangerous: left or right? (left, since traffic is on the right).

6. What is the name of a zebra crossing on the road? (crosswalk).

7. Are persons performing work on the road pedestrians? (No).

8. What signals does the traffic light give? (red, yellow, green).

9. Which traffic light turns on simultaneously for all sides of the intersection? (yellow).

10. Which intersection is called controlled? (the one where there is a traffic light or traffic controller).

11. Which side should you stay on when walking along the sidewalk? (right side).

12. At what age are children allowed to ride in the front seat of a car? (from 12 years old).

13. Do passengers always need to wear seat belts? (yes, always).

14. How should a cyclist inform other road users of his intention to stop? (raise your hand up).

15. Why should pedestrians move towards traffic on country roads? (moving along the side of the road towards traffic, pedestrians always see approaching traffic).

16. How should you cross the road if you got off the bus? (you cannot bypass vehicles either in front or behind, you need to wait until they leave and the road will be visible in both directions, but it is better to move to a safe distance, and if there is a pedestrian crossing, then you should cross the road along it).

17. Is it possible to carry a nine-year-old passenger on a bicycle? (no, only up to 7 years old on a specially equipped seat with footrests).

18. Is it possible to cross the road diagonally? (no, because, firstly, the path becomes longer, and secondly, it is more difficult to see the transport that moves from the back).


for each riddle a slide with a solution

1. Going outside

Prepare in advance

Politeness and restraint

And most importantly - …


2. Previously, bills and letters,

Drawing, reading,

All the kids need to know

ABC... (Movements.)

3. Standing from the edge of the street in a long boot
Three-eyed stuffed animal on one leg.
Where the cars move
Where the paths converge
Helps people cross the road. (Traffic light).

4. Car collision

All traffic was blocked.

And I remembered at the moment

What kind of incident is this?

(Accident, traffic accident.)

5. He will oblige us to drive quietly,
Turning close will show
And it will remind you what and how,
You're on your way... (Road sign).

6 slides with road signs

Guys, do you know road signs well? We'll check this now.



Bus stop location

Railway crossing without a barrier

Slippery road

Bicycles are prohibited

6. Look, what a strong man:

On the go with one hand

I'm used to stopping

Five ton truck.


7. What is this zebra crossing on the road?
Everyone stands with their mouths open.
Waiting for the green light to flash
So this is... (Transition).

8. Not alive, but walking,

Motionless - but leading. (Road.)

9. I often go early in the morning

I take the ram by the horns.

Having straddled him,

I'm racing against the wind!

The ram won't say no to me -



10. What a daring janitor

Did you shovel snow on the pavement?

Not with a shovel, not with a broom,

And with an iron hand?


11. The sign was hung at dawn,

So that everyone knows about this:

The roads are being repaired here -

Take care of your feet!

("Men at work".)

12. A rolling pin walks along the road

Heavy, huge.

And now we have a road

Like a ruler, straight.

(Ice rink.)

13. What are the names of those paths

On which the legs walk?

Learn to distinguish them accurately,

Don't fly like you're on fire.

Pedestrian paths –

It's just …?


Last slide “Be careful on the roads”

CHANT “Say what you want...”

I ask you a question, and you answer “yes” or “no.”

    Say what you want, there is sweet water in the sea?(No)

    What do you want - say, red light - no way?(Yes)

    What do you want - say, every time we go home, we play on the pavement?(No)

    Say what you want, but if you are in a hurry, do you run in front of the transport?(No)

    Say what you want, we always move forward only where there is a transition?(Yes)

    Say what you want, are we running forward so fast that we don’t see the traffic light?(No)

    Say what you want, is there a person drawn on the “no access here” sign?(No)

    Say what you want, the red color on the round signs means “it’s prohibited here”?(Yes)

I see, guys, you know the traffic rules very well and I would like to wish you to improve your knowledge, anticipate, recognize danger, and avoid it.

I suggest you watch cartoons about traffic rules.

Showing 3 cartoons (14 min.)

- “Naughty family. Traffic rules" - 04.55

- “Slide in winter” - 3.40

- “Safety rules on a snowy day” - from 01.00….06.13

Performance of the YID detachment

And now the guys from our school’s youth department (i.e., young traffic inspectors) will perform for you. They recently went to Irkutsk for a rally of the UID movement, where they successfully demonstrated their knowledge of traffic rules. Let's listen to them carefully.

Presentation of certificates to classes for active participation in the “ATTENTION CHILDREN!”

PROBLEMS 3-4; 5-6 grades

    1. Imagine that you are a trolleybus driver. At the first stop, 5 people entered the empty cabin. At the second stop, two got on and one got off, at the third, 4 passengers got on and two got off. How old is the trolleybus driver? (as old as the person to whom this question is addressed)

    2. The boy was riding a bicycle into the city. A car was driving towards him, with 5 women sitting in it. Each of them carried one chicken and a pair of felt boots. How many living beings were traveling to the city? (1 – boy)

    3. On a straight section of the road, each wheel of a two-wheeled bicycle travels 5 km. How many kilometers did the bike travel? (5 km)